holy family parish · 2020. 8. 9. · and “why did you doubt?” we need jesus to reach out to us...

www. lyfa ily g . rg Te ly ffi ial web ite f r ur pari e. l ite a al be a e e fr t i web ite. CLE GY r u E il: ffi e h lyf ily gh. rg ev. Kevin . P eckin P tr ev. e r e alt n S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. avid eWitt S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. Frederick ru er P ri l in eac n J se h Vannucci eac n Ti thy N ca eac n Frank ursic Weekend Mass Ti es tur y Vigil: 4:00 PM t. Iren eu 4:00 PM t. J hn the ti t 5: 0 PM t. J eh :00 PM Our L y f J y un y: :00 M Our L y f J y : 0 M t J eh 9:00 M t. J hn the ti t 10:00 M Our L y f J y 11:00 M t. J nu riu 11:00 M t. Iren eu 11: 0 M t. J hn the ti t :00 PM t. J hn the ti t C nfe in: Mn y :00- : 0 PM t . J nu riu We ne y :00- : 0 PM t. Ir n u tur y 9: 0-10:00 M t. J n t B ti t - Or By A int nt - H LY F AM LY AR H St. Ir n u, k ot St. J nu riu , St. J hn th pti t, Pu St. J ph, Vero , ur L y f J y, Pu

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Page 1: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent



The only official website for our parishes.

School sites can also be accessed from this website.


Group Email: [email protected]

Rev. Kevin G. Poecking


Rev. George Dalton

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. David DeWitt

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. Frederick Gruber

Parish Chaplain

Deacon Joseph Vannucci

Deacon Timothy Noca

Deacon Frank Bursic

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Irenaeus

4:00 PM St. John the Baptist

5:30 PM St. Joseph

6:00 PM Our Lady of Joy

Sunday: 8:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

8:30 AM St Joseph

9:00 AM St. John the Baptist

10:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

11:00 AM St. Januarius

11:00 AM St. Irenaeus

11:30 AM St. John the Baptist

6:00 PM St. John the Baptist


Monday 6:00-6:20 PM St . Januarius

Wednesday 6:00-6:20 PM St. Irenaeus

Saturday 9:30-10:00 AM St. John the Baptist

- Or By Appointment -


St. Irenaeus, Oakmont

St. Januarius, St. John the Baptist, Plum

St. Joseph, Verona, Our Lady of Joy, Plum

Page 2: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


Dear fellow members of Holy Family Parish,

Today’s readings invite us to focus on how we hear the voice of

God calling to us in our lives. In the Gospel, in the storm, Jesus

instructs his disciples, “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid” To

Peter he calls “Come.” When Peter begins to sink, Jesus reaches

to him saying “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?” In the first

reading, surrounded by various calamitous noises, Elijah hears

God in a tiny whispering sound. In the second reading, St Paul

identifies conscience as the place where the Holy Spirit joins him

to bear witness to Christ.

A person’s conscience, as defined in the Catechism of the Catholic

Church is a “voice calling to him to love and to do what is good and

to avoid evil…For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God…

His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There

he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.”


We are distinguished from all other creatures because God made

us in His image. He infused us with a soul. God gave us free will.

He inscribed us with the voice of conscience.

Conscience is meant to help free will choose what is good. Free

will is a capacity to love freely, as God loves freely, not to be

driven purely by instinct as other creatures are. But because we

can love freely, we can also choose to not love. We can choose

evil. We can choose against God, our own good and the good of

others. When we know we choose evil, we sin. We become

responsible for our choice.

Free will is not to be confused with freedom. Freedom is not the

arbitrary choice to do good or evil. When we choose evil, we

remove ourselves from God and from the good things we need for

our fulfillment. That is why St. Paul speaks of sin as a form of

slavery. True freedom can only be found by freely choosing the

good and embracing what loves others and God. Pope Saint John

Paul II once said “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but

in having the right to do what we ought.” Hence, free will is not the

same as freedom. With free will, God has created us for good and

for love, but by disobeying God, we are also capable of great evil.

