hermosa newsletter hermosa newsletter3b728616-1c60-423a-be2c-b91… · bingo: 16 games. last game...

1 Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter Volume 8 Issue 4 April 2018 "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." welcome." welcome." welcome." -- -- -- --Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet

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Page 1: Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter3B728616-1C60-423A-BE2C-B91… · BINGO: 16 games. Last game is blackout for $110 (57 numbers lled) Costs of bingo cards for each game are 50


Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter Hermosa Newsletter

Volume 8 Issue 4

April 2018

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." welcome." welcome." welcome." --------Anne BradstreetAnne BradstreetAnne BradstreetAnne Bradstreet

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Will be open Thursday April 19, from

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Heartland Hair Building at

300 E. Main Street, Hwy 40.

Please use the southeast entrance door. . Anyone needing some extra groceries to help get

through the month is welcome to come by!

Anyone needing help with groceries for the month is welcome to come at that time.

In case of bad weather that day we will plan to be

open on Saturday morning, April 21st from 10:00 - 12:00.

Who’s Walking? Who’s Walking? Who’s Walking? Who’s Walking?

How about some pictures!!!

In order to apply for grants for more sidewalks,

Hermosa needs to show the sidewalks are being

used. Please take a picture when you see walkers,

or a selfie when you're out and about, and e-mail

it to us at:

[email protected] or message to


Like & follow us on Town of Hermosa - unofficial

Facebook page.

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Pg. 27 Seniors menu

April 6 - 20




















DAY OF THE MONTH. – MAY 25, 2018.


JOAN AT [email protected],

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From the desk of Dr. Mattie Ingram, Middle School Educator:

Hi folks!

This month we focused our learning about great women who have made awesome

contributions to our country and the world. We read/listened to many biographies

such as Amelia Earhart, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roose-

velt, and Clara Barton to name a few. We also had an awe-

some lesson about tolerance through reading and discussing

the Children’s March on Birmingham. The kids of Bir-

mingham were super encouraging and great role models for

all generations. They wanted to demonstrate peacefully for

equal rights for all people. They accomplished it in such a

manner that they won entire city and even the heart of Pres-

ident Kennedy.

We had another opportunity for incorporating history into

our classroom work by studying about the Rocky Mountain locust attacks in the late

1800’s. Did you know one particular swarm estimate was 110 miles wide and 1,800

miles long? We used what we learned to discuss how farmers and other pioneers

were able to survive this daunting tragedy. We then compared what we knew about

current day farming to put a real perspective on this past event and to discuss how

we would handle such events if they occurred today.

Our sixth graders had a rare opportunity to be part of a nation-wide Skype with au-

thor Henry Winkler and co-author Lin Oliver. They spoke about writing techniques

and how they craft a story. Mr. Winkler also spoke about his dyslexia that he has

dealt with since he was a kid. He spoke about his struggles and talked about how he

wanted his children’s books to target this topic and show how kids with dyslexia can

be normal. It was a truly inspiring time joining in this Skype.

In Geography, we have been studying Europe. So far, we have learned about

Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. We will continue our travel exploration of all of

Europe and then move on to Russia.

Lastly, I want to shout out to all my parents! Your support and energy towards help-

ing our students stay successful is very much appreciated!!!

Best Wishes,

Dr. Mattie Ingram, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade ELA, 7th grade Geography, and 6th, 7th, and 8th

Creative Writing Instructor

Don't measure the size of the mountain, talk to the one who can move it...getting students excited about learning!

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From the Principal’s Desk

Hello Hermosa Hornet Families, Thank goodness, spring is here. Whew, what a winter! Now it’s time for track meets, Smarter Balanced Testing, and wrapping up the year. Your child’s teacher will be sending home notes telling you what days your child will be testing. It is very important that kids get to bed early and have a good breakfast on testing days. When students have bad days, most of the time it is because they went to bed late and they just can’t function very well.

Even though we all dread the spring testing time, teachers get lots of good information from the results. It shapes how and what we teach. It is also an instrument that the state uses to measure our school. They develop a score based on our attendance, growth rating, and proficiency level. Last year we went up by 7 points. We are constantly looking at what we can do better. The growth most students make during the school year is fantastic. Right when students reach their learning potential, we are done until the next fall. Unfortunately, many students don’t read or do math over the summer and forget a large portion of what they learn. In the fall, they have to relearn old material instead of moving on to grade level material. Because the summer slide puts students behind, we are researching different meth-ods of getting students to read throughout the summer. You will be hearing more about this as we put together a summer reading program.

Happy Spring, Lori Enright

Principal of Hermosa

Counselor Corner

It’s spring time! That means fun in the sun learning. This month in counseling our focus will be on testing and the smarter balance. As we get closer to testing, the more I will go through test strategies and tips that will help prepare students for testing. We will also discuss test anxiety and what we can do if we find ourselves in that situation.

