he hundred per c~nt. australian radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the lc•rminals in your aet. fur...

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 1 nla.obj-627661074 National Library of Australia he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. I No 4 SYDNEY, AUGUST 2 th, 1 92'1. Wireless .L ... ~ctric Company Beach Street, Coogee, N,S.W. P"'cc-Threepence We Specialise in Complete Radio Receiving Sets and all Parts. Write or Phon e for Partlculal's, PHONE 368 &. 3 69 RANDWICK.

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Page 1: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 1nla.obj-627661074National Library of Australia

he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal.

I No 4 SYDNEY, AUGUST 2 th, 192'1.

Wireless .L ... ~ctric Company Beach Street, Coogee, N,S.W.


We Specialise in Complete Radio Receiving Sets and all Parts.

Write or Phone for Partlculal's, PHONE 368 &. 3 69 RANDWICK.

Page 2: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 2nla.obj-627661208National Library of Australia

'1 couplt> of w.-ek& ago WP mndr

o. au"i;-cstioa to thu al.Ltborillf'H that Lill' ul~htly WP.O.ther t'P[IOl'lH,

now s,•nt out rrom Austruliau ,·oo.~l st atlons by W'irelL'H8 telt.~

fil':J.plly, ,,hould a lao he bro:ulf'ast­<'d by rruliophone for th<• ronvenl­

••nc,· of peoplo lo the country


or cour,,,, it ls boP~•less to C!'\·en t l1in k that llw schem,, h:rn b<•eu

,·onMld,,rNI ns ret; It tuk<·s limp for Uw :wcrai;c .\ustr:,Jlan polltkiau

10 1· r,,ti,l nnythini:; In. 1.he on tun' or 111·01 re~~s. Hut iL u:nmt br- don(•.

l•,.or n:inn t lrn 011.at now· France

m hti• 11 t;h ing oul Wt·at1wr fore­

<', ta nrd rc11orls by ltadlol'h0t1P, r,•~11 In~ thnt ,,vory e{llz••n, If 1,e ca,· .J to UBP a n1mpliS n•c(•iviog Sfl,

jg '11 ! 1 It d I() tho b«lt>fils at a. UI\·

Hanoi utilitr.

---SOl\U~'fllll'iG TO

Her<' 11 rim mPLho<1 or rou~t,t;, .-;11-cul1t1lnil th,• wave Jpni;tll or :1J1

aerial· \V.I,. m motres /•QUIDS T,

multiplllld by I polllt Ii, over~ po:nt

2 ,. "!/' L, lh() rotal longtll r:r llle

n<'rl.•I In (1'(1t.

Thi' appru,:.il!1~te v.r!-v,~ I( n.1.:1.l.1 or : n arti.,1 ls I' tL'T•~ Hs lilll~t!I, in­clnsh ,,. of tlu..:. Ir-·J.d 11• 111ul gruuntl

lr:-ut 'rhiR ·1r•:1H .. to ,:i4~ Ul\·E-rtt,(1 "L'' fJllA. For 1110 wan~ IP:Dgth of a Ion "T" I~'"'· th<J lc>ngill l•f I h/1 a,,i·tal l~ dlvldc<l by two, J\der which rh \lad in nnd 1'.:J'Ounu Jc•a.d lr·r..;- J·~ -~·tr c.ddcd.

America.. too, thour;h her wire­

less offalrs an• no1 all tlHLI could 11,, desiwd, Is ln Lhe van or pro­

i;res~. EH,11 from ronsei·vatlve En!,:land comes a repon thal wire-1 .. E~ w<'atlte1· rt>1,orl~ S<'DL out In

J\lorae cotle hovP been siowc>d dowu

flO thal the amateur, who is not au N:pt•rt telegraphist, can iuter­

e.,pt them.

Urrr rn Au.tlroliiJ, 11,r rrmlin~ l'nl oj rt-idi· .rt,ur.r~ /hr o{lrirttl~

turakl ,wd tlu p<1st,m1/isl "'" def'rr;·,-d, of I/"' thrict• blr,.rrd

yif/;· of scimCL".


llecausc• tl1t• author!tic>s nre uot

abreusl of the limns in Uwse mu.l­Lern. If ls all ,·<'ry \\'ell t.o say

lhn1 11,,. ma.n on llw lnnd ha,; no 1tt>J11trllf us to l'<'CtdvQ the· rPporls. lf he k11ows 1bat the r<·1>ortJ; are

August :!SLh, tQ:?'.!

tc, br bro:ulcasted, he wH! soor1 ••·L U1e ~omparatively ln1•,1>1,usivc ""t to. rccolve them.

IL ls llkMvise rut lie to sa,· tha,

U1, 1·0.diophone Is 1101 <:>ffioil'lll, fol

:,u n..wateur only a rPw week1-1, ha.<":'k.

suc:cr·Nkd in getting speerh fror11

his Sydney station Lo Now Z••nlrultl,

U!'fini: under ninl" waUs l>C>\\Cr.

Thero ls no reason for till' au­lhorith',i lo delay auotlll'r We('!<.

Curd"n Jsland Radio. Ryd11<'~ .. n,1

tlw ~lolbot1rne Radio are 1'qul1111e<1 wllll th< o<'cessory 1J.Jt11ara1u,,.

II i., ll1,· ;,,t,•i,ti " "f "/I j,·rfrsr

ir.-yJ:l:l' to /w;·,-, QIU'Sfwn r ( ,i

/Hr .mbjat o.,J,r(i i11 //1,• H""" of Nrfrl'.tl'ntali•1_1cs. Tlw rpµlles will be, lnll'l'PRllnt;. 'l'he Federnl elections an' l,m

u1111roachi111;; ll11· Govt>rnment cnn­nol ulforcl It> iirnor" or slwlve such

un illlporlanl 111altPI" aa lhLs.



We ,·ator spco,ally for tho nmiit~ur. E~pcrL nd,ioo given lroP. AU Kml ,my GMr made to order. l..:>rge $Loci,, :ilwai·· uo li.uid.

Complet e Outfits from £5, ITONEYCO?rll COTLS, fron\ 6s. n,l. CO:-lTIENSOlt l'LA'l'ES. !ro111 ls. Gd. do

Kuoba, Dmls, HhcoRtn.ls, Switch Arm!!, Ii!bomti:' and Bt41wlitr . . l'anol~, CaLin~t.a, dr.

S')'1lrh rumtk, 2in f'l\C!t. Polishud E:111a:li~h F;iinnit~ Diab, 3s !1 l l'11rh. All Crystoln, 6d and ls. C'ryslal Cups, I>< au r,1<"11. . Our Rotary t:iw,lcli Arm.~ ~re a cle,•ent joh ot 4s 6d.

Sltdttr~ ffor Tumor.; C .. ils I, l" Od. Tnm1nal•., lid I uch. (,rt VDUr 1la1110 duwn c~1r H l.'1tl.il t1,1l!.<". Prkt, 6<1

A bsolute Satisfaction Guattan teed ,

Page 3: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 3nla.obj-627661340National Library of Australia

August 25th, 1922



Do you know the me:utlng of "'bo<l)' niduct.a.ncc?


1n rndlo r~ceptlon tbn hody bns :,. , • , 1<araclcrl6Uc or acting :tS :in Lud nctance o! very b'TCILL re­~l~tance or as n capacity or low value (says "Pol,lu.lar Science SiftJngs'' J. As an Inducts.nee you can obtain rcsu!\s by dlaconnccl­in•' Lhr :v:irlal Crom lhCl apparatus ,1;d 11oldiug tl1P aerinl in one 11and and touching (ho, nntenn" 11 rmina.l of your opparatus wlU1 1 1P oti111r .hnnd, In the cas~ ot

0 ,,arby br<lndcastin,,; etatlons, ,,hnrt· )10U :trc uslug the va<·uuru tub, rll'lector with two ~• ages or :implillcation, fairly i.ood lou<I rc,­cq11iou can be, obto:!n~d hY pl:tc­tn;; ,h~ boo)' ln series wit.h 1110 IUJt~tinn nod lb" npp,u·atus.

1ro do so, howe\'er. is OH~rPly an <-Jperlmimt, nnd it baR no Yalue, .1J it materially rcduc~s tho .,rrngth of the si;;nals. The body 1'li l exert a catmcl.ty eff<JcL If tl.t!.? lwnds nrP placecl acros~ cPr-1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\<' irrld and plate Lf'r• rulnnls Qf your ,·iu·uuru lub(• lh!' body wUI a~l a~ a condV<nHCc-r. ,giv­ing a s•l.:;ltl reed-back from tho plate circuit lo the oscillator} cir <':uit, and a £-11ight iue.ren.se In .i:tn•n?lh will be obM,rved on vac-u­um tube sr.'ts Urn! nre nt>L rcr.:-Pn­rat h·c In them•• In•~.

