hmi seminar report

ABSTRACT Today, HMI-based products are used in a broad range of industries including transportation, machinery, instrumentation, process control, and telecommunications as well as in audio, video, broadcast, and multimedia applications. HMI Systems are particularly important in high-stress and safety-critical operations that control processes, machinery, and transport systems. For human engineering purposes, HMI specialists like EAO encourage the consideration of several key areas: ergonomics, health and safety, performance, and the presentation of information. That said, it is essential to look beyond purely ergonomic requirements of an application and consider any environmental demands that are likely to be placed upon the end product. To address the ergonomic risks associated with harsh industrial applications, especially those situated outdoors, it is wise to consider stainless steel switches, keypads, and keyboards that operate reliably in these situations. If the environment demands, stainless steel products offer protection up to IP 67 as well as resistance to heat, shock, vibration, and vandalism. These and other durable polymer- based products require minimal maintenance and deliver long-term value in terms of lifecycle cost benefit. 1

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it is all about human machine interface. that will help you to understand the working of HMI.



Today, HMI-based products are used in a broad range of industries including transportation, machinery, instrumentation, process control, and telecommunications as well as in audio, video, broadcast, and multimedia applications. HMI Systems are particularly important in high-stress and safety-critical operations that control processes, machinery, and transport systems. For human engineering purposes, HMI specialists like EAO encourage the consideration of several key areas: ergonomics, health and safety, performance, and the presentation of information. That said, it is essential to look beyond purely ergonomic requirements of an application and consider any environmental demands that are likely to be placed upon the end product. To address the ergonomic risks associated with harsh industrial applications, especially those situated outdoors, it is wise to consider stainless steel switches, keypads, and keyboards that operate reliably in these situations. If the environment demands, stainless steel products offer protection up to IP 67 as well as resistance to heat, shock, vibration, and vandalism. These and other durable polymer-based products require minimal maintenance and deliver long-term value in terms of lifecycle cost benefit.


1.1 INTRODUCTION:A human machine interface (HMI) is an interface which permits interaction between a human being and a machine. Human machine interfaces vary widely, from control panels for nuclear power plants to the screen and input buttons on a cell phone. Designing such interfaces is a challenge, and requires a great deal of work to make the interface functional, accessible, pleasant to use, and logical. Some engineers specialize in developing human machine interfaces and changing the ways in which people interact with machines and systems.HMI is the acronym for Human Machine Interface, and can be designed as just that; an interface between the user and the machine. An HMI is considered an interface; a very broad term that can include MP3 players, industrial computers, household appliances, and office equipment. However, an HMI is much more specific to manufacturing and process control systems. An HMI provides a visual representation of a control system and provides real time data acquisition. An HMI can increase productivity by having a centralized control center that is extremely user-friendly.

