hello, in response to the letter we received at our door ...€¦ · in response to the letter we...

From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Jena Powell Hearing Newport Ridge Parcel - Rezoning Public Hearing - Letter Attached July 25, 2020 3:46:40 PM Newport Ridge Parcel_JenaPowell_Letter.pdf Hello, In response to the letter we received at our door last week regarding the upcoming public hearing to rezone the Newport Ridge Parcel from Residential to Multi-family, please see a letter attached with our thoughts that I hope are taken into consideration. Thank you! Jena

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  • From:To:Subject:Date:Attachments:

    Jena PowellHearingNewport Ridge Parcel - Rezoning Public Hearing - Letter Attached July 25, 2020 3:46:40 PMNewport Ridge Parcel_JenaPowell_Letter.pdf


    In response to the letter we received at our door last week regarding the upcoming publichearing to rezone the Newport Ridge Parcel from Residential to Multi-family, please see aletter attached with our thoughts that I hope are taken into consideration.

    Thank you!Jena

    mailto:[email protected]
  • District of Squamish37955 Second Avenue, Squamish, BC V8B 0A3

    July 25, 2020


    We are writing to express our strong opposition to rezone the entire Newport Ridge Parcel No. 2718, 2020 from Residential 1 (RS-1) to Multiple Unit Residential 5 (RM-5).

    While the local community may be unable to prevent development, that in itself will be detrimental to the area, we are completely opposed to the addition of multi-family housing that will cause traffic and safety problems, create even more problems with schools that are already over-capacity, destroy local wildlife habitat, and lower the property values of the existing Residential RS-1 community. Schools in the area are already reported at overcapacity, and the council should not approve multi-family dwellings that creates or exacerbates a situation that will cause school concurrency to fail for this proposal and/or other approved plans. Wildlife - bears, grey owls, cougar, coyote, have all been observed by my husband and myself while walking our dogs (6 days a week) through the trail system in the area, and any development will destroy their habitat. Property values are likely to go down in the area if multi-family apartments or condominiums are built. Multi-family dwellings are inconsistent with the neighborhoods developed in the area. I urge you to disapprove the proposed rezoning, and from recent meetings and discussions with my neighbours, I know my opinions are shared by many who have not managed to attend meeting or write letters and emails.

    With foresight the area would be viewed as a recreational and ecological asset andthe lands would remain a network of pedestrian and cycling trails that link the neighbourhoods; therefore retaining health, community and ecological value. (It wouldbe a shame to see Squamish end up like Kelowna.)

    Thank you for your continued service and support of our communities.


    Jena Powell & Jake Fraleigh1018 Lanark Place,Garibaldi Highlands

    P: 604.833.1045E: [email protected]

  • District of Squamish37955 Second Avenue, Squamish, BC V8B 0A3

    July 25, 2020


    We are writing to express our strong opposition to rezone the entire Newport Ridge Parcel No. 2718, 2020 from Residential 1 (RS-1) to Multiple Unit Residential 5 (RM-5).

    While the local community may be unable to prevent development, that in itself will be detrimental to the area, we are completely opposed to the addition of multi-family housing that will cause traffic and safety problems, create even more problems with schools that are already over-capacity, destroy local wildlife habitat, and lower the property values of the existing Residential RS-1 community.

    Schools in the area are already reported at overcapacity, and the council should not approve multi-family dwellings that creates or exacerbates a situation that will cause school concurrency to fail for this proposal and/or other approved plans.

    Wildlife - bears, grey owls, cougar, coyote, have all been observed by my husband and myself while walking our dogs (6 days a week) through the trail system in the area, and any development will destroy their habitat.

    Property values are likely to go down in the area if multi-family apartments or condominiums are built. Multi-family dwellings are inconsistent with the neighborhoods developed in the area.

    I urge you to disapprove the proposed rezoning, and from recent meetings and discussions with my neighbours, I know my opinions are shared by many who have not managed to attend meeting or write letters and emails.

