heartbeat connection magazine april edition

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Heartbeat Connection Magazine April 2012, a lifestyle mag all about the art of living with heart. In its pages you will find articles on artists, birthdays, photography, savings, social media, recipes, tech tips, Naples Sea Life Lights, and heartfelt organizations.


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Featured Artist- Kaye Gardnerhas a love for sea life and shells.



Mission:To connect the Hearts of People & Businesses.

Create * Conceive * Connect


Editor's LetterNews and Celebrations.

Jasmine StarWhy do Photographers love Jasmine Star?

Balloons over ParadiseHot Air Balloons visit SW Florida.

Workout 1019 workouts that focus on the middle.

Happy Birthday

National Volunteer WeekHarnoor Gill tells us about his youth volunteering.

Cheryl Flothe's CornerEasy Homemade Ice Cream Recipe.

Amazing NatureNature---Up Close and Personal.

Social MediaEight ways to use Social Media for your business.

Tech TipsPay Bills online & 7 helpful Money Apps.

Featured ArtistEnjoy Kaye Gardner's art from Naples Sea Life Lights.









Balloons over Paradise4



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Are companies making a difference in the world? At Heartbeat Connection Magazine we discover the answers. Online we offer companies the opportunity to answer heartfelt questions at www.heartbeatmag.com. Several new exclusive company reviews have been posted to our Blog.

RESOURCESSend us an email at [email protected] withWebsites, Online Magazines, Love Quotes, Events, and Books with a Heartbeat.Heartbeatconnection.comManaging Editor NICOLE FLOTHEPhotographer MELINDA NAGY OTEROPhotographer JENNY PLOCINSKIPhotographer GLENN FLOTHEArt Director SUZANNE ERVINEditor CHERYL FLOTHECover Girl - Elizabeth CONNECT www.TWITTER.com/TRACKTHETIMEFACEBOOK HEARTBEAT CONNECTIONfacebook.com/heartbeatconnection

National Poetry Month Easter

National Pretzel Day

The Sweet Pea or Daisy Flower

National Picnic Day

Earth Day

Tax Day


Resource - www.punchbowl.com

Arbor Day

Diamond Stone

letter from the editor

April brought the Easter bunny to our house and my birthday on the same day. It was a fun celebration with family and we all enjoyed a beautiful dinner together. This year our kids had Spring Break right before Easter so we were able to spend time at the beaches of Naples and our local waterpark. Fun, Fun, and more Fun!

In this issue we’re sharing stories about the love of photography, outdoor adventures, wildlife, volunteering and so much more. Our most recent heartfelt giveaway is a beautiful Sea Life Light from Kaye Gardner at www.naplessealifelights.com. Enter online either on Facebook or our Giveaway page on our website.

Bringing you companies with a heartbeat is our mission and it's such a pleasure finding new ones to share. Enjoy!

With love, Nicole Flothe Managing Editor

National Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day

National Blueberry Pie Day

International Dance DayNational Volunteer Week

Page 5: Heartbeat Connection Magazine April Edition


Tips from Jasmine Star

Three tips for starting a wedding photography business: make friends, do 3 shoots for free, and connect with creative teams - J*

Make a list of goals for the year, it's easier to get direction if you know what direction you're going and know what you want - paraphrasing J*

by Melinda Nagy Otero

I discovered Jasmine's blog about 5-6 years ago. My best friend had gotten engaged and was planning her wedding when I started looking for wedding photographers for her. I came across J*'s blog and her beautiful work and I started following it religiously. I wasn't even looking at it with a photographer's eye. I mean, I had the bug of photography, but I wasn't serious about it at all. I was drawn to her writing style, mixing personal posts with professional ones showcasing her work, and I felt like she had a way of talking directly to her "fans." Who doesn't like a post with Polo, her dog, once in a while? Reading her blog feels like she's your best friend and you've known her since the beginning of time! Her beautiful images accompanying each post were the cherry on the cake and, ever since then, I've been trying to come at least halfway close to her photography as I possibly can... I love her style, her poses, her locations, her stories about her clients, her openness, everything. It became a bucket list must for me to meet her one day.

