higher education prospectus


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The Higher Education (HE ) programmes we offer here at City College Norwich are designed to take you to where you want to be. City College Norwich is a major centre for HE learning, with around 1,500 HE students and the widest range of vocational programmes in he East of England. We pride ourselves on the quality of our learning – and because we make sure our programmes equip students with the skills that employers want, an HE qualification from City College Norwich represents a real investment in your future.


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This prospecTus covers The wide range of higher educaTion (he) programmes ThaT you can sTudy here aT ciTy college norwich. if you wanT informaTion abouT a levels, furTher educaTion programmes or shorT evening programmes, please conTacT The advice shop and discuss your needs wiTh one of our advisers, or ask for a prospecTus To be senT To you.

City College NorwiCh higher eduCatioN ProsPeCtus Full-time aNd Part-time Programmes 2012 eNtry

imPortaNt NotiCewhilst every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this prospectus is accurate at the time of going to press, (may 2011), changes to programmes, fees, fee policy or other matters may be necessary. The college can accept no liability for any loss or inconvenience which may arise from any such changes, or from any inaccuracies which may be contained within this publication. The college reserves the right to alter, to close or not to run programmes/classes as deemed necessary on grounds of operational constraints, financial viability or any other reason. we will notify applicants of any cancellations at the earliest reasonable opportunity.


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the next step you take could shape the rest of your life: we want to help you make sure it is the right one.

The higher education (he) programmes we offer here at city college norwich are designed to take you to where you want to be. city college norwich is a major centre for he learning, with around 1,500 he students and the widest range of vocational programmes in the east of england. we pride ourselves on the quality of our learning – and because we make sure our programmes equip students with the skills that employers want, an he qualification from city college norwich represents a real investment in your future.

all of our degrees are awarded by the university of east anglia (uea) with whom we enjoy associate college status. from foundation degrees, which are tailored to the specific requirements of local employers and which often require no formal qualifications, to honours degrees, we are confident that we can provide you with the programme that will help you to reach your goals.

here at city college norwich we are focussed on giving you the best possible student experience. our superb facilities, dedicated he study areas and committed staff enable us to deliver our programmes in a friendly environment that is attuned to your individual needs. we keep our classes and tutorial groups relatively small to create an atmosphere where you can feel relaxed and comfortable, complemented by larger group lectures, which allow you to really get to know your tutors and get the most from your study.

we are proud to have a diverse range of students on our he programmes and whatever your age, background or qualifications, we are sure that we can help you to realise your aspirations. we welcome all students whether returning to study after a break or continuing your education direct from school or college. we are also able to provide extensive professional support to all students with disabilities, special learning needs or other requirements.

city college norwich offers a unique combination of higher level study giving you the skills you need, a top quality learning experience, great facilities and support in a welcoming environment, and excellent value for money.

if you would like any further information, help or advice about any aspect of city college norwich or the programmes we offer, you can talk to one of our advice shop advisers on 01603 773 773 from the uk, or on +44 1603 773 773 from the rest of the world.

dick PalmerPrincipal


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iNtroduCtioNprincipal’s message 2higher educaTion is for everyone 4-5graduaTion 6-7why choose ciTy college norwich 9parTnership wiTh uea 10supporTing you in your sTudies 13-20your gym 17inTernaTional sTudenTs 22accommodaTion 25The aTTracTions of norwich 26The sTudenTs’ union 29fees and financial assisTance 30-33enTry requiremenTs 34how To apply 36-37

ProgrammeshumaniTies 38Teacher educaTion 42business and managemenT 48creaTive arTs 64healTh and communiTy sTudies 80hospiTaliTy, Travel and Tourism 92sporTs 108consTrucTion and engineering 116accrediTing your in-house Training 128

Further iNFormatioNindex 134-5how To find us 136-7



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aT ciTy college norwich we are commiTTed To providing The very besT higher educaTion experience for all our sTudenTs. whaTever your age, background or qualificaTions, we can offer a wide range of programmes wiTh a comprehensive range of sTudy levels.

by working in parTnership wiTh local employers we have developed a range of foundaTion degrees designed To develop The knowledge and skills necessary To improve your prospecTs for finding employmenT in a chosen field or for progression and career developmenT if you are already in work and are being supporTed by your employer.

we are commiTTed To providing The widesT possible opporTuniTies for everyone To access our he provision. so if one of The programmes ouTlined in This prospecTus is righT for you, you will ofTen find ThaT when you come in To Talk To us we puT more emphasis on commiTmenT and poTenTial, Than we do on formal academic qualificaTions – especially if you are reTurning To formal educaTion afTer a break.

we have an expanding and exciTing range of programmes, which are designed To enable Those wiTh a foundaTion degree To progress seamlessly To an honours degrees and some direcT enTry honours degree programmes as well.

school and College leaversif you have just completed a level three qualification (e.g. a level, national diploma) then you may well be considering an application to one of our he programmes, our honours degrees or a foundation degree perhaps. we have good relationships with many local schools, which means you are guaranteed an interview or sometimes even a place. city college norwich is committed to providing opportunities for all so even if your results are not quite what you expected or hoped for, if we offer a programme that seems right for you then give us a call – we may still be able to help.

Progressionmany of our he programmes have been designed with progression from our level three qualifications in mind. for full-time programmes you must still apply through ucas unless you are progressing from a foundation degree or hnd here at city college norwich when you should apply directly to the college. as we will know your academic record, we are always going to ask your Tutor for a recommendation and will be keen to offer a place if we believe you have the capacity to succeed. if you are currently employed then use an application form available from The advice shop.

mature studentsevery year we welcome over 1,500 he students through our doors. while many are joining from school or college, many are a little bit older and are returning to learning. we recognise that the needs of mature students are different to those of younger students. even a part-time programme of study may involve major changes to childcare arrangements, work patterns, household income and transport needs. at city college norwich we will make every effort to help you meet these challenges and by being flexible and responsive give you the advice, support and opportunities you need. our specialist advisers will do their best to help to solve any problems that you might have.

higher eduCatioN is For everyoNe


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international studentscity college norwich is a great place for international students to study. over the years we have been proud to welcome students from across the globe.

in order to ensure that the city college norwich experience is as rewarding and enjoyable as possible, we can offer international students advice about your choice of programme and the costs and application procedures. if you live outside of the uk, you will also be advised on visa requirements for entry to this country. see page 22 of this prospectus for more information about visa applications and fees.

if you would like to find out more, please see the college’s website, which has a section dedicated to international students: www.ccn.ac.uk then click on the overseas button. alternatively, contact The advice shop on +44 (0)1603 773 773.


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ciTy college norwich’s graduaTion ceremony on saTurday 23rd ocTober 2010 saw our biggesT ever celebraTion of higher educaTion sTudenT achievemenT, wiTh a record 634 honours degrees, foundaTion degrees and diplomas conferred. This year also saw The besT ever resulTs for honours degrees, wiTh more sTudenTs Than ever before achieving firsT and upper second class honours.

norwich cathedral once again provided a magnificent backdrop to the proceedings and the presence of two very distinguished guests of honour – stephen fry and hm lord lieutenant of norfolk, richard Jewson – made the occasion even more special.

school of hotel, hair and beauty student ben keeley was named he student of the year. ben, an outstanding young chef and highly dedicated student, achieved a first in his ba (hons) degree in hospitality, leisure and Tourism. ben has progressed to the next stage of his training, an msc in food policy at city university london. ben has already worked alongside some of the best chefs in the business and has his sights set on becoming a top chef himself – certainly a name to watch for the future.

stephen fry, who presented the graduands with their awards during the morning ceremony, gave a personal and highly entertaining address in which he described how his own time at city college norwich had been a pivotal turning point in his life. stephen fry was given a second chance to get his life back on track when he took english, french and history of art a levels at the college. This was shortly after he had hit a real low point when, at the age of 18, he found himself imprisoned for having committed credit card fraud.

stephen fry said: “i arrived back in my beloved norfolk from prison and got a 7am coach from reepham to norwich, and then walked along ipswich road. i had heard that city college did a one year a level programme and did not ask too many questions. as luck had it, it was the second day of registration and there was little peter butler – i don’t know if any of you remember him from the college – with blue eyes and a cheerful disposition waiting for me.

“i said to him that i wanted to do a levels in english, french, and history of art. he said i could not because it was fully booked, but i said, ‘no, i have to do this’. ‘if you let me do them i will get a grades in them all and get a scholarship to cambridge university’, i said. ‘please, this has to happen’. he looked at me and i looked at him, and then he said ‘all right’. it was the hinge on which my entire life swung.

Celebrity guest sPeakers at graduatioN!


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“it all started here in norwich with peter butler taking a risk on someone who was desperate to be educated. for that reason i will never forget it, and never cease to be grateful for what it’s done. The lecturers were gold and i understand that they still are. norwich and norfolk should be immensely proud of city college norwich. it’s a really special place and it’s given me nothing but joy to be asked to come here”.

many of those graduating are big stephen fry fans and were clearly delighted to receive their awards from him. These included roanna seekings, diploma in Teaching in the lifelong learning sector graduate, who did a high five with mr fry as she collected her award – a first for graduation which captured the spirit of the celebration perfectly.

The last word must go to mr fry, who told the graduating students: “you are the stars of this ceremony”.


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ciTy college norwich has a well-deserved repuTaTion for providing a wide range of high qualiTy programmes. in JusT over a cenTury we have helped hundreds of Thousands of people To change Their lives. iT is a record we are proud of and one ThaT we are always Trying To improve upon.

Quality assurance agency (Qaa) - iQer reviewThe qaa is entrusted with monitoring levels of quality within higher education across england and wales, including universities, colleges and other higher education institutions. in our most recent review (July 2010) the iqer report identified good practice across the college.

The College has a highly effective management and committee structure... which leads to a culture of continuous improvement

There are close and effective links with local employers, which have led to the delivery of Foundation Degrees, which meet local skills requirements

The role and function of Higher Education Champions in the maintenance and enhancement of quality processes to the benefit of students and staff has effectively and substantially developed

The College has a constructive and cooperative relationship with its awarding partner, the University of East Anglia

Students appreciate and benefit from the ease of access to and helpfulness of academic and support staff.

our teaching standardshigher education at city college norwich is designed to help you make the most of your life and we can help you achieve your goals in an environment that is intimate, friendly and attuned to your individual needs. That is why we make sure that our classes and tutorial groups are kept as small as possible, ensuring you can get the most out of the learning experience.

you can normally expect to receive around 12 hours per week of scheduled contact time with your tutors on a full-time programme, for many programmes it will be more. all of our higher education programmes are made up of individual modules, each of which carries a credit volume rating, commonly 20. our major project modules can carry up to 60 credits which enable our students to embed the world of work firmly into their degree level studies.

a full-time programme is usually made up of 120 credits per year and a part-time programme upwards of 60 credits per year. both full and part-time programmes will be allocated the same amount of learning support per module, a minimum of 27 hours of academic support time for each 10 credit module. we are keen to enable students with all sorts of commitments to access our programmes so will always try to be flexible in organising a programme of study that enables the programme to be successfully completed.

why Choose City College NorwiCh?


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ciTy college norwich is an associaTe college of The universiTy of easT anglia (uea). so all ciTy college norwich sTudenTs sTudying on foundaTion degrees and oTher undergraduaTe and posTgraduaTe programmes receive Their awards from The uea. The uea is ulTimaTely responsible for The qualiTy of The degree awards while ciTy college norwich has ToTal responsibiliTy for The day-To-day managemenT of The delivery, assessmenT and qualiTy assurance.

This arrangement will be of great benefit to you if you choose to study a higher education programme at city college norwich because as well as graduating with a uea degree, you will have access to uea library resources and some of its facilities.

you have access to:

•uea library facilities until midnight six days a week

•campus card – on request

•library borrowing – using campus card

•e-resources – via eZproxy

•iT account – on request

•library catalogue and help sheets via the web

•separate web pages to help city college norwich and eu students find information or resources.

you will also have access to the fantastic facilities at the sportspark on the uea campus:

•with an olympic size pool, a gym, an outdoor track, outdoor pitches, a climbing wall, squash court and a variety of programmes

•as a student you are eligible for the discounted educational rate (contact the sportspark for details on 01603 592 398 or see www.sportspark.co.uk).

This link between two major institutions in norwich is part of an exciting vision for seamless progression routes for students and allows us to be more responsive to the skills and knowledge needs of local employers and the regional economy.

PartNershiP with uea


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you will find ThaT aT ciTy college norwich we do everyThing we can To help and supporT you in your academic sTudies and wiTh any oTher concerns you have ThaT mighT affecT your life aT The college.

he learning ZoneThe college is working hard to provide the very best learning environment for its higher education students. since the spring of 2011 we have been working to create a discrete space within the college that is dedicated to supporting he students. we expect this facility to be identified and equipped during the summer of 2011. be sure to enquire or have a look when you visit for an interview or during our open days.

tutorial supportyour tutor is there to provide you with essential help and advice on a wide range of areas. These could be anything to do with programme issues, as well as more personal matters. as the college is smaller than a university, tutors have a better opportunity to get to know you properly and to take a real interest in your academic achievements and overall welfare.

study skills helpThe information store can be a particularly useful resource for mature students who would like to re-familiarise themselves with study and revision methods. we can help with writing assignments, numeracy, note-taking, using computers and much more. There is also specialist help for students with dyslexia or for those whose first language is not english.

a commitment to equal opportunitieswe are fully committed to equal opportunities for all our applicants and students regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or disability. we have published an equal opportunities policy, backed-up with appropriate codes of practice.

inclusive learning supportat city college norwich we aim to provide a friendly and sensitive learning environment for all. we have a huge variety of support services to help you. The inclusive learning support Team can provide help if you have visual or hearing impairment, physical or mental health difficulties or if you need assistance due to a specific learning difficulty. The college also is the regional centre for students with autistic spectrum disorders.

at higher education level the usual method of funding for additional support is The disabled students’ allowance (dsa) from your local authority. it is important that you start the process of applying for dsa as early as possible. further information and support with this process can be found either from The department for business, innovation and skills www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance, or by contacting the college inclusive learning support Team if you have any questions about support at college.

please contact the inclusive learning support Team on 01603 773 058, email [email protected] or for minicom users 01603 773 678.

This booklet (or part of it) and other programme leaflets can be provided in alternative formats by contacting The advice shop on 01603 773 773, minicom users 01603 773 678.

suPPortiNg you iN your studies


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Childcare FacilitiesThe college has a particularly important resource for mature students with children, the nursery, which is run by a dedicated team of highly-qualified staff. please note that demand for spaces at these facilities is very high and a waiting list is in operation. for more information, contact the manager on 01603 773 121.

the ChaplaincyThe college chaplain is a church of england priest, based in room c001, west lodge, and is available for people of all faiths, or none. The chaplain can advise about places of worship in norwich and has a list of voluntary chaplains from a wide variety of world faiths.

health matterswe have a fully-equipped health centre, which is attended full-time during term by our college nurse.

the wellbeing ZoneThe new wellbeing Zone in The information store has a range of resources to help students to access information to help with health and wellbeing while they are a city college norwich student. The wellbeing adviser is available to talk to privately and confidentially about any concerns or just for more information. The college also has a range of sexual health services that available in the wellbeing Zone. This service is friendly, discrete and non-judgemental.

the information storeThe information store is a vitally important resource. as well as a stock of 81,000 books plus access to 5,980 journals. The information store offers access to the internet, cds, videos, audio visual packages and cd-roms. we have a team of highly qualified advisers experienced in providing essential support to he students. There are plenty of study areas and quiet rooms available, as well as an area dedicated to careers reference material. all students registered on uea validated programmes will also have access to some uea library and learning resources, as well as those at city college norwich.

