health grade 7 first quarter holistic health and its five dimensions


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Vocabulary Enhancement

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Arrange the scrambled letters to find the answer

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State of complete, physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity‘


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Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts


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Holistic Health –Harmony and balance in all aspect of health-physical, mental,emotional, social and moral-spiritual.

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Physical Healthrefers to the state of the body its compositions, development, functions, and maintenance

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Physical Health also means the ability to carry out daily task without becoming to tired.

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Few ways to ensure good physical


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• To keep the body and mind energized eat nutritious food• To prevent eating disorder never skip meals or overeat.

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•To cleanse the body, drink 8-10 glasses a day. •To increase immunity and endurance levels of the body, maintain fitness by exercising the body

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•To detect illness at early stage have a regular check-ups.•To enhance growth and development, sleep at least 7 uninterrupted hours daily.•To prevent addiction, avoid taking addictive substances.

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Mental or Intellectual HealthRefers to the cognitive ability and skills to improve one’s quality of life. It is the ability to reason out, analyze, evaluate, create and make rational decisions.

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Some ways to attain good mental health.

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• Set realistic goals • Look at every

opportunity with an open mind.

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• Know the demands and expectations from you.

• Maintain a positive outlook, especially when dealing problems with conflicts.

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Emotional Health Our ability to accept and cope with our own and others feelings. It involves understanding and liking yourself.

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Some ways to attain emotional


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• Be aware of and accept one’s strength and weaknesses

• Handle stress and seek help, if needed

• Develop strong communication networks among family, friends and peers

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Social Health Refers to the ability to build and maintain harmoniously and satisfying relationships. Being socially accepted is also connected to our emotional well-being.

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Some ways to attain social health.

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• Increase interaction with other people• Improve

interpersonal communication skills

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• Assume a positive self-image

• Interact with different types of people

• Accept and understand different cultural norms.

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Moral- Spiritual HealthRefers to one’s faith, beliefs and values.

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Being morally and spiritually healthy is also looking for the meaning and purpose of life.

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There are no recommended ways to help attain moral –spiritual health. It is more about looking within oneself deeply and understanding one’s existence and faith.

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Changes in Adolescents.

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Growth -is physical change and increase in size and it can be measure.

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Puberty- beginning of adolescence wherein the reproductive systems of male and female becomes active.

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Adolescence - period of growth spurts and pubertal changes.

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Factors Affecting Growth and


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1. Heredity- the passing of traits of parents to their offsprings.• Chromosomes- thread-like

structures found within the nucleus of a cell.

• Genes- basic unit of heredity that carry the codes for inherited traits.

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2. Environment- the sum total of person’s surrounding.• Physical environment• Biological environment• Socioeconomic


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Endocrine System – collection of glands that control the growth, metabolism, social development and function of the body.

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1.Pituitary Gland- often called as “ master gland” -produces growth hormones which are responsible for growth and development of an individual.

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Dwarfism – abnormalities that occurs when pituitary gland releases too little growth hormones.

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Gigantism – abnormalities that occurs when pituitary gland releases too much growth hormones.

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Thyroid and Parathyroid


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2.Thyroid Gland- releases thyroxin – hormone that controls the body by using the nergy from the food you eat.

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Cretinism – person grows little and may have some mental retardation. It is cause by lack of hormones from thyroid gland.

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3.Parathyroid Gland– regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorous in the body.

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4.Adrenal Glands- releases adrenaline – hormone that controls the response to stress and amount of salt and water in the body.

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5.Islets of Langerhans -produce insulin– hormone that control the level of sugar in the blood.

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6.Ovaries- female reproductive glands that releases progesterone and estrogen.

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The ovaries are the main reproductive organs of a woman. The two ovaries produce female hormones (oestrogens and progesterone) and eggs (ova). All the other female reproductive organs are there to transport, nurture and otherwise meet the needs of the egg or developing fetus.

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They promote the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts, and are also involved in the thickening of the endometrium and other aspects of regulating the menstrual cycle.

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The ovaries have two distinct functions. • produce ova (also called

eggs) • produce female


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Progesterone and estrogen- female hormone that controls the development of sex characteristics during adolescence.

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Estrogen• Promote formation of female secondary sex

characteristics• Accelerate metabolism• Increase fat stores• Stimulate endometrial growth• Increase uterine growth• Increase vaginal lubrication• Thicken the vaginal wall• Maintenance of vessel and skin• Reduce bone desorption, increase bone


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Progesterone is sometimes called the "hormone of pregnancy“. - it converts the endometrium to its secretory stage to prepare the uterus for implantation. At the same time progesterone affects the vaginal epithelium and cervical mucus, making it thick and impenetrable to sperm. If pregnancy does not occur, progesterone levels will decrease, leading, in the human, to menstruation. Normal menstrual bleeding is progesterone-withdrawal bleeding. In addition progesterone inhibits lactation during pregnancy. The fall in progesterone levels following delivery is one of the triggers for milk production.