I met Jasmine recently in Miami while she was on her theFix tour. She is on a roadtrip across the US to speak about the business of photography, about how she got started, the struggles she had to go through and the persistence it took for her to be where she is today. It was really inspirational to hear her story. She left Law School to pursue photography just because she wanted to be a wedding photographer and follow her dreams. I believe that could be applied to anyone, whether one is a photographer or not... Follow your dreams and do what you love, for you will always love what you do in the end...That is the secret to success. I loved her confessing how much work she's put into her business and how determined she was with her career. She has a wonderful support system and a lovely family that made her journey all the more easier, for sure, but her inner determination is a force to be reckoned with in itself!

My favorite part about the event was giving her a hug and meeting her in person! Actually, the whole evening felt surreal. We walked in and were greeted by JD, Jasmine's husband! Wowzers! Starstruck much? I think so. Then, at the end of the event, we all got to pose for photos with her and actually meet her. I was soooo nervous, like I was meeting some Hollywood celebrity and she was so calm and sweet...so down to earth! It doesn't matter that she won't remember me or the box of chocolates I brought her; that moment was awesome for me! I got to meet my long-time photography idol. I was grateful. I kept thanking her for coming to Miami. Then, we actually had a conversation with JD, her husband, and he also was super cool and genuinely interested in talking to us and hearing what we have to say. All in all, my heart was happy.

The main thing I took away from the event and will apply to my photography was: Just do you. Be you. Do your thing. Keep at it. Be persistent. Open windows if doors are locked. Make friends. Be nice. Be open to new, unknown, struggles, unfairness, meanness. Embrace your art. Don't be afraid to charge for your work. Don't underestimate yourself. Your time is valuable. You are valuable. Really cool stuff, all applicable to life in general. And THAT is why I love her! www.melindanagyphotography.com

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Balloons over Paradise Festival

It was still dark when we ventured out at 4:30 in the morning to see the first Balloons over Paradise festival in Immokalee. Although the balloons were to inflate by 6 a.m., we wanted to get there early. The inaugural event, sponsored by the Seminole Casino Immokalee, was held April 14th and 15th. Big names in ballooning at the event included the announcer, Denny Floden, who was the first World Hot Air Champion. We’d never experienced “balloon glow” at daybreak before and it was exciting! Among the first to show up, we were very close to the crew as they stretched out the balloons attached to wicker gondolas lying on their sides and began inflating them, first with a fan, followed by jets of gas flame. Each balloon was attached by a long rope to a vehicle, and as the balloons inflated, the gondolas stood upright while people held them tightly with ropes to hold them down.

As pink dawn touched the horizon, over 30 balloons arose around us, bobbing against each other like gentle giants in a surreal dance. Brilliantly decorated balloons with brightly colored stripes, checks, and other patterns were interspersed with the likes of “The Purple People Eater” (a smiling purple and pink tentacled monster), “Miss Daisy” (a three-dimensional yellow and white daisy with a smiling face), and “Hamlet” (a pink flying pig).

People of all ages turned out to share in the magical event: affectionate couples, families with children, and people who could be grandparents. Photographic moments abounded---judging from the hundreds of cameras, from cell phone to professional, there are probably thousands of pictures of the event out there!

Both days of the event featured bands, a parade, children’s activities, and more. Food vendors with turkey legs, pizza, and other delicacies; and informational and local arts and crafts booths, provided a little something for everyone. Even though it was too windy for the balloons to take to the air and land safely, many were able to witness the thrill of balloons at sunrise!

by Cheryl & Nicole FlothePhotos by Glenn Flothe

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Rachel Bridger from Charity for Change.org Nicole and Cheryl Flothe watch as they blow hot air into the balloons.

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Strong core muscles make it easier to do everything from swinging a golf club to getting a glass from the top shelf or bending down to tie your shoes.

Side Bends: By using a barbell, lean to your right and then to your left until you feel your waist bending. 30 reps. This helps with your oblique muscles (the love handles).

Barbell Twists: While sitting on a bench, hold the barbell with your arms behind your head and rotate right and left 30 reps. This works your internal obliques.

Lying Leg Raises: Lay flat on your back and raise your legs in the air. 30 reps. Focus of this workout is your lower abdomen.