FIG.1.1-HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE BLOCK DIAGRAM A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is exactly what the name implies; a graphical interface that allows humans and machines to interact. Human machine interfaces vary widely, from control panels for nuclear power plants, to the screen on an iPhone. However, for this discussion we are referring to an HMI control panel for manufacturing-type processes. An HMI is the centralized control unit for manufacturing lines, equipped with Data Recipes, event logging, video feed, and event triggering, so that one may access the system at any moment for any purpose. For a manufacturing line to be integrated with an HMI, it must first be working with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). It is the PLC that takes the information from the sensors, and transforms it to Boolean algebra, so the HMI can decipher and make decisions.Basic Types of HMIs:There are three basic types of HMIs: the pushbutton replacer, the data handler, and the overseer. Before the HMI came into existence, a control might consist of hundreds of pushbuttons and LEDs performing different operations. The pushbutton replacer HMI has streamlined manufacturing processes, centralizing all the functions of each button into one location. The data handler is perfect for applications requiring constant feedback from the system, or printouts of the production reports. With the data handler, you must ensure the HMI screen is big enough for such things as graphs, visual representations and production summaries. The data handler includes such functions as recipes, data trending, data logging and alarm handling/logging. Finally, anytime an application involves SCADA or MES, an overseer HMI is extremely beneficial. The overseer HMI will most likely need to run Windows, and have several Ethernet ports.How to Select an HMI:An HMI is a substantial purchase, so it is important to know exactly what is required of it. An HMI is used for three primary roles: a pushbutton replacer, data handler, and overseer. The pushbutton replacer takes the place of LEDs, On/ Off buttons, switches or any mechanical device that performs a control function. The elimination of these mechanical devices is possible because the HMI can provide a visual representation of all these devices on its LCD screen, while performing all the same functions. The Data Handler is used for applications that require constant feedback and monitoring. Often these Data Handlers come equipped with large capacity memories. The last of the HMI three types is referred to as the overseer, because it works with SCADA and MES. These are centralized systems that monitor and control entire sites or complexes of large systems spread out over large areas. An HMI is usually linked to the SCADA system's databases and software programs, to provide trending, diagnostic data.Physical Properties of a HMI:The actual physical properties of an HMI vary from model to model and among manufacturers. It is important that one makes the appropriate selection. An HMI that is located in a water plant might have various water seals around its perimeter, as opposed to an HMI that is located in a pharmaceutical warehouse. The actual size of an HMI is also a key physical property that will vary, because not all applications require a large, high-resolution monitor. Some applications may only require a small, black and white touch screen monitor. When it comes to selecting an HMI, the physical properties are extremely important because one must take into consideration the operating environment, and what safety measures the HMI needs to protect itself. Also, a specific size may be needed due to space limitations. Lastly, physical properties include the processor and memory of the HMI. It is important to make sure that the processor and memory capabilities are sufficient enough to control a system.How does an HMI Work?First consider the other components that are necessary to make a manufacturing control system operate. The production line consists of all the machinery that performs the work required in the production of the product. Next, consider the various input/output sensors that monitor temperature, speed, pressure, weight and feed rate. Third, decide on the programmable logic controller (PLC) that will receive the data from the input/output sensors, and converts the data into logical combinations.Environmental Aspects for an HMI:The operating environment should always be considered when selecting an HMI. For example: for use in a warehouse that has excessive noise or vibration, one might decide on a heavy-duty HMI. If used in the food processing industry or somewhere that might need to be washed down, select a water-protected HMI. One must also consider temperature as a factor in the selection process. If used in a steel plant, next to a furnace, one would want something that can withstand extreme temperatures.What Programming Software to Choose?When considering which programming software to use, there are three main categories to choose from: proprietary, hardware independent and open software. Proprietary software is the software that the manufacturer provides, which is typically easy to use and allows for quick development. The drawback is that proprietary software will only run on that specific hardware platform. Hardware-independent software is third party software developed to program on several different types of HMIs. This type of software gives the developer much more freedom for the HMI selection. The downside to hardware independent software is that it is not as user-friendly as the proprietary. Open Software should only be selected by the advanced programmer. It allows the developer to have complete openness in the design process.HMI Applications:The HMI is used throughout various industries including manufacturing plants, vending machines, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and utilities, just to name a few. HMIs along with PLCs are typically the backbone of the production line in these industries. The integration of the HMI into manufacturing has vastly improved operations. The HMI allows for supervisory control and data acquisition in the entire system, so parameter changes are feasible as the operators choosing. For example, in metals manufacturing, an HMI might control how metal is cut and folded, and how fast to do so. An HMI offers improved stock control and replenishment, so the fewer journeys are required out to the vendors. HMIs are used in bottling processes to control all aspects of the manufacturing line, such as speed, efficiency, error detection and error correction. Utility companies may use HMIs to monitor water distribution and waste water treatment.Advantages of an HMI:The greatest advantage of an HMI is the user-friendliness of the graphical interface. The graphical interface contains color coding that allows for easy identification (for example: red for trouble). Pictures and icons allow for fast recognition, easing the problems of illiteracy. HMI can reduce the cost of product manufacturing, and potentially increase profit margins and lower production costs. HMI devices are now extremely innovative and capable of higher capacity and more interactive, elaborate functions than ever before. Some technological advantages the HMI offers are: converting hardware to software, eliminating the need for mouse and keyboard, and allowing kinaesthetic computer/human interaction.Advantage of an HMI over a PLC alone:The advantage to using an HMI over using just a PLC is the fact that there are no disadvantages! Using just a PLC will not provide any real-time feedback, cannot set off alarms nor modify the system without reprogramming the PLC. The key advantage to an HMI is it functionality; an HMI can be used for simple tasks such as a coffee brewing controller, or a sophisticated control unit of a nuclear plant. With new HMI designs emerging every day, we are now seeing HMIs that offer remote access, allowing for access of the terminal while away. Another advantage of an HMI is that the user can personally design the user interface.