The students will learn about DAB ON EM which help students find that they are stuck on questions. The younger grades will focus on personal space and how to control what we say to not hurt anyone’s feeling.

Please remember that parents and family are the key to the children success. Please talk your child or children about what they have learned in counseling. Think Positive, Stay Motivated, And Be Successful!

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Music/Band – Ms. Hansen

Congratulations Theatre Exploratory for their great performance of Captain Bree and Her Lady Pirates! The class took on a huge challenge of doing a 75-minute musical with all the extra songs and dialogue! During the process of learning the musical, they also participated in Friday Theatre Troupe, a Lock-In, the performanc-es, AND a super fun cast party at Lintz Pizza! It was a lot of work, but there was also a lot of fun, learning and team building! It was such a pleasure to work with such a great bunch of dedicated, talented, hard-working, and positive students! Thank you parents for your help and support also! Without parent support and help, it would be impossible to offer the musical opportunities.

Band Contest will be on April 21 from 8:00 until Noon for Fifth – Eighth Grade Band students. Band students prepare a solo and at least one ensemble to perform for a judge who adjudicates the performance. Please encourage your band students to practice hard so they can shine at contest!

Jonas Killian, a Hermosa alumni, will be heading up a fundraising concert on April 26 to earn his Eagle Scout medal. Various local and regional performers will be performing to earn money for the Hermosa Music Department. If you would like to perform, please let Jonas or Ms. Hansen know as soon as possible. More infor-mation will follow.

Congratulations Gillian Rittberger for earning her Black Belt in Recorder Karate! That is a huge milestone to reach so early in the year! Congratulations Gillian!

Kindergarten—Miss Whitney

As March comes to an end our class has been enjoying learning about Dr. Seuss, cel-ebrating the 100th day of school, and study-ing 2D and 3D shapes. We are almost done learning about all 26 letters of the alphabet! Yippee! We just have the letter Z left J then we will move on to a few letter diagraphs. Our class is continuing to work on sight words and our newest word is “what.” In Writers Workshop we are working on “how to” stories. Our first story we did was “How to catch a leprechaun.” They came up with some pretty good stories and I love seeing their imaginations working J We are moving right along in math and continue to study 2D and 3D shapes. Can’t wait to see what April brings—hopefully some warmer weather. In the meantime, enjoy some pictures of these fun kiddos!

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Ed Tech/Media – Mrs. Leusink

– Remembering Passwords –

Do you feel like your “online life” is a mess? I

could not tell you how many times I have forgotten

my password, I am sure you can relate. Most pass-

words nowadays need to be unique and have many

requirements. It is hard to keep track of them all!

I want to share a website that can help us with this

problem, especially if you are open to new solu-

tions available. It is just an idea… something to

keep in the back of your mind when you are feel-

ing overwhelmed with the amount of passwords you have for all the different web-

sites you use. This is not the only password management service out there, but it is a

favorite of mine.

Introducing… Last Pass: https://www.lastpass.com/

Manage passwords on a computer and/or on your device via Last Pass app. IT’S


All you have to do is remember your master password and LastPass remembers all

the rest of your passwords. Save all your usernames and passwords to LastPass, and

it will auto login to your sites and sync your passwords everywhere you need them.

Learn more about how it works and its safety features: https://www.lastpass.com/

how-lastpass-worksNOTE: I was worried about the identity theft thing, but after

reading lots of reviews and geeky articles about Last Pass, I’m confident with the

service. I am ex-

cited to simplify

my online life and

give me time to

put my mental

focus on things

that really matter.

I hope you find

this helpful!

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When do monkeys fall from the sky?

During Ape-ril showers!

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Why is everyone so tired on April 1?

Because they've just finished a long, 31 day March!

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Another Scam alert: You may receive an official looking let-ter that, supposedly is from the Social Security Admin. IT IS NOT. It contains a letter that says you have a telephone “appointment.” It gives your correct address, but wrong social security number and wrong tele-phone phone number. When you call them, they will try to get your information. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANYTHING. They sound legitimate

but are a SCAM.

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BINGO FRIDAY, April 6th & 20th, 2018

7:00 TO 9:00 PM

LOCATION: New American Legion Post Home

Hwy. 40 just east of the Fairgrounds


16 games. Last game is blackout for $110 (57 numbers called)

Costs of bingo cards for each game are 50 cents per card or

3 cards for $1.00.

April 20 The Post 303 Auxiliary will have the



from 4:30 to 6:45pm

Free will donations accepted for the dinner. Money received from this bingo and dinner will go toward the Post Building Fund.






