heroes – spring 2013

SMALL MIRACLES Find out how pocket change creates major changes THE ART OF HEARTS Meet a specialist in charge of children’s cardiac transplants FRESH AIR A pediatric respirologist balances research and clinical care Family Ties A MOM DEVELOPS A SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS LIKE HERS PLUS: • New pediatric emergency department celebrates a birthday • CN Miracle Match tees off PM 40012957 STORIES FROM THE STOLLERY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION SPRING 2013

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The Spring 2013 issuee of HEROES Magazine, the quarterly publication of the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation


Page 1: HEROES – Spring 2013

Small miracleSFind out how pocket change creates major changes

The ArT of heArTsMeet a specialist in charge of children’s cardiac transplants

FreSh airA pediatric respirologist balances research and clinical care

Family Ties

A mom develops A summer cAmp for

kids like hers

Plus:• New pediatric

emergency department celebrates a birthday

• cN miracle match tees off

CN Miracle Match helped raise over $8.2M since 2006 to benefit children’s hospitals across Canada.

Donate today and together we can reach our eight-year goal of $10M!

AUGUST 19 TO 25Royal Mayfair Golf Club, Edmonton, Albertacncanadianwomensopen.com*Visit CNMiracleMatch.ca for more details

Donate today and CN will match your gift*

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stories from the stollery childreN’s hospitAl fouNdAtioN • SPRING 2013

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES 3S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M

Departments5 Message

A note from the president and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation

6 Foundations oF liFe Family Day Classic; CN Miracle Match; Child fitness initiatives; Birthday giveaway; A Queen’s Diamond Jubilee recipient, and more

11 on the technical side CarePages allows families to connect during times of distress

26 More Milestones One year later, the new pediatric emergency department has proven to be life-saving

28 corporate hero Cenovus’ sponsorship of the triage room demonstrates the reach of the Stollery

35 list oF donors

Stollery Family13 student services

University students fit philanthropy into their busy schedules

14 the art oF hearts Dr. Simon Urschel has only been in Canada for a few years, but he’s already made a huge difference in many children’s lives

24 sucess story A Stollery alumnus feels like a million bucks these days. It may be because he’s raised almost that much money for the Foundation

30 liFe aFter loss A monthly donor uses giving to cope with tragedy

32 Breathe easy Dr. Joanna MacLean’s work helps everyone breathe a little easier

34 taKe stocK The outgoing executive director looks back on her time with the Stollery Children’s Hospital

Features16 children’s Miracle networK

Year after year, events held by corporate members of Children’s Miracle Network support the Stollery’s priorities

18 Father tiMe The Alberta Father Involvement Initiative focuses on increasing a dad’s role in the family and the Stollery has shown its support every step of the way

20 FaMily ties Nurse practitioner for pediatric neurosurgery, Wendy Beaudoin is making sure her nine-year-old daughter Olivia and kids like her get to go to summer camp




▲ ON THE COVER: Wendy Beaudoin and her daughter Olivia are making sure Stollery kids have the chance to go to camp. PHOTO: Aaron Pedersen, 3TEN


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contents spring 2013

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SPRING 2013 VOL 1 • No. 1

StolleRy ChIldReN’S hoSPItal FouNdatIoN



ChAIR: ZAHRA SOMANI, B.Ed, MBA, Pirani Group

VICE ChAIR: NASEEM BASHIR, Williams Engineering Canada Inc.




HERBERT CHUI, SIF Asset Management Group Inc.

KEVIN ERKER, Lakeside Roofing

DOUGLAS GOSS, Q.C., Bryan & Company LLP

ROD MACKENZIE, Legato Resources Ltd.



CATRIN OWEN, Calder Bateman Communications

GORDON PANAS, PCL Constructors Inc.


MARSHALL SADD, Lloyd Sadd Insurance Brokers

MICHEAL WEBB, MacLachlan and Mitchell Homes Inc.

EX OFFICIO: DR. WILLIAM COLE, University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital

DR. SUSAN GILMOUR, University of Alberta and Stollery Children’s Hospital

TRACY MACDONALD, Stollery Children’s Hospital

DR. D. DOUGLAS MILLER, University of Alberta

MIKE HOUSE, MBA, CFRE, President & CEO, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Deepti Babu, Stacey Carefoot, Celeb Caswell, John Hardy, Lisa Ricciotti, Scott Rollans, Robin Schroffel

CONTRIBUTING PhOTOGRAPhERS AND ILLUSTRATORS: Paula Gibson Griffith, Alistair Henning, Aleesha Jex, Laughing Dog, Heff O’Reilly, Aaron Pedersen, Kelly Redinger, Cindy Revell, Nicki Wohland

aBout the StolleRy ChIldReN’S hoSPItal FouNdatIoN The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation is dedicated to raising funds for specialized equipment, sub-specialty medical education to train the best of the best, research to pave the way to the discovery of new treatments or cures for child health issues, and specialized programs that improve patient and family outcomes.Content may not be reprinted or reproduced without permission from

the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

HEROES is published for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation by Venture Publishing Inc., 10259-105 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 1E3 Tel: 780-990-0839, Fax: 780-425-4921, Toll-free: 1-866-227-4276 [email protected]

Printed in Canada by Burke Group of Companies Limited. Heroes is printed on Forest Stewardship Council ® certified paper

Publications Agreement # 40012957

Return undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation 1502 College Plaza, 8215 - 112 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 2C8

A whole new reason

to support the future of

children’s health care.

Let us help you in planning a legacy

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CALL 780.433.5437 www.stollerykids.com


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Page 5: HEROES – Spring 2013

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES �S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M


When I was a baby, doctors told my parents that my chances of surviving past my first Christmas were bleak.

As The New PresIDeNT AND CeO OF The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, I’m often asked, “How do you like your new job?” And, while I enjoy working at an organization that helps so many families when they need it most, what most people don’t know is that I have a more personal connection to the cause.

When I was four months old, doctors told my 21-year-old parents that I had a rare condition that meant the soft spot of my skull was growing over too quickly. At that time, I had a very low chance of surviving any kind of surgical intervention.

My parents were devastated. Several doctors told them that my chances of surviving past Christmas were bleak. Despite receiving numerous different opinions, my dad and mom didn’t give up. Later that summer, we found a doctor who was willing to take a chance on a very risky procedure and, after two surgeries at four months old and two years old, I was able to fully recover.

I often tell people that the Foundation exists to raise money, to thank people for the money they donate, and to tell people where the money has impacted the hospital. Donors make a difference, not to the core services that are provided in the hospital, but to the excellence that would otherwise not exist without their support.

To me, what we do at the Foundation is even more than this. Through the support of donors, sponsors and volunteers, we help every child reach the potential they have inside them. Sometimes the potential ends early and in tragedy; sometimes children go on to live long, productive lives. However, parents, families and children can trust that the Stollery Children’s Hospital will do everything in its power to give every kid the best possible chance to be well.

You never know what kids can turn out to be; accountants or authors, rock stars or rocket scientists. We could not possibly support the talented people of the Stollery Children’s Hospital without the support of Heroes like you.

I hope you enjoy the new format of our magazine and learn a little bit about how your contributions are making a difference in helping to reach their potential for every child.

Warm WelcomeMy job is to steward the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. Personal experience tells me how important the Foundation’s work is

BY Mike house, MBA, CFre President & CEO, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation

reAD Us ONLINe: If you like what you read in this issue of Heroes, you can forward some of our great content to your friends and family. Visit stollerykids.com to access this issue digitally or to signup for our online news-letter. And let us know what you think of our new look.

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Page 6: HEROES – Spring 2013

S T O L L E R Y C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I T A L F O U N D A T I O N

foundations of life

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Game Changers like any minor hockey tournament, the Stollery Family Day Classic is all about the kids. The tournament goes farther than others, though, with its goal to support sick children through the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Since the inaugural tournament in 2011, the Family Day Classic has raised nearly $600,000 for the Foundation. More than money, the Family Day Classic focuses on instilling a philanthropic attitude in its participants. It’s not uncommon for a player to score goals on the ice and then meet fundraising goals off the ice, all the while volunteering their time through-out the tournament.

Alex Webb, 12, is one of these players. He has participated in the tournament all three years it has run, and each year he has raised more money than the last, totalling around $50,000 since 2010.

Alex’s efforts for the Foundation began when his father brought him to the Snowflake gala several years ago. That was a life-changing night for Alex. Hearing stories about children his age coping with illness and injury in the hospital made him realize how lucky he was to be healthy. “It really made me think that if I was in the hospital I would definitely want someone to help me,” he says. “It made me put myself in someone else’s shoes.”

From one great annual Stollery event, another was born. Alex’s father Mike was also inspired by his visit to the Snowflake gala. What he enjoyed the most was seeing how involved children were in the event. That’s when he, along with several others, decided to come together and start the Family Day Classic. In the early stages of creating the annual tournament, Mike was adamant that it be geared toward children helping children.

“At a young age my father taught me about the impor-tance of philanthropy and giving back,” Mike says. “Hopefully that’s something I can pass on to my son and his generation. If something like the Family Day Classic gets through to even 20 per cent of these kids, then our job is done.”

Event founder and organizer Steve Serdachny agrees that the Family Day Classic is a great way to get children involved in the community. At the same time, though, he is proud that the event touches on every aspect that organizers originally intended the tournament to support.

“The tournament’s goal is to promote hockey and healthy children,” says Serdachny.

“We also hope to create an annual event that promotes and develops a sense of responsibility and caring for others through the great game of hockey.”

These messages haven’t been lost on Alex, who is already looking forward to next year’s tournament, which is expected to take place at the Terwillegar Recreation Centre once again. Alex plans to continue his efforts in the future and help the Stollery as much as he can. “I just know that the kids in the hospital are going to feel a lot better with the help that we can give them,” he says. “And knowing that I’ve helped; it makes me feel a lot better too.”

Alex isn’t the only player who can feel good about contributing to the Stollery though the Family Day Classic. He is joined by Dylan Knapton, Nick Bodnar, gerard Murray, Liam Dumelie, and Zachary Markel who round out the top six fundraisers for the February 2013 event.

ALL STARS: Edmonton Oiler Ladislav Smid and event organizer Steve Serdachny are joined by the top six fundraisers of the 2013 Stollery Family Day Classic.




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DREAM TEAM: Since its inception in 2010, the Stollery Family Day Classic has raised more than $400,000 for the Foundation.

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S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES �

a healthy child is an active child. and chris Merriott has used her career to promote a healthy lifestyle for children. She has owned and operated Merriott Fitness for the last 15 years. Merriott Fitness caters to adults but, in recent years, Chris has become concerned with the high numbers of kids who just aren’t getting as much exercise as they should. In response, she created the Merriott Youth Athletic Initiative (MYAI), a non-profit organization focused on increasing health and wellness, primarily for children between ages six and 12. As part of the initiative, the MYAI holds several events each year designed to get children active. For the last three years, Chris has taken it one step further and has used the event as a fundraising opportunity for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, recognizing the synergy between her organization and the hospital.

“The Stollery is a great fit for what we’re doing,” she says. “All the proceeds from our events go to the Foundation, but it’s also about getting kids to participate in physical activities. We make sure that what we do is fun for the kids so that it’s something they continue throughout their lives. After all, kids hate exercise, but they love to play.”

Merriott Fitness is located in Devon, where the majority of these events take place. Chris says the community has been incredibly supportive of her fundraising efforts, demonstrating the reach of the hospital and the Foundation.

“Even though we don’t live in Edmonton, the Stollery is still our main pediatric hospital,” Chris says. “Devon is the kind of community that sees a good thing and then really takes a hold of it, so our support has been great and that’s really allowed us to grow.”

This year, the MYAI will host annual events, Merriott Adventure Race on June 16, and the Merriott Fitness Kids of Steel Triathlon on July 27. In

Fit for Life

addition, a new event at the TransAlta Tri Leisure Centre in Spruce Grove will be held on May 12, with proceeds for all of these events going to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Chris says that children in these events are divided into ability groups instead of by age in order to provide the best environment possible and to keep them engaged in physical activity long after the events. Instilling this active lifestyle in children is the primary goal of the MYAI. She is concerned that 80 per cent of children quit all forms of physical activity by the age of 12. Even more distressing to her is that these trends are not heading in a positive direction and she believes that something needs to be done to reverse the decline.

“We’re not trying to train Olympic athletes, we’re trying to save kids’ lives,” Chris says. “The Stollery saves lives every day; but this is our kind of preventative measure. Children need to be involved in some kind of physical activity in order to live a healthy lifestyle; it’s our goal to give them the knowledge and tools to be successful.”

Birthday Giveawayon January 16, Jevan velthuizen celebrated his sixth birthday. This year, instead of asking for gifts from his friends and family, he requested donations for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. When all was said and done, Jevan collected $280.

Last Christmas, Jevan was definitely in Santa’s good books and, when it came time for birthday gifts just weeks later, a gift to the Foundation seemed like the right thing for him to do. “I have enough toys in my house,” he says. “I just didn’t need any more presents.”

After his philanthropic birthday efforts, things are probably looking good for this Christmas, too.

Jevan’s mother Jodie says the family discussed doing something like this for his birthday. When Jevan enthusiastically agreed, he was given several options to choose where the money would go. Jevan had never heard of the Stollery Children’s Hospital before, but once he learned about it, he decided the Foundation would be the best place to donate his birthday collection. “Kids in the hospital should be able to have fun and play with toys,” he says. “So, I wanted to help and it made me feel really, really good.”

Jodie also feels really, really good about what her son did and hopes that this generosity it something Jevan carries with him for the rest of his life. “I’m just really proud of him,” she says. “It was a great thing for him to do.”









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S T O L L E R Y C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I T A L F O U N D A T I O N

foundations of life

� HEROES | S P R I N g 2 0 1 3

each year since 2006, cn and Golf canada have supported children’s hospitals by matching funds raised through initiatives connected with the CN Canadian Women’s Open. In the past seven years, the CN Miracle Match program has raised more than $8.2 million for children’s hospitals in the cities across Canada that have hosted the tournament. This year, the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation has been selected as the official beneficiary of the CN Miracle Match campaign. CN and the Foundation hope to help raise $1.8 million, which would bring the cumulative total to $10 mil-lion. The tournament takes place August 19 to 25, 2013 at the Royal Mayfair golf Club in Edmonton.

“At CN, we are committed to giving back to the commu-nities in which we operate, and we are very proud that CN Miracle Match has been able to help children all across Canada since 2006,” says Claude Mongeau, president and CEO of CN. “I am confident that the community will support the CN Canadian Women’s Open, and that we will make a

major donation to a great Alberta institution like the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.”

CN will partner with the Foundation to fund many programs, including transportation to the hospital for chil-dren living in remote communities. “It’s only through the generous support of community leaders like CN and golf Canada that the Stollery Children’s Hospital can deliver the highest levels of care in pediatric medicine,” says Mike House, president and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “The Stollery Children’s Hospital has the sec-ond largest catchment area of any pediatric hospital in the world, covering four provinces and three territories, serving the most critically injured and chronically ill children from some of the most isolated and far reaching corners of the country. The CN Miracle Match program will make a signifi-cant and lasting difference towards ensuring a full range of excellence in care is accessible to patients and their families from across Canada.”

Match Play

NEED PHOTO CAPTION: Met illuptat, dolum quat la commodio od min dolum henim

MaTchMaKer: To find out more about the CN Miracle Match program or to make a donation, visit cnMiracleMatch.ca.

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S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES �

Big initiatives can come from small people. Just ask Stephie Gagnon. Stephie turned 10 recent-ly and she and a friend (and her mom) are celebrating her birthday by going to the Taylor Swift concert at Rexall Place in June. Perhaps the only better news in Stephie’s world is the fact that her juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is nearly in remission.

