heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of earth’s ...dust.ess.uci.edu/ppr/ppr_sch07.pdf ·...

Heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of Earth’s climate system Stephen E. Schwartz 1 Received 3 April 2007; revised 14 June 2007; accepted 10 July 2007; published 2 November 2007. [1] The equilibrium sensitivity of Earth’s climate is determined as the quotient of the relaxation time constant of the system and the pertinent global heat capacity. The heat capacity of the global ocean, obtained from regression of ocean heat content versus global mean surface temperature, GMST, is 14 ± 6 W a m 2 K 1 , equivalent to 110 m of ocean water; other sinks raise the effective planetary heat capacity to 17 ± 7 W a m 2 K 1 (all uncertainties are 1-sigma estimates). The time constant pertinent to changes in GMST is determined from autocorrelation of that quantity over 1880–2004 to be 5 ± 1 a. The resultant equilibrium climate sensitivity, 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m 2 ), corresponds to an equilibrium temperature increase for doubled CO 2 of 1.1 ± 0.5 K. The short time constant implies that GMST is in near equilibrium with applied forcings and hence that net climate forcing over the twentieth century can be obtained from the observed temperature increase over this period, 0.57 ± 0.08 K, as 1.9 ± 0.9 W m 2 . For this forcing considered the sum of radiative forcing by incremental greenhouse gases, 2.2 ± 0.3 W m 2 , and other forcings, other forcing agents, mainly incremental tropospheric aerosols, are inferred to have exerted only a slight forcing over the twentieth century of 0.3 ± 1.0 W m 2 . Citation: Schwartz, S. E. (2007), Heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of Earth’s climate system, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D24S05, doi:10.1029/2007JD008746. 1. Introduction [2] Changes in Earth’s radiation budget due to human influences are of major current concern [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2007]. Of principal concern is the change in climate due to increased concen- trations of carbon dioxide because of the long lifetime of excess CO 2 in the atmosphere-ocean system and the intrin- sic connection of excess CO 2 to energy production through fossil fuel use. While there are many indicia of climate change that may result from increased atmospheric concen- trations of CO 2 , the principal index of change is the increase in global mean temperature, especially as this change is the driver of, or is closely correlated with, changes in other key components of the climate system such as atmospheric water vapor content, the nature and extent of clouds, land and sea ice cover, and sea level. [3] Although climate change has been the subject of intense research for the past 3 decades, little progress has been made in decreasing the uncertainty associated with equilibrium sensitivity, the equilibrium change in global mean surface temperature GMST that would result from a sustained radiative forcing, typically expressed as that which would result from a doubling of atmospheric CO 2 (Figure 1). While the apparent slow rate of progress in decreasing this uncertainty does not reflect the many advances in understanding of the many processes that need to be represented in global climate models, it nonetheless suggests the utility if not the necessity of alternative approaches to determining climate sensitivity on a timescale such that this determination can be made in a way that it can usefully inform policymaking. For a recent review of approaches to determine climate sensitivity and examination of constraints on the magnitude of this sensitivity see Annan and Hargreaves [2006]. Here an initial attempt is made to determine climate sensitivity through energy balance con- siderations that are based on the time dependence of GMST and ocean heat content over the period for which instru- mental measurements are available. [4] This paper consists of an exposition of the single- compartment energy balance model that is used for the present empirical analysis, empirical determination of the effective planetary heat capacity that is coupled to climate change on the decadal timescale from trends of GMST and ocean heat content, empirical determination of the climate system time constant from analysis of autocorre- lation of the GMST time series, and the use of these quantities to provide an empirical estimate of climate sensitivity. These results are then used to draw inferences about climate forcing over the twentieth century, for which reliable estimates of change in global mean tem- perature are available. 2. Earth’s Energy Budget and Its Response to Perturbations [5] Earth’s climate system consists of a very close radi- ative balance between absorbed shortwave (solar) radiation JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, D24S05, doi:10.1029/2007JD008746, 2007 Click Here for Full Articl e 1 Atmospheric Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/07/2007JD008746$09.00 D24S05 1 of 12

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Heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of Earth’s climate system

Stephen E. Schwartz1

Received 3 April 2007; revised 14 June 2007; accepted 10 July 2007; published 2 November 2007.

[1] The equilibrium sensitivity of Earth’s climate is determined as the quotient of therelaxation time constant of the system and the pertinent global heat capacity. The heatcapacity of the global ocean, obtained from regression of ocean heat content versus globalmean surface temperature, GMST, is 14 ± 6 W a m�2 K�1, equivalent to 110 m ofocean water; other sinks raise the effective planetary heat capacity to 17 ± 7 W a m�2 K�1

(all uncertainties are 1-sigma estimates). The time constant pertinent to changes inGMST is determined from autocorrelation of that quantity over 1880–2004 to be 5 ± 1 a.The resultant equilibrium climate sensitivity, 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m�2), corresponds to anequilibrium temperature increase for doubled CO2 of 1.1 ± 0.5 K. The short timeconstant implies that GMST is in near equilibrium with applied forcings and hence that netclimate forcing over the twentieth century can be obtained from the observedtemperature increase over this period, 0.57 ± 0.08 K, as 1.9 ± 0.9 W m�2. For this forcingconsidered the sum of radiative forcing by incremental greenhouse gases, 2.2 ± 0.3 Wm�2, and other forcings, other forcing agents, mainly incremental troposphericaerosols, are inferred to have exerted only a slight forcing over the twentieth century of�0.3 ± 1.0 W m�2.

Citation: Schwartz, S. E. (2007), Heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of Earth’s climate system, J. Geophys. Res., 112,

D24S05, doi:10.1029/2007JD008746.

1. Introduction

[2] Changes in Earth’s radiation budget due to humaninfluences are of major current concern [IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2007]. Of principalconcern is the change in climate due to increased concen-trations of carbon dioxide because of the long lifetime ofexcess CO2 in the atmosphere-ocean system and the intrin-sic connection of excess CO2 to energy production throughfossil fuel use. While there are many indicia of climatechange that may result from increased atmospheric concen-trations of CO2, the principal index of change is the increasein global mean temperature, especially as this change is thedriver of, or is closely correlated with, changes in other keycomponents of the climate system such as atmosphericwater vapor content, the nature and extent of clouds, landand sea ice cover, and sea level.[3] Although climate change has been the subject of

intense research for the past 3 decades, little progress hasbeen made in decreasing the uncertainty associated withequilibrium sensitivity, the equilibrium change in globalmean surface temperature GMST that would result from asustained radiative forcing, typically expressed as thatwhich would result from a doubling of atmospheric CO2