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HAHA and SDSRM present…

“A Tribute to Dakota Railroading”

with Hank Harris and Chris Johnson

When: Saturday, April 28, 2018 2:00-5:00 PM

Where: Hermosa School Gym

Hermosa, South Dakota Info at www.sdsrm.org and hermosahistory.org

* FREE WILL DONATION * An afternoon of music, food, silent auction items, and railroad history to benefit… The Hermosa Arts and History Association (HAHA) and the South Dakota State Railroad Museum, Ltd.

Sponsored with the generous support of South Dakota Arts Council, Casey and Erin Crosbie, Fred Whiting, and Ernie Gafe

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Broasted Chicken to Go!

Steaks, Burgers & Sandwiches, and

Prime Rib on the 1st Saturday Evenings of the month

Keep up-to-date, with our specials

visit us on Facebook.

Sunday- Tuesday 4pm to 8pm Wednesday- Friday 4pm to 9pm

Saturdays 12 noon- 9pm behind the big presidents... in Hermosa Business Park….

HYW 79, Hermosa, SD

Family Owned; Family Friendly; Family


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Most of the mysteries which I think are worthy of your time and space in the Newsletter are most likely to be (inconveniently) in stages: Part 1 in April, Part 2 in May issue, etc. So, with that fore-

warning I shall begin with Part 1 of

"They Want Us to Know They're Still Here." This story takes place in Rawlins, Wyoming.

Encountering a ghost in broad daylight is dis-concerting enough, and most of us would quake in our shoes at the approach of even a friendly phantom. Imagine, then, how you would feel about a dark-eyed specter who paid nocturnal visits to your bed with the ex-press purpose of wrapping its hands about your throat and choking your breath from you as you slept!

This isn't the theme of an old Vincent Price movie, or a new plot twist in the Nightmare on Elm Street se-quence - it's what really happened to the Lyle family of Rawlins, Wyoming.

Nancy Lyle woke up one night in 1982 with terrible pressure on her neck. "I couldn't get any air," she recalled with a shudder, "and I couldn't even call out for help to my husband who was ly-ing beside me. All I could do was to thrash my arms around

until he awoke. Finally, he stirred a little and sat up, and as he did so, a small wisp of something like smoke moved from the bed and out into another room."

For a long time, Nancy didn't mention her nighttime ordeal to any-one. Then, on a trip to visit her sister in Illinois, she finally shared her experience with the family. "My sister almost fainted," Nancy said, "because the same thing had happened to her when she visited our house the year before. She and her husband had been sleeping in that same bed, and she also felt the pressure around her throat. She had never dared tell anyone because she thought no one would believe her.

Nancy's daughters both had similarly nightmarish episodes. The older one had returned from college and was sleeping in a room

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directly across from the one where her mother and aunt had been choked. Waking up to find herself surrounded by small white spinning whirlwinds, she fled in terror and refused to stay in the room again. Younger daughter Becky's incident more closely paralleled her mother's, as she felt something holding her shoul-ders down in bed one morning.

"Several other unnerving things also happened," Nancy interjected. "My husband sometimes works nights, so I'm often asleep when he gets home. One night I felt him getting into bed so I reached my leg over to touch his. His skin was very cold, and I remember think-ing that he must have had to work outside. Content that he was home safely, I rolled over to go back to sleep. Then, just a few minutes later, I heard him coming through the front door!

"Another time when he worked late," Nancy continued, "I rolled over and saw something so vivid that I can still see it in my mind to this day. Starring at me from the other pillow was a face that looked like that of an American Indian. It had long dark

hair skinned back, with black warpaint smudged around the eyes."

"You can see why I used to dread going to bed," Nancy explained. "Each night. I'd make the sign of the cross with my hands and say every prayer I could think of. We also heard that you could write to spirits, so we used to drop notes saying 'Please go away and leave us alone!’... down the stairway. Many times I've slept with the light on. I was grateful just to be able to get through the night without something happening."

Nancy's teenaged son Brian ... (To Be Continued in the May News-letter)

Can February March?

No, but April May!

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My calendar says it's Spring, but my eyes say otherwise. Anyway, I thought I'd share again this great window-washing recipe, just in time for Spring cleaning. This stuff does the job!

Mix up the following:

• 1 gallon water

• 1 pint rubbing alcohol

• 2 T Dawn dish soap

• 2 T ammonia

Happy Spring (cleaning??) everyone!

We give our guests a real South Da-kota experience, complete with a warm and laid-back welcome, the biggest blue sky/sunrise possible from the front porch, and a com-plete no-worries package. In South Dakota, we're the real deal. No traf-fic jams, no headaches, and only Old West appeal. At White Tail Ridge B&B, our chickens contribute to your

breakfast, and our horses make you smile. Only 20 min. from the iconic Mt. Rushmore, you will find our three uniquely themed guest rooms spacious, appealing, and rest-ful. Book your room online or call 605-939-5831.