    With foresight the area would be viewed as a recreational and ecological asset andthe lands would remain a network of pedestrian and cycling trails that link the neighbourhoods; therefore retaining health, community and ecological value. (It wouldbe a shame to see Squamish end up like Kelowna.)

    Thank you for your continued service and support of our communities.


    Jena Powell & Jake Fraleigh Garibaldi Highlands

  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    Jeff WarrenHearingAgainst zoning bylaw 2200, 2011, No. 2718, 2020 July 24, 2020 4:32:06 PM

    I am writing to register that I am against the proposed rezoning to RM-5 of the land parcelsthat extend from the end of Greenwood and Pia (identified in one document as the ‘newportridge parcel’). Others have already articulated reasons oppose this amendment that I won’trepeat here, but I wish to register my opposition to the rezoning.All best, Jeff


    mailto:[email protected]

  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    Pam Kozdrowski Council; HearingRe: Greenfield spaces July 24, 2020 7:37:32 PM

    PS - I do expect, as part of your elected responsibility to the community you serve, that you will abide the public input you receive from current resident; not Staff, not consultants, not developers.

    It is the current residents of Squamish you serve.

    May I, also, remind you, all you (or any of us has) is the current moment, and attempting to plan and project into a future, that is completely unknown, is delusional at best. Stop, and look at what we have right now… we have empty buildings, we have incomplete buildings, dogs without places to roam, bylaws be broken and disregarded because there is seemingly little way to stem the tide of people coming to visit our town. We have people running up & down the highway risking their lives to get to a lake and parking illegally in the process. We have people using neighbourhood streets as toilets, we have campers claiming their stake. This town feels very out of control. I believe council needs to deal with the here and now. Lets get today sorted out and move ahead on a solid foundation with common goals.

    The government belongs to the people. Remember that.b

    Change has got to be about us. Us thinking about us, Speaking about us. Hearing about us. Caring about us here right now.


    On Jul 24, 2020, at 2:52 PM, Pam Kozdrowski <

    Dear Council & Staff,

    I am adamantly opposed to the rezoning of ANY greenfield spaces in the District of Squamish.

    We do not need any further over priced sprawl that is not likely to reach capacity for (some estimates suggest) ~15 yrs.

    We need to, foremost, protect our wildlife habitats, riparian areas, and sensitive and species at risk.

    I am adamantly opposed to the rezoning of ANY greenfield spaces in the District of Squamish.

    Pam Kozdrowski Squamish, BC

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    stephanie lingard HearingJuly 28 rezoningJuly 25, 2020 6:52:20 AM

    Hi there,

    I’ve reviewed the re-zoning plan for the Crumpit Woods area. I don’t have strong feelings either wayabout the property being rezoned from RS-1 to RM-5 only that I would like to see at least some ofthe forest left intact. In my opinion as a biologist the area has wildlife values that would likely bedestroyed no matter how it is developed. The water that drains both sides of Cougar Ridge flowsinto Little Stawamus Creek, which is a salmon bearing stream. There are numerous ephemeralwetlands on the parcel as well. These wetlands are used by multiple species of amphibians includingwestern toad for breeding. The mixed forest has a high density and diversity of birds. There SNAGS’screated by older deciduous trees attract several species of wood pecker. Finally, there is a heard ofdear that reside on the property through winter. I am almost certain the response I will get is thatthe appropriate riparian area’s assessment will be done for any development. I urge the District andhigher levels of government to strengthen protections for riparian forests, because the meager 10 mstrips with a handful of full size trees that were protected as drainage and wildlife corridors in theCrumpit Woods development are constantly shrinking due to windthrow. Winds in thisneighborhood are substantial and the forest is constantly loosing trees from edge effects. Trees offerprotection from each other.