(Figure 1). While the apparent slow rate of progress indecreasing this uncertainty does not reflect the many

advances in understanding of the many processes that needto be represented in global climate models, it nonethelesssuggests the utility if not the necessity of alternativeapproaches to determining climate sensitivity on a timescalesuch that this determination can be made in a way that it canusefully inform policymaking. For a recent review ofapproaches to determine climate sensitivity and examinationof constraints on the magnitude of this sensitivity see Annanand Hargreaves [2006]. Here an initial attempt is made todetermine climate sensitivity through energy balance con-siderations that are based on the time dependence of GMSTand ocean heat content over the period for which instru-mental measurements are available.[4] This paper consists of an exposition of the single-

compartment energy balance model that is used for thepresent empirical analysis, empirical determination of theeffective planetary heat capacity that is coupled to climatechange on the decadal timescale from trends of GMSTand ocean heat content, empirical determination of theclimate system time constant from analysis of autocorre-lation of the GMST time series, and the use of thesequantities to provide an empirical estimate of climatesensitivity. These results are then used to draw inferencesabout climate forcing over the twentieth century, forwhich reliable estimates of change in global mean tem-perature are available.

2. Earth’s Energy Budget and Its Response toPerturbations

[5] Earth’s climate system consists of a very close radi-ative balance between absorbed shortwave (solar) radiation

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, D24S05, doi:10.1029/2007JD008746, 2007ClickHere



1Atmospheric Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory,Upton, New York, USA.

Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union.0148-0227/07/2007JD008746$09.00

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Q and longwave (thermal infrared) radiation emitted at thetop of the atmosphere E.

Q � E ð1Þ

The global and annual mean absorbed shortwave irradianceQ = gJ, where g is the mean planetary coalbedo(complement of albedo) and J is the mean solar irradianceat the top of the atmosphere (1/4 the Solar constant) �343 W m�2. Satellite measurements yield Q � 237 W m�2

[Ramanathan, 1987; Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997], corre-sponding to g � 0.69. The global and annual mean emittedlongwave irradiance may be related to the global and annualmean surface temperature GMST Ts as E = esTs

4 where e isthe effective planetary longwave emissivity, defined as theratio of global mean longwave flux emitted at the top of theatmosphere to that calculated by the Stefan-Boltzmannequation at the global mean surface temperature; s is theStefan-Boltzmann constant.[6] Within this single-compartment energy balance model

[e.g., North et al., 1981; Dickinson, 1982; Hansen et al.,1985; Harvey, 2000; Andreae et al., 2005; Boer et al., 2007]an energy imbalance Q � E arising from a secular pertur-bation in Q or E results in a rate of change of the global heatcontent given by


dt¼ Q� E; ð2Þ

where dH/dt is the change in heat content of the climatesystem. The Ansatz of the energy balance model is that dH/dt may be related to the change in GMST as


dt¼ C


dt; ð3Þ

where C is the pertinent heat capacity. Here it must bestressed that C is an effective heat capacity that reflects onlythat portion of the global heat capacity that is coupled to the

perturbation on the timescale of the perturbation. In thepresent context of global climate change induced bychanges in atmospheric composition on the decade tocentury timescale the pertinent heat capacity is that which issubject to change in heat content on such timescales.Measurements of ocean heat content over the past 50 aindicate that this heat capacity is dominated by the heatcapacity of the upper layers of the world ocean [Levitus etal., 2005]. (Here and throughout this paper the symbol ‘‘a,’’for annum, is used to denote the unit year.) From (2) and (3)


dt¼ gJ � esT4

s : ð4Þ

Energy balance of the climate system in response to aperturbation in radiation is restored as the climate systemrelaxes to a new steady state. As Ts increases in response toan imposed positive change in the radiation budget (positiveforcing), the outgoing longwave flux increases, limiting theresulting increase in temperature rise. Conventionally forsmall perturbations a linear relation is assumed betweensteady state change in Ts, DTs(1), and an imposed forcingF = D(Q � E):

DTs 1ð Þ ¼ l�1s F; ð5Þ

where ls�1 is denoted the equilibrium climate sensitivity.

[7] The time-dependent response of Earth’s average sur-face temperature to an imposed radiative forcing is gener-ally characterized in terms of the e-folding time t thatwould characterize relaxation to a new steady state follow-ing a perturbation. For a small step-function radiativeforcing F imposed at time t = 0, solution of equation (4)[Dickinson, 1982; Hansen et al., 1985; Harvey, 2000] yields

DTs tð Þ ¼ l�1s F 1� e�t=t

� �; ð6Þ

where the time constant is related to the equilibriumsensitivity by the system heat capacity as

t ¼ Cl�1s : ð7Þ

Knowledge of Earth’s equilibrium climate sensitivity ls�1

and time constant t is essential to interpreting climatechange over the anthropocene era and to predicting futureclimate change in response to assumed forcings. Thesequantities are not well known. The present estimate ofEarth’s equilibrium climate sensitivity, expressed as theincrease in global mean surface temperature for doubledCO2, is DT2� � 3�1

+1.5 K [IPCC, 2007], corresponding, forthe forcing of doubled CO2, F2� = 3.7 W m�2, to ls

�1 =0.8�0.3

+0.4 K/(W m�2) (Figure 1); the uncertainty rangeencompasses 66% probability, approximately ±1 sigma.[8] In the absence of feedbacks, i.e., e and g in equation

(4) held constant, solution of equation (4) for a small step-function forcing yields

l�10 ¼ Ts=4Jg and t0 ¼ CTs=4Jg: ð8Þ

For the present global mean surface temperature Ts � 288 K,l0�1 = 0.30 K/(W m�2). A planetary climate sensitivity that

is greater than that calculated for constant g and e would be

Figure 1. Estimates of equilibrium global climate sensi-tivity and associated uncertainty from major national andinternational assessments [Charney et al., 1979; IPCC,2007] (for citations to earlier IPCC reports see IPCC[2007]). Equilibrium sensitivity given as increase in globalmean surface temperature that would result from sustaineddoubling of atmospheric CO2 (left axis) is converted to unitof K/(W m�2) for global mean forcing of doubled CO2

taken as 3.7 W m�2 [IPCC, 2007].


