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Healing and the Law of Attraction

Healing and The Law of Attraction


Shawngela Pierce, MS

Copyright © 2018 by Seek Within You, LLCAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned,or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

First Edition: September 2018Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 978-0-692-18740-1UPC 00866790000411

Cover design & Graphics: Shawngela PierceEditing: Richard Krug

The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used,

nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physi-cian. The publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health

needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, applica-tion or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book. Please consult your doctor or physician before beginning

the meditation presented in this book. Resources and references are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorse-

ment of any websites or other sources.

To IAM Thank You for Your Guidance


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Table of Contents ..................................................................................viiAcknowledgement ............................................................................... xvPreface ..................................................................................................xviiIntroduction .......................................................................................xxiiiSection 1The Law of AttractionLaw of Attraction ................................................................................... 3

Creative Beings ................................................................................ 3Creative Cycle .................................................................................. 4Matching Vibrational Universe ..................................................... 5

Ask and Answered ................................................................................. 8Challenges ........................................................................................ 9Asking Overview ............................................................................. 9Asking by Focus............................................................................. 10More about Focus ...........................................................................11Asking by Thoughts - The Subconscious Mind ........................ 13

Asking by Collective Thoughts ............................................. 16Sidebar on Children ...................................................................... 17

Vibrational Boosters - Emotions and Feelings .................... 19The Negative as well as the Positive .................................... 20That which is undesired automatically causes a desire for more .......................................................................................... 20

The Universe Answers .................................................................. 21Allowing and Receiving ...................................................................... 23

Resistance........................................................................................ 25Resistance is also Blockage of Energy Flow ............................... 27

How to determine your level of allowing ........................... 28Subconscious Mind .............................................................................. 29

Table of Contents


Shawngela Pierce

What is in your Subconscious Mind? ......................................... 35Section Review ..................................................................................... 37Section 2Understanding How Disharmony is CreatedVibrational Beings ................................................................................ 41

Basic Vibrational Philosophy ....................................................... 41Vibrational Levels of Energy ........................................................ 42Higher Source Energy ................................................................... 43Levels of Disharmony ................................................................... 44Energetic Highway ........................................................................ 45

What affects your Vibrational Level? ........................................... 47Determining How your Thoughts are Impacting You ............. 49Ranges of Feelings ......................................................................... 50The Challenge of Feelings ............................................................ 51What are Feelings?......................................................................... 53Our Perspective on Health ........................................................... 53

Section Review ..................................................................................... 55Section 3Spirituality and HealingYour Unique Path to Healing ............................................................. 61

No Set Path ..................................................................................... 62All Healing is Self-Healing ........................................................... 63

Spirituality and the Law of Attraction .............................................. 67You are One .................................................................................... 70Question for you ............................................................................ 70

Deepen your Spiritual Connection .................................................... 71Developing a Relationship ........................................................... 71

First Step ................................................................................... 72Asking Questions .......................................................................... 72Giving Feedback and Continuing the Conversation ................ 74Daily Phrase for Inspiration ......................................................... 75Homework ..................................................................................... 75Ask the Non-Physical First........................................................... 76Spiritual Journaling ....................................................................... 76


Healing and the Law of Attraction

High Vibrational Matching and Spiritual Guidance ................ 77Have Patience ................................................................................. 78Making Decisions based on Feeling Bad .................................... 80Spiritual Guidance Examples ...................................................... 81Additional Notes on Spiritual Guidance ................................... 81

Spiritual Guidance .............................................................................. 83Example #1 ............................................................................................ 83

Question .......................................................................................... 83Answer ............................................................................................ 83

Spiritual Guidance Example #2 ......................................................... 87Question .......................................................................................... 87Answer ............................................................................................ 87

Spiritual Guidance .............................................................................. 91Example 3 .............................................................................................. 91

Question .......................................................................................... 91Answer ............................................................................................ 91Additional Notes: .......................................................................... 93

Section Review ..................................................................................... 94Section 4Raise your Vibrational Level to HealthRaising your Vibration ........................................................................ 99

Have Fun....................................................................................... 100Become Self-Aware ............................................................................ 101

Daily Meditation Practice ........................................................... 102Qigong Meditation ...................................................................... 103Tips for Qigong Meditation ........................................................ 105Alternative Method: ................................................................... 105Relaxing ........................................................................................ 106Allowing ....................................................................................... 106Breathing ....................................................................................... 107Freestyle ........................................................................................ 107

Tell a Different Story .......................................................................... 109What is My Story? ........................................................................110The Technique ...............................................................................110


Shawngela Pierce

When to Use ..................................................................................114Add Vibrational Boosters ............................................................114

Summary of Tips .................................................................................115Daily Meditation ...........................................................................115Tell a Different Story ....................................................................116Daily Phrase of Inspiration .........................................................118Let Loose ........................................................................................118Practice Gratitude .........................................................................119Laugh More .................................................................................. 120Visualize ........................................................................................ 120Develop a Night-Time Routine .................................................. 121Create a Vision Board .................................................................. 122Explore Energy Medicine ........................................................... 122More Tips ..................................................................................... 123What to do when feeling bad? .................................................. 124

Section Review.................................................................................... 125Section 5Questions and AnswersQ/A #1 ................................................................................................. 131

Question ........................................................................................ 131Answer .......................................................................................... 131

Healing Crisis ........................................................................ 132Change in your Point of Attraction .................................... 133My Thoughts.......................................................................... 134

Q/A #2 ................................................................................................. 135Question ........................................................................................ 135Answer .......................................................................................... 135

Q/A #3 ................................................................................................. 137Question ........................................................................................ 137Answer .......................................................................................... 137

Q/A #4 ................................................................................................. 139Question ........................................................................................ 139Answer .......................................................................................... 139

Q/A #5 ................................................................................................. 141


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Question ........................................................................................ 141Answer .......................................................................................... 141

Exercise to Monitor How you Feel ..................................... 142Q/A #6 ................................................................................................. 144

Question ........................................................................................ 144Answer .......................................................................................... 144

Q/A #7 ................................................................................................. 147Question ........................................................................................ 147Answer .......................................................................................... 147

Subconscious Misalignment ................................................ 149Q/A #8 ................................................................................................. 150

Question ........................................................................................ 150Answer .......................................................................................... 150

Q/A #9 ................................................................................................. 152Question ........................................................................................ 152Answer .......................................................................................... 152

Q/A #10 ............................................................................................... 155Question ........................................................................................ 155Answer .......................................................................................... 155

Q/A #11 ............................................................................................... 157Question ........................................................................................ 157Answer .......................................................................................... 157