Convenience:The convenience that comes with an HMI is extremely valuable; the functionality achieved with digitizing a system with an HMI is unbeatable. HMI combines all the control features that are typically found throughout the automation line and places them in one centralized location, eliminating the need to run to a red pushbutton that will stop your line in an emergency. With remote access, the operator does not need to be anywhere near the automation line to start/stop or monitor production. With remote access, the operator can have all the same features, on your centralized unit in a smaller compact form. Simplicity is also a big factor in the usability of an HMI. The screens and functions provide for easy training to supervise the automation line.Interface Flexibility:One of the most convenient features of an HMI is the ability to personalize the interface. An HMI can fully support the most complex applications, with multiple screens and several routines running. If the user is looking to program an HMI with something more simplistic, he/she can have instructions for the controller directly written onto the HMI. Every HMI comes with different features; some may play sound, play video, or even may have remote access control. The design of the actual interface should be optimized for specific applications, taking into consideration all the capabilities of the typical user, as well as the environmental aspects such as noise, lighting, dust, vision and technological curves.HMI/PLC Combination:How can a PLC be controlled without ladder logic? How does an HMI replace the standard software a PLC comes with? Ladder logic is simply conditional programming. For example, if input 1 is energized, then coil 1 will be powered. A statement has to be true for the output to be executed. The same can be achieved with C programming. However, in order to program an HMI to operate a PLC properly, all the registers of the PLC must be known. A good way to learn how to program a PLC via an HMI is to first start working with the PLC and the software it came with. This helps build an understanding of how to operate the PLC without the HMI. That knowledge will easily transfer over when the user is ready to connect the two units together.Wiring:Wiring an HMI into a system may be an easy task if a PLC is already being used. This connection is as simple as connecting a USB, RS-232, RS-485 between the HMI and PLC. In some instances, both units are equipped with wireless features, making the connection even easier. Although the wiring between the PLC and HMI may be an easy task, the wiring between the PLC and the actual automation line could be chaotic. Depending on the size and complexity of the application, profibus extensions may be required for the PLC. A profibus extension is similar to a power strip that extends one input/output to multiple input/outputs by connecting to the expansion port of the PLC. A wiring schematic from the production line to the PLC is highly recommended, so that programming the HMI is sped up drastically.Troubleshooting:Sometimes when the PLC and HMI are hooked up together and operating under the EV5000 software, a PLC error may appear. To troubleshoot the error, simply use a numeric display and set it to the PLC register the data is being written to. If this PLC register comes back with random register values, this indicates that the HMI did not deliver the information to that register. If it was sent correctly, then the numeric displays should show the information that was sent. This is a very simplistic way of solving HMI/PLC errors. See Anaheim Automations Video Tutorials for more help with programming an HMI.History of the HMI:HMI products originated from the need to make machinery easier to operate, while producing optimal outputs. Predecessors of HMI include the Batch Interface (1945-1968), Command-Line User Interface (1969-Present), and the Graphical User Interface (1981-Present). The Batch Interface is a non-interactive user interface, where the user specifies the details to the batch process in advance, and receives the output when all the processing is done. This batch process does not allow for additional input once the process has begun, is problematic in modern manufacturing lines. The Command-Line Interface is a mechanism that interacts with a computer operating system or software by typing commands to perform specific tasks. The concept of the Command-Line interface originated when teletypewriter machines were connected to computers in the 1950s, and offered results on demand; a big downfall of Batch Interface because it could not deliver results on demand. A basic example of Command-Line Interface would be windows Disk Operating System DOS which dominated the 1980s. Over time, interfaces became highly complex and extremely easy to use. One such interface would be the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Graphical User Interface allows people to interact with programs in more ways than typing, such as computers, hand-held devices such as MP3 Players, Portable Media Players or Gaming devices, household appliances, and office equipment with images, rather than text commands. Human Machine Interface stems directly from Graphical User Interface, and comes from the need to control and operate machinery much more effectively. Human Machine Interface formerly known as Man Machine Interface, is now leading the way in the control of manufacturing processes as an extremely user-friendly device.Management information:The technology behind the human machine interface is constantly improving. Researchers have developed interfaces which can be controlled with the mind, for example, seeing applications for this technology among stroke patients and other people with severely restricted modes of communication. Likewise, outputs have become much more sophisticated over time.As many people have noted, a poorly designed human machine interface can be extremely frustrating. On one end of the scale, the interface may be buggy or nonfunctional, causing difficulty because it does not work as intended. On the other end of the scale, the interface works, but it is designed in such a way that it is confusing and challenging to operate because it is not intuitive for users. The art of designing intuitive interfaces requires a deep understanding of how humans interact with their environment and an awareness of the psychology of designing interfaces in a way which will be accessible to a broad spectrum of humans. What works for an engineer in a human machine interface, for example, might not be as easy for a member of the general public.The Human-Machine Interface is quite literally where the human and the machine meet. It is the area of the human and the area of the machine that interact during a given task. Interaction can include touch, sight, sound, heat transference or any other physical or cognitive function. Also Known As: Man-Machine InterfaceExamples:A typical computer station will have four human-machine interfaces, the keyboard (hand), the mouse (hand), the monitor (eyes) and the speakers (ears).