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indicative of positive feedback. In the energy balanceframework a positive feedback would result from a decreasein effective emissivity of the planet e with increasing GMSTbecause of increased water vapor mixing ratio in theatmosphere, and/or an increase in planetary coalbedo g dueto decrease in cloudiness with increasing GMST. Suchfeedbacks result in l�1 and t being increased above theirvalues by a feedback factor f such that

l�1s ¼ f l�1

0 and t ¼ f t0; ð9Þ


f ¼ 1� 1


d ln gd lnTs

þ 1


d ln ed ln Ts

� ��1

: ð10Þ

The value of the feedback factor, and hence of theequilibrium sensitivity and time constant of Earth’s climatesystem, are not known. It is generally agreed that thefeedback factor is no greater than several fold [Hansen etal., 1985], but the plausible range in f admits to substantialuncertainty in ls

�1. A climate sensitivity ls�1 = 0.8�0.3

+0.4 K/(W m�2) would correspond to a feedback factor of 2.7�0.9

+1.3 .[9] The linear energy balance model readily admits solu-

tion to a forcing that is time-dependent. For a forcing thatincreases linearly with time F = bt,

DTs tð Þ ¼ bl�1s t � tð Þ þ te�t=th i

; ð11Þ

at time following the onset of the perturbation sufficientlygreat that transients have died away, t ^ 3t,

DTs tð Þ � bl�1s t � tð Þ: ð12Þ

If t is short compared to the duration of the forcing, thenGMST would be expected to closely follow the forcing,with little lag; and if the change in forcing were abruptlystopped the additional change in GMST would be

DTlag ¼ bl�1s t: ð13Þ

Alternatively, if t is long, then the change in GMST wouldconsiderably lag the forcing and temperature wouldcontinue to change substantially before the climate systemreached a new steady state. In particular for a situation inwhich climate is being forced by increasing concentra-tions of greenhouse gases, the increase in temperaturebeyond that realized at a given observation time thatmight be expected in response to forcing that has beenapplied until that time has been denoted ‘‘unrealized’’ or‘‘committed’’ warming that is ‘‘in the pipeline’’ and isattributed to ‘‘thermal inertia’’ [Meehl et al., 2005;Wigley, 2005; Friedlingstein and Solomon, 2005; Hansenet al., 2005]. Knowledge of which situation characterizesEarth’s climate is key to interpreting climate change thathas occurred over the anthropocene. If the climate systemrapidly equilibrates, then climate sensitivity can beinferred from the forcing and the increase in temperatureover a given time period. In contrast, if the climateresponse time is long, inferring climate sensitivity in this

way would lead to an estimate of sensitivity that wouldbe too low, perhaps substantially so.[10] Although the energy balance model provides a

framework for interpretation of the equilibrium sensitivityof Earth’s climate system, the key quantities, ls

�1, t, and Care not known a priori but must be determined. Within thismodel the three quantities are related by equation (7) so thatdetermination of any two of these quantities leads toknowledge of the third. Here observations of global meansurface temperature over 1880–2004 and ocean heat con-tent over 1956–2003 permit empirical determination of theclimate system time constant t, and effective heat capacityC. The equilibrium sensitivity ls

�1 of Earth’s climate systemis determined as

l�1s ¼ t=C: ð14Þ

3. Determination of the Effective Heat Capacityof Earth’s Climate System

[11] A useful result from the energy balance model is arelation between the rate of change of the total global heatcontent H and the rate of change of global mean surfacetemperature Ts, equation (3), which allows the effective heatcapacity of the system to be estimated empirically as

C ¼ dH=dt


provided rate of change of both H and Ts are known. Forthis evaluation I make use of compilations of the heatcontent of the world ocean, as tabulated for the years 1956–2002 by Levitus et al. [2005] for ocean depth from thesurface to 300, 700, and 3000 m (denoted here L300, L700,and L3000, respectively). As noted above, this ocean heatcontent anomaly accounts for most but not all of increase inthe heat content of the planet over this time period; hencethe resulting estimate of planetary heat capacity must beincreased to take into account other heat reservoirs. ForGMST I use the values tabulated by the Goddard Institute ofSpace Studies (GISS, NASA, USA [Hansen et al., 1996],updated at http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/) and the Cli-matic Research Unit (CRU, University of East Anglia, UK[Jones and Moberg, 2003], updated at http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/temp/jonescru/jones.html). Time series of thesequantities are shown in Figure 2. The rates of change oftemperature anomaly and heat content anomaly with timewere evaluated as the slopes of linear fits to each of the datasets (Table 1). Uncertainties associated with the slopes wereevaluated taking into account temporal autocorrelation bymultiplying the conventional variance in slope by the factor[1 + 2Sr(Dt)], where r(Dt) is the autocorrelation coefficientof the time series as a function of lag time Dt and the sum istaken up to the last nonnegative value of r [Leith, 1973].The slopes of the ocean heat content data dH/dt based ontemperature sounding data represent an unambiguousmeasure of ocean heating rate to the indicated depths.Despite the order-of-magnitude greater heat capacity, theheating rate from 300 m to 3000 m was only about 50%greater than that from the surface to 300 m, indicative that


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the relevant heat capacity of the climate system is withinabout a factor of 2.5 of that of the first 300 m and is thuslikely to represent the great majority of the ocean that iscoupled to the climate system on the multidecadal timescaleexamined here; for uniform penetration the heat capacitywould scale roughly as the depth.[12] Also shown in Table 1 are values of the effective

global ocean heat capacity determined by equation (15) asthe ratio of the rates of increase of GMST and oceanic heatcontent. For each ocean depth, surface to 300, 700, and3000 m the resulting values of effective heat capacity givenfor the two temperature data sets are fairly similar, reflectiveof the fairly close agreement of the two temperature trendcompilations. The effective heat capacity increases withocean depth indicative of the incremental amount of oceanwater that is being heated. However, this increase in heatcapacity with depth is well less than the increase in depthitself, indicative that less of the deeper water is coupled tothe surface, as expected. The relation between C, dH/dt, anddTs/dt is depicted graphically in Figure 3, in which thediagonals represent constant values of C; for the slightlygreater value of dTs/dt for the GISS data set than for theCRU data set the effective ocean heat capacity is slightlylower.[13] A potential concern with evaluating global ocean

heat capacity as (dH/dt)/(dTs/dt) that is manifested in

Figure 2 arises from the relatively large fluctuation in oceanheat content compared to that in the temperature anomalydata series. The upward fluctuations in ocean heat contentrepresent an increase in planetary heat content that is greaterthan the average over the time period, and correspondinglythe downward fluctuations represent a loss in planetary heatcontent. What can give rise to such fluctuations that areevidently unforced by the surface temperature? Clearly theplanetary heat balance must be fluctuating on account ofchanges in planetary coalbedo and/or effective planetaryemissivity on these timescales, as these are the only meansby which the heat content of the planet can change. As thesechanges are not forced by the surface temperature they musttherefore be manifestations of internal variability of theclimate system. For this reason it seems essential, for thepurpose of inferring planetary heat capacity, that as long atime base as possible be used in evaluating the two slopes.[14] An alternative approach to evaluation of C (method 2)

is as the slope of a graph of global heat content versusGMST

C ¼ dH=dTs; ð16Þ

as shown in Figure 4. Here the slopes are evaluatedaccording to the ‘‘ordinary least squares bisector method,’’

Figure 2. Time series of global ocean heat content anomaly (left axis) and global mean surfacetemperature anomaly (right axis). Global ocean heat content data L300, L700, and L3000, are fromLevitus et al. [2005] for ocean depths from the surface to 300, 700, and 3000 m, respectively. For L300and L700 the data represent annual averages (1956–2002); for L3000, for which the measurements aremore sparse, the data represent 5-a running averages (1958–1995) plotted at the center of the averagingperiod. CRU denotes global average surface temperature from the Climate Research Unit, University ofEast Anglia, U. K. [Jones and Moberg, 2003]; GISS denotes global average surface temperature from theGoddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA, U.S. [Hansen et al., 1996]. Also shown are linearregressions to the several data sets.