So, free will is the capacity, but freedom is the life lived in love. To

be truly free we must always choose what is good, what loves God

and others.

Conscience is where God wants to help us to choose good and to

avoid evil. – to freely seek what loves Him and our neighbor.

Unfortunately, today, many people don’t understand what

conscience is. To some, examining one’s conscience is simply

deciding what to do. Good or evil are not part of the evaluation.

Instead, it focuses on the pros and cons of results. Moral truth is

replaced by arbitrary choice. But this is not really conscience. The

purpose of conscience is not to tell us what we want. Conscience

should tell us what God wants. The Catechism says, “Conscience

is a judgment of reason whereby the human person recognizes the

moral quality of a concrete act. …In all he says and does, man is

obliged to follow faithfully what he knows to be just and right.”


If conscience is to tell us what God wants, it must be formed and

exercised well. It is possible for a person to not know what is good

and loving. It is possible for a person to be formed by guidance

and examples that are terribly misleading. That is why we have a

duty to seek truth and guidance from God. We have a duty to

overcome ignorance regarding good and evil, as much as we can,

when we are confused. We also have a duty to help others do the


Sometimes, all of us are like Elijah in the first reading. Surrounded

by catastrophic noises we need to know how to hear God in the

whispering voice of conscience. Like St. Peter, when we are

sinking in the stormy waters of life, Jesus may call to us “Come”

and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and

raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our

doubts. To the extent that we invest ourselves in forming good

consciences, like St. Paul we can feel ourselves united to the Holy

Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide the Church in truth. And

if we look to the teachings of Jesus, to the teachings of the

Church, we cultivate our knowledge of good and evil and become

better able to exercise a well formed conscience.

So, conscience serves two purposes: first, if it is well formed, it

helps us to know what God wants, what is good for us, and what

helps us to live good and loving lives; Second, because

conscience helps us to live in love, it helps us to rely on God’s

grace to live in freedom, and as the image of God in which we

have been created.

The noises in our world are very real. The storms of life and faith

can be very challenging. Today’s readings remind us that God can

come to us if, like Elijah, we can know how to filter out the noise

and hear God’s tiny whispering sound in a well formed conscience.

Like Peter, we can grasp the hand of Jesus, Who wants to lift us

out of a faith that is feeble. Like Saint Paul, we can discover that

when we are led by the Holy Spirit, we have power to do the work

of Christ.

Don’t be afraid of questions. Don’t be afraid to bring them to Jesus,

and to the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, for answers and

understanding. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend the


+ Memorize the Ten Commandments.

+ Memorize the Beatitudes.

+ Memorize the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

+ Read the Bible.

+ Commit to reading of Catholic moral teachings.

+ Begin to do a daily examination of conscience.

+ Take time to filter out the noises of daily life.

+ Take time to identify you doubts to look for the hand of Jesus

reaching to you to help you with faith.

+ And know that you are not alone!

In Christ, Fr. George

From the�

Desk Of….�

Fr. George Dalton

Senior Parochial Vicar,

Holy Family Parishes

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READING I 1 KGS 19;9A,11-13A

At the mountain of God, Horeb, Elijah came to a cave where he

took shelter. Then the LORD said to him, “Go outside and stand

on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing

by.” A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and

crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the

wind. After the wind there was an earthquake—but the LORD

was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was fire—

but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny

whispering sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his

cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM PS 145:8-9, 15-16,17-18

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your


I will hear what God proclaims; the LORD — for he proclaims

peace. Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him, glory

dwelling in our land.

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your


Kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss.

Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down

from heaven.

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your


The LORD himself will give his benefits; our land shall yield its

increase. Justice shall walk before him, and prepare the way of

his steps.

R. Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your



Brothers and sisters:

I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie; my conscience joins with

the Holy Spirit in bearing me witness that I have great sorrow

and constant anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself

were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my own

people, my kindred according to the flesh. They are Israelites;

theirs the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the

law, the worship, and the promises; theirs the patriarchs, and

from them, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is over all,

God blessed forever. Amen.

R. Alleluia, Alleluia.

I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for His word.

R. Alleluia, Alleluia.

GOSPEL MT 14:22-33

After he had fed the people, Jesus made the disciples get into a

boat and precede him to the other side, while he dismissed the

crowds. After doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself

to pray. When it was evening he was there alone. Meanwhile

the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed about

by the waves, for the wind was against it. During the fourth

watch of the night, he came toward them walking on the sea.

When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were

terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear.

At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be

afraid.” Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command

me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” Peter got out

of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But

when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened;

and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter,

and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

After they got into the boat, the wind died down. Those who

were in the boat did him homage, saying, “Truly, you are the Son

of God.”


Fe, esperanza y caridad. Fueron infundidas por Dios en

nuestra alma el día del bautismo.�


1.� Definición: Es un don, una luz divina por la cual �

somos capaces de reconocer a Dios, ver su mano en

cuanto nos sucede y ver las cosas como Él las ve. Por

tanto, la fe no es un conocimiento teórico, abstracto, de

doctrinas que debo aprender. La fe es la luz para poder

entender las cosas de Dios.�


a) La fe�es un encuentro con Dios, con su designio de

salvación. Y con la fe el hombre responde libremente a

ese encuentro con Dios entregándose a Él, con la inteli-

gencia y la voluntad.�

b) La fe�es sencilla,�no está hecha de elucubraciones y

discursos, sino de verdadera adhesión a Dios, como Ma-

ría, como Abraham.�

c) La fe�es vital,�es decir, debe cambiar mi vida, demos-

trarse en mi vida. Por eso, hay que vivir de fe.�

d) La fe�es experiencial,�es decir, es un conocimiento de

Dios en la intimidad. Los que tienen fe gozan de Dios. No

es un sentimiento, sino un conocimiento del espíritu que

Dios nos concede para intimar con Él. Este conocimiento

experimental de Dios tiene sus momentos privilegiados

para manifestarse a las almas: en el sacrificio, el dolor,

en los momentos de prueba, cuando se requiere de hu-

mildad y de un mayor desprendimiento de sí mismos.�

e) La fe�es objetiva,�es decir, no se queda a nivel subjeti-

vo, intimista, sino que creemos en un Dios que se ha re-

velado a través de la Palabra que hemos recibido de la

Iglesia; Palabra que es preciso conocer, aprender y ha-

cerla vida. Los dogmas de la Iglesia son luces en el ca-

mino de nuestra fe; lo iluminan y lo hacen seguro.�

f) La fe termina en�compromiso. Compromete mi vida con

Dios en la fidelidad a su Ley y en la donación total a Él.

Compromiso de defenderla con mi palabra y testimonio,

alimentarla con la continua lectura y meditación de la Bi-

blia y difundirla a mi alrededor en el apostolado.�



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SATURDAY –19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/8 4:00 PM STI GEORGE, J. Joseph Schiffgens (Wife, Maureen)

* 4:00 PM SJB POECKING Millie Habjan (Deacon Tim & Lisa Noca)

* 5:30 PM SJV POECKING Joseph Pronio (Dorothy Pronio)

6:00 PM OLOJ DALTON Caolyn Saybel (Mark Lazur)

SUNDAY– 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/9 8:00 AM OLOJ


Dolores Wyzykowski (Ed & Marlene Roche)

8:30 AM SJV DEWITT 50th Wedding Anniv. Ralph & Carole Zanella

* 9:00 AM SJB DALTON Antonio Sciulli (Americna Sciulli)

*10:00 AM OLOJ POECKING Ralph & Robert Hersko (Renie Stevens Palladino)

**11:00 AM STI DEWITT Ray Schmidt Family (Madeline Schmidt)

11:00 AM SJAN

BENEDICTINE L/D Papciak & Blodgett Fam. & Friends (Papciak Fam.)