Book your room online or call 605-939-5831

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25249 Wapiti Rd Hermosa SD 57744 Telephone: (605) 255-5002

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April 1 - Resurrection Day

FYI: Pet licensing will be

expiring in April!

"The Time is Now to Renew!

J oin the Hermosa Town Board on April 18 at 6pm at the Hermosa Town Hall, along with Lori Fred-erick, Community Development

Representative -Western Region, Governor’s Office of Economic Devel-opment. Let’s hear what they can do for Hermosa’s economic health. GOED Mission and objectives:

The GOED works to expand primary job opportunities for all South Dakotans. We strive to retain and expand exist-ing businesses, foster new businesses, facilitate business succession and recruit out-of-state businesses. Recruit-ment efforts are focused on four targeted industries: Bioscience - Financial Services - Shooting, Hunting and Outdoors - Value-Added Ag

The office works closely with community economic devel-opment corporations to expand and diversify the state’s industry and economy. Additionally, the GOED ad-ministers a variety of financing opportunities available to new and existing businesses.

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Around The Neighborhood

B u s i n e s s N a m e

Here is Sue Bick-ner, who created this gorgeous repli-ca of the Hermosa Arts and History As-sociation building. Our "Mini-HAHA" is a bank, designed to collect contributions to the organization. She's pictured as she delivered the creation, even stuc-coed like the origi-nal, to the Hermosa Branch Library at our monthly meeting. Member meetings are the 2nd Monday of the month, 6:30 pm, at the Hermosa Library (in the Town Office building west of the Post Office). Join us on April 9th!

Has anyone found their rock yet?

These rocks were placed on the east side of Hermosa School as well as up and down the sidewalk and public areas on Main Street. If you find a rock, pick it up! You can choose to keep it or place it somewhere else for some-one else to find. Let us know!

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Rumor: informaon or a story that is passed from person to person,

but has not been proven to be true………..hmmm… let's talk about it!

Join us on April 9th at 6pm at the Hermosa Town Hall. Hermosa

Neighborhood Watch mee�ng.

Everyone Welcome!

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WHO ARE WE? Hermosa Neighborhood Watch is a partnership be-tween our community and law enforcement, coming to-gether to help each other not become victims of crime.

Neighbors coming together to address community issues. Learning and practicing Crime Prevention through Environ-mental Design .

Surveying and upgrading, if necessary, your home security and lighting. Learning to identify suspicious activity and re-porting the activity to other neighbors and law enforce-ment.

Neighborhood Watch is not: - Citizens armed patrol. - Vigilante groups. - Encouraging residents to take risks to prevent crimes. - A program that guarantees that a crime will not occur in a neighborhood. - A political group. - A neighborhood association or neighborhood organization. - A law enforcement entity. Be vigilant but be safe!!!

The following post started a discussion on face book, with over 40 comments and 252 shares. Just because the perpetrators have not all been caught does not mean it is rumor. Let’s come together and talk about ways to make our community safer! Town of Hermosa, SD - Unofficial Please Be Alert!!

There have been recent reports of suspicious activities taking place, within Hermo-sa, and the surrounding area, in the midnight hours. The perpetrators have been seen colluding in two separate vehicles (one reported as being black in color, small, possibly a Sidekick or similar make). They appear to be driving a perimeter, while taking notes and tracing their steps - and keeping a look out for each other. YOUR NEIGHBORS NEED YOUR HELP

CALL 911 - If you think that a crime may be occurring, or that the safety of you or your neighbors may be at risk, don't hesitate to call 911. Even if you are unsure as to what is going on, the best thing to do is to let the police investigate. You shouldn’t worry about using up police time. Calls to 911 will be prioritized based on availability of law enforcement. TAKE NOTES - Prompt and detailed reporting of suspicious activities can help prevent violent crimes. If you see suspicious activity, please report it to your local police department, by dialing 911, and write down any details as soon as you get a chance (before those important details start fading away). There's a good chance you might remember other details at a later time, so it's always good to have those notes that you can add to and share with. . Cont. pg 31

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Neighborhood Watch scholarship:

Applications for the Hermosa Neighborhood Watch Scholar-ship are now available. Applicants must be must a 2018 graduating senior high student living in or having connections to Hermosa, SD and/or eastern Custer County.

This scholarship of $500.00 is set up to benefit youth with an interest in continuing their education, either by enrolling in a college or vocational school. Applicants for the scholarship are judged on their scholastic achievements, leadership abili-ties, and community involvement. This scholarship is available regardless of any other scholarships received.

Applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2018. The winner will be announced in May 2018.