Q/A #12 ............................................................................................... 160Question ........................................................................................ 160Answer .......................................................................................... 160

How your Inner Voice Communicates .............................. 160Difference between Deep Longing and Strong Positive Feeling..................................................................................... 161Question Rephrased ............................................................. 163Inner Self Telling you to go in that Direction .................... 163

Q/A #13 ............................................................................................... 165Question ........................................................................................ 165Answer .......................................................................................... 165

Q/A #14 ............................................................................................... 169


Shawngela Pierce

Question ........................................................................................ 169Answer .......................................................................................... 169

One Cause for Delay ............................................................. 170Q/A#15 ............................................................................................... 173

Question ........................................................................................ 173Answer .......................................................................................... 173

Visualization Notes ............................................................... 174What Happens in the Non-Visualization State is important Too ........................................................................................... 175

Q/A #16 ............................................................................................... 177Question ........................................................................................ 177Answer .......................................................................................... 177

Emotions vs Feelings ............................................................ 178Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings ...................................... 178Feedback Loop....................................................................... 179

Section 6Final Thoughts and ResourcesConclusion .......................................................................................... 183

Trust in your Source .................................................................... 184Additional Resources ........................................................................ 185

Qigong Meditation DVD ............................................................ 185Online Store .................................................................................. 185Free Gratitude Challenge ........................................................... 185Free Laughter Meditation ........................................................... 185Free 30-minute Consultation...................................................... 186Free Monthly Webinars ............................................................... 186Group Coaching ........................................................................... 186Free Video Series .......................................................................... 186Retreats and Workshops ............................................................. 186Newsletter..................................................................................... 186

About the Author ............................................................................... 188


Healing and the Law of Attraction


Shawngela Pierce


Healing and the Law of Attraction


I would like to acknowledge my mother. I thank you so much for your unending support for me in every aspect of my life. Thank you Mrs. Pierce.

I would also like to acknowledge my family and friends for their support and encouragement. Knowing that I had your support kept me going day after day.

I would like to thank my Spiritual Guides for your guidance in this book. You are the guiding force of my teachings and without you I would not be doing this. I thank you for being by my side.

Sincerely yours, Shawngela F. Pierce


Shawngela Pierce


Healing and the Law of Attraction


This book has been a long time in the making, and has evolved from the multitude of questions that have plagued me in my search for health and balance.

As a child growing up in Detroit, Michigan, I experienced some major traumas that would shape both my health and career choices in the future. Unfortunately, I was never really equipped to handle all the emotional burdens of my surroundings. As with many children, I was taught to bottle up my emotions. The basic theme of childhood was that no one liked a crybaby. Life was tough, so you just had to learn to deal with it, or be crushed by it. These weren’t all necessarily taught to me verbally, but it was definitely what was taught in my family and in the community at large.

As a result, I was determined not to be crushed by it, but to deal with it the best way I could. I did this by graduating in the top 1% of my class in Detroit. I then went on to graduate with a BS in Biology and minor in Chemistry from Purdue University. It was during my time at Purdue, however, that the burdens of the past started to surface. At first, I went through bouts of depression and anger towards authority. By the time I started working in Ohio as a Forensic Scientist, I had been diagnosed with asthma. In the beginning, the asthma diagnosis didn’t worry me because I felt healthy overall. I thought it was a fluke and would soon resolve


Shawngela Pierce

itself. This was not going to be something that crushed me. I had already learned this lesson.

Meanwhile, my life moved on to other adventures. I earned a master’s degree at Old Dominion so that I could teach college-level human anatomy & physiology. Unfortunately, as life was moving on, so was my asthma, but not like I had hoped. My asthma worsened dramatically and I became very chemically sensitive. The prognosis from the medical doctor and specialist was very dissatisfying, to say the least. I was basically condemned to a chronic dis-ease that would only worsen over time. I was given steroids, an inhaler for emergencies and literally sent out the door.

This treatment, if you can call it a treatment, was unacceptable to me. In my mind, this was profoundly crazy to think that the human body could not heal beyond this. I had always felt I had a strong vital force. Many times I would just go to sleep, when I felt bad. I would then wake up feeling much better. In any case, I was not going to accept conventional wisdom. I knew in my heart that I could heal.

My search for a cure eventually led me to pursue a naturopathic medical degree. I felt the answers and healing I sought would be found in medical school. I would then be able to share this knowledge with others. Boy was I correct! I did find the answers, but not in the way I expected at all.

While in medical school, I started getting treatment for my asthma and sensitivities. The transformation was amazing and I felt so much better. I felt my healing had truly begun. Despite this, I was still perplexed why even in medical school, all of the teachers had a different approach to healing. If I had gone to another naturopath, they would have treated me differently for my ailment. As a result, I started looking at the entire system and wondered why this was


Healing and the Law of Attraction

the case.

What I observed was, in addition to the different approaches by the teachers, there were so many different modalities taught that also had their own theories of healing. We were taught Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, mind-body therapy, physical medicine and more. On top of this, each and every student had their own personal opinions and beliefs. With all of these differences, the story just kept getting more and more muddled. I had so many questions. Who was right? Why were there so many different ways to heal? Was there one clear path to health? The only thing we all agreed upon was that traditional or allopathic medicine was not working for the masses. Even then, there were disagreements as to the degree that it was not working.

I had many discussions with my classmates. However, no one could satisfactorily answer my questions. I also could not make sense of it in my mind and felt really frustrated. As a result, I began to ask my source for answers, which led me to three profound books that changed the course of my career. The books were Conversations with God, Book 1; The Law of Attraction and The Power of Now. Conversations with God had the most profound effect, and felt like a lifesaver. It really resonated with me, and confirmed what I had innately felt to be true. We are powerful creative beings and have the ability to heal ourselves. The book also made me look back at my childhood. When I did, I realized how strong of a connection I had to spirit. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but it was what truly saved me. This is also what literally kept driving me for more answers.

This new insight, which felt like a revelation, changed my outlook on medical school. Over time, I began to realize that this was not going to work for me. It didn’t fit into my belief system any longer. Yes, I truly admired and still admire the work of naturopathic doctors but


Shawngela Pierce

my values had changed. In medical school, they worked from the traditional paradigm, where a patient goes to a doctor and expects the doctor to heal them. For me, it was time for a paradigm shift in how we thought about healing.

Eventually, my struggle between what I believed and what was being taught was so strong that after 3 1/2-years into a 4-year program, I left. It was one of the hardest decisions of my life but one of the best choices I have ever made. Of course, I can say this now but it didn’t feel like it at the time.

