history, advantage,disadvantage and type of print media

History of printing. Azhar Hussain Presented by;

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Page 1: History, advantage,disadvantage and type of print media

History of printing.

Azhar Hussain

Presented by;

Page 2: History, advantage,disadvantage and type of print media

We take for granted newspapers,

magazines, books, posters, and other

printed material.

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None of the

printed items we

enjoy today

would be

around without

a number of

persons in the

history !

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Printing was developed

based on early

principles of printing,

and it has undergone

many modifications

over the years to meet

the needs of people in

different eras.

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Woodblock printing was a

technique which was used in the

Mesopotamian civilization before 3000


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of paper in the

second century AD

by China was

the first major

milestone in the

history of

printing press

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The prime name associated with the

history of printing press is


GutenbergThe inventor of the Printing Press

in 1450

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He created individual pieces of

type, which involve creating a

master copy of each letter,

devising the moulds in which

multiple versions can be cast,

and developing a suitable alloy

(type metal) in which to cast


- Movable type printing press.

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Dry point




form of

printing was

invented in

the year


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By the 16th century, the

printing press had been in

existence for around 50 years.

It had spread throughout

Europe and more than 10

million copies of nearly 3500

works had already been


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During the first decade of 16th Century, Aldus

Manutius came up with a printer that gave

smaller, more portable books. He is also the first

to use Italic type.

In 1507 Lucas Cranach invented the chiaroscuro woodcut, a

technique in which drawings are

reproduced using two or more blocks

printed in different colors.

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It is Jakob Christoph Le Blon - German

painter and engraver founded the basic form

of CMYK printing.

He used the mezzotint method to engrave

three metal plates for printing. Here each plate

is inked with a different color, using Red,

yellow and blue. Later on he adds a fourth

plate, bearing black lines

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American inventor Richard

March Hoe builds the first

Lithographic Rotary printing


Here a press in which the type is placed

on a revolving cylinder instead of a

flatbeds. This speeds up the printing

process dramatically.

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the invention of the Linotypecomposing machine is a major step

forward in the process of printing.

With this typesetter an operator can

enter text using a 90-character

contained keyboard.

The machine outputs the text as

slugs having lines of metal type.

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The 21stcentury have

more to talk about digital

revolution rather than print

technology except some

few innovations like CTP

printing with plates and

CMYK coloring by the help

of digital technology.

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Later , technology has made several changes in PRINTING


Here is a small timeline of the further technological progress of print…..

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1906 • Photostat and Rectigraph

1938 • Xerography

1951 • Inkjet printing

1968 • Dot matrix printing

1969 • Laser printing

1972 • Thermal printing

1984 • 3D printing

1993 • Digital printing

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The printing press has influenced

psychology in several major ways.

Before the printing press,

people were apt to believe

that the text they were

reading was true because

only the most noteworthy

information was recorded.

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That’s all about the brief

history of printing and its

contributions to the world….

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Types of Print Media:

Newspapers: Newspapers are the most popular forms of print media.

Newspapers collect, edit and print news reports and articles

Magazines: Magazines also offer advertisers an opportunity to

incorporate various new techniques and ideas

Newsletters: Newsletters also form an important part of print media. These

target a specific group of audience and give information on the product

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Brochures: Brochures give detailed information about the product. These are mainly distributed at

events or even at the main outlet when a consumer needs to read in detail about the product.

Posters: Posters are forms of outdoor advertising. The message in a poster has to be brief and eye

catching as it targets a person on move.

Types of Print Media

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Advantages of Print Media

loyal readership. This can be very useful for advertisers as compared to advertising on the Internet.

If you are targeting a particular geographical area, you can do so with ease through print media.

For example, a local newspaper would be a best medium to advertise about a new shopping complex.

You can choose the size of the advertisement space. This will help you to plan the budget of the expenses to

be incurred while advertising.

making a longer impact on the minds of the reader, with more in-depth reporting and analysis.

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The cost incurred can sometimes be expensive considering the medium you choose.

Newspapers for example, are amongst the public eye only for a day.

This medium may not always give you a wide reach. Internet, on the other hand, can target a global audience.

Advertisements may get lost in all the clutter of editorial and ads by competitors.

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The Role of Magazine and Newspapers

The role of magazine and newspapers in the advertiser’s media plan differs from that of the broadcast

media because they allow the presentation of detailed information that can be processed at the readers

own pace.

The print media are not intrusive like radio and TV, and they generally require some effort on the part of

the reader zines are often referred to as high-involvement media.

Over 80 percent of U.S. house-holds subscribe to or purchase magazines, while the average household

buys six different magazines each year

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The traditional role of newspapers has been to deliver prompt, detailed coverage of news as well

as to supply other information and features that appeal to readers.

Daily newspapers

Weekly newspapers

National newspapers

Special audience newspapers

Newspaper supplements

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The major types of newspaper advertising are display and classified.

Display advertising

Classified advertising-special ads and inserts

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Newspapers have a number of characteristics that make them popular among both local and national

advertisers. These includes their:-

extensive penetration of local markets


geographic selectivity

reader involvement

special services.

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The limitations of newspapers include their:-

Poor reproduction

Short life span

Lack of selectivity


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Consumer magazines

Farm publication

Business publication

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First magazine printed 1739

Name Scots still running

Readers 1995 2017

% 28% 35%

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year Advertisement % Editorial %

1975 46.5 53.5

1990 50.7 49.3

1995 49.1 50.9

2000 50.3 49.7

2010 47.2 52.8

2017 54.1 45.9

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Magazine have a number of characteristics that make them attractive as anadvertising medium.

Strengths of magazines include their


excellent reproduction quality

creative flexibility



readers’ high receptivity and involvement

services they offer to advertisers.

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Limited reach and frequency

Long lead time

Clutter and competition

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