Exercise Ball Crunch: With the use of an exercise ball you can balance yourself in a comfortable position and have less impact on your back. Complete 30 reps of crunches by crossing your arms in front of you and tightening your core, pull arms up 'til you reach your legs, then release.

Flat Leg Pull-In: While on your back, pull your knees from a flat position into your stomach. 30 reps. You will feel this workout in your upper abdomen.

Dumbbell Side Bend: Hold a dumbbell in one hand and lean to the right, then to the left. 30 reps. You will feel this workout in your external obliques.

Plank Exercise: Start by balancing on your elbows and your toes while keeping your body in a straight line. Hold this position for 30 secs., then release. Do it 5 times. It is important to include isometric exercises for stomach and abs in your workout routine because they enhance core stability, support good posture, and protect your lower back from excess strain.

Medicine Ball: Add a medicine ball to your workout. By lifting it above your head and back down to your chest and tightening your abs, you are using your core muscles. 30 reps.

Bicycle Crunches: While on your back, lift your legs in the air and pretend to cycle and crunch your abs. Do 30 reps.

In a study done by physiotherapists in Australia, the researchers concluded that people who suffered from chronic lower back pain could not efficiently contract and work their stomach and ab muscles. So take some time today and add core muscle exercises to your workout!

Nicole Flothe RN and Dr Lucienne Valcourt MDwww.amazonpediatrics.comTaking Care of Kids is Our Priority!239-963-9855

ocus on your core.

While doing research online for the best core exercises, I found a website www.bodybuilding.com They said, "The core is made up of primarily fast twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch muscle fibers are more dense than their counterparts (the slow twitch muscle fibers). Hence, hard, heavy and explosive bouts of exercise will stimulate fast-twitch fibers a lot more.

This means that core training should be in the moderate rep range for best growth. No more endless reps of crunches and sit-ups like you've done in the past. Focus on sets in the 8-15 rep range."

They recommend to workout your core every 2-3 days along with your usual workout routine.

The Mayo clinic suggests that by strengthening your core muscles it will help maintain good stability and balance. Want more-defined abdominal muscles? Core exercises are important. Although it takes aerobic activity to burn abdominal fat, core exercises can strengthen and tone the underlying muscles. Workouts for improving core strength include Pilates and some forms of yoga.

Workout 101...



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pril Birthdays 1. Nicholas Coulman 2. Madison Ervin 3. Glenn Flothe 4. Nicole Flothe 5. David Goldfarb 6. Marlee Goldfarb 7. Mazen LaFlamme 8. Merry Lipsit 9. Lisa Stutz 10. Robert Wensel 11. Grant Woodward 12. Sandee Kozlow 13. Steve Soto 14. Maureen Soto 15. Barbara Rice 16. Joe Tutino 17. Alex Tutino


AHappy Birthday To You,Happy Birthday To You,Happy Birthday dear Family and Friends,Happy Birthday to You!

Happy Birthday!!

* National

Happy Birthday Marlee Goldfarb! Photo by Tara Doherty Goldfarb

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Volunteer Week * National

Harnoor Gill is an inspiring young volunteer

In the heart of National Volunteer Week this April, we have chosen a story about Harnoor Gill. He is making a difference in the world by giving back! For Harnoor Gill, 13, it was seeing those close to him get involved with various volunteer programs from a very young age that drew him to helping the community.“I just love volunteering,” exclaims Hong Kong-born Gill who immigrated to Canada in 2002 with his parents. The teenager recounts his first volunteer opportunity when he assisted in selling cookies to raise funds at the age of three. Since then, there was no looking back. He went on to volunteer with the recycling club at school and has volunteered for several environmental causes and fundraisers in the Greater Toronto area.

Gill has already contributed more than 1,000 hours of service to several organizations and events. He the Green Team at his school, Youth Caucus at POWER Halton, and Youth Volunteer Leader at Willow Park.

Excitedly narrating his volunteer experience at the Willow Park Ecology Centre, Gill said, “We remove weeds from flower beds, measure the height of trees, and clear pathways and gardens. We also identify tree locations and pull invasive species like buckthorn out. It is a great learning experience getting outdoors.”

