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www.cih.org/eventsfinder Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014 5-6 February 2014 Hinckley Island Hotel Leicestershire Kindly sponsored by

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Home Ownership & Leasehold ManagementConference & Exhibition 2014

5-6 February 2014Hinckley Island Hotel Leicestershire Kindly sponsored by

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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Please scan this barcode for more information about our events and your chance to WIN £100 high street shopping vouchers. Competition ends 31st December 2014.

Good Afternoon and welcome to the 17th CIH Home Ownership & Leasehold Management conference. It falls to me to open the conference with some well chosen remarks and I thought I’d begin by cheering us all up and looking back at the last year:- On the national stage we had:- •A new Housing Minister who no longer sits in the Cabinet •A renewed emphasis on the role of food banks. •The undoubted impact of Welfare Reform computer systems, legal loopholes and all. •The concept of affordable warmth – with landlords being asked to consider trying to ensure that residents could afford to heat their homes. •And finally we have a shadow Housing Minister who was interviewed last month in Inside Housing and is “looking at” everything. Rather more specifically to this conference:- •We continue to labour under the High Court judgment in Phillips & Goddard & Francis. •Some of our local authority colleagues are also under threat of an Eric Pickles initiative on limiting service charges for Councils. •The Right to Buy continues to be ‘re-invigorated’ with promises of higher discounts for houses and annual inflationary increases in the maximum discount. •Help to Buy continues to assist people into home ownership; and •Property prices continue to increase, with London apparently only populated by Premiership footballers and Russian oligarchs. Having raised your spirits I need to remind you of our guest speaker tomorrow. Dr. David Bryon is the former Managing Director of bmibaby, which under his leadership grew to become one of the Europe’s largest low cost airlines. David has also written a humorous newspaper column looking at life in America through the eyes of a cynical Englishman which became very successful and led to David hosting a TV talk show that broadcasts on regional cable. David will share his experiences on how the business model of budget airlines changed looking at customer service from a business perspective. So it only remains for me to wish you an enjoyable and informative conference and to thank our headline sponsor, Capsticks for their continued support, as well as all the other sponsors and exhibitors who are participating at this year's event. Regards Steve Schollar FIRPM

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Chartered Institute of Housing







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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

11.30 Delegate registration, buffet lunch & exhibition viewing (Lakeside Restaurant & Rotunda) 12.50 Chairs welcome and overview (London Suite)

Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association

13.00 Keynote: Right to Buy Reinvigoration: Success and Effect on the Market (London Suite) Martin Green, Head of Specialist Housing Services, London Borough Southwark Council Hilary Patel, Team Leader- Right to Buy, Department for Communities and Local Government The government's 'Reinvigoration of the Right to Buy (RTB)' and the consequent increase in discounts has seen sales increase: 413 completions in the first quarter of 2012/13 compared to 2149 during the same period this financial year. But are public sector initiatives such as RTB, right to acquire and shared equity/ownership schemes driving up property prices and making home ownership less accessible in the longer term? Current CLG figures show that only one council property is being built for every seven sold through right to buy. As the discount increases and promotion of the RTB begins to take effect, this session will examine the effect of social housing homeownership schemes on the market and the success of the reinvigoration initiative.

13.50 Workshops

A1. Sales and marketing from newly developed units (London Suite) Chair: Adrian Shaw, Director of Commercial & Leasehold, Circle Housing Group Melissa Toomey, Head of Marketing & Communications, Hastoe Housing Many housing associations sell the homes they develop and run in house sales and marketing teams. I will talk about what more can be done to smooth the transition from buyer to leaseholder and discuss some other ways to improve the home ownership service. We will also explore the relationship change from sales to leasehold and look at the common misconceptions.

A2. The golden rules of service charging (Conference 7)

Matthew Saye, Assistant Director, One Housing Group ` Service charges are central to achieving resident satisfaction amongst leaseholders and

shared owners. This is a practical workshop which looks at best practice in calculating and billing variable service charges and one which discusses a number of ideas which can feed through to and improve the quality of the end product. It will be a useful workshop for those who explain service charges to residents as well as those involved in calculating and billing the charges.

A3. Private sector leasing (Conference 11)

David Hunter, Head of Operations, Paradigm Housing Group Private Sector Leasing (PSL) is an alternative housing solution for local authorities and engages social and private landlords in homes provision. It blends private sector lettings agency sales skills with a social housing conscience. Properties can be used for decants during major works though are primarily as a tool to help local authorities meet their homelessness duty to applicants. This session provides an introduction to PSL, details of the lease agreements, and explores options for engaging with providers in your area.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

A4. Billing and the 18 month rule (Conference 12) Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark This will be an interactive workshop exploring the difficulties of billing major works on an annual basis and the requirements of section 20b. The workshop will look at both the case-law and the practicalities involved. Southwark’s recent Upper Tribunal decision on billing will also be discussed.

A5. What do leaseholders really want? (Conference 16) Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd Good communication with leaseholders is a vital element in good management. Recent case law has seen a change in rules allowing more shared owners to qualify for the right to take over the management of their building under the right to manage. Join us to discuss this and find out what leaseholders really want.

15.00 Refreshments & exhibition viewing (Rotunda)

15:30 Keynote: Legal update (London Suite)

Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP Clive Adams, Associate, Capsticks Alero Orimoloye, Legal Advisor (Solicitor), The Leasehold Advisory Service This session will update delegates on the recent legal changes and case law updates to home ownership and leasehold management including Daejan one year on and other key cases directing you through any legal minefields.

16:20 Workshops B1. A beginner’s guide to commercial leases (London Suite)

Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association Tom McQuaid, Leasehold and Commercial Co-ordinator, Merlin Housing Society As well as looking at commercial leases, Tenancies at Will and Heads of Terms. Steve and a former colleague will consider Portas, the Code for Leasing Business Premises in England & Wales 2007 and the impact of the Landlord & Tenant Act.

B2. Building Insurance for Leaseholders (Conference 7) Martin Green, Head of Specialist Housing Services, London Borough Southwark Council This workshop will focus on why public sector landlords should insure their flatted blocks; it will examine the statutory, administrative and contractual background and give examples of best practice both in procurement and management of the buildings insurance service.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

B3. Jaw Jaw not War War - Managing leasehold disputes (Conference 11) John Gargan, Director, Consultant & Mediator, John Gargan Ltd Jacky Nelson, Housing Manager Leaseholder Services, Barnet Homes

Disputes between the leaseholder and landlord, often around major works charges, can reach a stage where going to the Tribunal or Courts becomes almost inevitable. In many cases the problem can be amicably resolved at any stage if the two sides can be persuaded to enter into a constructive discussion. However, the parties are often too entrenched to discuss their respective arguments in a reasonable and rational manner by themselves so no resolution can be achieved. This workshop will look at ways of avoiding disputes and also dealing with them when they occur, including alternative dispute resolution.

