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HM3 Mr. George S. Messersmith, Sierra Paracaima 1285 Mexico 10, B.F. Woods Hole, Cape Cod, Mass. August 25t 1959 Dear George: Thanks for your letters with the interesting information received here. *vonne and I are staying here at Woods Hole for three weeks arid intend to return to Greenwich next Saturday. Hettie and Edna motored last Saturday to Vermont, where they ar# staying with a friend, free from household worries (somewhat imaginary). Stephen is happy at Bayer's. His salary has "been twice increased. He will not be home before next summer. He and Lida, and lida's boy, just returned to Leverkusen from a three weeks vacation at the French Riviera. Here in Cap* Cod we live in a paradise in many respects, weather temperate by a see breeae. Woods Hole is a small town with a very famous oceanographic institute. Scientists from every part of the world gather here for research work in the important labs, among them several Nobel prise winners, others also with famous names and others without a name. The Gulfstream exercises a great influence on the waters, which show a very great variety. The the substance installations Naples created by Prof. Heckel and Dohrn were established before of of those of Woods Hole and were financed by Krupp, who spent his winters on Capri and whom I met in 1698. The Gulfstream has not the same influence in Naples as it has in Woods Hole, where the scientific activity is 100 times more important than in Naples. The increased budget for the ten next years here amounts to #600,000,000, Admiral Radford spent several months in Woods Hole working on the effects of the Gulfstream. I have sent you in a separate envelope a clipping from a local paper referring to the Admiral, also s postcard with pictures of our motel. I remember a picture which I sia*-, showing palaatrees in Irland and an iced island situated on the same southern latitude. The Gulfstream has an enormous influence on the mentality of men. humanity without the Gulfstream would mean no Newton, Leibnlts, Galileo, Pascal, Shakespeare, Goethe, Moli&re et tutti quanti. Woods Hole is for me 8 very restful and fascinating place. I visited Cape Cod by car and found many traces of Portuguese influence. lou will find Portuguese bread on all Menu Sards in hotels and restaurants, Portuguese goods in many shops. The Por- tugueses did a great deal of whale fishing in New Foundland and

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Mr. George S. Messersmith, Sierra Paracaima 1285 Mexico 10, B.F.

Woods Hole, Cape Cod, Mass. August 25t 1959

Dear George: Thanks for your letters with the interesting information

received here. *vonne and I are staying here at Woods Hole for three weeks arid intend to return to Greenwich next Saturday. Hettie and Edna motored last Saturday to Vermont, where they ar# staying with a friend, free from household worries (somewhat imaginary).

Stephen is happy at Bayer's. His salary has "been twice increased. He will not be home before next summer. He and Lida, and lida's boy, just returned to Leverkusen from a three weeks vacation at the French Riviera.

Here in Cap* Cod we live in a paradise in many respects, weather temperate by a see breeae. Woods Hole is a small town with a very famous oceanographic institute. Scientists from every part of the world gather here for research work in the important labs, among them several Nobel prise winners, others also with famous names and others without a name.

The Gulfstream exercises a great influence on the waters, which show a very great variety. The

the substance installations

Naples created by Prof. Heckel and Dohrn were established before of of those of Woods Hole and were financed by Krupp, who spent his winters on Capri and whom I met in 1698. The Gulfstream has not the same influence in Naples as it has in Woods Hole, where the scientific activity is 100 times more important than in Naples. The increased budget for the ten next years here amounts to #600,000,000,

Admiral Radford spent several months in Woods Hole working on the effects of the Gulfstream. I have sent you in a separate envelope a clipping from a local paper referring to the Admiral, also s postcard with pictures of our motel.

I remember a picture which I sia*-, showing palaatrees in Irland and an iced island situated on the same southern latitude. The Gulfstream has an enormous influence on the mentality of men. humanity without the Gulfstream would mean no Newton, Leibnlts, Galileo, Pascal, Shakespeare, Goethe, Moli&re et tutti quanti.

Woods Hole is for me 8 very restful and fascinating place. I visited Cape Cod by car and found many traces of Portuguese influence. lou will find Portuguese bread on all Menu Sards in hotels and restaurants, Portuguese goods in many shops. The Por­tugueses did a great deal of whale fishing in New Foundland and

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Cape Cod waters. Now for years they have chosen their own waters near the Azores for the catch of whales, the treatment of which creates an unbearable smell. But Portuguese fishermen still ecrae every year over here £or general fishing. The cardinal in Lisbon blesses theishipaiavery year before they sail, and these are many. There are more Irishmen in the world than in Irland. Portugal would show the same result, counting the Portuguese! living in Brazil. Portugal exports people, as they send their earnings homof which replaces the export of commodities. Finally they return home and settle near Porto.

Hundreds of college student* and also graduates are working here during their long vacation as waiters in hotels and restaurants in order to mako some money. Some college*, like Oberlin College, perform operas t Smetana's "The Bartered Bride", the "Bettelstudent", also orchestra music, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi etc. It is fun and interesting to talk to these youngsters.

What will happen in forty years when this country will haT* a population of 325>OOQ,OQO ' Pood, water, housing, electric power, teaching ..g Hew York snowed a small example of the consequences of electricity deficiency. I do not believe that tho atomic energy will replace coal and oil in a short time. The installation of a K.Wj in a steam power station costs #125 and in an atomic power station #375, A* the atomic K.W. houtk will not be cheaper in many years to come than steam K.W, hour, there will be no inducement for bankers to risk their money, especially as capital expenditure for atomic power will be three times that of steam.

As to the political picture, nothing will be changed during all these talks, but as long as one talks nothing will happen. These talks should beresamed for many years to come, K, will not live for ever. The English, Palate rs ton and Disraeli, said business is impossible with the Russians,

The English have a hard nut to crack with ths Islanders, who are apparently good negotiators as they seem to be winning the "Cod War", why not let them try their hand in the "Cold War" '.