Thts bO<ly c,ipac!ly crroct iN r,omclinil'~ lhe C'UUSO ()[ :l i..:real

• t 01 L 1, nn,·enh.:uct.·, pnrtfculnrt,· 1 fil ts using: \"acuum tube.-~~. \;Ja1 r1.. 11,, ·" t il :el[ ls not ; round-shl.,Jd­ctl. 1 tic nnnoya.nce eonsists or tl c f •. t I tat aHer LIH operator or th set hno co11111h•1ed tho tuninv: ar naturu, nt.• a.nd wilhdraws uw hanrl. tho ,1holc" "' 1 l• thrown out ot ,Ldjcstmenl. Thia iK CatUsed by t ,. rr,mova.1 of tho tnuall nmounl of ca aei•y r,'pres~nlNl b:, th~ b ,d) 0111 of the drcuit wh"n the op ratur wllhdraws his hand.

IJon't I ry lo solder your l'ltrth v.tre 111 u •:.-u.t,,r PIPt'1 Lta UlOCl di!U­~UII. Th<> best plan In to bold Ille wiw lo the 1,!po b> means ol ;1

<'11 ,.


i'\' CO,\\).)L fl I ION. 01 WJn•lQ8c8 '\VN•kly" ht cond\iCt.­

ing a competition. w,: are luoktng ror t!to b<'St

nmakur crystal Hl'l, and the bc•st

a.mafl'Ur vuJvo 6l!l,

01 cou.rsP, it would hi' llillll':lC·

tlcable for us to l'xaruine th" ac­t unl sets, so t hP judglng wlll be

on o. pbotoi;rar,h and writ lt'll Ms­

crlJitlon. There Is no Mira.nee f~<' ••

. All you llavl! to do to entC'..r a

~ct is to get a good clear pboco-1, ro.ph of it, an<l send It, toi;t-t Iler

·with a dt•sc.rlplfon and det11Jls, nol

exceeding 200 words, o.nf1 the fllll'II out COU[lOll on Lltls page to

tho Editor, ·•wlrl'less Weekly," 1 <•x :11S, G.l'.O., Sydney. Enve­

lopes should bo endorsed "Compc­

Ul.lon." 1l matu•s no dJJfPrentl' If you

n ;,de the set yourst•Lr or not. Judging will br. on <lesigu, ne,tt­nP~t-; n.nd orlglnu.llty, ant.I in ruder 1 ti.tel t lw jud.!,'T's uJ.Uy havt• ruu iu­frJnuation to work ou. comJ1(,Ulors v l'e askc,d to m•ud goo(] photo­~Tn.t,h!:i. and dear 1nanubt•r\JH, ,~ri1trm on ono t1ide or the put>f!r ,:,ulr.

The prizes will be :m open order 1 o th•• v(llu~ or one gulnen, on o.ny ,,,,1a.~ll:sl1111enl s1 l!lng w1reles» ,.W­l>Uratn&, tor , he LPsl crystal set aud best ,·nlve s,•L

'l'lw com11c1l1 Ion w!ll cJoc,u on P•·)H<•mber 22, ~ llen nll entrtP::i mu•t '"' in the, hands of the edl­tur. All photogr:tPh• nntl ,•otrlt's 61 nt in h~CODl(' I lie ll1'0Pl rt) ol th« .. Wlreles~ We<•klr." .

Corup~t!l11rs 11rns1 give their iu11 nam,•s and address(!!31 t>ut if It is ,,xprcs81J/ Etat~d U1eae will be \teld ~onfidP.ut.l.al.

In a It casei;. a.nd on t>acb nn d I .,v.,r y point, 1 h,· dc•clsjon of tho r-:dltor ~hall be final


CLOSES. l'oldhu, probably thf' tnost fain

ous wireless elation In the world, has sent Its last mes,;ag,••, au)·s th<> l,ondon D.ally Mall. M.n.o .• ll• famous call sli,,n for which ships· operators have listened eal';e1·Jy ror the last l9 Y<'.aYM, lk now replaee<I by J\l.f'.'l'., tb.e s!J\n ot Ol!Men, tho Jrish aint!on of the MnreonJ Com-11ony.

l'P L'Ched OlJ lb" rock-bound coast of Corowall. l'oldhu, which l•a• made .bl&tory. was the first bjgh-pow..r wlrl'lPSK stuUpn to b•· built, and from hr,re the first '\\1rt•­lt•SH 111t1s&age was sent a.c.rosR t be Aflantfc on a 2,000-nu,tre wave­length on December 12th, 1901 lo St .. John's, :-rcwfoundllUld .

Th" future 01 the station IA nol )N CN1o.in. 11, '" probable It will be used tor r.f!&ear<b work, buL 11 ,~vN· again will mossniat:s from the far ends of tht'. earth be re­cdved ma.rlted, 'via l'nldhu.'·


$Ir, Ht>rewhlt photograph 1tod desC1'IJ11ion ol my ,e1 as an cnlry for your c11mp<,tlt lon.

I a~l'C'l to b~ bound by your l1cclt;lon, and o.bson·c the rules uf tlw eom111•tlUo.1L tName) • • .•. , • .......•••....


( I[ under 18 ~a.rn uf ng:e) •. ,

AMATEURS! Lo~ AA ,:;how J ol,.1 h~-v t c> tlla.ko yntlT own serf., n.utl t'i!CJUOrnJ;;,o. We Rlc,,ck All P(L.rts 1,nd will f;i•o you f'\'ery ,~ .. s~tnlJCo. \Vo 8phcin\i:4-1 io l'\lt Ln,i t t\mpli.-r l\lrl~ C('\11111.f'\ 8.Htl l11t0rslnle 11nrn1t l)th, Llll.O

a.dv~ntago oC <Jur

Same Day Service.

Miss F. v. WALLACE, E leotrloa l Eng ineer ,

8 Royal Arcade (opp. Q. V. Building s),

George Street, S ydney.

Page 4: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-627661473National Library of Australia





RY oxi,; \\'HO H AS


'fho avC'rtt!l;(' mau · l1<•nrs n. IOL uhont .. 1. xot•rl111<•nt<1ro-JJ and ·• .. 1nnl H•11ni;· Ltwd\ ua.ys. Hu rt-atlti tJI' 1h Jr dom\!,s, puzzlP.s ovt•1· ,hc·fr r,•,•hnlcul jargon, ll.fill. 11erllaps wi~h~r. h o• roo would takll 111, l11ls l'ast-lna rlni; hobby.

1•1t1•n th~ p,·oblP-n1 confronts hi 111 "Hnw do l start'?"

lL r· •• ~ 1•ros.vecuvo enIh.usia.tt. J,as a frlt•nd oJrt<a.dy "ln t hr gu,11 " his 11ath wlll . L>r <'a$}. hill lf not ti t~ I hP- rcv,1t·~t•, Tl1r,. wrt•cr 1·«•1i;h1 lh<• •radio dlBf'tlm· from ., strin rc•·hnlcal r,uhllcation nucl weut PHttr:iJy the wron~ way atmur gp1ti11~ u ffOl.

11'ul1u11·ttt·t} t saw n n<*wsI•arwr 1w1 1 ra.1H1 t,~11111g, how and wlu ... rt" a, u,,1 1J for _a l1censP, and haVt11J.1. ,;u a co\. r•rl11 t h~ttt:r. and with 11 r.n.fl:! ton t•1 rxp\.-riu.wut l s~t .d ... ur luul-Jng for llPflllTll.lllt. I 1 < w L I l uaulca1 hOlJk 1 hact. -.l lt.ll"',I u ,i ry rnJt1lY i,Ien or tbl:' }Jul 1r. r Qdin:.'U. and not wiAh1n~ ro Hl1n,' Ill)" H',liOrnnc , J COJtJet.1 out. Iii "' auu ,.-ad ,L to llil' shop­Ji, <'l' r.

1 IIOl'HL,c STAfffS. ,, al 1 .i JU l'll{IJt, l1ot wlWtl

4 '{lt I ll (Jans horuH lfij lTOUhl<•s 1·01u, eucetl. I conneie'ted up, but could c1:·t no rusUlts. .and afl<H" \\ a i in~ !l u1 al ot tJmt• and c·x­J1nu~, 1uJ!' ull 10:i,~ paUr-nrP, 1 rt.-!'­lul'1.,111IJ gait' llj). ,\l lllaf mo­UH'UI, raiUo wu.s \ery n(-'Hl' to IOti­

jn ''". Howf.'V!'I, J nockH•·d my vritl<!-, Wt.•fll back lu ttu• shoJ1.

Th<'r,· v.-;u,\ ,1 11il0am in flu.-. s1to1,­l\.11•pr•r·s <')'PS whl'tJ ht• saw- me: l lhlnk tu, underslOO(I F'rnnkly l to ld him all and Jt,. kiudll" i,;nvo m1• a lnr or hints and c,han!(ed the ,,arl~ lor a Of<.~ 1111 l~ Cl'Y~tul St'I. }JP a.Jt11J lntrrniuc,~,l mt> In snruP ~•\.1wriJ1u a l••1.:;. "lttJ ,cH nw lnto lhelr ('1111:> .• \\ th .·.-,1u1J lllU<'Ung.~ 1 h1 ,.i.r·u~d t11ure: flrnn _a11yuno coulcl from 1.\~,1 honks.

w 11 ,,. 1'0 no. I ha\'1' now rr :wtwd Lhe valve

11lagc und tl •rhe lll tuuximum o,f


\ 111an with a wild look ill Ws eyes anrl ,;truw in his hair bustle<.1 inln t lw office of th<" "Wireleiis WN·kl) ," tll<' otlwr day. WltllH wrdtln:c ror thP atkndanl to 11.1•­

rh•· he sc·,•illbl<'d Lim followin~ llnl•N arid ru!l<etl Lile i,;ditor to 11ub­llsll Ll1ezn. Th<• E1ll1or (belon,:ini, to lht clan thut bou,;18 of being loo p1·11ud to ri•_.ht. ::.Jal. fncldeul• ullv bt·in~ too lnl !CJ run I 11rornl~-1•d: so hc•re y-ou are.-T'wM Chrl8lll1:t~ JJay in lhe "Nut

House" Thtl loonies Wt'rt' a.11 there.