Careers advicestatistically, graduates are less likely to be unemployed and more likely to enjoy higher salaries than non-graduates, but this does not mean that securing a good job when you graduate will be easy. but the value of a degree, an honours degree, foundation degree or higher national diploma, when you are job hunting cannot be over-estimated. The message from employers is clear; it is not just your qualifications that makes you attractive to them, it is also your personal skills and attributes. we hope we may be able to help you maximise these in your search for employment.

you can make an appointment to see the college careers adviser by calling in at The advice shop in room a1 of the norwich building or by telephoning 01603 773 773.

for online careers advice for graduates see www.prospects.ac.uk


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The information store has a careers section where you will find careers information, employment directories, employer training/recruitment information and postgraduate directories and prospectuses.

you will be able to pick up various information sheets. for example:

•how to write a cv

•applying for jobs – designed to help you complete employer/graduate training scheme application forms

•making the most of work-experience – this explains how to identify the skills you have acquired through your work-experience and how to present these to a future employer

•careers websites.

issue desk: 01603 773 114

information/help desk: 01603 773 224

email: [email protected]

term-time oPeNiNg

8.15am-7.00pm moNday and wedNesday

8.15am-8.00pm tuesday and thursday

8.15am-6.00pm Friday

9.15am-1.00pm saturday

vaCatioN oPeNiNg

9.00am-5.00pm moNday-Friday

Computer accessrecognising the importance of iT and computers in your study, every student is issued with their own secure computer user id, their own email account and a secure networked data storage area. we make every effort to ensure that city college norwich students have easy access to facilities and equipment. These include:

•30 computer rooms, with over ten workstations in each

•wi-fi access in designated areas

•staffed open access areas with over 100 computers across the college

•over 1,200 networked computers all of which feature windows, microsoft office, filtered internet access and the latest appropriate teaching software

•constantly updated facilities, software and freely available support materials.

To further aid you in your learning, the college blackboard site provides staff and students with a variety of links, search engines, address books, message boards and other resources. do not forget the college website at www.ccn.ac.uk which contains a wide variety of information on the programmes and services we provide.


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sTudenTs on The fda in sporT healTh and exercise have been geTTing some valuable work-experience in The newly refurbished ciTy college norwich gym.

staff, students and the public are all welcome to join the gym which is open from 1.00pm-8.00pm monday-friday.

students can help you get in shape with a physical activity readiness questionnaire, gym induction and a personal training programme. in your induction you will learn how to use the range of new facilities including cardiovascular machines, resistance machines and free weights.

students past and present on foundation degree courses and also hnd leisure courses have gone on to work in gyms and leisure centres across the county, for nutrition and weight management programmes and in community coaching. other former students have even continued their professional studies and returned to the college as lecturers.

if you would like to use the gym please email [email protected] or call 01603 773 626 for information on yearly training memberships.

disCover what’s oN oFFer iN your gym


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on-Campus teaching Facilitiescity college norwich’s campus includes the following facilities:

•sports hall


•drama/dance centre

•hairdressing and beauty salons

•kitchens and training restaurants

•specialised workshops and laboratories, including two for languages

•state-of-the-art engineering workshops and computer graphics suites.

media Facilitiesour state-of-the-art media facilities include:

•Television studio

•audio and video editing suites

•multi-track recording studio

•animation and film-making facilities

•photographic darkrooms

•music practice rooms.

Car Parkinglimited pay and display car parking and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. This policy is under continuous review and may be subject to change. There are reserved parking spaces for disabled students. There is also a park & ride service from near Tesco at harford bridge, just off the a47 southern bypass, which runs continually from 7.00am-7.15pm daily. please refer to the Travel guide at www.ccn.ac.uk for further details.


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the advice shopThe advice shop houses detailed programme literature covering the complete range of city college norwich programmes. specialist advisers are always on hand to guide you through the range of options, enabling you to choose the programme which best meets your needs. you can telephone or visit personally for more information about:

•entry qualifications

•financial and childcare issues

•learning support

•progression to higher level programmes

•career possibilities.

call The advice shop on 01603 773 773 or email [email protected] for advice about the college and its programmes, or to arrange a personal interview with one of our advisers. our specialist team offers expertise and advice on issues of finance, accommodation, careers and issues related to disability. confidential personal counselling is also available for all students.

The advice shop is situated on the ground floor of the college’s norwich building just inside the main entrance room a1. you do not need to make an appointment, just call in.

term-time oPeNiNg8.30am-6.00pm moNday and wedNesday

8.30am-7.00pm tuesday and thursday

8.30am-5.00pm Friday

vaCatioN oPeNiNg8.30am-5.00pm moNday-Friday

st andrews housest andrews house, the location for the first national skills academy for financial services has up-to-the minute facilities and was designed not to have the appearance of a conventional college or training environment, but rather to feel like a thriving business hq – and it does.

here you will find we have a comprehensive range of business and management programmes designed to provide learning opportunities in contemporary office environments with state-of-the-art technology like internet protocol Television (ipTv), teleconferencing and a mediasuite that allows you to record or broadcast live any workshop, seminar or meeting.

our programmes are allied to the world of business, many directly linked to the professional institutions recognised and valued by employers. our well-qualified staff have close contact with the workplace to ensure programme content is kept abreast of the latest developments in the business sector.


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health and safetyat city college norwich we take our commitment to health and safety very seriously. we have a full-time health and safety adviser who looks after the welfare of all students, employees and visitors.

smokingThe college operates a no-smoking policy except for two designated outdoor shelters.

Catering on campusThere is a wide range of choice when it comes to self-service catering facilities. The City Restaurant and City Shop in the wroxham building (first floor) offer a full range of hot food and drinks, including vegetarian options, tea and coffee as well as light snacks, from 8.00am-7.00pm during term-time.

City Café, situated in the norfolk building, offers a range of healthy-eating food and drink options.

City Express, situated in the norwich building provides a selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks.

Inspirations, run by our catering students, offers excellent value hot meals at lunch time.

Debut is our famous full-service training restaurant, which may be booked for silver service lunches and dinners as well as offering a brasserie service at lunch times during term-time.

Vending machines are also situated in various locations around the college.

green statementcity college norwich is committed to minimising our impact on the environment and promoting greater awareness and understanding of environmental issues. There are lots of things the college is already doing to lessen our carbon footprint and help students and staff to be more environmentally friendly.

examples include energy saving measures such as low energy lighting and more efficient heating, reducing the amount of paper we use, providing recycling facilities across campus, and negotiating special travel deals to make it cheaper for students and staff to travel to college by bus – we even have our own solar thermal panels providing hot water for the salons and our motor vehicle workshops.

To help us become even greener we need you to play your part too! Throughout the year the college runs regular green weeks, providing opportunities to learn more about green issues and offering fun ways to start being greener. if you are interested in getting involved, you can join the college’s eco warriors. eco warriors are a group of staff and students who work all year round to promote the green message and look for practical ways to help the college do even more to protect the environment.


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noTe To all applicanTs whose firsT language is noT english: all of The Teaching and assessmenT on our higher educaTion programmes is conducTed in english. we shall expecT any applicanT whose firsT language is noT english To be able To demonsTraTe sufficienT compeTence To able To Take insTrucTion in english and will look for an ielTs (inTernaTional english language TesTing sysTem) score of 6.0 or equivalenT as a minimum enTry requiremenT. please conTacT our sTudenT advisers for furTher deTails.

Further information and adviceThe british council website (www.educationuk.org) and ukcisa – the uk council for international student affairs (www.ukcisa.org.uk) also provide free information and advice about programmes, visas, immigration, finance and fees. you can also check out our website, www.ccn.ac.uk, and click on the overseas button on the home page where you will find the latest up to date information on living and studying in norwich, including programme fees.

visasplease note that if you require a student visa to study in the uk you must study on a full-time basis. To discover if you need a visa go to www.ukvisas.gov.uk.

international student fees50% of the first year fee for international students is payable as a refundable deposit before the cas registration (visa letter) is issued for overseas applicants. for students already in the uk, 50% is due at enrolment in september, plus two other payments of 25% in october and november. if applicants are unsuccessful in obtaining their visa, city college norwich will retain £50 for administration expenses.

if you would like to find out more, please see the college’s website which has a section dedicated to overseas students.This can be found by clicking on the overseas button on the home page. alternatively, contact The advice shop on +44 (0)1603 773 773.

iNterNatioNal studeNts


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unforTunaTely, we no longer have accommodaTion on The college campus. mosT sTudenTs noT already living in The local area will have To find privaTe accommodaTion for Themselves, and living in a sTudenT house in norwich is one of The definiTive experiences for sTudenTs.

Private housing in NorwichThe most popular area for students is affectionately known as the golden Triangle, which encompasses earlham road, unthank road and colman road (and unofficially dereham road). properties in this area benefit from great bus links, and residents can enjoy local pubs, shops and takeaways while also being within walking distance of both the college and the attractions of the city centre.

There are several important factors to consider with accommodation in the private sector:

•most rooms are in houses which share bathroom facilities, although you will find some en-suite options. rents vary, but the average is around £60-£70 per week exclusive of bills, depending on the size and condition of the rooms and the house. be prepared to pay more for en-suite

•utilities are not usually included in the rent, and residents are responsible for dealing with utility providers. some bed-sits and rooms with resident landlords come inclusive of utilities, and the rent for this type of accommodation is often lower too

•you will have a contract – a tenancy agreement – which usually runs for ten months, although some are twelve. when you sign a contract, there will probably be some initial costs such as agency fees or damage deposits.

help with Private housingnorwich is a student friendly city, with lots of accommodation available to uea and city college norwich students alike. if you have problems finding somewhere to live, or want to discuss any aspect relating to accommodation, The advice shop staff hold up to date listings of available accommodation, call 01603 773 773 or email [email protected].



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norwich has much To offer To sTudenTs of all ages. as well as being a modern, Thriving ciTy wiTh a wide range of culTural, sporTing and enTerTainmenT opporTuniTies, iT also has a greaT deal of hisTorical charm. norwich is proud of iTs pasT and presenT sTaTus.

iTs ancienT buildings and ciTy wall remains make iT The mosT compleTe medieval ciTy in briTain. in medieval Times norwich was one of The greaTesT ciTies in england boasTing boTh a norman casTle and caThedral, and Today, as easT anglia’s capiTal ciTy, iT sTill is – offering a rare blend of hisToric inTeresT and modern sophisTicaTion.

in contrast to the city’s medieval buildings, is the architecturally stunning forum; not only home to the Tourist information centre, this unique award-winning venue also hosts a remarkable 24 meter digital gallery displaying a changing programme of film, image and sound. events include free exhibitions, and covent garden style street entertainment in summer. The forum is also home to the regional bbc studios and norwich’s public library. enjoy superb views of st peter mancroft church – the largest church in norwich – and beyond, from the first floor restaurant.

it is said that there used to be a pub in norwich for every day of the year. sadly this is no longer true but happily the ones that are left certainly offer a warm welcome and cater well for the needs of the thirsty population of norwich and all its visitors. These days the nightlife in norwich is a little more dynamic! There is a great range of pubs, clubs, and bars that cater to all needs and those within the riverside area are particularly popular. in fact, the city’s nightlife has become so well-known that many young people travel from outside the region to sample what’s on offer.

if you prefer less frenetic entertainment, you will find that norwich has an abundance of theatres, parks, museums and historic sites. for shopping, norwich simply cannot be beaten. The city centre has one of the finest shopping areas in the country with two large shopping malls, where the usual array of high street stores are complemented by a whole host of specialist shops in ‘The lanes’ area.

moving further afield you will find that norfolk is one of the most beautiful areas of britain. The still largely rural county boasts an unspoilt coastline and the famous norfolk broads. yet the county of norfolk is not isolated – london is only one hour and fifty minutes away by train!

the attraCtioNs oF NorwiCh


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The sTudenTs’ union is made-up of every single sTudenT aT ciTy college norwich and is here To supporT you during your sTudies. once you have enrolled as a sTudenT you auTomaTically become a member of ciTy college norwich’s sTudenTs’ union which is affiliaTed To The naTional union of sTudenTs (nus).

members have an opportunity to get involved at all levels of the work of the students’ union including club nights and band nights to representation at student parliament and on the college’s board of governors. many students have been involved in making a difference and in a year of massive change to the education sector the students’ union has stood firm for your views and values.

as a member of the students’ union you have access to a variety of student groups, societies, and associations. whether you want to meet new people, continue a hobby or skill, learn something new or just get involved with student life, there is a group for you.

however; if there isn’t a group to suit your interest, we will be pleased to help you create it. students’ union members are welcome to join any student groups or sports clubs which represent and interest or passion.

for all the latest information on what’s in and around city college norwich or if you need help and advice come and visit us. we are always happy to help and the door is always open.

making your voice heardas a member of a community of around 1,500 he students you will have the opportunity to air your views both directly and indirectly on the whole of your experience at city college norwich, via:

•programme review meetings

•programme representation

•school board representation

•he student forum

•student parliament

•higher education, learning and Teaching committee

•student governor, who sits on the governor’s higher education development committee.

your programme manager and tutors will give you details of how to get involved.

Freshers’ week will take place during your first weeks at college and is designed to make the start of your academic year as easy and as fun as possible!

the studeNts’ uNioN


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Full-time he programmesyou will be well aware of the changes which have been introduced to the system of student finance and tuition fees which comes into force for new entrants to higher education this year.

city college norwich is very well aware of it’s obligation to set fees which reflect the economic realities of the community we seek to serve and have decided therefore to set a fee for our full-time higher education programmes of £5,999 per annum (subject to subsequent annual inflation adjustment).

The government has introduced new arrangements for the provision and for the subsequent repayment of student loans to help you manage your finances during this time. The great majority of full-time students will be entitled to apply to student finance england for a loan which will cover the full cost of fees – which means you will not have to pay a penny until after you graduate AND have found employment AND are earning a salary of more than £21,000 per annum. once that happens loan repayments will be made automatically via the paye tax system.

The college has an emergency loan facility to help students whose loan is late or delayed.

full details of the Tuition fee loan scheme are available from student finance england. you can visit their website at www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance or call them on 0845 300 50 90.

city college norwich offers you the high quality higher education experience that you are entitled to expect. we are able to charge a somewhat lower fee than other providers because we are a large college and enjoy economies of scale in management and administration and because we do not incur some of the expensive overheads that universities incur.

There will be no compromise in our commitment to the highest quality of provision and the maintenance of the high academic standards for which we have an established reputation.

we all recognise that the fee is a significant amount of money, but all the research shows that even in these challenging times the cost of your higher education represents the best investment you can make in your own future.

in addition there are other loans and grants that may be available to help you to pay for your time at college, which may cost less than you think.

These include: •living cost loan •living cost grant.

our student finance advisers, located in The advice shop, can provide detailed guidance on all aspects of the funding system, including benefit-related issues, eligibility and other information on educational charities and grants. contact them on 01603 773 062 or via The advice shop on 01603 773 773.

Fees aNd FiNaNCial assistaNCe


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Part-time he programmes and Feespart-time programmes are only different from our full-time programmes in that they are spread out over a longer timescale so that fewer modules are attempted each year. The fees to be charged for our part-time programmes have not been decided at the time of writing this prospectus. you should note that for certain programmes the awarding body will require payment of a registration fee in addition to the college’s tuition fee. please ask The advice shop for further information as necessary.

most part-time students are supported by their employer who pays some or all of the tuition fees on their behalf.

tuition Fee grantThe government has announced its intention to provide more support for part-time higher education students. at the time of writing (may 2011) we await the white paper which will contain details of the arrangements and proposed levels of loan which will be made available. we shall keep our website updated with the latest information on student fees and loans and more general information and guidance can be found at www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance which we strongly recommend.

if you have to pay your own fees and you are on a low income there may be additional help available such as grants which will be dependent on your household income and other personal circumstances.

our student finance advisers, located in The advice shop, can provide detailed guidance on all aspects of the funding system, including benefit related issues, eligibility and other information on educational charities and grants. contact them in The advice shop on 01603 773 062.

Paymentfees for part-time programmes which are not invoiced to an employer can be paid in instalments or by credit/debit card.

additional information for all potential studentsaccess to learning Fundsaccess to learning funds may be available to help you if you are experiencing financial hardship. all full and part-time higher education students are welcome to apply although funds are limited.

if you are eligible for a student loan, you must have taken out your maximum entitlement before applying for access to learning funds (alf).

please note that at the time of writing this prospectus we are unsure whether or not the funding for the alf will continue to be available.

For more information and an application form, contact The Advice Shop on 01603 773 773.

disabled student’s allowance The disabled students’ allowance is available to assist students who incur additional study costs due to their disability. for full details contact student finance england.

equivalent or lower level Qualifications (elQs) students who already have a higher education qualification may be charged higher tuition fees by the college. however, those studying for foundation degrees would be exempt from any elq regulations. for more information on this please contact The advice shop on 01603 773 773.

supplementary grants adult dependents’ grant, parents learning allowance, childcare grant, disabled students allowance. details of all of these are available from the college’s finance advisers or from student finance england.


