hello maxfund,...knew that). she is also quite the licker. she licks my feet clean almost every...

PAW PRINTS | August 2015 Volume XXVII Number VIII 1 SHORTY WAS ADOPTED! Below is the update from his new owner. The additional $10,998.63 donated will be used to fund her continuing rehab. HELLO MAXFUND, S hortround (formerly Shorty) is doing fantastic! She is so smart and curious and learning so much! Most of her day is spent playing with my Boxer and Beagle, or chewing on toys, furniture or my shoes until she gets tired and takes a nap. She is learning that furniture is a definite 'no, no' and shoes are a close second. She loves going for walks and getting loved up (of course, you probably already knew that). She is also quite the licker. She licks my feet clean almost every night before we stretch. We have gotten into a routine of heading outside to let her do her business, and we are making some progress. She still wears a diaper inside and has gotten much better about letting me secure it to her before taking off after the other girls. She loves meeting all of the new people who come to see her, and the feeling seems to be mutual. My 12 year old niece says that she wants to steal her every time she comes to visit. She has started to get quite protective as well. She barks at the dogs next door, as well as people who pass by the front. But, she sure is an added light to my life. As I experiment with how to do things with her and what works best, I feel as though we are figuring things out fairly nicely. She is so patient with me and excited to try new things. The other day, she started whining when I ran upstairs to grab some lunch and it made me so happy to know that she was used to her new home and me well enough to whine and say "Mom, come back!" Bracelle and Shortround

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  • PAW PRINTS | August 2015

    Vo l u m e XX V I I N u m b e r V I I I


    SHORTY WAS ADOPTED!Below is the update from his new owner.The additional $10,998.63 donated will be used to fundher continuing rehab.


    Shortround (formerly Shorty) is doing fantastic! She isso smart and curious and learning so much! Most ofher day is spent playing with my Boxer and Beagle, orchewing on toys, furniture or my shoes until she gets tiredand takes a nap. She is learning that furniture is a definite'no, no' and shoes are a close second. She loves going forwalks and getting loved up (of course, you probably alreadyknew that). She is also quite the licker. She licks my feetclean almost every night before we stretch.

    We have gotten into a routine of heading outside to lether do her business, and we are making some progress.She still wears a diaper inside and has gotten much betterabout letting me secure it to her before taking off afterthe other girls.

    She loves meeting all of the new people who come to seeher, and the feeling seems to be mutual. My 12 year oldniece says that she wants to steal her every time she comesto visit. She has started to get quite protective as well. Shebarks at the dogs next door, as well as people who pass bythe front. But, she sure is an added light to my life.

    As I experiment with how to do things with her and whatworks best, I feel as though we are figuring things outfairly nicely. She is so patient with me and excited to try new things.

    The other day, she started whining when I ran upstairs tograb some lunch and it made me so happy to know that shewas used to her new home and me well enough to whineand say "Mom, come back!"

    Bracelle and Shortround

  • PAW PRINTS | August 20152


    I am going to tell you something today that I have nottold anyone. It’s a little embarrassing. Although Mom hasa really important job with the MaxFund, at home she isa really slow learner. Mom has seen Gypsy and me solvethe problem of what to do when you have gotten yourselftotally soaking wet. She has seen this many, many times.

    I had assumed that she learned that all you have to dois to loosen up your body skin while violently shakingyourself all over. In less than a minute 90% of thewater is gone.

    Some time ago I happened to come into the bathroom whenMom was coming out of the shower soaking wet. I stoodright in front of her and started shaking myself, doing aperfect imitation of a dog shaking himself dry. She juststood there laughing at me. Can you imagine that?

    Last week Gypsy and I went to meet her at the frontdoor as we always do when Mom come home from thecar. This time Mom had gotten caught in the thunderstorm,and water was running off of her in all directions. So Istepped in front of Gypsy and once again demonstratedhow to shake yourself dry.

    I don’t think she really understood this time either. Whatmore can I do?

    HARLEY-DAVIDSON WINNERSELECTED!Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle ticketsfor the Harley-Davidson raffle drawing on July 4th!We raised $5000.00 to benefit the cats and dogs ofMaxFund. Congratulations to the winner, Jesse Roush.

    Thanks again to all raffle ticket purchasers, and congrat-ulations Jesse (shown below)!! Keep the shiny side up!


    MaxFund’s 27th AnnualPuttin’ on the Max

    PAWPURRAZZISaturday, November 7, 2015

    THE BROWN PALACE HOTEL321 17th St., Denver, CO 80202

    5:30 Cocktails & Silent Auction7:00 Dinner & Entertainment

    Optional Black-tie or Dress like your favorite movie star.Contest for best-dressed.

    Master of Ceremonies: Ed Greene, CBS4 Weather AnchorSilent and Live Auction | Live Music | Pet Parade

    go to www.maxfund.org for more information

  • Visit us on the web at:www.maxfund.orgEditor & Layout

    Carolyn VenardContributing Writers

    Bill Suro, VMDIlene JohnsonAngel Ireson

    Distribution3,953 Unaudited Circulation

    Published monthly by MaxFundAnimal Adoption Center, a true no-killshelter to provide medical care forinjured dogs and cats with no knownowners, and to find new homes forthese animals once they are recovered.

    The MaxFund is committed to thefollowing goals:

    –Develop and implement educa-tional programs pertaining to animalcare, with emphasis on the importance ofspay/neutering.

