hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - tpci...म ब वस (garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम...

Press note Brief note on revision of standards of chocolate The Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Fourth Amendment Regulations, 2017 have been notified to revise the standards for chocolate including addition of standards of two types of chocolate. In the existing standards of chocolate use of vegetable fat other than cocoa butter is not permitted, however use of vegetable fat other than cocoa butter is in the international practise. Therefore in line with international practise & CODEX, the standard for chocolate has been revised to permit the use of vegetable fat other than cocoa butter up-to 5 % of the finished products. The source of vegetable fat and its requirements have also been prescribed in this regulation which can be used in chocolate. Further, this regulation prescribes a specific label declaration in case of chocolate having vegetable fat, so as to declare the quantity of vegetable fat used. Moreover, this also prescribes two more type of chocolate i.e. Praline & Couverture Chocolate. These regulations came into force on the date of their publication in the gazette of India. However, obligation of FBO to comply with this regulation will be effected from 1 st January, 2018.

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Page 1: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स

Press note

Brief note on revision of standards of chocolate

The Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Fourth

Amendment Regulations, 2017 have been notified to revise the standards for chocolate

including addition of standards of two types of chocolate.

In the existing standards of chocolate use of vegetable fat other than cocoa butter is

not permitted, however use of vegetable fat other than cocoa butter is in the

international practise. Therefore in line with international practise & CODEX, the

standard for chocolate has been revised to permit the use of vegetable fat other than

cocoa butter up-to 5 % of the finished products. The source of vegetable fat and its

requirements have also been prescribed in this regulation which can be used in

chocolate. Further, this regulation prescribes a specific label declaration in case of

chocolate having vegetable fat, so as to declare the quantity of vegetable fat used.

Moreover, this also prescribes two more type of chocolate i.e. Praline & Couverture


These regulations came into force on the date of their publication in the gazette of

India. However, obligation of FBO to comply with this regulation will be effected from

1st January, 2018.

Page 2: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स

3200 GI/2017 (1)

REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99



PART III—Section 4



No. 204] NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2017/VAISAKHA 27, 1939

स्‍वास्‍्य‍और‍पररवार‍कल्‍याण म‍तर्ाला य‍

(भारतीय‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍प्राधिकरण म)


नई‍दिल्‍ ी,‍15‍तई,‍2017‍

फा.‍ स.्‍ तनाक/एससीएसएसएड्एच/अधिसचूना(02)/एफएसएसएआई-2016.—खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍

अधिधनयत,‍2006‍(2006‍का‍स्ख‍याक्‍ क)‍का‍िारा‍क2‍का‍ापिारा‍(1)‍का‍अपेक्षा‍के‍अनुसार,‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍

तानक‍ )खाद्य‍ासपाि‍तानक‍और‍खाद्य‍सउयद्याय‍(धवधनयत , ‍2016‍का‍प्रारूप,‍भारतीय‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍

प्राधिकरण म‍ का‍ अधिसूचना‍ स्.‍ 1-12/तानक/एसपी‍ (स्‍वीट्स,‍ कन्‍फेक्‍शनरी)/एफ.एस.एस.ए.आई-2015,‍ दिना्क

2क‍जु ाई,‍ 2016‍ द्वारा,‍ भारत‍ के‍ राजपराल,‍ असािारण म,‍ भाग-III, ख्ड‍ क‍ तें‍ ास‍ धतधि‍से,‍ धजस‍ धतधि‍कद्य‍ ास‍

अधिसचूना‍कद्य‍प्रकाधशत‍करने‍वा े‍राजपराल‍का‍प्रधतयााँ‍जनता‍कद्य‍ाप ब्‍ि‍कराई‍गई‍ि,,‍तीस‍दिन ‍का‍अवधि‍के‍

अ्िर‍ाससे‍प्रभाधवत‍उद्य‍सकने‍वा े‍ द्यग ‍से‍आपधियााँ‍और‍सुझावद्य‍कद्य‍‍आत्धरालत‍करते‍हुए‍प्रकाधशत‍दकया‍गया‍


और‍‍ाक्‍त‍राजपराल‍का‍प्रधतयााँ‍जनता‍कद्य‍5‍अगस्‍त,‍2016‍कद्य‍ाप ब्‍ि‍कराई‍गई‍ि,;‍

और‍ाक्‍त‍धवधनयत ‍के‍प्रारूप‍‍पर‍जनता‍से‍प्रा्‍‍त‍आपधिय ‍और‍सुझाव ‍पर‍भारतीय‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍

तानक‍प्राधिकरण म‍द्वारा‍धवचार‍कर‍ध या‍गया‍उ;ै‍

अत:‍अब, ाक्‍त‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍अधिधनयत, 2006‍का‍‍िारा‍92‍का‍ापिारा‍(2) के‍ख्ड‍(ङ)‍

द्वारा‍प्रिस‍त‍शधिय ‍का‍ापयद्यग‍करते‍हुए‍भारतीय‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍प्राधिकरण म‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍

(खाद्य‍ासपाि‍तानक‍और‍खाद्य‍सउयद्याय)‍धवधनयत, 2011‍तें‍और‍‍स्शद्यिन‍करने‍के‍ध ए‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍धवधनयत‍

बनाता‍उ,ै अिाात्:-

Page 3: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स



1. स्धक्षत‍नात‍एव‍्प्रार्भ‍–‍(1)‍इन‍धवधनयत ‍का‍स्धक्षप्त‍नात‍‍खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍ तानक‍(खाद्य‍ासपाि‍तानक‍और‍खाद्य‍


(2)‍ ये‍राजपराल‍तें‍इनके‍प्रकाशन‍का‍तारीख‍कद्य‍प्रवृि‍उ ग‍ेतिा‍खाद्य‍कारद्यबार‍प्रचा क ‍कद्य‍1‍जनवरी, 2018‍

से‍इन‍धनयत ‍के‍सभी‍प्राविान ‍का‍अनुपा न‍करना‍उद्यगा‍।

2.‍ खाद्य‍सुरक्षा‍और‍तानक‍(खाद्य‍ासपाि‍तानक‍और‍खाद्य‍सउयद्याय)‍धवधनयत, 2011‍के‍धवधनयत‍‍2.7.क‍तें,

ाप‍धवधनयत‍2.7.क‍के‍स्िान‍पर‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍रखा‍जायगेा, अिाात-्

“2.7.4 चॉक टे

1. चॉक ेट‍स‍ेअधभपे्रत‍उ‍ैजद्य‍ ‍एक‍या‍अधिक‍स्घटक ,‍अिाात्‍कद्यकद्य‍का‍फध य ,‍कद्यकद्य‍ धनब,‍कद्यकद्य‍द्रव्‍य‍

(कद्यकद्य‍ ध कर/कद्यकद्य‍ ुगिी),‍कद्यकद्य‍ पे्रस‍ केक‍और‍शका रायद्यधजत‍अिवा‍शका रारधउत‍वसा-न्‍यूनीकृत‍कद्यकद्य‍

पााडर‍(कद्यकद्य‍के‍तउीन‍अ्श‍अिवा‍कद्यकद्य‍डस्‍ट),‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍सधउत‍कद्यकद्य‍सातधिय ,‍िगु्‍ि‍वसा‍सधउत‍ििू‍

के‍ ठद्यस‍पिािों‍स‍े धनतााण म‍का‍ ाधचत‍प्रदिया‍ के‍ बाि‍प्रा्‍‍त‍सता्ग‍ासपाि‍ उ‍ै ।‍कद्यकद्य‍ बटर‍ के‍अधतररि‍‍

वनस्‍पधत‍वसा‍दकसी‍अन्‍य‍यद्यधजत‍खाद्य‍सातिी‍के‍कु ‍भार‍कद्य‍धनका कर‍कद्यकद्य‍सातिी‍‍के‍अल्‍पतत‍अ्श‍

धनका े‍धबना‍तैयार‍ास‍पाि‍के‍5‍प्रधतशत‍से‍अधिक‍न‍उद्य।‍इस‍प्रयद्यजन‍के‍ध ए‍अनतुत‍वनस्‍पधत‍वसां‍


2. ास‍पाि‍ तें‍ इसका‍ धस्िरता‍ कद्य‍ प्रधतकू ‍ रूप‍ से‍ प्रभाधवत‍ दकए‍ धबना‍ कु ‍ शका रां‍ के‍ 50‍ प्रधतशत‍

(अधिकतत)‍तक‍आइसद्यताल्‍टू द्यज‍उद्य‍सकता‍उ।ै‍

3. ास‍पाि‍बासीपन‍का‍ ग्ि‍अिवा‍ िगंुि,‍ काट‍और‍फफूाँ िीिस्‍तता,‍ िू ,‍अपधतश्रक‍और‍ दकसी‍ उाधनकारक‍