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direct from school or collegeyou will usually need to be aged 18 or over and have obtained (or be in the process of obtaining) an appropriate qualification. city college norwich is committed to providing a higher level progression route for all of its level three further education programmes. as a general guide, the most commonly acceptable qualifications are as follows:

• a and as levels

• bTec national diplomas/certificates

• ‘new’ diplomas

• an access to higher education certificate

• key and or functional skills at level three and above

• qualifications equivalent to the above.

it is worth remembering that if you already hold an hnd, hnc or foundation degree qualification you may be eligible to enrol on one of our articulated progression route programmes and begin working towards a ba or bsc honours degree.

detailed entry requirements for each programme are set out elsewhere in this prospectus.

interviewwhilst many programmes will insist on some specific entry qualifications or other criteria (such as passing an audition or test of written english) all applicants for he programmes will be offered an interview to determine your interpretation, motivation and commitment to the programme. This interview is often, and especially for mature learners, the key deciding factor in our admissions process.

mature entrymany of our mature learners come to city college norwich after a break from education; some have few – if any – formal qualifications, but this is not necessarily a barrier.

mature learners are welcomed onto he programmes without formal qualifications if they have previous relevant experience. access programmes are an alternative to traditional entry qualifications and provide excellent preparation for mature students who wish to take he programmes. evidence shows that mature students who take this route to do well.

full details of our access programmes can be found in our access to higher education brochure, please ask The advice shop for your copy on 01603 773 773.

accreditation for Prior learning (aPl) and (aPel) accreditation of Prior experiential learningif you have gained qualifications at an appropriate level that are relevant to the programme or have relevant experience gained in a work-based or ‘vocational’ setting, you may be given credit, and possibly exemption, from certain elements of the programme.

claims for apl or apel must be made and resolved BEFORE joining a programme, so be sure to ask at your interview if you think this could apply to you.

Part-time or full-timeThe flexibility of our study modes can make it easier to balance the needs of study, work and home life. please note that information concerning the times and duration of programmes is to be found under individual programme listings. ask for more details of part-time options at the time of application.

For details of UCAS tariff points visit www.ucas.com

eNtry reQuiremeNts


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tariff pointsTariff points are a general indication of the level of entry requirement needed, you should contact the relevant programme admission tutor at the time of application to confirm the precise entry requirements and level of tariff points. if you are applying for a degree programme, you can also find the number of tariff points needed for each programme by visiting the city college norwich pages on the ucas website www.ucas.ac.uk.

The ucas Tariff, together with the following information, should be taken as a general guide only. as a general rule a minimum of 40 points for hnd programmes and 80 points for degree programmes from 6/12 unit awards is expected, but you should note that some programmes will request additional points.

please contact programme admission tutors for specific advice on the entry requirements of the programme that interests you.

unless otherwise stated, wherever reference is made to gcse passes, only grades a, b or c will be accepted. gce o level passes (grades a, b, or c) are still acceptable, as are cse grade one passes.

for degree level programmes we accept vocational a levels and bTec national certificate/diploma as equivalent to three a levels and as satisfying general entry requirements. we also accept college certificates awarded to those who have completed access programmes (see separate access to higher education brochure).

for hnc programmes we accept one a level/vocational a level; or bTec national certificate; or college access certificate.

for foundation degrees, entry requirements are more flexible – please see the individual programme information for more details. for all our vocational programmes we expect the new diplomas to satisfy our entry requirements.

Functional skillscity college norwich has embedded functional skills into its post 16 curriculum and is committed to fully recognising students’ achievements in assessing their applications. your achievements in functional skills will be fully recognised, but individual programmes may have specific requirements. for more information or advice, please contact The advice shop on 01603 773 773.

Contact usonce you have applied for a programme we will write to you with contact details for your programme’s admissions tutor. They will be able to answer any questions or worries you might have prior to starting your programme and will be able to let you know what to expect from your interview and your programme.

if you have further questions that this prospectus is unable to answer prior to making your application please contact The advice shop in the first instance 01603 773 773 or email [email protected] to be put in touch with an appropriate adviser.

how to aPPly


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applicationsgenerally, if the programme you wish to apply for is a full-time programme you should apply through ucas (but always check – each programme in this prospectus shows a guide to the appropriate application method). if you are working and your employer is supporting you (by paying your fees and/or giving you day release to attend college) during the period of study you should apply as a part-time student using the college application form which is available to download from the college website www.ccn.ac.uk or from The advice shop 01603 773 773.

applications for progression to an honours degree should be made via ucas, unless you are already studying on an hnd or foundation degree programme at city college norwich. in this case, you should apply directly using the application form. for other full-time higher education programmes, please apply through ucas.

uCas can be contacted at:

ucasrosehillnew barn lanecheltenhamgloucestergl52 3lZ

Tel: 0870 112 2211email: [email protected]: www.ucas.com

ucas applicants please note: we recommend that you submit your application before January 15th, but we are always willing to consider applications received after this date, usually into september.


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humaniTies subJecTs provide educaTional opporTuniTies for poTenTial sTudenTs wiTh a wide range of experience and aspiraTions. our curriculum offer includes Three bachelor degrees covering The fields of english, culTural sTudies, sociology and psychology in socieTy. our degrees are designed To reflecT The need To place academic higher educaTion in a vocaTionally relevanT conTexT and provide a sound basis for employmenT and furTher Training and developmenT.



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mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationfull-time programmes will last for three years, part-time programmes will last for four years.

entry requirementsa minimum of 160 tariff points is usually required, but we have no standard offer as we take into account your reference, motivation and commitment to the programme, as well as any projected or actual a level grades or qualifications. all applicants will be invited for interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?The programmes are individually quite distinct and each has been tailored to meet the career expectations of prospective graduates. however, the use of common modules across all three programmes means that there remains some integration between the pathways, enriching the learning experience.

•English with Cultural Studies develop literary skills while exploring and deconstructing

the novel, the script, and other works of literature/popular culture. you will have the opportunity to look at language and literature in the context of contemporary cultural issues.

•English and Psychology in Society This innovative programme is aimed primarily at students

interested in following a career in teaching. it provides a grounding of psychology with an emphasis on early child development and an exploration of the underpinning research base. The english component focuses on the development of literacy skills, analysing structures and meaning within a variety of literary works.

•Psychology with Sociology provides a sound underpinning of psychological theories,

concepts and current debates, linked to social structures such as family, class and ethnicity. There is an emphasis on research skills and analysis.

Programme outlineThe first year of each pathway provides the foundations that will enable you to specialise and deepen your knowledge as you progress through your programme. you will develop a range of analytical and research skills, the ability to think independently and a range of written and oral presentation skills.

methods of teaching and learningskills and understanding are developed through a mixture of lectures, seminars, group work and individual study.

assessmentwhen you complete each module you will be assessed by a combination of essays, examinations, presentations and research projects.

where it can take you/career opportunities•English with Cultural Studies

graduates may wish to move into teaching, journalism, public relations, marketing or publishing.

•English and Psychology in Society graduates could consider the fields of teaching, youth work, social services, retail management or public relations.

•Psychology with Sociology graduates might seek to follow a career in social services, education, youth work, probation, general management or human resources.

ba (hoNs) eNglish with Cultural studiesba (hoNs) eNglish aNd PsyChology iN soCietybsc (hoNs) PsyChology with soCiology


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additional informationwe attract students from varied backgrounds and encourage them to reach their full potential. academic standards are high and pastoral support is excellent.

UCAS Codeenglish with cultural studies Q3L6english and psychology in society QC38psychology with sociology C880

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment)



I went to my high school sixth form, but I really didn’t enjoy it and I failed my first year. So I decided to change and come to college. The College is so much better, you’re treated like an adult, I had a much better relationship with the Sixth Form Centre staff here and went on to get great A Level results! When it came to making my UCAS Application the UEA didn’t do the subject combination I wanted and staying in Norwich was important to me. So I decided to stay on at the College for my Degree, it’s really enjoyable, you get lots of self study time and there’s a real mixture of ages of people to study with.

harriet, BA (Hons) English and Psychology in Society


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our Teacher educaTion programmes are designed To supporT The Training and developmenT of educaTional professionals in boTh schools and The general furTher and adulT educaTion secTors. for new and aspiranT enTranTs To Teaching in These secTors we offer The diploma in Teaching and learning in The lifelong learning secTor (dTlls), which for many sTudenTs will be The naTural progression rouTe for Those who have achieved The pTlls (preparing To Teach in The lifelong learning secTor) qualificaTion.

teaCher eduCatioN


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afTer graduaTing from dance college bryony knew she wanTed To be a Teacher and was deTermined To come back and Try To develop dance where she grew up. bryony was aware ThaT professional dance is noT easily accessible in norfolk and was passionaTe abouT Trying To creaTe opporTuniTies for young people.

since becoming a sessional Tutor at city college norwich in the performing arts faculty i have been dedicated about continuous professional development. i was very grateful to have the opportunity to study part-time whilst working for the diploma in Teaching in the lifelong learning sector (dTlls), with fantastic mentor and tutors who really helped me develop as a tutor. being able to observe other tutors and get feedback from the dTlls department made me strive to improve and reflect on my practice.

dTlls allowed me to enhance my teaching skills and gave me the opportunity to broaden across teaching in not only further education, but also a cross section of the community. doing the programme confirmed to me that teaching is the career i want to develop both in the education sector as well as in the community, which is why i co-founded slanteddance – norfolk’s professional Jazz and contemporary dance company.

due to my dTlls qualification and slanteddance work, i am also lucky enough to be one of the three tutors in the east anglian region to have been given a full scholarship for a new upcoming qualification, diploma in dance Teaching and learning (ddTl). This will qualify me within the community sector which will allow me to continue building my work with slanteddance.

knowing the challenges that many schools face in providing high quality enrichment activities, slanteddance was launched to offer an extensive dance and enrichment programme.

we plan and deliver fun, imaginative and exciting dance workshops, each school just has to provide the space and the children! sessions are designed to help schools meet the government target of two-three hours per week of extracurricular activities.

vicky buxton, Teacher, st williams primary school said:

All pupils were focused and were enthusiastic to learn and develop dances. I was amazed at how quickly the class picked up the creative routines – this was down to the flexible teaching style, which meant all pupils were engaged. Bryony is definitely made for teaching. The class loved her!

we teach in schools, theatres and youth clubs, delivering workshops as outreach education to the community. it’s great to teach, but it’s also great to be able to do this on top of my job at the college because it keeps ideas and sessions fresh when you take classes with mixed age groups across the county.


bryoNy is deFiNitely made For teaChiNg. the Class loved her!


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photograph by mike harrington 45

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mode of studypart-time.

durationTwo years.

entry requirements•gcse grade a*-c english and maths or equivalent (includes

city & guilds level two)

•a minimum of 75 hours employment, in each of the two academic years of the in-service programme, equating to 150 hours in the one year pre-service programme, as a teacher in the full teaching role, teaching across a minimum of two academic levels

•medical checks

•crb checks

•a named, subject specialist, as a mentor provide by the employer or supporting department

•a minimum of a high level qualification and/or professional/vocational experience – usually equating to a level four qualification in the subject that is being taught by the trainee.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia or ccnq.

who is it for?This is the required qualification for anyone who wants to teach or support learning in a post-compulsory educational or training setting. it is the initial Teacher Training award.

Programme outlineThis programme explores practice and theory relating to teaching in the lifelong learning sector, including assessment, evaluation, managing learning behaviour and curriculum issues.

Throughout the programme, literacy, numeracy and icT skills are included as part of the award. by the end of the programme (to achieve qTls) candidates will have to show evidence for professional formation.

year one•module one: preparing to teach in the lifelong learning

sector (six credits)

•module two: planning and enabling learning (nine credits)

•module three: Theories and principles of learning and assessment (ten credits)

•module four: communication and supporting students in the learning environment (15 credits)

•module five: subject specific professional practice part one (20 credits) evidenced by a professional practice portfolio (extends over both years for part-time programme):

• developing professional practice

• critical reflections

• action planning.

Please note: This programme outline is correct at the time of going to print (may 2011), but is subject to variation as the dTlls award is written to conform with a national framework currently under review by lsis, the sector skills council responsible for the award.

diPloma iN teaChiNg iN the liFeloNg learNiNg seCtor


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year two•module six: curriculum and quality issues in the lifelong

learning sector (20 credits)

•module seven: supporting practice through research (20 credits)

•module eight: subject specific professional practice part two (20 credits).

This programme includes the required basic skills subject standards at level three for language, literacy, number and icT. These standards are integrated into the programme in year one (modules two, three and four) and are considered to be an essential part of the learning for achievement of the final award.

methods of teaching and learninga mixture of teaching strategies will be used, taking into account individual students working patterns and styles, and may include seminars, workshops, group work and simulations.

assessmenta wide range of assessment techniques will be used including observation presentations and a variety of written work.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThis award is the leading national professional qualification for teaching the lifelong learning sector. it is possible to progress to a masters or phd programme following a period of professional experience.

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 7



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The college is leading The naTional skills academy for financial services in The easTern region, one of The firsT Trail-blaZing skills academies in The counTry. we offer full and parT-Time higher educaTion programmes in many aspecTs of business and finance. from foundaTion degrees To honours degrees, our programmes will puT you on rouTe To a successful business career. we are also currenTly working To develop undergraduaTe qualificaTions in small business managemenT and markeTing.

busiNess aNd maNagemeNt


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mode of studynormally one day a week 9.00am-6.00pm. also some saturday mornings (subject to negotiation).

durationnormally two years.

entry requirementsgnvq or bTec national certificate/diploma, relevant new diploma or one a level with three gcses including english and maths.

we welcome applications from mature (over 21) students with relevant employment experience and/or other non-standard qualifications.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?foundation degrees are designed to meet skills shortages at the higher technician and associate professional levels. flexible study methods mean that they are suitable for people already working in a business environment. This foundation degree has been developed in consultation with local employers and has been designed to be the ideal first level he qualification for those interested in a general management/administration career and is equally suited to those and private sectors. This increasingly well-recognised qualification will develop both your technical and knowledge based skills and the transferable business skills so valued by today’s employers. key features include skills for work and the opportunity to progress to a third year ba (hons) programme.

Programme outlineoffered as part of a modular, credit based scheme this programme comprises modules of 10 and 20 credits.

Core modules: higher learning skills, skills for work, the individual in the business sector (business environment), advanced higher learning and research skills, managing financial resources, managing organisations, law and

business agreements, managing information, environmental management, marketing in action, management accounting, human resource management, project management (management information systems), operations management.

methods of teaching and learninglectures, demonstrations, presentations, seminars, group work, simulations, case-studies and self-study are the principal methods of teaching and learning.

assessmentassessment of this programme is carried out through coursework, project and/or examination.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThis increasingly well-recognised qualification will assist you in finding employment in the business and public sectors or, if you are in work, will enhance your ability to contribute effectively to your organisation and thus the possibility of progression into and through supervisory and management roles. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThe emphasis on skills for work means that this is a truly vocational programme and will enable you to both ground your learning in the workplace and to reflect on work practice in an academic context. students in employment will be expected to receive practical and enabling support from their employers. Those not in employment (paid or unpaid) will be supported by the college in finding appropriate placements or work-based projects.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) busiNess maNagemeNt

UCAS Code N200

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment)




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mode of studyfull-time. part-time routes may also be available, subject to demand.

durationTwo years.

entry requirementsentry requirements are flexible and recognise a range of academic qualifications, ideally at level three such as national diploma, a levels or nvq, as well as relevant work-experience. mature applicants with appropriate experience are particularly welcome.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme is designed for managers or aspiring managers in the public service sector. it will enable you to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in areas directly related to your work, and to share experience and expertise with those from other parts of the sector.

Programme outlineThe public sector is a dynamic, complex environment, often requiring different management skills to the private sector. This foundation degree has been developed with public sector employers including nnuh Trust, ambulance service and the police to identify the management skills required by existing and aspiring managers in public sector posts. core topics on the programme will focus on professional skills such as human resource management, financial management, project management and strategic planning, all aimed exclusively at the needs of the public service sector.