“The doctors have been reducing her medications and it’s looking good,” says Stephie’s mom, Sheila Gagnon. JDM is an autoimmune condition that affects the skin, blood ves-sels, joints and muscles of a child, resulting in rash and severe weakness, among other symptoms.

“Before treatment, my muscles really hurt and I could barely move,” Stephie says. “I couldn’t even get my socks on.”

Apart from medications, JDM requires exercise, especially for children who are recovering, as a means of rehab and prevention. And healthy active living is one of the reasons Stephie and her family created Stephie’s Bike Tour, a fun fam-ily event that has cyclists conquering distances in Strathcona County of five to 60 kilometres. The other reasons behind the event are to encourage awareness of JDM, a disease that af-fects two or three kids in a million, and to raise funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “There are lots of other kids who need treatment and they have to stay at the hospital for a long time,” Stephie says.

Fundraising is something that the Gagnons have proven pretty darn good at, judging by the $95,000 that Stephie’s Bike Tour has earned for the Foundation in two years. Their efforts captured the notice of the Honourable Tim Uppal, Member of Par-liament for Edmonton-Sherwood Park, who nominated Stephie for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, to honour significant

Get on Your Bikecontributions and achievements Canadians made in Queen Elizabeth’s jubilee year.

For sure, the kudos from the ruling political party and sovereign monarch are nice, but the thrill of the upcoming performance by pop queen Taylor Swift is of greater interest to Stephie.

500+ infantsare transported

yearly from referring hospitals

to the Stollery

There were

30,500patient visits

to the pediatric emergency

last year


Public School Board teachershelp patients keep

up with schoolwork

ridealong: Stephie is busy getting ready for her 15-kilometre ride in the 2013 bike tour, taking place May 26. To find out more about participating or donating, head to stephiesbiketour.com.

Tour De Force: Stephie’s Bike Tour, created by Stephie Gagnon and her family, has raised $95,000 for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation in the last two years.

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S T O L L E R Y C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I T A L F O U N D A T I O N

foundations of life

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Putting on the Ritz“My kids started asking Me alMost as soon as we left if we could come to the gala again next year,” says Dana nagel with an easy laugh. The Snowflake gala, a fundraiser put on by the Stollery Children’s Foundation, is noted as much for its glamour as it is for its family-friend-liness. it’s the only black-tie event in Edmonton that’s designed for adults and children. The nagel family, Dana and richard and their kids Emma and Cameron, now 10 and three, attended for the first time in 2012. The kids had a blast.

But before Cameron was born there was another baby, Sophia. Sophia was just three days old when she died, only 20 minutes after com-ing home from the hospital for the first time. in the ensuing weeks after her death, as the family coped with grief, Dana took a call from the medi-cal examiner’s office with the news that Sophia had died from complications of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, or MCADD, a rare problem that makes people with the inher-ited genetic trait have the difficulty or inability to

metabolize fatty acids to create energy for their bodies. Dana and richard immediately looked to their older daughter, Emma. She had experienced some unexplained illnesses and, when she was five, Emma had an episode in which she slipped into a coma and developed a serious blood infec-tion. She was diagnosed with MCADD and Dana and richard were found to carry the genetic trait but not suffer its effects.

Managing MCADD involves making sure a patient’s blood sugar doesn’t drop suddenly or that the buildup of unmetabolized fatty acids doesn’t get to the point of becoming toxic to the patient. To do this, patients, especially chil-dren, can’t go too long without eating. “Emma’s MCADD is particularly volatile because it’s com-plicated by complex-1 mitochondrial disease and she can’t go more than two or three hours without eating,” says Dana. “She had to have a gastric tube installed so that she could survive the night.” Emma, now 10, is coping well.

When Emma’s brother Cameron was born in 2009, he was diagnosed with spina bifida, com-plicated by tethered cord syndrome. “Between the two of them, we are at the Stollery almost every week,” says Dana.

“it was amazing to meet donors at the Snow-flake gala,” she says, “people who have opened their hearts and their wallets for families like ours. i just can’t believe the treatment we have had.” The gala is an annual event that raised more than $625,000 for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation last year alone. “We were thrilled when Aleesha called and told us that she had tickets for us. There is no way we’d be able to come otherwise.”

“Dana is amazing,” says Aleesha Jex, acting director of marketing and communications at the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “She just takes it all in stride. i was really happy to tell her that a sponsor had made tickets available for her family.” The gala is a way to connect donors and families and allows people to hear the sto-ries that inspire.

Meet the GlitteratiThe Snowflake gala is a signature event for the Stollery Children’s

Hospital Foundation. in 2013, it will be held at the Shaw Conference Centre on December 9. its title sponsor is MacLaughlan and

Mitchell Homes.

2012 Sponsorstitle sponsor



Dr. ray Muzyka and

Leona De Boer


let it snow: Find out more about the Snowflake gala at stollerykids.com.

Black Tie affair: richard and Dana nagel attended the Snowflake gala with their kids Emma and Cameron for the first time in 2012.

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES 11S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M

BY Jordan Wilkinstech files

Social Media CaresCarePages gives families a place to gather online, provide updates for loved ones and support for each other

support goes a long Way for families with children in the hospital. The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation knows this and gets behind any program or initiative that makes life easier for Stollery patients and their family members. Parents and family members reported that providing frequent updates about the health of their children to concerned friends and fam-ily could be overwhelming. CarePages is an initiative designed to lighten that burden. One of the first online communication networks specifically designed with a focus on health care, CarePages provides free, private websites that patients and their families create to update family members, friends and colleagues about their time at the Stollery, in a secure manner that other social media websites don’t always offer.

Heather McCrady, manager of Family Centred Care at the Stollery, recognizes the importance of CarePages, especially to families going through the difficulty of caring for a hospitalized child. “CarePages allows friends and families to support their loved ones and stay up to date on their progress at the hospital,” she says.

“Having a child in the hospital is always a stress-ful time; this is way for everyone to be there for one another and hopefully make things a little easier.”

CarePages is a two-way street. It allows out-of-province relatives to be involved and show support, but it also

“It’s a program people use because it brings encouragement and lets you know you’re not alone,” says Heather McCrady.

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acts as an output device for immediate family members. Many families even create memory books based on the correspondence from their Carepages during their post-health journey.

Donald Lepp knows first-hand the signifi-cance of Carepages. in 2008 his eight-week-old son russell was medivaced from Winnipeg to Edmonton for cardiac complications. russell was born with a general heart defect. He eventually received a Berlin Heart (a mechanical heart that is a bridge to transplant) before undergoing heart transplant surgery. in total, the Lepp family spent nearly six months away from home. During that time, Donald found Carepages to be an extremely valuable resource for communicating with friends and family back in Manitoba.

“We heard about Carepages before we left Winnipeg,” he recalls. “We knew we would be away for an extended amount of time so this program was exactly what we needed.”

Donald says there are several purposes for Carepages. The obvious is the informative aspect for friends and family back home. Less obvious is the therapeutic aspect the initiative provided to Donald and family during that difficult time. “A lot of people write in diaries; my wife is the kind of person who had a journal by her side ev-ery day. i’m not usually like that, but since i was usually the one posting on Carepages, it became a therapeutic outlet for me as well; if nothing else, it gave me something to do while i was in the hospital and that went a long way.”

Donald recalls frantically packing one night when he knew russell would have to be trans-ported to Edmonton. He knew he would be gone indefinitely and that he would have to tell people. in the midst of gathering the es-sentials, Donald composed an email to inform people of the situation. “it was very frustrating,“ he recalls. “You’re not sure who to tell or how much everyone already knows; you don’t really know any of that because your mind is on your child. Once we got Carepages, all of those prob-lems were gone. Anyone who was interested

could just check online and be up to date with what was happening.”

Although Facebook or other public blogs were readily available, Donald says his family preferred Carepages because of the privacy it offered and its focus on health care. Another important reason is the closure it offered. “With Facebook, most people generally continue to use it after the hospital stay,” he explains. “A real benefit with Carepages is that it allowed us to shut it down after we left the hospital. it was really like closing a chapter of our life; it was there for one purpose, which it served, but then we didn’t need it anymore because our son was better and we were coming home. That gave our family a lot of closure.”

Heather McCrady agrees; Carepages can play a large role for families during their recovery pro-cess in many different ways. it allows families to connect with others from across north America who have experienced similar hospital stays and have gone through comparable circumstances. it also gives friends and family a way to thank health care professionals who made their time at the Stol-lery easier. She says that this encouragement goes a long way for people in the health care industry.

“We’ve had a great response to Carepages over the years,” she says. “When compliments get forwarded on to our staff at the Stollery, it makes everyone feel like what they’re doing is even that much more worthwhile.”

Families at the Stollery use the Carepages frequently. Since the hospital’s involvement, more than 1,200 pages have been created, 75 in 2012 alone. From those 75 pages, 3,341 new mem-bers joined to show support for their friends and family, visiting Stollery Carepages more than 400,000 times last year.

“it’s a program people use because it brings encouragement and lets you know you’re not alone,” Heather says. “Very few children have their entire family live in the Edmonton area, so this is a way to stay connected, without all the long-distance calls.”


On the night of our son’s admission to PICU, he had an amazing nurse. She was absolutely amazing with our son and with us. Whenever we talk about the care he received while in Edmonton, the nurse’s name always comes up as being a highlight for us. She truly took the time to care for our son while also helping us to understand, learn and feel as comfortable as possible with all that was happening. Thank you for the work that you are doing on a daily basis and for making our experience that much better. ~ FrOM pArEnTS TO STAFF

Hey, it’s day four for our little guy in the hospital, I just wanted to thank you for all of the help you’ve been! ~ FrOM A DAD TO STAFF

Thank you to the team of nurses and nurses aids who are lovingly caring for our little champion. We are grateful to all of you who are doing your best to make sure he comes back to us with a whole heart so we can continue to love him with our whole hearts! Know that your role is not forgotten through this journey and we are so glad that there are such caring and capable people surrounding our family. ~ FrOM A FAMiLY MEMBEr LiVing OUTSiDE


I truly believe that the people who work in children’s hospitals are angels sent from above. You’re not only amazingly talented doctors and nurses, but you’re compassionate and obviously care about the patients and families that come to you.

Our friend has been writing on the CarePages every other day and in every post, she comments on the wonderful treatment her daughter is receiving from you. So, on behalf of my family, I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the tremendous care and treatment you provide to those children and their loved ones every day.

Thank you for taking care of my best friend and her beautiful daughter. ~ FrOM A CLOSE FriEnD

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volunteer HERO

FOR mOst studEnts, univERsity is a timE to focus on yourself. There are grades to earn, there is tuition to pay, and there is homework to do, often long after midnight. However, on the University of Alberta campus, there is a group of students who devote their time to a cause, and they have become one of the largest independent volunteer groups for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.

The University of Alberta’s Stollery Youth Committee is a student club committed to raising money for the Foundation through numerous fundraising initiatives, creating awareness for the hospital and the Foundation on the campus, and providing support for large Foundation events. The club is only two years old and has grown from a circle of friends to include nine executives, 30 committed members and an overall volunteer base of over 100 students.

The club’s co-founder and president, Karen Shin, was already familiar with philanthropy and the Stollery well before she created the group in the summer of 2011. While attending Archbishop MacDonald High School, Karen began the Little Hearts, Big Dreams benefit concert, with all proceeds going to the Stollery. Over the course of three years, the concerts earned more than $30,000, with the largest attendance reaching 800 people.

“After getting involved with the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation through our benefit concert,” explains Karen, “I just wanted to volunteer and get to know more about the Stollery.” Currently in her third year of studies in psychology, she has helped the committee organize numerous events, each with its own twist.

The club sold chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine’s Day, walked dogs for pledges, hired a paramedic to teach a course on first aid and CPR, held a zumba-thon, and even used the popular card game Magic the Gathering to drum up some cash. While the executives of the committee often trade ideas, Karen enjoys seeing volunteers take the initiative on their own events.

“I love that moment when other people are inspired to do something, to take leadership and try to organize an event on their own, because that’s exactly how I started.”

A small committee might often be limited in how much money it can raise but Stephanie Perilli, former senior

manager of community initiatives at the Stollery, says she wishes there were more groups like the Youth Committee.

“We raise our money $20 at a time,” says Stephanie. “A lot of our stuff is lemonade stands and barbecues, and the Stollery Youth Committee has been instrumental in recruiting volunteers for our events. We couldn’t have done some of our larger events without them.” Stephanie has worked with Karen since the group’s inception, and nominated Karen to receive the National Philanthropy Day Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy in 2010.

Karen hopes the Youth Committee will continue to expand, moving outside the university and becoming a community fundraising group. “There are a lot of things I learned about myself, even as president,” she says. “Like how to lead a group of people and stay on task, but also working together to listen to each other. I think the whole thing is learning, and I’m still learning now.”

The U of A’s Stollery Youth Committee is a student club committed to raising money for the foundation.

Student ServicesSome young people from the University of Alberta volunteer their time and gain first-hand experience in philanthropy

BY Caleb Caswell

HigHer education: The Family Day Classic was just one of the events the U of A’s Stollery Youth Committee supported.









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BY Lisa Ricciotti

The Art of HeartsA pediatric cardiologist with expertise in immunology sets the tone and heads the pediatric cardiac transplant program

Like many aLbeRtans, DR. simon URscheL loves camping. The pediatric cardiologist and his wife Daniela head for the mountains as often as possible with their three young boys, from ages four to nine, to camp, hike and enjoy other outdoor pursuits. As clinical director of the Stollery Children’s Hospital pediatric cardiac transplant program, Urschel also cherishes the Transplant Camp, held in the fall for Stollery transplant kids and their families.

“When I first met some of these children, they were critically ill in ICU,” says Urschel. “Now they try to beat me in a soccer match. They run, ride horses and canoe; the transformation is amazing. They’re back to being kids instead of patients.”

Urschel’s contribution to young patients lies in the field of immunology. The art of transplantation is finding

the balance between suppressing the immune system enough to accept a new heart, but not so much that the patient will succumb to infections. “The challenge is finding what drugs work best

and when,” he says. “We now have a very well worked-out protocol.”

Born in Stuttgart, germany, Urschel joined the Stollery staff in 2010, becoming clinical director of its heart transplant program a short year later. His association with the hospital dates back to 2008, when he came for a two-year research-fellowship under Dr. Lori West. “My interest in her work and research brought me here. My original plan was to return to germany, but I never went back.”

Both West and Urschel are pediatric cardiologists with a background in immunology, a rare combination of interests and training. According to Urschel, most cardiologists prefer the physical realm of the heart’s valves and pressure over the more abstract world of T-cells and B-cells. “Cardiologists tend to be mathematical, logical people,” he says. “Immunology means a lot of thinking about unknowns, and when you think you have it figured out, the immune system will outsmart us again.”

Urschel jokes that West says they’re the only two pediatric cardiologists with an immunology background in the world. Whether that’s true, it benefits the Stollery to have two members of its pediatric heart transplant team with expertise in both fields. Some of their leading-edge work has been financed by funds from the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. Urschel knows that a career of pure research in the lab isn’t for him. “The only time in my career that I’ve spent solely in the lab was the research fellowship I did on transplant immunology under Dr. West,” he says. “I thoroughly enjoyed it but, by the end, I was anxious to get back to dealing with patients. Sometimes I feel torn between the time I have for research versus clinical care but I need the patient interaction that comes with clinical practice.”

Interacting with young patients and their families whose only hope is a suitable heart donor can be stressful. “So many of our stories are on the edge and could go either way. But there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing. I can really make a tangible difference in the lives of my patients and their families, and that makes it all worth it.”