4. चॉक टेें‍धनम्‍न‍दकस्‍त ‍का‍उ :‍

(i) ििू‍चॉक टे‍कद्यकद्य‍धनब,‍कद्यकद्य‍द्रव,‍कद्यकद्य‍प्रेस‍केक,‍शका रायुक्‍त‍अल्‍प-वसा‍वा े‍कद्यकद्य‍पााडर‍सधउत‍कद्यकद्य‍

चूण मा‍और‍िगु्‍ि‍वसा‍सधउत‍िगु्‍ि‍ठद्यस‍पिािा‍और‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍तें‍से‍एक‍या‍अधिक‍पिािों‍से‍बनाई‍जाती‍उ।ै‍

िगु्‍ि‍वसा‍से‍तास‍पया‍ििू‍के‍स्घटक ‍कद्य‍ानके‍प्राकृधतक‍अनुपात‍तें‍डा ना‍उै,‍धसवाय‍इसके‍दक‍ासतें‍िगु्‍ि‍

वसा‍धत ाई‍अिवा‍ाससे‍धनका ी‍जा‍सकती‍उ।ै‍

(ii) धतल्‍क‍आच्छािी‍चॉक टे,‍यिा‍ऊपर‍पररभाधित,‍दकन्तु‍आच्छािी‍प्रयद्यजन‍‍के‍ध ए‍ापयुक्‍त।‍

(iii) सािा‍चॉक टे‍ कद्यकद्य‍ धनब,‍ कद्यकद्य‍ द्रव,‍ कद्यकद्य‍ पे्रस‍ केक,‍ शका रायुक्‍त‍अल्‍प‍ वसा‍ वा े‍ कद्यकद्य‍चूण मा‍

सधउत‍कद्यकद्य‍चूण मा‍और‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍तें‍से‍दकसी‍एक‍या‍अधिक‍से‍बनाई‍जाती‍उ।ै‍‍

परन्तु‍ ‍डाका ‍चॉक ेट‍तें‍ कु ‍कद्यकद्य‍ठद्यस‍पिािा‍ शुष्‍क‍पिािा‍ के‍आिार‍पर‍ 5%‍से‍अन्‍यून‍उद्य,‍

धजसतें‍18%‍से‍अन्‍यून‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍और‍1क%‍से‍अन्‍यून‍कद्यकद्य‍के‍वसातुक्‍त‍ठद्यस‍पिािा‍उ ।‍

(iv) सािा‍आच्छािी‍चॉक टे--सािा‍चॉक ेट‍का‍तरउ,‍दकन्तु‍आच्छािी‍के‍ध ए‍ापयुक्‍त।‍

(v) धतश्र‍चॉक टे‍स‍ेअधभपे्रत‍उ‍ैजद्य‍िगु्ि‍‍चॉक ेट‍और‍सािा‍चॉक ेट‍के‍धभन्‍न-धभन्‍न‍अनपुात ‍से‍बनी‍

चॉक ेट।‍

(vi) श्‍वते‍चॉक टे‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर,‍िगु्‍ि‍वसा‍सधउत‍िगु्ि‍के‍ठद्यस‍पिािों‍और‍शका रा‍से‍अधभप्राप्त‍का‍जाती‍

Page 4: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स



(vii) भरी‍चॉक टे‍से‍अधभपे्रत‍उ‍ैजद्य‍वउ‍ास‍पाि‍उ‍ै धजसका‍बाउरी‍परत‍चॉक ेट‍का‍उद्य‍और‍ धजसके‍

बीच‍का‍भाग‍अपने‍स्घटन‍ के‍कारण म‍बाउरी‍परत‍से‍ धबल्‍कु ‍ धभन्‍न‍उद्य,‍ दकन्तु‍ ‍ ासतें‍आटे‍का‍

धतष्‍टान्‍न,‍पेस्‍री‍और‍धबस्‍कुट‍ास‍पाि‍न‍उ ।‍बाउरी‍परत‍ास‍चॉक ेट‍का‍उद्य‍जद्य‍इस‍तानक‍के‍ख्ड‍

2.7.क‍के‍पैरा‍(क)‍के‍अिीन‍धवर्नादिष्ट‍चॉक ेट‍का‍एक‍या‍अधिक‍दकस्‍त ‍का‍अपेक्षां‍का‍पा न‍

करती‍उद्य।‍बाउरी‍परत‍तें‍चॉक ेट‍का‍ताराला‍तैयार‍ास‍पाि‍के‍कु ‍द्रव्‍यतान‍के‍25‍प्रधतशत‍स‍ेकत‍


सेंटर‍दफल ्ग(गें)‍अिवा‍स्घटक‍इन‍धवधनयत ‍के‍अिीन‍धवर्नादिष्ट‍तानक ‍का‍पा न‍करेंगे।