They will be underpinned by examination of the qualities associated with successful leadership and management. all of these aspects will be put in an appropriate context by study of the social and political environment in which public sector managers’ work. case studies and examples will be drawn from relevant areas.

methods of teaching and learningThe mixture of teaching methods used could include classroom based activities such as case-studies, lectures, workshops, tutorials and seminars together with reflection and discussion.

assessmentassessment may include a range of strategies such as portfolios, presentations, written reports and assignments, work-based studies and interviews with tutors.

where it can take you/career opportunities if you are already a junior or middle manager, the foundation degree will give you the self-confidence and credibility to advance your career. if you are hoping to move into management the programme will provide a strong grounding in the techniques and approaches you will be expected to apply. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) PubliC seCtor maNagemeNt

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment)



UCAS Code L231


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mode of studypart time – online with tutorial support and quarterly workshops.

durationTwo years.

entry requirementsentry requirements are flexible and recognise a range of academic qualifications and sector experience. ideally you will possess gcses in english and maths, as well as relevant work-experience. mature applicants with appropriate experience are particularly welcome.

you should enjoy retailing, recognise the diverse opportunities within the sector and want to forge or develop a career within the industry. applicants are sometimes sponsored by their employer.

The retail national skills academy will establish your capacity and commitment to complete the programme during an initial interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia

who is it for?This programme is designed for managers or aspiring managers with experience of, or currently working in, the retail sector. it enables you to continue to earn while you learn.

you will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in areas directly related to your work and the broader retail environment, and will share experience and expertise with others in the same sector.

This award has been developed in partnership with a wide spectrum of retail employers by the sector skills council (skillsmart) and fdf (foundation degree forward) to create a nationally recognised qualification for managers and management trainees working in the retail industry.

Programme outlineThe programme focuses upon management, consumer behaviour, in-store marketing, management of information, retail law and retail leadership and draws upon the workplace to structure and inform the development of the learning materials.

The higher level academic challenge of the foundation degree marries experience and theory application, through studying:

year one• in-store customer marketing

• managing information

• retail operations

• retail environment

• consumer behaviour

• personal professional development.

year two• personal professional development

• manage retail customer service

• retail law

• manage and develop people in retail

• leadership in retail or

• supply chain management.

methods of teaching and learningThe programme is delivered using an online classroom for e-learning delivery, supported by face-to-face induction and module workshop sessions, workbooks and other materials will be provided to support online learning.

intensive learning is undertaken, usually over a two year period, but the pace can be varied to suit your work or life commitments. peak trading times are automatically accounted for.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) retailiNg


Page 55: Higher Education Prospectus

assessmentassessments enable you to study the programme content, develop and apply your learning through the lens of your own working environment. skills for work and academic study is integrated through work-based projects, assignments, a reflective log and portfolio. all formal assessment activities are based on the reality of your workplace and employers have contributed to the development of the activities.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThe programme is a unique and valuable higher level qualification. it is expected that career development and progression will follow or accompany successful completion of the award.

articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationupon completion of the retailing foundation degree programme you will be able to:

• demonstrate a knowledge and vocational understanding of the retail industry and the principles that drive retail developments

• articulate, verbally and non-verbally, an understanding of key themes and issues that have a practical impact on the retail industry

• apply critical thinking to the analysis of a range of retail situations and operational methods

• critically evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving practical problems within a retail management context

• effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis using a variety of methods to a range of audiences

• propose creative yet practical solutions to complex problems within a retail management context

• make appropriate and effective management decisions within a retail business

• demonstrate key skills, including people management, that will enhance career opportunities and achieve business development goals

• Take responsibility for personal development and become an autonomous and reflective thinker.

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apply through uCas 7



Page 56: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationThree years (full-time).

entry requirements120 points, ocr diploma in administration, bTec national certificate or diploma or relevant new diploma.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?incorporating modules from the foundation degree business management, the general business management degree programme is designed for those who want to take their knowledge and experience of business principles and practice to a higher level. it is equally appropriate for people looking for a career in the private and public sector and for those who are considering developing their own business ventures. The degrees suffixed (accounting and finance) and (human resource management) enable students to choose a pathway of specialised modules in these two key areas of business activity whilst remaining firmly grounded in the broader field of business management.

Programme outlineThese credit-based modular programmes have been designed to comprise compulsory, designated or optional modules. The range of non-compulsory modules available will be determined by both the student’s choice of pathway and demand.

Business Management:

managing financial resources, managing organisations, law and business agreements, managing information, the business environment, higher learning skills, marketing in action, financial reporting (only for accounting and finance path way), management accounting, human resource management, marketplace law and project management, (management information systems). operations management research methods, marketing management, employee resourcing and reward, dissertation, entrepreneurship, ethics international business or marketing consultancy project and strategic management.

Accounting and Finance pathway:

advanced financial accounting, credit management, and taxation.

Human Resource Management pathway:

modules from employment law and human resource development.

ba (hoNs) busiNess maNagemeNtba (hoNs) busiNess maNagemeNt (accounting and Finance)ba (hoNs) busiNess maNagemeNt (human resource management)


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methods of teaching and learninglectures, demonstrations, presentations, seminars, group work, simulations, case-studies and self-study are important components of the learning experience.

assessmentassessment is by coursework, project or examination.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesour graduates have been very successful in building excellent business careers in their chosen fields and many have gone on to achieve further professional qualifications.

additional informationgraduates with management skills are increasingly highly prized by industry commerce and public sector employers and graduates are assured of better job prospects and higher earning potential than non-graduates.

These degree programmes, whilst maintaining the highest academic standards of scholarship, are designed to equip students with a wide range of knowledge and practical skills that will enable them to contribute effectively in the workplace from day one.

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment)



UCAS Code N102


Page 58: Higher Education Prospectus

a Trainee deparTmenT sTore buyer from norwich is heading off To shanghai, china, as he conTinues his progression from deli counTer assisTanT Towards becoming an inTernaTional buyer. The opporTuniTy arose for sTefan young, who is Taking a business managemenT degree, afTer he successfully applied for The sTudy china programme.

stefan, 26, works for roys of wroxham, where he began working in 2007 on the deli counter. stefan was keen to advance his career in retail and so enrolled on a ba (hons) business management programme with city college norwich. roys have supported stefan in his studies, allowing him one day off each week to attend his programme, as well as giving him the time off to make the trip to china.

study china is a three-week programme designed to educate and enrich undergraduates through a series of visits, experiences and intensive classes. The programme will see stefan taking part in intensive chinese language classes, as well as learning about chinese business, culture and society – providing an invaluable grounding for anyone seeking to do business in the country.

stefan discovered a passion for the international side of business whilst studying the international business module of his degree programme. he decided to apply for the study china programme as he thought the experience would help the development of his career, particularly given the importance of china today as a global manufacturing base.

looking forward to his trip to china, stefan said:

I believe it is essential to respect, understand and appreciate others to achieve success in the business world and I think the Study China programme will help me develop my understanding of Chinese culture, which I can then use in my career as a buyer.

stefan’s story provides a great example of how improving your skills and gaining higher level qualifications can open doors. since starting his degree with city college norwich stefan has progressed from working on the deli counter and in the stockroom to becoming an assistant buyer and on to his current role as a trainee buyer.

speaking about the business management degree at city college norwich, stefan said:

The Degree is absolutely brilliant. It has been such a life changing experience for me. It has changed my outlook on life as it allows you to see what opportunities are out there and what it is possible to achieve in the future.

steFaN makes his way From the deli CouNter to ChiNa


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mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationone year (full-time).

entry requirementsstudents entering the programme will normally have 240 credits from a foundation degree (or equivalent) with appropriate knowledge and skills relevant towards the programme and relevant work-experience (to be determined by uea guidelines and upon application and interview).

who is it for?This award has been designed for those who wish to develop their leadership and management knowledge and skills in a realistic, work-related context.

Programme outlineThe programme develops the students’

• own work-based leadership and management capabilities in areas that improve personal and organisational (public, private, not-for-profit, large, small and national) efficiency and effectiveness

• leadership and management work-based knowledge and skills through reflection and training of others in the workplace.

Semester 1

• leadership and management • dissertation project.

Semester 2

• building skills in others• dissertation project (continued).

The overarching goal of the programme is to provide graduates with a programme of learning opportunities, which will develop their leadership and management knowledge and skills in the workplace.

methods of teaching and learningThe programme is delivered using:• inductions to programme and modules• lectures• seminars• workshops (e.g. for the dissertation project)• online learning material• assignments• workplace material and work-experience.

assessmentassessments enable the students to study the programme content, develop and apply their learning through the lens of their own working environment. These will take the form of:

• assignments and dissertation project will be work-based. all formal assessment activities are based on the reality of the student workplace, and employers have contributed to the development of the activities

• exams (these will be fully supported with learning materials).

where it can take you/career opportunities• career development and progression in leadership and

management• enhancement of lifelong learning skills• professional qualifications• diploma in management studies

(at city college norwich – uea)• masters degree.

ba (hoNs) leadershiP aNd maNagemeNt

apply directly to the Collegecurrent city college norwich foundation degree students

apply through uCasnon-current city college norwich foundation degree students



UCAS Code TBCplease check ucas website for details.


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mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationone year (full-time).

entry requirementsfoundation degree (240 credits) and an interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme is for those who have a relevant foundation degree and would like to Top-up this award to a ba (hons) business management. This general business management degree programme is designed for those who want to take their knowledge and experience of business principles and practice to a higher level. it is equally appropriate for people looking for a career in the private and public sector and for those who are considering developing their own business ventures.

Programme outline1 programme outline for fda business management progression route to a ba (hons) in business management.

applicants for this route will normally possess a fda in business management. This credit-based modular programme has been designed with compulsory modules. The 120 credit module catalogue for business programmes includes:

Semester 1

• management accounting (20 credits)• strategic management (20 credits)• dissertation (30 credits)• entrepreneurship (20 credits)

Semester 2

• ethics (10 credits)• dissertation•Internationalbusiness(20credits).

2 programme outline of alternative fda progression route to a ba (hons) in business management.

This award provides an alternative route for fda (240 credits) students. This pathway is for those with a foundation degree that may not be business management, but that is a suitable foundation degree.

also, this pathway is available as an option for full-time students on the three year ba who a) prove an appropriate level of access to and support from an employer/organisation and b) express a preference to do so.

modules studied are:

Semester 1


Semester 2


ba (hoNs) busiNess maNagemeNt(one year top-up from Foundation degree)


Page 63: Higher Education Prospectus

methods of teaching and learninglectures, demonstrations, presentations, seminars, group work, simulations, case-studies and self-study are important components of the learning experience.

assessmentassessment is by coursework, project or examination.

where it can take you/career opportunities our graduates have been very successful in building excellent business careers in their chosen fields and many have gone on to achieve further professional qualifications as well as on to the postgraduate diploma in management studies here at city college norwich or onto a related masters degree.

additional information graduates with management skills are increasingly highly prized by industry commerce and public sector employers and graduates are assured of better job prospects and higher earning potential than non-graduates. These degree programmes, whilst maintaining the highest academic standards of scholarship, are designed to equip students with a wide range of knowledge and practical skills that will enable them to contribute effectively in the workplace from day one.

apply directly to the Collegecurrent city college norwich foundation degree students

apply through uCasnon-current city college norwich foundation degree students



UCAS Code N101


Page 64: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studypart-time.

durationTwo years.

entry requirementsapplicants must either hold a degree or have relevant middle management experience, and pass an interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?The programme has been developed specifically to meet the needs of mature students who wish to build on previous qualifications and progress to senior management positions.

Programme outlineThe programme consists of the following modules:

Year one

master level learning skills, reflective manager, business strategy and marketing, organisational development and management accounting.

Year two

human resource management, operations management, financial management, research methods and management research project.

methods of teaching and learninglectures, demonstrations, presentations, seminars, group work, simulations, case-studies and self-study are important components of the learning experience.

assessmentassessment is by coursework, project or examination.

where it can take you/career opportunitiessuccessful students can progress to a masters degree. The dms is an established, nationally recognised management development qualification used by companies in the selection of senior managers.

additional informationThe main emphasis of the programme is on strategic management. The programme provides a broad management development programme which may also gain exemptions from an mba programme.

There is an opportunity to leave at the end of the first year with a post graduate certificate in management (pg-cim) if sufficient credit has been achieved.

Postgraduate diPloma maNagemeNt studies (dms)

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as a creaTive arTs sTudenT you will have access To some of The besT faciliTies available, including The newly refurbished Television sTudio, digiTal ediTing suiTe, radio sTudio, mulTi-Track recording faciliTy, indusTry-sTandard TheaTre and dance sTudios, as well as digiTal arTs suiTes and TradiTional arTs sTudios. we encourage The highesT levels of creaTiviTy in all aspecTs of work in order To prepare you for successful and rewarding careers in The creaTive indusTries. we are also engaged as a founder college for The naTional skills academy, creaTive & culTural indusTries, we aim To provide our sTudenTs wiTh real vocaTional learning and up To The minuTe skills developmenT on all our programmes.

Creative arts


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mode of studyfull-time.

durationTwo years. Time in college will need to be augmented by private study time. programme attendance – will normally be on three days per week, with additional time for independent working in workshops, rehearsal and production spaces, studios (including recording) as necessary.

entry requirementsall candidates will be auditioned and must demonstrate a reasonable level of competence in their chosen instrument. in addition you will need one of the following: a/as level in music, music Technology; a national diploma, certificate or award in music, music Technology or performing arts; music access to he certificate containing music modules; or any qualification deemed to be equivalent to the above.

mature candidates with experience in professional or semi-professional work in music will be considered.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme is aimed at people who have an interest and some experience in music and also wish to perform and be involved in production (live or via the internet). it provides real opportunity for advancement as a music practitioner and as a means of access to the music business. The programme is designed to provide a broad, vocational education which will prepare students for a variety of careers within, or linked to, the music industry.

Programme outlineThe programme aims to equip you with the music skills you need in order to progress in the industry or related area.

The main areas covered are: performance, music technology, composition and music business. skills for work is central to the design of the programme. freelance work-experience form the core of the programme and all other modules feed into these.

all students study music related subjects ranging from instrument, performance, production, composition various aspects of technology, business related skills and knowledge. They will also be expected to perform (virtual and or real) and demonstrate understanding of aspects of a wide variety of differing music.

Core modules:


•instrumental and vocal performance

•individual in the work sector

•song writing and arranging

•production, rehearsal and performance

•advanced popular music composition and arranging

•music and theatre

•skills for work one and two

•higher and advanced higher learning skills

•higher learning skills

•advance higher learning and research skills.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) Popular music Performance and Production(subject to validation)


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methods of teaching and learningThe programme is structured in such a way as to gradually increase student autonomy in order to allow individuals to identify and pursue areas of particular strength and interest. programme lecturers have a wealth of music business, technology and performing experience. The music team also have a significant teaching record at all levels. additionally, the programme is structured to make much use of professional facilities – such as plug rehearsal studios or local venues for performance, production and gigs.

assessmenteach module is assessed separately. some will be assessed through performance and practical demonstration of skills. other modules will be assessed through a variety of methods including essays, portfolios of evidence and the production of recordings.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesstudents can continue their studies to a higher level with a ba (hons) in a related area. fda graduates may wish to progress with full articulation to the ba (hons) creative practices and enterprises.

successful students may wish to pursue careers as performing musicians, composers, arrangers and music technology specialists, or go into music teaching, music management, publishing or production.

I felt really comfortable with the Tutors and had a much better understanding of what would be expected of me here on a Foundation Degree. The programme has certainly given me a better understanding of the career paths available and what job in music I might want to pursue. If you are currently studying at the College then seriously consider a Foundation Degree there’s everything here that you need and staying local to Norwich will save you a lot of money!

edward, FdA Popular Music Performance and Production


7apply directly to the College

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UCAS Code W390


Page 70: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationTwo years.

entry requirements

•an access certificate in art and design or other related area

•bTec national diploma in art and design or related subject or a gnvq advanced art and design

•Two relevant a levels at grade a*-c.

in addition to the above we require evidence of appropriate work-experience supported by a demonstrated commitment to pursue a specialist area of study and gcse english language at grade a*-c or equivalent.

mature students may be accepted without formal qualifications if they have either a portfolio of recent creative work in arts and crafts, appropriate work-experience supported by a demonstrated commitment to pursue a specialist area of study.

you will also be required to provide references and if accepted onto the programme will need to complete a crb police check.

whilst you must be able to fulfil the academic entry level requirements we respond to an individual’s passion and commitment to art and desire to work with people. This is why we place emphasis upon each applicant’s personal interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?if you have a keen interest in the visual arts, enjoy meeting challenges with imagination and creativity and working with others to raise their level of self-esteem, then this is the programme for you.

you will develop a variety of skills in arts practice, communication and working with diverse client groups in community and healthcare environments to promote wellbeing and empowerment. The foundation degree is for:

•Those currently employed in areas of community work and healthcare that wish to extend or enhance their creative skills

•Those who would like to work with art in the community or healthcare sector

•Those who would like to work within art and creative industries.