2.1TREND 1: INTEGRATED USER EXPERIENCE:The significance of user interfaces has become increasingly clear over the last years. Apple iPod and iPhone are examples of how appealing and intuitive user interfaces have completely changed the perception of particular product types. The success of Apples products and other consumer oriented merchandise clearly shows that a common look and feel among products, graphics and environments can contribute to brand distinction and consistent customer experiences.Many industrial corporations have reached the same conclusion and are starting to focus more on the quality of the user interfaces in their products. In many ways the HMI, or human-machine interface, is the front of a machine or process. The higher the level of functionality and interaction embedded in the HMI, the more the user interface reflects the essential experience of a machine or process. Tomorrows successful HMI will lift the concept of a HMI solution from merely being a functional add-on to become an integral part of a user experience by adding the right look and feel.Design features may include the use of Microsoft WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) objects, scalable to whatever size without loss of picture quality, and the use of .Net objects found or purchased on the internet. The use of templates and object styles makes it simpler to ensure consistent, reusable design. Embedding of all functional objects, including Windows media objects, in the desired screen design will further enhance a positive user experience.Beside the competitive advantage for a machine builder, there are solid arguments even for end users to justify the investment in the development of well-designed intuitive user interfaces. The worth of tomorrows intuitive HMI solutions is reflected in ease of use, higher efficiency and productivity, reduced time to complete tasks, improved user satisfaction, trust in systems, and fewer user errors.

2.2TREND 2: BEST PRACTICE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES:The HMI evolution is driven by continuous software development backed by robust high-performance display panel hardware. Today, the panel hardware is considered as a vehicle for the HMI software platform, allowing OEM design engineers to add value to their corporations products with a variety of options for functionality and design features. The software platform is therefore a crucial element of a HMI solution.HMI software development is a costly and complex matter, and innovative HMI manufacturers will need to base their software platforms on modern, widespread technologies such as .Net technology to be able to access a sufficiently broad variety of tools and functionality.The same argument can be applied to the future maintenance and development of the technology platforms of HMI solutions. The resources behind .Net are enormous, which will be reflected in the continuous development of new functionalities in the HMI software. Dependence on proprietary technologies or technologies from smaller vendors must be considered a unique approach, but a risky strategy.HMI solutions based on Microsofts .Net framework or similar technologies are likely to be able to guarantee a innovative future-proof tool, with continuous updates and service support highly appreciated by OEMs with long term strategies for their own products and external suppliers.2.3TREND 3: OPEN PLATFORM ARCHITECTURES:HMI basically integrates the operation of a machine or a process with the feedback to or from the operator. One aspect is the quality of the graphic user interface and in connection to this, i.e. the usability. Another important aspect is the openness of the HMI solution. Is it easy or difficult to exchange essential information with different systems or controllers? Is the application code locked for customisation of functions or objects? Will runtime software be able to operate on different hardware platforms? Are design engineers able to use standard .Net objects in their projects? These are issues frequently more discussed in the dialogue between customers and vendors.The open platform architecture of tomorrows HMI solutions will offer a wide range of opportunities for OEMs to enhance the look, the functionality and the connectivity of applications in order to catalyse unique products with substantial integrity. HMI solutions will be less proprietary and offer increased freedom in choice of runtime platform, from compact operator panels to industrial PCs from different manufacturers.It will be possible to create a scalable master project, which can be applied to different controller brands and panel resolutions with the advantage of only having to maintain one project. Engineers will demand opportunities to use scripting tools, e.g. C# scripts, to customise the look or functionality of objects. The design tool will offer the possibility to import third party objects and .Net controls.Freedom in connectivity and communication is the hallmark of a truly open HMI solution and will include a variety of options, ranging from simple real-time exchange of data between controllers, up to SQL and OPC communication with other equipment and IT systems.Summary:HMI solutions are in a state of change, with industrial user interfaces taking inspiration from consumer products. The use of advanced 3D-style graphics and icon-based navigation and controls is generating user-friendly and intuitive user interfaces.Trend-setting HMI solutions will support this mindset, with fully embedded state-of-the-art graphics providing well designed intuitive user interfaces, based on flexible widespread modern software technologies and true open platform architectures.Graphic user interfaces do not necessarily have to include the use of advanced graphic solutions. Simplicity and consistency often beats complexity and overly artistic solutions. However, the design process very often benefits from co-operation between graphic designers and application engineers.