“I can really make a tangible difference in the lives of my patients and their families,

and that makes it all worth it,” Urschel says.

meet the doc

Five things about Simon Urschel 1. His original career goal was to be a graphic

designer. He now uses that talent to add animation and lively design elements to the PowerPoint presentations that explain his work.

2. He’s a former fan of trash metal and played electric guitar in a band called Dark Silence.

3. He kept his shoulder-length hair through medical school, cutting it around age 26.

4. His ride of choice in his early medical years was a chopper; first a Yamaha Virago, then a Honda CB750.

5. As a young german, he chose a longer period of civil service over military service to fulfil his mandatory state service. During this time he trained as a paramedic, which led to his decision to enter medical school.

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Ace of HeArts: Director of the pediatric transplant program, Dr. Simon urshel has a background in immunology. he joined the Stollery staff in 2010.

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SmallMiracleSThe Children’s Miracle Network accrues small change that means big changes in care for children

BY Scott Rollans

hat’ll be $19.73. Would you like to Round it up to $20 to support Children’s Miracle Network?”

Perhaps you’ve heard a pitch like that at a Walmart or Costco cash register. Perhaps you’ve been asked to

donate $2 to write your name on a Children’s Miracle Network paper balloon. If so, you may have wondered if such easy, relatively minus-cule contributions actually make a difference.

“They all make a difference,” says Mike House, president and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “It’s fair to say that a good quarter of the money that we raise every year is because of the grassroots support we receive from all of the people who support the partners of Children’s Miracle Network.”

Children’s Miracle Network was started in 1983 by a small group that included singer Marie Osmond and Dukes of Hazzard actor John Schneider. (If you were born later than 1980, ask your parents.) Since then, the group has raised more than $4.7 billion to support children’s hospitals throughout North America, including 14 in Canada.

Throughout its history, Children’s Miracle Network has operated by two guiding principles, says John Hartman, the network’s chief operat-ing officer for Canada. “One, money stays local. Two, money goes un-designated to the most urgent priority needs in that local market.”

As a result, the Stollery is able to invest Children’s Miracle Network funds wherever they’re needed – whether it’s in urgent care, training and development, research, or elsewhere. In other words, it’s impossible to point to any one concrete item – for example, a piece of equipment – and say it was sponsored by the Children’s Miracle Network. Instead, the support weaves its way through every facet of hospital operations.

Hartman describes Children’s Miracle Network as a high-volume, low-dollar fundraising organization. “It’s the paper balloon that we came up with 20-some-odd years ago. Or, when you buy or sell your home through RE/MAx, and it’s designated as a miracle home, that agent has given up part of his or her commission to go to the local children’s hospital. Or, when you go into a TD Canada Trust branch and you sign up for a dollar a month to come out of your bank account to go to Stollery.” Each tiny donation may represent just a drop in the

feature heRo


Future Investments: Last November, TD Canada Trust was named the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation’s corporate partner of the year.








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bucket, but Children’s Miracle Network knows how to gather an amaz-ing number of those drops, says Hartman. “That drives our efficiency.”

At the same time, Children’s Miracle Network is also better positioned to deal with large-scale partners. “If you think of those companies on a national or international scale – the Marriotts, the Costcos, the Dairy Queens – they’d rather not work with 12 differ-ent foundations,” Hartman says. “They want to work with a national umbrella who can then facilitate relationships locally.”

Hartman says that about 60 per cent of his budget comes from performance-based fees paid by the hospitals, which, in the case of the Stollery, works out to about four cents on the dollar. The rest comes from corporate partners who agree to underwrite a portion of Chil-dren’s Miracle Network’s operations.

Children’s Miracle Network, along with the Stollery Foundation’s many other corporate and individual donors, make it possible for the hospital to address the specific challenges of providing hospital care to children. “It costs a lot to equip a pediatric hospital,” House observes. “We deal with kids the size of your cellphone, all the way through to 17-year-olds. Just think of how many different pieces of equipment you need.”

Children’s Miracle Network also helps foster a valuable sense of community participation, House says. “The most amazing thing about that is not just the money. It’s about the connectivity we have with the community. Every time somebody gives that 13 cents, or a dollar, or whatever it happens to be, they’re helping not just Edmonton, but the whole region. They’re helping the three territories – Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. They’re helping Saskatchewan and Manitoba and parts of British Columbia.”

“We’re getting money from Grande Prairie and Fox Creek and Valleyview and from places in the Yukon,” House continues. “They’re part of helping these most vulnerable kids.”

Walk The Walk: In 2012, over 15,000 people across Canada took part in Walmart’s Walk For Miracles, which raised $5 million.

HOW DOES THE NETWORK WORK? For more information or to donate, contact Carolyn McKenzie at the Children’s Miracle Network at Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation at [email protected] or 780-989-7389.






ChaMP: Meet the Walmart Champion Child of 2012, Drew Husch (second from right), with his family.












ICIng on The Cake: Hope Gushnowski enjoys a Blizzard on Dairy Queen’s Miracle Treat Day.

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Father timeBY Stacey Carefoot

The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation supports a province-wide initiative aimed at increasing the role of fathers in the family

THE AlbERTA FATHER InvOlvEmEnT InITIATIvE (AFII) provincial coordinator Patrick Dillon is quick to sing the praises of Alberta fathers and he’s just as quick to admit that Alberta families come in all shapes and sizes. “Moms and

dads offer different perspectives on life. Just like moms and dads drive differently, they also parent differently,” says Dillon. One is no more important than the other – they’re different.

It’s the difference that has become part of the focus for the AFII since its inception in 2009. Dillon has been working for the past two years to raise awareness of the role of fathers in the lives of Alberta’s children. No small task for a one-person operation.

“This initiative is not about men being better than woman; we respect the fact that there are same-sex relationships that have children, and we

focus on the roles and their importance,” says Dillon. The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation first partnered with AFII

four years ago. Since then the two organizations have worked together to increase awareness of the role of fatherhood in the family.

“Fathers are often overlooked when it comes to the roles they play in the lives of children,” says Mike House, president and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “They are expected to be the emotionally stoic ones in the relationship while women are tradition-ally the family’s gatekeepers in terms of health and well-being. AFII is doing a wonderful job in helping fathers play a more significant role in their children’s lives.”

Since 2010, the AFII has focused its efforts on carrying out three main responsibilities: to advocate for fathers, to support community









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Father time

service providers, and to disseminate information and resources. The AFII advocates for fathers and their roles in their children’s lives

by providing resources to organizations that are trying to promote effective fatherhood. Along with great programs, AFII hands out some fun swag. One of their most popular items is a set of fridge magnets, that doubles as an activity idea generator.

“After receiving one of our activity idea fridge magnet sets, a father contacted us to thank us for showing him how simple it was to create an activity with his child,” says Dillon. “We also help fathers navigate issues like parental leave,” says Dillon, who often guides dads to their local com-munity support networks.

“Men in particular are not always open to discussing their roles in their children’s lives,” says Dillon. The advocacy program often sparks impromptu discussions about parenthood that fathers would not normally initiate. “Men like to do things when they’re talking,” says Dillon. “They don’t sit around a table and just talk,” he adds, bringing to light the importance of simple discussion and engagement.

One of the AFII’s other main responsibilities is to support service providers and communities in promoting responsible fatherhood. This support comes in the way of program delivery, training and awareness campaigns. AFII delivers workshops to organizations look-ing to increase their community’s father-friendly environments and programming. Dillon spends a lot of his time facilitating workshops for groups across Alberta.

One workshop is called “Super Dad, Super Kid.” It’s a day-long program offered to service providers in Alberta communities. The focus is on developing responsible fathers and helping the community communicate and facilitate programs that engage fathers, giving them

the tools they need to deepen their connection with their children.Dillon says that the programs are tailored to the specific needs of

a given community and, thanks to the support of organizations like the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, come free of charge. Recently, AFII has been working with aboriginal communities in Alberta to reinforce and support the father role. “We are sensitive to the cultural needs of aboriginal fathers,” explains Dillon. AFII recently took part in an Aboriginal Father Engagement Conference.

“This was a successful event in that dads were able to tell their stories – both good and bad,” he says.

The AFII website provides a comprehensive listing of resour-ces, which is part of their third

and final main responsibility: to disseminate information and resources to communities, organizations and individuals. “We rely heavily on social media and our website to get our message out to people,” says Dillon.

Another thing the AFII relies on is the support it receives from its partners including; Alberta Health Services, Alberta Home Visitation and the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. “Our partners are incredible,” says Dillon.

“The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation supports the AFII because we support children,” says House. “The role a father plays in a child’s life is priceless.

aFII programs engage fathers, giving them tools to deepen their connection with their children.

For more inFormation on the Alberta Father Involvement Initiative, visit the website: abdads.ca. It holds a comprehensive list of resources, dates for upcoming events and explains how to book workshops.

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KNOW HOW: Olivia Beaudoin, pictured with her mom Wendy, was born early and has needed specialized pediatric neurosurgical care since she was an infant.







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Family TiES BY Robin Schroffel

Having a child who needs the Stollery broadened one nurse’s understanding of patient care

endy Beaudoin, a nuRSe pRactitioneR foR pediatRic neurosurgery at the Stollery Children’s Hospital, has a special insight when it comes to the lives of her patients’ families. That’s because when she’s not at work, she’s walking in their shoes. It’s this dual perspective that has

enabled Beaudoin to improve the quality of life for pediatric neurosurgery patients and their loved ones through initiatives funded by the Pediatric Neurosurgery Fund.

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In 2002, Beaudoin had worked in pediatric surgery for years. Work-ing on a master’s degree in nursing, she had completed a practicum in pediatric neurosurgery and was considering a new position in the specialty. When she found out she was pregnant, she decided to defer her plan to a future date.

Her daughter Olivia was born in May 2003, 14 weeks premature, with a bleed in her brain. At 13 days old, Olivia underwent her first brain surgery at the Stollery, where the team installed a reservoir to drain excess cerebral spinal fluid. Later she had a shunt installed. These procedures weren’t her last. In the past 14 months alone, Olivia has had nine major procedures in order to control the pressure in her brain.

Having a child who needs the Stollery broadened Beaudoin’s understanding of patient care in a way she’d never previously im-agined. But even so, it wasn’t until a few years ago, when Olivia ap-plied to attend a summer camp but was turned down for her medical issues, that Beaudoin was spurred to take further action. “I remember calling Olivia to tell her. Going to camp was the only thing Olivia wanted to do that summer, and oddly enough, we had never thought of her as a ‘medical kid’. I realized, if this is happening to me, it’s hap-pening to other people,” Beaudoin recalls.

To make sure that Olivia and other kids in her situation wouldn’t miss out on an important childhood experience, Beaudoin and her close friend Tina Vogel decided to start a summer camp for these chil-dren. As a first step, she and her colleagues gained the support of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, which aided in the creation of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Fund. Olivia’s godparents, who own Edmonton’s Artisan Homes, stepped up immediately with an offer to support the camp for three years. Camp Everest was born. The name was chosen to evoke the obstacles and hardships children affected by neurosurgery have overcome.

Now in its third year, Camp Everest is a four-day, three-night sleep-away camp for kids aged seven to 17, staffed mostly by volunteers from the Stollery. The camp – which features everything from smores to sing-alongs to swimming – is active, inclusive and, above all, stresses independence. “A lot of these kids have parents who are very involved in their medical care, but they can surprise their parents with their independence sometimes,” Beaudoin explains.

This year marks the first for Little Everest, a free one-day camp for children up to age six and their families. Beaudoin also hopes to hold a camp day at the Stollery this fall for any kids who were too sick to leave the hospital to participate.

One project is the publication of a book created by the pediatric neurosurgery parent groups. Titled The Compass, it offers stories and advice for families, from families. “It covers from the second you real-ize something is wrong all the way to, God forbid, if your child dies: how to cope, where to go, what to ask, what to do. They’ve integrated stories from kids five and up, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents,” Beaudoin says. “They’ve made it really functional.”

There’s also the new website, neurosurgerykids.com, which pulls together information and countless resources related to pediatric neurosurgery in an easy-to-navigate way. “When we started this thing, we spent a lot of time in the clinic asking parents what they needed. Even more than the camp and everything else, they said they just need somewhere to look,” Beaudoin says. The website allows parents to learn about various diagnoses, read patient stories, get tips on pre-

paring their child for a hospital visit and find practical information, from what hotel to stay at near the Stollery, to where you can hold a wheelchair-accessible birthday party.

The website contains an ultra-secure social network designed for both parents and patients, allow-ing them to interact with others going through similar things. It’s especially important for the older kids, says Beaudoin.

“The teenage kids, especially, need to know other kids are in similar situations, so this will give

them the opportunity to access a safe place to chat, with some really good parental controls in place.”

In the end, Beaudoin says the Pediatric Neurosurgery Fund, sup-ported in part by the Stollery Children’s Foundation is all about im-proving quality of life for patients and their families.

“You could say from doing the first shunt that they saved Olivia’s life, but the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation recognizes that, although saving your life is really, really important,” she says, “there’s more to your life after that. Surgery is just one aspect.”

A few years ago, when Olivia was turned down for a summer camp due to her medical issues, Beaudoin was

spurred to take further action.

NO STOPPING HER: Olivia is a busy nine-year-old. Even brain surgery doesn’t slow her down.







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SWING IT: (Above) Last summer William Markkula’s neck surgery didn’t stop him from going to Camp Everest. (Right, top and bottom) The camp provides typical fun for atypical campers.

Camp of Dreams

in the hospital following one of his surgeries. The camp’s co-founder, Wendy Beaudoin, told the family about her idea for Camp Everest, which sparked William’s interest. A few weeks later, Maryann received a letter in the mail inviting William to Camp Everest, who has attended every year since.

William almost had to miss last year’s camp date. Weeks before Camp Everest opened its doors again, William was back at the Stollery having the bones in his neck fused. His primary concern was whether or not he’d be able to make it to Camp Everest that summer. William made it to camp despite the surgery that year and had such a good time that he asked his mom when he was returning to Camp Everest the very day he came home.

“He says that when he goes, he gets the chance to do things that he doesn’t normally get to do,” Maryann says. “At Camp Everest, he’s encouraged to have fun and be himself and that goes a long way for William.”

There is one activity in particular he’s looking forward to. “The first year he went he had the chance to go zip-lining,” Maryann says. “Not many kids his age have done that so he was very proud; I’ve heard all about it ever since. I think if I were to ever tell him ‘no’ about attending Camp Everest he’d be incredibly disappointed, so he’ll be going back again this year and, I’d imagine, for as long as they’ll have him.” Look out, Camp Everest! -Jordan Wilkins

William Markkula’s favourite time of year is when he is at summer camp. More than Christmas, his birthday, or the last day of school, summer camp is the event he looks forward to the most in his life. But he discovered his love for camp only two years ago. Before hearing about Camp Everest, William’s mother Maryann had not really considered the prospect of sending William away for an extended period of time.

William was born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. Just because it’s a common form, doesn’t mean that the road has been easy for William. Now 12 years old, he has undergone 25 surgeries. It means that he doesn’t always get the same opportunities as other children his age. For example, William isn’t allowed to go on field trips with his classmates unless Maryann is present, just in case something happens. That isn’t the case at Camp Everest. Because the camp is funded by the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation and run by staff from the hospital, Maryann can let her son experience the freedom and independence that is a rare opportunity in his life.

“Camp Everest is priceless,” Maryann says. “Nothing can replace what it does for children like William. Most camps won’t accept anyone with physical or mental challenges, but because it’s run by medical staff, many with first-hand knowledge of the children’s’ medical history, I know my son is in good hands.”

The Markkulas first heard about Camp Everest when William was







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Success Story After almost a million dollars of fundraising for the Foundation, former Stollery patient Braden Mole prepares for his next chapter in life

BY Caleb Caswell

At age 10, he raised $400 to aid a young stroke victim.