Programme outlineThis two year programme is split into two distinct areas, core and specialist units. This ensures a good foundation in visual and practical skills, knowledge of the health and community sector, creative thinking, development and delivery of specialist projects and the application of skills in the workplace.

you will develop an awareness of the diversity of different groups and creative and flexible approaches to working within arts practices to promote well-being. The programme consists of the following 14 units:

•arts practice one and two

•project design and delivery one and two

•creative problem solving one and two

•visual and communication skills

•skills for work one and two

•higher learning skills

•The individual in the arts, health and community sector

•reflective analysis

•specialist subject investigation

•advanced higher learning and research skills

•research and writing funding applications.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) arts aNd wellbeiNg


Page 71: Higher Education Prospectus

methods of teaching and learninga mixture of conventional teaching strategies including practical 2d and 3d workshop based activities. classroom-based lectures, case studies, tutorials, skills for work, simulations, role-plays and demonstrations will be employed. a range of visiting lecturers from arts and health will also give seminars and support skills for work.

assessmenteach module is assessed separately and a variety of methods will be used throughout the programme. These may include: portfolio work, project work, coursework, report writing, presentations and observations.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThis programme will prepare you to progress into a wide range of careers in:

•arts and healthcare

•community art

•arts and education

•arts and social inclusion.

fda graduates may wish to progress with full articulation to the ba (hons) creative practices and enterprise or you could also go on to study arts Therapy at postgraduate level.

additional informationcurrently this is the only qualification of its kind in the uk. visiting lecturers who work with arts in community and healthcare settings will be sharing their knowledge and contributing towards the delivery of this programme. The college has many specialist staff who work within and have experience of creative industries. students will have access to specialist equipment and studio space.

apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code W990


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melanie Tilford who graduated with a distinction in July 2010 (the first cohort to graduate) was awarded community group of the year award for her outstanding work with sweetarts (a voluntary community arts group for isolated and disadvantaged women, which has received funding from the lottery and norfolk and norwich arts project fund). melanie worked with the organisation as a volunteer whist on the fda and has since gone on to set up new groups and play a large part in running the organisation.

holly sandiford, who also graduated with a distinction in July 2010 was appointed last week as the arts facilitator at barrington farm, n. norfolk. This is a day services centre for adults with learning difficulties, which specialises in enabling people of all abilities to express themselves and find a voice through their creativity.

over the years the art barn at barrington farm has gained a reputation as a centre of excellence and many of their artists have exhibited their work both at home and abroad.

it has been rewarding to have tangible proof and recognition that the programme is equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to create either new employment opportunities and/or fulfil existing employers needs. our students are starting to make a significant difference in the health and community sector.

fda arts and wellbeing student in 2009 John Colahan said:

There are so many free workshops and projects in Norfolk to get involved in all year round and we also have lots of great venues. Art is not exclusive. Everyone has something to give and there is no right and wrong. Just come along and get involved and create something!

fellow student mel tilford 2010 said:

I designed the project and run it at women’s groups. We have a huge variety of women attend and some are vulnerable or have become isolated. This project has really helped them to gain confidence, make friends and express their creativity. Since graduating I am hoping to progress to the BA (Hons) Creative Practices and Enterprise Top-Up.

kelly mallet has been taking the programme whilst working in a student support role at city academy norwich. kelly said:

Working with 11 to 18 year olds can be really hard work but the arts are really taking off at City Academy Norwich, and I work with some great people. Studying for this Foundation Degree should really help move my career forward.

students on the programme come from a wide variety of backgrounds and all will be progressing either on to further study or to start work as arts facilitators. recent applicants have progressed to a range of related employment routes with community groups, including young parents, offenders, school refusers, the unemployed and young carers. students also have the opportunity to top up their foundation degree to a full ba honours degree, with five members of this first cohort taking up this option.

studeNts briNg the beNeFits oF arts to the CommuNity


Page 74: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull-time.

durationTwo years. attendance is usually three days each week. This is a challenging programme and for students to achieve success, a minimum of two days per week self directed study is required.

entry requirementsTwo a levels grades a*-c, with four gcses grades a*-c, including english language, bTec national diploma in an appropriate area at merit or above, with gcse english language grades a*-c, bTec national certificate in an appropriate area at merit/distinction or above, with four gcse grades a*-c, including english language.

mature students may present a more varied profile of achievement that is likely to include extensive work-experience (paid and/or unpaid) and/or achievement of a range of professional qualifications in their work sector.

interviews for applicants take place in January, april and may following your ucas application. This is your chance to demonstrate to us your interest and enthusiasm. you will be able to show, and talk about, examples of previous work. in addition, you may be asked to undertake a simple task and bring it with you to your interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?if you have a keen interest in the world around you, enjoy writing and have an interest in broadcasting this is the programme for you. The fda Journalism offers you the chance to learn vital skills in researching and writing new stories, as well as transferrable skills to allow you to work in a radio, television or online.

you will also be offered the chance to take the national council for the Training of Journalists (ncTJ) preliminary examinations, which is essential for many entry level reporter jobs at local newspapers. The fda in Journalism would be an ideal choice if you would like to:

•work in print, online, radio or television journalism

•progress onto further training within media industries

•work as a freelance journalist

•study further at degree level.

Programme outlineThe fda in Journalism was developed in 2010. whilst you must be able to fulfil the academic entry level requirements we respond to an individual’s passion and commitment. This is why we place emphasis upon the applicant’s personal interview, and you should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of current news events and an interest in print, online and broadcast news media. The college’s core units for foundation degrees comprises of modules in skills for work, individual in the news sector, higher learning skills and advanced higher learning skills and research.

Core modules: news journalism, intensive news writing, shorthand, media law and ethics, politics for journalists, online journalism, radio journalism, television journalism, original and investigative journalism.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) JourNalism


Page 75: Higher Education Prospectus

methods of teaching and learningTeaching and learning strategies will include, but not be limited to, lectures, seminars, live industrial projects, demonstrations, group work, newsroom simulations, private and independent study. This programme has been developed in liaison with industry professionals and work-related learning will be an important aspect of the learning process.

assessmenteach module will be assessed separately and a wide variety of methods will be employed: written assignments, research reports, presentations, practical work, portfolios. There will be the opportunity to undertake ncTJ examinations for certain modules and for this there is an extra fee.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesarticulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) creative practices and enterprise. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich. work in print, online, radio or television journalism; progress onto further training within media industries or study further at degree level.

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apply through uCas 3


UCAS Code P500


Page 76: Higher Education Prospectus

ciTy college norwich has always been well renowned for iTs fanTasTic links wiTh local employers, archanT publishing work wiTh us in many ways, one of Them is To have sTrong influence, an inpuT in To The developmenT of The fda Journalism programme as well as offering sTudenTs on ThaT programme real proJecTs and valuable work-experience.

work-experience is an excellenT opporTuniTy for young people To prepare for The TransiTion from educaTion inTo The world of work. placemenTs are organised and moniTored by a dedicaTed member of The Team for each secTor, ensuring a safe, supporTive environmenT for The sTudenTs. feedback has shown The placemenT process To be a posiTive experience for sTudenTs, employers and Their sTaff.

when i first got to the building i found it quite daunting, but when i got in, kimberly was lovely and really helpful. i was able to talk to her easily and tell her what kind of poses i wanted from her. i was very happy with my outcome. This experience has made me a lot more confident with my photography. being on national diploma photography has helped with contacts like Jobs24. when i saw my photo in the paper i felt very proud and it was quite a large photo with my name above it.

PHOTOGRAPHER Lucinda Cracknell (Internship)

fda Journalism is a hard but rewarding programme to do. if you have a passion for writing and speaking to others, going out and finding stories with the knowledge you are one of the first on the scene then it is the programme for you.

i have found the programme an enjoyable experience. it has been good going out and meeting members of the public, speaking to them about various issues and then turning that information into a story.

over the programme we have taken on the role of writing the Jobs24 section both in the evening news and the edp.

each week we were given a different job role and contact to interview regarding their area of work. it was up to us to arrange an interview and liaise with photographers to take pictures for the article.

i have spent time working at archant which i found very interesting as it makes you feel like a real journalist. whilst there i was involved in a number of stories and writing up articles and taking my own pictures. it is a bit disappointing when other pieces you spend hours on don’t get published to do various reasons but unfortunately that’s what happens in the world of journalism. but then it’s always great to see your name in print knowing that all the hard work you have carried out has been worthwhile.

Matthew Mayes, FdA Journalism

the world oF work, as ComissioNed by the loCal PaPers


Page 77: Higher Education Prospectus

having my images in print is tremendously important to me as a photographer. it shows on my cv that i can take an image of the quality needed for today’s media, and that i am reliable; these are essential qualities for a photographer. on a more personal level it gives me a boost in confidence which is always good. Taking the images also helps improve my people skills, which is important as photographers working in the media section often have to deal with people. finally it helps me improve as a photographer, adapting to different circumstances (i never know where i am going to take photos on a Jobs24 shoot). i would like also to thank the team at city college norwich for giving me the opportunity to get my images into the media.

PHOTOGRAPHER Alex Jessops (wedding cake maker)

seeing our work in print and also with our names on the page is great feeling. it gives you more motivation with the work you do in class and out of lessons when writing stories.

working with archant has been a really good opportunity to get a taster of the work environment and also to be given stories from them, which get published, is a bonus.

both Jobs24 and archant is good experience and the work that does get published we keep for our portfolios. we arrange our own interviews and photographer once we are given the contact details. it links well with skills for work as it makes you get organised and makes you feel more independent not having to rely on your tutor or teacher.

The fda programme is very interesting, each sector is different but they are all relevant to journalism. looking back to september when we first started, i feel i have learnt so much already, and we haven’t even finished the first year yet!

Kerry Brady, FdA Journalism

The Jobs24 front page has provided real work-experience to city college norwich fda Journalist students, surely there is nothing more powerful and satisfying than having your byline printed in the press. The students follow a specific brief set out by archant, working to set interview questions and meeting a tight word count. They have had to research job roles that they know little about – from wedding cake baker to tree surgeon to a bricklayer and interview them at a range of locations. Their work has been of a high standard throughout providing thoughtful and personal insights into the various careers featured.

Belle Wiley, The Advice Shop, Jobs24 Co-ordinator


Page 78: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull-time.

durationTwo years. attendance is usually three days each week.

entry requirementsTwo a levels grades a*-d, with four gcses grades a*-c, including english language; or bTec national diploma in an appropriate area, with gcse grades a*-c english language; or the advanced creative and media diploma, with gcse grades a*-c english language; or bTec national certificate in an appropriate area, with four gcses grades a*-c, including english language.

mature students may present a more varied profile of achievement that is likely to include extensive work-experience (paid and/or unpaid) and/or achievement of a range of professional qualifications in their work sector.

interviews will take place from January onwards following your ucas application. This is your chance to demonstrate to us your interest and enthusiasm. you will be able to show, and talk about, examples of previous work. in addition, you may be asked to undertake a task and bring it with you to your interview.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme will enable you to gain the skills necessary to become a media practitioner in today’s dynamic and increasingly varied media industry:

•specialist production craft skills

•an understanding of historical and contemporary media forms

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) iN media PraCtiCe


Page 79: Higher Education Prospectus

•academic and industry level research skills

•effective communication in written, verbal, and audio-visual forms

•skills to succeed as an independent practitioner in the workplace.

The fda in media practice would be an ideal choice if you would like to:

•work in media production: e.g. video editing, camera work, sound recording, lighting, research, production assistant

•progress onto further training within media industries

•start your own business or offer freelance services

•study further at degree level.

Programme outlineThis is a two year full-time programme, built on five key strands that run throughout the two years:

•The acquisition of comprehensive craft production skills

• The knowledge and ability to analyse film and media forms, both historical and contemporary

• The ability to undertake research efficiently, effectively, and accurately for both academic and industrial purposes

• The ability to write effectively for a range of products and contexts, both academic and industrial

• an understanding of the operation of the contemporary workplace and the skills required to operate within it.

you will develop research, interview, and presentation techniques applicable to both academic research and for productions; writing skills for analysing films, texts, and applied to productions; production management and business skills, including the basic financial knowledge required by today’s freelancer or sole trader. These skills are embedded in the core modules for foundation degrees (skills for work, higher learning skills, research, and the individual in the media sector).

screenings and seminars on a range of media products is vital to the programme and related to practical and theory elements in other modules.

methods of teaching and learning

Teaching and learning strategies will include, but not be limited to, lectures, seminars, screenings, demonstrations, group work, private and independent study. practical work is undertaken with live client briefs where appropriate. work-related learning will be an important aspect of the learning process.

assessmenteach module will be assessed separately and a wide variety of methods will be employed: written assignments, research reports, presentations, practical work and portfolios.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesarticulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) creative practices and enterprise. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich. work in media production, progress onto further training within media industries, start your own business or offer freelance services or study further at degree level. recent graduates have progressed to freelance work in the film industry, broadcast Tv and independent production work.

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 3


UCAS Code P310


Page 80: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull-time.

durationone year Top-up programme, attendance will normally be two days per week, with additional time for independent working in workshops, rehearsal spaces, studios as necessary.

entry requirementsa city college norwich or uea foundation degree in the creative arts and an interview. applicants may also receive credit for prior learning (apl) from completion of up to 240 credits from other higher education programmes.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme is suitable to any student wishing to progress to ba (hons) level from a city college norwich or uea foundation degree in the creative arts.

This programme will suit those from a wide range of creative disciplines in art, media, music, creative writing, Textiles and performance who wish to work alongside other creative artists.

This programme recognises the need for creative practitioners to work in a variety of settings, working in isolation, small communities or collaboratively across the sector.

Programme outlineat the centre of the programme is the development of learning and creative skills, as well as developing an understanding of the value of interdisciplinary approaches and networking. students will learn through exploration of their individually chosen pathways within an extended major project. students will work in a collaborative and enterprising way and through understanding enterprise in creative industries, take innovative approaches, thus acquiring business and marketing skills. students will develop professional presentation skills to a relevant target audience, through performance, film or exhibition as relevant to their chosen pathway and as a consequence will take initiative, be proactive, collaborative, and entrepreneurial and use problem solving methods to present their work to a chosen target audience.

This programme aims to:

•enable fda graduates progression to honours level; thus further entry into career options, further education or training (including teacher training)

•provide graduates the opportunity to work across creative disciplines

•share discourse and creative dialogue

•understand the nature of the sector and how creative practitioners work in isolation, small communities and collaboratively

•build on practical skills acquired in previous study

• build on creative ideas, thinking and analytical skills acquired in previous study

•develop an understanding of enterprise

•acquire skills for enterprise and employability.

Modules include:

•collaboration and planning


•extended major project

•professional promotion.

ba (hoNs) Creative PraCtiCes aNd eNterPrise (subject to validation)


Page 81: Higher Education Prospectus

methods of teaching and learninglectures, presentations, seminars, group work, individual tutorials, critiques and self-study are important components of the learning experience. students will be encouraged to make use of studio, technical and rehearsal facilities available to them.

assessmentassessment is ongoing through tutorials and critiques. formal assessment takes place at the end of each module. This will be through either practical or written outcomes or a combination of both.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesfurther progression opportunities to employment, freelance working or self-employment within the sector exist. alternatively graduates may choose further study at post-graduate level, including teacher training.

additional informationa range of visiting speakers from creative industries will underpin contextual knowledge within the programme. Tutorial time for pastoral support will also be given for each student.

apply directly to the Collegecurrent city college norwich foundation degree students

apply through uCasnon-city college norwich foundation degree students 3


UCAS Code TBCplease check ucas website for details.