Table 1. Empirical Determination of Effective Global Ocean Heat Capacity as Ratio (dH/dt)/(dTs/dt), Method 1a

Ocean Depth, m dH/dt, W m�2GISS: dTs/dt =

0.014 ± 0.002 K a�1CRU: dTs/dt =

0.012 ± 0.002 K a�1Average: dTs/dt =

0.013 ± 0.002 K a�1

300 0.084 ± 0.020 6.0 ± 1.7 7.0 ± 2.0 6.5 ± 2.2700 0.139 ± 0.037 9.9 ± 3.0 11.6 ± 3.6 10.8 ± 4.03000 0.205 ± 0.062 14.6 ± 4.9 17.0 ± 5.9 15.9 ± 6.4

aUnit is W a m�2 K�1. dTs/dt is evaluated for GISS and CRU data compilations. Column 2 gives dH/dt evaluated from ocean heat content data compiledby Levitus et al. [2005] for ocean depths 300, 700, and 3000 m. Uncertainties in individual slopes are evaluated taking into account autocorrelation [Leith,1973].


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which treats both variables (H and Ts) symmetrically in theleast squares analysis [Isobe et al., 1990] and which wasshown by those investigators to be likely to yield anunbiased estimate of the regression slope, as is desired here,rather than a biased estimate that would result from leastsquares regression on only one of the variables; auto-correlation was accounted for in the estimated uncertaintiesas above. The results of this analysis, summarized inTable 2, are quite similar to those obtained as the ratio of theslopes of H and T versus time, Table 1. However, the valueof C determined for ocean heat content from the surface to3000 m is about 25% less than that obtained by equation(15) as the ratio of the slopes of the two quantities versustime.[15] The overall average heat capacities given in Table 2

are the averages of the values obtained by the two methods;the uncertainties encompass the bulk of the valuesobtained by both methods. It must be stressed that theeffective heat capacity of the global ocean determined inthis way is not an intrinsic property of the climate systembut is reflective of the rate of penetration of heat energyinto the ocean in response to the particular pattern offorcing that Earth has experienced prior to and during theperiod of the measurements.[16] Also given in Table 2 for the several depths are the

values of ocean depth that would exhibit the same heatcapacity as is effectively coupled to the climate system. Thiscoupled heat capacity is much less than the actual heatcapacity of the ocean to the indicated depths, 23%, 16%,and 5%, for depths 300 m, 700 m, and 3000 m, respectively.It must be stressed that the heat penetration is not uniformglobally, but is manifested in plumes in the regions of deepwater formation. This is illustrated by the contours of

heating in Figure 2 of Levitus et al. [2005], which alsoshows the much lower heating rates at depth compared tothose near the surface. The relatively small increase inocean heat content between 700 and 3000 m depth suggeststhat the great majority of ocean heat content is encompassed

Figure 3. Rate of increase of global heat content dH/dtversus rate of increase of global mean surface temperaturedTs/dt for 1960–2000; lines of constant heat capacity permitassessment of global heat capacity as ratio (dH/dt)/(dTs/dt).Values of dH/dt are evaluated from data of Levitus et al.[2005] for ocean depths from the surface to 300, 700, and3000 m, as in Figure 2. Values of dTs/dt are given asdetermined from the GISS and CRU compilations oftemperature data as in Figure 2. Uncertainties are one-sigma estimates taking into account autocorrelation [Leith,1973].

Figure 4. Graphs of ocean heat content data versus globalmean surface temperature anomaly over the period 1956–2002. Global ocean heat content data L300, L700, andL3000 are from Levitus et al. [2005] for ocean depths fromthe surface to 300, 700, and 3000 m, respectively.Temperature anomaly data are from the (left) GISS and(right) CRU compilations. All data were adjusted to exhibitmean values of 0 to facilitate evaluation of the slopes, whichwere obtained as the bisector of the slope of the ordinaryleast squares regression of H against T and the inverse of theslope of the regression of T against H [Isobe et al., 1990].Slopes (red) (top left in each panel and Table 2) yield theglobal mean heat capacity in units of W a m�2 K�1;uncertainty ranges (green) are calculated from estimatedstandard error of slope, evaluated as the square root of theestimated variance in the slope divided by the square root ofthe effective number of independent measurements takinginto account autocorrelation [Leith, 1973]. Color barindicates year of measurement; L3000 data represent 5-arunning averages with the date at the center of the averagingperiod.


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in depths less than 3000 m; the average depth of the worldocean is about 3800 m.[17] The present analysis indicates that the effective heat

capacity of the world ocean pertinent to climate change onthis multidecadal scale may be taken as 14 ± 6Wa m�2 K�1.The effective heat capacity determined in this way isequivalent to the heat capacity of 106 m of ocean wateror, for ocean fractional area 0.71, the top 150 m of the worldocean. This effective heat capacity is thus comparable to theheat capacity of the ocean mixed layer.[18] Estimates of the effective ocean heat capacity have

previously been presented by Andreae et al. [2005] and byFrame et al. [2005], in neither instance with description ofhow the quantity was calculated or any statistical analysis.Evidently in both instances the effective heat capacity wasinferred from the observed change in global mean oceanheat content to the 3000 m depth over the total time period1958–1995 of the Levitus et al. [2005] data, divided by thechange in global mean surface temperature over the sameperiod. The estimate presented by Andreae et al. [2005],1.1 ± 0.5 GJ m�2 K�1 equivalent to 35 ± 16 W a m�2 K�1,is much greater than and wholly inconsistent with the valueobtained here. The value presented by Frame et al. [2005],(0.1–2.05) GJ m�2 K�1 (5–95% confidence) equivalent to(3.2–65) W a m�2 K�1, encompasses the value obtainedhere but extends both to much higher and much lowervalues. A possible explanation for the discrepancies is thatan approach that is based on the difference over the full timeperiod gives undue weight to the end-members of the timeseries rather than relying on the totality of the data.[19] Following the estimate of Levitus et al. [2005] that

the heat uptake of the world ocean constitutes 84% of thetotal heat uptake by the climate system (other majorcomponents are heating of continental landmasses, 5%;melting of continental glaciers, 5%; and heating of theatmosphere, 4%), I evaluate the global heat capacity perti-nent to climate change on the multidecadal scale as 16.7 ±7.0 W a m�2 K�1.[20] In a simulation with two coupled ocean-atmosphere

climate models of the response of Earth’s climate system tothe shortwave aerosol cooling forcing following the 1991eruption of Mount Pinatubo Boer et al. [2007] inferredeffective heat capacity of the climate system to be 0.25GJm�2