B4. Billing and the 18 month rule (Conference 12) Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark This will be an interactive workshop exploring the difficulties of billing major works on an annual basis and the requirements of section 20b. The workshop will look at both the case-law and the practicalities involved. Southwark’s recent Upper Tribunal decision on billing will also be discussed.

B5. What do leaseholders really want? (Conference 16) Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd Good communication with leaseholders is a vital element in good management. Recent case law has seen a change in rules allowing more shared owners to qualify for the right to take over the management of their building under the right to manage. Join us to discuss this and find out what leaseholders really want.

17.30 Day one of conference closes 19.30 Pre-dinner drinks reception (Rotunda) 20.00 Conference dinner & entertainment (London Suite) Kindly sponsored by






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

9.00 Registration, refreshments & exhibition viewing (Rotunda) 9.35 Chairs welcome & introduction (London Suite)

Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association

9.45 The introduction of new rules governing the LVT (London Suite)

Siobhan McGrath, President, First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP On 1 July 2013, the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal ("LVT") became part of the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) .This change applies in England only. The range of matters covered by the Tribunal will be the same as those currently dealt with by the LVT and the five regional offices will not change. This session explores the changes and new applications. We also look at practical application for Landlords in dealing with their cases.

10.45 Refreshments (Rotunda) 11.10 Morning workshops

C1. Recovering costs in LVT legal and management cases? (London Suite) Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP This workshop will consider and discuss whether and how you can recover the costs of proceedings in the FtT.

C2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7)

Clare Crawford, Aster Group Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this.

C3. Right to Buy- A Concerted Effort (Conference 11) Randall Bevis, Head of Home Ownership Services, CityWest Homes Limited The Government’s November 2011 Housing Strategy which committed to re-invigorating the Right to Buy Scheme by increasing the discount limit to £75,000 had a stated aim to allow “an even greater number of people to realise their aspiration of home ownership”. A secondary aim was to stimulate house-building, aiding economic growth as well as ensuring no net loss of social housing provision through use of local retention of receipts and a policy of ‘one for one replacement’. Has the increase in the discount to £100,000 increased the number of sales? Does the increase in discount mean there are actually less receipts to replace stock lost under the Right to Buy? Is supply being maintained? If so, is it keeping pace with sales? Or is the notion of one for one replacement purely through construction too simplistic? This session tackles the RTB experience and supply initiatives from a City of Westminster perspective.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

C4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them.

C5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.

12:20 Lunch & exhibition viewing (Lakeside Restaurant & Rotunda)

13.20 Keynote: Flying in a cold climate: lessons from the low cost airlines

Dr. David Bryon, Former Managing Director of bmibaby (London Suite) David is the former Managing Director of bmibaby, which grew to become one of the Europe’s largest low cost airlines under his leadership. The airline and its parent BMI was recently purchased by British Airways (IAG) and integrated within its business. David will share his experiences on how the business model of budget airlines changed looking at customer service from a business perspective.

14:10 Workshops

D1. Take control- do you need managing agents? (London Suite) Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services at A2Dominion Group This workshop will explore the range of contractual relationships that exist when managing affordable housing within private sector developments. It will explore how best to work with residents’ management companies and managing agents, including specific difficulties relating to service (charge) disputes, lease discrepancies and non-uniform service charge years.

D2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management

Conference & Exhibition 2014

C4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them.

C5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.

12:20 Lunch & exhibition viewing (Lakeside Restaurant & Rotunda)

13.20 Keynote: Flying in a cold climate: lessons from the low cost airlines

Dr. David Bryon, Former Managing Director of bmibaby (London Suite) David is the former Managing Director of bmibaby, which grew to become one of the Europe’s largest low cost airlines under his leadership. The airline and its parent BMI was recently purchased by British Airways (IAG) and integrated within its business. David will share his experiences on how the business model of budget airlines changed looking at customer service from a business perspective.

14:10 Workshops

D1. Take control- do you need managing agents? (London Suite) Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services at A2Dominion Group This workshop will explore the range of contractual relationships that exist when managing affordable housing within private sector developments. It will explore how best to work with residents’ management companies and managing agents, including specific difficulties relating to service (charge) disputes, lease discrepancies and non-uniform service charge years.

D2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

D3. Daejan- one year on (and the impact of Woelke.) (Conference 11) Adrian Shaw, Group Head of Leasehold Management, Centra Living (part of Circle Housing Group) (Chair) Nicholas Kissen, Senior Adviser, Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) Daejan had cut short the last stage of the formal Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 consultation process and made an application pursuant to Section 20ZA of the Act to seek dispensation from the consultation requirements. This session looks at practical examples of how the case has been used by the tribunal.

D4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12)

Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them.

D5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16)

Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.

15.20 Close of conference

* Programme may be subject to minor changes

Presentations for this event can be found at:







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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management

Conference & Exhibition 2014

C4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them.

C5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.

12:20 Lunch & exhibition viewing (Lakeside Restaurant & Rotunda)

13.20 Keynote: Flying in a cold climate: lessons from the low cost airlines

Dr. David Bryon, Former Managing Director of bmibaby (London Suite) David is the former Managing Director of bmibaby, which grew to become one of the Europe’s largest low cost airlines under his leadership. The airline and its parent BMI was recently purchased by British Airways (IAG) and integrated within its business. David will share his experiences on how the business model of budget airlines changed looking at customer service from a business perspective.

14:10 Workshops

D1. Take control- do you need managing agents? (London Suite) Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services at A2Dominion Group This workshop will explore the range of contractual relationships that exist when managing affordable housing within private sector developments. It will explore how best to work with residents’ management companies and managing agents, including specific difficulties relating to service (charge) disputes, lease discrepancies and non-uniform service charge years.

D2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this.