(viii) सधम्तश्र‍चॉक टे‍ से‍ से‍अधभप्रते‍उ‍ैजद्य‍वउ‍ास‍पाि‍उ‍ै धजसतें‍भारानुसार‍कत‍ से‍कत‍60‍प्रधतशत‍चॉक ेट‍

तिा‍फ ,‍तेवे‍और‍रेधजन‍आदि‍खाद्य‍स्‍वास्‍् ‍यकर‍पिािा‍उ ।‍इसतें‍एक‍या‍अधिक‍खाद्य‍स्‍वास्‍् ‍यकर‍पिािा‍

उ ‍जद्य‍तैयार‍ास‍पाि‍के‍कु ‍द्रव्‍यतान‍के‍10‍प्रधतशत‍से‍कत‍न‍उ ;‍

(ix) प्राध न‍से‍तास‍पया‍तुाँउ‍तें‍आ‍सकने‍वा े‍साइज‍का‍ास‍पाि,‍धजसतें‍चॉक ेट‍का‍ताराला‍ास‍पाि‍के‍कु ‍

भार‍के‍25%‍से‍कत‍न‍उद्य।‍ास‍पाि‍या‍तद्य‍भरी‍चॉक ेट‍अिवा‍इस‍तानक‍के‍ख्ड‍2.7.क‍के‍पैरा‍

(क)‍के‍अिीन‍धवर्नादिष्ट‍‍चॉक ेट ‍तें‍से‍दकसी‍एक‍से‍या‍ानके‍धतश्रण म‍से‍बनी‍उद्य।‍

(x) कूवचार‍चॉक टे‍तें‍शुष्‍क‍पिािा‍आिार‍पर‍कद्यकद्य‍के‍ठद्यस‍पिािा‍ 5%‍से‍अन्‍यून‍उ ,‍धजनतें‍ 1%‍

से‍अन्‍यून‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍और‍2.5%‍से‍अन्‍यून‍कद्यकद्य‍के‍वसातुक्‍त‍ठद्यस‍पिािा‍उ :‍

पर्तु‍इसतें‍इन‍धवधनयत ‍के‍पररधशष्‍ट‍‘क’‍तें‍धवधनर्िाष्‍ट‍कृधरालत‍स्‍वीटनर‍उद्य‍सकते‍उऔ‍और‍

इसके‍ ेब ‍पर‍खाद्य‍सरुक्षा‍और‍तानक‍ (पैकेलज्ग‍और‍ ेबल ्ग)‍ धवधनयत,‍ 2011‍तें‍ धवधउत‍

घद्यिण मा‍उद्य।‍

5. ऐधच्छक‍सघ्टक‍

(क) इसके‍अधतररि‍धवधभ‍न्‍न‍प्रकार‍का‍चॉक ेट ‍तें‍ापयुाक्‍त‍स्घटक ‍के‍अधतररक्‍त‍नीचे‍दिए‍गए‍एक‍


(i) खाद्य‍ वण म,‍

(ii) तसा े‍और‍ानके‍अका ,‍

(iii) धवटाधतन‍और‍खधनज,‍

(iv) अनुतत‍पायसीकारक‍और‍धस्िरीकारक‍अधभकताक,‍

(v) अनुतत‍पृिक्‍कारक‍और‍बफंर्ग‍अधभकताक।‍

(ख) वनस्‍पधत‍वसाएाँ‍अ ग-अ ग‍अिवा‍सधम्तश्र‍रूप‍तें‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍तानिड् ‍का‍अनुपा न‍करें:‍

(i) वे‍ गैर- ौररक‍वनस्‍पधत‍वसा‍उ ,‍जद्य‍पीओपी (पाधतरटक‍अम् –ओ ीक‍अम् –पाधतरटक‍अम् ),

पीओएसटी (पाधतरटक‍ अम् –ओ ीक‍ अम् -स्‍टीररक‍ अम् ) और‍ एसटीओएसटी (स्‍टीररक‍

अम् –ओ ीक‍ अम् –स्‍टीररक‍ अम् )‍ टाइप‍ के‍ धसधतरीक ‍ तद्यनद्यसैच्‍युरेरटड‍ राइधग् सराइड‍ से‍

सतृद्ध‍उ ।‍

(ii) वे‍कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍के‍साि‍दकसी‍भी‍अनुपात‍तें‍धत ाई‍जा‍सकें ‍और‍इसके‍भौधतक‍गणु म ‍(द्रवण मा्क‍और‍