\Vatthine: a iellow p:ttlcni.. 'fl1nring his flowini: hair.

I'll 1, II .H>11 who Ju- was, sir, .\.nu w11)• hu wnrrlPli Mn;

HI~ nnmc ",ts Grlcl Cond1·n&1•r, ThP cuus., ,, a~ nudlo.

I'll 11•11 you the harrowin:: story. \1u1 huw liP ;:ot put in.

Hl' r rh.~d 10 rn:.1.ke a Re11ctin~ sl't, \'i.ilh u matchbox and a pin.

There ore thlrt)' five• mon V<'l'Rl'S, hut lhe J,;dllor, uow lhlll llis l'ri<•nd ls in good handB ouc,· lllOI'", does nor fePI disposed to intllct lh,·tu ou our 1·eaders.

°K<''-'H rour accumulators up­rlght. 8u)I,lmrlc rlcid ha• an lll­

dl'sirable l'lfoct on 11ne'" b!'11t ear­!)P l,

J•h•asur,. from lll) N,Jll'rilllt'ntln~. Int t I fl hall nC'l·r•r fori:-et my ln­glorlous entry into t It,· gam,,

Now 1111;; h1 my utlvicE' 10 any rwrson who ,dshes to start E'J(• 11<'riml'Dling, Writr- to th,• Scer<'­tary or a club and wk him to ,:et ~011 <•kd,·d. IJon'l b" a.fraid to a~k th~• member~ for advice; thPy w,,1·c• all IW'linn<'r~ once. Wrfl, , Rtrn i11h1 away for a lfof'na1•. and wh,•11 you get ii. cLtousr- your 1i11-riaratu,i. ,\,;I, one of your ch1u-111at•'1S w lint to g<>t :md l<'l them h el11 you instnl ii.

Tlw,·paftl'r your 1>rogr<'ss ehonlfl be rapid and straii;htf ward.

Augnst 25th, 19~~


,\\011~tn .)tatlon.

(SeP Front Page 1,

Our front page illusll'a!lo11 shows Llrn i;l=t st:11!,m tile Ile i;lnn ~, a1 ~ haH Jn~t sturu•d a lWygsPlt>d , ltt'al' llrur.~'9. T 1 11Jan1 J;; lnl!·llllt·d Lo ~,,,.11nuntcn1 WI! 11 Ill<' D<•lglan co!0nI in ec..nt1~ .\ fr!Ca, as well as v. IIU Norlll am :<outh Auwrica. It w·llJ 11erhar ll<! rill illOSl llOWl'rful in Ille worlu.

'l'llo "-"rial Is to :;., surport d b ctgut to,1t,rn or ~7;, metn's hNg 1

1 "" lln\\(1r plant 1>ill cona1•t o on, 1 U•ll/-kilow:ilt senera,or, wl u"u hhth-rre1(UPt1cr gt:ru rdtors o corr,..spond1ug power. Onv or t \V'ill b~ an 11rc, generator. w~ ghiu Hoon 1,110,arnllls; lhi> s< con ,J \'ill llo .n Jtlgh rreQu<'n<,y alt<>rn: ror 11

(u<.:.1 Bf>tltenod~L:.:.tour system. Th<> s.,cond or the~,. will wor

al ~50t.> rurns JJf'r mn1ttfP, ~n·lns I" ririh,n·itl s,,~<·d or 170 metre prr a,·cvocl J or I lt" rnror. 11 work in a 1i.1rlln.1 ,·.icuuru lo n •dup th rn1ldunrr--. rtotor nnd stalor tt.fl 10 b,, cool0<l ll)' oil c lrcu1'1H11s un­d<•r p1·cas~'Ur<.,. 'l'hP 11;.~ng-th of wntt' in both lnst1111ce~ \\"ill h from 20,0Un to 25,000 metrf>a; rurrPnt on th., aerial. 85n amperes . . \u1, UU!.t Ir trau~mission al u ~p1 etl of l l)ll-1211 words per ntin uto will 1, emI1ln~•p(l_

The l.>uiJdtrw of tlw plnn1 l, been •'lltrusted 1u lh1• aanw 11< 1 gian roncern t11nt I>< now 1•11gu e•I on 1lw .Brig Ian stal Ions 111 C.:enlril AJ'l'lm.

The dru.wing give ... c; n. v ii w o r U1 Jllant "ilh h8 h u g<• RPrinl a s or! gtnall} desigopd_ althoug)l tiOIIH

m11dUicatip118 of tbl8 dN1tgn ar unl1tir way.

Ilau~ tllp 11honps on n wnll 1vlrrn yo u have <lone with them. Tll• n.llow~ th> molature on the d1u Jllll'H;;m~ to dry. KN·n tnp the d1n1ihrai,1us with ,a IJPUCI I, Ono th(•:. gPt. bPtlL they a.re Ut;;t•llss.

~ll I hat )·our n1Iw, i,Jr~ults . r, nc>l ~;1u,:iin'-t rad iatwn. U,; thi~ 1 nwant. don't ~xperime~t wit

circuits until you ltno ou are doing.

Page 5: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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\ ~1m11ll' and 1?ft,,c1 !VI• JO()fi,'­('U\IDh:'r f'rynLal m't hi shown hM·,,. ~ud fnr lht• vxveudlture ,,r a few :-tWllln..:!s, und by followin:.; out 1 ht· d1rertions, :l wtrek::is ae1 may bo <'<'nsHuflC'Cl. wh!eh will han· a r.10,.;, ot about 2,000 mil~H. with u good nrrlal, and u wuvc• length o' o, r ~.!JOU m<'tt•Ps.

'\ till a $(•( or this kind, )'OU

~hou!J hnvr- no difficu!ly in hear­in.. ,.\ wn.nul, Nt"W Zeu ... h,mtl, and most _\uslralla.n sl :l Lions, and you will b~ ahl•• lo listen to 1110 con­•, rts, If ravouralil) sUunted.

Gvl two cttrdlloard tulles, about

~c-"·,,n Tncl1f'H: lont:;, uutl •1 1 lll~heJ , rnl \ lnc.•ll<'9 In cli:'\meH•r res1H·t·-1hel). nod ivo 1!1,:m a (•ood 1•01tt o siwlta(', t1rst maldnt..: sUJ·o t!JaL lh•; uu thoron,,;hl) dr)·.

\\'intl tl1r lar r-r n1b<·, tltP prlm-r\ wil h 24 or 2G t::au~e .-1 tHl.nu1l•

h d Wh'P, a sin••IP wintllng bciug :ill that is nN:e~snry, :i,n,1 mnunt 1 1 11tw berw<.•cn two squ:tre pln•i"i or wcwtl, 1' and P' , P' ha1 [ug a <luul:tr ilol<> In It, to nllow Ille so ••onda1'} 1u1J1• to slid•• Jnsldt tile prlru.u·,.

\ l>rnss rod :ind el\dPt are n1uu11tPrl on toi, or the prtnuu·y as ~l1own, 1hr- eULler uo.•1 making cou­la<'"t with thP rrinrnry win• 11long a ltat·lt Crom "-·hich t tH:li e11nmt'l has been carefull} jlcraped from tlw

,,11•11, SU tb111 ;IH lh<' l-lllder is l\l(J\"('(} alou,; lhP rod, contat l Is madci wilh each wirr~ ~~varotely.

\ ll'rJUinnl is /heel on l11t slider l'od -n.t ",,·• uu1l an<)ll1t-,r ierminnt is 11l11crd in " ,•onv<>nl011t 11n~illon, on I lw otlwr \\'Ut>ll•1 n ,,nd u.t -~y," and one eud ol Lilt· primary wind­ing ls con Uf'Cled to ··y. 0 Thu other end or thP primary wir, Is ner,ured to I he cardboard tUlll', bill is 1101 l'Ollllt,C l r:d Ill any terminal. It Is a "dPad--<'nd"

The tC'nuinat "y" i~ llw aerial tt•ru11!1ul, uncl 11 ls here thal you join your aeriol wire. while "x

is 1he earth t •rllllnal. and Is lo hP join<>cl ta n water 1,Ipt- or 01ht•r suitabli, ,•arlll.