    –Disseminate information onspay/neuter facilities and conduct

    spay/neuter clinics for low-income families.–Be a spokesperson for the animals

    on issues of animal welfare.–Cooperate with other animal

    facilities/shelters in the accomplishmentof the above goals.

    Contributions for this newsletter arewelcome. Please check the back pageof newsletter for each month’s deadline.We especially enjoy letters and photosfrom animals adopted from our shelter.

    MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 West 10th Avenue | Denver, Colorado 80204

    Phone (720) 266-6081www.maxfung.org

    Wellness Clinic (303) 595-0532www.maxfundclinic.org

    PAW PRINTS | August 20153

    Hello! It’s me again.

    I finally got to camp in a great place to view the “wild life” this year. There were a few rabbits and lots and lots of robins.Because of the rain, I had to do most of my viewing through the window over the couch where my couch cushion sits ona riser. Usually I sit on the top step and look out the screen door unless it is too hot and Mom and Dad want to run theair conditioner. Then it is back up to my cushion perch. The man camping next to us came over and said that earlier inthe morning one of the rabbits came over and was looking at the “Welcome” sign Mom had put out. He said it was reallyfunny to watch because the rabbit came over to the sign, sat up and looked it all over, sat back down and munched someclover, sat back up and looked at the sign all over again. There just never seems to be a camera around when you need one.

    Mom and Dad are on a walking kick. They say it is good for them. There is a lake on the RV property and it has a walking/biking path around it, so they went to check it out. On the way to the path there were clumps of white stuff all over theground and Mom called it” summer snow”. It really is just cotton from all the trees in and around the campground.There is so much cotton that when the wind blows it does look like it is snowing, without the cold. She took lots of pic-tures so she could send them to her sister is Florida. I think cotton snow is the type to have, I could play in it all day ifI wanted to and not get cold or wet. Mom said that on the walk there was a young pine tree that was covered in thecotton and it looked as though it was decorated and ready for Christmas. Come to think of it, I never thought of any-thing but 2 and 4 leggers as being young or old. I guess you could say I learned something new today.

    Today Mom is putting out the summer things in our window well. She had taken the winter things out when Springstarted but was waiting for warmer weather to put out the rest. Well, Gizmo just hates it when she changes things in hiswindow well. The way he acts you would think that the summer things were going to bite him or maybe even eat him.The goofus… they are the same things that were out last year except for the flag and it just barely moves because there isvery little breeze down there. Sometimes Gizmo is just plain funny and I love to sit back and watch him.

    Guess that’s all for now. Your Cat Reporter, Snoopy

    A CAT’S UNIVERSEby Snoopy & Gizmo

  • SPENCERSpencer is a handsome miniature

    Poodle mix boy. He is friendly andquiet and he walks nicely on a leash.

    DOUGLASDouglas is a handsome Terrier

    mix boy. He gets along with smalldogs. Excellent leash walker.

    COPYCATCopyCat is a handsome fellow. He isvery affectionate. Loves to climb but

    he is quiet and calm.

    ROVERRover is a big guy who’s still quitepuppyish. He loves to play! Shouldbe in a home with older children.

    SMOKEYSmokey is a gentle silvery beautywith soulful amber eyes. Please

    stop by and take me home.

    BONNIEBonnie is a lovely calico lady with

    lustrous fur and gleaming eyes. Shewould like to be an only cat.

    CUPIDCupid is a lovely girl with pretty

    amber eyes. She is small andsprightly and enjoys being petted.

    DIGITDigit is a shy gal but very sweet.She is a low-maintenance kitty

    who doesn’t mind dogs or olderchildren.

    Adopt a LifelongCompanion

    and a Friend Forever

    PETUNIAPetunia is a sweet Chihuahua mix girl.

    She is friendly and loves being held.Leash walks are great fun!

    PAW PRINTS | August 20154

  • PAW PRINTS | August 20155

    DOUBLE OR NOTHINGAnd give the cats and kittens more room, and more fun.That’s the deal. The ELPomar Foundation will considermatching the MaxFund’s $15,000 if we can match withdonations dedicated to this project. What a gift! Andwhat a project!

    We will be able to build onto the cat shelter 4 moreindoor living/play areas so that we can maximize thenumber of cats we can save and find homes for AND letthem play in outdoor pens when the weather allows.

    This one time offer will be given to the MaxFund if allof you can contribute $15,000 by August 20. We can dothis! We have raised similar amounts of money beforewhen a dog has needed some procedure or surgery thatwas beyond the MaxFund’s budget (see article onShorty). Could it be that dog lovers are willing to rise tothe occasion but that cat lovers really don’t care?

    In the words of tennis player, John McEnroe: “YOUCAN’T BE SERIOUS!”

    Send checks of any amount to MaxFund at 720 W. 10thAvenue, Denver, Colorado 80204. Put CAT SPACE inthe memo so that the donation will count for the drive.Or you can do it online by getting on our website atmaxfund.org and clicking on “Donate Now.” Don’t letthis opportunity go to nothing!


    When you are making out your will, remember us! We don’t mind being the

    last on your list. ~MaxFund

    MILLI, THE MYSTERY DOGMilli was brought to the MaxFund Wellness Center onthe first of June because she was not eating or defecat-ing, was often nauseous, and now was acting weak andsickly. She had been to her regular veterinarian and theirsymptomatic treatments were not helping.