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7.Testes- male reproductive glands that releases testosterone.

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Testosterone- male hormone that controls the development of sex characteristics during adolescence.

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Testosterone is necessary for normal sperm development.

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Higher levels of testosterone were associated with periods of sexual activity within subjects, but between subjects testosterone levels were higher for less sexually active individuals

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Reproductive System of Male and Female

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Reproductive System of Male and Female – primary function is for reproduction but contribute to growth and development specifically the secondary sex characteristics of adolescents as well as the primary sex characteristics.

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Physical Changes

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General physical changes that happen to adolescent boys and girls during puberty• Rapid increase in height and weight• Changes in circulatory and respiratory

system.• Changes in body composition• Sudden increase in hormone production• Bones become harder and more brittle.• Sweat and oil glands become more


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Changes in Primary Sex Characteristics

• Reproductive organ of both boys and girls grow and develop

• Boys experience the first release of seminal fluid or ejaculation from the penis called as wet dreams

• Girls experience menarche or the first release of blood and fluids from vagina , later called menstruation.

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Changes in Secondary Sex Characteristics

Boys• Voice become deeper• Adam’s apple becomes bigger• Shoulders become wider than the

hips• Hair grows on face, body and

pubic area

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Changes in Secondary Sex Characteristics

Girls• The breast develop• The hips become wider than

the shoulder• Hair grows on underarm and

pubic area

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• Make better decisions• Tendency to become

bored with routine activities• Think less of themselves

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• Coordination with their thoughts and their actions

• Can focus attention on what they want to listen to.

• Improvement in memory and speed in thinking

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• More responsive to rewards and stress.

• More emotional that makes them open to being hurt or in danger

• Boys are sexually active• Boys become more aggressive due

to sudden increase in manufacture of hormones

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• Consider approval of friends and other adolescents or peers as very important

• Enjoy being with friends• Choose friends who share the same

interest with them.• Sometimes get involved with bad

company, engage in fights, vandalism, smoking, drinking or even drug sessions.

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• Trying to find out who they really are.

• Analyze strength and weaknesses

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Give your opinion or idea on the following statements. Identify whether it is myth or facts.

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1. Urinating on one’s hands and feet cures excessive perspiration.

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2. As long as you brush your teeth, you shouldn't have bad breath.

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3.If you breath into your hand you will know when you have bad breath.

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Postural ProblemsPoor posture can aggravate many cases of back or neck pain. The good news is that good posture can greatly improve or prevent back problems.

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Posture refers to the position we take when sitting, standing, walking or when carrying out daily tasks.

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Good posture helps maintain the body alignment and helps the bones and muscles to grow properly during teenage years.

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Body odor - is an unpleasant smell our body gives off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acid.

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How to prevent or lessen body odor.1.Take a bath or shower daily and use

antibacterial soap.2.Apply deodorant or antiperspirant

daily.3.Bring extra clothes and change when

needed4.Lessen the consumption of spicy


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Myth: Urinating on one’s hands and feet cures excessive perspiration.

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Facts:Excessive sweating may cause by overactive sweat glands or it may be hyperhidrosis- a warning sign of thyroid problems, diabetes or infection. Excessive sweating is also more common in people who are overweight or out of shape.

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Excessive daytime sweating of the palms, soles and underarms for no apparent reason is known as focal hyperhidrosis. This type of excessive sweating typically stops when you're sleeping and isn't associated with an underlying condition.

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Dental Problems – caused by bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel of the tooth until a cavity is formed.

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How to prevent dental problems?• Eat nutritious foods.• Limiting between -meal snacks

specially sweet and sticky foods.• Brushing and flossing to remove

plaque or tartar• Visiting a dentist regularly at

least once a year.

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Myth Related to Bad BreathMyth: As long as you brush your teeth, you shouldn't have bad breath.

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Facts: Brushing is important to remove food particles and harmful plaques that stuck between teeth and gums. 2-3 minutes brushing is enough. Bad breath sometimes is caused by abnormalities inside our body.

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Myth: If you breath into your hand you will know when you have bad breath.

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Facts: When you breath you don’t use your throath the same way you do when you talk. When you talk you tend to bring out the odors from the back of your mouth which simply breathing doesn’t do.

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Lack of Sleep – interferes proper growth and development because body cells grow and repair themselves more rapidly during sleep.

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• Problems with relationships

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• Mental Health Problems- may be caused by heredity, head injury, or chemical imbalance. It may also be causedby stress from feelings of not being accepted, being poor or different, abuse, death of loved one or separation.

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• Mood swings/ intense emotions

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• Wet dreams or nocturnal emission among boys

• Menarche or menstrual periodamong girls

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Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely

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Hi! I’m ElmerThank you for