I! w Ill ti,, read Hy nndu<stood tllBl rlH~ currenl from the wir11lf~ waves comes from the t1Pria.l ro ••y," patines throu gh thu 1,rlnu11 y wintllnc, to I hn •Jld.Jn 1·tml art "a," in wlmH ·v,·r t•QShiou '"n" may I.Jf\, thPn riloni- tbe slldor rod to "i.,"

an<l so to earth. 'l'!lia ' " th,· rom­pJPte nrimary cirt•utt. B.r moving .. n. .. nenr,ir to ,,~ .. a longer h•ugth ol' the J>l'imary windlng is brought htto use., nnd , he51e c,xt rH turns <,-ivP you a longer wo.ve-t,,ngth.

Ordinarily, with "a" about rm•· Inch a.Jong the winding!::\ from 11y:• the commercial 600 metre wave Jeng th would be picked up, so t bat

l!r get a r•nue~rt wavo of say 1,400 melrPS, you woul<I neecl to slide .,a .. nbou t l or thn wo.> aloni; to­,,,ards 11x."

Now i'o~ UH> aecondar, wlndln,:, .. b.'' li'lrsl nf all, UJUk1 Rurp lhut you an• wlndtn,: "b"' in Ll1<• i:n.me dlrecLion .1s you wound tbe 1trw1 a.ry. n.H shown by lhC> nrrows. u~ No. ::o 1,mu~e llllk or cotton cov­t>rPd wll'u. Begin O.l the J~ft hn.nd ••ncl, and wlnu for about one lo~lt. nod then 111ake a bole Jn Lho c;crd­board tube underneath, au(! put­ting your ha.nd lnsld<', d.rnw the wiru through jn_sid,.. 1 he lubt·, In a

Jen~ lour, rPa1ly lo conti<•ct to 1ho tirf.t stml .. c. on tlw l<::rt or thtt ~roup Ill' srnds. Tben "II!d aloni; for ullout auo1he,c Inch, nu I rep llL 1 lrn l0011lu_g ct ~ht win·. tllh, 11mt• ('Ullnecllni; lo lh" 3••Cc1JU 6llld, an<l :-m on. untJI thP. c. ud or 1h,l wir,. in lfitih lH'.tl to the last stud. \0 lungs bolt~ o.nd nuts muy h m·ed ai:i stud~. but h1:1 tiUl'L~ 1.0 k::n e- U. ,.,en• n>11'::i Jpn_gtlt 0£ vdi-e- whc n u1aki11g ;r<1ur lonpa tu1 c,,nuecuon to lh~se, an<l If po:<Alblc. ~older th" .,r,nnectione. ,, knob n.nd swllcb­arni 40c1'' arc used to make co11tart wHll th,, slUds, and an- fhed us shown.

'!'hr. ~N:ondary Is mounted 011 two brass rods "f," which va!;I!'

(Continued en pugo u).

Page 6: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 6nla.obj-627661742National Library of Australia


t hrough t lw primary and sccond­:iry ends. and arP secured with nuts as shown at '"n," one end bclt1i,; fastcncu to a small wooclcn upright "s."

'the whule is fl!'C:erl lQ tL bn.Pt'­bon.r,I "r," and screwed ill'lllly In p oslthln.

Th<> seconda1·~ Is pronded with two circular wooden ends, whlch :,hould ha.n• bc1•n pre.-iouslf men­t ioned, I l11' br:iS.s studs and switch­arm h<'im: mountl'd on olli· or lh,.se ,•nds. "1,·• l~ a plecr <>f cbonltc• 11>:eu on lhc s.id"s of the• J)rlllla.r, t!llda, and on ll ln mounted a. :ilm11IP phon" coudPnSN' "K," tll<' cous1 rucuon of wl,ich wlll b0 d~s­rril>cd tn the next i:ssuv. a,nd a crysL.d ru1, "j" with n calwhh1kcr contai:t.

Tiu• telephool's are conneCL<'ll to t wo ,erminals "!.1 on th, phonP <:ondc•n6cr, and the sc-oondar, rir­•·ult is romJ11t•1ed by taklni:: one wuc• fron, t bP switch un t lw sc~ runuar, to th<' lt>rmin:11 JIWlldin~ 1 h \ c-n1 wlti:-ik••r cm.tact. :tncl anoth­PT wir,• from tlH.• 1wginniug of thP scrr>ud,il") end ( wl:lch b oil1"r­w1ti,~ a ln•t" cud J to ttj{• lop ff>l'm1n­

ul or th, 1t-l,•11hon" co1Jtl•·11s, r, 1beu ,·onn ·t wi1 h ~, flhort \\ •r~. ur brass :;\riJ. rr .. m the cr~stnl cu11 10 tlw 1,ut11 m l1•rmtnal o! thr conllf'tlSPr Ti1,• wires lroro lh<• :,,;1 condary c·11uld b<> brou~hL around throu~h I lw ltack ol I ha 11rlu,ary .1nd then 1H'hiuci ,he ,,boniti• J1arn·l. Tl.a·r are uot tihnwn on t )uj dtut,ra.m.

Thi ~• t Is more <'fficit•ot, nud J!"h<'s tlner tuning than tbal des­t•rH> d in onr lasl is..q.u(•. Tli~ l oose t·onpl r has tlw adl'nntng-P that ,via 11 1h11 a.mau::ur g_o,•s Jn fnr vn• ,. work lw can sLfll uKe it in f'.r .... ,... tn11 ,rit h u \'ah·t• panel.


L,111, !<.-x l'O)', agrd fi,·r yrnr.r. 1Jj ,')'>,•tint')', Jw.'i j11s1 rompll't,·(l u f..,<>~·t· tJlttflrr sd. tt'i-llt u wa:•1..1 ll•t1µth uft •fo 2,000 m.-lt't'.t. a,ui a -;"'tr\· t>'"~'d it_i; a/1/,• Joi> it is •

/-/,· hui/1 rli,· s<'I al>so/11tr/\• t11101dcd 4•xn·tt J1,,- udi•ic1·, <m.J 1J,:/i;,, hr {lnd I,/; j11/lifr hr,•1<ght the sci ml<• the nty 1/u• titltc'r da;i. , it ;,·a.\" (On11t·i lt'd ,., d1°rwl.<. und /vrwd lo ufr•t.· tXCi ... ,_ l,·11/ ro11ltr.

N,·.r's chi.-f so,·r,i,,· it tho/ /i,· /ras /u yo Iv lttd lh:/or,· Prmrnnt Iii/It r,•ud.r /,£,; r..t•i:atlZL·r n't'-'rls cr..·L·•·'j' l"..'1!11-

wu, hut dvddy hus .tlrtrl fo.ai•urlions not tu mt·ddl•· u:ith •11/Jc srt.J/


For aNector punios,,, " ·•~oft • vn.H"t' is moAtl:r usPtl, and aucn vnlvi·s :,.n• crl!ical ro 1>late vol,­:1gP~. In other words, one \,111 work v<'ry wc"ll nn r.a}~. I wen tr ,,011;;, whilt• a11oth1•r wlll ne cl r, n\ )' abO\lt elg\JI \Oils. 1t is IIOl n. bnd sl'lH•me lU use :i u1utu-r,olat c;witeh In nrdPI' 10 •pt th•• corr •ct amount Qf vohl:lgc Ii• r '1 • plat circuit . r1 I~ UOI 11b,mluld} Ill CQssary, ho\\·ever, hcrnu.:)t rood rn vah·•·s ar•• much mon, 5tal>t In t lwil· op<>rnlion t h:.n I.he) used LO be.



A lhrbl nnd cc~mfvrtflhle,. e~I1cwinllv •1a t H:1dio • .\cccs:--rry, rirs1g1 ,,(\ To re1 di! ovt 1· n rnni.;v from tho I", no t•liunh C1rg-a11 tn. t !it'I hi:.d1 vi 1r 1t A n viu\i11. You'll fhid '1.-t:qt"rn E t'C ri .No. 1002-c. Ll10 finr:~l hfl•1rip1f:'1.·e 1,n-r u>t,•d ('all inti in--.11 ct >l,

for 11a.1·litllbr~-


(AUST.} LJ r,tiTED

192 Castlcreaj!'h Street. S;.il11c). 2fi'.? 1-'lin<ler~ L:nw, Me hnun


II Ge, nnrOt1.tnfo~. t:,l) [lll~ti&.

~('l.l illuslratimu1;,

1•.r1c-e 'i<l. Jl<"'-~ oaiil.

Wfr~k~~ ll<u)lr n1h ~"1. r111:.:c

Honk, 1 ·,1 flla~r1lfit!'i,

ro-.L p..1iil H. 3d.

ROTAll V RWl'l'CH AH,1:i. ,,rth El19r1L-1• \, n nl,s-. ;.$", ffll.C.fi,. l,ot-.tlii,,:c:8d,

SW ITCH POINTS. Prico 4tl. ~a('h, post pn.id..

SLI D ~;RS (for T uning Coils), p ' ' ri

aD l•:TEOTORS (Du,1-proof) ll1nstr;\t~d. 25s. FIA UY ($im p!,· a.ud R~­linhle. 5s. SI LICON or GALEN I\ Gff\'. :3TA I, (test-e<lJ. Is Gd Cf?.'i.STA I. CUP, w it h ~ s1·rr1..,.s. ls, 6cl. Post-llJtl• lid. . -----

Page 7: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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August :!5 h, 1922

Our Ra1lln Yorn.