The smart objects of pervasive computing require developers who design user interfaces that move beyond the formerly dominant monitor/keyboard principle. Most objects will have a variety of interfaces to their environment, but these will not include visualization components. Moreover, there will be many implicit interactions in which the user will have little or no involvement in the computing process, to avoid flooding the user with information. Even so, the user must be given the option of controlling the activities of pervasive computing by means of an appropriate human-machine interface.The human-machine interface is not a self-contained field of technology. It is instead an interdisciplinary challenge that draws on such fields as computer science, ergonomics, the cognitive sciences and microelectronics. These days, the human-machine interface serves nearly all of the human senses:.Voice command plays an important role in innovative user interfaces. By now, computer-controlled voice output is largely mastered. Speech recognition is more interesting and challenging, and it will continue to require further research. Conversion of speech to text is currently precise enough for dictation machines, for example. Similarly, voice command of a system is possible in narrow application areas with delimitable vocabulary, and is already in use, especially in call centres.Handwriting recognition functions well today, and it turns up in many Personal Digital Assistants, which dispense with keyboards altogether. 3 In the visual realm, a number of approaches offer new forms for the human-machine interface. These are often supplementary visualizations in the users field of vision, such as projecting a map onto a cars windscreen, or displaying virtual elements in the persons field of view with head-mounted display (augmented reality). In contrast to the 3-D simulations of virtual reality, augmented reality always preserves the connection to the real world.Movements in a room can be captured by motion sensors and processed as system inputs, so that virtual objects in augmented reality can actually be handled, for example.Interesting developments in displays include flexible, large-area polymer displays, and smart paper a paper-like rewritable display in which microspheres can be rotated so that each shows its black or white side.Driven especially by development of handicapped-accessible systems, sensor systems have been developed (and to some extent already implemented) that depart even further from these audiovisual and tactile paradigms. Among them are computer systems that can be controlled by head and eye movements, a puff of breath, or the measurement of brain waves. It is even conceivable that control functions could be realised directly via implants in the body.The human-machine interface plays an important role among all makers of consumer electronics and computer systems. Companies such as Microsoft and Siemens maintain their own usability labs in order to test their products. The auto industry and its suppliers e.g., Toyota, BMW and Mitsubishi, or their suppliers Immerson and Siemens VDO are also working intensively on the interfaces of their driver assistance systems, which must meet especially high safety standards.A central challenge for the human-machine interface is to construct a semantic model of the real world, which would allow the meaning of a spoken sentence to be understood, for example. Such models have been developed as individual applications for self-contained domains, such as medicine, but a general approach does not yet exist. These developments are currently getting a strong boost from the Semantic Web Initiative of the Internet standards organisation, the World Wide Web Consortium. Semantic Web comprises a collection of standards for classification systems such as RDF and OWL, which model the real world in networks of concepts. Whether and how this approach might impact real applications is not yet foreseeable.According to the experts assessment, the human-machine interface plays a rather average role, compared to the other technology fields. They do see speech technology as particularly relevant but also as a possible technological bottleneck. They view the visionary approaches of gestures and implants as less relevant for the further development of pervasive computing.



FIG.3.3: POTENTIAL BOTTLENECKS IN THE HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE FOR PERVASIVE COMPUTING.3.1BENEFITS OF AN HMI IN THE AUTOMATION CELL:1. Takes the place of Physical push buttons.2. Allows the operator to start and stop cycles.3. Eliminates excessive wiring by interlinking directly into the PLC.4. Easily reprogrammable to add almost any function that exists currently in the PLC Without extra wiring or design changes.5. Clear customizable HMI status screens for easier troubleshooting and to save on downtime.6. Almost unlimited functions.7. Alarm control HMI8. Counter9. Password protection to lock specific people out of performing certain functions10. Display PLC numeric data11. Upload pictures for clarification and fast recognition12. Easy cell duplication13. Easy cell operation capability from a central location14. HMI can connect to multiple PLC's within the cell for complete cell status15. Color coding allows for easy identification (ex. red for trouble green ok)


4.1 INTRODUCTION:Operator is played an important part in the human-machine dialogue. They must use the information they have to perform actions that make the machines and installations run properly without endangering safety and availability. It is therefore crucial that the interfaces and dialogue functions are designed to ensure that operation can be performed reliably in all circumstances. Information flow in the human-machine interface:A human-machine interface (C Fig.1) uses two information flows in two directions:- Machine > Human- Human > Machine