(8 W a m�2 K�1), which they noted to be comparable to theheat capacity of a mixed layer ocean of depth 50 m. Aconcern raised by those investigators over the pertinence ofa heat capacity determined in this way to the multidecadaltimescales associated with greenhouse forcing is the short

timescale of the volcanic aerosol forcing, which theycharacterized by a time constant of 8 months, resulting inrelatively little penetration of the thermal signal into thedeep ocean.[21] The heat capacity determined from this analysis leads

to a value of the time constant of the global climate systemin the absence of feedbacks (equation (8)) t0 = 5 ± 2 a.

4. Time Constant of Earth’s Climate SystemFrom Time Series Analysis

[22] The second quantity necessary for empirical deter-mination of Earth’s climate sensitivity is the time constantdescribing relaxation of global mean surface temperaturefollowing a perturbation. Again the intent is to determinethis quantity empirically. Here I use the framework of timeseries analysis to infer this time constant from the temporalautocorrelation of GMST. This analysis rests fundamentallyon the fluctuation dissipation theorem of nonequilibriumthermodynamics [Einstein, 1905], which relates the impulseresponse of a dynamic system to the fluctuations of thesystem. While this applicability remains an open question,several studies, notably Leith [1975, 1978] have made thecase for its applicability to Earth’s climate system. Theanalytical framework of the fluctuation dissipation theoremhas been applied to analysis of the behavior of climatemodels by Bell [1980], North et al. [1993], and morerecently Cionni et al. [2004] and von Storch [2004].[23] Under the assumption that the system behaves as a

first-order Markov or autoregressive process [Leith, 1973;Allen and Smith, 1996; von Storch and Zwiers, 1999], forwhich a quantity is assumed to decay to its mean value withtime constant t but is subject also to random perturbations,the autocorrelation coefficient of the data, that is, thePearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the timeseries with a copy of itself lagged by time Dt, is related tothe time constant characterizing the relaxation of departuresfrom the mean state as

r Dtð Þ ¼ exp �Dt=tð Þ: ð17Þ

Accordingly the relaxation time constant for any lag timeDt up to Dt for which r < 0 can be evaluated as

t Dtð Þ ¼ �Dt= ln r Dtð Þ: ð18Þ

Table 2. Empirical Determination of Effective Global Ocean Heat Capacity From Regression of Ocean Heat Content Anomaly H

Against Global Mean Surface Temperature T, Method 2a

Ocean Depth, m

Effective Global Ocean Heat Capacity, W a m�2 K�1

Equivalent OceanDepth, mGISS CRU Average Average, Methods 1 and 2

300 6.0 ± 0.4 7.0 ± 0.6 6.5 ± 0.8 6.5 ± 1.9 69700 9.4 ± 0.8 10.8 ± 1.0 10.1 ± 1.3 10.4 ± 3.4 1103000 11.6 ± 1.4 12.8 ± 2.0 12.2 ± 2.1 14.0 ± 5.9 148

aRegression slopes were obtained as the bisector of the slope of the ordinary least squares regression of H against T and the inverse of the slope of theregression of T against H [Isobe et al., 1990]; see Figure 4. Columns 2 and 3 give C evaluated using the GISS and CRU temperature data, respectively, forocean heat content data compiled by Levitus et al. [2005] for ocean depths 300, 700, and 3000 m. Uncertainties are evaluated as average deviation of Cfrom the mean of values for the two temperature data sets; uncertainties in the average of methods 1 and 2 encompass the range of estimates. Column 6shows depth of the world ocean that would exhibit the same heat capacity as the effective heat capacity, evaluated for ocean fractional area of planet 0.71and volume heat capacity taken as 4.2 � 106 J m�3 K�1.


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The autocorrelation properties of times series of meteor-ological data have been examined by several investigatorsin the context of inferring the time period characterizing lossof memory of prior states, for the purpose of adducingcriteria of forecast skill or determining the number ofdegrees of freedom pertinent to calculation of the varianceof a data set under examination [Leith, 1973; Trenberth,1985; von Storch and Zwiers, 1999; Cohn and Lins, 2005].Autocorrelation results in the effective number of indepen-dent samples being less, often substantially so, than thenumber of measurements. With respect to GMST anomaly,attention has likewise previously been focused mainly ondetection of trends and searches for periodic oscillations[e.g., Ghil and Vautard, 1991; Allen and Smith, 1996; Tol

and Vellinga, 1998; Rybski et al., 2006], with little attentionhaving been paid to the information content of theautocorrelation pertinent to the relaxation time constantand sensitivity of the climate system. The autocorrelation ofTs and the cross correlation between NH and SH hemi-spheric annual mean temperature was examined by Wigleyet al. [1998] in the context of comparisons of the observedtime series and those obtained with general circulationmodels, but the implications of this autocorrelation on thetime constant of the climate system were not pursued.[24] Here the time constant representative of the relaxa-

tion of GMST to perturbations is obtained from analysis ofthe autocorrelation of annual GMST anomaly Ts(i), usingthe GISS and CRU annual global mean temperature anom-aly data sets for the time period 1880–2004. The steps ofthe procedure are illustrated in Figure 5. First the time serieswas detrended by subtracting a linear fit and normalized.Detrending is necessary for nonstationary data set for whichthe long-term trend induces an artificially long autocorrela-tion that is not reflective of the inherent fluctuations [vonStorch and Zwiers, 1999]; the consequences and implica-tions of this detrending are examined below. For thedetrended time series an autocorrelogram consisting oflagged autocorrelation coefficients r(Dt) for all Dt wascalculated. Satisfaction of the assumption of a first-orderMarkov process was assessed by examination of the resid-uals of the lag-1 regression, which were found to exhibit nofurther significant autocorrelation. Values of the relaxationtime constant t(Dt) were then calculated according to (18)for all Dt until the first nonpositive value of r wasencountered. As seen in Figure 5g, values of t were foundto increase with increasing lag time from about 2 a at lagtime Dt = 1 a, reaching an asymptotic value of about 5 a byabout lag time Dt = 8 a. As similar results were obtainedwith various subsets of the data (first and second halves ofthe time series; data for Northern and Southern Hemi-spheres, Figure 6) and for the deseasonalized monthly data(Figure 7), this estimate of the time constant would appearto be robust. The increase in t with increasing Dt wouldseem to be indicative of increased coupling to elements ofthe climate system having greater time constant; the levelingoff of t to a constant value of about 5 a at lag times as greatas 15–18 a suggests that the time constant obtained in thisway is reflective of the time constant of the climate system