दिस्‍ट ीकरण म‍ताप,‍द्रवण म‍िर,‍टेंपंर्ग‍फेज‍का‍आवश्‍यकता)‍के‍सतनुरूप‍उ ।

Page 5: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स


(iii) वउ‍ ररधग् सराइड‍ स्‍रक्‍चर‍ के‍ ए्जाइतैरटक‍ तद्यधडदफकेशन‍ कद्य‍ धनका कर‍ केव ‍ पररशद्यिन‍

और/अिवा‍प्रभाजन‍का‍प्रदियां‍ से‍तैयार‍ दकए‍गए‍उ ।‍ापयुाक्‍त‍तानि्ड ‍ के‍अनरुूप‍कद्यकद्य‍

बटर‍के‍सततुल्‍य‍रूप‍तें‍पौि ‍से‍प्रा्‍‍त‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍वनस्‍पधत‍वसां‍का‍प्रयद्यग‍दकया‍जा‍सकता‍

उ:ै‍सा ‍(Shorea robusta), कद्यकुत‍गुगी (Garcinia indica), आत‍का‍गुठ ी‍(Mangifera

indica), बद्यर्नायद्य‍ टै द्य‍ (Shorea spp.), पात‍ ऑय ‍ (Elaeis guineensis और‍ Elaeis

olifera), धशया‍ (Butyrospermum parkii), तहुआ‍ का‍ त े‍ (Bassia latifolia अिवा‍ B.

longifolia), िुपा‍ वसा‍ (Vateria indica), फु वारा‍ वसा‍ (Madhuca butyracea), और‍

िाराम्‍बे‍वसा‍(Garcinia cambogia).‍

6. चॉक ेटें‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍तानिड् ‍के‍अनुरूप‍भी‍उ गे,‍अिाात्:-‍



क्षण म‍ धनम्‍न‍के‍ध ए‍अपके्षाएाँ


चॉक टे‍



चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍



चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍

1 कु ‍ वसा‍ (शुष्‍क‍

आिार‍ पर)‍



25 25 25 25 25 25

2 िगु्‍ि‍ वसा‍ (शुष्‍क‍

आिार‍ पर)‍



2 2 - - 2 -

3 कद्यकद्य‍ के‍ ठद्यस‍ पिािा‍

(आद्रातातुक्‍त‍ और‍

वसातुक्‍त‍ आिार‍ पर)‍



2.5 2.5 12 12 - 3.0

4 िगु्ि‍ के‍ ठद्यस‍ पिािा‍

(आद्रातातुक्‍त‍ और‍

वसातुक्‍त‍ आिार‍ पर)‍

भारानुसार‍ प्रधतशत,‍




- - 10.5


(शे्रण मी‍)

5 अम्‍ ‍अघु नशी ‍एश‍

(आद्राता,‍ वसा‍ और‍

शका रा‍ तुक्‍त‍ आिार‍

पर)‍ भारानसुार‍

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Page 6: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स




क्षण म‍ धनम्‍न‍के‍ध ए‍अपके्षाएाँ


चॉक टे‍



चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍



चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍


चॉक टे‍


कद्यकद्य‍बटर‍स‍ेधभन्न‍‍वनस्‍पधत‍वसा‍अन्तवधवष्ट‍ास‍पाि ‍के‍ ेब ‍पर‍बे ‍ेअक्षर ‍तें‍धनम्‍नध धखत‍घद्यिण मा‍का‍जाएगी:‍


पवन‍अिवा , तुख‍य‍कायाकारी‍अधिकारी‍


रट्‍‍पण म : तुख‍य‍धवधनयत‍भारत‍के‍राजपराल,‍असािारण म‍तें‍अधिसूचना‍स.्‍फाइ ‍स्.‍2-15015/30/2010,‍दिना्क

1‍अगस्‍त,‍2011‍के‍द्वारा‍प्रकाधशत‍हुई‍िी‍और‍बाि‍तें‍ धनम्‍नध धखत‍अधिसूचनां‍द्वारा‍स्शद्यधित‍का‍


(i) फा.‍स्.‍4/15015/30/2011, दिना्क‍7 जून, 2013;

(ii) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15014/1/2011-पीएफए, दिना्क‍27 जून, 2013;

(iii) फा.‍स्.‍5/15015/30/2012, दिना्क‍12 जु ाई, 2013;

(iv) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15025/262/13-पीए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍5 दिसम्‍बर, 2014;

(v) फा.‍स्.‍1-83एफ/वैज्ञा.पैन-नद्यटी/भाखास्ताप्रा-2012, दिना्क‍17 फरवरी, 2015;