THE DREAM. SutldEnlr. Fred st~rtoll Dolfi

nnd dash~ w,·rc conunb,- m hun, u.ud tu hW tr.!JW·tl 1.•urs Llu.•j [UfUlCtl tht!'U1M'h·1 1H tutu lh1• dt1 uU••U :i.O.S., till UlJ!ltl-Ul <Jf tho9('1 tu twrll U.l 1r-•:1.. 1- rt d J)•inrill •d tho nwsmi.ge, t1.nli lt.'ar~ wo·t bl~UJ.Ui.ng duwn 11L1 ta, c 'WlH u H cntlcd, tor Lbt! lhft, 111 uoubh.1 v,;i.p hht rathPr'L fh 1.1,1.1uulJt• thnt tot.I thQ 11ory v.a;:.

·--struck a ci,utrnwnwd uhjH.~l :: ~•lies due """' ul Ulo.ek !'~lot. :;rnk.1.ng b) llw lu .. •ad; ru.nnot I"• 1t.1.o.h1 fLifon.t curny mlnuk:s:•

Fr iJ ~lnrtc~ u> rhse, but. r<·all int: his be lpJessn, ss. sank bacl: l1I hf.s cha.ar • ,::ia That tb{'I \"f·s:::u.1 \\a,.\ tu u ail w_y th• J'l"• ,,a11 no Ut1UIJ !i1 r tt flJllJi \rl r1 \ t }

'\1ot.' L, untl th 1oun opt r&1tnr eu, mJ (I t ha.t hL-'i faUH r was :- 11thn CJD hla 1.uarg<•nc;i tiOWE-r.

lie listen ti tu a~aln. T~c sl, r,nl lnul c- ... ·d, u..n,1 J1 • , :itt~tl rur th1 euu.at tn tu , , r•h ' l'h• n Fr• ,l tot 1h1 . ,d uu:n7 or tlh.t Wt-,hl.

The co1£t., a.tlon t~tl Ul18:3C'd lho S.o.s. m :id ,., :lllkln rur .l r1.:111 :it , \tr 1l ,hu th 1 tJU' t r.1-lnl forth, but thrr• -n~rut no .. nsw r lrom 1 h• Rhil•• ~111• hull , ltht:r luuuU, fl'd ur her cm1.r1:;\:l1C)'

L..ilh'tl,8 had !:i,ht•n out How l\uut4 th , u, re kno

,vi1 r to of It WM im11rol nbl thnt any rttht,r s.ta!rnn lrnd cau.,lu th•· w :!:!Bll!..••• rm Llit l wouhl hil\8 1da,1.·tl It u I lo ti.Jc t.UO..Sl lllllrnn c:-tL thlH~

r'rrd l'itnn;d •• t 1h, nu"9S-A.~• on th~ 11nd in front 11r him. ¥111! Hn could tol••J bunc It to tbe statlort Snt:lddn,.. otr htli lu•n.tli.:.1.·or. he Julil11·t! ,;r, to 11u 11 ltt 11 l11thtlc 1 111,1.on,• .anrl gA\'• Uu-• 11mi:~, 10

l l':LE!'IIONE: ClTY NO 80!

RODMAN & KELAHER, Electro-Medical Instrument Makers,




llW omcc1· ln d1uroc of lbtJ coast 5lntiou, who hnt•lll1U<l lo l>l n 11 tvnd of his fo1h<r, "UI ht "°" ui. • ttu oUlr,•r liahl: ''•l~ II ~et to wurk.. Ght.: us u rln~ lu ha.II au IH.Jtll\ unJ. Wt , .. 111 ll'II }OU Wh, .. t a tlwu ...

I Tirn halt :in hour w n: n•ry • 1'>11 Jr ,.,r I n•tl II\ 11iou~ht 01 his n.ck motu .-. •1 b,• lh \\'S "'OUiu

UUI ··•~ C'~-llo't ii rdtl,J)Ae, If n11t wor.w

'fb nr 1"( nrwa fro:n llH station was lhat n ra.~, LI .stro}tr w:is ou Ja.·r \",-.\ tu the sen. •u )uu 11..altU tu, n.itcl !l u1Uc- 1 • yuu 111 llt'Ur It r 1·, 1wrt1n•·, lo ua.."

~· mw tx- hour 1:u r 1l. wh to­fae, d )<>Ulll h iir I th ti• tro)· r'a

nef~rrln .... to the• suerctm of the r et..-tJ t !tmu..t ur 'rro.ns-,\ tln.ntir ll'DI :u1 Am, rte n T'r ,r sor rom 1,n1· I 111 plrklll u1, <>I ti c~, bl •I n~ l 111 t;·•olland en I hn p rt I I 1011 hy l'Yt t h, or ~b~ ra or n.u nrtlluarv t'l•cl rlt bull, 11.1 a dll!­t~ . .uc\! of ;!,f.t-UO 1u.ih:s.

4nJIJ•Amcrican 8001.. Shop.

WILLIAMS AND SON (bl.t IJ ,tliAtll ).

c,,1 \. 1 L lf_.Ol~C.lS,


AU th('t L a1eil \\ 1rnJe Boob. a.11d ,\r111 .1.&1nu 1n •tO('\., 1 o~t.oJ au1•htre.

Page 8: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 8nla.obj-627662133National Library of Australia



August z,;th, 1922

e:anc<'S prenut him jolulng a bod)" an)- IJ.f'ger than tlw uumerous suh­urhau clubs "hlrlt are no\\· In (p.iklCU(:e.

:\Ir .• \llen Uun-ows wrltf'~: A central or,.;anlsathm :1s Is a1

rir,•s,-ot bPing- rornu~d. consisting of r••111·1•~1•n1u1 h•11~ t'ron1 :lnlawur ~ud JJrufl !-mloaal wirelP£s bodlP,., ,,ould ltav,• Important and rur­renchlne effect.a on the r:ullo com­ll'Untry ol N.t:.W. N,•nr bl'forc J1us the need for such an a,;sncia­l ~on be<,11 ntort.· u r~Pnl. \\'hen 11u ndYu.nlnt!es t1,·rlvnl from ;.i

Himil:ll' <1rJ,.:~111IG.i.Hlt111 in J\nu·rkn nn' ~o IIJ:tnlf, Sl, lhr- plfJ' lH lll:l.l it i1:ts not h<•t•n dorw Ju-re he(ore; U it hall. ro11dlllo11.; wou lcl J)robalJly ht dHft,n nt to what lbt.•; are no,·.-.

Rut In r•·,,rh i1s 1ru1° ol)jectivr, 1h :rn :odatl<>D mu:,.1 b,., ab:..-,nlntcl~· r( 1u-e--c nt·t.tin.·: ror it 10 b~ nth1.1 r 4

,.i,,, , .. uuld b,· unJu•I Io those• ,ihUIII It •·xclu1INI. De:illni, wllh 1tu. au1l1orili1•: :i.:; nn or~anisation prorf'EsinE' to bP r1• 1•rr"~<~nrati\'E' of 11,., nmnt<'nrs of X.>l.W .. It would really only reprr·sunl thos,• whom hi; conditions tnyourPd. Exar1ly ,,hat I ho~" rondltlons may he• lt1 be­·,dt!P 1h 11 l•Oint; nl pn•s,•nl, it ap-


JJcar5 tlwj will '-'Onstsl of rcslJ'lc-1h.)n~ ronflnin;; n..,prest•ntation lo ._,1,i:.ururs or protesaionals. for(un­,,11 Pno11::hl lo hm•P the Qr,porlun-1ty ot llSSNtlbtin;, in certain num-1 , rs. .\ ,smaller body of wholo­~'t•a1·t~cl 1--nU1U!::iinShJ. whom circom­,ita11C("N jlt'eVl'lll ~rowinJ.{ in lllllli-111•[ 1 :.1r,.a accortl111gl.r unrcprt~Nf'Ut-

,1 1 llr(Ju~h no fnull or lhelt- o"'"· '.r!1(• COU IPlltinn that tlwy crui al­

wa)·s join n lari,.L•r cl ub, therob)" i.:hini; Lheruscl,es rc1Jresentnlio11, 1~ ns uof:1.lr n.s tlw n•striction itself 10. Th<' s111all rlub has ns urnch ti;rhl Lo rH:dn li~ in(lh"ldu:di1;­<:t1cl 10 111:..1.lu ll~ \OiC"t., lJ~a..rd, n.s 1 lrnt wlllch ha.1 the :t!lv:lllHl!a:" of IIUtllhPrs: or, Ii DOI :l.!! IDU!'IJ ri1d11. !r has a certain ri,;lll (proport!on­~1 10 its size) which should be re­EjJectc-d.

Alter all, IL ls 1he wireless man h!mself that a ct>ntral organisation i• out 10 bel11 , regardl~ss or ,,·h~lhn h~ Uvrs In 1he city and is able tCI belone; lo en<'ral larA"O dubs al once. or whetl1e1· circu m-

Dr:u- Si1•, 1 am uuro you ,vill he- iuh:r­

esle!l 10 h1•a1· about a lltll• • c,pc, 1-~ncc of lust week. I had occa81on to visit an ag-(~d and ~omPwhat 1n­firt11 couple who 11, ,, ill ,w lsolnt, ,1 rottc.ge nol far I.rom nw dry, UJHt found t hf•lJl 1•,:ia.ding lhP first i -.:u · ol youl' llttl<' ilUJIPr "The Wirt lt•ss \V;•1·I<ly ."" :'.Wd nulmutPdl>· ,Ji!!CU }ting- It.