Figure 5. Autocorrelation analysis of time series data forglobal mean surface temperature, Ts. (a) Original timeseries, GISS [Hansen et al., 1996]; line represents linearregression. (b) Normalized time series after detrending bylinear regression in Figure 5a. (c) Autocorrelogram r(Dt) ofdetrended data. (d) Normalized residuals lagged by 1 aversus the normalized residuals; line represents linearregression. (e) Normalized residuals after detrending bythe lag-1 autocorrelation. (f) Autocorrelogram of detrendedresiduals, showing no remaining autocorrelation. (g)Relaxation time constant evaluated as t(Dt) = �Dt/lnr(Dt)up to the first nonpositive value. Uncertainties on r representestimated standard deviation evaluated as the square root ofthe estimated variance of r evaluated according to Bartlett[1946]; uncertainties on t are standard error of estimatepropagated from uncertainties on r.


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on a multidecadal scale pertinent to changes over theindustrial period. From the estimated uncertainties in t ata given value of Dt, which are obtained from the estimatedvariance of individual values of r calculated using anexpression presented by Bartlett [1946], I estimate theasymptotic value of t as 5 ± 1 a.[25] A time constant for planetary response to climate

change of just a few years would seem to run counter to thenotion that climate change is a slow process, playing outover centuries if not millennia. Such a long climate systemresponse time is noted in several studies with coupledocean-atmosphere general circulation models (GCMs).Wetherald et al. [2001] found the increase of global meansurface temperature with a fully coupled atmosphere-oceangeneral circulation model to lag that in a model with amixed layer ocean by 20–30 a, which they took as ameasure of the time constant of climate system response.Meehl et al. [2005] reported experiments with two differentcoupled ocean-atmosphere models in which forcing washeld constant at the year-2000 level. In both experiments Tsasymptoted to a final value about 0.2 K greater than the year-2000 value, with an e-folding time of about 30 a. Hansen etal. [2005] argue, on the basis of the temperature sensitivity oftheir model and the unrealized forcing due to uptake of heatinto the oceans, which they took as 0.60 Wm�2 over the pastdecade, that for forcing held constant at present levels, Tswould increase another 0.6 K as the climate approached anew steady state. Using a simple model that is calibratedagainst a range of coupled atmosphere-ocean GCMs Wigley[2005] finds substantial increase in global mean surface

temperature in response to a present atmospheric composi-tion held constant continuing on timescales of 50 to 400 a.[26] In contrast to these studies there is a growing body of

observational evidence to suggest that the time over whichchanges in climate can take place can be quite short, just afew years. High-resolution studies of temperature change inice cores as inferred from isotope ratios and other variablesdemonstrate substantial widespread temperature change inperiods as short as 5 to 10 a [Taylor et al., 1997; NationalResearch Council, 2002; Alley et al., 2003]. The view of a

Figure 6. Relaxation time constants t(Dt) as a function of lag time Dt for various subsets of the (left)GISS and (right) CRU time series for global mean surface temperature; as in Figure 5g.

Figure 7. Relaxation time constants t(Dt) (blue) andassociated standard errors (red) as a function of lag time Dtfor the deseasonalized monthly GISS time series for globalmean surface temperature; as in Figure 5g.


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short time constant for climate change gains support alsofrom records of widespread change in surface temperaturefollowing major volcanic eruptions. Such eruptions abruptlyenhance planetary reflectance as a consequence of injectionof light-scattering aerosol particles into the stratosphere. Acooling of global proportions in 1816 and 1817 followedthe April 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia.Snow fell in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and portionsof Massachusetts and New York in June 1816, and hardfrosts were reported in July and August, and crop failureswere widespread in North America and Europe, the so-called ‘‘year without a summer’’ [Stommel and Stommel,1983]. More importantly from the perspective of inferringthe time constant of the system, recovery ensued in just afew years. From an analysis of the rate of recovery of globalmean temperature to baseline conditions between a series ofclosely spaced volcanic eruptions between 1880 and 1920,Lindzen and Giannitsis [1998] argued that the time constantcharacterizing this recovery must be short; the range of timeconstants consistent with the observations was 2 to 7 a, withvalues at the lower end of the range being more compatiblewith the observations. A time constant of about 2.6 a isinferred from the transient climate sensitivity and systemheat capacity determined by Boer et al. [2007] in coupledclimate model simulations of GMST following the MountPinatubo eruption. Comparable estimates of the time con-stant have been inferred in similar analyses by others [e.g.,Santer et al., 2001; Wigley et al., 2005]. There are thusnumerous lines of evidence that the timescale characterizingglobal climate change might be as short as just a few years,as obtained by the present analysis. A concern noted byseveral investigators with inferences of system time con-stant from GMST following volcanic eruptions is that as theduration of the forcing is short, the response time of thesystem may not be reflective of that which would charac-terize a sustained forcing such as that from increasedgreenhouse gases because of lack of penetration of thethermal signal into the deep ocean.[27] The relaxation time constant of Earth’s climate

system determined from this analysis, t = 5 ± 1 a, isessentially the same as that given by the energy balancemodel in the absence of feedbacks (section 3), t0 = 5 ± 2 a.This result would seem to be indicative of little net feedbackinherent in Earth’s climate system.

[28] A potential concern with the present approach toinfer the time constant of the climate system arises from thedetrending that was applied to the time series for GMST toremove the long-term autocorrelation arising from the long-term increase in GMST over the period of the measure-ments. Has the detrending, by imposing a high-pass filter onthe data, resulted in a value of t that is artificially short? Toexamine this I carried out the same analysis on the non-detrended data as on the detrended data. As expected, thisanalysis resulted in estimates of the relaxation time constantthat were substantially greater than the estimate obtainedwith the detrended data. However, these estimates differedsubstantially for different subsets of the data: 15–17 a foreach of the data sets as a whole, 6 to 7 a for the first half ofthe time series (1880–1942), and 8–10 a for the second halfof the data set (1943–2004). This dependence of t on thetime period examined suggests that the time constantobtained with the nondetrended data is not an intrinsicproperty of the climate system but does indeed reflect thelong-term autocorrelation in the data that results from theincrease in GMST over the time period for which the dataexist. For this reason I proceed in the further analysis usingonly the time constant obtained with the detrended data set.