“I realized I could get good at this. I caught that incurable

disease I call the philanthropy bug,” says Braden, now 22.

Most Children grow up wanting to be firefighters, doctors, lawyers or actors. There is even the odd one who dreams of becoming a paleontologist. Even still, it’s rare to come across someone like Braden Mole who wanted to be, of all things, a philanthropist.

His childhood dream has a lot to do with his health during his younger years. Braden began experiencing seizures at the age of five, and while medication helped quell the unusual brain activity for some time, his sei-zures eventually returned. At eight years old, Braden

underwent brain surgery at the Stollery to re-move his right temporal lobe which was thought to be the cause of the problem. The procedure didn’t go as planned. Surgeons discovered an unexpected tumour in Braden’s head and, dur-

ing surgery, he suffered a massive stroke. At that point, it was obvious that his life wasn’t going to be the same.

“I was basically like a baby again,” explains Braden. “I had to relearn how to walk and talk but I was never able to regain mobility with my left arm.” It took three more surgeries to completely remove the tumour, but af-ter encountering another sick child, Braden would soon catch an even greater, life-altering ‘condition’. One that would go on to define him as a person.

While in recovery at the Stollery, his mother read him a story of a girl in California who had also suffered a stroke. Instead of losing mobility in one side of her body, she lost the use of both sides. Upon hearing about this girl, Braden immediately realized two things. One was that life could be much worse on his end. Two was that he wanted to do anything in his power to make this girl’s life easier. “I was just realizing how challenging it was to live with a stroke on one side of my body,” says Braden, “I couldn’t imagine what it would be like

to live with a stroke on both sides.” Deciding to take action, he raised $400, an amount he now calls small potatoes, with a bottle and penny drive. Even though in hindsight he doesn’t consider his first philanthropic effort to be a massive one, it did the trick. The $400 was enough for the girl to purchase a specially equipped bike that she could ride. “I realized I could get good at this,” says Braden. “I caught that incurable disease I call the philanthropy bug.”

At 14, just after his final surgery, Braden held his first annual June Barbecue. Every year the barbecue has had a live and silent auction, where bids for the featured quads, trips and artwork went to support the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. After eight years of annual fundraising, he has raised nearly $1 million. However, last year, Braden announced it would be his final barbecue, as he had to commit time to ensure some of his own dreams came true.

“When I first started fundraising,” he explains, “I set two long-term goals for myself. One of them – I honestly didn’t think was ever going to be possible – was to one day work as a representative of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.” Braden, now 22, began working at the Stollery as a junior community initiatives coordi-nator this past March and plans to enroll in management studies at grant MacEwan University in the fall. Working at the Foundation that played such an important role in his childhood is a dream come true for Braden and some-thing he is thankful for every day. While working for the Stollery, he says he’s going to, among other things, help inspire the next generation of young philanthropists.

“I just want to climb that ladder and go as far as I can,” he says. “One day, maybe I’ll even get myself that corner office. Whatever happens, I want to help people with what I do.”

Braden’s second goal may seem like a tall order as well, but it’s one he believes in because he is living proof that it is possible. “I want to continue my career with the Foundation until every story that comes out of the hospital is a success story.”

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Honour roll: Braden Mole’s first surgery was at the Stollery when he was eight. Fourteen years later he’s about to enter university.







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Little EmErgEnciEsThe new emergency department at the Stollery Children’s Hospital is one year old. And it’s proving to be an essential part of children’s care

BY Stacey Carefoot

Alittle more thAn A yeAr hAS pASSed SinCe the new pediatric emergency department first opened its doors at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. The grand opening was marked with celebration; well wishes were delivered by

the likes of Premier Alison Redford and Jennifer Wood, then-president and CEO of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. There was cake, balloons and an old-fash-ioned ribbon cutting.

Excitement was in the air that day, and one year later, it still is.

“We are thrilled,” says patient care manager Karen Latoszek. “This new department has allowed us to create efficiencies, expand and contract services, share knowledge, cross-train staff – the list goes on.” Latoszek witnessed first-hand the evolution of the Stollery Children’s Hospital. She started at the University of Alberta Hospital in 1977 and can attest to the demand for the Stollery to have

its own specialized emergency department.“Sharing the emergency department waiting room and patient care

area with the University Hospital didn’t serve either population well,” explains Latoszek. She says that, as the emergency department volume increased, it became more apparent that the children and their parents

needed a place of their own as they waited to see a physician.

In 2005 there was talk about ex-pansion. In 2006 it became appar-ent that an expansion was on the horizon. By 2008 the need for more space was magnified as the emer-

gency department was handling twice the volume of patients that it was designed to accommodate. During peak periods, children with minor medical problems were treated in a tent (dubbed T-pod) adjacent to the emergency department. That’s right, a tent. In fact, since the Stollery first began seeing children in a separate pediatric area 12 years ago, visits

A creative joint-funding opportunity made the new home possible, including more than $5 million from the Stollery

Children’s Hospital Foundation.

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Little EmErgEnciEs

have more than doubled and are now over 30,000 per year.It’s no wonder Latoszek can’t stop smiling as she glides through the

new 13,350-square-foot pediatric emergency department pointing out all the highlights. A bright and open waiting area with many innovative opportunities to engage kids, such as touch-screen video games and a mesmerizing fish tank, plus large triage stations, 24 treatment rooms and two trauma rooms are just a few of the items to brag about.

A creative joint-funding opportunity made the new home possible. A contribution of more than $21 million came from the Government of Alberta, and the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation kicked in more than $5 million, creating a top-line facility, the envy of pediatric emergency care everywhere.

After a year of operation, one would think there would be some major growing pains to share, some tales of woe or drastic need for improve-ment. But there aren’t.

“We are seeing an average of 135 children per day,” says Latoszek. “We have the capability and confidence required to handle the patients,

their parents and their siblings,” she continues, explaining that one of the unique features of a modern pediatric emergency department is that it must be able to accommodate parents and siblings.

There is a separate ambulatory entrance for patients and their fam-ilies, separate triage desks, and a family consultation room, but the pro-ject was careful not to create redundancies between the sister emergency departments. For example, the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the University of Alberta Hospital call on the same emergency diagnostic imaging care and cast room for broken bones.

The year-old pediatric emergency department has seen an increased volume of 35 per cent since last year’s grand opening. It could be due to increased awareness or perhaps plain old population growth. Whatever the reason, it’s keeping Latoszek and her co-workers on their toes.

“Unfortunately injury isn’t going away,” sighs Latoszek. She is right, but now that the Stollery Children’s Hospital has a pediatric emergency department, Edmonton has never been better equipped to care for in-jured and ill children.






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BY Scott Rollans

They Say chaRiTy beginS aT home. FoR cenovuS Energy, “home” clearly extends far beyond its own corporate head office.

When the Stollery went looking for corporate partners to help create its new pediatric emergency department (which opened in January 2012), Cenovus gladly stepped up to the plate. Ceno-vus may be based in Calgary, but its field offices include several in Northern Alberta.

“Our philosophy is to make sure communities are better off because we are there,” says Jennifer Pendura, Cenovus group leadwith commun-ity relations and investment. “Even though the Stollery is in Edmonton, it has an impact on communities throughout Northern Alberta.”

Cenovus donated $250,000 to the pediatric emergency expansion cam-paign, and the company now has a triage room named in its honour.

The Stollery has the largest catchment area of any children’s hospital in Canada, serving four provinces and three territories. It’s no surprise that some of those children come from Cenovus families.

Darren Matvichuk currently serves as operations superintendent at Cenovus’s field office at Christina Lake (near Lac la Biche). In 2004, his daughter Jessica – then nine years old – developed facial twitching. Jessica was referred to a neurologist at the Stollery, who confirmed a diagnosis of epilepsy.

Jessica’s diagnosis set in motion a nine-year relationship between the Matvichuk family and the Stollery. Darren’s wife Colleen says she was particularly grateful for the work of Jessica’s pediatric neurology nurse. “She was really my lifeline. If I had a question about Jessica’s medication, or if something wasn’t working and her seizures started to become more frequent, I could pick up the phone, talk to her, and she would talk to a neurologist and relay back to me.

“One time, I had to make a decision whether or not to send Jessica to horseback riding camp,” Colleen recalls. “[Our nurse] talked me through what the risks would be. As a parent, that was so comforting for me to have that kind of support.”

Colleen also appreciated being included in the process. “As parents, we were considered part of the team,” she says. “They were very good

about making sure we understood everything – the different treatment options, and the risks and rewards of those options. But also taking the time to explain things to Jessica, even at a young age, in language she would understand.”

As Jessica grew older, she gradually gained more responsibility in deal-ing with her own epilepsy. “They had clinics and special sessions, and they also introduced us to different support groups.” As an 18-year-old, Jessica still faces further treatment. In the meantime, she looks forward to graduating from high school in June, and to pursuing her dream of becoming a hairstylist.

Colleen is thrilled at Cenovus’s recent donation to the Stollery, particularly as it supports a specialized pediatric emergency department. “I know what it’s like having a child who’s ill, sitting in a regular emer-gency room for hours on end.”

The corporate gift also sends a message to Cenovus families, says Colleen. “A donation like that expresses, ‘We value you as an employee, and we understand the needs of your family.’ ”

Northern HOMECenovus helped fund the pediatric emergency expansion campaign, making home a better place

corporate heRo

ENERGY SAVER: Cenovus Energy donated $250,000 to the pediatric emergency expansion. Several of its employees have used the Stollery.


Children’s Miracle Network partners raise critical funds for local children’s hospitals across Canada. These funds support critical research, purchase life-saving equipment, and provide excellence in care for children in our community.

On behalf of the children impacted by your generous contribution, THANK YOU!

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Children’s Miracle Network partners raise critical funds for local children’s hospitals across Canada. These funds support critical research, purchase life-saving equipment, and provide excellence in care for children in our community.

On behalf of the children impacted by your generous contribution, THANK YOU!

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Life After LossOne mother remembers her son’s time at the Stollery Children’s Hospital with sadness and gratitude

BY Deepti Babu

olleen BroDyk’s son AAron wAs just two- and-a-half years old when he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. He had been healthy and they had no family history of cancer, so when doctors told Col-

leen and her husband about Aaron’s disease on April 3, 1982, they were stunned. “We went to the hospital and didn’t know much about the cancer,” she says. “Then we started to read about it, speak to other parents.” Aaron’s parents steeled themselves for his battle against the disease, helping him through many long months of an incred-ibly difficult treatment regimen. Finally, they heard good news that made it all worthwhile: Aaron was in remission.

Over a year later, when Aaron was nearly five years old, he de-veloped a fever. Colleen brought him to the Stollery and her worst fears about his leukemia materialized. “It came back and it wasn’t looking good,” she says. His prognosis was grim. Aaron’s cancer care team tried more treatments for him but, sadly, he passed away on August 4, 1984, just four days after his fifth birthday. Aaron died sur-rounded by his loved ones, and peacefully in Colleen’s arms.

Aaron would be in his 30s today. Colleen gets emotional when she tells Aaron’s story because, as any parent who has lost a child knows, the loss never goes away. There were times when Colleen thought she wouldn’t be able to survive.

An experience like this could have caused anyone to shut down. And, while reflecting on Aaron’s fight and his ultimate death from leukemia, Colleen certainly recalls moments of despair. However,

Colleen turned her grief into a motivation to give back. And Aaron, whom she calls her hero, is a major reason why she does.

Colleen is a regular monthly donor to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, and has been for many years. Despite the dif-ficult challenges she went through with Aaron, she looks back on her time in the Stollery with fondness and gratitude. As she describes it, “I thought the Stollery did such a wonderful job with the kids, for what they and their families were going through.” She mentions Dr. John Akabutu, Aaron’s hematologist-oncologist, describing him

and the staff as “amazing.” “They were so good to Aaron

and to us,” she says. “They were very accommodating and empa-thetic. I have nothing but good things to say.”

Colleen’s regular donations keep her connected to the Stollery, even though it has been years since Aaron was a patient. She feels that her donations helped her cope with Aaron’s death and realize that she could survive it, because it allowed her to actively give back and move on. She also hopes they help other parents see that they, too, can survive – that there can be life after the loss of a precious child.

There are many ways someone can give back, but Colleen specific-ally chose the Stollery Foundation to receive her funds. Her donation honours the memory of her son, but it also works to establish the Stollery as a centre for excellence in research and patient care.

“I think the Stollery is a world-class facility for children,” she says. “I just want the wonderful care there to continue, for all the other children and their parents.”

Aaron would be in his 30s today. As any parent who has lost a child

knows, the loss never really goes away.


why I donateIL




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32 HEROES | S p r i n g 2 0 1 3 S T O L L E r Y C H i L D r E n ’ S H O S p i T A L F O U n D A T i O n

FRESH AIR: Dr. Joanna MacLean’s professional life is dedicated to finding answers for children’s breathing problems.







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Breathe EasyBY John Hardy

A pediatric respirologist balances clinical work with ground-breaking research

r. Joanna MacLean is speaking about Her Job over the phone, and her enthusiasm is obvious. She is chatty and engaging and she describes herself as fortunate because her position is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Officially, MacLean is a pediatric respirologist and sleep medi-cine specialist at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. During most waking hours she maintains a demanding mix of time spent on the ward, in the clinic and engaged in research. “Seventy-five per cent of my time is officially dedicated to research,” she says. “But it’s tricky balancing the needs of the sick patient in front of you with future patients.” She’s committed to digging deeper into research, looking for new answers and better ways to deal with children’s breathing problems.

“People understandably assume that pediatric respirology means treating asthma because asthma is so common. But fam-ily doctors and pediatricians do a terrific job treating most kids with asthma,” MacLean says. “We deal more with unusual or severe asthma and other breathing problems, such as cystic fibrosis and obstructive sleep apnea.”

MacLean explains that, physiologically, children’s breathing prob-lems may be similar to problems in adults but health professionals underscore two key differences. “First, kids tend not to complain or articulate what’s wrong and how they’re feeling, so they may not show up in doctor’s offices until they are quite sick,” she says. “And second, while many adult health problems are often related to lifestyle choices, children’s problems are more often related to something they are born with.” MacLean notes, though, that profes-sionals are seeing more kids with health complications from being overweight or obese than they have in the past.

At the Stollery, in her clinical practice, MacLean thrives on the opportunity to deal directly with the kids and make adjustments to improve their lives. But she’s passionate about the essential need for and tremendous value of research. “It’s irresponsible for society not


MacLean is passionate about the essential need for and tremendous

value of research.

One to watcH

to do research,” she says emphatically. “We can’t improve unless we study how we’re doing and what we could do better.”

It’s no secret that health care in Canada has a big budget, but it can also be a very tight budget that does not fund research adequately. Securing national research funds is fiercely competitive. For example, the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) funds only about 20 per cent of applications. This indicates a need for other sources of research funding, and this is where the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation can help. The Foundation plays an essential role. Mac-Lean says the funding provided to the Women & Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI) by the Foundation is critical to support-ing researchers such as herself to improve the health of children in

the long term. “It allows novel and creative

research that otherwise may not happen,” she says. “Right now, for example, we are finishing the New Breath Study, follow-

ing up with children who were premature infants, born prior to 28 weeks’ gestation, trying to understand how being born early af-fects their hearts and lungs in the long term. In another follow-up study supported by WCHRI we’re looking at preteens who had sleep studies while they were babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. We are measuring how their hearts and lungs are working to under-stand what sleep studies in babies can tell us about long-term health.” Follow-ups over the long term help MacLean and her team gain new insight.

In her personal life, she is likewise disciplined and also takes the long view. She is an accomplished athlete who, among other achieve-ments, has competed in the Canadian Death Race, a 125-kilometre foot race over a mountain range near Grande Cache, Alberta.