Page 82: Higher Education Prospectus

our healTh, social care and early educaTion programmes cover a wide range of areas and meeT The needs of boTh vocaTional and academic sTudy. wheTher iT is a foundaTion degree or a ba (hons), we offer boTh full and parT-Time programmes ThaT give you an excellenT grounding in a varieTy of public secTor, social or healThcare careers. we are currenTly working wiTh employers To explore The developmenT of new higher educaTion awards in The areas of demenTia sTudies, menTal healTh pracTice and social care pracTice.

health aNd CommuNity studies


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mode of studynormally one day per week at college with the balance in the workplace.

durationnormally two years.

entry requirementsnational diploma or nvq level three in a related subject. we welcome applications from mature (21+) students who have experience in practice or other suitable qualifications.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?foundation degrees are designed to meet skills shortages at the higher Technician and associate professional levels. This programme is aimed particularly at healthcare assistants and care workers. flexible study methods mean that they are suitable for people already in work. This foundation degree has been developed in consultation with local employers (the primary care Trusts and the norfolk and norwich university hospital Trust) as part of a wholesale revision of the college he offer and has been designed to be the ideal first level he qualification for healthcare workers in both the public and private sectors. This increasingly well recognised qualification will develop both your technical and knowledge based skills and the transferable skills so valued by today’s employers. key features include skills for work and the opportunity to progress to a third year ba (hons) programme.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the health care sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Programme specific modules: ethics and values, anatomy and physiology, information in healthcare and work-based modules.

methods of teaching and learningworkshops, lectures, presentation, observation of practice, seminars and group activities.

assessmentvariety of assessment methods, portfolio, open book exams, assignments, reports.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThis increasingly well-recognised qualification will assist you in finding employment in the health and care sectors or, if you are in work, will enhance your ability to contribute effectively to your organisation and thus the possibility of progression into and through supervisory and management roles. progression to nurse training with credits, senior health care assistant roles and programmes leading to other allied health professions are all possible. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThe emphasis on skills for work means that this is a truly vocational programme and will enable you to both ground your learning in the workplace and to reflect on work practice in an academic context. students in employment will be expected to receive practical and enabling support from their employers. Those not in employment (paid or unpaid) will be supported by the college in finding appropriate placements or work-based projects.

enhances practice and role expansion to supervisory level.

This programme has been endorsed by the health care sector and employers as fit for purpose, and is therefore recognised as a practitioner award.

FouNdatioN degree (Fdsc) health studies


Page 85: Higher Education Prospectus

Originally I’d wanted to enlist in the Army, but I failed the medical. Staying at the College to progress onto a Higher Education Programme has really helped me to focus on the amount of work I need to put into at the HE Level, because I am already familiar with the area and the people. The advice I received from the College about what to do when I found out I couldn’t go ahead my original plans were fantastic, they helped me turn a disappointment into a positive and now I am planning to go into general nursing. The programme has really helped opened my eyes to the many great options available to me.

Joanna, FdSc Health Studies

apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code B900


Page 86: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studycollege-based for two days per week (full-time).

durationnormally two years.

entry requirementsrelevant new diploma or nvq level three equivalent in a related subject. we also welcome applications from mature (21+) students who have experience in practice or other suitable qualifications.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?Those working in, or wishing to join, public (uniformed) services.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the public services sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Programme specific modules: introduction to management, introduction to exercise physiology, outdoor studies, psychology in public services, crime and criminal justice, drug and alcohol misuse, security and strategy in a globalised world.

methods of teaching and learninga range of methods of teaching and learning will be used throughout the programme, such as workshops, lectures, presentations, seminars and group activities.

assessmentvariety of assessment methods, essays, case-studies, environmental and voluntary projects, portfolio and reports.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThis increasingly well-recognised qualification will assist you in finding career opportunities in the uniformed public services, including the armed forces. if you are in work, it will enhance your ability to contribute effectively to your organisation and thus the possibility of progression into and through supervisory and management roles. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThe emphasis on skills for work means that this is a truly vocational programme and will enable you to ground your learning in the workplace and to reflect on work practice in an academic context. students in employment will be expected to receive practical and enabling support from their employers. Those not in employment (paid or unpaid) will be supported by the college in finding appropriate placements or work-based projects.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) PubliC serviCes

apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code L900


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Page 88: Higher Education Prospectus

The placement team at the College helped me to securework-experience at a really nice nursery, close to where I am living. This has helped me to get a part-time job with them to go alongside my studies. This is a huge asset as you can put into practice what you learn in class. Also I like it as you get paid to do something I like doing while getting qualified. My best advice to anyone considering applying for this programme is – do it! Then stay on with the work you’ll be fine, it’s worth the time spent.

Poppy, FdA Early Years


Page 89: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationTwo years full-time or three years part-time.

entry requirementssufficient and appropriate prior experience in childcare or appropriate level three qualification, potential for successful study at he level, commitment to study and work in the sector and commitment to the work-experience component.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme offers an exciting opportunity for those within the field of early years care and education to extend their study at he level. it also provides further career or qualification opportunities for those working with children aged nought to eight years.

Programme outlineCore modules: skills for work, higher learning skills, children’s learning and development, understanding childhood, introduction to inclusive practice, early childhood pedagogy and play, areas of learning, literacy, science, numeracy, children’s learning and technology, multi-professional working with parents and carers, children’s health and wellbeing and safeguarding children, advanced higher learning and research skills.

methods of teaching and learningTeaching and learning strategies include lectures, group work, presentations, skills for work, projects and seminars.

assessmentassignments, presentations and portfolios.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesgraduates from this programme can expect to access a wide variety of careers, including management of early year’s settings and local authority work in support of young children. students completing the programme can progress onto the final year of the ba (hons) childhood studies and then apply for initial teacher training programmes or early years professional status training and development.

additional informationThis programme has been endorsed by the early years sector and employers as fit for purpose and is therefore recognised as a practitioner award.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) early years

apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code LX53


Page 90: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull or part-time.

durationThree years full-time with part-time alternatives.

entry requirementswe expect applicants above all to have the commitment and enthusiasm to be successful and all applicants are offered an interview. as a guide we look at a minimum of 80 ucas points together with grades a*-c in english and maths. we welcome applications from mature students who offer relevant experience or alternative qualifications.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This programme will suit people who are looking for a career in or are already working with children and young people. many of the students who take this programme are working in nurseries, schools or special needs schools as learning support assistants.

Programme outlineThe programme will enable you to gain an in depth knowledge and understanding of the theories and principles which underpin childhood studies and to analyse trends and strategies related to current practice. The programme is built around child development/care and work-based modules.

Core modules: child development, language, literacy and mathematical development, national and international perspectives in the care of children, research in childhood settings.

Specific modules: creativity and critical thinking, reflective practice, children’s health and wellbeing, supporting additional needs, that will enable you to analyse ethical and professional conflicts that arise in practice, and are designed to develop the ability to communicate knowledge and ideas in your own existing or prospective settings.

methods of teaching and learningThe programme is taught through group work, tutorials, lectures, seminars, practical based research, and guided independent study.

assessmentThe programme is assessed using a variety of methods including written assignments, individual and group presentations, creative workshops, video/dvd recording, field research, use of icT equipment and software.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesyou can progress to a graduate teacher training programme (qTs) or to a management role in the care sector through current government initiatives and other related areas.

additional informationThis programme enhances practice and facilitates professional progression, through the acquisition of transferable skills, such as reflecting in and on practice, working collaboratively and effectively as a team member, and conducting research using appropriate tools and methodologies.

ba (hoNs) Childhood studies

apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code3 year full-time XL351 year Top-up X310


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mode of studyFull-time students: two to four days per week in college, plus two placements, five days per week, each of a hundred days duration. additional home-based study is also expected.

Part-time students: one day per fortnight in college, plus about two days per week self-directed study.

The two placements of a hundred days each will be individually negotiated; but will be at least three days per week, and may be up to five days per week.

durationfull-time three years; part-time normally four to four and a half years.

entry requirementspasses in three subjects at gcse (a*-c) or equivalent, plus one or more of the following:

•240 ucas credits (for example three c grade passes at gce/vce a level)

•or bTec national diploma (dmm minimum)

•or one pass at gce a level and one pass in a six unit vce or vce double award (formerly advanced gnvq);

•or an accredited access certificate (achieving 45 credits at merit or above);

•or qualifications equivalent to the above.


•have a minimum of six months (equivalent to 100 days) experience of direct work with vulnerable people in a social care setting, in paid or voluntary capacity. This is essential for social work training at this level.

mature candidates (over 21) without formal qualifications may apply, and will need to demonstrate that they are able to study at a higher education level, usually by taking a written test.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?This is the national qualification for the social work profession and successful completion of the full honours award confers a licence to practice from the general social care council (gscc). The programme is designed specifically for people who wish to undertake a career in social work.

Programme outlineYear 1 Full Time Modules: higher learning skills, ethics and values, social work practice level one, organisation and management of social work, introduction to social work practice and theories, psychosocial aspects of human growth and development, introduction to legal aspects of social work, communication and interviewing skills, social work practice level two.

Supported Open Learning Modules: higher learning skills, ethics and values, social work practice level one, organisation and management of social work, psychosocial aspects of human growth, communication and interviewing skills.

Year 2 Full Time Modules: using knowledge in social work, innovations in health and social care and their impact on service users, working with children and families, working with adults, applied social work law, personal and professional development, mental health and social work, working with groups and communities, working with risks, rights and responsibility in social work.

Supported Open Learning Modules: using knowledge in social work, introduction to legal aspects of social work, social work practice level two, introduction to social work practice and theories, working with risks, rights and responsibilities in social work.

ba (hoNs) aPPlied soCial work


Page 93: Higher Education Prospectus

Year 3 Full Time Modules: social work practice level three, evaluative report on service provision, specialist practice.

Supported Open Learning Modules: innovations in health and social work and their impact on service users, applied social work law, working with children and families, working with adults, social work practice level three, working with groups and communities, mental health.

Year 4 Supported Open Learning Modules: evaluative report on service provision, professional and personal development, specialist practice.

methods of teaching and learningFor full-time students, most modules are taught through classroom, group and individual study with tutorial support. classroom-based teaching is through a mixture of presentations, guest speakers, video/audio inputs, case studies, group exercises and seminars.

all students are required to undertake three practice placements during the programme, the first for 10 days, the second for 80 days and the third for 120 days. The practice placements integrate academic learning within developing practice competence.

For part-time students modules are taken through supported open learning (sol) whereby students work through a range of learning materials and independent study, with fortnightly seminar and tutorial days in college to consolidate each section of learning. placements and assessment are as for the full-time route. by the end of the degree programme all students must have achieved the european computer driving licence (ecdl) or equivalent (guidance will be given).

assessmentmost modules are assessed by written assignments, some with additional presentations. Three modules are assessed by examination: introduction to law, applied law and working with children. The two long practice placements are assessed by portfolios of evidence.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThe social work profession has a good framework of post-qualifying studies and continuing professional development.

The majority of students begin careers in social work. The nature of the degree, however, is essentially vocational, and specifically provides the single access qualification to the profession of social work. currently there is a national need for more social workers, and nearly all successful graduates are able to find relevant employment in a very worthwhile career.

additional informationThis is the national qualification for the social work profession, and is designed for people who intend to undertake a career in social work. The social work profession has a good framework of post-qualifying studies and continuing professional development.


3apply directly to the College(applicant sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment)

UCAS Code L501


Page 94: Higher Education Prospectus

ciTy college norwich has been awarded naTional skills academy sTaTus for hospiTaliTy in recogniTion of our ouTsTanding repuTaTion for firsT-class Teaching and Training, superb faciliTies and for our highly successful parTnerships wiTh employers. we provide an excellenT range of full and parT-Time higher educaTion programmes ThaT could seT you up for a successful career in hospiTaliTy, leisure, Tourism, caTering and oTher service secTor organisaTions.

hosPitality, travel aNd tourism


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Page 96: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studya mix of college attendance and skills for work.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years and part-time (one day a week at college) normally over three years. students will be required to spend additional time researching and learning.

entry requirementsa relevant new diploma gnvq advanced, a levels, nvq level three, ucas tariff – 80 points, completion of a programme over the two years at level three, or access programmes.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to develop their culinary creativity and kitchen management skills through their employment within the industry. This employment can take a wide variety of forms.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the food and beverage sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Generic management: principles and functions of management; personnel and training in the service sector; marketing branding and merchandising; small business enterprise and finance.

Programme specific: principles of menu design, fundamentals of product development, new product development, sourcing and supply, nutrition and diet, creative patisserie. later in the programme, leadership coaching and development and two options.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports, both individually and as part of a group, learning diary-logs; some presentations; time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThe foundation degree can take you into levels of management within the hospitality and catering and leisure sectors. it also develops your entrepreneurial skills that can be applied to larger organisations as well as owner management of small businesses. The programme provides a solid route for progression onto our honours degree programme ba (hons) hospitality, Tourism and leisure management. alternative articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning through the world of work and involve employers in supporting their staff development.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) maNagemeNt oF CuliNary arts

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code N226


Page 97: Higher Education Prospectus


Page 98: Higher Education Prospectus

ben keeley is a full-Time degree sTudenT in The hoTel school. whilsT learning his crafT, he spenT some Time working as a chef aT The broad house hoTel in wroxham, which he recenTly represenTed aT The annual feasT easT evenT in cambridgeshire.

with his pan-seared pigeon breast, served on rosti potato, watercress and a warm-smoked norfolk sausage and sage dressing ben (pictured) demonstrated his skills to some 3,000 visitors to the event and got to present his culinary flair alongside five highly experienced and renowned chefs, including celebrity chef franc pontais. hosted by Tastes of anglia, with the emphasis being on supporting local businesses in the region, ben sourced in-season ingredients from local suppliers including a norfolk sausage from the local butcher, crawford white, at aylsham.

ben said:

Knowing that the food is so fresh, travelled such little distance and is in abundance is a journey of senses that brings pleasure in numerous forms. Having a bespoke kitchen garden at Broad House Hotel has helped me to adopt a health-conscious approach to fine dining and further appreciate the magnificent array of home-grown food on offer.

Though the youngest on the day I had the opportunity to show my culinary flair and knowledge of food alongside five highly experienced and renowned chefs, including Franc Pontais, celebrity chef and author of ‘Verrines and Terrines’.

This rising culinary star graduated with first class honours, just a few weeks after being named city college norwich’s student of the year 2010.

studeNt CheF demoNstrates his skills at Feast east


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Page 100: Higher Education Prospectus

When I was still at school I came to the College one day a week on a Catering Young Apprenticeship because I always knew that that was the job for me. I’ve stayed on here in The Hotel School because they have such high standards and I really like being at home, with work down the road, uni is just a trip into the city – perfect! It’s enjoyable to be here, the staff are so nice and staying on at college has meant that I could carry on working in my current job at Castle Carvery in Bowthorpe. Later on in life I’d like to be an entrepreneur, open a chain of my own restaurants.

geoffry, FdA Hospitality Management


Page 101: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studya mix of college attendance and skills for work.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years.

part-time (one day a week at college) normally over three years. students are required to spend additional time engaged in research and study.

entry requirementsequivalent of a bTec national award, relevant new diploma, gnvq advanced, a levels, nvq level three ucas tariff-80 points completion of a programme over two years at level three or access programmes.

mature students (over 21) without formal qualifications may apply, and will need to demonstrate that they are able to study at a higher education level, usually by taking a written test.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to learn and develop skills through their employment within the industry.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the hospitality sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Generic management: principles and functions of management; personnel and training in the service sector; marketing branding and merchandising and small business enterprise and finance.

Industry specific: hospitality industry, hospitality in context, food and beverage management, front office accommodation and yield management and two vocational options e.g nutrition and diet, licensed retail management, trends in licensed retail, visitor attractions and heritage and tourism destinations.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentassessment is mainly through written assignments/reports both individually and as part of a group, learning diaries/logs; some presentations; time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesyou can progress onto operational management within the hospitality tourism and leisure sectors as part of an existing management team or onto owner management of small businesses. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) hospitality Tourism and leisure management. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning through the world of work and involve employers in supporting their staff development.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) hosPitality maNagemeNt

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code N221


Page 102: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studya mix of college attendance and skills for work.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years.

part-time (one day a week at college) normally over three years. students will be required to spend additional time researching and learning.

entry requirementsa relevant new diploma, gnvq advanced, a levels, nvq level three, ucas tariff – 80 points, completion of a programme over the two years at level three, or access programmes.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to learn and develop their knowledge and understanding of the licensed retail industry and their own business management skills through their employment within the industry. This employment can take a wide variety of forms.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the licensed retail sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Generic management: principles and functions of management, personnel and training in the service sector, marketing branding and merchandising, small business enterprise and finance.