These flows are independent yet linked. Independent:Because their content can be on different levels.The levels are defined by the designer of the automation system according to the requirements of the process and what the user wants, such as discrete signals from the operator to the machine, alphanumerical or animated diagram messages from the machine to the operator.Linked:Because the automation system interprets an operator action on a control interface as a specifically defined action and, in return, emits information that depends on whether the action was properly performed or not. The operator can either act by his own decision (stop production, modify data, etc.) or in response to a message from the machine (alarm, end of cycle, etc.). Role of the operator:The operating interface includes all the functions required for controlling and supervising the operation of a machine or installation. Depending on the requirements and complexity of the process, the operator may have to perform.

Regular processes run tasks:- stop and start the process; both steps may include start and stop procedures that are automatic or manual or semi-automatic and controlled by the operator.- operate the controls and make the adjustments required for regular process run and monitor its progress. Tasks to deal with unexpected events:- detect abnormal situations and undertake corrective action before the situation disturbs the process further (e.g. for early warning of motor overload, restoring normal load conditions before the overload relay trips).- Deal with system failure by stopping production or implementing downgraded operation using manual controls instead of automatic ones to keep production running;- ensure safety of people and property by operating safety devices if necessary. The scope of these tasks shows how important the operators role is. Depending on the information he has, he may have to take decisions and perform actions that fall outside the framework of the regular procedures and directly influence the safety and availability of the installation. This means the dialogue system should not be confined to mere exchange of information between human and machine but should be designed to facilitate the task of the operator and ensure that the safety of the system in all circumstances.Quality of interface design:The quality of the operating interface design can be measured by the ease with which an operator can detect and understand an event and how efficiently he can respond. Detect:Any change in a machines operating conditions is usually seen by a change in or display of information on an indicator, display unit or screen. The operator must, above all, be able to detect the event in any environmental conditions (ambient lighting, etc.).Different means can be employed to attract attention: flashing information, colour change, sound signal, anti-reflection devices, etc. Understand:To prevent any action that might endanger safety, the information the operator sees must be legible and accurate enough to be immediately understood and used.This is as much a matter of the ergonomics of the components as of the function design:- For a pilot light: use of the standard colour, fast and slow flashing clearly differentiated, etc.-For a display unit: clear texts in the language of the user, adequate reading distance, etc.-For a screen: use of standard symbols, zoom giving a detailed view of the area the message involves, etc.Respond:Depending on what message the machine sends, the operator may have to act swiftly by pressing one or more buttons or keys. This action is facilitated by:-Clear markings to identify buttons and keys easily, such as standard symbols on buttons.-Clever ergonomics with large buttons touch keys, etc.4.2HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACES & DISCRETE CONTROL AND INDICATOR UNITS:The human-machine interface has made outstanding progress over the last few years. The basic function of the push button has been enhanced by interfaces using electronics to improve and customize the dialogue and add new features, such as custom settings and diagnostics.The table (C Fig.) shows the offer and functions of human-machine interfaces:-


DISCRETE CONTROL AND INDICATOR UNITS:-Push buttons and pilot lightsStandard ranges:These interfaces are perfectly adapted to situations where the operator and the machine exchange little information which is limited to discrete signals (run orders and status indications).They are rugged and reliable electromechanical components that are easy to implement, ergonomic and not vulnerable to ambient conditions. They can be fitted with a wide range of round or square control heads.They have a standard colour code which makes them easy to identify (see note).They are intuitive or reflex devices (e.g. for emergency stops).For this reason, they are used for safety operations which require controls that are as simple and direct as possible.Note: the IEC 60204-1 standard stipulates the colour codes that pilot lights and push buttons must be:- Red light: emergency hazardous situation requiring immediate action (pressure not within safety limits, over-travel, broken coupling, etc.).- Yellow light: abnormal an abnormal situation likely to lead to a hazardous situation (pressure not within normal limits, tripping of protection device, etc.).- White light: neutral general information (supply voltage, etc.).- Red push button: emergency - action to counter danger (emergency stop, etc.).- Yellow push button: abnormal - action to counter abnormal conditions (intervention to restore an automatic cycle run, etc.).The push button interface is used for general stop and start control and safety circuit control (emergency stops).They exist in diameters of 16, 22 and 30mm (NEMA standards) and different designs (C Fig 3):- Chromium-plated metal bezel, for all heavy-duty applications in harsh industrial environments.- Plastic for harsh environments: chemical and food industries. Operating headThere is a wide range of control heads:- Flush, protruding recessed or booted;- Mushroom;- Double-headed;- Mushroom with latching;- Emergency stop;- Switch with toggle, handle, key, 2 or 3 set or pull-off positions;- Metal pin (multidirectional control);- Flush, protruding or booted pilot lights.