The old ln,ly told mr thal wir• less hnd a lways fnscinnl<'ll htr und onli for tlti, i:r .. 111 ~XI> n~•· Sb{' would l1avr 110:-.~~~~l d an out flt Ion~ a"o. T am mal,ln.: Iwr n lhtl<· s~I as a s11rprlsr•. so that sh< mny 11ear tll<" concert!-=, an1t am sure il will b~ a hard rnsl, 10 con vlnre her how small till' exp n. realty Is. for our, who Jh,e;; s.o-c'ose to th•• tily.

Wlrrless is ln!ll'('d rrnHng great blrss!ng and dPSP.rv<'s nil Ill' pu blicitY i I can g<'t.


RADIO BATTERIES We manufacture Special Radio Battcra:s (both "A" and "B" type).

They are recognised to be belle!' th:m any imported battery, and no set 1s complete and up-to-date without a•' STA H"

Snare Piales or Parts Supph d t.-, nmatCUPS desirous al rnakin!l up L

own batterws.

Full particula~s and prices on apphcat1on.

BatteP1es r',,pa1!'ed. ee char-ged, and h11 cd­out at lowesl i-ates.


H Llilch yonr Radio t o 11 ST AR. 0

Storage Battery Manufacturers

43.45 Wentworth Avenue, (Next Aust ralian General Electric Company),


Page 9: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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~\ugust :?51h, 102:?

HETERODYNE. \~ I t.rr I r \11:A::-.::-o.



\17 1~ ,.----,.

'-----~,....__ ___ -1- 1:11:11111!111-'4'---- --'

nnyrhtu •· ..: cbo•tS, n l!n.U. ror in,nanr ~ m k 1110 rtr &H·und or : 1100 rier ~f r<md

1\norher ndqrnt;t~l ... of Ibis S)s­h ru fs that ID the t \••ot uf h1s b,tt-. Ir 111h t t, rut wllh l,) ordinar.) sr a.rk I naJ1 tw has a m,1J 011

,,or·unltJ, to nl"'rrcom"' thl lnr r­!••renr•, hr s.im11tv m.tkm~ hi~· O\, ti sot IH"OUl1Ct hl-11 r Ir 11u~nc1 ILIU lh Ju~J111fu Wt!\t,. and 8tlll go th Qm, Jt1ulrtt. lu oth• r 11:ont . in ,( :ul nf produc-im.: O!-eillntmn:-. ;it ::1 rn11u,ury of -lfl,Suu t)tlr..: a . C"OUd, h ~an ~ ... n to !ill ";t111 c. cl~ a !'le.cu.ml -··i•v, U)Rr :: I h(' ~irttn,-s .. 0

,; "">'DC

1m i lh• nl<l, or elm fllan nl II ht in br .. ll• I"} \ ke rno lH.• con i~•'<'I ii tn , bis 1, utJ n.e ,hoW1l 111 the, dio~ratu tor ('U.UUlJUOU \\U\t

t, lo 6rup li ). \\ h n u Ing th • ·t n•· n ru,tlot,h1111 • 1h18 ke:y mu t b<• C'locut, \ mirro11hon• 11f {h • com mon land tl'li pl on, l)'I""• ,chu~h car, lw 11urchll.J;t'd , , rh~a1-1l . la t'Ollll t:kd lu tho round I ML Al tog• th r th1 8,1' I [1:1 H ry •1mpl • to ronstrutl aod US r 11:al;t nnd •r"-blP In <>1t<>rarlon,

1'• "P nn Py,-. ("tn }our t, i.cl n tub.. Damt• w!II caus., bad lmm-la11ou a11~ 1 oor !!li;n~t,,.

Page 10: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 10nla.obj-627662418National Library of Australia



Mr. Mnclurcan·s concert, for next Sunday night, comn1enc_ing nt 7.30, lncludcs lho follow!ng Pathc re• corils. If any rn,llng of <he h!l(her notes In tho vocal records Is noticed, klndly repor1 particulars to Mr. Maclurcan. Fox Trot.-"Swcct Love.'' Dcd Timr Rtory "Tltrec- Lil th:

Pii:s." (Tho little ones can then go tn h!'d.)

Hawaiian Gultar.-"T,a Paloma." Soprano "11 Secreto di Suzann<","

<'laurlla ~1uilu. Piano Saln.-·•prcludt• In C Shar:,

:'lllnor," Rachmaninoff X; l<>J1hcne -"Toe Lltll<' nincaJ.'· ~ run. Coc1, Practice, C. '\\'. a:,.c!

Ilu1.zc:-On,.. S{t.:P ••s,-~.D('t.: Tio;n!' Huwu.iia.n Gui•ar-•·Hnwu.U:tn Paro.­

dJse.'' Da.njn.-"Paniflttt!-.: .. nnriton,,.- "Kashmirl Sonir," from

th" "ln<ll<tn Love Lyrics.'' Dariron~.- •'Thc Whistling Yarn,"

G n Sncczr.llc. Il.rc,iattr,n. "'rhi, CrirkN Club of

llf'd Xune Fl:lt."

. ,x \ l'PIU~CT)TlOX. ( Uy "Llstenc,r 1.

S1111d:ty nights nr., eagerly looked forward to by radio cn­lhusia.sis, both amnteur anti 11ro­:,,s,sionul, thr0Unhout th<' Stat<:, or ,-.;$.W, t1nd Wt' !,nv" lo th:inlt Mr. Clms. ,1a~Jurcan r,:,r It.

Throui;h lt!s ldnclly and g<'nl'r­CJU,: nu.tun· lw ~nt1•rta..ins hundrt•dB u1 l,t o11lc with n vt~r~1 <•xct:lh·nt musi1tu.J rin,grn.mtnt, bro!u.lcastctl f rom ht!l ~Lar~nn ~Lt ~tru1h!h.ld . ..;~ ... t'-30 p.m. PVt ry amaH•ur hu~ lus !<cl tuned to 1-100 rnetr,-~ wailing tor the tire ll.niaar} v·s to iurn• tn on. _\nd what a welrout1• soun11 ii ia 1.twr a wcelt of d<llS and ~n.:Jht-t;!

evNyone breath,s a shih or re­lief h 1 ha old ~el is working 0. K. A few 1m llatinary remark~. anti tlien lht' coot1•rt prog,ramme :,t:trls.

J 1 bink l am right iI> ~a,ing that .~1r i,1a.c]urean is 11t,~ pl<>neer <:[ 1 r.,lio u·l1•phonl' co11c,,1·ts i? 1h1s rountry, and the n"gu!ar,ty of th"m wcckes h is nan1~ a household word. \Ye cannot exJ)ress th(' en­tJ,usiasm and d;;light the h u ndreds

or am:i.tl'urs rrcl over bis splendid Sunday night concerts.

The "WirelP$S W eekly" also takes lhis opportunity lo express a11preclatlon on behalf of Its a·eaclers, to Mr. 1\ta.clurcan for h is ~f'n~rons atti tude towards t he amnwur experimenters. We hope 1hat he will long continue to i;h·e us ll1es.- much appreciated Sunday c,vening radio concerts.



In tl!P L~i;lsh,tlve Assrmbly on Tuesdny night. lhc Minlst~r for Education told ~lr. Arklns that hr wouid consldr-r a sCh<'me of install• ;ng wirdc-ss, out.fits at countr;v schools, an<l rhus giving f11c cl1il­drcn a rminlng in wireless icle• ~phy nm! ni th" same time d!s­~cmina Ing valuable 'IYt!ather infor· mnllon to the 5UrrC1untlln1,; f:trmcrs.


"onsolidared ltad,o l',t!I Book. His De11lgn Du.ta. for li.i:sd10-Trtt11N-1mt tt•rs aotl R~ct-iven; 1by Slt-l.'J}.,.:r), 4, 6d. \Virr lc:ss M ,.nroni i\t ilnary Pack s,u.tinm;. r,•chnif'ill U1•st·ription, t ... H.andl;ool.. for \\~frl"fess Opt<r:i 1ors ( l.1e1:1fJSl"tl U ~1 P,rslnu.t:;:lt!r-Gene­r:il \, ~s. GU "'itPlf"~ T'ell•~r.:.t.ph,v 1111d T~lc­phony. Full .\1 illustrati•O. 2~. 1'h<' t\l ~intt.111"n"c of \\'in·J,.ss T~lei,rnph App .r:,rns l lartls), 3s !ld.

N.S. W. Bookstall Company. Ltd .. 476 George t;Heet.

" H ush." said Dick to his small 11elgbbour. J oe, who was pormittP1t to watcl) Dick opf.'rate hi$ wondt>r­ful cri stal set, "1 hear a shi11•" 441 suppose'' said Joe, In an awP­stricken volc1•, H~•ou can tell rbut i t is a ship, by the waves"?