    I am not familiar enough with the local by-laws to understand if RM-5 or RS-1 zoning would result ina greater proportion of the forest being left in-tact, but I support what ever measure implies greaterprotection for the ecological values on the property. I recognize the property is private land and assuch the owner has the right to develop it. While I enjoy being a Crumpit Woods resident and amheartbroken at the prospect of the forest being blasted and leveled for homes, I realize that thereare limited protections the District or Province can offer with in existing by-laws and legislation. Iknow there is probably no funding available, but in a dream world the parcel would be purchased bythe District and Smoke Bluffs Park would be extended in include this parcel of land.

    Kind regards,

    Stephanie Lingard

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Andreas Alba1 Rockridge Place Squamish, B.C.

    July 26, 2020

    District of Squamish 37955 Second Avenue

    P.O. Box 310 Squamish, BC V8B 0A3 [email protected]

    Dear Mayor Elliott and Members of Council:

    Re: Public Hearing – A. Rezone Large Greenfield Properties Zoned RS-1 to Multiple Unit Residential RM-5; North Crumpit Parcel and Newport Ridge Parcel

    I want to raise concerns about the re-zoning of the RS-1 parcels in the upcoming hearing.

    The proposal moves the largest zoned area of single family home opportunities in Squamish to multi-family homes/apartments and potentially commercial buildings. This move is detrimental for local architects, builders, craftsmen, trades and local building material supplier. The larger out-of-town builders which are setup to deliver condos and other larger developments source the trades and materials largely outside the community. Covid has been hard on many locals already, and you are taking their future employment and source of revenue away. The recently approved Polygon development is an unfortunate example. Very limited local employment opportunity in the construction of the development and basically no permanent jobs created. Many of my neighbours are in the construction business and see their future threatened by this move.

    I looked at the OCP prior to moving to Squamish and liked the balanced development into the future. If council approves the rezoning, council continues to ignore the input from their residents as the current trend is thousands of multi-family housing and not a balanced approach to development. I and many of the neighbours I talk to strongly believe in a balanced approach to housing, but the current focus seems to only play into the favour of large developers and does not benefit the community.

    I highly suggest that the council members actually drive through the recent multi-family developments as they are in generally poorly planned and developed. They are not designed with our community and needs in mind. We have thousands of multi-family housing already in the pipeline, why change the neighbourhood vision people bought into.

    Forcing a re-zoning on the Crumpit and Newport ridge parcels is disappointing in so many ways.

    • The lands in question are in the middle of residential neighbourhoods, not downtown. These areareas that are currently single family and should incorporate single family in future sub-areaplanning

    mailto:[email protected]

  • • The OCP states that mixed form residential shall be incorporated into all subdivision plans –there was never going to be a 100% single family development here ever again. Why rezoneprior to a full sub area plan review?

    • If single family dies a slow death here, so will all the jobs the jobs that go with it. The notion thatthe Squamish companies that employ 3-15 people can just scale up and build apartmentbuildings is unrealistic. The notion that big established developers will use Squamish trades thatcan’t provide the manpower is equally unlikely – count the locals working downtown or at Bosa.

    • This important and talented trades segment of the Squamish community, past and present, getsto jump in their vehicles and commute somewhere for work. How does that fit into ourtransportation and “getting out of cars” goals? How about all the city trades that will be here intheir cars? Has anyone been downtown lately?

    • Has the impact to the existing single family housing been considered when values of existinghomes inflate and drive the remaining lots to another level of unaffordability? What about theproperty taxes for those people? What about the families who moved here hoping to get into asingle family in the future?

    • Regardless of what happens, single family homes in Squamish will still be desirable – they willjust become less affordable and more out of reach for locals.

    In closing, the OCP has been intended to find a future vision for Squamish and addresses the lack of condo / rental / townhouse product. The Polygon development and now this proposal pushes Squamish past what was intended in the OCP. Please stay true to what Squamish residents have agreed to as an OCP and keep our local trades and professionals alive. We want to see more local jobs and not loose them.


    Andreas Albat Rockridge Place Squamish, B.C

  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    Christine WitzkeHearingRegarding public hearing on July 28, 2020 July 26, 2020 7:57:06 PM

    To Squamish Council

    Regarding the plan to change the zoning on North Crumpit and Newport Parcel.