The modular design of control and indicator units offers great flexibility of use. Pilot lights and illuminated buttons are fitted with filament lamps or LEDs. They are mains powered and have a voltage reducer or built-in transformer. The control units can hold 1 to 6 NO or NC contacts compatible with 24V PLC inputs. Ruggedness and reliabilityPush buttons and pilot lights are subject to harsh environmental conditions. Life time of a push button is around 1 million of operations. They must be designed to withstand shock tests according to the IEC 60947-5-5 standard. As an example, according to the standard, an emergency stop button must withstand 5.5 Joules without failure; the Harmony push button range can withstand 17 Joules.Buttons and pilot lights for printed circuit connection (C Fig.) The 22mm diameter range exists in a version for "printed circuit connection". These products are designed for repeated dialogue media with an identical diagram. The control and indicator units are from the standard range. The electrical blocks specific to these versions have output contacts to weld them to printed circuits. Square-headed key buttons and pilot lightsThese devices are mounted at intervals of 19.05 mm (3/4) in holes 16 mm in diameter. They are used to make compact control units when space is at a premium and they can be linked to input keyboards. Key buttons are touch-sensitive. They can have a silver or gold contact.


LED pilot lights (C Fig )LEDs for 0.8 and 12 mm mountings are especially recommended when space is limited or when there are a lot of indicating elements (low power dissipation). They have many advantages:- Excellent resistance to shocks, vibrations and voltage surges,- Long lifetime (>100,000 hrs.),- Low consumption making them directly compatible with PLCs outputs.

FIG.4.4- LEDS PILOT LIGHTS Illuminated beacons and banks (C Fig.6)Beacons and banks are optical or sound indicators to view machine and alarm statuses over great distances and through 360.

FIG.4.5- ILLUMINATED BEACONS AND BANKS BeaconsThese have a single illuminated lens or flash unit, which is colourless, green, red, orange or blue. BanksThese have a variable composition made up of lens units, flash units or sound signals. These elements are slotted together. Electrical connection is made automatically as they are stacked together. IEC 60204-1 standardThe IEC 60204-1 standard stipulates the colour codes corresponding to displayed messages:Light signalling- Red: urgent (immediate action required)- Yellow / Orange: anomaly (checking and/or intervention required)- Green: normal condition (optional)- Blue: obligatory action (action required from the operator)- White: monitoring (optional)Flashing lights- For distinction or specific information:- Attract more attention- Call for immediate action- Indicate discordance between the instruction and the actual status- Indicate a change in cycle (flashing during transition).Flash and rotating mirror beacons- A more powerful signal for top priority information or longer distance signalling (conforming to IEC 60073).Buzzer and sirens- Recommended in environments subject to considerable light or sound interference or when the presence of the operator is of higher importance. Joysticks (C Fig.)Joysticks usually use contactors to control movement through one or two axes, such as travel/direction or raising/lowering on small hoisting equipment.They usually have 2 to 8 directions, with 1 or 2 contacts per direction, with or without return to zero.Some joysticks have a dead man contact at the end of the lever.



5.1 INTRODUCTION:Progress in electronics and communication systems has led to the development of human machine interfaces with enhanced user-friendly functions. These interfaces make it possible to set product parameters, obtain information on actuators, such as current consumption, temperature, speed, etc.The operator can also choose the working language by setting it in advance.Special embedded control panel:Special dialogue tools built into products offer performance tailored to the needs of operating adjustment and efficient diagnostics.The panel (C Fig.9) is from an Altivar ATV 71 Telemecanique.

FIG.5.1- ATV71 EMBENDDED CONTROL PANELMain features:- Graphic screen with custom display.- Plain text entry with 6 languages available (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) and others on option.- Browse button to navigate the menus easily.- Simply Start menu for a quick start to get the most from Altivar 71 performance immediately.- Function keys for shortcuts, online help or to configure for applications.- Permanent display of motor operation settings.

Main advantages:- Clear display with text on 8 lines and graphic views. Legibility up to 5 m (C Fig.10) .

FIG.5.2- EXAMPLE OF ATV71 MESSAGES- Flexibility through remote operation: on a cabinet door avec with IP 54 or IP 65 protection for multipoint connection to several speed controllers.- Storage 4 configurations can be stored for transfer to other speed controllers.