Beautiful Illumination with PARIAN WARE

• I

HUMPHREYS' LIMITED, 465 George Street. Sydney,

Telephone: City '.18,1~

RADIO SETS and Parts to



Page 11: he Hundred per c~nt. Australian Radio ournal. · 1ah1 or the Lc•rminals In your aet. Fur lnnr;cnce, H ;ou plac\ lour 1in~••r on t i\

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 11nla.obj-627662619National Library of Australia

ILL\\\ um I H \JIit) ('LC"ll. T I llawarr-;, lta,llo Club had a.

I VN1J0g nt Ila la.tit llH'.,lln,, on I ,t I L

A I t r ,., 1I C'iuh from 1111• u rol Pr or Wir"I , """ n·ad fn

1>1 t,., en11u1rt.a~ l!Ht.dt" a~ in ce,i. an l llce.nAl s.. h wtt,;

fl hi d 10 mnktt 111,1,lfeullon Iur n PFr& ft tu r"ar r1 nn •1•• cl t,~u. and

rs. Ht wctt and normnn w<·n "P(JOlnted lo eonduol th~ t• •111 ..

1\Ir C JJ<,tthY.lck thPn ~avf.l tan int ,11Iui; rulk 011 lu11dauoen1al

rinel1 I•• ol wirt'l~u. Wlllo th,·...,. St •,co o( Mr E r. llaill') h•

a u. ¥Imp!,• df'lnons-•ru1ion of th,• tni rubs.ton of 1.l,!ttrlr: wav,_•s. by 11 ani!S or ll 1park coU uttnt'h~d to a looi,.

e Club•H d, tP •nr,!..I r ~•• 1u1n. IJ \\' ll H.nd ~fkin~nn, rh~n rn1>0rt t d the. result ul rh..- r .... ~n, illf-'U-

11 or CluU d• IP0 awa. wh, s·eur,0,1 II lh I dlst:uaatnu • rl.&Ut•d,

p tllcu!arl) as to rh t tpl1:uior1 i, tu tlp ,,n,110,iNf \1so1•fi: tlon. T tl~sirabl!I11 or 1ueh an .,,,.,._ c lloa was ,. ncrally conct•dt-«1, aml lb Club d •dcl• ,J to rhro" la II.I lot wilh th .\a1nrl.1t1,m, pro •Id d Ibo t;,e was llrnl11 d lo 2,

Wf"ltL..ltSS WltltJ<L.. Y I I -,-P( r mt.:mbt:1r. nrtd ~ubJ<·ct to other out ah.- conrrrc~. and A vo~e n( Bil• tm1,m·1aut tuu.tl1:ts tu tug ,,ut on r Jrerlat lon \\aB c.·arrhd \Ir P'ahn-flctl1CaC'tory tJuls itl lb1• adJouru,·d 1r iiAY• o talk on U.1ttt n ~!I. which mtirrltur. wa.a much nti11r(lrl:\f Pd

The D••xr M<>Nln<; nf '"" Cluh " Ill be b•ld at lh1• Carllm1 ~hool ur Artt- on .;w \ugu a. nt b p.w~ tJuiz,,r ru-nl·tll•. ; au tu l!S,

\I t:rRO C: I.I' II! Th,~rn was n w1-:.ll--utt nd• d m<•f't ..

Ing or lb~ ~1 .. 1rn11olltan H.alito etub Ul tlw 1\.ardnma..lt Car • Klbt. ~1. 1:ut wt , Jc, wl,t"11 flu l'nl!lldtnl. .\Ir. U, C" :\farndrn, 0('('111,I d th ••hair Tb, flf'll'ld •l<l•, whlrh l!J usu11.lly such a t, .,, urn ul tilts club)t IUt:etin:ga. bad lt, b.- <lc:li'letl on 1111& n,•ro 11111, as th11 Jhut ,~ as rn;arl~t:d oul for dlacu ton nf 1hr ntatl rs aria.in llUI of lh•• r•~•:nt lntt-1·•Cluh C-onft·n:nrt•.

,·a.rJuua Ylt.>\\tl. \\('ft l"Xjlfl-'S.:-lt•d.

I h 1uu I , l nrou dJi{; use.Jou t•11n•

tn-111 n,uccj th, (':.lf ha.1!011 r,,. rur th(II Jiropos••d wirr•l•118 ctJUll<'II for .!\"ew ~tJllth \\'nl•·S The d••l--'Daf(':11, .\tr. ~,lu.r,d,~n anti .Mr. 1.h:ttf, v; ,-.r, hunru<'f,•tJ n('f lU run nt 1,, tnor•• 1lum t /• ,,,•r h..-nd for ,•nch 11u~111 .. b,\r

The nlf"ml,(,, of 1hr f"hlh ....-r.n.• unanimous lo tt1, !r pral!'•• or 7'-Jr Ma.('lun:a.n a kfntl:.,,. HJ stndlu,;

Get it by Wireless: THE RADIO MAGNAVOX

Br, 1l, th"" ~r.,fr"111t .. •n,: r..-11r11.•l1ona wbi ,J l-Ollfiu,, ! l,r u "' ,4tuf •nJ ym, nt oft<. t In to 1.hf'I lt:'l"'. itHl"OI w1pt1rt A I tLe 111A11 "'9rin,; \he Jlc.aJ ~t

Th e R ad io Magnavox 1 T he Re -p,-oduoer wtt h the

Movable Coll Jiv ... ,·olun ,,. • Ir , ,1,t 1 1r 1.:m.

\\'nl, !'Hf: ltAIJh) '.1A<,s IVOX w1rC!lH"" ••utr:-tnh1mttt1t iri ,u .. I onu, ra"l l,, m li.lC' 1.1 svur .. of, ltt:...Jiure, a.Uri th• ~· n, ,,. ul •!t~1u.•1f 'l fo: ~h! famil.) 11'P' -.:1 u11 .;:,.t. r Is

No H ead Set a a re N oceasa .. y •

luqulr1,·8 lu"·t, I 11 11t.. l(aJm proh­lrr, ,r • J r • I a1 p, aru)I

r·.,11 wrua. or ~hn•J"

M\ G','A\0\ AlSTRAU~l4. l'1 T lH. 11• ~~(",0 Hot !'IS

i-.,., llTT :,,;TaFIF.T. S"'TIJ!,.f \. l'hCJCc t i&r 37111.

t" 1r thr flurn,. J, ,H nr). W •rlu. Sb )p . or Sl11 ·

We aim to Sell only the B est. Prh·e~ li"'b m;ic.ie tu S.tin all 1-"ur,;;f'i;:

ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, FANS, from 30s., 47a. 6d., 9 0 8,

Try t\ C,,ut c- <1' my Un, ,1, 50 O.P. Lamps, only 1 3. 13 6 D oz .

All Ou ,r .. nt e.J =d I' ,1 d

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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ISRIJ:'S STA'l'IOXS. t;HEAT IlRl'J.''1.11'"".

Uackwnnlt, U( BZ. B:.ttlt·nla, GB-7.H; Bntlaery, \'EC'' BtLhadw, _xrrK; Bahia Ca uEo. UUSl'; Ua!tUnn. xx1::: B:.hh-1 ton. urJQt': n llarnt, GFUI.; 13.,llc, c;(.'QP.; B:1lkna, CC' \'F; Uullnunon, 1;FL\Y; llaluwni.J, GFQJ'· Hnllygally He•.tl, GllJU~; l!; It tnahl, l1FfHI. D:t.1ruo1,tl r::as•lc ~r \\, 1lal1.1bor, 1;1JLll; llalt::-.mar, C:DXK: ll,.lt:mnlc, 1;mn,L

Gallic, r.int•: Unlt~iger, GDXI ; llah!l·!Jis1:,n I.XI,, BalZ'll', Cl'· 87.: Hamora, .ll:-rr; Dnmp1on, LSQ;. llamrtrn , Cn5\IC, ,BF; B2nca, ,\H'S, Tl. nchory, ZQ8; B;mdon, !lDYI.• 11-ttHlr;,., ,\II II, B:tnl.!Sllll-C, 1:v,1: 8311:;!,tla, UAf'; ll~nkla,c, E:--=F. Bunku,a, (;CH Barad1ue, 01 It~: Aau.:la. GC'~I: Br:rtr..dmr.:. t:BQ~I: u,mlic. DJ-:11 nanm:1, 7,"<0; n, rJo, •. , (WT· n,ulby, BTT. llnrrnnor, ~;ZL; lla.rodn, GDL; Uaron ,\Ilsa, Xl:S.