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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

A1. Sales and marketing from newly developed units (London Suite) Chairs: Adrian Shaw, Director of Commercial & Leasehold, Circle Housing Group Melissa Toomey, Head of Marketing & Communications, Hastoe Housing Many housing associations sell the homes they develop and run in house sales and marketing teams. I will talk about what more can be done to smooth the transition from buyer to leaseholder and discuss some other ways to improve the home ownership service. We will also explore the relationship change from sales to leasehold and look at the common misconceptions. A2. The golden rules of service charging (Conference 7) Matthew Saye, Assistant Director, One Housing Group Service charges are central to achieving resident satisfaction amongst leaseholders and shared owners. This is a practical workshop which looks at best practice in calculating and billing variable service charges and one which discusses a number of ideas which can feed through to and improve the quality of the end product. It will be a useful workshop for those who explain service charges to residents as well as those involved in calculating and billing the charges. A3. Private sector leasing (Conference 11) David Hunter, Head of Operations, Paradigm Housing Group Private Sector Leasing (PSL) is an alternative housing solution for local authorities and engages social and private landlords in homes provision. It blends private sector lettings agency sales skills with a social housing conscience. Properties can be used for decants during major works though are primarily as a tool to help local authorities meet their homelessness duty to applicants. This session provides an introduction to PSL, details of the lease agreements, and explores options for engaging with providers in your area. A4. Billing and the 18 month rule (Conference 12) Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark This will be an interactive workshop exploring the difficulties of billing major works on an annual basis and the requirements of section 20b. The workshop will look at both the case-law and the practicalities involved. Southwark’s recent Upper Tribunal decision on billing will also be discussed. A5. What do leaseholders really want? (Conference 16) Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd Good communication with leaseholders is a vital element in good management. Recent case law has seen a change in rules allowing more shared owners to qualify for the right to take over the management of their building under the right to manage. Join us to discuss this and find out what leaseholders really want.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

B1. A beginner’s guide to commercial leases (London Suite) Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association Tom McQuaid, Leasehold and Commercial Co-ordinator, Merlin Housing Society As well as looking at commercial leases, Tenancies at Will and Heads of Terms. Steve and a former colleague will consider Portas, the Code for Leasing Business Premises in England & Wales 2007 and the impact of the Landlord & Tenant Act. B2. Buildings Insurance for Leaseholders (Conference 7) Martin Green FCIH BSc, Head of Specialist Housing Services, London Borough Southwark Council This workshop will focus on why public sector landlords should insure their flatted blocks; it will examine the statutory, administrative and contractual background and give examples of best practice both in procurement and management of the buildings insurance service. B3. Jaw Jaw not War War - Managing leasehold disputes (Conference 11) John Gargan, Director, Consultant & Mediator, John Gargan Ltd Jacky Nelson, Housing Manager Leaseholder Services, Barnet Homes Disputes between the leaseholder and landlord, often around major works charges, can reach a stage where going to the Tribunal or Courts becomes almost inevitable. In many cases the problem can be amicably resolved at any stage if the two sides can be persuaded to enter into a constructive discussion. However, the parties are often too entrenched to discuss their respective arguments in a reasonable and rational manner by themselves so no resolution can be achieved. This workshop will look at ways of avoiding disputes and also dealing with them when they occur, including alternative dispute resolution. B4. Billing and the 18 month rule (Conference 12) Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark This will be an interactive workshop exploring the difficulties of billing major works on an annual basis and the requirements of section 20b. The workshop will look at both the case-law and the practicalities involved. Southwark’s recent Upper Tribunal decision on billing will also be discussed. B5. What do leaseholders really want? (Conference 16) Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd Good communication with leaseholders is a vital element in good management. Recent case law has seen a change in rules allowing more shared owners to qualify for the right to take over the management of their building under the right to manage. Join us to discuss this and find out what leaseholders really want.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

B1. A beginner’s guide to commercial leases (London Suite) Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association Tom McQuaid, Leasehold and Commercial Co-ordinator, Merlin Housing Society As well as looking at commercial leases, Tenancies at Will and Heads of Terms. Steve and a former colleague will consider Portas, the Code for Leasing Business Premises in England & Wales 2007 and the impact of the Landlord & Tenant Act. B2. Buildings Insurance for Leaseholders (Conference 7) Martin Green FCIH BSc, Head of Specialist Housing Services, London Borough Southwark Council This workshop will focus on why public sector landlords should insure their flatted blocks; it will examine the statutory, administrative and contractual background and give examples of best practice both in procurement and management of the buildings insurance service. B3. Jaw Jaw not War War - Managing leasehold disputes (Conference 11) John Gargan, Director, Consultant & Mediator, John Gargan Ltd Jacky Nelson, Housing Manager Leaseholder Services, Barnet Homes Disputes between the leaseholder and landlord, often around major works charges, can reach a stage where going to the Tribunal or Courts becomes almost inevitable. In many cases the problem can be amicably resolved at any stage if the two sides can be persuaded to enter into a constructive discussion. However, the parties are often too entrenched to discuss their respective arguments in a reasonable and rational manner by themselves so no resolution can be achieved. This workshop will look at ways of avoiding disputes and also dealing with them when they occur, including alternative dispute resolution. B4. Billing and the 18 month rule (Conference 12) Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark This will be an interactive workshop exploring the difficulties of billing major works on an annual basis and the requirements of section 20b. The workshop will look at both the case-law and the practicalities involved. Southwark’s recent Upper Tribunal decision on billing will also be discussed. B5. What do leaseholders really want? (Conference 16) Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd Good communication with leaseholders is a vital element in good management. Recent case law has seen a change in rules allowing more shared owners to qualify for the right to take over the management of their building under the right to manage. Join us to discuss this and find out what leaseholders really want.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

C1. Recovering costs in LVT legal and management cases? (London Suite) Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP This workshop will consider and discuss whether and how you can recover the costs of proceedings in the FtT C2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this. C3. Right to Buy- A Concerted Effort (Conference 11) Randall Bevis, Head of Home Ownership Services, CityWest Homes Limited The Government’s November 2011 Housing Strategy which committed to re-invigorating the Right to Buy Scheme by increasing the discount limit to £75,000 had a stated aim to allow “an even greater number of people to realise their aspiration of home ownership”. A secondary aim was to stimulate house-building, aiding economic growth as well as ensuring no net loss of social housing provision through use of local retention of receipts and a policy of ‘one for one replacement’. Has the increase in the discount to £100,000 increased the number of sales? Does the increase in discount mean there are actually less receipts to replace stock lost under the Right to Buy? Is supply being maintained? If so, is it keeping pace with sales? Or is the notion of one for one replacement purely through construction too simplistic? This session tackles the RTB experience and supply initiatives from a City of Westminster perspective. C4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them. C5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. What do we charge freeholders for? Getting the demand correct and what to do if you haven't in the past. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold, the distinction between service charges and estate rent charges and the liability limitation period. The session will also look at the likely disputes and how to deal with them, including apportionment and reasonableness and a cost effective method of recovery.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

C1. Recovering costs in LVT legal and management cases? (London Suite) Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP This workshop will consider and discuss whether and how you can recover the costs of proceedings in the FtT C2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this. C3. Right to Buy- A Concerted Effort (Conference 11) Randall Bevis, Head of Home Ownership Services, CityWest Homes Limited The Government’s November 2011 Housing Strategy which committed to re-invigorating the Right to Buy Scheme by increasing the discount limit to £75,000 had a stated aim to allow “an even greater number of people to realise their aspiration of home ownership”. A secondary aim was to stimulate house-building, aiding economic growth as well as ensuring no net loss of social housing provision through use of local retention of receipts and a policy of ‘one for one replacement’. Has the increase in the discount to £100,000 increased the number of sales? Does the increase in discount mean there are actually less receipts to replace stock lost under the Right to Buy? Is supply being maintained? If so, is it keeping pace with sales? Or is the notion of one for one replacement purely through construction too simplistic? This session tackles the RTB experience and supply initiatives from a City of Westminster perspective. C4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them. C5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. What do we charge freeholders for? Getting the demand correct and what to do if you haven't in the past. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold, the distinction between service charges and estate rent charges and the liability limitation period. The session will also look at the likely disputes and how to deal with them, including apportionment and reasonableness and a cost effective method of recovery.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