-Ease to use with function keys for shortcuts, direct access and online help, maximum and minimum parameter display.- Ergonomic browse button. Navigate the dropdown menu quickly and easily with just one finger.- Custom parameters, viewing screens, monitor bar, user menu creation, etc.- Protection of parameters, visibility control, password protection for safe and easy access to custom configurations.Many macro-configurations already integrated. They are designed for a wide range of uses and applications: handling, hoisting, general use, connection to field bus, PID regulation, master, slave, etc.They are easy to modify. A wealth of varied services is available through the graphic terminal to help tune and diagnose machines.Screen/keyboard terminals:Unlike embedded terminals, screens and keyboards are generic products that adapt to any application. As we saw in the table above screen terminals are used in both commissioning and operation. Depending on their type and software, they can play an important part in maintenance operations.Terminals communicate with the process via the appropriate communication bus and are an integral part of the dialogue and data chain. To illustrate what screen/keyboard terminals can do, we shall take a look at the Telemecanique Magelis offer.These graphic terminals (with an LCD touch screen of 5.7 to 12.1 and keyboard or touch screen of 10.4) provide simple access to graphic solutions for controlling and/or supervising automated units.Communication performances are guaranteed by a direct connection to an Ethernet TCP/IP network. Important features: Designed for harsh industrial environments- Rugged and compact;- Reliable ergonomic control by keyboard or touch screen;- Highly contrasted screens for excellent legibility. Maintenance & diagnostics via the web- Remote control via Internet Explorer;- Access to operator console diagnostic information via HTML pages;- Remote diagnostics;- Automatic emailing. Compatible and upgradeable- API connection available (several manufacturers);- OPC communication (several manufacturers (OPC server);- TCP/IP network integration;- Embedded VB Script. Innovating HMI concepts- decentralised control stations;- centralised access to local stations, small control rooms;- Usable throughout the world over as many languages are supported.


6.1FUTURE OUTLOOK:Today, HMI is still mostly a vision of technology, much like the World Wide Web 10 years ago. Extensive development work will be necessary to realise nearly all of its characteristics, such as autarkic power supply, machine-machine communication, the human-machine interface and security technologies. Apart from RFID-based logistics and security systems, there are very few pervasive computing applications currently in existence. Yet the dissemination and use of the Internet and mobile telephones over the past decade suggests how quickly ICT can develop, affecting and even transforming large segments of society in the process. Based on the in-depth interviews and online survey conducted for this study, two initial theses on the future of pervasive computing can be formulated: In the short run, The development of HMI is typified by two characteristics that may appear contradictory at first glance. On the one hand, only a few HMI applications (narrowly defined) exist at present. On the other hand, international experts expect such applications will be realised within the next one to five years. Most likely, these early smart objects will mostly offer integration of different functions which will include, in particular, certain sensory capabilities and data exchange via mobile broadband, enabling connection to the Internet. As a logical consequence, the first pervasive computing applications will probably draw heavily on what is already realised in the Internet in rudimentary form. Audiovisual and data communication will merge, existing media ruptures will be overcome, and the possibility of digital communication will become ubiquitous [Bott 04]. Pervasive computing offerings will be called up via a multitude of everyday electronic devices, while the services themselves will be provided by a central, Internet-based IT infrastructure. The close correspondence between web services and the aspirations of pervasive computing is also reflected in what are expected to be its early uses. Since mobility is a central characteristic in the early stage of pervasive computing, one can assume that enabling Internet connectivity from any device will be a main focus. Smart objects will thus, in a sense, represent a materialisation of available online services. In the coming years, pervasive computing will be typified not by the refrigerator or range automatically connecting to recipes, but by ubiquitous access to information and services available over the Internet.CONCLUSIONHuman-machine interface is probably the sector in automation which has made the greatest progress in the last few years. This progress is due to increasingly sophisticated and user-friendly electronics and signal processing. With the right choice of interface and its configuration, users can control processes with ever greater exactness and undertake diagnostics and preventive maintenance to increase productivity by reducing downtime. The greatest advantage of an HMI is the user-friendliness of the graphical interface. The graphical interface contains color coding that allows for easy identification (for example: red for trouble). Pictures and icons allow for fast recognition, easing the problems of illiteracy. HMI can reduce the cost of product manufacturing, and potentially increase profit margins and lower production costs. HMI devices are now extremely innovative and capable of higher capacity and more interactive, elaborate functions than ever before. Some technological advantages the HMI offers are: converting hardware to software, eliminating the need for mouse and keyboard, and allowing kinaesthetic computer/human interaction.

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