Neighborhood Watch is an organization that was created to teach people how to protect themselves from crime and how to work in conjunction with the local Police Department. The goal of the program is crime prevention through community involvement, "Neighbors Helping Neighbors." The program provides the opportunity to meet your neighbors and local Po-lice Department personnel through Neighborhood Watch meetings. We’re not just a crime watch, we also focus on com-munity projects. We work on preparing volunteers, to recog-nize and address potential emergency situations, alert proper authorities, and assist neighbors in need.

Hermosa Neighborhood Watch advocates, “Empowering peo-ple to share knowledge and education to improve the quality of life through problem solving, resulting in clean and safe neigh-borhoods.”

For more information on the Hermosa Neighborhood Watch scholarship talk to your school coordinator, or e-mail a request or questions to [email protected] or mail a request to Hermosa Neighborhood Watch scholarship, Po Box 232 Her-mosa SD 57744

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At Hermosa

Town Hall

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Need a Ride??? If you need a ride to Rapid City or Hot Springs for doctor's appointments, medical procedures, or find yourself unable to drive for some reason give me a call. I am willing to help you out for a donation for gas. Call Debbie Astin at 255-4574.

Sponsored by Christ's Tabernacle Church, meeting on Sundays at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at the Beef Building at the Custer County Fair-grounds. I look forward to hearing from you!!

Battle River Chapter #142 Hermosa has medical equipment to loan out to those who have a need. Available are: crutches, walkers, shower stools, bed-side commodes, and wheel chairs.

Call Diane Bishop at (605)255-4357

American Legion, Battle Creek Post 303 meets the FIRST THURSDAY of every month at 7:00 pm. at the new Post Building. (605)381-6969 Any veteran or citizen needing information on The American Legion and its pro-grams, please contact any American Legion, Post 303 member.

April 10 - Fairboard meeting, 7 pm, fairgrounds

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Black Elk referred to the month of April as "The Moon of the Red Grass Appear-ing"

April 1, 1962 - Flooding causes portions of the Interstate 29 bridge from Iowa to South Dakota to collapse. Preliminary investigation accounts stated that rapid wa-ter movement likely weakened the footings of the bridge.

April 2, 1987 - The bill authorizing the South Dakota Lottery is signed, In the

November 1986 election, 60 percent of the state's voters approved amending the

South Dakota constitution to allow the state lottery. The first scratch ticket was sold about six months later, on September 30, 1987.

April 7, 1991 - Upon reporting for work at a convenience store in Dallas, South

Dakota, Ionia Klein finds an unclaimed lottery ticket with winning numbers worth $12.5 million. When the ticket was printed the previous day, the customer said that he wanted five $1 tickets, not one $5 ticket, so the ticket was not sold. Klein then bought the ticket when she discovered the winning numbers and signed her name. The store owners, however, also filed a claim, stating that since the ticket had been discarded, they should be the rightful winners. In the end, media reports stated that Klein and the store owners split the amount, with Klein receiving 42 percent and the store owners receiving 58 percent.

April 10, 2006 - The Corson County Courthouse is the victim of arson. A county

employee later admitted that he started the fire that destroyed the courthouse in

Mclntosh. The courthouse, a wooden structure built in 1910, was the last wood-

frame building in the state still being used as a courthouse.

April 12, 1892 - The Meade County Commission decides to discontinue

bounties of wolves. According to information provided by Meade County, the County Commission passed a resolution explaining that "there was no money in the General Fund ... to pay the bounty on wolf scalps."

April 14, 1935 - One of the worst dust storms in South Dakota history occurs. The drought of the 1930's left little vegetation to hold the topsoil down. As a result, the strong winds common to the plains created dust clouds that blew for miles. Given the severity of the dust storms on this particular day, it soon became commonly known as "Black Sunday."

April 18, 2011 - A South Dakota Housing Development Authority press release

states that, effective this date, the price of a Governor's House is $35,500, an in-crease of $2,500. The SDHDA oversees the Governor's House Program, in which inmates at the Mike Durfee State Prison in Springield construct affordable homes for families with limited incomes.

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April 19, 1993 - Governor Mickelson and seven other men die in a plane crash

near Dubuque, Iowa. Mickelson, fifty-two, was serving his second term as gover-nor, having been elected in 1986 and then reelected in 1990. His father, George T. Mickelson also served as governor. George T. and George S. Mickelson were the only father and son to serve as the state's governors

April 22, 2011 - On the thirty-first anniversary of Earth Day, financial news

company 24/7 Wall St., lists South Dakota as the sixth-greenest state in the country. 24/7 Wall St. noted that the state "only had 14 EPA violations since 2000, far and away the fewest in the nation."

April 29, 1930 - Congress passes an act "in honor of deceased chiefs of the

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of Indians and the valiant men of that tribe who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the service of the United States in the World War 1917-

1918." A memorial with twenty-five names is located in Eagle Butte.

New Worship Service in Town????

