hindsight is 20 reflection

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  • 8/2/2019 Hindsight is 20 Reflection


    Hindsight is 20/20

    Reflective Essay

    Allison Hood

  • 8/2/2019 Hindsight is 20 Reflection


    As I reflect on my first year, I recall the saying Hindsight is 20/20.

    Looking back at my first year, I was taught a very valuable lesson, although

    I didnt realize it at the time. At the end of the business course I was

    teaching, students were required to complete a practice business plan.

    A practice business plan is a simulated exercise where students become

    bookkeepers and/or managers for a hypothetical company. They have the

    opportunity to work through the entire business cyclefrom opening the

    accounts as the business begins its daily operations to closing them out at

    the end of the business fiscal period. Students are required to record daily

    transactions, write checks, and prepare financial reports. It is an enormous

    project and takes a lot of time both in class and out of class.

    Students were told that it would count for a large percentage of their

    semester grade and that if there were cheating, all involved would

    automatically fail the course. Being nave and from a middle-class

    background, I felt sure that such a threat would prevent any cheating.

  • 8/2/2019 Hindsight is 20 Reflection


    Naturally, two students proved me wrong. One was from a very low,

    socioeconomic background. College was not even an option for him but a

    high school diploma might help him land a job after graduation. Being a

    new teacher, I felt that I should stick to my principles, no matter what the

    consequences. Therefore, I failed both students.

    At the time, I didnt think too much about it, and although I did feel

    badly for the student, in my mind, the student had only himself to blame.

    During the past month or so, I have come to realize that I must accept

    some of that blame. In a sense, I set him up to fail. Even though I devoted

    several hours of class time to the practice business plan, he was often

    absent. I knew that he was not doing well in the class and certainly did not

    have the ability to complete the practice set on his own. I was aware that

    he did not have access to a computer at home.

  • 8/2/2019 Hindsight is 20 Reflection


    My first mistake was giving the ultimatumanyone caught cheating

    would fail the course. My second mistake was not realizing my first mistake

    so that I could provide some alternative for this student. In the grand

    scheme of this students life, I know that a high school diploma will move

    him farther along than completing a business plan. I should have assisted

    him in any way possible.

    This experience made me begin to realize that it is important to look

    at life though other peoples eyes. When I was younger, I thought life was

    pretty black-and-white. As I get older, I have come to realize that the

    constructivists are rightit is in the eye of the beholder. I still feel it is

    important for me to have a basic set of principles to live by and that as a

    classroom teacher I must set standards for my students but I also realize

    that it is important to create a classroom environment where students can


  • 8/2/2019 Hindsight is 20 Reflection


    With the exception of this incident, I feel that my overall teaching was

    effective and appreciated. I received good evaluations from both the

    Assistant Principal of Academics and the Principal.