    The owner knew that Milli needed a diagnosis, probablysomething major to fix whatever the problem was, andwas out of money from previous visits to the neighbor-hood vet. She asked if she could relinquish Milli so Millicould receive proper medical care. We, of course, agreed.

    Enter, Miss Milli, a bright-eyed, monkey-faced, 15 lbunsprayed female dog with an estimated age of eight toten years, and an estimated ancestry of a Pekinese/Pomeranian mix with a dry somewhat moth-eaten hair coat.

    Lab work showed some kind of inflammatory conditionand a low thyroid output, x-rays showed a roundish for-eign body almost totally blocking the esophagus beforeit empties into the stomach. No wonder, she wouldn’teat, was nauseous, and was making almost no stool.And, of course, she was getting weak and feeling rotten.

    We immediately referred Milli to VRCC, and emergencyclinic who had a special scope to look down from themouth to the object, identify it, and make sure that theesophagus was not punctured. Then with another specialinstrument they were able to grasp the object and bringit out through the mouth (under anesthesia of course).The object turned out to be the end of a beef bone.

    Milli has recovered at theWellness Clinicand is now avery bright andactive sweetie,spayed andhealthy andlooking for herforever home.

  • Dear MaxFund,

    Thought you might enjoy this photo of Monty playing.He has adjusted very well and is bringing much joy tomy home.

    Thank you maxfund for all you do.Lyn Lofflin, Monty and buddy

    Hi MaxFund!

    We renamed Chiquita to "Lucy" & she is doing great!We cannot imagine our family without her & arethankful everyday that we get to be her forever family!Lucy LOVES belly rubs, chew bones, playing with hertoys, walks to the park down the street & more bellyrubs. She always rolls herself on her back & shows usher tummy for rubs. She loves being cradled like a babyin our arms while we rub her belly. She actually wrapsher paws around our hands & hugs us when we cradleher on her back & rub her neck/belly. She is the snug-gliest dog ever haha. Lucy likes to snuggle with ourother dog, Lucky, at night in bed & they are alwayssnuggling near each other on the sofa throughout the

    day. Lucy is a little slow to warm to friends who comeover but eventually gives into belly rubs & then demandsto be held by them haha. Such a sweet lil baby!

    Thanks for all you do to help put amazing dogs andloving families together! We couldn't be happier withour lil Lucy.


    Hello MaxFund,

    Happy - now known as Frieda - has settled in so well inher new home. She had a little bit of kennel cough duringher first week but we went over to the Maxfund clinicand they took care of her for free! So great. She comesto work with me and has lots of fun playing with myco-worker's dog and getting loved on by our employeeswho have developmental disabilities. On the weekendswe've been having lots of fun together - hiking, dogparks, swimming, etc. Frieda loves it all! We justsigned up for classes (more for me than her - she's sucha smartypants) so that we can continue mastering goodmanners. And she gets along so well with our two cats!We love her SO much.

    Thanks for everything, Liz

    Continued on page 7


    PAW PRINTS | August 20156

    Monty and buddy



  • PAW PRINTS | August 20157

    Mailbag continued from page 6

    Hello MaxFund,

    What can I say about little Agnes but she is a joy, joy,joy in our lives. She is learning tricks like sit and"quiet" and is walking better on her leash (harnessworks best for her). She gets to go on long walks andespecially loves the grandma of the house. She &Buddy the Dachshund aren't "best friends" quite yetbut they don't hate each other, either! (Buddy's beenreal sick lately and Agnes has been extra quiet to helphim recuperate). Below are some pics of Agnes in heryard, w/grandma, napping in bed and after her haircut.I posted a little video of her on Your Facebook page -did you catch it? The first day I brought her home sheran & ran & ran in the backyard - so gratifying towatch. I can't think of a nicer gal to join the family!

    We love little Agnes!Karen Main

    Dear MaxFund,

    It’s been almost three weeks since we adopted Hannahfrom you. She has been a delight. Is quite the purringlap cat with spunk and enough “orneries” to keep itinteresting. She’s on the desk as I write.

    Thank you for being there for her and for us. A specialthanks to Brittany who knew every cat, their personali-ties and unique habits. And to Nanci Suro who tookthe time to come out to visit with us.

    Thank you again.

    Carol & Al Mehle

    Dear MaxFund,

    Just to let you know, our little Roli has turned out to bea real sweetheart with a great sense of humor. He plays “catch me if you can”, peek-a-boo and “I canreally hide and seek” under the blankets. Again,thanks for all your great work. And in true chowform, the butt comes first for all cuddles, scratches andlovies.

    Cheri LaarsenProud Pet Mom

    Dear Nanci,

    What a treat it was to meet you and share your table atBud’s on Saturday! I truly felt honored to meet some-one who has done so much for our “furry friends.”What you all started 27 years ago is such an amazingthing. Thanks to you, your husband, and all those whowork there. Please accept this donation, use it whereneeded. Thank you so much for sharing your table,also!

    Sincerely,Patti & Kevin McLaughlin


    Johnny is the best! He's making himself right at homeand seems to be a happy camper. Johnny got sick to hisstomach and had to go on antibiotics but he's betternow. He loves to hide under blankets, play fetch andgo on walks. My parent's dog and Johnny are BFFwhich is great. My biggest complaint is that now myparents ask how he's doing before they ask about me!!!

    I'm so happy he and you chose me to be his mommy.

