
Hinduism By Supreeth, Nick, David, Kevin

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Hinduism . By Supreeth, Nick, David, Kevin . HISTORICAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION. The religion date back late Neolithic in early Harappan period (5500 to 2600 BCE) Oldest living religious traditions No single founder of Hinduism Several culture contributed to the development of Hinduism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Hinduism

Hinduism By Supreeth,

Nick, David, Kevin

Page 2: Hinduism


The religion date back late Neolithic in early Harappan period (5500 to 2600 BCE)

Oldest living religious traditions No single founder of Hinduism Several culture contributed to the development of Hinduism The Indus Valley Civilization and a group called Aryans are

specially important for our understanding of Hindu tradition Brahma created universe

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Troubles they have to overcome 1993, Hindu-Muslim riots in Mumbai (cause

death of 800 people) 2002 Feb 26, fire on board train in the

western state of Gujarat (cause the death of 58 people). Muslims were blamed for attacking the train and set it on fire.

2002 Sept 24, Radical Fundamentalist Muslim extremist attacked the Swaminarayan temple.

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Basic Belief SystemHindus believe cows

are holyHindus believe in a

caste system

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Caste System Brahmins- priests and scholars Kysatriyas- warriors and ruling class Vaisyas- farmers and businessmen Shudras- servants Untouchable- the homeless and poor

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9 points on Belief System 1. Many gods2. Four Vedas (holy books)3. Universe has endless cycles of creation4. Karma5. Reincarnation 6. Sacred rituals and prayers 7. Enlightened master, meditation, and pilgrimage necessary for knowledge 8. All life is sacred 9. Hindus believe no religion teaches the only way to live

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Sacred symbols and texts Aum- represents Brahma Swastika- represents peace

and freedom

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Vedas- the holy book for Hindus

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The four Vedas1. Rigveda- book of mantras (incantations)2. Yajurveda- book of rituals3. Samaveda- book of songs4. Atharvanaveda- book of philosophy

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Upanishad- book of knowledge

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Rituals, holidays and ceremonies

Upanayana- ceremony of maturity and knowledge

Namkarana- naming ceremony

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Rituals, holidays and ceremonies


Antyseti- funeral rite Dassera- victory of Rama (a god) over a demon king Ravana Holi- festival of colours and spring Shiva Ratri- birthday of Shiva (a god) Rama Navami- birthday of Rama (a god)Diwali- festival of lights and Lakshmi (a goddess)

Shiva Ratri

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Marriage Saptapadi (seven rounds around a fire) 1. The couple gives the Gods for food2. The couple prays to the Gods to give them mental and

physical strength and a healthy life free from problems 3. Third step is for the completion of spiritual responsibility

for the couple and for the successful performance of their spiritual duties.

4. Fourth step is for the attainment of happiness 5. Pray for the welfare of all living entities in the entire

universe. 6. Sixth step is for many seasons all over the world. 7. Seventh step taken invoking the prayer and sacrifice for

universal peace.

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Antyesti (Hindu funerals) Hindus cremate the body up to 15

days after death

Make offerings to god and ancestors for the soul’s comfortable journey to heaven

They get the ashes and put it in a river

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PLACES OF WORSHIP Hinduism worships in temple The Swaminarayan Akshardham temple largest Hindu

temple Temples sometimes key geographical points such as

hill tops, near waterfall, caves, and rivers One characteristic of most temples is the presence of

murtis (statues) of Hindu delty whom the temple is for

Brihadeeswarar Temple

The Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple in Delhi

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PLACES OF WORSHIP A bell (ghanta) hangs at the gate of many temples Kalyani are Ancient Hindu stepped bath wells, built near

temples for bathing and cleaning activities before praying Hindu temples usually contain pictures or statues of god

and goddesses. They started to use stone in present days

Subrahmanya Temple at Saluvankuppam

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Role of women Women equal to men in all aspects of life,

including education and religion Power, virility were represented by female

god Shakti There were actually more goddesses who

killed demons than gods

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Spread of Hinduism

80% of India’s population practice Hinduism; of Pakistan’s population are Hindus. Hinduism has also spread to Sri Lanka, Canada, USA, Bangladesh, Malaysia,

Britain, Indonesia, Thailand, and Australia.

British empire fell Hindus spread religion by traveling to different places.

British conquered and captured Hindus, took them to work at tea coffee plantations West India

Hindu king spread Hinduism to conquered countries

7 CE Hindu king conquered land in south Asia.

Practiced differently in north and south India and spread differently to other

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Statistics The map shows the percent of people that are Hindu in each country 1. Nepal 86.5%2. India 80.5%3. Mauritius 54%4. Guyana 28%5. Fiji 27.9%6. Bhutan 25%7. Trinidad and Tobago 22.5%8. Suriname 20%9. Sri Lanka 15%10. Bangladesh 9%

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Percent of the major religions of the world






Chinese Folk Religion3%Judaism



Major Religions of the World

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Number of Hindus in Canada Per Province

British Co-lumbia

Ontario Quebec Alberta Manitoba Saskatchewan Nova Scotia0





31500 217555 24525 15965 3835 1585 1235


Total Number of Hindus in Canada: 297200 (From Canadian Census)

(Including minor numbers not included in graph)

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Bibliography "Hindu Holidays & Festivals." Hindu Holidays and Festivals. ReligionFacts. Web. 01 June 2012. <http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/holidays.htm>.

"Hindu Rituals and Practices." Hindu Rituals and Practices. ReligionFacts. Web. 01 June 2012. <http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/practices.htm>.

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"Vedas." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 June 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedas>.

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