(vi) फा.‍स्.‍4/15015/30/2011, दिना्क‍4 अगस्‍त, 2015;

(vii) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15025/263/13-पीए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍4 नवम्‍बर, 2015;

(viii) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15025/264/13-पीए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍4 नवम्‍बर, 2015;

(ix) फा.‍स्.‍7/15015/30/2012, दिना्क‍13 नवम्‍बर, 2015;

(x) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15025/208/2013-पीए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍13 नवम्‍बर, 2015;

(xi) फा.‍स्.‍पी.15025/261/2013-पीए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍13 नवम्‍बर, 2015;

(xii) फा.‍स्.‍1-10(1)/तानक/एसपी (तछ ी‍एव्‍तछ ी‍ास‍पाि)/भाखास्ताप्रा-2013, दिना्क 11 जनवरी, 2016;

(xiii) फा.‍स्.‍ 3-16/ धवशेि‍खाद्य/नद्यटीदफ‍केशन(खाद्य‍सउयद्या‍य)/भाखास्ताप्रा-2014, 3 तई, 2016;

(xiv) फा.‍स्.‍ 15-03/प्रव/भाखास्ताप्रा/2014, दिना्क‍14 जून, 2016;

Page 7: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स


(xv) फा.‍स्.‍ 3-14F/‍अधिसूचना‍ (न्‍यरूास्‍यटुीक )/भाखास्ताप्रा-2013, दिना्क‍13 जु ाई‍ 2016;

(xvi) फा.‍स्.‍ 1-12/तानक/एसपी (धतठाई, कन्‍फैक्‍सनरी)/ भाखास्ताप्रा-2015, दिना्क‍15 जु ाई 2016;

(xvii) फा.‍स्.‍ 11/09/रधज/उातोधन/2014, दिना्क‍5 धसतम्‍बर 2016;

(xviii) फा.‍स्.‍ तानक/सीपीए क्‍य.ूसीपी/ईएत/भाखास्ताप्रा-2015, दिना्क‍14 धसतम्‍बर 2016;

(xix) फा.स्1-110(2)/एसपी (जैधवक‍खतरे)/भाखास्ताप्रा/‍2010, दिना्क‍10 अक्‍टूबर 2016;

(xx) फा.‍स्.‍11/12/रधज/प्रद्यप/भाखास्ताप्रा-2016, दिना्क‍10 अक्‍टूबर 2016;

(xxi) F. No.1-110(2)/‍एसपी (जैधवक‍खतरे)/भाखास्ताप्रा/2010, दिना्क‍10 अक्‍टूबर, 2016;

(xxii) फा.‍स्.‍ तानक/ एसपी (पानी‍एव्‍पेय) नद्यटी(2)/भाखास्ताप्रा-2016, दिना्क‍25 अक्‍टूबर, 2016;

(xxiii) फा.‍स्.‍ पी.15025/93/2011-पीएफए/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍2 दिसम्‍बर, 2016;

(xxiv) फा.‍स्.‍ पी.15025/6/2004-PFS/भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍29 दिसम्‍बर, 2016;

(xxv) फा.‍स्.‍तानक/ते ‍एव्‍वसा/नद्यटी(1)/भाखास्ताप्रा-2016, दिना्क‍31‍जनवरी, 2017;

(xxvi) फा.‍स्.‍ 1-12/तानक/2012-भाखास्ताप्रा, दिना्क‍13 फरवरी,‍2017; तिा

(XXVII) फा.‍स्.‍1-10(7)/तानक/एसपी (तछ ी‍और‍तछ ी‍ास‍पाि)/भाखास्ताप्रा-2013, दिना्क‍13 फरवरी,‍2017


(Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)


New Delhi, the 15th May , 2017

F. No. Stds /SCSS&H/ Notification (02)/FSSAI-2016.—Whereas the draft Food Safety and Standards (Food

Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2016, were published as required under sub-section

(1) of Section 92 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006), vide notification of the Food Safety and

Standards Authority of India number 1-12/Standards/SP (Sweets, Confectionery)/FSSAI-2015, dated the 29th July, 2016,

in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4, inviting objections and suggestions from the persons likely to

be affected thereby before the expiry of the period of thirty days from the date on which the copies of the Gazette

containing the said notification were made available to the public;

And whereas the copies of the said Gazette were made available to the public on the 5th August, 2016;

And whereas objections and suggestions received from the public in respect of the said draft regulations have

been considered by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) of sub-section (2) of Section 92 of the Food

Safety and Standard Act,2006 , the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India hereby makes the following regulations

further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011,


Page 8: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स



1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Food

Products Standards and Food Additives) fourth Amendment Regulations, 2017.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and Food Business

Operator shall comply with all the provisions of these regulations by 1st January, 2018.