5. Equilibrium Sensitivity of Earth’s ClimateSystem

[29] The independent determinations of the effective heatcapacity (16.7 ± 7 W a m�2 K�1, section 3) and timeconstant (5 ± 1 a, section 4) of Earth’s climate system allowevaluation of the equilibrium sensitivity ls

�1 of Earth’sclimate system pertinent to climate change on the multi-decadal timescale by equation (14). The resulting climatesensitivity is 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m�2); for forcingcorresponding to doubled CO2 taken as F2� = 3.7 Wm�2, the corresponding equilibrium increase in global meansurface temperature for doubled CO2, is DT2� � 1.1 ±0.3 K. (These and other results are summarized in Table 3.)This climate sensitivity is much lower than current esti-mates, e.g., the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergov-ernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2007], DT2� �3�1+1.5 K (approximately one-sigma).[30] Although the time constant empirically determined

here is much shorter than that characterizing climate re-

Table 3. Empirical Determination of Key Properties of Earth’s Climate System

Quantity Unit Value Uncertainty

Effective global heat capacity C W a m�2 K�1 16.7 7Effective global heat capacity C GJ m�2 K�1 0.53 0.22Effective climate system time constant t a 5 1Equilibrium climate sensitivity ls

�1 K/(W m�2) 0.30 0.14Equilibrium temperature increase for doubled CO2 DT2� K 1.1 0.5Increase in GMST over twentieth century DTs,20 [Folland et al., 2001] K 0.57 0.085Total forcing over twentieth century F20 W m�2 1.9 0.9Lag in temperature change over twentieth century DTlag K 0.03Total greenhouse gas forcing over twentieth century FG,20 [IPCC, 2001, Figure 6.8] W m�2 2.2 0.3Forcing in twentieth century other than greenhouse gas forcing DF20 W m�2 �0.30 0.97Temperature increase in twentieth century due to greenhouse gas forcing K 0.66 0.32Temperature increase in twentieth century due to CO2 forcing K 0.37 0.17Temperature decrease in twentieth century due to other than greenhouse gas forcing K �0.09 0.29Total forcing by well mixed greenhouse gases 1750–1998 [IPCC, 2001] W m�2 2.43 0.24Temperature increase 1750–1998 due to greenhouse gas forcing K 0.72 0.34


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sponse in studies with coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMsnoted above [Wetherald et al., 2001; Meehl et al., 2005;Hansen et al., 2005; Wigley, 2005], the values of timeconstant and the climate sensitivity are in fairly closeagreement with values from a zero-dimensional energytransfer model coupled to an upwelling diffusion oceanmodel [Dickinson and Schaudt, 1998], which yielded animpulse response time of 5 a and equilibrium response toCO2 doubling DT2� � 2 K.

6. Climate Forcing and Temperature ChangeOver the Twentieth Century

[31] The rather short time constant of the climate systemdetermined by this analysis implies that the climate systemis in near equilibrium with the applied forcing. Hence thetotal forcing of the climate system over a given time periodF can be determined empirically from knowledge of thechange in GMST over that period DTs as F = DTs/ls

�1 withlittle error resulting from lag of GMST response to theforcing. Here I determine the total forcing over the twentiethcentury F20 for which period the change in GMST DTs,20 isgiven by Folland et al. [2001] as 0.57 ± 0.085 K (1-sigma);this time period is chosen to be sufficiently long that theuncertainty in DTs (±15%) contributes relatively little to theuncertainty in inferred total forcing over the time period,although it is recognized that change in forcing and GMSThas not been constant over this period. The total forcing ofthe climate system over this period inferred in this way isF20 = 1.9 ± 0.9 W m�2; this value may be compared to thetotal greenhouse gas forcing over the twentieth century,FG,20 = 2.2 ± 0.3 W m�2 [IPCC, 2001, Figure 6.8]. As aconsistency check the average forcing of 0.019 W m�2 a�1

over the twentieth century together with the 5-a lag intemperature relative to forcing (equation (13)) yields a lagin temperature of 0.03 K. It would thus appear that there isvery little unrealized warming as a consequence of ‘‘thermalinertia’’ of the climate system, so for all practical purposesthe climate system can be considered in steady state (or‘‘equilibrium’’) with the applied forcing.[32] The difference DF20 between the total forcing in-

ferred empirically from climate sensitivity and the calculat-ed forcing due to changes in greenhouse gases must beascribed to forcing by other influences on longwave orshortwave radiation over the twentieth century; i.e., DF20 =F20 � FG,20 = �0.30 ± 0.97 W m�2. Consideration ofsecular changes in forcing over the twentieth century isaided by the fact that forcing by volcanic aerosols, asestimated by Ammann et al. [2003], was quite small(0.02 W m�2) at both ends of the century. Although thecentral value of the additional forcing is small compared togreenhouse gas forcing over the twentieth century, theuncertainty range extends to include either substantial cool-ing (�1.3 W m�2) or substantial warming (+0.7 W m�2).The most likely candidate for much of this additionalforcing would be shortwave direct and indirect forcing bytropospheric aerosols [Gregory et al., 2002; Andreae et al.,2005] although forcing by all other changes in the climatesystem must be taken into account [Rodhe et al., 2000], ofwhich the most likely class would appear to be changes insurface albedo [Feddema et al., 2005]. The upper limit(one-sigma) of the (negative) forcing by tropospheric aero-

sols obtained in this way, �1.3 W m�2, is consistent withother estimates of this forcing by ‘‘inverse calculations’’[Anderson et al., 2003] and is broadly consistent with therange of estimates of this forcing by IPCC [2007] within thequite high uncertainty of those estimates, but is substantiallyless than some estimates of this forcing by ‘‘forwardcalculations’’ obtained with aerosol loadings calculated withchemical transport models [Anderson et al., 2003].[33] The rapid equilibration of Earth’s climate system to

applied forcings implies that forcings by individual forcingagents over a specified time period contribute to changes inGMST over that time period and that these temperaturechanges may be considered additive to yield the totalchange in GMST, just as the individual forcings are con-sidered additive to yield the total forcing. Thus the green-house gas forcing over the twentieth century of FG,20 resultsin an increase in GMST of 0.66 ± 0.32 K. Within theuncertainty range associated with the forcings the increasein GMST due to greenhouse gases may be substantiallyoffset by a countervailing decrease in GMST of as much as0.38 K (one-sigma) due to other forcings. If this temperaturedecrease is due to tropospheric aerosols a consequencewould be that if emissions of these aerosols and theirprecursors were abruptly decreased, resulting in the forcingby these aerosols decreasing quite rapidly on account oftheir very short atmospheric residence time (about a week),GMST would be expected to rapidly increase to a new,higher value. While the possibility of such a hypotheticalincrease in GMST following cessation of emissions oftropospheric aerosols and precursor gases has been notedin previous studies [Andreae et al., 2005; Brasseur andRoeckner, 2005], neither study recognized the rapidity ofthe increase in GMST that would be expected. In contrast anabrupt decrease in emissions of CO2 would result in onlyminimal decrease in GMST because of the long lifetime(100 a) associated with excess atmospheric CO2.