* 11:30 AM SJB POECKING Robert Fedarko (Charlie & Bernice Hufnagel)

6:00 PM SJB DALTON Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes

MONDAY - St. Lawrence 8/10 * 9:00 AM STI DALTON Deceased of Giarrusso Family (Barbara Giarrusso)

6:30 PM SJAN POECKING Thomas Finley (Mom & Sisters)

TUESDAY - St. Clare 8/11 7:30 AM SJV POECKING Lois O’Connor (Family)

* 9:00 AM OLOJ DEWITT Carolyn Saybel (James & Margaret Fisher)

WEDNESDAY - Weekday 8/12

* 9:00 AM SJB DALTON S&TW of Jean Guerriero (Pat Guerriero)

6:30 PM STI POECKING Carmella Bencivenga (Family)

THURSDAY - Weekday 8/13 7:30 AM OLOJ DEWITT Ralph & Roberta Hersko (Renie Stevens Palladino)

* 9:00 AM SJV POECKING Joseph Lauer Family (Rose Marie Ritter)

FRIDAY - St. Maximilian Kolbe 8/14 7:30 AM SJB DEWITT Bob Mineo (Peg Mineo)

* 9:00 AM OLOJ GEORGE, J. Rose Hribik (Kromka Family)

NOON STI POECKING Alice Piscitelli (Buzz & Marcia Miller)

SATURDAY- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8/15 * 9:00 AM SJB DEWITT Joe Caterino (Barb Weizenbaum & Bob Gorby)

- 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Vigil)

* 4:00 PM STI POECKING Richard Ketterer (Maureen Ketterer)

4:00 PM SJB


Nate Ferraco (Family)

* 5:30 PM SJV DALTON Josephine Wichman (Family & Friends)

6:00 PM OLOJ


Connie Altomare (Patrick & Marge Smith)

SUNDAY - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8/16 * 8:00 AM OLOJ DALTON Peter Pembrooke (Marge & Wally Barton)

8:30 AM SJV POECKING John Weyrauch (Mary Jo Leitholf)

* 9:00 AM SJB DEWITT Robert Fedarko (Gloria & John Kutzner)

* 10:00 AM OLOJ POECKING Paul Steiner (David & Shawna Slovina)

11:00 AM STI DALTON D/M O’Leary/Marchese Families (Don/Gerry O’Leary)

* 11:00 AM SJAN DALTON Holy Family Mass Group (HFMG)

11:30 AM SJB DEWITT Patricia Keefer (Peg Mineo)

6:00 PM SJB POECKING Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes


* Live Streamed Masses ** Livestreamed to: Special Events Broadcast

Page 5: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


� � � � � � � � � � �

� � � � � � � �


(By Week)

Offertory Parish Share TOTAL

Average Week


$31,574.00 $4,760.00 $36,334.00


June 21st $21,034.00 $3,426.00 $24,460.00

June 28th $19,918.00 $3,061.00 $22,979.00

July 5th $36,040.00 $5,982.00 $42,022.00

July 12th $25,534.00 $9,462.00 $34,996.00

July 19th $19,452.00 $3,943.00 $23,395.00

July 26th $17,835.00 $3,552.00 $21,387.00

August 2nd $24,346.00 $5,367.00 $29,603.00


Please remember to

donate what you can

to the Parish Share


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Signup is available online for the 7PM Holy Hour on Friday evening. For the all-night Adoration hours (8PM Friday

to 8:30AM Saturday), we need a volunteer or 2 to cover each hour, and these volunteers also need to sign up for

these hours as well. You nevertheless are welcome to attend Adoration if you cannot commit to a full hour. Sign

in / out sheets will be in the church if you do stop by for prayer. The link to sign ups is on our Parish Website under

Mass times.