After leaving, I went on what I call a 2-year personal meditative sabbatical. I didn’t go to any exotic place, I just remained in my condo. I meditated several hours a day for more clarity on my direction in life; for answers to the multitude of questions that still remained; and to deepen my connection to my source. During this time, it became clear that I would teach what I knew. Teaching had always been my passion so it was the natural route for me to take.

To ensure that my teachings would be authentic, I decided to allow my source to “speak” and “work” through me. I do this by naturally quieting my mind and allowing the thoughts to come forward. Some people would call it channeling, however, we all have the ability to do this.We all have the capability to quiet our mind and allow ourselves to come into alignment. Many people do it from time to time; such as with moments of inspiration, moments of clarity or being in the “zone.” Unfortunately, very few people do it on a continuous basis. I, on the other hand, have made it my mission to rely on my source. As such, my source, whom I affectionately call “IAM,” is the source of the teachings in this book as well as all the work that I do.

This book is written as a framework to help guide you on your path to healing, no matter what route that healing takes you.Whether


Healing and the Law of Attraction

that path is in conjunction with a doctor, healer or by yourself, is not important. Everyone has a unique path to healing. As such, this book is not written as a recipe book of techniques. However, some techniques are given as suggestions to help you in the beginning. This book is really designed to empower you in your role in healing and give you the tools you need to become whole again. One such tool is developing a relationship with your source. In this way, you follow your true path to healing.


Shawngela Pierce


Healing and the Law of Attraction


If you are reading this, you could be doing it for several reasons. You could be reading this because you know in your mind or heart, that you can heal yourself. You could be reading this because you are familiar with the law of attraction and need more guidance on applying the principle to healing. You could be reading this because you were drawn to it. You could also be reading this because all other alternatives for you have failed and now you are reaching out to what you feel may be “one of your last resorts.”

Well let us reassure you that you can heal yourself. It is the innate ability of everyone on this planet to do so.

Have you ever wondered how powerful you are? Have you ever felt internally powerful as a child but then let that idea fade away as you became older? Have you ever wondered how you could heal yourself? Have you ever wondered why God or whomever you call your Higher Source, would make humans in such a fashion as to have it be necessary for someone else to intercede on behalf of their health? Have you ever wondered why someone else is always telling you what is best for you; especially concerning your health and well-being?

If you have ever asked any of these questions, you are not alone. Many people have these same burning questions but few truly seek to find the answers.


Shawngela Pierce

Throughout your life, you have been trained to believe there is always someone outside of you who is more knowledgeable than you. You have your teachers, your doctors, your parents, your friends, experts, etc. As a result, you have been raised to rely on others to make decisions regarding your life. In this book and from our perspective of healing, we challenge you to start relying on yourself and your own true inner connection to source. This is not to say that you will never need another. On the contrary. It is only to say that the true force of healing lies within you. When you understand that, then you can use the tools of the world around you to heal yourself.

You are far more powerful then you can imagine. You create and uncreate your health. It is as simple as that. There is nothing out there causing anything unto you that you have not brought into your reality. This may sound harsh but it is something we must make you aware of if you are to continue down this path. Of course, no one sets out to consciously create dis-eases or ailments. Most of it is done from an unawakened state. Most people do not realize how they are creating their reality. As such, they attract conditions in their lives, such as poor environments, unhealthy food, stressful jobs or a multitude of factors that support the development of a dis-ease. However, despite not knowing in the beginning, you can heal.

We assume that one of your first thoughts about our previous statement would be related to those who you feel have a mental or genetic disorder that is beyond cure from the conventional point of view. Well we tell you that this is not true. Any and all who desire can manifest better health into their reality. It is as simple as that and as powerful as that. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The choices of those souls who come here in what you consider an incapacitated state, is a choice of those individual souls. Judge not what you consider to be an inferior experience; for it is not.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

For those who strongly believe the true causes of dis-ease are factors such as the environment, food, nutrition, etc.; let us make this clear to you, that you are the creator of your reality. This means you have created the conditions of where you live, the environmental conditions in which you live, what you eat, what you do, etc. You have also created how each of these affect you. If your first response is that “I was born there,” let’s again remember that you created that as well. The purpose of this book is not to get into the details of your prebirth choices. However, let us reassure you there were no mistakes in your place of origin.

If you are willing to accept all that we have outlined to you, walk down this path with us and we will show you how to heal yourself of any and everything.

Before we delve more into how to heal yourself, let’s first talk about the law of attraction. The law of attraction information we provide in this book is best suited for someone who already has a basic knowledge of the subject. However, if you do not already have this basic understanding, we will provide you with a basic overview. If you have further questions after reading the material, we advise you to explore this subject matter in more detail. This book is about law of attraction healing and a basic understanding is all that is needed.


Shawngela Pierce


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Section 1

The Law of AttractionThe principles of the law of attraction outlined.


Shawngela Pierce


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Chapter 1

Law of AttractionBasic Overview

CREATIVE BEINGSYou are creative beings on this planet and are creating every aspect of your life. The Law of Attraction is a principle that outlines the way in which you create. The principles of the Law of Attraction have been called many things throughout the millennia, but the concept is still the same. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the Law of Attraction is working all the time. As such, you have been creating your entire life based on these principles. Most people do it unconsciously, however, once you become aware, you can do it consciously to heal and create a magnificent life for yourself.

As a creative being, you create both individually and collectively as a group. Collective consciousness is the term we use to describe creating collectively as a group. There are many levels of collective consciousness. There is the collective creative force of the planet all


Shawngela Pierce

the way down to the collective creative force of your immediate surroundings. For instance, there is a collective consciousness of the planet, your country, your nationality, your family, your work environment, etc.

Despite collective consciousness, your ability to navigate through the collective conscious force is of your doing. This means, you have the ability to create and maneuver the life you desire within the parameters of the environment, the food, the water, the air, the living situation, the job, the relationships, the health care, the government, etc. As a result of having the ability to create your life as you desire, we address much of the teachings from the perspective of raising your creative power “above” that of collective consciousness.

CREATIVE CYCLEAs you can see from the picture, the law of attraction creative cycle starts with the asking. When you ask, your source answers 100% of the time. Your job is to allow. When you allow, you receive that for which you ask. If we break the creative cycle into parts, we would have: Ask | Answered | Allow | Receive.

Note: Source is a general term we use to help explain the non-physical. It matters not if you call your source God, Heavens, Providence, Universe, Yahweh, Angels, Spiritual Guides, etc.; the concept of the law of attraction is the same. It is a universal concept.