Professionally, there’s always a full schedule and, whether she’s doing clinical or research work, her focus is squarely on the children. “Working with kids is so very rewarding,” she says. “It truly is a privilege.”

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hospital PORtRait

Take Stock

BY John hardy

after a 39-year career in health care as a pediatric nurse, 20 years of dedication to the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the past four years as its executive director, Linda McConnan claims that she can leave it all behind and insists that she really retired (honestly) at the end of March.

“My husband, Ian, is also retired and we wanted to spend more quality time with our two young grandsons, go hiking and canoeing and have more time to travel.”

And then comes a wink, a tiny shrug and the trade-mark Linda McConnan smile: “Of course, I may be back to do some contract work, because I am forever passion-ate about children’s health and I love the Stollery and this community.” It’s the kind of enthusiasm and caring that has earned Linda the admiration and respect of health care professionals at the Stollery.

“I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working with Linda for over 10 years now,” says Dr. Susan gilmour, chair of the department of pediatrics for the University of Alberta. “Her thoughtfulness, her insight, and her balanced approach of always keeping children and their families the top priority has made Linda ideal for her role with the Stollery. It’s been great working with her and I will miss her dearly.”

Health care professionals weren’t the only ones im-pressed by Linda’s work. government officials, corpo-rate and community leaders, and the Foundation all benefitted from her passion and enthusiasm as the hospi-tal’s executive director.

For Linda though, the most important people were always the kids and their families.

“It’s all about the kids. No matter what our role or what we do, that’s what really matters. When I was in nursing, I had the chance to be very hands-on and be together with the kids. There are no words to properly describe that feeling,” she says with affection.

Linda’s time as executive director saw great change as the hospital transitioned from Capital Health to Alberta Health Services (AHS) and then finally she says to the Edmonton Zone branch of AHS. A transition like this can be difficult in the health care industry, but Linda looks back at this feat as one of her greatest accomplishments as executive director.

That’s not to say that there weren’t challenges. Profes-sionally, the Stollery’s identity as a hospital is relatively new. When Linda came aboard, there was a lot of policy and procedure on the administrative side that had to be

established. She says that this challenge was overcome thanks to the work of the entire team at the Stollery. Per-sonally, her biggest challenge was to take a step back from direct involvement with patients.

“gradually my professional life and my workdays changed. Like a lot of managers, it was part opportunity and part circumstance. I can’t deny that it was a diffi-cult transition,” Linda says of the shift from patient care. Instead of days spent caring for patients, her administra-tive role eventually became caring for the people who were caring for patients.

“When I first made the switch to administration, I missed the nursing duties and I missed the kids. I was somewhat blessed and cursed. My Stollery administration office was on the fourth floor of the Mackenzie Centre, near the kids, so I could at least see them. That was a good thing but I missed them even more.”

As she pretends to be ‘retired,’ she is grateful for the op-portunity to make a difference. “It’s all worth it. The Stol-lery has grown phenomenally, in the numbers of staff and surgeons and the core funding as well as the community funding. It enables the Stollery’s tremendous research.

“Most of all, we have grown in our ability help the kids,” Linda says with genuine pride.

A nurse-turned-executive reflects on overseeing a hospital through times of change and challenge








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donations FROM HEROES

Honour roll This list acknowledges individual and corporate donations of $250 or more made between October 1 and December 31, 2012.1030604 Alberta Ltd.1045698 Alberta Ltd.1113476 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Subway #109661208798 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Szechuan Paramount Restaurant

1214784 Alberta Ltd.1214784 Alberta Ltd.1241827 Alberta Inc.1248474 Alberta Ltd.1257612 Alberta Ltd.1288982 Alberta Ltd.1301245 AB Inc o/a

Ryan Sellers1402669 Alberta Ltd.1418320 Alberta Ltd.1441614 Alberta Ltd.1458072 Alberta Ltd.1509148 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Smokin Eagle Contracting1509218 Alberta Inc.1517899 Alberta Ltd.1518754 Alberta Ltd.1521596 Alberta Ltd.1521618 Alberta Inc.1524666 Alberta Ltd.1549551 Alberta Inc.1558379 Alberta Ltd.1605885 Alberta Ltd.1632979 Alberta Ltd.1662394 Alberta Ltd.1662613 Alberta Ltd.1667940 Alberta Ltd.1678910 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Tutti Fruitti2D Contracting Ltd.3761258 Canada Inc.4 The Love of The Game601128 Alberta Ltd.611641 Alberta Ltd.746671 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Trash Oilfield/ Snow Cat Trash

811660 Alberta Ltd. o/a Charden Towing

872347 Alberta Ltd.890573 Alberta Ltd. o/a

Tim HortonsA & A Automatic

Transmission (1988) Ltd.A Cappella CateringA I L Construction

Management Inc.A.A.I.A. Northern ChapterAbacus Enterprises Inc.Abbott Laboratories Limited

(Abbott Nutrition)Abrams, DarrylAbuan, AudreyAccess Insurance Group Ltd.ACCU-Search Inc.Adam, Troy & ShannonAdamas Goldsmiths Ltd.Advantage Hot TubsAffordable Solutions

PlumbingAGS Flexitallic Inc.Air CanadaAirbrush Facepainting

with ChicklitAlaeddine, RobertAlbanese, ChristopherAlberta Bottle Depot

AssociationAlberta Carpet &

Furnace Cleaning

Alberta Cycle MotorsportsAlberta Exchanger Ltd.Alberta Heavy Oil Well

Servicing Inc.Alberta Marine Dealers

AssociationAlberta Motor Association

- Kingsway Driver Education

Alberta R.E. Opportunities Inc.

Albrecht, RogerAlcor Real Estate Group Inc.Alegro Projects &

Fabricaton Ltd.Alexander, PradeepAlford, RandyAllan, MaureenAllen, JodieAllstar Show Industries Inc.Allstate Insurance -

Sherwood ParkAll-West GlassAlstad, BerylAltapro Rainbow

International Restoration & Cleaning

Altatech Agencies Ltd.Al-Tawil, JoyceAlton, DanALTYP Welding &

Fabricating (1983) Ltd.Aluma Systems Inc.Ambrozic, ChristopherAmes, BrianAmex ElectricalAmoah, EdwardAmyotte, JeremyAmyotte, MariaAnderson, NelAnderson, SherrieAndroschuk, StephenAnn’s Daycare Ltd.Ansah-Sam, MonicaAnsell’s HeatingApollo Machine & Welding

Ltd.Aqua Air Systems Ltd.Archibald, TracyArchitecture Arndt

Tkalcic BengertArgus Machine Co. Ltd.Ar-Jay’s Lawn, Garden &

Snow Equip. 2000Armfelt, LarryArmstrong, JanetArmstrong, JimArrow Engineering Inc.Art AttackArthur Murray Dance StudioArthurs, TammyArvadia, PratikAscot Property

Management Ltd.Ashford, BrianAspin, AngelaAssociazione Degli

AbrozzesiAssociazione Nazionale

Alpini EdmontonAssumption Jr/Sr High

School Students UnionATB FinancialATCO ElectricATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.ATCO EPICATCO GasATCO PipelinesATCO Power Employees &

ATCO PowerAtwal, GurpreetAu, WinstonAubin, CecileAurora Land Consulting Ltd.

Austrom, BrianAvonlea Photography StudioAxani Bros. Trucking Ltd.Axani, AlyshaAyotte, PeterB & B Oilfield

Maintenance Ltd.Baas, CatharinaBabiuk, DeborahBablitz, CoryBabski, GregBadger Bonnyville -

1006339 Alberta Ltd.Badry, NormanBains, BalvirBaird, Nikki & ChadBakos, EleanorBaltimore, BryonBalzer, MarleneBanham, GaryBanks, HowardBanks, TravisBarcol Doors & WindowsBar-De Transportation

(1999) Ltd.Barkada Grill Inc.Baron, Greg, Dalene &

ConnorBarr, DickBarrhead Auto Parts &

Salvage Ltd.Barrtech Heavy Equipment

RepairBarry, MatthewBasaraba, Con & Rose MarieBattle River Implements Ltd.Bauer, JustinBaxter, KeithBDMW Alberta Inc.Beachcomber Hot TubBeacon Glass Products Ltd.Beck Antiques & JewelleryBeck, ChrisBedel, MikeBeekeepers Commission

of AlbertaBeggs, AlBehere, ShraddhaBell CanadaBelland, NoelBellstar Hotels & ResortsBenalto SchoolBenedict, GailBeniuk, JefferyBennett, AlyssaBenoit, TrevorBentley, Michelle & ThadBenvenuto, JoannaBergen, JosephBerglund, CarolBeriault, PierreBernard, Helene & HerbertBetty, ToniBexson Transport Inc.BFI Canada Inc.Bhandal, SurjeetBhardwaj, LeanneBiamonte, AuroraBiddlecombe, RobertBieniek, ChristinaBig Bore Directional DrillingBig Top Tent Rentals Ltd.BioWare ULCBird, BonnieBird, Susan & RegBittner, BradleyBittner, CindyBjorklund, Ian & TyneilleBlack Diamond Paving Ltd.Black Gold Import Auto PartsBlack Gold Optimist Club

of LeducBlack, RaymondBlackstock, John

The Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation wishes to express its gratitude for the following individuals and corporations that play an invaluable role in supporting pediatric care in the community. Donors are recognized in these pages for their support of the foundation.

Blackstone Oilfield Services Ltd.

Blain Weidman Topseller Inc.Blair, Cameron & LisaBlais, PaulBlake Brown Benefit WalkBlanchette, ClintonBlazin Beads Welding Ltd.Blewette, MylesBlonski, Ed & AliceBlosser, DonaldBlue Hills Community SchoolBMO Bank of MontrealBodnar, Ronald & GloriaBogdanski, WesleyBohachyk, MichelleBolduc, JordanBoonstra, JohnBork, SusanneBOS Solutions Ltd.Bourgoin, SergeBowen, GregBowtye Holdings Ltd.Boyd, JasonBoyd, StephenBoyko, CarlaBoyko, JamesBP Wealth & Insurance Inc.Braden Mole’s BBQ &

AuctionBrady, DeanBraiden, BertBrcic, VladoBreier, DanBremault, JohnBretzlaff, CarlBrian Simmons Annual

Memorial Ride for LifeBriggs, Wilfred (Bill)BrittaBrnada, BrentBroadhurst, ChrisBrooker, CatherineBrown, DanicaBrown, Emily & GarryBrown, LisaBrown, ReneBryant, KenBubalo PaintingBudget Car and Truck Rental

of EdmontonBudlong, AllanBuelow Contracting Ltd.Buerger, ErichBull, MichelleBuller, ElizabethBumbeh, ThomasBunting, DamonBurak, MichelleBurke Group of

Companies LimitedButler, JohnButler, WalterBuxton, GeriBuyks, CorryCadderao, LilibethCadoret, GlenCall the Kettle BlackCalmont Leasing Ltd.Cameron Canada Corporation

- Sunshine Social ClubCameron, JamesCamilla School ActivitesCampbell Company of

CanadaCampbell, BarryCampbell, CraigCanada BrokerLink Inc.Canadian Asian Hospitality

Industry AssociationCanadian Chinese

Children’s Choir Association Edmonton

Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Canadian Online Giving Foundation

Canadian Romanian Society of Alberta

Canadian Tire - Fort RoadCan-Cell Industries Inc.Canem Systems Ltd.Capital Power CorporationCarbert, Garth

Carew, PatrickCarle, JohnCarlson, KennethCarlson, ShannonCarmacks Enterprises Ltd.Carpet SuperstoreCarrobourg, RyanCarswell, BetinaCasino Yellowhead Social

CommitteeCathrea, DouglasCenovus Energy Inc.Century 21 o/a

Jayd Realty (1994) Ltd.Cessco Fabrication &

Engineering Ltd.CG Five Holdings Ltd.Chambers, EdwardChambers, LeeChangarathil, ThomasChateau LightingCHBA - AlbertaChef’s Hat Inc.Chemistry Graduate

Students’ Society Department of Chemistry

Cheney, DouglasCheung, KwanChianti Cafe & RestaurantChiaselotti, PaoloChiem, AnhChildren’s Miracle Network

CanadaChin, LaineChisholm, JarrettChopin, RyanChow, Sau YingChristian Education

Committee Provost United Church

Christman, ErnieChrobak, AndyChung, CindyCIBCCicchini, JoanneCISNCity of Cold LakeCKB Construction (2004) Ltd.Clare-Packer, JudyClark, LorneCleall, Ken & PattyClearly Superior GlassClub Du Soliel of EdmontonCoble, RobertCoco, SaraCoffin, TomCogle, JamesCold Lake Elementary

SchoolCold Lake FordCold Lake Junion B

Hockey ClubCold Lake Kinnette ClubCold Lake Liquors Ltd.Cold Lake Middle SchoolColdwell Banker Home

Team RealtyColeman, Katherine &

RobertColes, NicolaColgate-Palmolive Canada Inc.Commercial Solutions Inc.Con Boland Photography Inc.Connell, LynneConnie Kennedy Realty Inc.Connie Robertson Realty Inc.Connor, JohnConnors, TobiConocoPhillips CanadaConroy Ross Partners LimitedContain Enviro Services Ltd.Cook, RyanCooper, JayCopeman HealthcareCornet, MarinusCorus RadioCory, ShannonCostco Wholesale Canada Ltd.Cote, AudreyCountry Club TourCourtepatte, JasenCourtoreille, KristinaCourtyard by Marriott -

Edmonton Downtown

Craft, DCraig’s No Frills #3947Cranesmart SystemsCrawford, ShaneCRB Mechanical Ltd.Croswell, JodieCRS CraneSystems Inc.Crystal Glass Canada Ltd.CTR Refrigeration Ltd.Cumberland, LeeCunningham, GrahamCWS Industries (Mfg) Corp.Cyclone Welding Ltd.Czar, RosanneD.S. MacKenzie SchoolDaam Galvanizing Ltd.Dairy Queen CanadaDale, DenisDane’s Office Services Ltd.Daoust, JordanDarcy Powlik Realty Inc.Darlene Strang Realty Inc.David B. Ross Prof. Corp.Davies Real Estate Group Ltd.Davies, WilliamDavis, ChristopherDavis, JenniferDavis, ThomasDaytona Capital Corp.DC DrillingDean, FeliciaDeane, JohnDe Boer, Leona &

Muzyka, Dr. Raymond Deeb, TariqDeep, DarleanDeerland EquipmentDegner, AnnetteDela Cruz, ChonaDelaney Veterinary ServicesDelemont, DanielDelisle, LaurieDeloitte & Touche LLPDelux Burger Bar (WEM) Ltd.Delux Burger Bar Ltd.Dembinski, TimDenham, CliffordDerks FormalsDesmet, Vera LynnDewald, GarryDewald, StephanDIALOGDick, ShonaDimension 3 Trading

Enterprises (INT) Inc.Dion, GusDisney World Wide

Services, Inc.Do All Landscape Ltd.Dobie, AmandaDobrich, JohnDoherty Insurance Ltd.Donald Shwets Realty Ltd.Donkersgoed, ShannonDorin, MarlaDorward, GaryDorward, SheilaDowgiert, WojcechDrader, TrishDrake InsuranceDraper, MichaelDreco Energy Services ULCDrew, JodieDuarte, AleeshaDubilowski, BrendaDunluce SchoolDuquette, JosephineDurabuilt Windows &

Doors Inc.Dutchman Equipment &

Rentals Ltd.Dutka, RyanDwarika, DhanyramDykstra, MatthewDzus, BillE.M.A.C.Earth & Iron Inc.East Edmonton Senior

Citizens AssociationEbertz, LindaEdcon Power Tongs &

Oilfield Services Inc.Edge Production

Supplies Ltd.