    We are against the proposal.

    We feel the high density areas should be keep in down town, where it’s possible for people to get around with out acar and it’s easy access to the highway.

    We are already facing growing traffic issues with the development we have in the highlands right now.By changing the zoning from the current status to the new proposed zoning will only increase the population densityand the traffic.

    Making a connection access road that connects with Tantalus Rd will not help anything.Tantalus Rd is already a traffic issue without traffic from the highlands.

    We fell in love with the beautiful neighborhood here in the highlands with single family homes, low buildings, andeasy access to green forest, trails and wildlife.

    By changing the zoning in our neighborhood and allowing high density with apartments the Squamish district andcouncil will dramatically change what we love about our neighborhood and maybe that will mean it’s time for us tomove on...

    Furthermore, we do not understand how the council will even consider to bring these heavy decisions up during theCOVID -19 pandemic.We do not have the option to show up at the council meetings and express our concerns. All we can do is to send aletter and hope someone reads it.

    It seems far too easy that the council is in a hurry to get all these plans approved during the pandemic, behind almostclosed doors.

    Regards Fam Witzke, Garibaldi Highlands, Squamish

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  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    Lynn CampbellHearingPublic Hearing July 28, 2020 6pm July 26, 2020 11:25:33 AM

    To Council of the District of Squamish

    In regards to the Public Hearing Notice on Tuesday July 28, 2020 about Zoning BylawUpdates and what is being proposed.

    Proposed for North Crumpit Parcel Lot 1 District Lots 514 & 515 Group 1

    District of Squamish Zoning BylawNo.2200, 2011 to amendment bylaw RM-5 No. 2742, 2020 , we do not agree to this proposal

    No. 2739, 2020 to rezone RS-1 to use P-3 , we do not agree to this proposal No. 2738, 2020 to rezone Parcel A & Parcel B from RS-1 to RE, we do not agree to thisproposalNo. 2737, 2020 to rezone parcel from Residental 1 RS-1 to Resource RE, we do notagree to this proposal.

    Valleycliffe has been our home for over 40 years, the area needs to protected fromoverbuilding & the effects it has on the residents, local resources of Squamish & theenvironment.

    We do not agree to any of these bylaw proposed amendments to the lands in Valleycliffe &Crumpit Woods.


    Lynn Campbell

    mailto:[email protected]

  • From:To:Subject:Date:

    Patricia VeselyHearingNorth Crumpit parcel July 26, 2020 9:15:33 AM

    Why are we rushing at this time to have a public hearing to change zoning? The current Covid-19 situation is not a good time to ask people to participate in district civic matters.   It’s summer and those who may want to participate may not be in town or otherwise busy with summer activities. Why did the District introduce a new zoning designation without any explanation of the details in a public information session prior to a public hearing?Without a conceptual drawing we haven’t any idea of what this development could look like.How will traffic volume be addressed re: North Crumpit parcel?  There is only the Clark Drive entrance.There should not be any further development past the end of Westway, until there is another exit road from Raven’s Plateau.Will we lose the trail system in Crumpit woods that is used extensively by the hiking and biking community?It would be better for all in the community if the North Crumpit parcel was left as a green space or turned into a park.Patricia VeselyCherry DriveSquamish BC

    mailto:[email protected]

    Combined (4) Friday 24 July - PMJ. PowellNewport Ridge Parcel - Rezoning Public Hearing - Letter AttachedNewport Ridge Parcel_JenaPowell_Letter (002)

    J. WarrenP. KowdrowskiS. Lingard

    A. AlbatPublic Hearing – A. Rezone Large Greenfield Properties Zoned RS-1 to Multiple Unit Residential RM-5; North Crumpit Parcel and Newport Ridge ParcelJuly 28 2020 Public Hearing Letter to Mayor and Council_Andreas_Albat (002)

    C.WitzkeL. CampbellP. Vesely