If you truly stood in your power as a creative being, you would innately understand this natural flow of the creative universe. You would know that as soon as you asked, it would come into your reality at some point in time. There would be no need to doubt or question your worthiness. You would know that it was yours already and you would literally walk in faith until it arrived in your reality.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Because you have grown up in your society not understanding how you have created your reality, you have come to believe that you are not guaranteed the things for which you ask. Especially if you perceive the desire to be too big. Well we are here to tell you that that couldn’t be further from the truth.

MATCHING VIBRATIONAL UNIVERSEWe live in a vibrational universe, where everything in it is made of energy vibrating at certain frequencies. This includes animals, plants, buildings, materials, dirt, humans, DNA, thoughts, emotions, cells, muscles, proteins, the body, etc. The concept of E=mc2 outlines this the best.

Not all of the various forms of energy vibrate at the same frequency.

Law of Attraction Creative Cycle. Ask | Answered | Allow | Receive


Shawngela Pierce

There are various frequencies for each and every thing. Some are similar and some are not.

What is created in your reality is based on vibrational matching of frequencies. As a result, similar vibrational frequencies will be attracted to each other. This is the same as saying like frequencies attract like frequencies. It is not, an “opposites attract” world,

A representation of a matching vibrational universe, where like frequen-cies attract like frequencies.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

despite the popular concept in regards to romantic relationships. It is a creative universe based on matching vibrational frequencies.

To help clarify this concept, we like to use a vibrational scale of 0 to 100. Zero is the lowest vibrational frequency and 100 is the highest frequency of vibration.

As an example, if your thoughts are vibrating at a level of 20, then you will attract into your life people, places, situations, etc., that are of the same vibrational level of 20. On that same note, if your thoughts are at a higher frequency of 80, then you will attract people, places, environments, feelings, etc., that are of the same vibrational level of 80. Of course, this is an arbitrary scale, using arbitrary numbers, but it gives you an idea of how the universe matches frequencies.

Now that we have given an overall view of the law of attraction and matching vibrational frequencies, let’s delve deeper into the specific parts, as we have defined them. Remember we break up the parts into: Ask | Answered | Allow | Receive.


Shawngela Pierce

Chapter 2

Ask and AnsweredParts 1 & 2

The first two parts of the creative cycle involve the asking, and how your request is answered. When you ask - and there are several ways to ask - it is already given. In other words, the universe, God, spirit, or whatever you call your source has already answered your request. It is not answered based on merit, worthiness, sincerity, or how many times you ask. When you ask, it is given. This basically means your ability to create is boundless, because the universe answers 100% of the time. Again, when you ask, it is already given.

From a vibrational standpoint, what you are asking for is of a certain frequency. When you ask at this frequency, your source immediately matches that vibrational frequency and answers your request from that level of frequency. Using our scale, this means that if you ask at a level of 70, then your request is answered at that same level of 70.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

CHALLENGESThe ask and answered part is generally one of the most challenging aspects for many people to understand and/or believe. How can we say it is already given, when you can remember plenty of situations where this didn’t seem to be true?

It doesn’t seem to be true because most people don’t experience life in this fashion. Most don’t see the fruit of what they are asking for much of the time. Especially when it comes to asking for things that seem unrealistic or fantastical to the intellectual mind.

There are several reasons this doesn’t seem to be true. One reason is that most don’t understand this is a matching vibrational universe and that their request is answered. When one doesn’t understand how it all plays out, then one begins to doubt. The doubting changes the vibrational frequency. For instance, if a request was launched at a level of 70, then source has answered at a level of 70. If a person doubts, then it lowers their vibrational frequency and then they are not a match to 70. We will discuss becoming a vibrational match in the next chapter.

ASKING OVERVIEWAsking is something you are doing all the time and it is done by your focus as well as by your thoughts (conscious, subconscious and collective consciousness).

The asking part of the equation is for the most part taken care of in the sense that most of your day, you are not fully aware of what you are asking for on a consistent basis. This is due to the fact that most of your asking is done by your subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are thoughts that are literally below the surface and are not in your immediate field of awareness. Most people think that asking is primarily or only done consciously, but this is not true.


Shawngela Pierce

Again, it is mostly done by your subconscious thoughts, of which most are unaware. We will, however, teach you a method that will help you determine the vibrational level of your subconscious thoughts. Stay tuned as we discuss this in further detail.

From a vibrational standpoint, this means that most of what you ask for are subconscious vibrations that are sent out to the universe as asking requests. These asking vibrations are sent out at various frequencies, depending on what you are asking. Again, most people are not usually aware of these vibrations but we will teach you how to become more aware.

ASKING BY FOCUSOne way in which you ask, is by way of focus. This means by placing your attention on something you are literally asking the universe for this. Wherever you place your attention, you put this into what we will call your “internal vibrational queue” (IVQ).

An illustration of the Internal Vibrational Queue (IVQ). What you focus on is “stored” here.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Your internal vibrational queue can also be termed your internal asking queue, where what you observe is basically placed in “storage” to be retrieved when you become a vibrational match to it.

This means that you are continuously placing in your internal vibrational queue what you focus on in life. This doesn’t necessarily mean you will receive it exactly as you have focused on it, though. Remember everything is a vibrational frequency. It only means that you have this in your internal vibrational queue at a certain vibrational level waiting for you to become a vibrational match to it.

For instance, let’s say you placed your focus on a nice looking quilt you want to have for yourself. You love the way the quilt looks and feels to you. Now let’s say the frequency of obtaining this quilt is at a level of 55. This frequency of 55 gets put into your internal vibrational queue. If you maintain a vibrational match of at least 55 on a regular basis, you will manifest owning that quilt. Owning the quilt, could happen in many ways however. For instance, someone could buy it for you, you could buy it for yourself, someone could make a similar quilt for you, or you could become inspired to make one for yourself. There are also other possibilities as well. As you can see from the examples, the quilt may or may not manifest as the exact same quilt, however, whatever quilt you receive will be a vibrational match to you.

Again, please keep in mind, we are using simplistic terms to help explain the concept. However, in truth, it is more complicated than this. Having said this, the basic concept still remains.

MORE ABOUT FOCUSPlease note, that when we say focus, we mean to denote a focus by what you see, what you think, what you hear, what you feel,


Shawngela Pierce

what you taste, what you say, etc. Focus is more than what you look at; it is the entire vibrational surrounding in which you immerse yourself. In the beginning of this chapter, we stated that you ask by your focus and thoughts. While this is true, thoughts (subconscious, conscious and collective) are under the big umbrella of focus.

Again, what you focus on is what you experience in your life. There is not a one-to-one correlation, however, as we have simplified in the examples. What you experience in life is an accumulation of all areas of your life in which you have focused. Rest assured though

The umbrella of focus includes what you see, what you think, what you hear, what you feel, what you taste, what you say etc.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

that whatever you experience in your life, you have called it forth through asking. This may sound untrue, especially if you are experiencing a disharmony in your health. Keep reading this book and it will become more clear how this has occurred and how you can remedy it.

