high performance teams 09

Building High Performance Teams

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Page 1: High Performance Teams 09

Building High Performance Teams

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If you depend on yourself to be the only leader, you will find it physically and emotionally


Your top team must be a group of people you completely trust.

You can’t be the only one concerned with this issues of growth.

---Jana Matthews-- Building an Awesome Organization

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Because teams are made up of imperfect human beings, they are inherently dysfunctional.

Building “team” comes down to mastering a set of

behaviors that are theoretically uncomplicated but extremely difficult to put into practice everyday.

Patrick Lencioni- The Five Dysfunction's

of a Team

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Ponder this:Think of one “real world” example when you were part of a winning “TEAM”.

What were the critical elements of its success?

Was there ever internal conflict?

If so-- how did the team handle it?

Did the various team members trust each other?

How was that exhibited?

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Inattention to Results

Avoidance of Accountability

Lack of Commitment

Fear of Conflict

Absence of Trust

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

P. Lencioni

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Red Flags You have a poorly functioning team if:

Top team members are focused solely on running their own departments and have little appreciation of other departments

People get inconsistent messages from top team members

Difficult to achieve consensus among top team

Top team members complain that they do not get enough time with you or you with them

Your team members are still coming to you for decisions

Top team members “don’t have time for meetings”

People believe that leadership is constantly changing directions

Big decisions are announced but rationale is not explained

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Team DiscussionTake Survey that the facilitator has for you.

Note which area(s) are most troublesome to you?

Initial your trouble area on the white board grid.

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I. Absence of Trust

Trust lies at the heart of a functioning, cohesive team.

Without it, teamwork is all but impossible.

Enables team members to feel that their peer’s intentions are good and there is no reason to be protective.

Vunerablilities: Weakness, skill deficiencies, interpersonal

shortcomings, mistake and requests from help.Problems stem from unwillingness to be “vulnerable” within the group

Problem is: We have been taught to be competitive and protective of our reputations.

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What happens when there is an Absence of Trust ?

People: Conceal their weakness and mistakes from one another

Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback

Hesitate to offer help outside their own responsibility

Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of other without attempting to clarify them

Fail to recognize and tap into one another’s skills and experiences

Hold grudges

Dread meetings and find reasons to avoid spending time together.

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Trust Assessment Score

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Strategies to Eliminate:

Absence of Trust

Identify and discuss individual strengths and weaknesses

Spend considerable time in face to face meetings and working sessions

Admit weaknesses and mistakes and ask for help

Accept questions and input about your area of responsibility

Take risks in offering feedback and assistance

Appreciate and tap into one anothers skills and experiences

Offer and accept apologies without hesitation

Look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group

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II. Fear of ConflictThe desire to preserve artificial harmony stifles the occurrence of productive, ideological conflict.

By building trust-- the team do not hesitate to engage in passionate debate without punishment.

Purpose is to produce the best possible solution.

It is not--- Destructive fighting or interpersonal politics.

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Teams that avoid Conflict

Have boring meetings

Create environments where back channel politics and personal attacks thrive

Ignore controversial topics that are critical to team success

Fail to tap into all the opinions and perspectives of team meetings

Waste valuable time

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Conflict Assessment Score

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Strategies to overcome:

Fear of Conflict

Acknowledge that conflict is required for productive meetings

Establish common ground rules for engaging in conflict

Understand individual team members natural conflict styles

Coach one another not to retreat from conflict

Productive Conflict leads to commitment

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III. Lack of CommitmentThe lack of clarity or buy in that prevents team members from making decisions they will stick to.

Cause number one: Consensus

Great teams achieve buy in even when complete agreement is impossible

All views are considered but they rally around the decision made by group

Impasses are resolved by leader

Cause number two: Certainty

A decision is better than no decision

Paralysis by analysis destroys team confidence

Conflict releases the group genius

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Teams with a Lack of Commitment

Create ambiguity among the team about direction and priorities

Watch windows of opportunity close due to excessive analysis and delay

Breed lack of confidence and fear of failure

Revisits discussions and decisions again and again

Encourage second-guessing among team members

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Commitment Assessment Score

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A Team that CommitsCreates clarity around direction and priorities

Aligns the entire team around common objectives

Develops an ability to learn from mistakes

Takes advantage of opportunities before competitors do

Moves forward without hesitation

Changes direction without hesitation or guilt

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Strategies to build a

Team that Commits

Review Commitments at the end of each meeting to ensure all team members are aligned.

Cascading Messages--agreement on what was said and what needs to be communicated.

Establish Deadlines and honor them

Adopt a “disagree and commit” mentality-- make sure that all team members are committed regardless of initial disagreements

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IV. Avoidance of Accountability

The need to avoid interpersonal discomfort prevents team members from holding one another accountable for their behaviors and performance.

Great teams hold one another accountable--thus demonstrating respect and have high expectations

Teams must have a strong sense of what is expected.

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A Team that avoids Accountability

Create Resentment among team members who have different standards of performance

Encourages mediocrity

Miss deadlines and deliverables

Places an undue burden on the team leader as the sole source of discipline

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A Team that holds one another


Ensures that poor performers feel pressure to improve

Identifies potential problems quickly by questioning one another’s approaches without hesitation

Establishes respect among team members who are held to same high standards

Avoids excessive bureaucracy around performance management and corrective action.

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Accountability Score

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Strategies for overcoming

Avoidance of AccountabilityAdherence to a few classic managerial tools

Publication of goals and standards

Clearly communicate goals and standards of behavior.

The enemy of accountability is ambiguity

Regularly discuss performance verses goals and standards

Simple and regular progress reports

A little structure is key

Team members should regularly communicate with each

Team Rewards

Shift away from individual rewards-- (encourages the team to act.)

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V. Inattention to Results

Pursuit of individual goals and personal status erodes the focus on collective success.

Team stagnates / fails to grow

Rarely defeat competitors

Loses achievement-oriented employees

Encourages team members to focus on their own career and individual goals

Team is easily distracted

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Inattention to Results Score

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Strategies for Overcoming:

Inattention to Results

Teams should focus is on Collective results

Retain achievement-oriented employees

Minimize individualistic behavior


Benefit from individuals who subjugate their own goals/ interest for the good of the team

Avoids distraction

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The Leaders RoleOne: Building Trust

Demonstrate Vulnerability First

Risk losing face

Do not punish vulnerability

Be genuine

Two: Reduce Fear Of Conflict

Avoid protecting team members

Mine for conflict

Do not take conflict off line

Adherence to schedule

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The Leaders RoleThree: Expect Commitment

Be comfortable with prospect of a decision that could turn out wrong.

Constantly push for group closure around issues

Adhere to set schedules

Four: Enhance Accountability

Allow team dynamics to work

Serve as the ultimate arbiter of discipline if the team fails

Five: Focus on Results

Set the tone for results focus

Be selfless and objective

Reserve rewards and recognition for those who make real contributions to team goals.