Edmonton & Area Corporate Challenge

Edmonton and District Soccer Association

Edmonton Area Council One Society Casino

Edmonton Cast Iron Repair Company Ltd.

Edmonton Catholic SchoolsEdmonton Civic

Employees Charitable Assistance Fund

Edmonton Community Foundation

Edmonton Fire Fighters Grad Class 136

Edmonton Marriott at River Cree Resort

Edmonton Nut & BoltEdmonton Public Teachers-

Local 37 ATAEdmonton Road Test

Services Ltd.Edmonton School of BalletEdmonton Valve &

Fitting Inc.Ed’s Auto Salvage Inc.Edson Masonic Lodge

No. 68Edson Slow Pitch

CampgroundEdwardian Enterprises Ltd.Edwards, DoreenEdwards, PatrickEECOL Electric CorpEhli, AnnaEldon & Anne Foote FundElfstedt, MichelleElite Sportswear &

Awards Ltd.Ell, GordieElliott, JoelEllis, TylerElsey, LouiseElwi, AlaaEly Investments Inc.Emmanuel Realty &

Investments Inc.Encana Cares FoundationEndeavor Machining

Solutions Inc.Enders, MarcieEnders, StephanieENMAX CorporationErickson, JimErker, DoreenErker, KevinEsch, EdytheEscom Electrical

Distributors Inc.Eskiw Realty Inc.Eskiw, ShawnaEssential EnergyEstate of Jean

Gleason McRaeEstate of Joseph

Herman RainerEstate of June KoopmansEstate of Lockey AskelandEstate of Louis Herman

Joseph ParsonsEstephan, PeterEvergreen SchoolEwachniuk, SergeiEwanchuk, AudreyEwanchuk, GlennExpress Employment

ProfessionalsFabriclandFacette, MaryFagnan, ClemFasttech Tires PerformanceFehr, RonFemale Bantam A Hockey

Team - Sherwood ParkFendrykowski, DianaFenske, NeilFerguson, BryanFerguson, MatthewFerguson, MaxineFiaco Marketing Inc.Fillmore, Chris & JessicaFinesse Home LivingFinnman, Craig

Life Savers

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Page 36: HEROES – Spring 2013

36 HEROES | S p r i n g 2 0 1 3 S T O L L E r Y C H i L D r E n ’ S H O S p i T A L F O U n D A T i O n

donations FROM HEROES

First Capital Asset Management Lp

First Student CanadaFischer, rosannaFisher, TomFleming, glenFlintFlorence MacKenzie FundFlorence, robertFluid LifeFoot notes Dance StudioFootz, gerryForestburg OESFouillard, philipFournier, TinaFrank’s Sandblasting & paintingFred D. Lobay professional

CorporationFred north Charitable

FoundationFreeman, JimFreeman, LauraFrench, MalenaFriederichsen, ralphFriesen, BeverlyFrigon, JosephFrogbelly printingFry, AnneFunk, ClintonFVB Energy inc.gadd, Cliffordgaglione, Matthewgahiza, Deogalal, nourgalandak, Milangalbraith, Dangalm, Arlenegamble, John & Mavisgannon, Cindygannon, Montegateway Casinos &

Entertainment Limitedgateway Entertainment

Centregateway Trailer repairs Ltd.gaudry, gailgaulden, Cherylgaulden, Christinagaydar, Frankgaze, Annettegazso, Michaelgeisler, garygeneral Mills Canada

Corporationgenevieve (Jean)

Whiting Fundgerbeth, petergering, Amandagerrard, peterger-Vee Trucking Ltd.getz realty inc.geurtsen, nicholasgFL Environmental West

Corporationggg realty inc.gibeau, nathangibson, Bradfordgiese, ryangiffen, Barrygill, Jasmergilmour, Stevengiovanni’s Musicgive A Kid a Breakglengarry pharmacyglenn Fisher Team Ltd.glick, Murraygluska, paulgoerz, Brentgoin, Aarongoldbar Contractors inc.golka, Jeffgoodchild, Davidgordon, Jamesgoss, Doug & Joanne & Familygosselin, Donaldgoudreau, irenegoudreau, Legergould, Stephengovernment of Alberta

Human Servicesgrady Wine Marketinggraham ryan Consultinggrainger, Darrylgrant, Kelly

grant, Michellegrasmere Schoolgreat Canadian Energy

Solutionsgreat Canadian roofing,

Siding and Windowsgreat Canadian roofing

Corporationgreat Clips, inc.greatWest Kenworthgreen, nancygreenlawn goodwill Clubgregory, Arthurgrimm, Johnathonground, Lisa & Joelgrove rV & Leisuregrover, Michaelgruger, gregorygrynke, Dwainegrynn Contracting Ltd.gulcev, gurgijagustavsson, Michaelgylander, nikitaH & E Oilfield Services Ltd.Hagan, DevereHage, robinHaggar, LarryHainstock, BradHalabi, KeithHalabi, robbyHaliburton, JohnHallgren, gordon & gingerHalliburtonHamdon, MounaHames, neilHanas, TerryHanlis, ElizabethHansen, BruceHansen, rayHansman, LucilleHardware grillHarmony Ventures inc.Harris, royHartsburg, BryceHartum, LilliHass, ronaldHaven Management Ltd.Hawkes, TimHawkins, CathyHawryluk, TannerHayduk, MatthewHebert, JanineHenderson, AlHengen, WadeHenkelman, JeffHenley, JulietteHenze, ralphHerder, HeatherHermary, gilbertHerrick, MichaelHershey Canada inc.Hess, JochelynHickey, WilliamHighet, TheresaHigo, KarenHigo, KellyHi-Kalibre Equipment Ltd.Hill, DouglasHill, JanelleHill, rickyHislop, DanHladky, WilliamHockett, DebbieHodges, TrinaHoeing, MajaHolland, JasonHolland, Kerri-LynHolm, SheldonHolowatiuk, JasonHolubitsky, LindaHoly Cross Elementary SchoolHoly Spirit Catholic SchoolHoong, KhanhHooper, TimothyHorizon Drilling inc.Hoy, randallHrC Tool & Die

Manufacturing Ltd.Hrebicek, TaniaHrudey, ChristineHua-Yi Student AssociationHuber, AshleyHudgins, nicholasHughes, Mark

Hugh’s Aesthetics Ltd o/a phamtastic nails DT

Hulewicz, DerekHumble, ChrisHumphreys, Melonie & ianHunt, LoriHunter, rebeccaHusch, MichelleHutton, JamesHuynh, Dinh ThoaiHydril Canadian

Company Ltd.ibero-American Cultural

Societyidenouye, Chrisimparkimperio Da Santissima Trindadeindigo Developments inc.infrastructure interior Designinstitute of Cultural

performing Artsinvestors group Financial

Services inc.irving Consumer products /

irving Tissueivanhoe Cambridgeivy Lane registry inc.J K r Concepts Ltd.J.D. Electric Ltd.J.V. Driver groupJabs, JasonJackson, SueJackson, ThomasJackson, WilliamJacobson, DeannaJacula, ShawnJ’Adore DanceJam For A CauseJardine, TinaJasper place Lions ClubJayd pacific Consulting inc.JD CollisonJean, DanielJen Liviniuk realty inc.Jill Thomas realty inc.JKS HydraulicsJO Engineering inc.Jocelyn Kennedy AccessoriesJohn Darke MagicJohnson, JohnJohnson, MariaJohnston, DaveJohnstone, ronaldJohnvince FoodsJonzon, DonaldJurgens, AndreaKaid Construction Ltd.Kalke, SaraKampen, LisaKanke, WaldemarKarpluk, Adrian & rosalieKasha, Barbara & LarryKayat, AnnaKeats, SarahKellough Enterprises inc.Ken Sargent pontiac Buick

gMC Ltd.Kennedy, BlairKern, TrevorKeyera Corp.Keys, robertKhalaf, nancyKhalili, MaharamKhullar, AnuKid’s Time Out playprogramKilbank, MelodyKilgour, TrevorKinderKing of Kings Lutheran

ChurchKing, AllisenKinsella, DougKirby, ChristopherKirby, richard & ErinKirkland Homes Master

BuilderKjorlien, JanelleKlak, gregoryKlaus, TimKMi Canoe Ltd.Knapton, Jason Kniaz, BeraniKnight, AlbanyKnight, Kyla

Knispel, CarolynKnorr, MistyKnull, DustinKnull, JamesKoch, KimKoehn, SteveKoesling, AliceKolo Holdings inc.Kolodziej, richardKong, ChristineKong, KenKovacs, AgnesKovlaske, TehyaKraft Canada inc.Kraus, georgeKrooksey’s Consulting inc.KSB industrial Services inc.KSM inc.Kubiczek, peterKuehn, JanetKurek, CherylKurylow, Ken & MarieL. A. Brayer Holdings Ltd.Lachance, nicoleLaibida, BrianLakeland Credit UnionLam, Shing TakLamb Ford Sales Ltd.Lamontagne, BLandesign Ltd.Landlink Consulting Ltd.Landry, CarlaLane, DorothyLangston, MargaretLapointe, CarlyLarade, KyleLaschuk, nickLasouski, richardLauber, ryanLauderdale Afterschool

Care LimitedLaughing For LoveLaura Tosto realty inc.Laurie, AndrewLavergne, AlbertLawrence, DanielLawrence, ElebertLawson, ChadLayton, JustinLBC Canada inc.LeClair, CodyLeClair, KimberlyLeclerc, AmandaLedcor group of CompaniesLeduc Estates SchoolLeduc Lions Breakfast ClubLeduc Minor Hockey

Association Adam Myers Memorial Fund

Lee, FrankieLee, JonathanLee, KitLee, SeanLee, SuzannaLefferson, DanLehto, CarolynLeilop, HarryLeMesurier, LawrenceLennon, DoreenLeppky, SusanLequier, LauranceLeslie, J ThomasLeslie-Monks, BrendaLetawsky, DwayneLiakopoulos-Sarlis, TessLilge, JaniceLintner-Schiewe, rheaLitchfield, DianeLitn, WallyLittle Hearts Big Dreams

OrganizationLitwyn, roxanneLiu, AmyLloyd Sadd insurance

Brokers Ltd.Lo, KinnsonLoiseau, ronLondon Drugs FoundationLorraine Williams realty inc.Loruk Farms LtdLough, rickLoughlean, rhodaLoughside polled HerefordsLouvic Transport Ltd

Lovsin, Frank & AgnesLoyal Order of MooseLuciddream photography inc.Lumanlan, LoidaLuxus Vacation propertiesLyons, KeithM.C. CollegeMAC CosmeticsMacCalder, MorleyMacChan inc.MacDonald, ElaineMacDonald, KenMacDonald, SharonMaciach, SandraMacinnes, MichaelMacintosh, LucilleMacisaac, CherylMacKenney, JamieMacKenzie, rodMackie, AlexanderMackie, EugeniaMacLachlan & Mitchell

Homes inc. (Micheal & Jane Webb & Family)

MacLeod, CameronMacMillan, CandiceMacMillan, ScottMagdiak, SuzanneMagnifica real Estate

investments inc.Magrit and Kees Van

Staveren r.E. Services Ltd.Maguire, SeanMah, EdwardMainland Floral

Distributors Ltd.Majeau, LaverneMajor Overhaul and

Equipment repair inc.Major, HalMakelki, LarryMalcolm, MarkMaloney, DeanMalysh, CharlesMama 2 B Maternity

Boutique inc.Manz, DebbieMarano, MickMarcovitch, MichaelMarianne Horvat

Holdings inc.Markland Holding inc.Marroquin, JaimeMarshall, JanetMartin, JenniferMartin, LisaMartin, MerrillMascoMason, AlexanderMasquerade BallMassa, EdMastroprimiano, rhondaMattiello, JohnMawji FamilyMax & MaudeMaxxam Analytics

international Corp.Mayo, SeanMazzotta, JasonMcCallum, LeahMcCarthy, ShaneMcCartney, BrentMcConnan, ian & LindaMcConnell, ronaldMcCorgvodale, MalcolmMcCowan, FrancesMcDannold, gregMcDonald’s restaurants

of Canada LtdMcDougall, AllisonMcFarland, JamesMcgovern, paulMcgrath, JamesMcHale, DonnaMcKee Foods Canada Ltd.McKiel, MichelleMcKinney Machine

Company Ltd.McLaughlin, randellMcLean, VictoriaMcLeod, DuncanMcMahon, MarcMcnally, AlistairMcrae, Doug

Medical imaging Consultants

Meilleur, JayMeindersma, LindaMelin, ArthurMendes, MelissaMercier, ArmandMeredith, robertMergl, peterMerrithew, gregMetamorphosis Skin Care

Clinic Ltd.Metchooyeh, BrandonMewassin United Church

Sunday SchoolMichalyk, JudyMichaud, JeffreyMichaud, LauraMichels Canada Co.Michener, ianMiller Thomson LLpMiller, grantMiller, JenniferMiller, LisaMiller, TristaMills Motor inc.Millstone Homes inc.Moallin, HassanMoeller, LoriMoir, JohnMoir, rileyMok, MaryMoldenhauer, ZacharyMonarch Exterior Centre inc.Monarch Supply Ltd.Mooney, patMorad, MarkMorris, JackMorrison, georgeMorrison, KeithMorrison, nadineMorrison, rickyMotion Machinery Ltd.Motton, HenryMr. Lube FoundationMTL inspection group inc.Mudliar, SadaMulcahey, gavinMullback, BarryMullback, ChesterMullet for MunchkinsMundle, richardMuranetz, MichaelMurphy, JenniferMurphy, Michael & AnneMurphy, ryanMurray grayson WeldingMusgrave Agencies

Hospitality inns & SuitesMusgrave Millwork &

Cabinetry Ltd.Mustang Controls Ltd.Muth Electrical

Management inc.Muzyka, Dr. raymond &

De Boer, LeonaMy Home Health CareMyshak Sales & rentals Ltd.nabors Drillingnagy, gabornaheed, Kishwarnarayan, Samnavratil, rhondanealon, Jimnecyk, Lorinel, Yvonnenelson Heights Schoolnelson, Dicknelson, Joanneufeld propaneng, Calvinng, Tsz Kannguyen, irisnichol, Colleennick golden realty Ltd.nikitin, paulettenikolic, Kellynoblet, Audreynolan, Allennonay, Laranoor-Allah Manji

professional Corporation o/a Today’s Dental


north East Bulk Transportation Services Ltd.

northern Alberta Dairy Queen Operators Association

northern Bear golf Clubnorthern Lights Lion Clubnorthgate industries Ltd.norton Denture Care

Center inc.norton, WaynenOV Wilson Social Clubnowostawsky, ihornrg research group inc.nrg Systems inc.O’Brien, JeanOdvod publishing inc.Oil City Crane Service Ltd.Oil Country Engineering

Services Ltd.Oil Country SandblastingOK TireOksanen, KimberlyOldenburger, ShaneOlson, FrancesOptimum inspection

Services Ltd.Order of the royal purple

Lodge #242Order of the royal purple

Lodge #318 of EagleshamOrder of the royal purple

Lodge #80Orion Building Maintenance

(OBM) Ltd.O’Shea, ChrisO’Shea-Thomas, BeverlyOsmond, JenniferOSUM Oil Sands Corp.Otteson, rogerOuellette, patriciaOuimet, CodyOur Lady of perpetual

Help parishOwerko, ronaldp.H.A.T. Training inc.pallett, geoffreypalmer, Alisonpals geomatics Corppandher, Manjitpaquette, Helenaparent, Shaneparhar, Kanwaljitparkin South, Johnparkland Countyparkland respiratory