Are you interested in connecting with other Christians but for whatever reason the current multiple services offered by the vari-ous churches in Hermosa just don't work for you? Are you gone on weekends in the summer making a Saturday or Sunday wor-ship service hard for you to attend? Does work keep you from being able to be in worship on Sunday morning? Would you just like to try a new opportunity to grow in faith? Then this might be for you! I have heard from a variety of people a desire for a weekday evening worship service opportunity, especially in the sum-mer. This service would be a time for people of all ages and from a variety of faith backgrounds at a variety of places on their faith journey to gather together for fellowship and worship. God's Word would be the focal point but where or when that service would be or how that service would look is up to those who would attend. If you are interested in being a part of the planning team for this new worship service opportunity, please join me at my home (460 Manning Street, Hermosa) on Thursday evening, April 19 at 6:30 pm. The coffee pot will be on and cold beverages will be in the fridge. Goodies will be on the table for us to eat as we brainstorm together what God might have in store for us. Feel free to call if you have any questions. United in Christ, Pastor Deb Grismer Cell: 605-890-0781

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Earth Day is an annual event celebrat-ed on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First cele-brated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by the United States, China, and some 120 other coun-tries. This signing satisfied a key require-ment for the entry into force of the historic draft climate protection treaty adopted by consensus of the 195 nations present at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.

In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a proclamation written by McConnell and signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations. A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Sen-ator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Free-dom award in recognition of his work. While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.


Flower - Sweet Pea Birthstone - Diamond, the

birthstone of April, are common-ly associated with love which make it the perfect gift for a loved one. While white dia-monds are most common, fancy colored diamonds can be found in various colors. .

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14358 Daughenbaugh Road, Hermosa SD


We are Open for Business and

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605-519-4676 You depend on your vehicle and equipment to get the job done. With 19 years’ experience I am able to get your service work or repairs done quickly, correctly, and at a reasonable cost. Call me about your car, truck, agricultural equipment and trailers. I am also an experienced welder, qualified to meet your welding needs.

Steen Service & Repair

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April 23rd thru 27th Chicken Alfredo Roast Pork Dinner Spaghetti Baked Chicken Hot Turkey Sand April 30th thru May 4th Stuffed Peppers Chicken & Noodles Hot Beef Sand Pork Chops Tator Tot Casserole

April 2 thru 6th Closed Monday Bar B Q Chicken Tator Tot Casserole Indian Taco,s Hot Turkey Sand April 9th thru 13th CLOSED April 16th thru 20th Tamale Pie Scalloped Potato's & Ham Pork Loin & Dressing Chicken Pot Pie Beef Stew

The Seniors will be collecting Family Fare receipts if anyone would like to donate theirs we would appreciate it. You can drop then at the seniors at any time. Thank you Hermosa Seniors

Cont. from pg 21

HOWEVER; while detailed information is impor tant, your safety is MORE important!

BE SAFE - Don't put yourself in harm's way or engage a suspect to gather more details about the situation. Your safety is paramount. Plans are in the works to reconvene the Hermosa Neighborhood Watch Program. Our first meeting will be on April 9th, currently scheduled for 6pm at Town Hall. Official notice and details will be provided in the next newsletter. It's important, (and we hope you agree) that we find a way to meet up (on occasion), neighbor to neighbor, to gather together and collaborate - share details, and information of the happenings around us - so that we are better prepared to help ourselves and help our neighbors .

What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A hot cross bunny

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Serving Hermosa and the Hills Area

A Kind Word is Always Helpful

Residential and Commercial

Reasonable Rates

Bonded and Insured



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Yesterday a book fell on my head…Yesterday a book fell on my head…Yesterday a book fell on my head…Yesterday a book fell on my head…

Well I have only my shelf to blame!Well I have only my shelf to blame!Well I have only my shelf to blame!Well I have only my shelf to blame!

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Knock, knock!..........Who’s there?

Beezer………………………………...Beezer who?

Beezer buzzing, it must be spring.

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G&G Storage for Your

Storage Needs!

Concrete Paving and

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300 East Main Street,

Hermosa SD

Make Room for Life

(605)431-7457 or 484-6762

Cleaning special, first month Free on all 10x15, 10x25 and 10x30 storage units!!

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Gift Certificates Available

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The Sounds of Ranching

By Gerry Evans

Part 2

T ime brings change and you are now

making hay differently after some tired

hay maker invented the great round bale

that weighs half a ton or more that you don’t

have to wrestle. There are different ways to

feed these bales than the small ones. With a

chugging high noise tractor you ride out to the rows of bales you

have so carefully placed last summer and may have a fork on the

back of the tractor and a fork lift on front so 2 bales can be

rammed on to those 2 forks and off you chug to pastures, find a

slope cut the twine and wrap, and unroll the bales down the

slope, with a slump, bump as it unrolls itself. No more back work.