2. In the Food safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, in regulation

2.7, for sub-regulation 2.7.4, the following shall be substituted, namely:—

“2.7.4 Chocolate

1. Chocolate means a homogeneous product obtained by an adequate process of manufacture from a mixture of

one or more of the ingredients, namely, cocoa materials including cocoa beans, cocoa nib, cocoa mass (cocoa

liquor/cocoa paste), cocoa press cake and cocoa powder (cocoa fines or cocoa dust), including fat reduced cocoa

powder with or without addition of sugars, cocoa butter, milk solids including milk fat. The addition of

vegetable fats other than cocoa butter shall not exceed 5 per cent of the finished product, after deduction of the

total weight of any other added edible foodstuffs, without reducing the minimum contents of cocoa materials.

The nature of the vegetable fats permitted for this purpose is specified in clause (ii) of paragraph 5 of these


2. The product may contain Isomaltulose at 50 per cent. (Max) of the total sugars without adversely affecting the

stability of the product

3. The material shall be free from rancidity or off odour, insect and fungus infestation, filth, adulterants and any

harmful or injurious matter.

4. The chocolate shall be of the following types:

(i) milk chocolate is obtained from one or more of cocoa nib, cocoa mass, cocoa press cake, cocoa

powder including low-fat cocoa powder with sugar and milk solids including milk fat and cocoa butter.

Milk solids refers to the addition of milk ingredients in their natural proportion except that milk fat may

be added or removed;

(ii) milk covering chocolate as defined above, but suitable for covering purposes;

(iii) plain chocolate is obtained from one or more of cocoa nib, cocoa mass, cocoa press cake, cocoa

powder including low fat cocoa powder with sugar and cocoa butter.

Provided that dark chocolate shall contain, on a dry matter basis, not less than 35 per cent. total

cocoa solids, of which not less than 18 per cent. shall be cocoa butter and not less than 14 per cent.

fat-free cocoa solids;

(iv) plain covering chocolate is same as plain chocolate but suitable for covering purposes;

(v) blended chocolate means the blend of milk chocolate and plain chocolate in varying proportions;

(vi) white chocolate is obtained from cocoa butter, milk solids, including milk fat and sugar;

(vii) filled chocolate means a product having an external coating of chocolate with a centre clearly distinct

in its composition from the external coating, but does not include flour confectionery, pastry and biscuit

products, the coating shall meet the requirements of one or more of the chocolate types specified under

paragraph 4 of this standard. The chocolate component of the coating shall not be less than 25 per cent.

of the total mass of the finished product;

centre filling(s) or component(s) shall comply with the standards specified under these regulations;

(viii) composite chocolate means a product containing at least 60 per cent of chocolate by weight and edible

wholesome substances such as fruits, nuts and raisins. It shall contain one or more edible wholesome

substances which shall not be less than 10 per cent. of the total mass of finished product;

(ix) praline means a product in a single mouthful size, where the amount of the chocolate component

shall not be less than 25 per cent of the total weight of the product; the product shall consist of either

filled chocolate or a single or combination of the chocolate specified under paragraph 4 of this


(x) couverture chocolate shall contain, on a dry matter basis, not less than 35 per cent total cocoa solids

of which not less than 31 per cent shall be cocoa butter and not less than 2.5 per cent fat-free cocoa


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Provided that it may contain artificial sweeteners specified in Appendix A appended to these regulations and shall

have labelling declarations specified under the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and labelling) Regulations, 2011.

5. Optional ingredients

(a) In addition to the aforementioned ingredients, the chocolate may contain one or more of the substances

given below, namely:-

I. edible salts;

II. spices and condiments and their extracts;

III. vitamins and minerals;

IV. permitted emulsifying and stabilizing agents;

V. permitted sequestering and buffering agents;

(b) the vegetable fat may be singly or in blends and shall comply with the following standards, namely:-

(i) they are non–lauric vegetable fats, which are rich in symmetrical monounsaturated

triglycerides of the type POP (palmitic acid -oleic acid- palmitic acid), POSt (palmitic acid

-oleic acid-stearic acid) and StOSt (stearic acid -oleic acid- stearic acid);

(II) they are miscible in any proportion with cocoa butter and are compatible with its physical

properties (melting point and crystallization temperature, melting rate, need for tempering


(III) they are obtained by the process of refining and /or fractionation, which excludes

enzymatic modification of the triglyceride structure and in conformity with above standard,

the following vegetable fats, obtained from the plants, may be used: Sal (Shorea robusta),

Kokum gurgi (Garcinia indica), Mango kernel (Mangifera indica), Palm oil (Elaeis

guineensis and Elaeis olifera), Mahua Oil (Bassia latifolia or B. longifolia), Dhupa Fat

(Vateria indica), Phulwara fat (Madhuca butyracea), and Dharambe fat (Garcinia

cambogia) as Cocoa Butter Equivalents.