ASKING BY THOUGHTS - THE SUBCONSCIOUS MINDIf you have to divide the mind into parts, you could divide it into the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. Of course, there is the collective mind, however, we will discount this for now and focus on the conscious and subconscious.

Depiction of the mind, superimposed on an iceberg. Most of the iceberg is below the surface, which is analogous to the mind.


Shawngela Pierce

Scientists who study the mind tell us that as much as 95% of behavior and the decisions made stem from the subconscious mind, not the conscious mind. The conscious mind only accounts for around 5% of cognitive activities. This means most of your thoughts are subconscious in nature. This is because the subconscious mind produces subconscious thoughts. As we have mentioned before, thoughts are part of your focus, and what you focus on gets put into your internal vibrational queue. As a result, most of what you are asking is coming from the subconscious mind. This translates into the reality that most of your asking is not even at the surface of your conscious awareness. At least, until we show you how to become more aware of it.

Now how does the subconscious mind work? Well, to keep it simple, let’s just say the subconscious mind constantly sends out subconscious thoughts based on your previous experiences. This is because your subconscious mind is the storage unit of all your previous life experiences, your beliefs, your memories, your skills, all situations you’ve been through and all images you’ve ever seen.

If you have more dominant experiences in certain areas of your life, then the subconscious mind has more energy in that area. Therefore it sends out more subconscious thoughts related to that area. For instance, if you have experienced repeated incidents related to fear, then you will have more subconscious thoughts of fear literally “emanating” from your subconscious mind. These subconscious thoughts “emanating” from you, will be at a certain frequency. This vibrational frequency goes into your internal vibrational queue. It goes into your internal vibrational queue, because your subconscious thoughts are focused on it. Not your conscious thoughts, but rather your subconscious thoughts are repeatedly emanating vibrations of fear. Keep in mind your subconscious thoughts, are thoughts of which you are unaware.


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An important fact to note about the subconscious mind, is that it is working all the time. It is constantly sending out thoughts that are put into your internal vibrational queue. Think of the subconscious mind as the autopilot or the “background noise” that is going on behind the scenes. You can also think of your subconscious mind

and your internal vibrational queue as literally the same thing. Remember, what you experience in life, gets “stored” in your subconscious mind and this gets sent to your internal vibrational queue by way of thoughts. As a result, the subconscious mind, plays a major role in setting your internal vibrational queue (see picture above).

Illustration of how the subconscious mind plays a role in the asking part of the creative cycle.


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To keep things from getting muddled, it may be easier to think about your life in sections or areas. For instance, you have subconscious thoughts about relationships, employment, spirituality, who you are as a person, your life, money, your physical abilities, health, your emotional state, etc.

Your subconscious thoughts, as they relate to relationships, may be vibrationally lower than your subconscious thoughts related to your physical abilities. As a way to explain this, let’s say you grew up in an environment where there was a lot of verbal conflict between your parents. However, at school you experienced a lot of positive feedback when it came to how well you played sports. As a result, your subconscious thoughts related to relationships will be at a lower vibration than your thoughts on your physical abilities. Please keep in mind, it is more complex than this. This just helps you to create a mental picture.

ASKING BY COLLECTIVE THOUGHTSAs creative beings on the planet, everyone, even creators in the womb, are subjected to collective consciousness thoughts or belief systems. The collective consciousness thoughts are the collective thoughts of a group of beings. These collective consciousness thoughts consist of many levels - the collective creative force of the planet, all the way down to the collective thoughts of your immediate surroundings. For instance, there are collective consciousness thoughts of this planet, of your country, of your ethnicity, of your family, etc.

If a thought is from collective consciousness, it means that even though you have not personally experienced the situations, you have a pre-conceived thought about it based on other people’s experiences. For instance, seeing a rat, causes many people to experience fear or experience what you call “dirty.” This is due to the historical implications of rats on your planet. They have


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been the bearer of dis-eases and as a result, even if you have never experienced getting a dis-ease by this creature, you “download” the collective view of this animal and become fearful. Now the fear of the rat effects many people, but others it does not. This is because as creative beings you have the ability to raise your consciousness above the level of collective consciousness thoughts. This is one reason we do not spend much time on this factor. Our responsibility is to help you to raise your vibrational level and understanding. When you do this, collective consciousness becomes less of a controlling factor.

As far as asking from collective thoughts, if you do not raise your level of consciousness above any particular belief in the collective consciousness, you are literally asking from that vibrational level. This is because, some level of collective consciousness plays a role throughout your entire life. The degree to which it affects you, however, will depend on the degree to which you awaken your own consciousness.

SIDEBAR ON CHILDRENAs you have come here for a human experience, you have been asking since conception. Without going into details about the prebirth experience, let’s focus on the after birth experience.

As an infant, you are basically creating based on the feedback you are receiving from your surrounding environment, in the form of vibrations. That means the environment of your parents, household, family and other environments around you. Collective consciousness is also a factor in your creation as a child.

Despite not being able to verbally communicate, you are still asking. Now, of course, most of it is a result, of let’s say “osmosis;” but nonetheless, the laws of the universe are in effect. Remember we are vibrational beings and create on that level. Every energetic being


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sends out a vibration, whether they can physically communicate or not. Vibrations are vibrations. It doesn’t matter if the person cannot verbally communicate their asking. They are still asking vibrationally through their focus, and thoughts as an infant.

Despite the more “osmotic” asking of a child, children are more connected to what we call source or God, Heavens, Angels, inner guides, etc.; they naturally have an intuitive understanding of vibrations. When things do not feel good for them, they cry. Crying is a mechanism of letting go and shaking off the lower vibrations that do not feel good to them. When they are not feeling well, they also sleep. In fact, children spend a lot of time sleeping. Sleeping is the ultimate way to reconnect back to source. That is, until you master the art consciously, which very few have ever accomplished.

Although children are more in tune in the early years, over time, society “trains” the child into belief systems that result in them becoming more and more disconnected from that which is. For instance, the child learns through its direct environment, not to trust in its own innate instincts/connection to source. The child is not trained to trust in their inner guidance and follow what feels good to them. They are not allowed to express their desires outwardly and to carry them out. Especially when it is in direct contradiction to what their caregivers desire for them to do. This of course, is not always the case, but many times it is.