Page 8: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


Holy Family Devotional Booklet Subscriptions

Some of our former parishes subscribed to The Word Among Us, others subscribed

to Living Faith for daily Catholic devotions with Scripture readings and reflections for

the parishioners. Both were distributed 10 times per year (roughly monthly). We will

be consolidating all of our devotional booklets to The Word Among Us to distribute

to all of our church sites in English and some in Spanish also at St. John the Baptist

Church for our Latino families. Living Faith will be discontinued. Anyone wanting a

personal subscription can contact Living Faith at livingfaith.com or call

(800) 246-7390 or for The Word Among Us at wau.org or call (800) 775-9673.

We will also get extra devotional booklets from the popular Little Books (Little Blue

and Little Black Books) for Advent and Lent. The devotional booklets will be

available in the bulletin bins outside of each church entrance for pick up.

Because the church subscriptions are delivered in bulk, the cost is just about $16

for 10 months of editions, but almost twice that amount for personal mailed


Many devotionals are available electronically for a reduced cost also. Parishioners

are welcome to take The Word Among Us booklets for free, or offer the small

donation in their weekly envelopes for the cost to the parish.

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Solicitations are NOT permitted outside of church after Masses. Sister

Lynn Miller, our Parish Social Minister, takes calls for assistance and

even emergency assistance on the weekends. Please do NOT give

anyone financial assistance outside of Masses, but refer them to the

bulletin to contact Sister Lynn Miller. She can determine if the need is

real or if it is a false need or scam. Whenever we are aware, we will

contact the police in the future if anyone attempts to solicit parishioners

after Masses.

As a reminder also, no one from the parish clergy or staff will ever ask

you to get gift card codes online. This is a known scam. Please do not

respond to such emails or text messages, as they are from fake email

addresses and phone numbers.


Kick the Monday blues with Pizza Monday EVERY MONDAY at Grandslam Pizza!

Holy Family School & Preschool will have a restaurant fundraiser at Grandslam Pizza, Plum

every Monday for an entire year (yes, 52 weeks!)

1.) EVERY MONDAY: Call Grandslam Pizza, Plum 724-519-7615

2.) Place your order & mention Holy Family

3.) Pick up your pizza & other delicious menu items (they have drive-thru!)

4.) Holy Family School receives 20% of your total

(the school will receive a MONTHLY check)

The fine print:

1.) The fundraiser only applies to orders placed on Mondays & when Holy

Family School is mentioned when ordering.

2.) The fundraiser is only valid at the Plum Boro

Grandslam Pizza location at 417 Old Abers Creek Rd.

3.) Pick-up only.



Donations of plastic containers for the local food ministries has been

suspended. We are no longer collecting containers at any of our


We appreciate all your past donations.

New bulletins are available every

Friday afternoon in plastic bins

outside of each church.

These bulletins will remain until they

are gone or until the new bulletin is

available the following Friday


Page 10: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


Have you, or someone you know, �

thought about possibly �

becoming Catholic?��

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is here to answer your questions �

about the Catholic faith.�

If you are not baptized, baptized in another Christian tradition or �

a Catholic who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation, �

we would love to hear from you!�

There is no commitment other than to let us know how we can help. �

We ask all our Holy Family parishioners to help by letting those who have �

questions know about RCIA.�

Please contact Ronald Donatelli at

[email protected] or call 412-793-4511 X211


The final parish department to have staff realigned is maintenance. As previously noted, Bill Pahlman was

selected as the Maintenance Coordinator in the Spring. The staff that will continue to work for the parish, with Bill’s

coordination, are Ted Gabor, Tim Sanford and Jack Stokes. Ted and Jack are only part time, with Jack primarily

working for the new Holy Family School, for which the parish is reimbursed through the recent lease agreement

arranged through the Diocese and PERCES Regional Schools. Any maintenance or janitorial issues can be

directed to Bill Pahlman or Dave Hall. Welcome to Holy Family Parish!