D1. Take control- do you need managing agents? (London Suite) Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services at A2Dominion Group This workshop will explore the range of contractual relationships that exist when managing affordable housing within private sector developments. It will explore how best to work with residents’ management companies and managing agents, including specific difficulties relating to service (charge) disputes, lease discrepancies and non-uniform service charge years. D2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this. D3. Daejan- one year on (and the impact of Woelke.) (Conference 11) Chair: Adrian Shaw, Director of Commercial & Leasehold, Circle Housing Group Nicholas Kissen, Senior Adviser, Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) Daejan had cut short the last stage of the formal Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 consultation process and made an application pursuant to Section 20ZA of the Act to seek dispensation from the consultation requirements. This session looks at practical examples of how the case has been used by the tribunal. We shall also be considering the consequences of the Upper Tribunal decision in “London Borough of Southwark v.Woelke”. D4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them. D5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

D1. Take control- do you need managing agents? (London Suite) Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services at A2Dominion Group This workshop will explore the range of contractual relationships that exist when managing affordable housing within private sector developments. It will explore how best to work with residents’ management companies and managing agents, including specific difficulties relating to service (charge) disputes, lease discrepancies and non-uniform service charge years. D2. Taking a commercial approach (Conference 7) Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Housing association’s grants and some organisations development strategy has been reduced as the sector continues to work to a very tight budget. How do we replace that capacity, increase other revenue streams and adopt a social business model? In this session we look at how new ideas can achieve commercial success both in terms of new ventures and the role a home ownership or leasehold management teams can play in this. D3. Daejan- one year on (and the impact of Woelke.) (Conference 11) Chair: Adrian Shaw, Director of Commercial & Leasehold, Circle Housing Group Nicholas Kissen, Senior Adviser, Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) Daejan had cut short the last stage of the formal Section 20 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 consultation process and made an application pursuant to Section 20ZA of the Act to seek dispensation from the consultation requirements. This session looks at practical examples of how the case has been used by the tribunal. We shall also be considering the consequences of the Upper Tribunal decision in “London Borough of Southwark v.Woelke”. D4. Management of intermediate rented tenures (Conference 12) Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Small portfolios often get added to the management responsibilities of leasehold teams. This session delves into the management of these rented tenures and how we can best deal with them. D5. Freehold service charges (Conference 16) Mike Edmunds, Head of Leaseholders Services, London Borough of Camden Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Many housing sector portfolios contain houses which have been sold on a freehold basis or have houses eligible for sale under home purchase schemes. However, with these properties as part of your estates how do you recover service charges from them? This workshop looks at what to do when houses are sold freehold or on a shared ownership basis and how to recover your service charges. The workshop will look at the practical problems of freehold transfers on estates where service charges are due. The session will look at how recent case law can help the landlord with problems of poor drafting of transfer documents and challenges faced when properties are re-sold.









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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Steve Schollar FIRPM, Leasehold and Homeowner Services Manager, Paradigm Housing Association

Steve has worked in home ownership and leasehold management for 27 years and this Monday started work at Paradigm, his ninth organisation. In his spare time he supports Brentford FC and continues to tread the boards, and in April he will be appearing at the Woodley theatre in Reading playing a mad uncle. Steve insists that no further comment is necessary. Martin Green, Head of Specialist Housing Services, London Borough Southwark Council Martin has been a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing since 1975 and a fellow for the past 24 years. A regular contributor to the annual conference, he has just authored the CIH practice briefs, ‘promoting homeownership’ and ‘managing homeownership’. Martin has a degree in surveying and is currently the Head of Specialist Housing Services at the London Borough of Southwark, responsible for homeownership services as well as supported housing, temporary accommodation and tenant management organisations. Having previously worked at the London Boroughs of Croydon, Wandsworth and Camden he was also a director at FIRST Call (Housing Consultants) Ltd. Hilary Patel, Team Leader- Right to Buy, Department for Communities and Local Government Hilary Patel heads up the Right to Buy policy team in the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). She has previously held roles overseeing the review of Guidance underpinning the Major Infrastructure Planning regime and as Head of Office for the Director General for Localism. Adrian Shaw, Director of Commercial & Leasehold, Circle Housing Group Adrian has spent the last 13 years managing low cost home ownership and leasehold property for housing associations and a London ALMO. He has held positions at Southern Housing Group, Landmark HA and Enfield Homes. Adrian joined Circle Housing Group in February 2012. He is responsible for the delivery of Leasehold and Intermediate Housing services for 13,000 properties across 9 partner associations.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Melissa Toomey, Head of Marketing & Communications, Hastoe Group Melissa joined Hastoe in 2008 to head up a new sales department at Hastoe. She also manages the communications and PR function and, more recently, the re-sales function. Previously with Peabody, Melissa has extensive experience of affordable home ownership and intermediate housing initiatives. Melissa is also vice chair of the National Housing Awards steering group. Matthew Saye, Assistant Director, One Housing Group Matthew has worked in the social housing sector for over 17 years dealing with mixed tenure portfolios. He has extensive experience of leasehold management, home purchase schemes and home ownership including dealing with all aspects of service charging and income recovery from home owners. As an Assistant Director at One Housing Group his remit includes responsibility for the group’s managing agency business; home ownership services and initiatives; leasehold management; intermediate, commercial and market rent management; income recovery services and rents / service charges across the Group. David Hunter, Head of Operations, East Region

David is currently Head of Operations (East Region) for Paradigm Housing Group managing 5500 mixed tenure households including a large Private Sector Leasing portfolio. He has worked in both private and public sector housing including working at London Borough of Ealing overseeing their Overcrowding strategy by engaging with registered partners and the private sector. Louise Turff, Service Charge Construction Manager, London Borough of Southwark Louise Turff has over 23 years experience of working in local authority housing with particular expertise in post sales leasehold management. She is currently working for the London Borough of Southwark, responsible for all statutory consultation with leaseholders and the construction of both revenue and capital service charges for over 15,000 service charge payers, with an annual debit of over £25m.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn has over 10 years experience of working in local authority housing with particular expertise in post sales leasehold management. She is currently working for the London Borough of Southwark, responsible for S20B consultation with leaseholders and the construction of actual capital service charges for a mixed tenure portfolio of over 15,000 service charge payers. Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd

Richard has been in Leasehold Management for over 20 years in the public sector and set up his own consultancy and training business in 2008. Richard has been speaking at the CIH Home Ownership conference since it started 16 years ago and has worked with the institute in setting up leasehold seminars for many years. Richard is currently working with a London ALMO on its consultation with leaseholders in preparation for Decent Homes and other areas. He has a long and established history of providing training for many organisations on leasehold management issues. Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP

Mark was admitted as a solicitor in 1989 and is Partner at Judge & Priestley LLP specialising in property litigation. Judge & Priestley has acted for local authority landlords since 1990 dealing with leasehold and service charge disputes and currently act for landlords (both public sector and private) to collect service charges and deal with disputes arising in the County Court and the LVT. Mark heads the recovery and litigation teams dealing with leasehold management and has a busy caseload in the FtT and Upper Tribunal Mark regularly provides training and advice on the recoverability of service charges, S20 consultation and how to deal with breaches of the lease. Mark has also worked with clients to develop effective billing and recovery strategies for service charges.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Jennifer Dawn, Capital Works (Actuals) Manager, London Borough of Southwark Jennifer Dawn has over 10 years experience of working in local authority housing with particular expertise in post sales leasehold management. She is currently working for the London Borough of Southwark, responsible for S20B consultation with leaseholders and the construction of actual capital service charges for a mixed tenure portfolio of over 15,000 service charge payers. Richard Towes, Consultant/Trainer, Leasehold Training & Consultancy Services Ltd

Richard has been in Leasehold Management for over 20 years in the public sector and set up his own consultancy and training business in 2008. Richard has been speaking at the CIH Home Ownership conference since it started 16 years ago and has worked with the institute in setting up leasehold seminars for many years. Richard is currently working with a London ALMO on its consultation with leaseholders in preparation for Decent Homes and other areas. He has a long and established history of providing training for many organisations on leasehold management issues. Mark Oakley, Partner, Judge Priestley LLP

Mark was admitted as a solicitor in 1989 and is Partner at Judge & Priestley LLP specialising in property litigation. Judge & Priestley has acted for local authority landlords since 1990 dealing with leasehold and service charge disputes and currently act for landlords (both public sector and private) to collect service charges and deal with disputes arising in the County Court and the LVT. Mark heads the recovery and litigation teams dealing with leasehold management and has a busy caseload in the FtT and Upper Tribunal Mark regularly provides training and advice on the recoverability of service charges, S20 consultation and how to deal with breaches of the lease. Mark has also worked with clients to develop effective billing and recovery strategies for service charges.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Clive Adams, Associate, Capsticks

Clive qualified as a solicitor in 1997 and is one of the founder members of the Asset Management Team at Capsticks LLP. Clive provides specialist leasehold advice on all aspects of service charge recovery, S.20 consultation issues and procurement, applications to vary defective leases, boundary disputes, rights of way, forfeiture and leaseholder ASB.

Alero Orimoloye, Legal Advisor (Solicitor), The Leasehold Advisory Service Alero Orimoloye qualified as a solicitor in 2001 following a period in private practice as a conveyancing solicitor. She joined LEASE in 2005 as an Adviser. In that capacity she has developed considerable knowledge of numerous aspects of residential leasehold property law. She is also a qualified mediator. Tom McQuaid, Leasehold and Commercial Co-ordinator, Merlin Housing Society Tom has been employed n Housing for the past 15 years. Over the years Tom has gained experience in housing management, policy, and leasehold and commercial matters. Tom has a degree in business management, NVQ level 5 in learning and development, and am an affiliated member of the Institute of Residential Property Managers (IRPM).

John Gargan, Director, Consultant & Mediator, John Gargan Ltd John has over 35 years’ experience in public sector housing, including over 25 years in leasehold management and home ownership. He offers a wide range of services, including alternative dispute resolution (RICS accredited mediator), consultancy & training in leasehold management & RTB, and interim management solutions. John has worked on and chaired a number of London Councils’ working groups and has presented training the CIH, LEASE, HQN, and for other public and private sector clients, and also chaired the CIH Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Clive Adams, Associate, Capsticks

Clive qualified as a solicitor in 1997 and is one of the founder members of the Asset Management Team at Capsticks LLP. Clive provides specialist leasehold advice on all aspects of service charge recovery, S.20 consultation issues and procurement, applications to vary defective leases, boundary disputes, rights of way, forfeiture and leaseholder ASB.

Alero Orimoloye, Legal Advisor (Solicitor), The Leasehold Advisory Service Alero Orimoloye qualified as a solicitor in 2001 following a period in private practice as a conveyancing solicitor. She joined LEASE in 2005 as an Adviser. In that capacity she has developed considerable knowledge of numerous aspects of residential leasehold property law. She is also a qualified mediator. Tom McQuaid, Leasehold and Commercial Co-ordinator, Merlin Housing Society Tom has been employed n Housing for the past 15 years. Over the years Tom has gained experience in housing management, policy, and leasehold and commercial matters. Tom has a degree in business management, NVQ level 5 in learning and development, and am an affiliated member of the Institute of Residential Property Managers (IRPM).

John Gargan, Director, Consultant & Mediator, John Gargan Ltd John has over 35 years’ experience in public sector housing, including over 25 years in leasehold management and home ownership. He offers a wide range of services, including alternative dispute resolution (RICS accredited mediator), consultancy & training in leasehold management & RTB, and interim management solutions. John has worked on and chaired a number of London Councils’ working groups and has presented training the CIH, LEASE, HQN, and for other public and private sector clients, and also chaired the CIH Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Jacky Nelson, Housing Manager Leaseholder Services, Barnet Homes

Jacky joined the London Borough of Barnet in 1999 to manage the Repairs Contact Centre having worked previously for British Gas as Operations Resources Manager. She went on to become the Customer Care & Quality Manager for Barnet Homes (ALMO) when it was formed in April 2004. In 2009 she moved into Leaseholder Services to manage the major works consultation and billing section through to completion of the DHS programme and beyond, and since it took off again in 2012 the right to buy section. Siobhan McGrath, President, First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) Siobhan McGrath is the President of new Property Chamber within the First-tier Tribunal which was launched in July 2013. Prior to this she had been the Senior President of the Residential Property Tribunal Service for 13 years. Before joining the Tribunal she was a barrister specialising in Housing and Landlord and Tenant law. In 2011 she was appointed to sit as a Recorder in civil jurisdictions.