Or you may have a fork on the back of your pickup and stab a

bale, hit a lever in your cab and roll it onto the box of the pickup.

Then you stab a second one to travel on out to a pasture. There

you press a lever to roll the bale off the spike or side grips grab a

bale and roll it into the pickup box and out on the ground.

But I remember the days when there were high stacks carefully

forked into artistic sloping in at bottom (rain runs off). You

hitched up the team of horses with a hefty whomp of harness

thrown expertly over each horse and chained to the hay rack

tongue front and back. This was a steady jangle of harness noise

as horses clomped in the snow on the way. Upon arriving at the

haystack, you grabbed a long handled 3 tine pitch fork, clamored

up the slippery stack of hay, and by hand pitch each fork full off

the stack into the rack far below where the hay rack is nestled up

close to the stack. Horses stood still while you forked a couple

tons of hay to fill your rack then off to the pastures to feed the

hungry herds. Yes, it’s fork it all off again by hand as you feed it

off to the cows. The sound of hooves and harness jangle while

driving that load of hay. A snort of horse or cow is the only sound

while the horses plod forward as you pitch off each fork full of

hay. Time for contemplation as you sit nonchalantly

‘accompanying’ the horses home at their rhythmic snow crunching


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Out in the hay field I remember back when no engine ran but the steady sound of machinery being dragged over grassland and the rhythm of the plodding hooves of horses with the intermittent jan-gle of a chain on the single trees on the hitching mechanism of horses to implement. This was the years of mid 1850 on to the 1940’s. Mowing was a low chatter of sickle moving rapidly back and forth as the horse walked, while raking was only the gathering and falling of hay sound as it was raked into windrows. Sweeping the hay to the stacker was sort of a glid-ing grass sound as the horses went zig zagging around the field. While the driver sat at the back of his A frame that had a single pivot wheel under him, one could hear the metallic swivel sound of the wheel turning. The other sound was of wooden teeth against hay as the machine bunched up the windrows of raked hay and brought to the stacker. There, a team of horses, hitched to the stacker would be driven ahead and the heavy creaking of wood against wood sounded as if every board was breaking while the fork load of hay would slowly lift, as pulleys and cable grind and creak the wooden teeth load to tip on the top of the stack. That is if the stacker driver handled his horses, so the timing didn’t drop the hay in front of the stack or end up thrown way over. One may hear a disdainful word or two if this happens. If I am that driver it will be only a scared Ohhhhh!! as I either jerk team to stop or slap the reins hard in effort to keep going. That hay must be hand pitched out from the stack to be re-stacked.

Later during the 50’s and on, to sweep up the mowed hay, most people used an old truck or car chassis that you made a frame to fasten about 12 wooden sweep teeth 8 or 10 feet long with metal points on the ends. This ‘fork’ of 12 tines was about 12 feet, wide fastened at the back of the vehicle. You drove it backwards, so the engine would be out of the way in the back of your ‘new’ sweep. A discarded farm implement seat was fastened so you sat facing backwards which was the way you traveled with the sweep teeth in front of you. A long lever that pushed way forward or backward for your transmission. That noisy gasoline engine whipped and ex-ploded around the hay field gathering up loads of raked hay to take

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What Goes Around Comes Around My five year old son squealed with delight when he opened his birthday present from his grandmother. It was a water pistol. He promptly ran to the sink to fill it. "Mom," I said. "I'm surprised at you. Don't you re-member how we used make such a mess and drive you crazy with water pistols?" My mom smiled and said, "Yes, I remember."

to the stacker. It was a back breaker to ride and operate but faster

than horses but much noisier.

Cutting the hay has progressed to the windrower, which is self-

propelled and not only cuts it but puts it in windrows, so no raking

is necessary to get it into rows. It is then baled, which eliminates a

raker and sweeper into the stacker. The drone of the windrower,

as the rows form behind you continually, is a captivating scene

continually forming before your eyes as you drone down the

‘highway’ of hay land.

Baling seems to lend itself to a special set of remembrances. Noon brings a sort of lull in the change of thrust of the morn, to the downward of the day, as you feel the hush. You throw the lever that engages the baling with its ‘ketch ketch Ker plunk,’ as the breeze seems to shake the grasses to a rustle in what was such quietness. One hears the cyclic ker plunk as the wire is tied around each bale along with the continuous movement of hay go-ing into the slot as baler eats up the hay off the ground. With the large round baler, after forming the bale, the huge half of the cage lifts with a metallic opening sound and out rolls this humongous soft bouncy roll of hay. A bale is born. Slowly the cage sinks back shut with its sliding metallic slide sound and the circuit repeats with such soft friction sound as it picks up the hay while the trac-tor purrs along.