Tim Sanford

Jack Stokes

Ted Gabor

Bill Pahlman

Page 11: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


SAM – Substance Addiction Ministry

The next Substance Addiction Ministry Rosary for

Recovery will be Wednesday, August 19 at Christ

The Divine Shepherd Parish, North American Martyrs

Church, 2526 Haymaker Rd., Monroeville, PA 15146.

We will meet at 7:00PM in the front parking lot of

the Church for the Rosary followed by an informal

gathering for all who are afflicted or affected by


It will be a safe, confidential place for people to seek

education, referral and support. This will be an

outdoor meeting, but please wear a mask and we are

to adhere to all social distancing guidelines.

For more information please contact

Noreen at 412-296-1709

Divorced, Widowed, Separated?�

The loss of a spouse through death, divorce, or

separation is a traumatic experience.

The Beginning Experience© Pittsburgh Lay

Apostolate will host a 1-day Sunday seminar,

coping with Life Alone-In the Beginning Program.

His program is intended to help widowed,

divorced, or separated men and women pass

through the grief and pain and begin to move for-

ward with renewed hope on their life journey.

Please plan to join us Sunday, August 16, 2020

from 8:45am – 4:00pm. Fee is $25.00.

Location: Martina Spiritual Renewal Center,

5244 Clarwin Avenue, West View, PA 15229

Register by August 12th at


or calling Rob at 412-584-5575 or

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2 Preschool Sites

3 Year Old - Pre-K


637 4th Street


418 Unity Center Road

Elementary School

K-8 & KinderPlus Site


418 Unity Center Road

2020-21 New Student Registration

3 Year Old Preschool - 8th Grade


Please contact Mrs. Friday at [email protected] or 412-793-4580

for more information and to schedule a tour.

Limited spaces remain in some grades. Secure your child’s spot TODAY!

Holy Family Parish Angel Fund Established to Assist

Holy Family Catholic School Families—DONATE BELOW

Both former St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph Parishes held Angel Funds, which helped with families

in need to afford tuition at the parish school. At St. John it was called the Father Bartley Angel Fund. At

St. Joseph, there was no name attached. Both Schools have merged this year, and the parishes have

merged also. Therefore, the Angel Funds have merged also and will be used to help support families in

need at the merged Holy Family School. Even though the schools are now part of the PERCES

(Pittsburgh East Regional Catholic Elementary Schools), this fund will remain a parish fund. Any

bequests or remembrances for the Angel Funds to help support a Catholic Education at Holy Family

School can be sent to Holy Family Angel Fund at the parish office. Please consider making a donation

today so we can help as many families as possible , especially through these difficult financial times.

Thank You!





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Guidelines for the Use of Parish

and Diocesan Facilities

Church property is private and Church authority

has both the need and the right to regulate its use.

�� Every pastor or diocesan administrator has an

obligation to ensure that parish or diocesan

facilities are used in accord with diocesan


�� No individual, group, or organization may use

parish or diocesan facilities for purposes which

contradict in any way the teachings and

practices of the Catholic Church.

�� Parish or diocesan facilities can be used only

by those who respect the law.

�� No parish or diocesan facility can be used for

partisan political activity that either supports or

opposes any candidate for public office.

�� A public official or figure may be invited to

speak at a parish facility or diocesan forum as

an expert or consultant on a particular issue in

the interest of the common good, but not for

political purposes.

�� If a person’s conduct, voting record or public

comments are contrary to the teachings of the

Church, they should not be given any church

award or honor.

The Church and the Political Order

“The Church’s obligation to participate in shaping

the moral character of society is a requirement of

our faith. It is a basic part of the mission we have

received from Jesus Christ, who offers a vision of

life revealed to us in Sacred Scripture and

Tradition. To echo the teaching of the Second

Vatican Council: Christ, the Word made flesh, in

showing us the Father’s love, also shows us what

it truly means to be human.