Care Ltd.parlee McLaws LLppartyLitepashko, Benitapasula, Barbpat Liviniuk realty inc.patey, rosiepat’s Auto Bumper to

Bumperpatterson Drillingpaul, Jasonpaulmert, Carol & Marcelpavone, Michaelpayne, CassiepCL Constructors inc.peacock, Timothypeco Electrical Ltd.pelchat, Kevinpenn West Explorationpenner, randypersaud, Michaelpetaske, ryanpeter Li professional

Corporationpeter Muller realty inc.peterson, Brianpetra Contractingphilipenko, ryanphillips, Lesphilps, Dennisphoneco inc.pinder, Dougpineridge golf resortpino, Michaelpirani group of Companiespisesky, Laureenpittman, Jessepizza pizza/pizza 73

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Page 37: HEROES – Spring 2013

S P R I N G 2 0 1 3 | HEROES 37S T O L L E R Y K I D S . C O M

Plant, JohnPlant, RandyPlitt, CameronPodryhula-Shaw, SophiaPoetz, FlorencePohl, RobertPohranychny, Gaylene &

DwaynePol, AlbertPollock, RonPon, DavePon, SandyPortuguese Musical

Society (Edmonton)Portuguese Open Golf

TournamentPosty, CarriePowder, Denis & TamaraPower, RogerPraxair Canada Inc.Precision DrillingPremay Equipment LPPrevost, ClaudettePrice Steel Ltd.PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPPrimrose, DavidPrincess House CanadaPrins, SusanPriority Maintenance Ltd.Pritchard, Robert & AnitaPrototech Services Ltd.Proulx, DaylenPruski, DorianPryma, RoslynPuddicombe, GrantPure Spirit Water Services Ltd.Qualimet Inc.Quintal, RandyQuintal, WayneR & D Trailer Rentals Ltd.R & R HoldingsR. A. Hodgson Industrial

Design Ltd.R/S Contracting &

Excavating Ltd.Radbourne, DeanRadmanovich, Don &

ConstanceRaeglen and Aristala

Enterprises Inc.Ralph & Gay Young Family

FundRamahi, BasharRamahi, YazanRamco Painting Ltd. -

Ramco Foundation Repairs

Rampage WeldingRamsay, GillianRay’s Airspray Ltd.RBCRBC Children’s Mental

Health ProjectRBC FoundationRBW Enterprises Ltd.RE/MAX Prairie RealtyRE/MAX River City - Lampas

Holdings Ltd.RE/MAX Vision RealtyReaper, ElaineRed Deer LightingReeson, RickRegent SupplyRegione Molise Associazone

Dei SannitiRegnier, TimothyReich, MikeReid, JamieReid, MichaelReinhart, ConnorReliance Industrial

Products Ltd.Renatus IncorporatedRenegadeRenz, NormanReschke, SteveRescom Inc.Resendes, AngieReynolds Mirth, Richards &

Farmer LLPReynolds, RobertRheaume, JohnRhind, JohnRice, Lisa

Richardson, JeffRichardson, MaryRichardson, NicoleRigney, PennyRiley’s Welding ServiceRingness, KerryRisby, BradenRitchie Bros. AuctioneersRitchie, RobertRitter, DuaneRoadway Trailers Ltd.Robert F McLeod Realty Ltd.Robert, Gilles & DanielleRoberts, TylerRobertson, CarolineRobertson-Griffin, TiffaneyRobinson, DorothyRobinson, KellyRochat, MarcelRoche, ElvaRochefort, ShauwnRock Water Energy SolutionsRockland Landscaping

Supplies Ltd.Roger Hawryluk Realty Inc.Roger’s Financial

Management Corp.Rogers, WandaRolfe, CherylRONA Sherwood Park #239Roofmart Alberta Inc.Rooyakkers, SandraRose, BonnieRose, SteveRosychuk, RhondaRotorchrome Industries Inc.Round Hill SchoolRousseau, NormanRowbotham, LindaRoy, AlisonRoyal Mayfair Golf ClubRoyal Park RealtyRoycroft, KayRoyer, DeniseRuf, BrianRuptash, JayRurka, SharonRussell, KarenRusso Innovative Hair DesignRyan Henderson

Memorial FundRyan ScrapRyan, DavidRyan, JohnS & P Backhoe Services Ltd.SagelinkSam Elias Realty Inc.Samis, GeorginaSammon, Peter & ChristineSand, RobertSande, PhilSandhu, ShamiSarno, FernandaSavanna DrillingSave-On-FoodsSawchuk, StevenSB Marcus Property

Management Ltd.Scanks, RodSchaffer, PatrickSchalin, PeterSchlegl, BobSchlumberger Canada Ltd.Schmidt, JoeSchmidt, MorganSchneider, WalterSchnyder, GeorgeSchoenknecht, BrianSchroffel, RyanSchug, WarrenSchwitzer, JenniferScotiabankScott, JeffreySean Marshall Consulting Ltd.Sean Sargent ToyotaSeguin, RobertSelect Communications Inc.

dba Select Call CentreSemerra OilfieldSenio Wealth

Management GroupSenior Citizens Club 55

of EdmontonSenyk, Dianna

Servco Oilfield Supply Canada Ltd.

Shandrie Lewis Realty Ltd.Shapko, JosephineSharp, TomShawShaw, GShea, Brian & MicheleSheers, LindaSheet Metal Contractors

Association of AlbertaShellSheppard, DoloresSherwood Dental Inc.Sherwood Park Detachment

Social ClubSherwood Park Elks 481Shiel, BeverlyShin, ChunbeomShirley, DeborahShoppers Drug Mart/

Pharmaprix Life FoundationShowtech Power & LightingSidhu, RamanpreetSiding Contractors

Association of AlbertaSimoneau, RaymondSims, Mary-LouSinbad School of SailingSinclair, DuncanSingh, CurtisSinha, DaveSite Energy ServicesSkochylas, EdSlater, DoreenSlave Lake Thunder Novice 1Smid, LadislavSmile Dental L. Neale,

J. Pan & H. Nguyen Professional Corp.

Smiles For Life FoundationSmith, RichardSmith, StephanieSmithson Real Estate

Services Ltd.SMS Equipment Inc.Snellen, CorneliaSocholotuik, JeneenSoleo Enterprises Inc.Solstice Canada Corp.Son-Cur Contracting Ltd.Soudarat Kousonsavath

Professional CorpSouthern Pressure Testers Ltd.Southgate Buick GMCSpartan Controls Ltd.Spectrum Mechanical Ltd.Spero, GeoffSpiker EquipmentSpiker, DarcySpiro Auto BrokersSpooner, DavidSprague-Rosser ContractingSpur Oilfield Services Ltd.St. Dominic SchoolSt. Francis Food Bank

AssociationSt. George, BrettSt. Jean, DavidSt. Mark’s Chapel GuildStabbler Stollery ShowdownStaff Recreational FundStar Mechanical Edm Ltd.Steckly, BrentSteed, SeanSteele, GregSteinhauer, SharleenStephan, ShannonStephen Dubetz o/a

The Balloon GangStephens Loch, CoreyStephens, SherylStevens, NigelStockdale, Shawn & LisaStollery Children’s Hospital

Foundation FundStollery, Jonathan DonaldStone, RobertStone, SusanStorry Real EstateStrachan, EricStranaghan, KarenStrathcona CountyStreamline Mechanical

Stubbs, KimberleyStuve, DougSuecroft, TarenceSuggitt Publishing Ltd.Sulz, MarkSun Christmas Charity

AuctionSunarch Enterprises Ltd.Suncor Energy Inc.Sun-Rype Products Ltd.Sutherland, BernadetteSylvestre, GregorySymcorSyncrude Canada Ltd.T & G Holding Ltd.T & L Aggregates Ltd.Takats, MargaretTamburrino, DanielTamke, TrevorTanner, CaseyTarnowski, WesleyTartan Controls Inc.Taylor, AnneTaylor, BrianTD Bank GroupTDM Farms Ltd.Team RigTechnicare Imaging Ltd.Tele-ConnexTELUSTemple, LanceTerra-Form Construction Inc.Tessier Marketing Inc.Tessier, MarcelThe 1492 Discovery SocietyThe Co-operators - D & N

Niehaus Agencies Ltd.The Edmonton Northgate

Lions ClubThe English FamilyThe Fairmont Jasper

Park LodgeThe Haunted HikeThe Makk Grand OpeningThe Melting Pot EdmontonThe Next Generation

(Kent Clark) Realty Inc.The Next Generation Real

Estate CorporationThe Rig Shop Ltd.Therio Oilfield

Contracting Ltd.Thermal Insulation

Association of AlbertaThesen, DorothyThomas, DanielThomas, GregThompson, GlenThompson, LorneThomson, JimThomson, MurrayThorneloe, BarryThorsen, GladysThrondson, DaleThurber Management Ltd.Thurston, JamesTillack, LauraTim HortonsTire VillageTitan Construction (1989) Ltd.TJ Three Ltd.Tkachuk, WhitneyTober, CarenToker, CoreyTokyo ExpressTomlinson, IanTomlinson, JayTomniuk, RobertTopco Oilsite Products Ltd.Tostyniuk, DarcyTrac Energy Services Ltd.Trainor, ShawnTrellis Steele Construction Ltd.Triple D Auto Repair &

WeldingTri-Service Oilfield

Manufacturing Ltd.Tri-Town RegistriesTrommeshauser, FredrickTruant, DinoTrush, IvanTsougrianis, PeterTsui, IreneTucker, Willard

Tulk, DarylTunke, DonnaTurchansky, ChristopherTurner, BonnieTwin Willows Business

Ladies Golf LeagueTwisted SistersTycholaz, PamUhlich, StephanieUltra Seat CorporationUnion 52 Benevolent Society

(Civic Service Union 52)United Way of Calgary,

Donor Choice ProgramUnited Way of Fort

McMurrayUnited Way of the Alberta

Capital RegionUnited Way of the Lower

MainlandUniversal Surveys Inc.Unlimited Industries Ltd.Urban Metropolis

Entertainment GroupUrkow, LindsayURS Flint Lakeland RegionV & S Excavating Ltd.Vaage, Aaron & CarolynValente, BattistaVallee, GerardValley Zoo Development

SocietyValue Drug MartVan De Walle R.E. Group Ltd.Van Egmond, RachelVan Steenbergen, SandraVansevenandt, KeithVarela, LoreleiVeenstra, LorettaVega, JustinVegreville Elks #143Verhagen, AndyVerklan Contract Services Ltd.Vermilion Valley Auto PartsVetro, Michelle & AnthonyVic 94-96 Soccer GirlsVogel, ChristinaW.F. Welding & Overhead

Cranes Ltd.Waddell, TrevorWainman, CarolineWaiward Construction

Management Inc.Waldie, GeorgetteWalker, Barry & ValerieWalker, Dallas & RuthWalker, MarkWall, TrevorWally Hawryluk Realty Inc.Walmart CanadaWalsh, MarcusWalt Disney Worldwide

Services, Inc.Wanlin, BobWapiti Carriers Inc.Ward, AnthonyWarner, JefferyWaronek, MonteWatson, Cynthia & MacWatt, DarylWawrynchuk, KevinWayne Walters Realty A

Division of 1337363 AB Ltd.Weatherford Canada

PartnershipWebber, ThomasWeber, RoseWeir Family FundWeir, RhondaWenger, LaurenceWenger, SherriWesley Holding Ltd.West Country WaterworksWest End GalleryWestbrook, IanWesterman, GraceWestern Energy

Services Corp.Western Hard-Chrome

Plating Co. Ltd.Whaley, MargaretWheeler, JeannetteWhitelightning

Construction Ltd.

Whittaker, JodyWhyte, GilfordWide Flange Beam Inc.William & Florence Lede

Family FoundationWilliam Huff Advertising Ltd.Willie, CrystalWillis, DawnWilneff, Gary & OliviaWimmer, DaveWindship AdvertisingWirth, GeorgiaWolsey, CatherineWong, JennyWong, JoannaWong, PaulWong, PhillipWong, ShirleyWood, RalphWorkers’ Compensation

BoardWoywitka, CoryWright, DarleneWright, ForrestXie-Gordon, FangYakiwchuk, Diane & FredYan, StephenYang, SamYanish, RoderickYap, Ah HockYau, KelvinYe Olde Craft

Masonic Lodge #196Yeung, CliftonYeung, NoreenYiu-Yeung, WinnieYoung, GordonYoung, Ryan & TraceyYour Country Realtor Inc.Yu, AmyYu, Sheung OiYurdiga, DanielYurkovich, JosephZacharias, EdnaZaniewicz, BarbroZaprawa, ButchZelinski, LeoZender, AudreyZeschuk, GregZhi Yang Inner City Seniors

Recreational ClubZikadri ApartmentsZinterer, AndyZucht, IreneZucht, WilliamZurich

Shining StarS This list acknowledges memorial donations made between October 1 and December 31, 2012.Albersworth, JaxinAllard, Bella LouiseAlm, AlAndersen, HerbAnderson, GenaAnderson, SydneyAndrusiak, JamesAnsorger, MyrtleArcher-Porter, Nicole MadisonAston, Leo Richard (Len)Ausford, SusanAvery, FrederickAvery, OlgaBabcock, William

Franklin (Frank)Baird, Ellie MorganBaldwin, TeannaBarnes, AidanBaron, GavinBarry, Lorne FrederickBattle, TomBauman, DerekBecker, ChristineBell, MildredBelland, RyanBerg, NormanBerger, EmmaBeriault, MichaelBeynon, DiannaBillington, LaurieBogart, Deborah LynnBonnar, Steven

Bozak, JackBrettnell, DonaldBrodyk, AaronBroen, ClayBucknell, HaroldBurgess, Elan Deanna

ElizabethBurrows, AlexanderButler, RebeccaByram, JoyceCameron, Avery MarieCampbell, Kylie MarieCampbell, MoiraCartier, LeoCavanagh, Agnes (Anne)Cavanagh, RobertChampagne, VincentChangarathil, Matthew

Joseph ThomasChild, NathanChristie, AgnesChristman, HerbCole, LindaCook, JonathanCooper, KendallCourtney, DelaveCrerar, LiamCromarty, Anika SunshineCuthill, MidgeDarwish, AzzaDaskaluk, WandaDavis, Thomas EdwardDawson, MargaretDeLeeuw, MilesDeLuca, MaddenDenham, KierynDesmet, DorothyDickau, BrettDiep, MadelineDirks, ArnoldaDittmer, CarlDmyterko, DoreenDmytrash, MaryDobos, FayDouglas, James (Jim)Dowhaniuk, Bill & VinaDoyle, BrennaDrewDudzic, PaolinaDusterhoft, AlvinElanik, BruceElanik, MikeEllaschuk, HaroldElliott, DavidElliott, DonaldEllis, JanetEtty, GeorgeFagnan, EmilyFarnham, Lavina

Colleen (Viny)Fedoration, Ronald JohnFedyna, Mrs.Feldberg, AugustFelstad, ZacharyFerguson, AndrewFiebich, IrmaFilipchuk, William

George (Bill)Finkelstein, SophieForchuk, BrettFordyce, DerekFrame, WilliamFulkerth, RodGainey, BettyGallen, BethGarbolinski, AlanGardiner, DarcyGartner, TracyGatzki, HildaGaulter, DavidGeorge, Maddie BettyGilchrist, EmmaGlenn & TracyGooch, Eric PaulGordeyko, HelenGordon, SynnaGramiak, RitaGrant, William Allan (Bill)Gray, Josephine (Jo)Grenke, EdGround, AmbeeGrue, RaymondHa, AndyHall, Gracen

