healthy relationships. characteristics of healthy relationships: healthy unhealthy

Healthy Relationships

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Page 1: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy


Page 2: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

Characteristics of Healthy Relationships:

Healthy Unhealthy

Page 3: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

What is healthy relationship like?Partners in a relationship:

O treat each other with respect at all timesO like each other and are friendsO are honest, understanding and caringO show loyalty and commitment in tough timesO talk together and share feelings, fears, plansO have fun togetherO are not afraid to have separate interests and

friends; not afraid to let partner grow and change

O Are willing to sacrifice their own needs; want the best for the other partner

Page 4: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

What are the characteristics of unhealthy relationships?

O Often in unhealthy relationships, partners try to control each other. They may:

O Be possessive and jealousO Not accept breaking upO Make all decisions (other partner may be

uncomfortable)O Be scary or threateningO Pressure about limitsO Be critical of partner’s ideas, clothes, actions..O Put down their partnerO Lose their temper easilyO Physically harm their partner

Page 5: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

What is a poor relationship like?This type of relationship exists when partner(s) feel:

bored, have little in commonconversation is limited they need more space, or a reason to break up tied down, too seriouspressured about limits (sexually or with

commitment) like they fight too much feel stress, unhappiness IN MARRIAGE, THIS TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP


What about dating relationships?

Page 6: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

This type of relationship is…

O ABUSEO People involved in these types of

relationships should get help and get outO They should not blame themselves – they are

worth more than thisO What help exists in our community for people

in abusive relationships?

Page 7: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

O Since God is our Creator it only makes sense that to live happy, fulfilling, and contented lives we must follow His instruction. One of the most obvious problems in the lives of many is broken marriages. Those who enter into marriage with little respect for God and His word can not expect anything but problems. Marriage, to the majority of people, is something simply done out of convenience without a sense of obligation and responsibility before God.

O For those same people divorce is a convenience. Many get married with the selfish attitude that says, "I'll get married, try it for a while and if it doesn't work, if I don't like it, I'll get a divorce." Yet, God views marriage to be a covenant relationship.

Page 8: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

A covenant is an agreement that involves promises and commitments.

The Bible describes the marriage as a spiritual covenant that is just as binding, and just as sacred, as the covenant that God has made with His people. In fact, we find that when God describes the relationship between Himself and His people He speaks of the husband wife relationship (cf. Jer. 31:31-32).

In the New Testament the blessed relationship between Christ and the church is described by the covenant relationship of the husband and the wife (Eph. 5:22-ff). Marriage is a holy union before God.

Page 9: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

A fact that many fail to realize is though it is a man and a woman that make the commitment to be married, they are joined in that commitment, bound in that covenant relationship, by God.

Our Creator instituted marriage from the beginning and only He has the authority to bind, or say what does and does not break that covenant. Jesus declared, "..What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matt. 19:6).

A marriage covenant involves more than an individual, their spouse, and the law of the land; it involves God and the covenant that He has bound when a man and woman vow their commitment before Him. The only One who has the authority to declare what is a legitimate reason to break that covenant is the one who bound it, and that is God.

Page 11: Healthy Relationships. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: Healthy Unhealthy

Journal #13Write a poem about the covenant of marriage.Include characteristics that you feel make a strong, everlasting bond between 2 people. Decorate it with symbols.

ORChoose 2 examples of the covenant of marriage in your life. (ie. grandparents, parents, family or other) Describe how you witness the characteristics of the covenant of marriage and describe how your view of marriage is shaped by these examples. (2 paragraphs)