health grade 5 – week 2

Health Grade 5 – Week 2 Mr. Vargas

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Health Grade 5 – Week 2. Mr. Vargas. What do you need to do to have strong bones, healthy skin, and have energy?. Your Basic Nutritional Needs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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HealthGrade 5 – Week 2

Mr. Vargas

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•What do you need to do to have strong bones, healthy skin, and have energy?

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Your Basic Nutritional Needs• Every day you make choices

about what foods to eat. Food gives your body the nutrients it needs to work and play. Some food choices are more healthful than others. Choosing healthful foods helps you maintain good health.

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Six Nutrients• Carbohydrates

• Protein• Fat

• Minerals• Vitamins

• Water


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Carbohydrates- Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy.

- Simple & Complex- Simple Carbohydrates are broken down quickly by the body.

- Ex.: candy, fruit, milk- Complex Carbohydrates take longer for the body to break down

- Ex.: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes

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Protein- Protein is essential for:

- body growth- repair of body cells.

- Sources of Protein:- meats, eggs, fish, nuts,


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Fats- Fats are another source of energy.- You need some fat, just not too much.- Three kinds of fat:

- 1) saturated (BAD)- can be found in meat, butter, and eggs

- 2) unsaturated (GOOD)- can be found in vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish

- 3) trans fats (VERY BAD)- used to preserve food- can be found in cookies, cakes


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- Vitamins protect you from illness.

- Sources of vitamins include: - fruits, vegetables,

whole grain breads, dairy products

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Minerals- Minerals help your muscles and bones.

- Sources of minerals include: milk, meats, cereal

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Water- Water is essential because it carries nutrients.

- Water can be found in many foods you eat like fruit.

- You need about 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

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Food Pyramids

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My Plate

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Fruits & Vegetables• help promote a healthy weight• reduce your risk for obesity related diseases

such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

• play an important role in cancer prevention and may help boost your immune system.

• When using the MyPlate method, fruits and vegetables consist of half the plate. It is important to choose fruits and vegetables of different colors. This gives your body the widest variety in nutrients.

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Grains• Whole grains have been shown to lower

cholesterol, help people reach and maintain a healthy weight, aide in digestion, and reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and stroke.

• Typically, when we think of whole grains, we think of wheat bread, however there are many other options for whole grains that we can choose.

• Other options include: brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn, whole-wheat products (bread, cereals, pastas, crackers)

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Dairy• include milk, yogurt, and cheese• most commonly known for providing calcium and

vitamin D to support bone and dental health. • also are good sources of potassium, protein, and other

vitamins and minerals important in maintaining general health.

• It is recommended for everyone over the age of 2 to primarily consume low-fat (1%) and non-fat (skim) dairy products. These choices are lower in calories, fat, and saturated fat, which help promote a healthy weight and heart while providing similar nutrients as whole fat and reduced fat (2%) products.

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Protein• needed for our bodies to help in the

development of muscle tissue and to fight infection.

• provide many vitamins and minerals like iron, which helps to prevent anemia, a condition affecting the immune system, development, learning, and a person’s energy level.

• Many protein-rich foods contribute to higher cholesterol levels, which is why it is important to choose proteins that are lean, meaning lower in saturated fat.

• Ex.: chicken, turkey; salmon, tuna, tilapia, beans, eggs.

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My Plate

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Food Label
