history of spain in xx century sylwia miśkiewicz

History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

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Page 1: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

History of Spain in XX century

Sylwia Miśkiewicz

Page 2: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

In 1814 Fernando VII became the king of Spain. He used country’s weakness. He cancelled the Constitution. That was reason of internal struggle in 1820-23.


Page 3: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

The revolution forced approval of the Constitution. Fights lasted the whole XIX century. At the beginning XX century Spain’s economy and culture was retarded. Even the first world war improve the situation. Spain had then big demand for goods. In that time this country announced impartiality.


Page 4: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

The increasing inflation led to ncreasing of the crisis. And because of that Miguel Primo de Rivera took over country. The king made him Prime Minister in 1923. He was a dictator, aristocrat, and military officer. The king Alfonso XIII couldn’t reign so he supported Miguel Primo.


Page 5: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

In 1929 General Miguel Primo de Rivera lost support from monarchy and army. So he had to resign. Rebellion began to grow and because of that the king Alfonso XIII left the country in 1931.


Page 6: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

Spain became a republic. And in this year a new constitution appeared which definitely changed the political, social, economic system. Manuel Azaña Díaz was The Prime Minister for a long time.


Page 7: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

In that time there were many internal struggles and attacks on the Spanish’s church. The crisis was growing and growing. In 1936 Popular Front won the elections but it couldn’t control the country. Civil War lasted from 17 July 1936 to 1939.


Page 8: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

Spain divided into two groups: Republicans and Rebels. The Republicans were not official support by State Anthem of the Soviet Union and other communists. The Rebels were support by Germany, Italy and Portugal. Rebels won in 1936.


Page 9: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

It was a new time for Spain. Francisco Franco Bahamonde became a dictator. He saved Spain from World War II. He didn’t let use Spain in fights and the country was impartial to end of the war. He died in 1972 and  Juan Carlos I, grandson of Alfonso XIII became a king.


Page 10: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

He reformed Spain. And he created a new constitution in 1978. Then Spain became officially democratic monarchy country.


Page 11: History of Spain in XX century Sylwia Miśkiewicz

In 1982 Spain joined to North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in 1986 to European Communities


(European Union).