Read more of the Sounds of Ranching in upcoming issues.

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What flowers grow on faces? Tulips (Two-lips)!

Come and


The Fun!

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April 22

Happy “Super Special”


Dave Dillon !!

From the Bishops

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Good Life Yoga Massage & Bodywork

24547 Hwy 79 Suite C.

Hermosa Business Park, Hermosa, SD

Specializing in: Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Energetic Manipulation, Trigger

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dish, Reiki Therapy, and Pain & Headache relief modalities.

Medical Massage, Private Yoga instruction, Yoga Classes


Call (605)391-9908 to schedule.

Find the yoga schedule at www.goodlifeymb.com





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Thank you to all who donated, worked, attended, ate dinner, Thank you to all who donated, worked, attended, ate dinner, Thank you to all who donated, worked, attended, ate dinner, Thank you to all who donated, worked, attended, ate dinner,

and bid on items for our St. Patrick's Day fund raiser. While and bid on items for our St. Patrick's Day fund raiser. While and bid on items for our St. Patrick's Day fund raiser. While and bid on items for our St. Patrick's Day fund raiser. While

we are grateful to Cathedral Parish of Rapid City for allow-we are grateful to Cathedral Parish of Rapid City for allow-we are grateful to Cathedral Parish of Rapid City for allow-we are grateful to Cathedral Parish of Rapid City for allow-

ing us to hold this event in their Hall the past three years, the ing us to hold this event in their Hall the past three years, the ing us to hold this event in their Hall the past three years, the ing us to hold this event in their Hall the past three years, the

tremendous attendance here in Hermosa tremendous attendance here in Hermosa tremendous attendance here in Hermosa tremendous attendance here in Hermosa

affirmed that our decision was correct to affirmed that our decision was correct to affirmed that our decision was correct to affirmed that our decision was correct to

bring our event back to Hermosa. See bring our event back to Hermosa. See bring our event back to Hermosa. See bring our event back to Hermosa. See

you again next year. you again next year. you again next year. you again next year.

St. Michael's Parish

We would like to

shower her with cards.

Please send cards to her at:

Gerry Evans

12190 Village Cr E

Brighton, CO. 80603

Wishing her a happy 95TH

birthday!! April 8

Happy Birthday Gerry!

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Happy 80th Birthday

Marv Neugebauer, April 11

Join in the celebration April 15 at

Our Savior's Lutheran Church

At 11:00 am

Cake and ice cream will be served

Cards can be sent to

14193 SD HWY 40, Hermosa SD 57744



April 11











Tanner Gillespie’s

13th Birthday on 4-17

He’s a Teenager now

PS. Happy Birthday Dan!

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1 Corinthians 10:1 3 No testing has overtak-en you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the

testing He will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

COMMENT: I thank God He lead me to this Scripture a couple years ago when I needed desperately to hear it. And some of you good people need to hear it now. I believe we will all be test-ed and we will have the opportunity to grow not only in

experience but also in learning a very important lesson. You see, folks, we need to suffer in order to understand our role, our sa-cred role, in life. And what is that role? We are here, I believe, to help others - to help them endure suffering. When we are

blessed in our suffering, we can then become a blessing to oth-ers in their pain. To God be the glory!

Harry Michael Lee Burk “Anukansun Hokshila” Northern Arapaho, AKA Billy Jack, age 92, made his journey to the Spirit World on March 20, 2018

Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly de-parted. May the love of family and friends comfort you during these dif-ficult days, our most heartfelt condo-lences.


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Church Services



1. Mass at 9 a.m. each Sunday in the new church on Hwy 40, East

Main Hermosa.

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 1. Worship Service, Sundays at 9:30 am. 2. Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays, Coffee Hour follows worship 3. Potluck the last Sunday of the month. 4. D.O.G. Night 5:30-7:00 each Wednesday at the church. Last Dog Night will be May 9th. (Please check out our Website: oslhermo-sa.com and watch our Sunday Services online, or check out our face book page.

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (UCC) 1. Sunday service at 9:30 a.m. 2. Communion on first Sunday of each month. 3. Ladies Bible Study 10:00am (Exercise class at 9:00 a.m.)

CHRIST'S TABERNACLE (nondenominational) meets at Beef Bldg. at the Fairgrounds. 1. Sunday service at 10:00 am 2. Wednesday evening Bible Study 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm.

3. All sermons can be heard online at christstabernacle.org.

Please send all prayer requests to [email protected]

We will pray for you and your needs. God bless you!


1. Saturday 10:00 a.m. for Sabbath School Bible Study and 11:00

a.m. for Divine Services


1. Worship at 10:00 a.m. 2. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. 3. Adult Bible Study at 12:00 p.m. on 2nd & 4th Sundays

4. United Methodist Women at 12:00 p.m. on 1st Sunday