Hill'IIJI \rriroShUll !\f\V\\. : n~r­{111 U av.irk ,r~:-:; Daron Illnnnre XL;(\ H;.ron Cathcart ZHJ; Bur-011 l'u ,tJur I.HITZ: Bnrnn Doui,:,1lll ODD: Il1troo El~Lto zpr•: Baron­e sa ZQ \; Huron Jo't1il'IIP l,l'Z: J uron nnrioch f;B~C; llut on 1 ncll­rapt> U.\1'; Baron J, dlturgh Y!G-D; nurc,o Kdvln EOT: Uaron Minto YT·:K: llaron N;cpln ~IJ~; Daron Po!,~arth UllU; Huron Rtlnfn. w /.OQ: llrl'011 St>lll(lill ZFf; flnr­( ts, Zl It; nnr;;cta 1ll'R; Bas.,a \ 1 J.

ll::rral.,ool CF!ll'; Il:1.1-r.lilca MLI,; llns.an Z~I.I; lh\t't'YlllUrt' GlH>'l': Hu sai,t• Y<.! ~: llaltn nn~1: Ilat­: 11i:;n rBR: Ba1h111·,1 Gil'.\IP: Bat><• tord 2"1.: Jl1tvnrlun Z'l'l'; ll!Lyano 1;)tK; H· yfo•·d BEL; Jla-;<'1111110 r;uw1:. na,::ros,s ZYZ: uan,ot:: 7XW. ua,c!oui,:las l!:Tr: IJaHl'OW• i,n ZV'Y; D:·)'lula BAF; Bu)ltow 1 l 1'\\'; Un~111.tno YUX; J.Jnymu11-1<·r IIA.Ll: R:irmlngo YRP; Ua)TU rn, ntn YC\\; lluysarula YJ\\\; napar•10 EQO: naytliwm ESP; nay,t~rdun ~X.X; Bea('On Grung,~ c;;;QL; B<'lgic ZXC; Benrwond (;FCD; Bearcrlou XTO; Jlpckl·n­Jtam EWIJ; Beeclllrat EZG: 13eeoltpa.rk. GCBH; Beechwood YAE.

Beli;lan GCNM: Relp;ra,<ian OEK; 1.!.-ltze Bt::O: .llrllerbY E8Y; Bel111ropho11 GTD; BrlJ!it'ld ,DZ; Bellgl:\de BKR; Ilt>lllown 7.CD; Beltana MKR; Bembriclge \'XX; Dempton GD:\1D; llcnaldcr

ENS; Uenalla G-B.J: BPnart,• YLT; U<'11avon FUD; Benct .. nch ZZ:\; 1.Jendi~o CTl•'IlQ; Ilendor:in YEM; Bc·ndn Z1fE; Benvdict ZKY; ll~n~­laotor \JOE; llr ni<lo<' YV,\; Ben­" 11• la Z)lQ: lien In Z~fR; Ben-1,""''" \'JS: 1h-n1Nli YLU.

P.••nlomonll !.TC; Benmohr IlIJU; Ue-n Ni 1·is rrYX; Benrinn~s EKl!; lJ(•nnl Z:\1I•': Bc_,,nvf'tl~lt! Bl'Q: th·,hvQotl YC.\; lleu \·oillch. t:C'l-'U; Herbie< GU<'; 1)1,reby \ IJ("; n,·rku1 1;UT1t; Jlc,,-ruucl..1. Ci.lJJ; Rt·rniniXFE; Iltrrledalc IXT; B,·rrnne. YWR; ll~1·wicl<-1:;hlrr1 YZ~; Ucrwlnthah\ C1CQX; n.-.tw;i BUZ. UJ,awo G\Y_\ : nhora ta, CAD: IJl"ln 'NC; lllafr:.,. YC!•'; l'l:;.n llz EZK; 111_.t.,y YCIJ; Dl<l,·­ro, l ]ll)_\; Hilb,, .. r Pn:: Blnf,<'lcl l'!l~I\'; !Jlthlni! YJX: H111,•rn nnxQ: lllackh ·all: EWW: 1Jh,6k­"'ll ucc. rn~•k i'dnc,• \"JU;

iliac!.< Sea GD!,\\'; Bla~kw~II ZLC; JJl:urmru·t• HOU; Rogota

1 't Al": Bloc rnf()ntdn GTIN; lJotl-' .int YCO; lloh~mian '!\!EL: B<>­il:Ht.a \ CQ: Roiingurol\P RGE; BOll\'iltll G(':SR: Uoltnn .\hl.Jpy 1;m1v, L,CIIOU c .• stlL- ;\L\Q; lluma ~ riSV, t;om1n.ta Gfi"CY: Honlt~ur GCTS, Bonn) XIN; Horda ~ffQ: Hord~ GFlIR: Tlnr<lercr OCL: nnn1,,rtnnd \It· ~J; Rim !is GC\\'"\I: Rorodmo <HIT; llnrulus GJi'JN. nn.,com '" Clt!nr• XEC; Bosnian OEL,

Uou1on Cit:, CDSU; Doswell RM I-!; U<,mrl{u.dra lGll: noulnma YMJ; nourue- <JBC:::i; Rourn<1-

uio111i1 ZJD: Bout1·y YCZC; Hon•rlc \NY; l:lovh-<~UO; Ilo,cr1onXllli; Boyne zrY: Bn•men GB.TK; Ilra­b11ndi•0r Bl: M: Ilrndavon .X LG; Bradl>unl ETY: Brad,•!; de \'TIB; Bradford Cltr GBCL; Branm,•ls HPG; r.raemt\1' Ca,;tle CCQZ; l'ray,rno,l Gl!TK; Hrnmhl,·lt>nl ZZQ; llran1 Coupty GBY'f: ilrund­c·nl><'rg CBSF; Uru11on Custll• '\.\.'I ; B;·m1 ltsom1• Ha 11 C',lll!'Q: Brazlller OBT; UJ'l'Conlan YEW; Brenden .13.EK

RrPaeia F.SS; Breslan UFCN; J rler GDVL; D~<·tat1iH EXP; Drct"altkr OBJ R: Brcrnton U,Z; llriarlent EY.A.; BriarwQon ZGD; Brighton HNF; .Hrl· hloo 11.10V; Uri•lol City GDML; r I· ;,nnla GCRB: Britannia C ··.!'; BrltlBb Admirnl zy\'; D ,,.h B::.ron EYI:: rlrltisb Bencon noL·; British Birch EY D; British Coo.st G-DTC; British Colonel Gl!'DB; British Duke EYY; 13rllish Earl EYS; British Emperor ZLK; llrlt­l!<h Empress zyz,


Three Lines (npproxi111Rtcly 15 Words), miiy b.,imerted in tbis Column for !J<l.

ft:xtra Lit1es or 1i:irt tl erc,1f, at 6d per line.

FOR SALE. l .. n,•."t.ul ~f'l: L UJtl· dctt~c·tttr. PtL ccind. nnd 'phoun"= 1111i ~~. .T Hur1/, :,0:nrlhcol :\ V,. l{ lla. P \111111. Jl1B.

11:-t-:-: a.nyon-e ti hood+;-, oil ac n ul 1 r for ::o:!..lll',:0 Prfc;t, ,,-1,·. A Phk.t.•r n.,.;, ""h.:-ram SL, lln.rd~ r:•rk,

\\ . .\S'[l~D-A P().,:,t. fHlkL· Hl.• l no • C' ,M;,rlnrca..n.. ~I. u tllt\1 Id ,

• , • ? •

Wh:tt do you want to know?

1:..'•.-,-.ry r~aaon~Llllt~ speeifh: Quon m th0 Oehl of general wireless ad• Jros~e,l to the Jururmnuon lleµarl· nenl will rec<"ive a pr01npt reply.

V.n ile lengthy repuc~ ,·nnnot 1,e ;lvr-n ro comp1ic!:ltetl que. tion in· v-o]Ting axtons.l\'e re~ean·b or c.. om ... pnt,.tiolls, lhls ,lepartmeut aim to I~ or Ul:'.l.Ximum CTTll'1' in 5t1]1[}1Y

ing information ns tu whut books. or other sou.rce., 1u.i.y cont:llu ..i.ns1'"Pri:; to the~e ,lu1••,1J11n~.

A ~lamped adclrC!,;s0tJ pnnlope mue-t nccom11Uny ench quest10n, but the writer's n:uno. will not he p.ib­lished It he so requests.

:\.dt.lr1~Sd tlH"' Lluomw.Uon Editor. 'Wirch\ss Weekly," Rox 37M, c; P.O.


Ilritish En.~lgn Z\'. \': BrillEh rern EZJ::: Brict:,h Holl, m;,;J.; Rrlcish loks ZYW: Brli!•·lt Kni:.:h· E\N: British Lantern DOS: Bnt­isb l.lght BOD; Hrltls11 ~!aim JJl,N: llritlsll ,,Iaplt• E\ 13; llrih»r Mo.rQUis TWW; JJrl!lsb '.\lnrshall YJ.T: u ,·itish Peer F.Y.\1; BrlltsJ1 J'J'lnc{'SS ZY-T; llTlllsb nos<' F,QC. J!l'ltish Sailnr OFK;- Ilrlclsl1- S<>l dier Y-QH.; Tirith;h Hov ... ,rit.'"11 ZYT


Fritish Star not; l:lrilish Tommy GFQt.; Orllish Tra1\sport zwr; British Vine El'K; British VI -count GPDY; Briton !.\lQJ, Br<>admayne EXX; Brocklown OCXJ; Bron le GCPZ; lltu:ttls­worlh ESE; Brool<vole BHD. ----- ---------

Vubllah<-d b,r W J lh.elaray. ••Truro." PowtiJl .Slrf:'el. N"tutra.l Bay, at th_,. offlr.•• -,f W. II. Jtlaela.rd)', JO Cutlereaa:•

u.-,•&.. Sydne.)'.