    Thank you somuch! Elena



  • PAW PRINTS | August 20158

    MORE LUCKY MUTT STRUT PHOTOS...From June 7, 2015

  • PAW PRINTS | August 20159



    Bubba is a miniature dachshund, who was bornin 2007. Bubba has an interesting name: inAmerican usage, “Bubba” isa relationship nickname forbrother and given to boys,especially eldest male siblings, to indicate their role in a family. The nicknamemay also be used as a term of endearment. So it really isa very endearing name for a very endearing little boy.

    Bubba is a very handsome boy and a great exampleof his breed, very loving and friendly. Miniaturedachshunds are also known for their intelligence andcurious nature. And not to mention that they areabsolutely adorable.

    The volunteers love taking Bubba on walks. He is greaton his leash, and he really enjoys his walks. We alsohave found that he adores a good game of tug-of-war.Bubba is also housetrained.

    Bubba gets along well with other small dogs. Hedoes very well in his play groups, and loves to chaseballs and to run. You can see Bubba in action in hisvideo, enjoying his play group, right under his bio onthe MaxFund website. Bubba is looking forward tomeeting you, so that he can endear himself right intoyour heart! Bubba is available for adoption.


    Charity is a very lovelyLabrador Retriever mix,born in 2013. One of thefirst things you notice aboutCharity is her absolutelybeautiful brown eyes, bothtrusting and seeking yourlove. And look how veryphotogenic she is, just a gor-geous girl.

    Charity loves people, bothadults and children. She is nervous around other dogs,so would do best in a single dog household. While she may be a bit shy

    about meeting new people, she gets over that veryquickly, and will just as quickly learn to become yournew best friend!

    Charity is very well housetrained, and knows her basiccommands: walk, sit, stay, and come. She is a verysmart girl, so will be able to learn whatever other commands you would like to teach her!

    Charity is waiting patiently for her forever home, andis looking forward to having a chance to show youwhat a wonderful companion she can be. Charity isavailable for adoption.


    Soul is an Australian CattleDog/German ShorthairedPointer mix who was bornin 2014.

    The handsome youngster isa sweet, shy boy. And hisname is just perfect: hisvery soulful eyes willimplore you to let him love you!

    Soul is ready to experience some fun times, someoutdoor activities, some walks in the park, or rompsin your back yard. He is also ready for your guidance totrain him to be all that you want him to be as yournew canine pal. He is truly ready to blossom intoyour new best buddy!

    Soul asks that you welcome him into your home, andin turn, promises to fill your days with all of his love,loyalty and lots of fun! Soul is available for adoption.Please come and meet this handsome, soulful, sweet boy.

  • PAW PRINTS | August 201510

    DONATIONSThanks to the followingpeople and businesses whose gener-ous contributions help all the ani-mals.

    Advo CareAllstateBarrios, Linda & LeopoldoBates, YvonneBaxter, MichelleBoa, RandallBruch, AbigailButler, DebbieChapman, LauraClarke, LethaCoBankCondreay, W. H. & J. N.Drennen, ElizabethFisher, BrandonFurman, Mary & JeromeGarner, ErnaGeist, DonaldGilbert, RandiGordon, MaggieGuitar, PhilHaen, JoyceHale Pet DoorHalliburtonHaskins, Carol & StephenHawkes, WayneHellweg, WilliamHero, LindsayHouston, SiobhanHull, AngelaIt’s Never 2 LateKraeger, KateKuykendall, ChrisLent, MariannLibertyGivesLiles, SylviaLowry Subway, Inc.Marnette, PatriciaMastin, DorisMatthews, ScottMcComb, MichaelMcLaughlin, Kevin & PattiMerchel, ReneeMeyers, Larry & Mary AnnMoredock, Duane & DorothyMoyer, PattiNewell, Katherine & GaryOri, ThomasPhillips, JulieQuest, LindaRice, ReneeRitchie, LaurieSanford, AngelaSher, Litamae H.Shultz, Nicole

    Signpost DenverSims, RuthSokolowski, DianeSonsiadek, David & LindaSparks, MoSpringers, BetsyStewart, BarbaraSuro, NanciSuro, NanciTaylor, BarbaraThe Denver PostThe Import MechanicsThe Import WarehouseTimmons, RonaldVillanueva, PaulWentzel, Philip & Carol

    AUTO DONORSAdamson, LeonardAlbu, HopeBatmanglidj, KarolynBaum, KarenBeck, AnnBuckner, SandraBurridge, LindaCarle, JonathanCarmany, JeanetteCurran, NancyEiland, DeniseElger, SandraFalasco-Hatter, NancyFreese, LynaeGardner, John R.Hand, JaynaHannum, MarciaHartbarger, HazelHartman, MaryHidalgo, MarkHull, NaomiJacobsen, EllenJohnston, KarenKearns, John Kinsey, JenniferKohl, Mary J.Lentsch-Richter, Margy & JoshLevin, GailLutz, CatherineMalaby, CarolynMartinson, SherylMatheis, EmilyMiller, MaggiePace, AngelaPatrick, BettyePearson, SharronReady, Nancy & DwightRossitto, JanieRotgers, AllanRyan, ScottSerkes, NanetteSims, JeffSinclair, Penny