Children are taught to rely on the judgment of others as to what is right for them and what is not right for them. They are not taught to understand the tools of your creative universe and how they are creating their reality. For the most part, they are not informed about their innate communication to the non-physical or source. They are not taught about their inner guidance system, which lets them know if they are in alignment or out of alignment with what they desire to manifest. Authorities, doctors, teachers, caregivers,


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society etc., become the primary way in which children judge their right and wrongs.

How many of you feel this has happened to you? Do you remember being very intuitive, creative and carefree as a child but as an adult feel this skillset has all but vanished?

We wanted to take the time to address children in the creative process because we know this is a question many people have. There is much more detail that can be provided on the subject; however, the aim of this book is directed towards healing. To that end, we will return to the discussion at hand.

VIBRATIONAL BOOSTERS - EMOTIONS AND FEELINGSConsider emotions and feelings as vibrational boosters because they intensify the vibrational frequency of a request. This means that how you react and how you feel about what you are focusing on intensifies the request. As a result, if you really, really want something, that intensifies the vibrations sent to your internal vibrational queue. For instance, really, really wanting health, intensifies the request and adds more vibrational energy to the request. It does not change the vibrational level, but the intensity of that vibrational level is changed. This means if health is at a level of 100, then there could be, let’s say, 30X more energy in your vibrational queue related to health based on your feelings about it. This translates to more energy built up in your internal vibrational queue concerning health.

More intense desires tend to manifest quicker then those that do not have as much intensity. This, of course, is assuming that you are fully allowing.

Note: Feelings and emotions are going to be a result of what you think about something. So in a way, you ask by feelings but it is


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always in conjunction with your thoughts

THE NEGATIVE AS WELL AS THE POSITIVEWhen you place your attention on something, you are literally “telling” the universe you would like to experience this in your reality. You are telling the universe you want to experience this regardless of whether it is something pleasant or not. This means that if your focus is on violent tv shows or antagonistic conversations, then you are asking for experiences in your life that are of similar vibrations. If you do not wish to experience something in your reality, then don’t focus on it or don’t bring your awareness to it.

As far as the universe or source is concerned, there is no judgement on what you ask for in life. Whether you ask for something you deem as negative or something you deem as positive, matters not to the universe. As a result, if you put your focus on something you really, really don’t want to experience, you intensify the asking request of this undesired situation by your emotions and your focus.

Note: You did not come here to this planet to experience only that which you perceive as good for you. You came here to experience yourself as creative beings. In that light, whatever you ask for, whether you see it as positive or negative, will get answered. Whether that answered request manifests itself in your reality, will depend on your allowing.

THAT WHICH IS UNDESIRED AUTOMATICALLY CAUSES A DESIRE FOR MOREWhen you experience something you do not like, you automatically, whether you are aware of it or not, ask for something more to your liking. Can you remember a time when you experienced something negative in your life? Now can you remember also wanting


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something that was different to this experience and more to your liking? This is what is happening on a regular basis. As a result, you basically send out two asking requests to the universe. One that is not to your liking and one that is to your liking.

Naturally, no one wants to think that they are asking for the undesired. However, because you have placed your focus on it, you have placed it into your internal vibrational queue. Of course, you have also placed that which is desired into the IVQ as well.

In later chapters, we will discuss how to let go of the undesired, which is at a lower vibration, and raise your vibration to the desired request. If you are reading this book, we will assume it is related to health.

THE UNIVERSE ANSWERSIt is done. That is really the message we want you to remember. It is already done. There is no need to question whether you are worthy or deserve to receive what you requested. There is also no need to worry about the worthiness of the request, whether the request is valid, or any other limitation you have grown up to believe will determine whether you receive your requests or not. What we want to assure you is that it is done. This is the creative nature of this planet.

When you practice the vibration that it is already done, you begin to become reconnected to your true essence. You start to understand the idea of “giving thanks in advance.” That is to say, thanking source in advance for that which you wish to create in your reality. That is the ultimate sign of faith. This is because you would already know, in your heart, that it is done. It would be beyond the intellectual concept. You would just know it. Of course, saying the words and truly believing in the words must be one and the same.


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So many of you are disconnected from your true essence and understanding. This is a result of years of self-doubt, what you have been taught by others, and even your own experiences. They have all “shown” to you a “picture” where it feels like it is not already done.

Well this is an illusion. However, we acknowledge that it may not feel like an illusion to you. This is why we strongly suggest you practice this vibration to unveil the reality and take away the illusion. Starting on a small scale of establishing this truth helps in developing trust in it. Begin with things that are easy for you to believe will easily manifest in your life. For instance, set your intention to experience a sign in nature everyday or seeing a quote each day that inspires and moves your soul.

Developing your trust will help you in allowing what you desire into your reality. This is because the allowing aspect is what generally holds back the manifestation for most people. As you read further, we will explain in more detail the important aspect of allowing. It is the key to seeing your creations in your reality.

Remember, the universe has already answered your request. Now it is up to you, to allow it.


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Chapter 3

Allowing and ReceivingParts 3 & 4

To fulfill the creative cycle of receiving, you must allow. When you allow, you bring forth the full creative force of the universe and allow the entire creative process to unfold. Remember the creative cycle as we have explained it, is: Ask | Answered | Allow | Receive. Believing or becoming a vibrational match are also interchangeable ways to describe allowing.

Let’s return to our vibrational scale, where 100 is the highest vibrational level and 0 is the lowest vibrational level. These vibrational levels can also denote your level of allowing. A vibrational level of 100 signifies you are allowing or believing 100%. A vibrational level of 25, signifies you are allowing or believing 25%. Again, these are arbitrary numbers used only to help explain the concept better.

As you can see from our example, the degree to which you allow or believe will determine your level of vibrational matching. This will


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determine what you receive in life. For instance, if you ask for something that is at a frequency of 80, you must allow or believe to the point that your vibrational frequency is at least 80, in order to experience that fully in your reality. Doubting, which is done consciously and subconsciously, is a lower vibration and decreases your vibration. As a result, doubting signifies resistance. This means that if your request is at a level of 60 and you doubt, your overall vibration will be lower than your request. As a result, you will be attracting from the lower level, not from the higher level of 80.

Note: You are always vibrating in every moment at a certain vibrational level. This is based on your thoughts and mostly your subconscious thoughts. For instance, throughout the day, your normal vibrational level could range from periods of feeling good, to moments of stress, to moments of experiencing a lack of confidence. Let’s say that these ranges are between 30 and 60. This means you are allowing into your life vibrational matches within that range. As a result, the people, places, situations, conversations,

Level of allowing illustrated on the vibrational scale.


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etc. that you attract into your life, will be a vibrational match to these vibrations. Remember, a large part of that vibrational frequency, up to 95%, will be a result of your subconscious thoughts.