Christ’s love for us lets us see our human dignity

in full clarity and compel us to love our neighbors

as He has loved us. Christ, the Teacher, shows

us what is true and good, that is, what is in accord

with our human nature as free, intelligent beings

created in God’s image and likeness and endowed

by the Creator with dignity and rights.”

-Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

For more information on Catholic

Voter guidelines, visit:


Revised July 2020

Page 15: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent


Sanctuary Candles for 8/9—8/15

Vince & Mary Tresco (Grandchildren) - SJAN

Mary Boscia Brown (Mary Boscia)

Shelly Marie Domen (Ronald & Janet Domen) - SJB

Jaime Vick-Moran (The Vick Family) - OLOJ

Please pray for all those in our parish grouping who are in need, especially the sick at home, those in nursing homes and

hospitals, the unemployed, those who have lost a loved one and those who feel isolated or abandoned.

Dolores Aducci

Howard Bachtel

Jonette Caldwell

Chuck Cancille

Lorraine Churilla

Raymond Colbert

Elizabeth Cringle

Guy DeCarlo

Dennis Dunegan

Alice Falkowski

Michael Fanzo

Glenn Fuegen

Joanne Fultz

David Gartner

Jean Guerriero

Carol Harrity

Scott Hollinger

Deb Holodnik

Angela Jackson

Joann Krupper

Eleanor Kuhn

Josephine Labriola

Theresa Lasher

Mary Lisotto

Jim Majernick

Bart Miller

Cooper Nenits

Rene Olean

Frank A. Opice

Frank R. Opice

John Plake

F.L. / J.L. / J.R. Pro

Jeannette Reibert

Rosie Ritter

Joe Smerbeck

Gretchen Straub

Don Tappe

Teresa Taylor

James Vita

Sabrina Walters

Carol Woods

Tom Woods

Peggy Wright

Angie Zucco

Names will remain on our

Prayer List for 3 months.

If you would like a name to

remain after that time,

call Karen Deemer at

412-793-4511 X204

or email at

[email protected].



On Mission Prayer

Father of Mercy, as we journey On Mission for The Church Alive! endow us with your gifts of courage, collaboration, and

compassion. Help us to fulfill the mission of Jesus and his Church through vibrant parishes and effective ministries. Raise up

selfless, energetic leaders to serve the Church in fidelity and with care. May we the Church of Pittsburgh in Allegheny, Beaver,

Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington Counties be sustained and strengthened by your grace. Help us to learn Jesus, to

love Jesus and to live Jesus. Hear this prayer and grant it through Jesus Christ our Lord, with the help of our dear Blessed

Mother, under the mantle of her love. Amen.�

Justina Elise Straka


Ellen Rose O’Toole


Thomas Jaworski—SJB

James Gillespie—OLOJ

Emma Mae McMillan



Nelson Arnold

Deacon Frank & Karen Bursic, Hannah

Joan Jennings

Barbara Powell

Shannon Purcell

Elizabeth Rohm

Page 16: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent





Mondays at St. Januarius from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM / Wednesdays at St. Irenaeus from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM

Saturdays at St. John the Baptist at 9:30 AM

St. Anthony Novena

Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. at St. Januarius

St. Jude Novena

Every first Monday after the 6:30 p.m. Mass at St. Januarius


After 9:00 a.m. Mass on Tuesdays & Fridays and after 7:30 on Thursdays at Our Lady of Joy


Before Mass Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at Our Lady of Joy

Mondays & Wednesdays in Advent & October at 6:00 p.m. at St. Irenaeus & St. Januarius

Rosary & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena with Devotions (CURRENTLY SUSPENDED)

Every Wednesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist

2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Thursdays: Rosary, Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Intercessory Prayer, Adoration, Our Lady of Joy

Rosary for the Deceased (CURRENTLY SUSPENDED)

After the 8:30 a.m. Mass every second Sunday of the month at St. Joseph

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (CURRENTLY SUSPENDED)

First Fridays:

8:00 a.m. Friday to Saturdays 8:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist

9:35 a.m. Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena at Our Lady of Joy

Seven Sisters Apostolate

A group of seven women pray for 1 hour before the Blessed Sacrament on a selected day for each priest in our grouping.

