hmv pitch

Sophie Merritt & Gilly Genge

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Post on 24-Jun-2015




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Page 1: HMV Pitch

Sophie Merritt & Gilly Genge

Page 2: HMV Pitch

Target Audience

HMV’s main target audience would be 16-30’s of both genders. (Browsers who make the odd purchase)

You would then have your ‘Music Geeks’ who would be those people who visit the store every week to see what is new. (Weekly visitors who often make purchases every time)

And then you have the 60+ audience who would tend to be men who only come in when they need or want something specific.

However, HMV’s events and festivals would mainly be aimed at the audience of 16-30’s. Young students and adults of both genders who enjoy music, festivals, alcohol and a social crowd.

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The Problem

Despite HMV being the leading retail company for entertainment with 285 stores in the UK, sales are continuing to fall due to the recent development and popularisation of web 2.0

More and more people are using the Internet to source their films and music, resulting in a huge loss in customers for HMV

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Our Intentions

Our intention is to prevent the sales from decreasing further and increase HMV’s intake

We wish to achieve this by advertising other services that HMV provide that have not already been promoted in detail

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The Solution

One of HMV’s most recent events is ‘HMV’s Next Big Thing’, which is based in various venues and runs from 2nd-12th February 2012

Our plan is to use this event to promote HMV and keep it alive – founded in 2010, it is a fairly new event and is still attracting a new audience

By promoting and advertising this event in and outside of the stores, it shows that HMV can pull through and with its customers help, will survive and continue to make a profit

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The Solution

We will use various advertisements to promote HMV’s Next Big Thing

This will consist of: flyers, billboards, posters for HMV’s own venues (i.e. Hammersmith Apollo), designs for the back of train tickets in London, web banners, etc.

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Front Back

These are the designs for a small flyer (approximately the size of a business card) that will be placed in the bags of HMV customers

These will start being used three months before the event to give people more time to purchase tickets if they are interested

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DesignsThis is the design for a poster to be used in the different venues in which HMV’s Next Big Thing will be held

These will be put up approximately 4 months before the gigs

As the dates draw closer the posters will be displayed in more public places to attract a larger audience

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DesignsThese are designs of billboards that will be used to promote HMV’s Next Big Thing, approximately one month before the shows

Each billboard has a different act from the festival’s line up on it

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DesignsThis is the design for flyers that will be handed out after different gigs or events

They will be distributed mainly at the venues which the festival will be held in, but also outside clubs to attract a larger audience

These will start being given out about a month before the gigs

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DesignsThis is the design for the back of a train ticket

These will be used mainly around London, and will begin being used about 2 months before the event

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DesignsThis design along with various others can be used to promote HMV as a store… informing the audience as to what the store has to offer. Various different images will be used to relate each poster to a particular genre. I.e. Music, Film, Gaming and many more.

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DesignsAlso as a form of advertising and promoting a web banner has been designed. It is an animated design that introduces the festival and the store as well as what to expect from both.

The animation will be featured on various web pages as well as the HMV website. It can appear on social networking sites as a form of advertising to a broader audience.