headaches kuliah

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  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    HEADACHESProf. dr. Basjiruddin ahmad, Sp.S (K)Fakultas Kdoktran !ni"rsitas Andalas#S. Dr. $. DjamilPadan%


  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Hada&h In medical terminology : cephalgia Headache is defined as pain in the head that is

    located above the eyes or the ears, behind thehead (occipital), or in the back of the upperneck, and has many causes

    Majority of headaches are benign and selflimiting,secondary headache can life-threating conditionssuch as encephalitis,meningitis, tumor, cerebralhemorrhage, etc

    !early universal e"perience #revalance :- $ year periode of %& '

    - a life time of %%' iagnosis : areful history, e"amination and

    diagnostic testing

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  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    *imilar headaches can have different cause dependon the pain-sensitive structures, include:+Intracranial structures

    ura near vessels

    ranial nerves , II, I, ircle of .illisy Meningeal arteries /arge veins

    01"ternal to the skull *calp and neck muscles ervical nervus and roots utaneous nerves and skin Mucosa of the paranasal sinuscs 2eeth

    1"ternal carotid arteries

    Pain'snsiti" stru&turs

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    *kin, subcutan, muscle 1"tracranial arteries *kull periosteum 1ye, ear, nasal cavities,


    Intracranial venous sinuses,large veins, pericavernousstructures

    0asis duramater, meningealarteries, pro"imal anteriormiddle cerebral arteries,

    carotis interna arteries *uperficial temporal arteries ranial nerves: ! II, ! III,

    ! , ! I, ! ,$-3

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    !erves *upply*plancno cranium supply by cranial nerve , II,I and

    !euro cranium, structures e"ternal to the skull(including scalp and neck muscle), are suppliedby nnspinalis $, 4, 3

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Location luster headaches al.ays unilateral 5&' migraines: are unilateral, some could be

    spread become bilateral

    2rigeminal neuralgia: uccurs unilaterally in thesecond and third trigeminal distribution 0rain tumor: bilateral or unilateral 2ension headache bilateral

    Duration Migraine 6-74 hours in adults luster headache $8-$9& minutes 2ension type headche 3& minutes-days 2rigeminal neuralgia a fe. seconds 4minutes


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    2.o types of headache: Primary headache,are not associated .ith

    other diseases, for e"ample tension headache,migraine, cluster headache

    Secondary headache, are caused byassociated diseases; may be minor or seriousand life threatening

    2ension headache is the most common type of

    primary headache, and more common among .omenthan men

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    Classi&ation of primar hada&h(intrnational hada&h so&it *+ modid)

    1. Migraine

    a Migraine .ithout aura

    bMigraine hemiplegic migraine

    c 0asiler migraine


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    3 luster headache and chronic paro"ismal

    hemicraniaa luster headacheb hroic paro"ismal hemicrania

    6 Headache associated .ith head trauma

    8 Headache associated .ith vascular disease:infarction, hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage acutearterial hypertension

    5 Headache associated .ith metabolicabnormality, dypo"ia, dialysis

    7 Headache associated .ith intracranialdisordera Infection= abscessb 2umorc >ranulamotor disease


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    9 Headache associated .ith us order of neck,eye, sinus, teeth

    a ranial neuralgiab 2rigeminal neuralgiac >lossopharyngeal neuralgia


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  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah



    Migraine is a chronic condition of recurrent attacks,due to changes in the brain and surrounding bloodvessels

    #ain located in the forehead, around eye, or back ofhead, unilateral

    ?sually aggravated by daily activities, like .alkingupstairs etc

    !ausea, vomiting, cold hands, facial pallor 2ypically last from 6-74 hours and vary in fre@uency

    from daily to fe.er than $ per year +ffects about $8' or the population (.omen : men

    A 3 : $) B 9&' migraineurs have other members in the


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    Vary from person to personFive phases often to be identified: Prodrome: feeling ChighD, irritable, depressed,

    funny taste of smell

    ura: visual disturbance preceedes headachaphase, blind spots (scotoma), flashing, colorful orlose vision on one side (hemianopia)