6. Chocolates shall also conform to the following standards namely:—



Characteristics Requirements















1 Total Fat (on dry basis)

per cent by weight. Not

less than

25 25 25 25 25 25

2 Milk fat (on dry basis)

per cent. by weight. not

less than

2 2 - - 2 -

3 Cocoa solids (on

moisture- free and fat

free basis) per cent. by

weight, Not less than

2.5 2.5 12 12 - 3.0

4 Milk Solids (on moisture-

free and Fat- free basis)

per cent. by weight




- - 10.5



5 Acid insoluble ash (on

moisture fat and sugar

free basis) per cent. by

weight, Not more than

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Page 10: Hkkjr ds jkti= ds vlk/kkj - TPCI...म ब वस (Garcinia cambogia). 6. च क ट धनम नध धखत त न ड क अन र प भ उ ग , अ तव:- त स


In case of chocolate which contain vegetable fats other than cocoa butter, it shall have the following label declaration in



PAWAN AGARWAL, Chief Executive Officer


Note : The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide notification number

F. No. 2-15015/30/2010, dated the 1st August, 2011 and subsequently amended vide the following notification


(i) F. No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated the 7th June, 2013;

(ii) F. No. P.15014/1/2011-PFA, dated the 27th June, 2013;

(iii) F. No. 5/15015/30/2012, dated the 12th July, 2013;

(iv) F. No. P.15025/262/13-PA/FSSAI, dated the 5th December, 2014;

(v) F. No. 1-83F/Sci.Pan-Noti/FSSAI-2012, dated the 17th February, 2015;

(vi) F. No. 4/15015/30/2011, dated the 4th August, 2015;

(vii) F. No. P.15025/263/13-PA/FSSAI, dated the 4th November, 2015;

(viii) F. No. P.15025/264/13-PA/FSSAI, dated the 4th November, 2015;

(ix) F. No. 7/15015/30/2012, dated the 13th November, 2015;

(x) F. No. P.15025/208/2013-PA/FSSAI, dated the 13th November, 2015;

(xi) F. No. P.15025/261/2013-PA/FSSAI, dated the 13th November, 2015;

(xii) F. No. 1-10(1)/Standards/SP (Fish and Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated the 11th January, 2016;

(xiii) No. 3-16/ Specified Foods/Notification(Food Additive)/FSSAI-2014, dated the 3rd May, 2016;

(xiv) F. No. 15-03/Enf/FSSAI/2014, dated the 14th June, 2016;

(xv) No. 3-14F/Notification(Nutraceuticals)/FSSAI-2013, dated the 13th July 2016;

(xvi) F. No. 1-12/Standards/SP (Sweets, Confectionery)/ FSSAI-2015, dated the 15th July 2016;

(xvii) F. No. 11/09/Reg/Harmoniztn/2014, dated the 5th September 2016;

(xviii) Stds/CPLQ.CP/EM/FSSAI-2015, dated the 14th September 2016;

(xix) F. No.1-110(2)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated the 10th October 2016;

(xx) F. No. 11/12/Reg/Prop/FSSAI-2016, dated the 10th October 2016;

(xxi) F. No.1-110(2)/SP (Biological Hazards)/FSSAI/2010, dated the 10th October, 2016;

(xxii) F. No. Stds/ SP (Water & Beverages) Notif(2)/FSSAI-2016, dated the 25th October, 2016;

(xxiii) F. No. P.15025/93/2011-PFA/FSSAI, dated the 2nd December, 2016;

(xxiv) F. No. P.15025/6/2004-PFS/FSSAI, dated the 29th December, 2016;

(xxv) F. No. Stds/O&F/Notification(1)/FSSAI-2016, dated the 31st January, 2017;

(xxvi) F. No. 1-12/Standards/2012-FSSAI, dated the 13th February, 2017; and

(xxvii) F. No. 1-10(7)/Standards/SP (Fish & Fisheries Products)/FSSAI-2013, dated the 13th february, 2017

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