Programme specific: cellar and drinks operations, contemporary food and beverage studies and front office and accommodation yield.

later in the programme you will study trends in licensed retail, on licensed trade management and two options, one of which must be research methods if the graduate intends to take the honours degree articulated progression route.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports, both individually and as part of a group, learning diary-logs, some presentations, time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitieshigher levels of management within the licensed retail sector. it also develops your entrepreneurial skills that can be applied to larger organisations as well as owner management of small businesses. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) hospitality Tourism and leisure management. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning through the world of work and involve employers in supporting their staff development.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) liCeNsed retail maNagemeNt

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code N241


Page 103: Higher Education Prospectus


Page 104: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studya mix of college attendance and skills for work.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years.

part-time (one day a week at college) normally over three years. students will be required to spend additional time researching and learning.

entry requirementsa relevant new diploma; gnvq advanced; a levels; nvq level three; ucas tariff – 80 points; completion of a programme over the two years at level three; or access programmes.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to learn and develop their knowledge and understanding of the leisure and events industry and to develop their management skills through their employment within the industry. This employment can take a wide variety of forms.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the events management sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Generic management: principles and functions of management; personnel and training in the service sector; marketing branding and merchandising and small business enterprise and finance.

Programme specific: principles of event management, health promotion and facility management for the event industry. later in the programme you will study tourism management, arts and entertainment, visitor attraction and heritage and two other options.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports, both individually and as part of a group, learning diary logs; some presentations; time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitieshigher levels of management within the events leisure and tourism sectors. it also develops your entrepreneurial skills that can be applied to larger organisations as well as owner management of small businesses. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) hospitality Tourism and leisure management. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning through the world of work and involve employers in supporting their staff development.

FouNdatioN degree leisure aNd eveNts maNagemeNt

apply through the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code NN28


Page 105: Higher Education Prospectus

On results day I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do, my combination of A Levels and the part-time job I had been doing as Assistant Manager at St Peter’s Hall restaurant in Suffolk led me to the programme after a guidance interview with the College’s Advice Shop. It’s pretty daunting the amount of work you take on, but I do really enjoy it. Being in Norwich it’s got everything, the hospitality facilities are fantastic, with seven kitchens, three restaurants and a bar. I’m able to relate the programme to my job as well, which really helps with assignments.

Fred, FdA Leisure and Events Management


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mode of studya mix of college attendance and skills for work.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years.

part-time (one day a week at college) normally over three years. students will require to spend additional time researching and learning.

entry requirementsequivalent of a bTec national award, a relevant new diploma gnvq advanced, a levels, nvq level three ucas tariff – 80 points completion of a programme over two years at level three or access programmes.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to learn and develop skills through their employment within the industry. This employment can take a wide variety of forms.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the travel and tourism sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Generic management: principles and functions of management; personnel and training in the service sector; marketing branding and merchandising; small business enterprise and finance.

Industry specific: understanding the work sector, elements of package travel, tourist destinations, hospitality in tourism, planning for travel and tourism, visitor attractions and heritage, and two options.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports both individually and as part of a group, learning diary-logs, some presentations, time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunities The foundation degree can take you into operational management within the tourism leisure and hospitality sectors or owner management of small tourism businesses. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the ba (hons) hospitality Tourism and leisure management. other options you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning through the world of work and involve employers in supporting their staff development.

FouNdatioN degree (Fda) travel aNd tourism maNagemeNt

apply directly to the College(applicants sponsored or released by an employer)

apply through uCas(school/college leaver and/or not in employment) 3


UCAS Code N810


Page 108: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyattendance at college for two to three days a week.

durationfull-time (two to three days a week) over one year (entrants with fda) or three semesters (15 months) (entrants with hnd).

entry requirementsa fda pass from hospitality or closely related field.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?fda graduates and hnd diplomas in a related subject who wish to top-up their studies to an honours degree.

Programme outlinefor fda graduates this will be a one year programme consisting entirely of level three modules. with an hnd the first stage of the programme (60 credits) is delivered at level two followed by level three modules (120 credits). as the programme proceeds, greater emphasis is placed on the student developing as independent learner refining their own approaches and challenging preconceived ideas in the later stages of the programme.

Year one

vocationally applied management, comprising: preparation for advanced study, human resource management, research methods, international marketing, impacts, planning and development, finance and data analysis, service operations management, strategic management and ethical business practice.

Year two

final stage (12 weeks): entertainment arena and leisure management, two option units and a 30 credit dissertation. options include subjects such as gastronomy, sustainable development, contemporary issues in hTlm and culture and interpretation.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self-directed study, again with emphasis on business practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports, both individually and as part of a group, learning diary-logs; some presentations; time constrained exercises both open and closed book and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesinto general management in the hospitality tourism and leisure industries as well as other service sectors, often by way of joining the employer’s own management training schemes as a graduate.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to enter the wider industry base including hospitality licensed retail and leisure which includes spectator sports/events management. some graduates join the wider national retailing sector; some enter the professions or go on to postgraduate studies, often in teaching.

ba (hoNs) hosPitality tourism aNd leisure maNagemeNtThis programme is offered only as a top-up (articulated progression route) from a relevant Foundation Degree.

apply directly to the College(current city college norwich foundation degree students)

apply through uCas(non current city college norwich foundation degree students) 3


UCAS Code N210


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Page 110: Higher Education Prospectus

The college provides a fully equipped sporTs hall and gym, as well as faciliTies aT off campus locaTions for ouTdoor advenTure acTiviTies and The fooTball developmenT cenTre. The college also has fanTasTic links wiTh indusTry and Tries To geT ouT and abouT regularly, from offering massage Therapy aT mounTain biking compeTiTions, To offering absailing down our own Tower aT The royal norfolk show. so if you are looking for a rewarding career in The sporT and acTive leisure indusTry we offer The programmes designed To equip you wiTh The skills you need.



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mode of studyattendance at college with skills for work. students are required to undertake a work placement/employment where they can develop the theories and skills in a practical setting.

durationfull-time (two days a week at college) over two years. students will need to spend additional time engaged in research and study.

entry requirementsnormally at least one a level in a science-based subject with four appropriate supporting gcse passes at grades a*-c, including at least one science and maths. national diploma or an accredited access certificate. we welcome applications from mature (over 21) students who have relevant experience or alternative qualifications.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?people who wish to learn and develop skills through the further study of sport, health and exercise.

Programme outlineCore modules: higher learning skills, the individual in the sports, health and exercise sector, skills for work one and two, advanced higher learning and research skills.

Programme specific modules: introduction to exercise physiology, biological sciences, introduction to sports nutrition, introduction to coaching skills, introduction to sports injury and rehabilitation, coaching skills, introduction to the practice of complimentary therapies, skill acquisition, management skills for the sport, exercise and fitness industry, applied sport psychology, introduction to sports massage and research methods.

methods of teaching and learninga mix of workshops, lectures, tutorials and self directed study, again with emphasis on industry practice.

assessmentmainly through written assignments/reports both individually and as part of a group, learning diaries logs; some presentations; time constrained exercises both open and closed book, and conventional essays.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesa foundation degree gives you skills employers really want, and this qualification will give your cv an excellent boost and improve your career prospects.

This programme provides a solid route for progression to an honours degree. articulated progression routes to an honours degree currently available at city college norwich are most commonly the bsc (hons) applied sport health and exercise. you may also apply to a range of sports related honours programmes or you could consider here at city college norwich are the ba (hons) business management and the ba (hons) leadership and management, or the ba (hons) professional studies at uea developed in partnership with city college norwich.

additional informationThis programme is designed to enable students to develop their learning both at college and in a work environment.

FouNdatioN degree (Fdsc) sPort, health aNd eXerCise

apply through the College

apply through uCas 3


UCAS Code C600


Page 113: Higher Education Prospectus

I enjoyed being at the College, the programme is relevant to me because I want to become a personal trainer. So I opted to continue my education in the sports field. Higher Education programmes are really helpful for understanding job roles and getting a foot on the career ladder. The College has been able to put me in touch with local employers for work-experience and I hope at the end of my programme that I’ll be in the best position to apply for a job with one of the companies that I’ve already worked with.

laurence, FdA Sport, Health and Exercise


Page 114: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyfull-time.

durationone year.

entry requirementsbsc students on entry will normally have completed a fdsc in sports health and exercise. applicants with other sports science foundation degrees may apply, but may be required to study additional modules.

students must have gcse grades a*-c in maths and english (or equivalent).

all students will be assessed on numeracy and literacy at the start of the programme and appropriate support will be provided if necessary.

awarding bodyuniversity of east anglia.

who is it for?•ccn fdsc sport, health and exercise graduates with 240

credits (120 level one and 120 level two)

•graduates from other he institutions with similar subject specific sports foundation degrees will have conditional acceptance onto the programme

•graduates with ‘reasonable fit’ foundation degrees i.e. biology may have to complete bridging units prior to commencing the programme

•hnd sports diplomates with 180 credits (120 level one and 60 level two) will complete bridging units prior commencing on the articulated progression route

•international student applicants with comparable qualifications are welcomed and benefit the student group in many ways – qualifications will be evaluated in accordance with the college procedures for the accreditation of prior learning (apl).

bsc (hons) iN aPPlied sPort health aNd eXerCiseThis programme is offered only as a top-up from a relevant Foundation Degree.


Page 115: Higher Education Prospectus

Programme outlinemodules to be studied are as follows:

Semester one

applied fitness and Training (20 credits)

health promotion (20 credits)

performance analysis (10 credits)

dissertation (research project 30 credits)

Semester two

exercise for specific populations (20 credits)

sport and the media (20 credits)

in particular, the bsc programme will develop employability skills in areas such as:

•application of information Technology

•management information systems

•numeracy and quantitative analysis

•inter-personal skills and team working

•presentation skills

•problem solving skills

•research skills

•communication and literacy skills

•customer relationship skills.


Page 116: Higher Education Prospectus


module reference sheets may refer to assessment by examination; however the term refers to various forms of time-constrained assessment, from unseen or seen exam papers, fully open book, through open notes to traditional closed book examinations. assessment by examination therefore includes a variety of assessment methods and may well involve the use of e.g. case-studies and other preliminary investigations. These time-constrained assessments are useful for the assessment of, for example, demonstrating knowledge and understanding in a range of subjects and techniques; skills in solving problems, developing plans, the use of technology as well as quantitative skills. This form of assessment is also useful to provide opportunities to students to demonstrate speed of thought within time constraints. each student will receive an examination briefing document.


as with examinations, assignment (coursework) may take various forms including: individual and group work, investigations leading to report submission, essays, oral presentations, portfolios and preparing briefing papers. These are useful forms for the assessment of, for example; learning skills, use of technology, critical thinking, problem solving, developing self, research skills, creativity and communications as well as knowledge and understanding in subject areas across the programme.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesstudents once completed are envisaged to progress onto a number routes including:

•pgce physical education

•msc. physiotherapy


•postgraduate research degrees

•full-time employment and practice.

apply directly to the College(current city college norwich foundation degree students)

apply through uCas(non current city college norwich foundation degree students) 3


UCAS Code C601


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civil engineering, consTrucTion and engineering conTinue To be aT The hub of our indusTrial and domesTic lives. our programmes, backed by academic excellence and links wiTh local indusTry, are designed To give you The TheoreTical knowledge and pracTical skills To pursue a successful career. The college provides a fully equipped iT lab and workshops and you will benefiT from sTrong links wiTh indusTry.

CoNstruCtioN aNd eNgiNeeriNg


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Page 120: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studypart-time. The normal mode of attendance is one day per week for the first two years.

durationstudents can opt to claim a higher national certificate after two years or claim a higher national diploma after successfully completing three years’ study.

entry requirementsbTec national certificate or diploma in civil engineering studies or one a level plus four gcses or access programme with industrial experience or advanced gnvq/vocational a level in construction. (minimum grades apply, please ask for details).

awarding bodybTec (edexcel).

who is it for?This programme has been designed for aspiring higher Technicians who are already working in the construction industry and who want to continue their studies on a day release programme. The programme may also be suitable for those seeking a career in the construction industry (please ask for further details), as it provides the educational background required for a career in civil and municipal engineering, structural engineering, public health and water engineering or highway engineering. The programme can provide a pathway to further study and membership of professional institutions.

Programme outlineCore units

•design principles and application for construction and the built environment

•science and materials for construction and the built environment

•applied mathematics for construction and the built environment

•group project in the construction industry

•health, safety and welfare for construction and the built environment

•site surveying procedures for construction and the built environment

•structural analysis and design

•civil engineering technology

•engineering geology and soil mechanics

•management principles and application for construction and the built environment.

Specialist units

•hydraulic principles and applications

•measuring, tendering and estimating for construction and the built environment

•applied maths for complex engineering

•personal and professional development

•project management for construction and the built environment

•research project.

bteC hNd Civil eNgiNeeriNg


Page 121: Higher Education Prospectus

methods of teaching and learningThe hnd programme develops your knowledge, understanding, skills and awareness necessary to provide you with the potential to progress to technical, supervisory and managerial positions in civil engineering. The programme team uses a combination of traditional classroom teaching, open learning and research-based experiential learning. These are delivered via laboratory experiments and demonstrations, use of modern surveying equipment, industry standard iT applications and group activities.

part-time students bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge which is also utilised to the maximum by the programme team. many assignments are based around your own work environment and this has been implemented through regular liaison with employers to allow you to access and use non-confidential data and documents from the workplace.

assessmentThe programme will be assessed through a mix of programme assignments, laboratory and project work.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThe programme can provide a pathway to further study such as a degree programme. The hnd is recommended for those who want to progress to a degree or membership of a professional institution. The programme will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed for a variety of interesting and rewarding careers in civil engineering. The hnd will be accredited by the engineering council Joint board of moderators, satisfying part of the requirements for incorporated engineer status. students who want to progress to chartered engineer status will have to complete an accredited masters degree programme. students who complete the hnd will be exempt from some of the requirements of most honours degree programmes. The hnd programme is widely recognised by employers and professional bodies. uea, in partnership with the college, has developed a bridging programme and a ba (hons) professional studies progression route for holders of the bTec hnd.

additional informationat the end of each academic year, students are encouraged to go on the two day residential site visit. in past years students have visited the second severn crossing, cardiff bay barrage, channel Tunnel rail link, docklands light railway and canary wharf, corus steel works and the london ring water main. last year they were taken inside the road deck of the humber suspension bridge.

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 7



Page 122: Higher Education Prospectus

mode of studyattendance is one day a week.

durationTwo years.

entry requirementsbTec national certificate or diploma in construction or building studies or one a level plus four gcses at grades a*-c or access programme or gnvq advanced level in construction or advanced diploma in construction and the built environment. (minimum grades apply, please ask for details).

awarding bodybTec (edexcel).

who is it for?This programme is designed for aspiring higher Technicians who are already working in the construction industry and who want to continue their studies on a day release programme. The programme may also be suitable for those seeking a career in the construction industry (please ask for further details). The programme can provide a pathway to further study and membership of professional institutions.

Programme outlineCore units

•design principles and application for construction and the built environment

•science and materials for construction and the built environment

•applied mathematics for construction and the built environment

•management principles and application for construction and the built environment

•group project in the construction industry

•health, safety and welfare for construction and the built environment.

Specialist units

•construction and maintenance of buildings

•site surveying procedures for construction and the built environment

•contractual procedures and procurement for construction and the built environment

•computer-aided design for construction

•building control procedures and legislation

•conversion and adaptation of buildings

•building services design, installation and maintenance in construction

•personal and professional development

•project management for construction and the built environment

•research project.

bteC hNd CoNstruCtioNaNd the built eNviroNmeNt


Page 123: Higher Education Prospectus

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 7


methods of teaching and learningThe hnd programme develops your knowledge, understanding, skills and awareness necessary to provide you with the potential to progress to technical, supervisory and managerial positions in civil engineering. The programme team uses a combination of traditional classroom teaching, open learning and research-based experiential learning.