The young leader is also part of the Halton Hills mayor’s Youth Action Committee, a voluntary group of young individuals between the age of 13 and 21 involved in advocacy of youth issues. Gill’s activism and passion for helping others has not only been noticed by his immediate circle, but also by others in the community and government, who have commended his work with awards and citations. Gill was recognized with an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award last year. For more stories on Harnoor Gill, check out our art & lifestyle link on www.heartbeatmag.com.

“DREAMS are like stars ... you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.” - Unknown author.

“I want to show the youth in the community that they can make a change in what they believe is right for them.” - Harnoor Gill

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Cheryl 'sRecipe Corner

Easy Homemade Ice Cream Without a MachineFour easy steps are all it takes to make this incredible ice cream! It’s so creamy and smooth you couldn’t tell it wasn’t churned!

Recipe:2 cups of heavy cream 1 can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed MilkAdd-ins to taste. Example: cinnamon, vanilla, flavored candies or chips, syrups, etc.

Instructions:1. Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks.

Visit us online and enjoy our Recipes!


Amazing Nature

2. Add your flavors, toppings, and mix-ins to the sweetened condensed milk.3. Fold in the whipped cream.4. Pour into a 2-quart container and cover. Freeze 6 hours or until firm. Store in freezer.

Recipe and picture from online site: Kevin and Amanda, “Delicious Recipes to Spice up Your Dinner Rotation.” 7/29/2010. See their site for further delicious recipes!


History of Ice Cream

Temperatures in Southwest Florida are heating up---it’s time to think about ways to cool off, even if it’s not summer yet. Ice cream’s an all-time favorite here in the U.S., but have you ever wondered how long the confection we love so much has been around? According to Mary Bellis in her About.com Guide article, History of Ice Cream, the beginning phase of ice cream can be traced back to the 4th century B.C. when Emperor Nero (A.D. 37-68) of Rome commanded ice to be brought down from the mountains and combined with various fruit toppings. Then, King Tang (A.D. 618-97) of China developed a recipe using ice and milk. A form of ice cream from China was probably brought back to Europe where royalty and the aristocracy developed further concoctions. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson served ice cream to their guests and the first ice cream parlor in America opened in New York City in 1776. American colonists were the first to call this frozen dessert “ice cream.” Maybe our forefathers ate ice cream on the 4th of July after the Revolution ended!

Above is a delicious, easy recipe to make by hand and put in the freezer---no ice cream maker needed!

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Nature --- Up Close and Personal!

My husband, a photographer, is always looking for interesting wildlife and nature shots. As aspiring naturalists we’ve become more aware of the life patterns of birds and animals around us. It’s hard to get pictures of nesting birds without using a powerful telephoto lens. We recently discovered a secret I thought I’d share with our readers. This picture of nesting Great Egrets was taken recently at the Naples Zoo! The bird is standing on branches near her nest. Snuggled to the left in the nest is a fuzzy grey chick---you can just see its tiny little yellow beak and big eye.

On our outing we observed Great and Snowy Egrets, Little Blue and Tricolored Herons, and Ibises in and around the trees bordering the alligator pond.

8 ways businesses are using Social Media

Amazing NatureThe Egrets and Herons were all in their spectacular breeding plumage. These beautiful birds were sitting on their nests or flying to and from the trees with sticks and weeds in their beaks. We also saw small chicks and little blue eggs in the nests. Breeding and nesting season for water birds in our area begins in February or March and continues into June.

Make sure you visit the Zoo a few times before June to see this amazing display of nature up close and personal. Of course, if you’re not into birds you can hand feed a giraffe from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Don’t forget to take your camera, binoculars, and sunscreen!

by Cheryl FlothePhotographer: Glenn Flothe

Free Benefits for Collier County Residentshttp://www.napleszoo.com/Collier/index.htm

- Visit Florida

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8 ways businesses are using Social Media

Free Benefits for Collier County Residentshttp://www.napleszoo.com/Collier/index.htm

New text block. Double-cli-ck to activate and start

and many companies use them to tag their topic of interest. I just recently created a new tag for the magazine #heartbeatmag. There are some really great hashtags out there and you can search for them at the top of twitter to find relevant customers. One example is a company called #foodiechats and they use their hashtag every Monday for live tweet meetups.