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38 HEROES | S p r i n g 2 0 1 3 S T O L L E r Y C H i L D r E n ’ S H O S p i T A L F O U n D A T i O n

donations FROM HEROES

Hanwell, AveryHanwell, JanetHarder, JaniceHeit, nathalieHenderson, ryanHenderson, ShirleyHickey, DylanHillbom, Bree & MitchellHodge, gordonHodges, ronaldHolinaty, MaryHooper, georgeHoover, AlexanderHopfe, rickHorley, EdithHornshaw, Tyler DavidHubert, Eva (Moeller)Huntley, Dejanelle Legacieibsen, noah & Jaydenireland, Justiniskiw, Aliceiverach, EstherJanzen, JoyceJean, DorisJohnfitch, HerbertJohnson, KaleJones, rachel MakaylaJung, DaveKenta, MayKerr, BryceKerr, nolanKitaguchi, ScottKitura, AshleyKlak, Haley nicoleKlein, ChristineKnahs, JordanKoesling, KurtKonopelka-Milkovich, ireneKropp, LydiaKuefler, rachelleKuzik, MaryLaarz, AlbertLake, Timothy (Brian)Lake, William Alvin (Al)Lamothe, DianeLarson, AnnieLarson, nanLawrence, AmildaLawrence, DouglasLennon, george

richardson (rick)L’Heureux, ShawnLiakopoulos, georgiaLindballe, ScottLindquist, FlorenceLinton, Avery LaineLohouse, CourtneyLovdahl, DavidLund, Albert WilliamMacDairmid, FrazerMackenzie, SobieMacnichol, nanetteMadan, priya raniMagusiak, MaryMalysh, AlyshaMari, JohnMarinoski, LouisMarks, LaurynMarshall, Carley paigeMartel, Yvon JosephMartin, BriannaMartin, Lily Alma MargueriteMatheson, LilianeMcCall, ZariaMcCallough, peggyMcConaghy, AidanMcCormack, Samuel

Augustus JamesMcCullough, patricia ruthMcKinnon, Joseph & MayMcLachlan, LindseyMcnabb, AudreyMeyers, LesMiedema, Olivia paigeMinchau, CarolMinchau, WalterMittelsteadt, HeatherMizier, SteveMoncrieff, EthelMorrison, Douglas JamesMullaley, TerriMurphy, Braydenness, Austinneuman, ralph

newberry, Jackniehaus, Eileennielsen, reinhart Delbertnikiforuk, Victornimchuk, philipnordin, Jennie AnnetteO’neil, CoreyOsbak, Milton EugeneOwchar, Krystal Dawn Alissonpanylyk, rosiepanylyk, Teriparent, Cole Edwardpasychnyk, robertpaul, James phillip (Jim)peddle, Mathewpernisch, Leoperron, Alexapezim, normanphillips, garthpillipow, nathanielplante, Jaredponiewozik, Jeanpoole, grahamposteraro, Evan Josephpreston, Donprosper, paulapydde, gracepyrz, Katherinepyttlik, Kelseradke, Aiden Allanraimundo, Diamantina &

Manuelraivio, Mary Annerayner, Murrayrentz, gregory Waynerewega, Morganrobert-McDonald, Kerryrobertson, Jenniferrobins, Troyrochat, griffinroen, Lincolnrogers, Dyllanross, Alvinaross, Mrs.rowat, phyllisroyer, regrumpel, Leamrussell, AidenSamson, MargerySanche, LeoSaprunoff, nicholasSatz, FlorenceSawkiewicz, DorothyScheffelmaier, LorenaScheurwater, gregoryScott, AshleySenio, SadieShaw, russShort, MaryShorten, MargaretSimpson, Samantha Lee DeniseSissons, ChristineSkene, KalynSkochylas, StephenSnoddy, BernadetteSokolowski, JudyStenberg, JenniferStollery, BobStollery, ShirleyStrathern, DanielSturwold, rodneySwabb, DerekSwane, Elizabeth (Betty)Tait, JessicaTedeschi, Doris LouiseTesto, EthanThomas, DonaldThomson, ValerieTiltgen, Winnifred robertaTiner, VerlynTomaszewski, AlexanderTrainor, LeonUlmer, roland HeroldUpshall, HaileyVallee, LindaVan Essen, JohnVilletard, AudreyVivier, VernonVolkert, TylerVuong, nhuWacowich, AbigailWaldron, BobWarford, JaneWaters, Janet pearl

Watton, SheilaWeber, Laverne (Verne)Weintz, ChrisWeisgerber, LornaWeiss, Herbert ErnestWest, Jessie JeanuetteWhaley, Jessica MarionWheaton FamilyWiersema, nicoWildeboer, nathanielWilliams, TaylorWilneff, Mira ivyWong, CrystalWoolsey FamilyYork realtyYounger, LeeZapalski, HenryZesko, Helen

In Honour This list acknowledges donations made in honour of an individual between October 1 and December 31, 2012.Abbott, MargaretAcheson, pamelaAlexander, nathan & HannahAppleton, JustinArsenault, DevinArthur, LorraineAustin, JadeBacchus, EthanBacchus, rainaBailey, DorianBailey, TaylorBanbury, BrendaBarckley FamilyBauer, SophiaBazon, TylerBell, DavidBelley, EvanBenham, MaxBenvenuto, LorenzoBerube, MadisonBewick, LiamBier, JessicaBignell, KristyBlackie, StephenBlanchette, AliviaBlazenko, StellaBlosser, DonaldBohachyk, EdnaBohachyk, TrevorBosch, penelopeBourgeaulp, LisaBourgeois, JulienBouw, TylerBowen FamilyBowler, DallasBracuk, Chris & KaristenBrad, Karolina,

Tristan & CarsenBridgeman, Barrie & TheresaBrotzel, Sam & BobBrown, AmandaBuehner, rubenBuerger, OliviaBuyks, AdelynCallbeck, LylaCampbell, HarperCarlisle, Travis & BaileyCarmichael, gillianCarrobourg, nicoleCarson, Jullian, Kage,

Quinn & CallaCha, KennethChan, JarrettChessor, DaveChristensen, Erik & KristinClements, neveClish, JoanColes, nicolaComisky FamilyCoughlan, JamesCroswell, Colton & natashaCrowell, HosannaCui, DavidCunningham, MichaelCustance, Ted & paulineDa Silva, JoshuaDawson, MattieDenham, CliffordDerbyshire Family

Desjarlais, MakaylaDeSoete, KellyDewhurst, KathyDobson, Mark & DesereeDon & KayDory, BrookeDrever, CorinneDufour, KendraDufresne, TheresaDundas richter, LisaDyck, TimothyEben-Ebenau, rylandEdwards, HayleyEdwards, MadelynEdwards, WayneEglauer, rosemaryElsey, JessicaEmilyEston & JorjaEwasiuk, AmandaFaas, Cheryl & AllanFeculak, KyleyFehr, JodyFerrari, MiloFisher, KyiahFoisy, TaylorFoo, Diane & JohnForseth, richardForth, CherlynFox, Willis & Laura & FamilyFoy-Jervis, BabyFrampton, KeithFriend, CheyanneFryza, BrendaFulmer, Don & Kaygaultier, noahgerard, Melvin & Cherylgerwatoski, Deven & Kimgiese, Sgiese, Seleenagill, gurbaxgirard, graceglassey, Karengoodnough, Olivia & Ashleygoodwin, Davin & Lylagordon, Kendragordon, Oliviagordon, Susannegordon, Travisgraff, Mark & Jennifergraham, Karengraham, patrickgrams, Ainsleygrimm, Debbie & Sheldongrombach, Crystalgustasson, TysonHamilton, ChrisHampshire FamilyHansen, CaseyHanson, ColbyHarder, MeganHargrove, CurtisHarman B & Urban MetropolisHenderson, KathyHerbers, JainaHerder, CorbinHess, MilliHnidan, EmilyHoek, Kendra & CameronHolowatiuk, ryderHorton, DeaclanHrehorets, Elizabeth & georgeHumeniuk, MorganHundert, LowellHutzul, Madalynibrahim, KinleyJackson, ConnorJackson, noahJohnson, CourtneyJolly, TaylorJoyce, TysonJuuti, Morgan & nadiaKalbfleisch, peytonKang, SurinderKelemen, AustinKelemen, SashaKelemen, SaylorKelemen, SierraKelly & AmandaKerber, TyKetteringham, Susan,

Todd & LoganKiesman, TedKlafki, Anya

Klooster, ScottKnyhala, ClaireKocher, AddysonKomm, EvanKondro, MadisonKoumarelas, rubyKowalyshyn, KaylaKrawec, BernieKrisher, ClaireKrisher, reidLanza, AsherLee, SandyLefebvre, MelinaLevasseur, HenrietteLindman, Murray & EdithLogan, JackLowe, JeanLumague, AngelaMackenzie, Deanna, Darby,

Delane & AshleyMackenzie, MeaghanMacLean, HelenMacneil, DenisMaertens-poole, JonathanMalysh, LoriMandhane, KiranMani, ChrisMarkus, Sonny & BradMarsh, AstenaMarshall, BrittnayMartens, BradyMathieson, porterMaure, ElizabethMcDougall, AnastasiaMcilwraith, KathleenMcMullen, Todd & Devonna

& FamilyMcnaughton, HeathMeghji, AyaanMehta, VivekMelanie & gordMickailyk, KyleMillenaar, JoshMiller, AlexMiller, Karl & KhordMills, DeanMilne, ianMinogue, ShirleyMitchell, gord & SharonMitchell, JessicaMole, BradenMonsour, Shane & KerriMontey, AidenMoody, CollinMoores, SaraMrs. Henneberry’s

Kindergarten Class - Keenooshayo School

Mueller, glenn & CherilynMulak, EdnaMullen Childrennagel, Emma & CameronnAiT Department of

Teaching and Academic Development

nichol, Caidencenorris, rodnott, Joshuanovsel, ChristineO’Brien, MadisonO’Laney, riley, Ainsley &

BrooklynO’neil, KaylaO’neill, Kerry & FamilyOrange, MatthewOstashek FamilyOsterling, ThomasOtto, Staceypaine, Atticusparent, Meaghanparkin South, Joshuapasini, Amandapatenaude, Susanpedersen, Judy & Janpickard, paigepineau, Jillianpittman, Jessepol, Kikiprefontaine, renee & Emilypriddle, Craigpruden, Janicepugh, Jeffpurdon, Wendypurificati, Jack

radbourne, Adelaiderasmussen, Annarattai, Joshuaray, Marcusrayment, Colton & Bronsonrebeyka, ivanreeves, Heatherrennison, Brian & Heatherreppert, Aliseressler, isaacroberts Familyrooyakkers, ryderroth, Jenniferroy, Alisonroyal glenora Club

playroom Staffruf, Owenrunions, Stan & Sheilarustand, Calley & SayleeSamson, ryleySchatschneider, BreeyaSchmitz, Bob & Susan & FamilySchneider, MarjorieScott, JamesSeehagel, EliseSethSharma, JeevanShaw, Darren & JillSheldon, CarterSheldon, JeanShewchuk-Krebs, SherryShylko, parkerSimpson, BenjaminSims, CarmenSinclair, QuinnSkelly, LiamSkye, CheyenneSmith, LukeSneath, KailynSpasiuk, nathanSpence, BrockSpychka, Wayne & CarolStapley, Hazel, gabe & CarmenStarko, HenrietteStewart, ZoeSuce, AleezahTanguay, Lawrence & LindaTebb, TraciThomas, SarahThomson, JackThorneloe, CianThornton, David & BarbaraThorpe, KennedyTighe, patrick & MaureenTingley, SheilaTodd, richard & ritaTrulli, Claire & OrlandoTweedle, MorganVallee, rayVandal, MoniqueVarela, Ava-roseVavrek, TraceyVetro, JacobVetro, JordynVicentijevic, ivanaVirginia-Anne Mueller’s

grandchildrenVisman, ElyseVitek, Brian & ElaineWainman, VincentWalker, SeanWallace, ErinWallace, EvanWarawa, EllaWeber, FinlayWhite, LileyWiebe, Walter & FeWikkerink, Aden & rylieWillcott, LoganWilliamson, JeremyWolfe, KaneWolff, MadelineWolsey, Addison & gradyWolter, patWong, KiannaWoods, CharyWotton, MackenzieWrona, JamieYachyshen, DylanYeung, TeresaYoung, Bill & AvisYoung, TimZemanek, WilmaZender, Judy & Ken

Please suPPort tHose WHo suPPort us.Supporters from October 1, 2012, to March 31, 2013CTVEdmonton Sunglobal TVnational growth partnerspattison OutdoorStudio 9 photographyUp! radioWilliam Huff

Advertising Ltd.Yachimec group

Alberta Honda Edmonton BMW great West Chrysler Mini Edmonton north Side Mitsubishi West End nissan West Side Acura West Side Mitsubishi

2012 Snowflake Gala1 Service Battalion100.3 The BearA Cappella CateringAkiko Floral ArtistryArt AttackBFi Canada inc.Big Top Tent rentals Ltd.Budget Car & Truck rentalCarley OkamuraChef’s Hat inc.Chianti Café &

restaurantCMS Famous Toys LtdCourtyard by Marriott

- Edmonton DowntownCTV EdmontonDerks FormalsEdmonton School of BalletElite Sportswear and Awardsgo Autogrady Wine MarketingiD BOHEMiAimparkJM Fusion Welding Ltd.John Darke MagicM.C. CollegeMcDonald’s restaurants

of Canada Ltd.Moonlit Signs Ltd.northern Alberta Dairy

Queen Operators Association

portola packaging Canadar & D Trailer rentals Ltd.ritchie Bros. Auctioneersriver City Eventsrona Sherwood park #239Showtech power & LightingSpecial Events

(digital) photoSunrise BakeryTechnicare imaging Ltd.The Balloon gangThe One 93.1 FMThe pita pit - College plazaTim HortonsUrban Metropolis

EntertainmentWalmart CanadaWindship AdvertisingYork realty inc.

2013 Radiothon100% Canadian

Bottled WaterBee-Bell Health BakeryChiantis Café & restaurantEdible ArrangementsHudson’s Canadian Tap HouseMcDonald’s restaurants

of Canada Ltd.panago pizzaCanada SafewaySave-On-FoodsVan Houtte Coffee Services

Thanks to the generosity of Corus Radio Edmonton, Global Edmonton, listeners, viewers, dozens of Stollery families and hundreds of volunteers, Corus Radiothon 2013 was a huge success.

Together, we provide funding for excellence in specialized equipment, life-saving research and the best training possible for medical staff at the Stollery.

Special thanks to the children and families who came out and shared their stories. They are a constant reminder of how important this work is to saving lives and helping families heal.

Corus Radiothon was made possible by the support of these Event Sponsors:

Power Hour Sponsors:

Miracle Wall Sponsor:

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Page 39: HEROES – Spring 2013

Thanks to the generosity of Corus Radio Edmonton, Global Edmonton, listeners, viewers, dozens of Stollery families and hundreds of volunteers, Corus Radiothon 2013 was a huge success.

Together, we provide funding for excellence in specialized equipment, life-saving research and the best training possible for medical staff at the Stollery.

Special thanks to the children and families who came out and shared their stories. They are a constant reminder of how important this work is to saving lives and helping families heal.

Corus Radiothon was made possible by the support of these Event Sponsors:

Power Hour Sponsors:

Miracle Wall Sponsor:

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Page 40: HEROES – Spring 2013

CN Miracle Match helped raise over $8.2M since 2006 to benefit children’s hospitals across Canada.

Donate today and together we can reach our eight-year goal of $10M!

AUGUST 19 TO 25Royal Mayfair Golf Club, Edmonton, Albertacncanadianwomensopen.com*Visit CNMiracleMatch.ca for more details

Donate today and CN will match your gift*

000Hero-CWO-FP.indd 1 4/17/13 1:21:11 PM

PM 4



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