SCRIPTURES FOR 8/9 - 8/16�

Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/Ps 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/

Rom 9:1-5/Mt 14:22-33

Monday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 [5]/Jn 12:24-26

Tuesday: Ez 2:8—3:4/Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 [103a]/

Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Wednesday: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22/Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [4b]/

Mt 18:15-20

Thursday: Ez 12:1-12/Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62 [cf. 7b]/

Mt 18:21—19:1

Friday: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd,

5-6 [1c]/Mt 19:3-12

Saturday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7,

9-10, 13-14 [8]1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28.

Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10, 11, 12,

16 [10bc]/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56

Next Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [4]/Rom 11:13-15,

29-32/Mt 15:21-28

Page 17: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent





Parish Offices ………..…..……………………………………………….…….....……..…..…... 412-793-4511

Parish Fax …………...………...……….…...………..……...…………………...………….....…...412-793-4311

Bulletin Editor / Facilities, Karen Deemer..(X201)......……..…....….....….……[email protected]

General Office / Mass Intentions, Joyce Doyle…(X401).....…………..…...……[email protected]

Plum Parish Accounting, Patty Mahr…(X105).…….…………..….…….……[email protected]

Safe Environment Coordinator, Barb Pronio…(X101)…….....…..……...……..…. [email protected]

Maintenance Coordinator, Bill Pahlman…(X210)……...…………..……[email protected]

Music Minister, Amanda Nicholson …(X205)………………………...………[email protected]

Music Minister, Andrija Andelic…(X304)…………………………..…………[email protected]

Ministry Scheduler, Rita Gurganus...……………………….……..…….…[email protected]

SOS Ministry, Sal Altomare...(X107)……………..……...…..……….........……....…[email protected]


School Offices ……………………………………...…….……………..…….……………..…….412-793-4580

“Beau” Quattrone, School Principal…(X602)................................................principal@holyfamilypgh.org

Jeanne Loebig, Vice Principal…(X604)...……...……..….……………………..…...……[email protected]

VICTIMS’ ABUSE HOTLINE………………………..………. (412) 456-3060, or toll free at 1-888-808-1235

All Clergy are listed on the cover page. Additional Holy Family Parish Staff are listed below:

Mr. David Hall, Business Manager…(X104)……………………………………[email protected]

Sr. Lynn Miller, Social Ministry …(X203)………………………………….....…..…. [email protected]

Mrs. Stephanie Williams, Faith Formation Director…(X206)……...……………[email protected]

Mrs. Kristin Consuegra, High School Youth & Adult Ministry.(X404)[email protected]

Mrs. Meredith Fraschi, Middle School Faith Formation/Ministry..(X405)[email protected]

Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation…(X211)…………………………….……[email protected]

Mr. Rich Myler, Communication and Technology Manager...(X501)…[email protected]


RECTORY HOURS: Monday & Friday: 8:00 AM— NOON

387 Maryland Avenue

Oakmont, PA 15139



1450 Renton Road

Plum, PA 15239



RECTORY HOURS: Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 AM —NOON

Sunday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM

444 Saint John Street

Plum, PA 15239



RECTORY HOURS: Monday THRU Thursday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM—NOON

825 Second Street

Verona, PA 15147

2000 O’Block Road,

Plum, PA 15239




Page 18: HOLY FAMILY PARISH · 2020. 8. 9. · and “Why did you doubt?” We need Jesus to reach out to us and raise us up. We need to be instructed by Him regarding our doubts. To the extent

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John P. Donovanattorney

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