    !eadache: on one side of the head, 3&' spreadon both sides

    2hrobbing pain, E9&' nauseated, and some vomit 7&' photophobia and phonophobia !eadache termination: pain usually goes a.ay

    .ith sleep Postdrome: inability to eat, fatigue, problem .ith

    concentration may linger after pain disappeared

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    Phase of Acute Migrain

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    "auses 1"act cause is not clearly understood

    1"perts believe :+ combination of the e"pansion of blood vesselsand the release of certain chemicals, .hichcauses inflamation and pain2he chemicals dopamine and serotonine can

    cause blood vessels to act abnormally if theypresent in abnormal amounts, or if the bloodvessels are unusually sensitive to them

    Triggers ertain foods : chocolate, cheese, nuts, alcohol,

    and M*> (monosodium glutamate) *tress and tension or physical stress 0irht control pills (estrogen) *moking Missing a meal may bring on a headache

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    ssociated symptoms

    #efore headache5&' migrainous have prodrome in hour before:Irritability, depression, eupharia small

    hypertensiveDuring headacheMigraine: by nausea in %&', vomiting E 8&'

    Foto=fobo sensitivity in 9&'

    !asal congestion

    luster : ipsilateral ptosis, miosis in 3&'ysability

    fter headache2ired, drained, depression, decreased mental


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    Migraine $ithout aura %common migraine& 0enign periodic headache lasting several hours,

    .ithout preceding focal neurologic symptoms

    ?nilateral pain, nausea or vomitting, positive familyhistory, respon to ergotamin, scalp tenderness in9&'

    Migraine $ith aura %c'assic migraine& Headache associate .ith characteristic premonitory

    sensory, motor, or visual symptoms isual G scotomas or hallucinations (usually in centralvisual field) paracentral scotoma e"pands 4& to 48minutes

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    #asi'ar migraine

    0rainstem signs, including vertigo, dysarthria, diplopia;occur as sole neurologic symptoms of migraine in 48'

    !emip'egic migraine Hemiparesis migraine may occur during prodrome; lasts

    4& to 3& minutes

    More severe: hemiplegia for days to .eeks headachesubsides

    Familial from autosomal dominant

    (ptha'mop'egic migraine +ttasck of periorbital pain and vomiting for $ to 6 days omplete third nerve palsy follo.s, often including

    pupillary dilation, loss of lihgt response May persist days to 4 months

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    iagnosis criteria). Migraine $ithout aura

    a +t least 8 attacks fulfilling b cb +ttacks lasting 6-74 hc uring headache

    !ausea and=or vomiting photophobi, phonofobi Headache .ith 4 of tha follo.ing

    ?nilateral, pulsating @uality Moderate severe intensity +ggravation by .alking stairs or similar activity

    )). Migraine $ith aura$ +t least 4 attacks fulfilling b4 3 of the follo.ing

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    cute treatment

    Immediate administration of full dose ofagent at attack onset

    Mild headache : aspirin, acetaminophen0utalbital and caffeine added if necessaryIbuprofen, napro"en often useful

    Isometheptene compounds effective formild-to-moderate Dstress headacheD

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Moderate*to*severe headache:ergotamine (oral or suppository); sumatritan(oral intranasal, subcutaneous dose),iJatriptan, Jolmitriptan, naratriptan,2riptans indicated for attack fre@uency E 4 to3 per month

    "ontra indications: Hypertension *troke oronary artery disease

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Severe headache: dihydroergotamine(parenteral, nasal spray) IntravenousprochlorperaJine, metoclopramide,

    dihydroergotamine"hronic dai'y headache: amitriptyline,nortriptyline, anti depresants, valproat,


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    aily administration re@uired 1ffect lags 4.eeks