These are delivered via laboratory experiments and demonstrations, use of modern surveying equipment, industry standard iT applications and group activities.

part-time students bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge which is also utilised to the maximum by the programme team. many assignments are based around your own work environment and this has been implemented through regular liaison with employers to allow you to access and use non-confidential data and documents from the workplace.

assessmentassessment is by a mix of programme assignments and project work.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesThe programme can provide a pathway to further study such as a degree programme. it may provide opportunities of progressing to studies and/or membership of relevant professional bodies. The programme will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed for a variety of interesting and rewarding careers in construction. uea, in partnership with the college, has developed a bridging programme and a ba (hons) professional studies progression route for holders of the bTec hnd.

additional informationThe bTec (edexcel) hnd programme is widely recognised by employers and professional bodies.


Page 124: Higher Education Prospectus

sTudenTs on ciTy college norwich’s higher naTional cerTificaTe (hnc) in consTrucTion goT a unique chance To visiT The london 2012 olympic sTadium. The sTudenTs were given privileged access To visiT The sTadium siTe, which will hosT The opening and closing ceremonies as well as all The Track and field evenTs.

representatives from the stadium’s lead contractor, macalpine, met with students to explain the design of the 80,000 seat stadium and how the project has been progressing. This was a unique opportunity for students to gain an insight into the work that goes into managing a construction site of this size and complexity. They met with the contractors to hear about the design of the stadium from the early stages, the problems that have been encountered and how they have been overcome.

The trip allowed the students to see the types of projects they could possibly work on in the future and gave them the chance to meet people who have progressed through similar studies to work in this area. The landmark stadium incorporates a number of sustainable and environmentally friendly design features. after the games the top tiers will be dismantled, leaving a smaller 25,000 seat stadium for use in the future. The stadium is also being designed to be highly accessible, with excellent facilities for people with disabilities.

CoNstruCtioN studeNts uNiQue aCCess to olymPiC stadium site


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mode of studypart-time attendance is one day/evening a week*.

*contact the college for more information.

durationpart-time two years.

entry requirementsbTec national certificate or diploma in mechanical engineering or one a level plus four gcses at grades a*-c or access programme or gnvq advanced level in engineering or advanced diploma in engineering. (minimum grades apply, please ask for details).

awarding bodybTec (edexcel).

who is it for?This programme is designed for mechanical engineering higher Technicians working in engineering or maintenance. it extends the knowledge of those who have achieved a bTec national certificate/diploma engineering qualification. it could be used as an intermediate step towards an engineering degree programme.

Programme outlinea series of modules are available on a range of advanced engineering topics. The hnd comprises of sixteen modules which include:

•robot technology

•project management

•quality assurance and management

•application of machine tools

•applications of pneumatics and hydraulics

•manufacturing process.

alternatively, you may opt to study single modules without working for the full award.

methods of teaching and learningThe hnd programme develops your knowledge, understanding, skills and awareness necessary to provide you with the potential to progress to technical, supervisory and managerial positions in mechanical engineering. The programme team uses a combination of traditional classroom teaching, open learning and research-based experiential learning. These are delivered via laboratory experiments and demonstrations, use of modern surveying equipment, industry standard iT applications and group activities.

part-time students bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge which is also utilised to the maximum by the programme team. many assignments are based around your own work environment and this has been implemented through regular liaison with employers to allow you to access and use non-confidential data and documents from the workplace.

bteC hNdmeChaNiCal eNgiNeeriNg


Page 127: Higher Education Prospectus

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 7


assessmentThe programme is assessed by a mixture of assignments and project work.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesafter the programme you may be able to progress to a degree programme or continue your career. uea, in partnership with the college, has developed a bridging programme and a ba (hons) professional studies progression route for holders of the bTec hnd.

additional informationThe bTec hnd continues to be highly regarded by employers in the mechanical engineering sector.


Page 128: Higher Education Prospectus

Pathway optionsThere are two pathways available:

Electronic Pathway – suitable for people working or wanting to work in the electrical/electronics industry.

Mechatronic Pathway – suitable for people working or wanting to work in the process/maintenance industry.

mode of studypart-time attendance is one day/evening a week.

durationpart-time hnd two years.

entry requirementsbTec national certificate or diploma in electrical engineering or one a level in either mathematics or physics plus four gcses at grades a*-c or access programme or gnvq advanced level in engineering or advanced diploma in engineering. (minimum grades apply, please ask for details).

awarding bodybTec (edexcel).

who is it for?electrical and maintenance higher Technicians, within an industrial environment.

Programme outlineThe following units are studied on the hnd electrical and electronic engineering programme:

•analytical methods for engineers

•engineering science

•project design, implementation and evaluation

•electrical and electronic principles

•health, safety and risk assessment in engineering

•microprocessor systems

•utilisation of energy

•further mathematics for technicians

•electronic principles

•electrical, electronic and digital principles

•applications of power electronics

•engineering design

•business improvement techniques

•research project

•quality assurance and management

•electrical and electronic principles.

The following units are studied specifically on the hnd mechatronics engineering programme:

•programmable logic controllers

•electrical power

•instrumentation and control principles

•further electrical power.

bteC hNdeleCtriCal/eleCtroNiC


Page 129: Higher Education Prospectus

apply directly to the College

apply through uCas 7


methods of teaching and learning

The hnd programme develops your knowledge, understanding, skills and awareness necessary to provide you with the potential to progress to technical, supervisory and managerial positions in electrical and electronic/mechatronic engineering. The programme team uses a combination of traditional classroom teaching, open learning and research-based experiential learning. These are delivered via laboratory experiments and demonstrations, use of modern surveying equipment, industry standard iT applications and group activities.

part-time students bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge which is also utilised to the maximum by the programme team. many assignments are based around your own work environment and this has been implemented through regular liaison with employers to allow you to access and use non-confidential data and documents from the workplace.

assessmentThe programme is assessed by a mixture of assignments and project work.

where it can take you/career opportunitiesafter the programme you may be able to progress to a degree programme or continue your career. uea, in partnership with the college, has developed a bridging programme and a ba (hons) professional studies progression route for holders of the bTec hnd.

additional informationThe bTec hnd continues to be highly regarded by employers in the electrical/electronic mechatronic engineering sector.


Page 130: Higher Education Prospectus

in april 2008, ciTy college norwich became The firsT college in The uk To gain awarding organisaTion sTaTus. This means ThaT ciTy college norwich can now offer accrediTaTion on a naTional basis, JusT like ciTy & guilds, edexcel, ocr or professional associaTions such as cii or aaT for example. whaT ThaT means for our parTner organisaTions is ThaT if They are already underTaking Their own in-house Training scheme There is a sTrong possibiliTy ThaT we could accrediT ThaT programme To enable Their employees To gain crediTs Towards a full naTional qualificaTion.

we are now able to offer entirely new tailored training packages for businesses. many training providers will claim to offer bespoke training but our status as an awarding organisation allows us to design training programmes with businesses that result in nationally recognised qualifications for their staff. if supporting employees with accredited training is of interest, please contact us by email on [email protected] or call us on 0800 328 3616 to talk through what city college norwich qualification options can do.

aCCreditiNg your owN iN-house traiNiNg


Page 131: Higher Education Prospectus


Page 132: Higher Education Prospectus

Programme descriptionThe level seven diploma in business and corporate banking is designed to give you a broad and balanced understanding and knowledge of the sector. This qualification enhances job-related skills by studying a range of subjects, which are designed to enable candidates to gain the knowledge and skills both for current practice and the rapidly changing industry.

Programme outlineThe programme takes up to one year to complete using a blend of supported home study and college tuition. assessment for this programme is by online examination.

who is it for?The diploma is aimed at those who seek to gain a broad understanding and who already hold a level five qualification in a similar discipline and/or relevant industry experience working within this sector.

what skills will you learn?The qualification consists of three mandatory 20 credit units: business banking, financial management, and corporate finance. a total number of 60 credits must be gained to achieve the qualification. The qualification is designed to enhance opportunities for progression within organisations and provides a professional qualification to enhance the standing of individuals within the organisations in whichthey work. candidates may also continue to study in order toachieve the diploma for chartered banker qualification.

Programme descriptionThe level seven diploma in building society operations is designed to give you a broad and balanced understanding and knowledge of the building society sector. This qualification enhances job-related skills by studying a wide range of subjects, which are designed to enable candidates to gain the knowledge and skills both for current practice and the rapidly changing industry.

Programme outlineThe programme takes up to one year to complete using a blend of supported home study and college tuition. assessment for this programme is by assignment and online examination.

who is it for?The diploma is aimed at those who want to gain a broad understanding of the sector and who already hold a level five qualification in a similar discipline and/or relevant industry experience working within building societies.

what skills will you learn?The qualification consists of one mandatory 20 credit unit: building society operations, plus two other 20 credit units chosen from three options. a total number of 60 credits must be gained to achieve the qualification.

optional units:•managing people and change

•management of operational risk

•management strategy and leadership.

The qualification provides opportunities for progression within an organisation and a professional qualification to enhance the standing of individuals and the organisations in which they work. candidates may also continue to study in order to achieve the diploma for chartered banker qualification.

diPloma iN busiNess aNd CorPorate baNkiNg

diPloma iN buildiNg soCiety oPeratioNs


Page 133: Higher Education Prospectus


Page 134: Higher Education Prospectus

Programme descriptionThe level seven diploma in financial services leadership is designed to give you a broad and balanced understanding and knowledge of leadership in the financial services sector. This qualification enhances job-related skills by studying a wide range of subjects, which are designed to enable candidates to gain the knowledge and skills both for current practice and the rapidly changing industry.

Programme outlineThe programme takes up to one year to complete using a blend of supported home study and college tuition. assessment for this programme is by online examination.

who is it for?The diploma is aimed at those who seek to gain a broad understanding of leadership in the sector and who already hold a level five qualification in a similar discipline and/or relevant industry experience working within financial services.

what skills will you learn?The qualification consists of two mandatory 20 credit units:management strategy and leadership, and management ofoperational risk. These are combined with one other 20 creditunit from a choice of two. a total number of 60 credits must be gained to achieve the qualification.

optional units:•managing people and change

•call centre management in the financial services sector.

The qualification provides opportunities for progression within an organisation and a professional qualification to enhance the standing of individuals and the organisations in which they work. candidates may also continue to study in order to achieve the diploma for chartered banker qualification.

diPloma iN FiNaNCial serviCes leadershiP


Page 135: Higher Education Prospectus

Programme descriptionThe level seven diploma for The chartered banker is designed to give you a broad and balanced understanding and knowledge of the banking sector. This qualification enhances job-related skills by studying a wide range of subjects which are designed to enable candidates to gain the knowledge and skills both for current practice and the rapidly changing industry.

Programme outlineThe programme takes up to two years to complete using a blend of supported home study and college tuition. assessment for this programme is by assignment and online examination.

who is it for?The diploma is aimed at those who seek to gain a broad understanding and who already hold a level five qualification in a similar discipline and/or relevant industry experience working within the banking sector.

what skills will you learn?The qualification consists of one mandatory 20 credit unit:professionalism and ethics, plus 10 other 20 credit units from different combinations of optional units. candidates must take at least one unit from optional group a, and at least three units from optional group b. additional units can be taken from optional group c or from any of the remaining units from optional groups a and b. a total number of 220 credits must be gained to achieve the qualification.

optional units:

The qualification provides opportunities for progression within an organisation and a professional qualification to enhance the standing of individuals and the organisations in which they work.

diPloma For Chartered baNker

group a

building society operations

financial management for bankers

financial management for bankers

call centre management in the financial services sector

credit risk practice

corporate finance

private banking and wealth management

management of operational risk

marketing and selling financial services

retail banking in england, wales, and northern ireland

financial economics

business banking management strategy and leadership

business law

group b group C


Page 136: Higher Education Prospectus


aaccommodation 25accreditation of prior learning 34accrediting in-house training 128-133 City College Norwich Qualifications 128 Diploma in Business and Corporate Banking 130 Diploma in Building Society Operations 130 Diploma in Financial Services Leadership 132 Diploma for Chartered Banker 133advice shop, The 19applying 36-37

bblackboard 15business and management programmes 48-63 FD in Business Management 50 FD in Public Sector Management 51 FD in Retailing 52-53 BA (Hons) Business Management 54-55 BA (Hons) (Accounting and Finance) 54-55 BA (Hons) (Human Resource Management) 54-55 BA (Hons) Leadership and Management 58 BA (Hons) Business Management (One Year Top-Up) 60-61 Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies 62

Ccar parking 18careers advice 14catering 20childcare facilities 14chaplaincy, The 14city restaurant 20city shop 20city café 20city express 20computer access for students 15

construction and engineering programmes 116-127 BTEC HND Civil Engineering 118-119 BTEC HND Construction and the Built Environment 120-121 BTEC HND Mechanical Engineering 124-125 BTEC HND Electrical/Electronic 126-127creative arts programmes 64-79 FD Popular Music Performance and Production 66-67 FD Arts and Wellbeing 68-69 FD Journalism 72-73 FD Media Practice 76-77 BA (Hons) Creative Practices and Enterprise 78-79

ddebut restaurant 20disabilities, students with 13disabled students allowance 33dyslexia 13

eentry requirements 34equal opportunities 13

Ffees and financial assistance 30-33funds, access to learning 33

hhealth and safety 20health and community studies programmes 80-91 FD Health Studies 82-83 FD Public Services 84 FD Early Years 87 BA (Hons) Childhood Studies 88 BA (Hons) Applied Social Work 90-91 he learning Zone 13health matters 14higher education is for everyone 4-5


Page 137: Higher Education Prospectus

hospitality, Travel and Tourism programmes 92-107 FD Management of Culinary Arts 94 FD Hospitality Management 99 FD Licensed Retail Management 100 FD Leisure and Events Management 102 FD Travel and Tourism Management 105 BA (Hons) Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management 106humanities programmes 38-41 BA (Hons) English with Cultural Studies 40 BA (Hons) English and Psychology in Society 40 BSC (Hons) Psychology with Sociology 40

iinclusive learning support Team 13information store, The 14-15inspirations 20international students 22introduction 2-37

lloan, student maintenance 30-33loan, Tuition fee 30-33location map 136-137

mmature entry 34 mature students 4

Nnorwich, The attractions of 26-27

Pprincipal’s message 2

ssmoking 20 students’ union, The 29sports hall 17student support 13-20sports programmes 108-115 fd sport, health and exercise 110 bsc (hons) in applied sport health and exercise 112-115

tTeacher education programmes 42-57 Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Sector 46-47Teaching standards 9

uucas 36-37ucas tariff points 36university of east anglia, partnership with 10

vvisas 22


wellbeing Zone, The 14


Page 138: Higher Education Prospectus

we are a few minuTes walk from The ciTy cenTre on ipswich road. from The sT sTephen’s sTreeT roundabouT (near The bus sTaTion), follow signs To ipswich. a few hundred meTres souTh of The roundabouT The a11 and a140 divide: Take The lefT fork and The college is abouT 300 meTres furTher along on The lefT. There is limiTed pay and display parking on campus, buT we also offer a subsidised park & ride scheme from The counTy council siTe on harford roundabouT (near Tesco on The a140/a47 JuncTion).

how to FiNd us


Page 139: Higher Education Prospectus

The NaTioNal SkillS academy FiNaNcial ServiceS aT ST aNdrewS houSe iS iN The hearT oF The ciTy ceNTre oN ST aNdrewS STreeT. There iS No car parkiNg reServed For STudeNTS oN SiTe, buT The ST aNdrewS car park iS juST a Few huNdred yardS away aloNg The Same road or your NeareST buS STopS are oN caSTle meadow, TomblaNd or The priNce oF waleS road.

you caN alSo dowNload a ‘Travel guide’ From our webSiTe.

137created/produced: thepoint.co.ukphotography: photounit.co.uk/andisapey.co.uk/ccnprint: norwichcolour.co.uk


Page 140: Higher Education Prospectus

Set your SightS on a new future and aim higherCity College Norwich can give you everything you need to make the very best of your career and your life.

within this prospectus you will find details of all of our higher education programmes. whether you wish to study full-time or part-time, our flexible study opportunities ensure that there is a very good chance that we have something that meets your exact needs. in fact, our wide range of programmes offer a combination that simply cannot be matched by any other local institution.

So if you are looking to make a real difference to your life and your career, take a good look at how much city college Norwich can offer.

City College Norwichipswich roadNorwich Nr2 2lj

Telephone 01603 773 311

Textphone 01603 773 678


Cert no. TT-COC-002425