happy bones - a bone health education resource for individuals with an intellectual disability

Promoting Bone Health in People with an Intellectual Disability Lorraine Ledger, CNM3 St Michael’s House Daragh Rodger, ANP, St Mary’s Hospital, Phoenix Park

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Post on 22-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Happy Bones - A Bone Health Education Resource for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability

Promoting Bone Health in

People with an Intellectual


Lorraine Ledger, CNM3

St Michael’s House

Daragh Rodger, ANP,

St Mary’s Hospital, Phoenix Park

Page 2: Happy Bones - A Bone Health Education Resource for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability


• St Michaels House, Osteoporosis

Awareness Campaign 2011

• MDT input

• Doctor

• Nurse

• Physiotherapist

• Dietician

• Education sessions for all staff

• Leaflet and mail shot to families

• Generic referral letter for DXA Scan

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Advancing Years Differing Challenges – Wave 2 IDS-TILDA

Prevalence of Osteoporosis

People with Intellectual disability General population

35% 28%

Age 50 - 64 36.8% 8%

Prevalence of Osteopenia

37% 14%

7 out of 10 people with an intellectual disability have either osteopenia

or osteoporosis


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DXA Results

70% demonstrate some degree of bone thinning

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• Supplements and Treatments prescribed

• Dietary improvements

• Exercise programmes

• Carer’s are generally more bone health aware

• Follow up Dexa scans – this year



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Gap in Service Delivery

• Recognised need for education

for all regarding bone health and

falls prevention in those with an

intellectual disability – “Bone

Health is a lifelong process”

• Blinkered vision – some units in

St Michaels House

• Linked with ANP in St Mary’s

Healthy Ageing Clinic who had

developed bone health in the

park www.bonehealth.co

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Bone Health in the Park

Audit of Healthy Ageing Clinic

Recognised need for

education on bone health

Engagement with Educational

Technologist – Anne Spencer

Phase 1 – Development of

Bone Health Education

Resource ‘I am not falling for


Phase 2 – Development of

Falls Prevention Programme

‘Forever Autumn’

All open access

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Forever Autumn COP

Areas represented:




Palliative Care

Intellectual Disability

Expressed interest from Intellectual

Disability sector

No education available nationally

PhD work by Sinead Foran (WIT) & Eilish

Bourke (TCD)

Facts from TILDA Report

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Bone Health in Intellectual Disability

Commenced work with St Michaels House Aug 2014 to develop educational

resource on bone health for service users, carer’s, key workers and health

care professionals

Built on existing work

Collaborated with MDT in St Michael’s House with representation from

Nursing, Medicine, Dietetics and Physiotherapy

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Name: Service user in Work Options came up with name

Development of an information booklet for carer’s and

health care professionals

Short film for service users

Flyer for service users

Website for all www.happybones.ie

Happy Bones

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Currently working with St

Josephs Centre for the

development of a falls

prevention programme in

persons with an

Intellectual Disability

Page 12: Happy Bones - A Bone Health Education Resource for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability

Summer 2015 – In Development

Redesign and

Redevelopment of Bone

Health Education Resource.

To include………

Design & Development