RESISTANCELet’s turn to the related terminology of resistance to explain allowing and receiving.

As in the example before, let’s use our vibrational scale, where 100 is the highest vibrational level and 0 is the lowest vibrational level. These vibrational levels can also denote your level of resistance. A vibrational level of 100 signifies offering no resistance. A vibrational level of 25 signifies there is 75% resistance.

If you are not open to allow completely, there is resistance. Resistance in many ways could be considered the opposite of allowing. As with allowing, there are degrees of resistance. The degree or level of

Level of resistance illustrated on the vibrational scale.


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resistance you offer, limits in some way, shape or form, your ability to create what you want to create.

If you offer resistance, then you are not a vibrational match to what you desire, however, you do become a vibrational match to your current level of resistance. This means that if your resistance lowers your vibrational level from 40 to 30, then you become a vibrational match to 30. As a result, your creation at 40 remains in your internal vibrational queue, waiting for you to raise your vibration to that level on a consistent basis.

Let’s move beyond numbers and present an example for clarity’s sake. Let’s say you are feeling good as you visualize owning a $50,000 car. The visualization is where you are placing your focus, so this is the asking part of the equation. The vibrational frequency of owning the car goes into your internal vibrational queue. In addition to this, feeling good is a sign that you are allowing.

Unfortunately, however, during your non-visualization state, you constantly worry about money. Most of this worry is subconscious worry that has been seeded in you as a child and you have yet to raise your vibrational level related to money beyond it.

Despite it being subconscious in nature, the constant worry of money will feel bad to you. Feeling bad could mean having feelings of anxiousness, stress, frustration, and/or feeling a tense sensation in your stomach region. If you are not in tune with your feelings and their significance, then you will not understand that when you feel bad, you are not in alignment with, nor a vibrational match to, your creations. This means you are not allowing. You are resisting and pushing your creation further away from you instead of drawing it closer to you.

So on the one hand you feel good about visualizing a car, but on the


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other hand, you feel bad because there is this other belief system you are holding onto about a lack of money. As a result, you are not fully allowing a $50,000 car. Hypothetically speaking, what could happen in this instance is that you do manifest a car, but you do not manifest the car you have been visualizing. Instead, you manifest a $10,000 car because you could not raise your vibration to the level of the $50,0000 car on a consistent basis.

The car may look very similar to the car you have been visualizing. It may have the same color, style, maybe even be the same make and model. However, for this example we will say it is a used 2008 vehicle worth $10,000 instead of a new 2019 vehicle, worth $50,000.

Another example, could be that of not allowing health into your reality. You have strong desires for health so this high vibrational level is put into your internal vibrational queue. However, you partially resist obtaining full health because you focus on lack of health out of habit.

For instance, every time you get a chance, you tell someone about your condition; you focus on the misery of your condition; you feel fearful of the outcome; you believe the poor prognosis; and/or you doubt that you can be cured of your condition. All of these factors play a role in disallowing or resisting health. Even though you may be eating healthier, exercising, and doing other healing works, you are still not healed because you are spending more time disallowing then allowing.

RESISTANCE IS ALSO BLOCKAGE OF ENERGY FLOWAnother way to explain allowing is that you let go of resistance and allow the natural high vibrational energy to flow. When you resist, you block this natural flowing energy. In this light, you can think of resistance as a blockage in energy flow.


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Remember, one of the fundamental parts of your existence here on earth, is that what is being created in your reality is based on how much you have allowed into your existence. Or in other words, your reality is based on how well you have vibrationally aligned with what you are asking.

HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR LEVEL OF ALLOWINGYou can determine your level of allowing by the way you feel. We gave a brief explanation of this in the car example. We will delve more deeply into feelings, as well as energy flow and allowing, in the next section on how the law of attraction relates to health. Before we do that, however, let’s explore even further the importance of the subconscious mind.


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Chapter 4

Subconscious MindA more in-depth look

Let’s return to the concept of the subconscious mind as it relates very intimately to asking as well as allowing. Previously we only addressed the subconscious mind from the aspect of asking, however, it is very important to understand its role in allowing as well. In essence, it plays a dominant role in the creative cycle.

Think of the subconscious mind as both the asking and the allowing aspect of the creative process. This means that the subconscious mind plays a major role in both putting requests into your internal vibrational queue as well as determining your level of allowing.

What you experience in life gets put into your subconscious mind as we have discussed. The subconscious mind then sends out thoughts, that go into your internal vibrational queue. This sets the asking frequency. The intensity of the asking frequency will depend on the associated feelings and emotions.


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Now think about what is happening on a continuous basis. Throughout the day, the subconscious mind is sending out these thoughts and vibrations. Let’s assume the vibrations are low. If you do nothing to raise your vibration beyond this low vibration as well as keep it raised on a consistent basis, then you will have literally kept yourself at this vibrational level. This means, you are now a vibrational match based on your subconscious mind level.

As a result, you will be allowing at this low level and will attract into your life, people, places, situations, etc., that are a vibrational match to your subconscious mind.

This is generally what happens with most people. They are unaware of the power of the subconscious mind and how it is drawing to them what they experience on a daily basis.

Let’s give an example. If you experienced as a child an environment where you had strong feelings of unworthiness, then you have an incredible amount of energy in your internal vibrational queue at this low vibrational level. This low vibration, also has a high intensity because of the strong emotions associated with it. This is because you experienced it often and you undoubtedly had strong emotional responses to the experiences.

The universe answers your request.

Let’s say this unworthiness is at a level of 30. So throughout the day, this is your low vibrational asking frequency related to this area in your life. There are thoughts literally “emanating” from you at this low frequency. This will make you feel bad. If you do not raise your vibrational level beyond this, then you become a vibrational match to this subconscious thought. This means you are a vibrational match at this level and are going to attract into your life things that support the idea that you are unworthy. As a result, those additional


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experiences are going to get put into the subconscious mind. Now there is even more energy built up in this area. This is again going to set your asking frequency at this low level.

Illustration of how the subconscious mind play a role in both the asking and the allowing parts of the creative cycle.


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The universe will again answer.

Let’s say you continue to not have the ability to raise your vibrational level beyond the thoughts of unworthiness and so the low level of unworthiness becomes the level at which you match. Again, you continue to attract things in your life that support this. As a result, this ultimately becomes your belief. You believe this because you are seeing time and time again, examples of your unworthiness. Now this literally becomes how you see yourself or your “foundational belief system” related to who you think you are. Since your level of belief is also the level at which you allow, you can see how the subconscious mind plays a role in not only the asking frequency, but also the allowing frequency.