    Smith, JaniceSuro, AnneTrehern, Lanita G.Wall, William

    MEMBERSHIPSAlarcon, KellyAllen, KathleenAnderson, CarolAnderson, CynthiaBeardsley, NondaBlair, FlorenceBroe, Paula & PatCarder, CarolynCaruso, BettyCicerchi, MariannaCompomizzo, JeanDickerman, GaryEdwards, ChuckEnright-Harris, PatriciaFinnegan, MargueriteFrey, KathyGilliard, Mr. & Mrs.Hoebel, KathleenKlone, Larry & RoseleeLauter, PhilLuedtke, KatherineMcElroy, SueMeyers, Larry & Mary AnnNormann, LisaOverton, SandraPeebles, MercedesPfeifer-Fox, NancyRostad, ColleenRubenstein, JoanShenk, Coralee & Bart ManqelsSingleton, AlishiaSrott, NicholeStahl, AnnikVan Schoyck, JenniferVietmeyer, Judi

    PET PALSAlbu, HopeAllee, SusanAndrews, NancyArnold, ElizabethBeck, AnneBentley, SarahBishop, Marcia HewittBurridge, LindaClark, CharleneCloyd, ToniCohron, Steve & MelissaCollins, CristyEmerich, MonicaEverding, Fred & Josephine Foraker, Peggy & Danny StacyGilmore, JoanGoldberg, CarolHand, Jesse

  • PAW PRINTS | August 201511

    Hartbarger, HazelHeiberg, Beth & ElvinHildenbrand, MaggieHlewko, LaurenHoule, StephenJacobsen, EllenJoseph, DavidLentsch-Richter, Margy & JoshLevin, GailLong, LindaLouvado, MichelleMcLerran, Russ, Monica & LynnMeyers, Larry & Mary Ann Mostow, SusanMurdock, BobPerrault, MichaelQuinn, SharonRenaud, AnnSaly, JoySammons, Susanna, Jim Lykins

    & Della & KonaSherwood, RaechelSewald, Susan & MarkShifers, RonSlomczewski, Laura & JohnSmith, JaniceStanwood, GrantTanoue, TamiWhitaker, AndreaWilliamson, Cindy

    MONTHLY DONATIONSWE COUNT ON YOU!Adamson, LeonardAllee, SusanArbuckle, CynthiaBabyak, NicoleBaker, Jetta Banks, JenBell, MargaretBernal, BonnieBostrom, LaurenBrennen, KerrieBrown, JeffCarlisle, CourtneyClark, NicoleCorle, GailCurley, KimberlyDavis, JosephDeShazer, VinceDougherty, NicholasDriscoll, AlanaDriver, NancyDuncan, LanetteEackles, DavidEndicott, JohnEpler, RhettFaircloth, Harry & SharonFieldman, Lisa

    Furman, Mary & JeromeFurnas, KatherineGardner, John R.Gillespie, Shirley & EugeneGoolsby, JohnHaber, JudithHardwick, Dr. SallyHarrison, TeddyHeaton, David & JenniferHelmrath, LaurieHoffman, PatriciaHoffman, William, Judith, & MichaelHoule, StephenHowe, RobertJacobs, KathleenJoseph, DavidKammerer, Annika & KerstiKaumeier, RickKellogg, George & YvonneKern, Betty Kirshner, NaomiKiser, Rona Kokesh, PatriciaKrinsky, JoshuaKval, EllenLambert, StephenLampman, Paula & DonaldLane, BrianneLatshaw, Rhonda L.Laviana, DonnaLeo, JanLevine, Amy & GemmaLines, MichaelLouvado, MichelleLucas, ValerieLucero, KristenLuedke, JoanLynnLee, RebeccaMaddoux, LeisaMarsh, SusanMartinez, DavidMaslanik, Anne M.McCorry, K.J.McKelvey, ElizabethMile Hi Classified Miller, JamesMiller, SusanMotykowski, BrianMumford, CoriMurdock, BobOgnibene, ToddOrtiz, IvyPatterson, Mary J.Pelphrey, DarrinPerrault, MichaelPhan, Chi PhuongRamelow, Jo AnnRather, JoanRenquist, Maria E.Rioux, Trish

    Rodgers, RosemaryRoesch, Elma & EdmondRubinowitz, Martin & MarshaRussell, FaeSammons, Susanna & Jim Lykins

    & Della & KonaSanders, SandySchantz, MichelleSchmied, JebSchuck, DougScott, JenniferSewald, SusanShaffer, KathleenShelton, John & DonnaShifers, RonSims, JeffSmith, ArdySorrentino, Helen & RobertSpita, Joyce & WalterSt. Francis, MelisaSteffen, LeeStevens, ShirleyStraley, JanisThe Serenity ShoppeThomas, JamesTom’s Home Cookin’, Inc.Valdez, AlexVancil, RozanneVermilio, Ryan & RobynVickery, Sangmin KimVoras, Gerry & ChristinaWaite, AnnWalker, TomWhitaker, AndreaWilliams, LeeWiscamb, MerrieYergler, CynthiaYoho, KristiYoung, KathrynZanabria, Sasha


  • PAW PRINTS | August 201512

    MemorialsSILENT PAWS

    In memory of Bo — Joseph DavisIn memory of Mike & Patty Abbott’s beloved dog,

    O’Malley — Mike & Shirley BrisnehanIn memory of Kathy Inskeep & Camille Fournier’s

    beloved, Harley — Glenda AdamsIn memory of Toni Ciarlelli’s beloved, Monroe

    — Maureen RimarIn memory of Lianne Aglietti’s beloved, Jasper

    — Maureen RimarIn memory of Emma, my beloved Schnauzer, who

    passed away on March 1st — Judy StiponovichIn memory of Arleen Shkapich’s beloved dog, Beau

    — Adrian & Mike BanksIn memory of our feisty girl, Tawney, we will miss you!

