he order of t eorge called to order · the order of st.george called to order epiphany (february)...

T HE O RDER of S T . G EORGE Called to Order EPIPHANY (FEBRUARY) 2019 1 4 3 2 WWW.GEORGE.ST Progress in Nigeria Our first flag day In the Caribbean Help spread the word .......................................................................................................................... www.george.st www.facebook.com/groups/58484686090 @OStGUK www.linkedin.com/groups/8199059 https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCrLPzm5ctPSNVnxdaFU8B8g More progress in Nigeria Thus far, two containers have been shipped to Lagos, with their ultimate destination being Abuja, the core of WIN Foundation’s activities in support of medically underserved populations in Nigeria. Recently, Dame Linda Heller and Kay Saxon Brooks traveled to Nigeria to provide some hands-on assistance to WIN Foundation’s efforts. For her amazing ability to secure supplies from the likes of Vitamin Angels, Ameicares, Brothers’ Brother, Kingsway Charities, and Clean the World Foundation, Dame Heller was recognized at our 2018 Atlanta Investiture as the first US recipient of the OStG Order of Merit. Our next donation effort for Nigeria will be securing obstetrical kits for use in clinics throughout the areas served by WIN Foundation. Currently, plans are underway for Chevalier Richard “Doc” Clinchy, to travel to Nigeria to provide training for Nigerian police and maritime enforcement officers. The training will contain elements os Tactical Combat Casualty Care since the weapon of choice of nefarious persons in Africa is the AK-47. The Kalashnikov AK-47 was an invention of the former Soviet Union, utilizes a 7.62 mm round and with a detachable box magazine can discharge up to 30 rounds without reloading. The wounds of the AK-47, due to the ballistics of the 7.62 mm round, can be devastating. The training will focus on stopping bleeding and other immediate interventions that may prove lifesaving. The Order’s work with Dame Chetachi Nwoga-Ecton’s When in Need Foundation has been our most impressive success to date. T H E O R D E R I N A C T I O N pDame Linda Heller working with Kay Brooks, RN, in Nigeria, demonstrating a procedure that would be helpful to one of the many patients they were seeing while in Nigeria. qDame Chetachi Nwoga-Ecton with members of the When in Need team. See this YouTube video for more information - tinyurl.com/ ycjr2am5 - the Order gets a namecheck at the end!

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The Order of ST. GeOrGe

Called to OrderEPIPHANY (FEBRUARY) 2019






Progress inNigeria

Our firstflag day

In theCaribbean

Help spreadthe word





































More progress in Nigeria

Thus far, two containers have been shipped to Lagos, with their ultimate destination being Abuja, the core of WIN Foundation’s activities in support of medically underserved populations in Nigeria. Recently, Dame Linda Heller and Kay Saxon Brooks traveled to Nigeria to provide some hands-on assistance to WIN Foundation’s efforts.

For her amazing ability to secure supplies from the likes of Vitamin Angels, Ameicares, Brothers’ Brother, Kingsway Charities, and Clean the World Foundation, Dame Heller was recognized at our 2018 Atlanta Investiture as the first US recipient of the OStG Order of Merit.

Our next donation effort for Nigeria will be securing obstetrical kits for use in clinics throughout the areas served by WIN Foundation.

Currently, plans are underway for Chevalier Richard “Doc” Clinchy, to travel to Nigeria to provide training for Nigerian police and maritime enforcement officers. The training will contain elements os Tactical Combat Casualty Care since the weapon of choice of nefarious persons in Africa is the AK-47. The Kalashnikov AK-47 was an invention of the

former Soviet Union, utilizes a 7.62 mm round and with a detachable box magazine can discharge up to 30 rounds without reloading. The wounds of the AK-47, due to the ballistics of the 7.62 mm round, can be devastating. The training will focus on stopping bleeding and other immediate interventions that may prove lifesaving.

The Order’s work with Dame Chetachi Nwoga-Ecton’s When in Need Foundation has been our most impressive success to date.




pDame Linda Heller working with Kay Brooks, RN, in Nigeria, demonstrating a procedure that would be helpful to one of the many patients they were seeing while in Nigeria.

qDame Chetachi Nwoga-Ecton with members of the When in Need team.

See this YouTubevideo for moreinformation - tinyurl.com/ycjr2am5- the Order gets a namecheck at the end!

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The Order of ST. GeOrGe





































Progress inNigeria

Our firstflag day

In theCaribbean

Help spreadthe word

pChevalier Nick Hinchliffe in action at the first of our Order of St.George flag days.

UK Order of St. George members have been active in their local communities!

We held the first of our flag days in December, where Chevalier Nick Hinchliffe raised over £250 in 6 hours at a local supermarket. We will be holding more flag days, and we hope you will join us.

Over at our North Wales and Chester Encampment, Chevaliers Mark and Rowena

Brett joined with our friends at the Legion of

Frontiersmen to raise £500 for Blind Veterans.

Our thanks to Nick, Mark and Rowena for taking the lead in these


Can you help organize a local event or fundraising activity? More information at


Will you help too?





Going global

The Order is working on a number of new projects across three continents. Some of our plans include...