As you can see, there was a feedback loop created in the example above. This feedback loop is perfectly okay when the subconscious thought is positive but can become detrimental if it is not. A positive feedback loop based on the thought that you are beautiful, is wonderful. This means you will attract things that support this belief. This is your level of allowing. It would take a lot of experiences in your life to retrain your subconscious mind to convince you otherwise.

Note: You also have an incredible amount of energy built up in feeling worthy as well. Remember an undesired experience causes you to automatically want something different. Since feeling worthy is at a higher vibration, you must be able to allow at this higher vibration in order to experience it in your reality.

Since we know that the subconscious mind accounts for approximately 95% of your thoughts, you can see that what you ask for and attract into your life is due in large part to the energy that vibrates from within you. That energy is literally your “subconscious” energy. It is the thoughts “stored” away in your


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subconscious mind that bring to you, in an “auto-pilot” fashion, what you see on a daily basis. It literally sets your asking level and if you are not conscious of when this level is low and do nothing to raise this level of your subconscious mind, you will resonate at this level.

As we continually say (Repetition | Reinforces | Retention), the subconscious mind is very powerful. As a result, if you want to invoke more sustainable changes in your life, you have to change your subconscious thoughts about it. You have to literally retrain your subconscious mind to think differently.

This means focusing on a continual basis aspects of your life you wish to experience. The more you can focus on what you desire, the more your vibrational level raises. Then over time, your subconscious mind will emit a higher subconscious vibrational frequency.

For instance, if violence and violent situations previously played a major role in your life, there is a lot of subconscious energy in this area. When you change your focus to that of peace, then over time you will start to see more peace in your life. This does not mean to say that you will never encounter conflict in your life. This is to say that you will be more inclined towards finding peace.

Let’s look at changing your subconscious mind like the “shedding of skin.” Literally you are shedding away old layers of skin that do not serve you, and bringing into light the new you. That new you will take many forms, depending on what you are shedding. As you are shedding the layers of conflict, you will naturally be attracting from whatever layer you are at in that moment.

As an example, let’s say that you are currently at a vibrational level of 45 and have 10 layers of skin to go through in order to raise your


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vibrational level to feeling more peace. Now let’s say that you have just begun working on your subconscious mind and have only shed your skin once. As a result, you have only raised your vibrational level by 1. Therefore, you will attract and be attracted to situations, places, people that are also at that new level of 46. Now, of course, 46 is higher than 45, but you may not be able to tell the difference between the two since they are so close together.

Now let’s say you have been working on your subconscious mind regularly for 6 months and now you have shed 7 layers of skin. Now you are at a vibrational level of 52. Again, you will be attracting situations, places, and people that are also at a vibrational level of 52 as well. 52 is much higher then 45, so you will be able to tell the difference. As a result, things that you used to like at a level of 45, no longer feel good to you. For instance, some of the music that you used to listen to or some of the tv shows you used to watch will no longer resonate with you. It may feel like the words or scenes involve too much conflict. Since you are no longer resonating at

Raising your vibrational level from 45 to 55 by “shedding” 10 layers of skin.


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that frequency, it does not feel good to you any longer. This is natural. It is a natural transition to a changed subconscious mind and a more peaceful world.

Note: As we have briefly discussed before, there is also the collective mind of humans with beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. For simplicity’s sake, we will stick to the conscious and the subconscious mind.

WHAT IS IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND?How do you know what is in your subconscious mind? There are several ways to determine, or get an idea of, what is happening in your subconscious mind. The easiest way is to notice what you see around you or what you have manifested. Ask yourself, “What is the predominate “energy” of the world around me?” For instance, in relationships, what type of people do you tend to attract into your life? Do you tend to attract friends who are trustworthy and honest or the opposite? Do you tend to manifest positive situations in your life? Do you tend to attract healthy friends? Do you tend to attract situations where you feel like a victim? Whatever the predominate subconscious thought system is will reflect in what you see around you as well as what you experience physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Another way to get a glimpse at the subconscious mind is to listen to the residual noise that goes on in your head. For instance, if you constantly have thoughts of a lack of confidence, you will “hear” thoughts of that going on in your head all the time.

Sometimes you have to try a different approach in order to “hear” it. This is due to the fact that sometimes beliefs are so much a part of who you have created yourself to be thus far, that it manifests itself so quickly and consistently that you don’t even realize you are doing it. As a result, you would have to “awaken” in order to


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“hear it.”

An example of this would be quickly-made decisions. These are decisions that are made so quickly that you are not even consciously aware of the underlying vibration for the decision. For instance, let’s say you consistently make decisions from a “lack of confidence” vibration; these decisions occur so often and so quickly, that you may not even realize this is your foundational belief system. The decisions you make are just so common and ordinary for you that you may not realize that they come from a place of fear. Because they occur so fast, you would have to relook at your decisions after they are made. For instance, taking the time to re-evaluate the majority of decisions you have made over a week’s time.

Now that we have reviewed the subconscious mind, I hope you have a better understanding of the significant role it plays in the law of attraction. Without a doubt, the subconscious mind needs to be addressed in any type of healing protocol.


Healing and the Law of Attraction

Chapter 5

Section Review Law of Attraction

• You are creative beings that create every aspect of your life, including health.

• You create both individually and by collective consciousness.• You can raise your level of consciousness above collective

consciousness to create the life you desire.• This is a matching vibrational universe. • This is a matching vibrational universe where like

frequencies attract like frequencies.• You attract into your life people, places, situations, etc.,that

are a vibrational match to your vibrational level.• The Creative Cycle consists of: Ask | Answered | Allow |

Receive• When you ask, source answers 100% of the time. Your job

is to allow.


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• You are asking all of the time and it is done by your focus.• Focus includes your thoughts (conscious, subconscious,

collective), what you see, what you say, what you hear, etc.• What you focus on gets put into your subconscious mind

and then into your internal vibrational queue.• Most of your asking is done subconsciously.• Emotions and feelings are vibrational boosters. They

intensify the vibrational frequency of your request.• The universe makes no judgment as to where you place

your focus.• That which is undesired automatically causes you to desire

more.• You must become a vibrational match in order to receive

what you desire.• When you offer resistance, then you are not allowing what

you desire. This means you are no longer a vibrational match to the desired outcome. Instead you become a vibrational match to a lower vibrational level.

• Resistance is a blockage of energy flow.• The subconscious mind plays a major role in the asking, as

well as in determining your level of allowing.• Throughout the day, the subconscious mind sends out

thoughts to your internal vibrational queue. If these thoughts are low and you do nothing to consistently raise your vibration above this, then you literally become a vibrational match based on your subconscious level of thought.