    — Greg & Sandie BanksIn memory of Bella — beloved companion to Pat and

    hardworking greeter dog at Claggett/Rey Gallery in Vail — Laura Robb

    In memory of Tyrone, loved and cared for by Jon and Julia Romsdahl . You are greatly missed “Little Roni” — Dr. Bret LaFonte

    In memory of Chris Beal’s beloved companion, Sue — Pat & Chris Van Bloderen

    In memory of Jane Lottich’s beloved, Duke— Ellie Deneroff

    In memory of Loralei & Michele Matisse’s beloved, Maya— Jan Wong

    In memory of Nancy Bernard’s beloved dog, Sadie— Maureen Rimar

    In memory of Angela, Cicero, & Gigi Moss’s beloved dog, Porter — Maureen Rimar

    Jim, Sue, & Eva Cursley’s beloved dog, Willie— Maureen Rimar

    In memory of Valerie McCarthey- Smith & Skip Smith’s beloved dog, Ms. Lara Margaret - Linda & Michael Suter-Gibson

    In memory of Jason Klein’s beloved, Rufus — Jenny Gonzales

    In memory of Bobby, my perfect dog, friend, & helper — Dorothy R. Percy

    In memory of Tara & Tar Jorfald’s, Starbuck, beloved companion & friend — Al & Robin Davis


    In memory of my beloved daughter, Susan Unger— Joseph Davis

    In memory of Shirley Strappelli — Kent WatanbeIn memory of Olga Marulardo’s Grandmother

    — Joan Nelson

    In memory of Christopher G. Woods — Lyn MascheIn memory of Craig Becker —

    Maria & John BlakneyJanie & Mark Specketer

    In memory of Zoretta Edwards — Mark HitchcockIn memory of George Flint — Carol ShirleyIn memory of Fred Dorrough — Paula MontanaIn memory of Gram — Lorri GeorgeIn memory of Elli Rarick — Rae LeggettIn memory of Colleen Maddox —

    Phillip TrippFriends of Pat Bates at Advanced Terra Testing, Inc.Helen ParkerEdith Nicholls

    In memory of Joan & Wally — Pam McLaughlin & Geralyn Keane

    In memory of Brent Stone — Front Range BearsIn memory of Janis Martin — Joy Fischer


    In honor of Sherry Horen’s retirement — Lucinda Bowers & Beth Seligman-Massey

    In honor Linda Beardsley’s birthday — Nonda BeardsleyIn honor of Tom Ori’s birthday — Joseph MuzzioFor Roli Laarsen — Andres & Cheri LaarsenFor Zoe Stall-Ray — Mary Stall & Lee Alan RayIn honor of our beloved Director, Sarah Gjertson

    — Staff at the School of Art & Art HistoryIn honor of Ruth Sims — Kathy HowellIn honor of Mark Dickson’s 60th birthday

    — Michele Tuttle & Mearl WebbFor Sunny D — Patricia & Neville Gaggiani In honor of Michelle Rubin’s birthday — Susan RubinIn memory of Ed Dunne’s 50th birthday

    — Maureen RimarIn honor of Ashton Haddock’s birthday

    — Tommie EvansIn honor of Patricia Marnette — Xi Zeta ChapterIn honor of Susan Phillips’ 60th birthday

    — Ted & Betty Lamb_____________________________

    Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal

    is at stake. Society’s punishments are smallcompared to the wounds we inflict on our

    soul when we look the other way.

    ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • DONATIONS • MEMORIALS • SPECIAL GIFTSIf you would like to make a contribution to The MaxFund Animal Adoption Center to recognize an outstanding achievement or service, to com-memorate an occasion, in memory of an individual or pet, or to sponsor a Pet Pal, please complete the following and mail it to The MaxFund, 720West 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 or call 720-266-6081 for more information.

    This gift is[ ] In Memory of (Animal Friend) __________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] In Honor of (Animal Friend) ____________________________(Human Friend)______________________[ ] For the special occasion of _______________________________[ ] To sponsor a pet pal ($15 a month). Cat_____Dog_____Either_____Enclosed is_____for_____months.[ ] Enclosed is my monthly Pledge. Amount__________[ ] Please contact me to volunteer.[ ] MaxFund is in my will.This donation was made by: Please send an acknowledgement of this gift to:Name: ___________________________________ Name: ______________________________________Street: ___________________________________ Street:_______________________________________City:_____________________________________ City: ________________________________________State:____________________Zip: _____________ State:_______________________Zip: _____________Phone: ___________________________________ Email:_______________________________________Email: ___________________________________

    OUR WISH LISTPurina One Dry Cat Food (Salmon & Tuna)Purina One Kitten Food Dry and Canned

    Friskies Canned Food • Iams for Dogs(Chicken & Rice or Lamb & Rice)

    Large Milk Bones• Cat LitterKMR Milk Replacement for nursing

    Kittens and Puppies

    Windex • StampsLong Choke Chains • Sturdy Leashes

    All sizes dog harnessesToys for Dogs and Cats • Cat/dog traps

    Packages of Raw Hot Dogs(dogs are given medication with them)

    Bleach • Paper Towels • Toilet Paper FacialTissues • Dish Soap • Fans

    Whiskas Cat Milk • Large Blankets(no comforters, please)

    Acreage for a Sanctuary—Our DreamGift Cards for Petco and PetsMart

    ipad and laptops for adoptionsVist the MaxFund Wish List under

    “Find a Gift” on Amazon.com!