7. Discussion, Conclusions, and Implications

[34] The findings of the present study may be consideredsurprising in several respects:[35] 1. The relatively small effective heat capacity of the

global ocean that is coupled to the increase in global meansurface temperature over the 5-decade period for whichocean heat content measurements are available, 14 ±6 W a m�2 K�1 (0.44 G J m�2 K�1), equivalent to about150 m of the world ocean, and the correspondingly loweffective planetary heat capacity C, 16.7 ± 7.0 W a m�2 K�1

(0.5 ± 0.2 G J m�2 K�1).[36] 2. The relaxation time constant of global mean

surface temperature in response to perturbations t is short,5 ± 1 a.[37] 3. The equilibrium climate sensitivity ls

�1 inferredfrom (1) and (2) as ls

�1 = t/C, 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m�2) islow, equivalent to equilibrium temperature increase fordoubled CO2 DT2� = 1.1 ± 0.5 K. This value is well belowcurrent best estimates of this quantity, summarized in theFourth Assessment Report of the IPCC [2007] to be ‘‘2 to4.5 K with a best estimate of about 3 K and . . . veryunlikely to be less than 1.5 K.’’


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[38] This situation invites a scrutiny of the each of thesefindings for possible sources of error of interpretation in thepresent study.[39] Is the effective heat capacity that is coupled to the

climate system, as determined from trends in ocean heatcontent and GMST, too low, or too high? For a givenrelaxation time constant t, a lower value of C would resultin a greater climate sensitivity, and vice versa. As notedabove previous investigators have used similar considera-tions to suggest different values for C, in one instancesubstantially greater than the value reported here (20–50 Wa m�2 K�1) and in one instance with a range of a factor of20, (3.2–65 W a m�2 K�1) that encompasses the valuedetermined here. Examination of Figure 4 suggests that itwould be hard to justify a slope less than about 8Wam�2 K�1.Perhaps a more fundamental question has to do with therepresentativeness of the data that comprise the Levitus etal. [2005] compilation. In this context it might be noted thatWillis et al. [2004] reported a heat uptake rate in the upper750 m of the ocean, based on satellite altimetry as well as insitu measurements, of 0.86 ± 0.12 W m�2, a factor of7 greater than the Levitus et al. [2005] average for 1958–1995; a greater heat uptake rate would result in a greatereffective ocean heat capacity and a lower climate sensitivity.However, in a subsequent publication a year later Lyman etal. [2006] reported a rapid net loss of ocean heat for 2003–2005 that led those investigators to estimate the heat uptakerate for 1993–2005 as 0.33 ± 0.23 W m�2, a value muchmore consistent with the long-term record in the Levitus etal. [2005] data set. The previous instances of several-yearperiods of net loss of heat from the ocean exhibited in theLevitus et al. [2005] data and shown in Figure 2 suggest thenecessity of evaluating the effective heat capacity based ona long-term record.[40] Is the relaxation time constant of the climate system

determined by autocorrelation analysis the pertinent timeconstant of the climate system? Of the several assumptionson which the present analysis rests, this would seem toinvite the greatest scrutiny. A possible explanation for theshort time constant inferred from the autocorrelationanalysis might be that the autocorrelation is dominated byshort-term variability, such as that resulting from volcaniceruptions, and that the thermal signal from such a shortperturbations would not be expected to penetrate substan-tially into the deep ocean. Two considerations would speakagainst such an explanation. First, the autocorrelation lead-ing to the 5-a time constant extended out to lag times of 15 aor more with little indication of increased time constant forlag time greater than about 5–8 a (Figure 6). Also, recentstudies with coupled ocean atmosphere GCMs have shownthat the thermal signal from even a short-duration volcanicevent is transported into the deep ocean and can persist fordecades [Delworth et al., 2005; Gleckler et al., 2006a,2006b]; such penetration of the thermal signal from ashort-duration forcing would suggest that the autocorrela-tion of GMST over a decade or more would be represen-tative of the longer time constant associated with thecoupling to the deep ocean and not reflective simply of ashort time constant associated with the ocean mixed layer.[41] Finally, as the present analysis rests on a simple

single-compartment energy balance model, the questionmust inevitably arise whether the rather obdurate climate

system might be amenable to determination of its keyproperties through empirical analysis based on such asimple model. In response to that question it might haveto be said that it remains to be seen. In this context it ishoped that the present study might stimulate further workalong these lines with more complex models. It might alsoprove valuable to apply the present analysis approach to theoutput of global climate models to ascertain the fidelity withwhich these models reproduce ‘‘whole Earth’’ properties ofthe climate system such as are empirically determined here.Ultimately of course the climate models are essential toprovide much more refined projections of climate changethan would be available from the global mean quantities thatresult from an analysis of the present sort. Still it wouldseem that empirical examination of these global meanquantities, effective heat capacity, time constant, and sensi-tivity, can usefully constrain climate models and therebyhelp to identify means for improving the confidence in thesemodels.[42] The empirical determinations presented here of global

heat capacity and of the time constant of climate response toperturbations on the multidecadal timescale lead to a valueof equilibrium global climate sensitivity of 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m�2), where the uncertainty range denotes a one-sigmaestimate. This sensitivity together with the increase inglobal mean surface temperature over the twentieth centurywould imply a total forcing 1.9 ± 0.9 W m�2; although thecentral value of this range is fairly close to the totalgreenhouse gas forcing over this time period, 2.2 W m�2,this result is consistent with an additional forcing over thetwentieth century of �0.30 ± 0.97 W m�2. The rather largeuncertainty range could be consistent with either substantialcooling forcing (�1.3 W m�2) or substantial warmingforcing (+0.7 W m�2), with aerosol forcing a likely majorcontributor. Because of the short response time of theclimate system to perturbations, the climate system maybe considered in near steady state to applied forcings andhence, within the linear forcing-response model, the changein temperature over a given time period may be apportionedto the several forcings. The estimated increase in GMST bywell mixed greenhouse gases from preindustrial times to thepresent, 0.7 ± 0.3 K; the upper end of this range approachesthe threshold for ‘‘dangerous anthropogenic interferencewith the climate system,’’ which is considered to be in therange 1 to 2 K [O’Neill and Oppenheimer, 2002; Hansen,2004].

[43] Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the U.S.Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Science Program (Office of Science,OBER) under contract DE-AC02-98CH10886.

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�����������������������S. E. Schwartz, Atmospheric Science Division, Brookhaven National

Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA. ([email protected])


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