Pinterest is becoming a very important tool to business owners using social media. It's a place you can pin the pictures of interest to your virtual board. We have a board for Heartbeat Magazine and anything that is heart related gets pinned to that board.

LinkedIn is a favorite for business owners that want to provide a professional appearance. It also provides a perfect resource for connecting with other business owners.

Once your company is live on camera, it allows your customer to begin to trust in you. Quick videos can be made with animoto or other apps on iPhones and edited during the upload process to Youtube.

Google+ is a resource for newsfeeds and connecting all areas of Google together with their circle of friends. They offer Google hangouts where you can have an online video chat session with clients or business owners on a topic of interest.

Etsy, I believe is a great resource for business owners that have handmade items. You can create circles of people that you want to follow and add favorites to connect further with new clients.

All in all, Social Media is here to stay and a big part of the life of your business. by Nicole Flothe

Facebook is a great way to list your business by creating a Fan Page. When businesses create their fan page, they begin connecting with their customers. A great place to find other connections for businesses is facebook.com/smbusinessroom.

Twitter is a quick newsfeed that connects 140 characters or less of information about your company or yourself. #HASHTAGs are important

Instagram is a useful tool for those who want to join a world of photographers, some are professional but most are amateur. Instagram is a way for businesses to share visually what their company is all about. You can use #hashtags to categorize your picture, like #pottery, #art, #heartbeatmag, etc.

Youtube sets the bar for sharing a message visually.

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2 3

Money AppsThe Bank of America app can be used to transfer money or check your balance. It's so convenient having it at the press of a button on my iPhone. Mint.com offers an app that can help you manage your money, budgets, expenses and bills. Manilla is a similar app that automatically retrieves and files your bills and statements and sends you helpful reminders so you will never miss a payment or lose valuable coupons or points. Here is a view of a few of our top favorites...

Money Apps!

To view more information about iPhone apps visit www.jenstarmedia.com


Money Apps1. Bank of America 6. Debt Pad2. Mint 7. My Weekly Budget3. Manilla - Bills & Reminder 4. Tip Check Calculator 5. One Receipt


April Quote -

The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.Mark Twain


In this digital world it is easier than ever to make payments or accept payments wherever you are, anytime. Most financial institutions allow you to pay bills electronically and most have mobile sites or apps available, which is a big help when you are waiting in line somewhere and remember that bill that's due you haven't yet paid. A lot of institutions even let you deposit funds right from your smartphone so you don't have to wait for the trip to the bank.

Paying for gas is easier with things like SpeedPass which allows you to swipe a small device across the screen and fill up as it charges your credit card or bank account! You can also check out similar services from Square, which allows you to use your mobile phone to register with participating retailers and then just walk in, tell the cashier your name, and they will just bill your "tab." Another great feature from Square is the ability to accept credit cards right from your phone, along with others like Intuit, using just a small free attachment. You can even pay friends back by just "Bumping" your smartphones together. And services like Split Bill and Pay Divvy are great to use if you regularly split expenses or have roommates to deal with. With all the time you'll save on your finances you can enjoy checking out the latest free tech info with us at "Into Tomorrow." Be sure to tell your friends too. by Beth Gatrell www.intotomorrow.com




Into Tomorrow's Tech Tip of the WeekGive and Receive Money on the Go …

Page 15: Heartbeat Connection Magazine April Edition



ArtistFeatured Artist Kaye Gardner created Sea Life Lights as a way to express her love for the animals of the sea. Starfish, shells, and unique marbles adorn glass blocks of three different sizes. They come in 8x8x4, 8x6x4, and 6x6x4. Each one has lighting that provides beautiful ambiance to the outdoors, your bathroom, or acts as a perfect night light.

All the Sea Life Lights are handcrafted in Naples, Florida.

Special requests can be made or choose from many of her one-of-a-kind designs. www.naplessealifelights.com


One Lucky Reader will win this Sea Life Light! Go to our Blog to Enter.

Page 16: Heartbeat Connection Magazine April Edition


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