Randall Bevis, Head of Home Ownership Services, CityWest Homes Limited

Randall Bevis heads up the leasehold management and home ownership area at CityWest Homes Limited – Westminster City Council’s ALMO. In addition, Randall has CityWest Homes Residential (CWH’s high-street estate agency) under his wing. He also oversees CWH’s procurement function generally and chairs the group that reviews all procurement strategy and contract awards.

Robert Marcantoni, Head of Portfolio Management, One Housing Group Robert has over 14 years experience of the residential property market specialising in holistic portfolio management. Most of his experience has been in residential lettings and leasehold management within the private and affordable sector and he has a strong commitment to managing sustainable mixed tenure and mixed use developments, managing a number of successful portfolios and schemes of this nature across London and the South East. As Head of Portfolio Management at One Housing Group, Robert’s remit includes day to day management of the group’s agency business and residential and commercial portfolios.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Mike Edmunds, Head of Home Ownership Services, London Borough of Camden Mike has been a leasehold practitioner for several years and has carried out various roles including Senior Manager in the City West Homes Leasehold Services Team, Head of Leasehold Services for the Hyde Group managing leaseholders under the PFI project and Head of Home Ownership Services for Lambeth Living. He is a member of the London Almo Benchmarking Group. His current position is Head of Leaseholders Services for Camden Council managing the councils 9,500 leaseholders.

Dr David Bryon, former Managing Director, bmibaby low cost airline Dr David Bryon is the former Managing Director of bmibaby, which grew to become one of the Europe’s largest low cost airlines under his leadership. He now enjoys a successful media career and is a regular guest on various national programmes including Five Live, BBC Radio 2, BBC News 24, Sky News Steve Michaux, Group Director of Leasehold Services, A2 Dominion Group

Steve has worked in Social Housing for 30 years and has been dealing with leasehold issues since the early 90s. He is currently the Group Director of Leasehold Services for A2Dominion Group with a portfolio of over 7000 leasehold properties and is responsible for production of the Groups 25000 service charges. Steve is chair of the National Leasehold Group and has published 2 books on good practice.

Clare Crawford, Commercial Director, Aster Homes Clare has 13 years’ experience in development. She’s currently Commercial Director for Aster Homes, the development arm of Aster Group. Clare oversees sales and marketing, PFI projects, joint ventures and market-rent programmes. Aster Homes develops over 500 affordable and market-rent homes a year across the South West.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Nicholas Kissen, Senior Advisor, Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) Nicholas Kissen was in private practice as a solicitor for nearly twenty years and was a partner in a long-established firm in Ealing before joining the Leasehold Advisory Service in April 2002. He is a senior adviser with joint responsibility for professional training and development. As such he has considerable experience of public presentations on all aspects of residential leasehold law and has been a regular speaker at CIH events for many years. Nicholas has sat on a number of outside bodies and has contributed many articles to leading property publications. Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Ashley has built his experience working directly with freeholders and leaseholders in Local Authority and Housing Association, within London and the Southeast, for more than 20 years. Currently working for Southern Housing Group across the Southeast, from the Isle of Wight to north London, and Kent to Reading, he manages a small team of dedicated professionals providing services to shared owners, leaseholders and freeholders, along with specialist assistance to front line staff, both in terms of hands on practical and policy advice, and importantly guidance to senior managers.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Nicholas Kissen, Senior Advisor, Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) Nicholas Kissen was in private practice as a solicitor for nearly twenty years and was a partner in a long-established firm in Ealing before joining the Leasehold Advisory Service in April 2002. He is a senior adviser with joint responsibility for professional training and development. As such he has considerable experience of public presentations on all aspects of residential leasehold law and has been a regular speaker at CIH events for many years. Nicholas has sat on a number of outside bodies and has contributed many articles to leading property publications. Ashley Parrette, Leasehold Manager, Southern Housing Group Ashley has built his experience working directly with freeholders and leaseholders in Local Authority and Housing Association, within London and the Southeast, for more than 20 years. Currently working for Southern Housing Group across the Southeast, from the Isle of Wight to north London, and Kent to Reading, he manages a small team of dedicated professionals providing services to shared owners, leaseholders and freeholders, along with specialist assistance to front line staff, both in terms of hands on practical and policy advice, and importantly guidance to senior managers.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Headline Company Name: Capsticks Solicitors LLP Contact: Jennifer Bennett Address: Kings Park House, 22 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2UF Telephone: 023 8001 8362 Email: [email protected] Website: www.capsticks.com Like all teams at Capsticks, our social housing division is made up of teams of experts who really know your business inside out. We are totally dedicated to providing specialist legal services to our social housing clients. Every member of our team is a housing expert – that way, we guarantee unrivalled expertise and a highly efficient and cost effective service to meet all your needs. We have worked within the social housing sector for over 30 years and are familiar with your ethos and values and the need to be responsive, innovative and proactive to change. Conference Dinner & Entertainment Company Name: Liquid Recruitment Solutions Contact: Paul Sherman Address: First Floor, 14 The Parade, Watford, WD17 1AA Telephone: 01923 819 819 / 07768 174 036 Email: [email protected] Website: www.liquid-rs.co.uk Over the past few years, we’ve attended, supported and sponsored the annual CIH Homeownership conferences, where we’ve developed and built relationships with many managers and candidates. It’s given us the opportunity to understand the challenges of homeownership in this market, as well as being privy to some of the solutions too.

We’re also passionate about training: equipping our consultants with the knowledge and expertise to make them the best in the business.

As a result, we work very closely with Richard Towes and John Gargan, two of our industry’s most highly regarded and effective trainers: both Richard and John provide in-depth training courses for all our consultants.

With more than 25 years’ experience in social housing, Richard (www.rt-ltcs.co.uk) now advises and trains many of the UK’s largest councils and housing associations. Richard’s in-depth training provides the expertise, knowledge and practical skills that helps our consultants deliver outstanding service in all aspects of leasehold management.

John Gargan (www.johngargan.com) is an expert in dispute resolution and also trains our team in leasehold management. As RICS accredited mediator and member of the Civil Mediation Council, John provides invaluable insight and knowledge which helps our consultants find the right people for even the most complex and difficult leasehold or homeownership positions.

Given our commitment to training, we’re one of the UK’s most highly qualified home-ownership agencies in the UK. This directly benefits you and all our clients, as we’re better equipped to help find the very best and most suitable candidates for all your positions.





Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Headline Company Name: Capsticks Solicitors LLP Contact: Jennifer Bennett Address: Kings Park House, 22 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2UF Telephone: 023 8001 8362 Email: [email protected] Website: www.capsticks.com Like all teams at Capsticks, our social housing division is made up of teams of experts who really know your business inside out. We are totally dedicated to providing specialist legal services to our social housing clients. Every member of our team is a housing expert – that way, we guarantee unrivalled expertise and a highly efficient and cost effective service to meet all your needs. We have worked within the social housing sector for over 30 years and are familiar with your ethos and values and the need to be responsive, innovative and proactive to change. Conference Dinner & Entertainment Company Name: Liquid Recruitment Solutions Contact: Paul Sherman Address: First Floor, 14 The Parade, Watford, WD17 1AA Telephone: 01923 819 819 / 07768 174 036 Email: [email protected] Website: www.liquid-rs.co.uk Over the past few years, we’ve attended, supported and sponsored the annual CIH Homeownership conferences, where we’ve developed and built relationships with many managers and candidates. It’s given us the opportunity to understand the challenges of homeownership in this market, as well as being privy to some of the solutions too.

We’re also passionate about training: equipping our consultants with the knowledge and expertise to make them the best in the business.

As a result, we work very closely with Richard Towes and John Gargan, two of our industry’s most highly regarded and effective trainers: both Richard and John provide in-depth training courses for all our consultants.

With more than 25 years’ experience in social housing, Richard (www.rt-ltcs.co.uk) now advises and trains many of the UK’s largest councils and housing associations. Richard’s in-depth training provides the expertise, knowledge and practical skills that helps our consultants deliver outstanding service in all aspects of leasehold management.

John Gargan (www.johngargan.com) is an expert in dispute resolution and also trains our team in leasehold management. As RICS accredited mediator and member of the Civil Mediation Council, John provides invaluable insight and knowledge which helps our consultants find the right people for even the most complex and difficult leasehold or homeownership positions.

Given our commitment to training, we’re one of the UK’s most highly qualified home-ownership agencies in the UK. This directly benefits you and all our clients, as we’re better equipped to help find the very best and most suitable candidates for all your positions.





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Exhibitors Stand 1- Move with Us Stand 2- Capsticks Solicitors LLP Stand 3- Eden Network Development Ltd Stand 4- CIH



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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management

Conference & Exhibition 2014

Exhibitors Stand 1- Move with Us Stand 2- Capsticks Solicitors LLP Stand 3- Eden Network Development Ltd Stand 4- CIH



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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Stand 1 Company Name: Move with Us Contact: Stephen Gaisford Address: Grant Hall, Parsons Green, St Ives, Cambs, PE27 4AA Telephone: 01480 308 735 Email: [email protected] Website: www.movewithus.co.uk We provide a number of services to housing associations, helping their existing shared ownership customers and managing the sale of property disposals. Our resale shared ownership service sees Move with Us work in partnership with housing associations to help customers overcome many of the major stumbling blocks identified in the Cambridge Centre for Housing paper “Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties” published in May 2012. We’ve been selling properties on behalf of house builders and mortgage lenders for many years and our experience in these sectors puts us in the best position to manage the sale of property disposals. We adhere to the highest standards and achieve the maximum value in faster timescales, allowing for funds to be reinvested quickly. Stand 2 Company Name: Capsticks Solicitors LLP Contact: Jennifer Bennett Address: Kings Park House, 22 Kings Park Road, Southampto SO15 2UF Telephone: 023 8001 8362 Email: [email protected] Website: www.capsticks.com Like all teams at Capsticks, our social housing division is made up of teams of experts who really know your business inside out. We are totally dedicated to providing specialist legal services to our social housing clients. Every member of our team is a housing expert – that way, we guarantee unrivalled expertise and a highly efficient and cost effective service to meet all your needs. We have worked within the social housing sector for over 30 years and are familiar with your ethos and values and the need to be responsive, innovative and proactive to change.




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Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Stand 3 Company Name: Eden Network Development Ltd Contact: Alan Purvis Address: 144 Warwick Road, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA1 1LG, Telephone: 01228 819100 Email: [email protected] Website: www.endsolutions.net Eden Network Development Ltd provides software services and products for the housing and education sectors specialising in database and on-line solutions. Working closely with Housing Associations, we have produced a Home Ownership Management System designed to improve the management, tracking and auditing of the Right to Buy process. Matching legislative requirements with a solution which helps streamline delivery of services; our product drives forward efficiency and effective service delivery. Using the system’s many features will allow you to track and record all activity from application to completion giving you a complete audit trail of the process and all correspondence. Stand 4 Company Name: Chartered Institute of Housing Address: Octavia House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JP Telephone: 024 7685 1700 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.cih.org The Chartered Institute of Housing is the independent voice for housing and the home of professional standards. Our goal is simple – to provide housing professionals with the advice, support and knowledge they need to be brilliant. CIH is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation. This means that the money we make is put back into the organisation and funds the activities we carry out to support the housing industry. We have a diverse and growing membership of more than 22,000 people who work in both the public and private sectors, in 20 countries on five continents across the world. Find out more: www.cih.org




Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Stand 3 Company Name: Eden Network Development Ltd Contact: Alan Purvis Address: 144 Warwick Road, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA1 1LG, Telephone: 01228 819100 Email: [email protected] Website: www.endsolutions.net Eden Network Development Ltd provides software services and products for the housing and education sectors specialising in database and on-line solutions. Working closely with Housing Associations, we have produced a Home Ownership Management System designed to improve the management, tracking and auditing of the Right to Buy process. Matching legislative requirements with a solution which helps streamline delivery of services; our product drives forward efficiency and effective service delivery. Using the system’s many features will allow you to track and record all activity from application to completion giving you a complete audit trail of the process and all correspondence. Stand 4 Company Name: Chartered Institute of Housing Address: Octavia House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JP Telephone: 024 7685 1700 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.cih.org The Chartered Institute of Housing is the independent voice for housing and the home of professional standards. Our goal is simple – to provide housing professionals with the advice, support and knowledge they need to be brilliant. CIH is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation. This means that the money we make is put back into the organisation and funds the activities we carry out to support the housing industry. We have a diverse and growing membership of more than 22,000 people who work in both the public and private sectors, in 20 countries on five continents across the world. Find out more: www.cih.org




Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014

Stand 3 Company Name: Eden Network Development Ltd Contact: Alan Purvis Address: 144 Warwick Road, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA1 1LG, Telephone: 01228 819100 Email: [email protected] Website: www.endsolutions.net Eden Network Development Ltd provides software services and products for the housing and education sectors specialising in database and on-line solutions. Working closely with Housing Associations, we have produced a Home Ownership Management System designed to improve the management, tracking and auditing of the Right to Buy process. Matching legislative requirements with a solution which helps streamline delivery of services; our product drives forward efficiency and effective service delivery. Using the system’s many features will allow you to track and record all activity from application to completion giving you a complete audit trail of the process and all correspondence. Stand 4 Company Name: Chartered Institute of Housing Address: Octavia House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JP Telephone: 024 7685 1700 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.cih.org The Chartered Institute of Housing is the independent voice for housing and the home of professional standards. Our goal is simple – to provide housing professionals with the advice, support and knowledge they need to be brilliant. CIH is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation. This means that the money we make is put back into the organisation and funds the activities we carry out to support the housing industry. We have a diverse and growing membership of more than 22,000 people who work in both the public and private sectors, in 20 countries on five continents across the world. Find out more: www.cih.org




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As experts in this sector, we work withorganisations and individuals: findingpeople or the position you’re looking for. We can help your organisation recruit throughout a project’s lifecycle, from the initial concept to managing its sale. If you’re an individual who’s looking fora new role, whether that’s permanent, temporary or a contract opportunity, we’ll dedicate all our time, energy andexpertise to making sure you find yourperfect next step.