    CALL PAULETTE CURRYAT (720) 266-6081


    PAW PRINTS | August 201513


    This thoughtful book is the Native American story of what happensto our pets when they die. It was written by the Director of theCompanion Golden Retriever Rescue Program in West Jordan,Utah. This story makes a perfect gift for anyone who has lost a pet.You can order your copy from the MaxFund for a $10.00 donation foreach book ordered. Pawnote: This book can be sent as a memorial.

    Please sent me_____copy(s) of The Legend of Rainbow Bridge.Enclose a $10.00 donation for each book ordered, plus S/H chargeof $1.00 for the first book, .50 for each additional book. Pleasemake checks payable to The MaxFund.I am enclosing a check for_____________.

    Name: _______________________________________________Street: _______________________________________________City:____________________________State:_____Zip: ________Phone #: (_______)_____________________________________Mail to: The MaxFund, 720 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204

  • PAW PRINTS | August 201514

    MaxFund appreciates our dog run and cat colony sponsors!Support from the following sponsors helps to cover the cost of food, vaccinations and

    medical care for the animals at MaxFund. Our sponsors appreciate your business!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Robert Gratiot CRCG (Canine Rehabilitation Alex B. Campbell, Vice PresidentPet Paintings And Conditioning Group) Enduring Resources, LLC

    www.robgratiot.com 303-762-SWIM 303-350-5107(click on “Good Dogs”) www.dog-swim.com [email protected]

    Proud Sponsor of Olivia Proud Sponsor of Geno Proud Sponsor of JoJo

    small earth vintage Lawrence P. Hartlaub Performance Constructionvintage clothing for the Attorney at Law Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Painting

    modern person 720-488-2771 & other construction related serviceswww.smallearthvintage.com [email protected] 303-761-7663


    Proud Sponsor of Milo Proud Sponsor of Douglas Proud Sponsor of [email protected]

    Would you like to do more to help the animals at MaxFund? Become a dog run or cat colony sponsor today! As a MaxFund sponsor you’ll receive a 5 x 7 ad space in the lobby of the dog

    shelter or cat room wall and you’ll be featured on this page of the Paw Prints Newsletter! Your monthly donation will help to provide

    the necessities for the deserving and appreciative cats and dogsat MaxFund. For more information call Pam at

    719 210-3338 or email [email protected].

  • MAXFUND SERVICE DIRECTORYSponsors appearing below either pay $30.00 per monthor they contribute a significant amount of in-kinddonations. If you would like to be listed on this directory,please contact the MaxFund offices at (720) 266-6081.

    ACCOUNTING SERVICESRobert D. Colwell, CPA5728 S. Gallup St. | Littleton, CO 80120(303) 347-9402

    ANTIQUE JEWELRYVictoriana Antique & Fine Jewelry1417 Larimer Square, Denver, CO 80202303.573.5049 | www.victorianajewelry.comThey will donate 10% of all sales purchased onthe 9th for “Canine” & cats having “9” lives.

    APARTMENT HUNTINGKatie ReardonMyApartmentMap, LLCPO Box 1102 | Rye, NH 03870-1102Phone: (603)-319-1712http://www.myapartmentmap.com/pet_friendly/ MyApartmentMap is a housing search website,we have pet friendly listings all over the USA.

    ATTORNEYGlenn W. Hagen, P.C. | Attorney at LawThe Point at Inverness8310 S. Valley Hwy, Suite 300, Englewood, CO 80112Phone: (303) 524-1776Mention you support MaxFund and the legal feewill be reduced by 10%; if MaxFund is a beneficiaryunder your Will/Trust, or a Pet Trust is establishednaming MaxFund, the discount is 25%.

    CANINE REHABILITATIONCanine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group(CRCG) is 100% dedicated to enhancing and/or improving a dog’s life and physical abilitiesthrough exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation.Englewood | Broomfield | LongmontOne number - 303-762-SWIM (7946)www.dog-swim.com | [email protected]

    DOG TRAINING & SERVICESTeaching in an Effective and Loving WayGroup Classes: Beginning throughSpecialized. Behavior Counseling. Boardingwith Training, Reiki, Yoga (with your dog),Intuitive Readings—10% off any service fordogs adopted through MaxFund.The Misha May Foundation, mutts in safe homes always Executive Director–Lorraine May [email protected].

    LOCKSMITHSierra Locksmith—Louis Chavez, Owner7347 W. Kentucky Dr. “B”Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 435-7518Commercial, Residential and Vehicles

    MORTGAGEMichaela Phillips | America’s Mortgage1942 Broadway St. Ste 314, Boulder, CO 80302(303) [email protected] the MaxFund and Michaela willdonate $250 upon closing.

    PET GROOMINGUncle Dan’s Pet GroomingDan Goracke & Kerry Malloy1440 Carr St., Lakewood, CO 80214(303) 205-1586 Tues-Sat 7am to 5pm

    Waggin’ Tails “The Gentle Touch”Grooming • 21 Years Experience4223 S. Broadway, Englewood, CO 80110(303) 781-9961

    PET AND HOME CARECIJI’S Natural Pet Supplies2260 Kearney St. | Denver, CO 80207(303) 322-8000Bonnie Simpson, Owner/Mgr.