    Medications include:propanolol, amitriptiline,verapamil, valproat

    +dditional drug include topiramate, Jonisamide

    Probabi'ity of success5&' to 78'drug maybe tappered after 8 month

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    -nsion Hada&h

    + tension headache is the most commonheadache and yet itKs not clear understood

    >enerally produces mild to moderate pain, in theback of neck at the base of the skull feeling a

    tight band around head *ymptoms can last from 3& minutes to an entire

    .eek, or nearly all the time (never free fromheadache)

    #atients e"perience: 2enderness on scalp, neck and shoulder muscles ifficulty sleeping (insomnia), fatigue, instability /ost of appetite, difficulty concentrating

    *omeimes may be severe

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    The causes sti'' continue to debate e+actcause are unno$n

    -esearches no$ be'ieve

    hanges among certain brain chemicals Gserotonine, endorphine and numerous otherchemicals G that help nerves communicate

    2he process activate pain path.ays to the brainand to interfere .ith the brainKs ability to

    supress the pain 2ight muscles in the neck=scalp contribute to a

    headache, on the other hand, the tight musclesmay be a result of these chemical changes


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    Muscle tension that may cause Tension

    Type Headache

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    Potntial -ri%%rs

    *tress epression, an"iety /ack of sleep or changes in sleep routine

    #oor posture; lack of physical activity Lorking in a.k.ard positions Hormonal changes; menstruation,


  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Classi&ation of -nsion Hada&h

    1. /pisodic tension*type headache %/TT!&is defined as recurrent episodes of headache(older term: tension hedache, muscle contraction headache)

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    I #ressing, tighthening nonpulsating @uality Mild or moderate intensity

    0ilateral location

    II !o nausea or vomiting !o aggravation by .alking stairs or

    same =e"ercise

    !o or one of phono-photophobia

    Chara&tristi& -nsion tp hada&h

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Dia%nosti& &ritria E--H

    haracteristic I and II .ith :+ +t least $& previous headache episodes

    number of days .ith such headche $9&=y($8=mo)

    0 Headche lasting from 9& min-7 days

    Dia%nosti& &ritria of C--H Include characteristic + and 0 .ith :

    +varage headache fre@uent $8 days=month($9& days=year) for 5 months

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    T$o ris of "TT!

    - +nalgesic rebound

    - ormobidity

    ?se of combination analgesics should belimited to days or 46 tablets

    **I (*erotinin *elective euptake

    Inhibitor) drugs may administered as aprevention (fluo"etin)

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    2he goal is to relieve symptoms andprevent future headaches

    #revention is the best treatment If possible, remove or control headache

    triggers Medications :

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Pr"ntion *tress management strategies ela"ation e"cercises >ood posture .hen .orking, reading,

    activities 1nough sleep and rest

    Massage of sore muscles /ifestyle changes

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Clustr hada&h

    /pisodic: most common type

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    linical features #eriorbital, temporal, ma"illary pain begins

    .ithout .arning, peaks .ithin 8 minutes

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  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    2reatment2o abort attack : o"ygen inhalation($&m/=min via nonrebreathing mask),

    intranasal topical lidocaine, sumatriptan 2oprevent further attacks during bout:prednisone, methysergide, ergotamine,verapamil

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Post&on&ussion hada&h

    Follo. severe or trivial head injury(including head trauma .ithout loss of


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    Brain Tumor Headache

    hief complaint in 3&' of patints .ith braintumor: deep, dull aching @uality, moderateintensity, intermitten, .orsened by e"ertion

    or change in position, associated .ithnausea and vomiting Headache disturbssleep in about $&' omiting precedesheadache by .eeks in posterior fossa brain


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    +dams #rinciples of neurology 5th ed Mc>ra. Hill $%%7

    Harsono, 0uku +jar !eurologi, 0ab II Harsono, apita selekta neurologi, 0ab II MaJJoni#MerrittsNs !eurology Handbook 4nd ed

    resden /ippincott Lilliam Lilkins 4&&7 1vans L Hanbook of headache #hiladelphia

    /ipincott Lilliam Lilkins, $%%% Headache .ikipedia Mayo clinic com

  • 7/23/2019 Headaches Kuliah


    Thank You