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Page 25: Home Ownership & Leasehold Management … pdfs/Beckys PDFs/Home...Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014 Please scan this barcode for more information about

Working closely with the sector our Home Ownership Management System is designed to improve the management, tracking and auditing of Right to Buy matching legislative requirements with a solution to streamline delivery of service.

Our integrated document management feature allows you to store and retrieve all electronic documents and correspondence to offer a true paperless system which will improve efficiency and ensure that every document be available and easily located.

• Manage the complete Right to Buy process with full audit trail

• Integrated Document Management storing all electronic correspondence

• Automatic 'To Do' List for tracking date critical activities and procedures

e.g. RTB2 due, Section 140 Notices, etc.

• Diary, Contact and Note logs to record all internal and external activity

• Create custom letters instantly by mail merging to any Word Document

• Generate Financial and KPI Reports

• Automatically calculate discounts using custom formulae

• Track Tenant and Housing Association Improvements

Summary of Features Introduction

01228 819100 www.endsolutions.net Eden Network Development Ltd

Home Ownership Management and Administration Solution

Transform your organisation with great leadership

Aimed at senior leaders across the housing industry, our Leadership programme for housing 2014

will support you to develop strategic and operational leadership skills and strategies for managing change

and challenge.


Page 26: Home Ownership & Leasehold Management … pdfs/Beckys PDFs/Home...Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014 Please scan this barcode for more information about
Page 27: Home Ownership & Leasehold Management … pdfs/Beckys PDFs/Home...Home Ownership & Leasehold Management Conference & Exhibition 2014 Please scan this barcode for more information about





IT/ SoftwareSupplier


Legal Experts


Repairs andMaintenance Providers






5 6


Gain advice andhelp from leadingexperts in the sector

CIH member ratesstart from £109 +VAT

for one day’s attendanceat the conference

Local authorities,housing associationsand ALMOs can attend


Taking bookingsNOW, please visitwww.cih.org/southeast2014

Conference &ExhibitionWith over 1000 professionals and 100exhibition stands at the conference, it willprovide the perfect opportunity to meet andnetwork with colleagues in the sector.

During the conference there will be the opportunity to learn from experiences of the sectors leading providers, partners and suppliers in the free open forum seminars which visitors as well as conference delegates will be able to attend. The open forum is located in the foyer area and will include sessions on:• Sustainable living and reducing energy consumption• Meeting the challenges of homes which last a lifetime

• The future of care and housing• Developing your future workforce through apprenticeships• Effective contact centre management: the key to right first time?

Delivered by:



with over 100suppliers in

the exhibition

7Open to everyone including sessions on Sustainable living, The future of care andhousing, Developing your futureworkforce through apprenticeshipsand much more...

CommunityThink Tanks

Annual Gala Dinner 5 March at the Grand Hotel, Brighton with host Karen Darke, 2012 Paralympic athlete and Vocalise Crew.

Arrange a meeting in the café

Quiz Night 4 March at the Brighton Centre6






IT/ Software



Legal Experts



Repairs and

Maintenance Providers











Gain advice and

help from leading

experts in the sector

CIH member rates

start from £109 +VAT

for one day’s attendance

at the conference Local authorities,

housing associations

and ALMOs can attend



Taking bookings

NOW, please visit


Conference &


With over 1000 professionals and 100

exhibition stands at the conference, it will

provide the perfect opportunity to meet and

network with colleagues in the sector. During the conference there will be the opportunity to

learn from experiences of the sectors leading providers,

partners and suppliers in the free open forum seminars

which visitors as well as conference delegates will be able

to attend.

The open forum is located in the foyer area and will

include sessions on:

• Sustainable living and reducing energy consumption

• Meeting the challenges of homes which last

a lifetime

• The future of care and housing

• Developing your future workforce through


• Effective contact centre management:

the key to right first time?

Delivered by:


43 Speak

with over 100

suppliers in

the exhibition7

Open to everyone including sessions on

Sustainable living, The future of care and

housing, Developing your future

workforce through apprenticeships

and much more...


Think Tanks









IT/ So





Legal E






















12 5 6


Gain ad

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CIH mem

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at the








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Taking bookin


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Think T










IT/ So





Legal E






















12 5 6


Gain ad

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CIH mem

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from £109 +VA


for one

day’s a



at the








ng as



and ALM

Os can






Taking bookin


NOW, plea

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With over

1000 professionals

and 100


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provide t

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During the confere

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and su

ppliers in

the free

open forum seminars

which vis

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s will b

e able

to attend.

The open forum is l

ocated in the fo

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include se

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• Sustainable l

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• Meeting the c

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• The future o

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• Developing yo

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• Effectiv

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the k

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with ove

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Open to


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living, Th

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of care


housing, D


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through ap



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Think T


CIH South East Conference & Exhibition4 – 6 March 2014 The Brighton Centre

What’s happening? Now in its 25th year the SE conference has established itself as the essential forum for over 1000 housing professionals in London and the South East. This year’s conference and exhibition is jam-packed with extra activities and includes brand new interactive features designed to keep you informed on the latest issues facing the sector, including keynote sessions, policy forums, think tanks, great networking opportunities and the chance to meet with other providers to share best practice, all under one roof.

For a full list of speakers, evening events, prices and to register simply visit www.cih.org/southeast2014 or email [email protected] or tel: 024 7685 1722 @cihseconference #SEConf2014

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Dedicated teams, dedicated solutionsCoffin Mew’s top rated social housing division and Capsticks’ pre-eminent health and social care practice came together under one umbrella in 2013.

Like all teams at Capsticks, our social housing division is full of experts who know your business inside out. Every member of our team is a housing expert who deals with the commercial issues affecting your business day in, day out; that way we guarantee unrivalled expertise and an efficient, cost-effective service to meet your needs.

We understand your ethos and values and your need to be innovative, proactive and responsive to change. Quite simply, we are dedicated to you and your business.

“A large and highly rated team of ‘specialists’, it is noted for its expertise across a wide range of issues and for its fast response times.” Legal 500 2013

For more details contact Jennifer Bennett on 023 8001 8362 or Clive Adams on 023 8001 8360