    Paws Up Pet SupplyPromotional offer: When you enter “MAXFUND” inthe coupon area of the checkout you will receive 10%off your entire order and we will donate 10% or yourorder total to MaxFund as well. Your #1 Source ForAnything Pets! http://www.pawsuppetsupply.com877-604-PUPS(7877)

    K-Canine WellnessRehab, massage, acupressure, reiki, nutritionand behavior (303) [email protected]

    Angelique Moyer | U Lucky DogDenver’s top of the town best doggie daycareand kennel-free boarding facility4040 Fox Street | Denver, CO 80216Phone: 720-328-8179 | Fax: 720-292-1817http://www.uluckydogdenver.com/

    RECONNECTIVE HEALINGEnergy healing for animals and [email protected] Jennings 303-883-8476www.spectrumofhealing.com

    REAL ESTATEPaulette Goemmer, Broker AssociateKeller Williams Real Estate(720) 313-2176 Mention the MaxFund andPaulette will donate $250 upon the success ofany Real Estate contract.

    Greg Christian, Broker AssociateColdwell Banker Residential Brokerage(303) 972-8900 $250 Contribution toMaxFund on any closed contract.

    RENOVATIONSEmpeyer Renovations, LLCBill Peyer (303) 681-1981Licensed and Insured

    RESTAURANTTom’s Home Cookin’Tom Unterwagner and Steve Jankousky800 E. 26th Ave. (26th Ave. at Clarkson St.)Denver, CO 80205 (303) 388-8035

    Emerald Isle—Famous for Mexican Food andSunsets on our Deck Overlooking the Cherry Creek Reservoir 4385 S. Parker Rd., Aurora, CO(303) 690-3722

    The CelticTavern1801 Blake St, Denver, CO 80202Ph: 303-308-1795 • Fax: 303-308-1576

    Pizza Republica5375 Landmark Pl., Greenwood Village, CO 80111(720) 489-2030

    ROOFINGPerformance ConstructionLocally owned by animal lovers http://performanceconstruction.com303-761-7663 | [email protected], Siding, Gutters, Painting and otherconstruction related services. Mention this adand we will make a donation to MaxFund forevery job completed.

    Strait Line Roofing ServicesYour choice for residential and commercial roofing;including asphalt, tile, metal, E.P.D.M. andrepairs. Insurance specialists. A+ BBB member.Donation to MaxFund made in your name.(720) 331-1803 or www.strailineroofingcolo.com

    SHEDSColorado Custom Sheds | Nathan BrayCell: (650) 208-3885 • Landline: (303) [email protected]

    THERAPEUTIC LASERCats or Dogs – Pain Inflamation Healing –Back, Neck, Ears, Bladder, etc.Dr. Bill Suro | MaxFund Wellness Center(303) 595-0532

    THERAPEUTIC MASSAGEChristina M. Bara, NCMT(303) 750-5458Massage Heals More Than the Body...

    VETERINARY SERVICESMaxFund Wellness Center1000 Inca St., Denver, CO | (303) 595-0532Dr. Bill Suro, Dr. David O’Brien, Dr. Jamie CharlieLow Cost Veterinary Services and Laser TherapyOpen to the public

    VCA Douglas County Animal Hospital531 Jerry, Castle Rock (303) 688-2480Dr. Eppard & Associates

    Aspen Commons Animal Hospital1842 S. Parker Rd., Denver, CO 80231Dr. Bob James (303) 368-4171

    Cutting-Edge Energy Therapy InstitutePet Communication • Trauma Release TherapyPat Pattison, CMT CHT PEC(303) 722-0272 E-mail: [email protected]

    www.milehiclassified.com They give 40% ofeach ad placed on their webpage to theMaxFund. Place your ad on-line. $29.99 for 30 days. Add photo for $1.00.

    PAW PRINTS | August 201515

  • MAXFUND, INC.MaxFund Animal Adoption Center720 W. 10th AvenueDenver, Colorado 80204


    PAIDDenver, CO

    Inside This Issue!Shorty Was Adopted! page 1From the World of Gus page 2Milli / Double or Nothing page 5Meet Some MaxFund Dogs page 9


    9th Consecutive Year We’ve Earned The Public Trustwww.charitynavigator.org

    “Only 2% of the charities we rate have received at least 7 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that MaxFund consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way, and outperforms most other charities in America.”

    I would like to become a member of MaxFund and help give injured animals with no knownowners a second leash on life. I understand that by becoming a member, I will receive a monthly newsletter. (Membership is renewable annually and is tax deductible.)

    Name: __________________________________________________________________________

    Address:________________________City:_____________________State:_____Zip: ___________

    Phone:____________________________Email Address: _________________________________

    Enclosed is my gift for:

    $15 Senior $25 $75 $250 $1,000Membership Bronze/Individual Silver/Family Gold/VIP Platinum/Corporate

    $10,000 Sponsorship Level $25,000 Sponsorship Level

    ____Check Made Payable to MaxFund ____Visa ____MasterCard ____Discover ____American Express

    Credit Card Number_____________________________Exp. Date_________Verification Code:_________

    Name on Card:______________________________Billing Address: ______________________________

    MAIL TO: MaxFund Animal Adoption Center • 720 West 10th Ave • Denver, Colorado, 80204 • Phone (720) 266-6081or save paper and postage and donate online at www.maxfund.org