Uganda – The Order is enlisting assistance for a Hepatitis B Foundation. Working with a local partner, we are evaluating how we can become involved in providing supplies and equipment.

Jolo, Philippines – Jolo is where ISIS recently bombed a Catholic Cathedral. As a result of some of our other activities, we recently became acquainted with the founder of Asia America Initiative, which is focused on providing support and resources for the citizens of the southern Philippines. Most significantly, especially where Jolo is concerned, they support efforts to train young people as first responders and first aid providers. We should have a positive update on this programme very soon.

Liberia – The International Outreach Ministry of the Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church is supporting the creation of a clinic about 100km from Monrovia, Liberia’s capital city. Like the

projects in Nigeria, this clinic will provide medical care to underserved citizens of

Liberia, and we are looking to support them with medical supplies.

Lebanon – Working alongside the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (SMOTJ) and elements from the US Department of Defense, we are looking to support communities in Lebanon. Their major needs is for ambulances, These are difficult to come by as a donation, but we continue to investigate how we might obtain these.

Our thanks to Chevalier ‘Doc’ Clinchy, our North American Grand Commandery Hospitaller, for this update and for all the work he and the team are undertaking. There’s a fuller report at


Should any reader know of any worthy health care project/need anywhere in the world or should you know of a source of medical supplies, equipment, or possible donated ambulances, please contact [email protected]






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The Order of ST. GeOrGe


Called to Order1




Progress inNigeria

Our firstflag day

In theCaribbean

Help spreadthe word

The Order has an encampment on San Pedro Island, Belize, led by Peter Nolan. We are working with Peter and his colleagues to establish an ambulance service on the island and have connected our Order colleagues with a company in the USA who will be able to sell and ship to them a very road worthy Type II ambulance, and our Grand Hospitaller will provide all necessary supplies at cost.

The North American Grand Commander and the Grand Hospitaller are planning a visit to San Pedro Island in the spring to conduct a mini-Investiture as well as conduct initial emergency medical training and equipment familiarization, assisted by local physicians and nurses, for all prospective ambulance personnel.

A project that emerged over a year ago from Chevalier Robert Scott in Jamaica identified a need for prosthetists and prostheses for those suffering from diabetes in Jamaica, and who cannot afford such professional services.

There is only one prosthetist in Jamaica so we are searching for both professionals and preowned prostheses that can be adapted to

those in need. As of yet, the Grand Hospitaller has had limited success but with extensive experience in medicine in the Caribbean, we recognize the endemic nature of diabetes and hypertension throughout the Caribbean and continue to search for prosthetists and prostheses.

The medical relief missions of The Order are many and varied, both in scope and geographical focus. Here’s an update on our work in the Caribbean region…

The Order in the Caribbean

St. Pedro Island - Base of Order’s

Belize Encampment.

Photo: San Pedro, Belize by danakosko, M


Shop with Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile to support the Order when you do your on-line shopping.

Details at: http://www.orderofstgeorge.co.uk/shopping.html

UK Investiture11 May 2019

Hold the date for our 2019 UK investiture in Rochester Cathedral, Kent.






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Unless otherwise attributed, Copyright © The International Knightly Order Valiant of St. George, February 2019. Design by Stuart Notholt Communications Ltd, www.notholt.co.uk

The Order of ST. GeOrGe


































Called to OrderCalled to Order is the interactive e-newsletter of the Order of Saint George. Published three times a year, it is designed to be viewed on a PC or tablet, or can be printed out as a paper newsletter. We hope members of the Order will take the opportunity to circulate Called to Order to their friends and encourage them to join.

A link to Called to Order on-line is at http://tinyurl.com/called2order

Called to Order1




Progress inNigeria

Our firstflag day

In theCaribbean

Help spreadthe word

Into the bunker

Join us on a visit to the famous Battle of Britain bunker at RAF Uxbridge in west London, the key command-and-control centre from which the Battle of Britain was won in 1940. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s here that history was made.

Our tour of the bunker will take place on 9 March 2019. More details and booking instructions are at


About our Order

In addition to being the Patron Saint of England, St. George is the Patron of soldiers, and also holds a special place in the affections of Christians in Africa and the Middle East. Following this tradition we work for the welfare of UK and NATO armed forces personnel, and in support of vulnerable Christian communities.

In the UK we support the Royal Hospital Chelsea, of which we are a Platinum Friend, and the Welfare Fund of our affiliated regiment, the 3rd Battalion of the Princess

of Wales’s Royal Regiment, while in the United States we support the Green Beret Foundation. The Order is a

registered charity in England and a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the USA.

We welcome into membership ladies and gentlemen who wish to be involved in the Order’s charitable work.

For information about joining the Order of St. George, please see the Joining the Order page on our website:


The International Knightly Order Valiant of Saint George takes its inspiration from the ancient and honourable Christian Order of Knighthood founded in 1326 by King Károly Róbert of Hungary.

“The Order of St George promotes and pursues the timeless traditions of chivalry by compassion and supporting works of charity. The Order focuses on supporting charities that work with current and former service personnel, and with Christian communities suffering religious persecution.”




