hortobágy (angol)

1 Wandering in the Past ............................................................................................................ 2 Hortobágy Awaits You .......................................................................................................... 3 Graceful Churches, Fabulous Castles and Fortresses ............................................................ 4 Treasures and Collections in Museums ................................................................................ 8 Traditional Handcraftsmanship ............................................................................................ 12 The World of the Arts ....................................................................................................... 14 Inviting Flavours, Delicious Meals ...................................................................................... 16 Cultural and Gastronomical Programmes .......................................................................... 20 Products, Services and Events “Recommended by the Northern Great Plain Region” ........... 26 Information, Addresses ........................................................................................................ 30 – Village Inns, Guest Houses – Museums – Tourinform Offices, National Parks, Cultural Organisations and Information Agencies TABLE OF CONTENTS  Evangelic church – Nyíregyháza

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 Main Square, Grand Calvinist Church – Debrecen

Wandering in the PastThe region is rich in historical heritage. These pages are intended to intro-duce the cultural heritage of the region and also to encourage the readerto visit the northern region of the Great Hungarian Plain and its wide

variety of architectural and cultural sights.The Thermal Bath of Sóstó, situated right by the city of Nyíregyháza, isfamous for its peculiar atmosphere that inspired Gyula Krúdy, the popularwriter between the two world wars, as well as Lujza Blaha, the celebratedactress of the 19th century. Today people may revisit the past in the Mu-seum Village of Sóstó, the only open-air ethnographical museum of theregion. Visitors should stop by – even for a short hour – the romanticfortresses, the castles surrounded by massive walls, and the spiritualcentres: the churches of the region. Most of these churches are the mas-terpieces of the cultic and artistic traditions of architecture, regardless of

their size or importance: it is equally a breath-taking experience to look upat the coffered ceiling covering the mud-and-doub walls of the Calvinistchurch of Tákos, or to pay homage to the memorabilia of the HungarianRevolution (1848-49) in the grand Calvinist Church of Debrecen. The pastis also present in memorial sights of famous literary persons, in ethno-graphical curiosities or in the heritage of folk architecture. The regions ofTiszahát, Erdőhát, Nagykunság and Jászság offer their visitors peace andslow time. Without the past our future becomes obscure, therefore weneed to stop and look around before we move on.

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Grand Egret – Hortobágy 

Hortobágy Awaits YouConsidered as a part of our World Heritage, Hortobágy hides in the heartof the European Continent and offers insight into a long last harmonybetween man and nature. In 1972 UNESCO adopted the treaty on thepreservation of the world’s cultural and natural heritage. The list of WorldHeritage contains historic monuments, buildings, cultural sights, naturalformations or areas of universal significance from historical, artistic or

scientific perspective. Hortobágy National Park covers an area of 200thousand acres and it is the largest pasture in Europe that remained in-tact. The National Park was adopted as part of the World Heritage inDecember 1999 as an outstanding example of a lasting coexistence ofman and nature. It consists of an endless grassy plain, the “puszta”, that

functions as the pasture for traditional Hungarian species of domesticanimals, such as cattle, pig and sheep. If we are ready to go close the“puszta” reveals its hidden treasures: we may witness tens of thousandsof cranes, wild geese, and mallards moving across the plain during their

migration in spring and autumn. Groups of white stork regularly patrolthe sky while you need to be lucky to meet black storks and spoonbills.Hortobágy is also the home of the characters of an old pastoral world:cattlemen, shepherds and horsemen and their loyal helpers the puli andthe komondor, a small and a big species of longhaired sheepdogs of aHungarian breed. Other characteristic elements of the scenery are grazingherds, sweep-pole wells, horsemen riding in baggy trousers, the famousstonebridge that is built over nine spans – it is named after the “nineholes” and with its 167 metres, it is the longest vehicular stone bridge inHungary –, and the Hortobágy Csárda, the famous country tavern. On hotsummer days we may witness the delusion of fata morgana, an unusual

natural phenomenon.In spite of the vast pastures the entire area is not covered by the alka-line soil of the puszta, there is also an extensive system of fish-pondshere, and nearly forty percent of the national park is covered by a boggy,swampy, wetland area. The National Park offers exhibition houses andeducational paths to introduce the flora and fauna of the area.What appears first as an inanimate, burnt out, saline area is the homeof thousands of birds. There are two hundred couples of spoonbill hatch-ing in the highly preserved area. Horse breeding and equestrian sportsare also characteristic activities in the area that was compared to a vast

open sea by Sándor Petőfi, the revolutionary poet in the 19th century.Hortobágy-Máta is the largest equestrian centre of the region, but thereare also other horse farms open for visitors. If not on horseback, the bestway to approach the treasures of the pristine environment is to take a tripon a horse carriage.

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Calvinist Church – Zsurk 

Graceful Churches,Fabulous Castles and FortressesLike beacons in ancient times, church towers guide travellersby piercing the vast horizon and by the sound of their bells.

Churches have always been shelters for the community, evenif their significance changed throughout history. The Gothicchurch in Kölcse is a masterpiece of rural church architec-ture, while the one in Vámosatya bears witness to variousstyles and ages. The bell-tower in Lónya is considered asan architectural curiosity since it was built without nails.The medieval frescoes in the seven hundred year-old Cal-vinist church in Csaroda depict the historical events ofthe past centuries.The church in Csengersima, built in the age of the

Arpads (897-1301), is the oldest church along theriver Szamos. The Gothic church from the 14th cen-tury in Csenger with its bricks burnt red andblack is an aesthetic curiosity.The most important sight in Sonkád  isa Gothic Calvinist church from the 15thcentury that received the Europa NostraPrize in 1998.The 35 metres tall wooden bell-towerof the Calvinist church in Zsurk is a unique sight in the area. TheCalvinist church in Tákos with itsmud-and-doub walls and lively cofferedceiling was built in 1766.The late Gothic church in Nyírbátor,that also serves as a concert hall, wasbuilt by István Báthori, prince of Transyl-vania, and it is famous for its lacy net vaultthat seems to levitate twenty metres high.

The Greek Catholic basilica in Máriapócs is an internationally renownedplace of pilgrimage that became famous for its weeping image of the Vir-gin Mary. The Israelite cemetery in Nagykálló is often visited by pilgrimsfrom all over the world for the tomb of Taub Eizik Izsák, a scholar of the

Talmud, that was considered as a rabbi of miraculous powers.The symbol of Debrecen, a city often mentioned as the Calvinist Rome,is the largest Calvinist building in Hungary: the classicist Grand Churchwith its impressive harmony in architecture. The church was made fa-mous by its role in history: this is where Lajos Kossuth, the leader of theHungarian Revolution announced the Declaration of Independence (fromthe Habsburg throne) on 14. April 1849.It is also worth visiting the “Csonka” (Broken) church that was built in1600. It was named after its bastioned roof of tower it received after afire and a wind-storm instead of the original onion cupola.

The Calvinist church in Hajdúszoboszló, the biggest city of

spas, was built on foundations from the 15th century, andits castle wall is the most important historical monument

of the city. The Roman Catholic church on Bocskai Streetis famous for its frescoes depicting the history of the

town and its spas. As an Archbishop of Krakow, KarolWojtyla visited the town, a man who became knownaround the world as John Paul II. The Greek Catholiccommunity, that consist of a few hundred people, hasbuilt a new church in Byzantine style on SzilfákaljaStreet just recently.

Nyíracsád had been inhabited before the HungarianConquest (at the end of the 9th century), but its firstwritten record dates back to 1338, and the late Roman,early Gothic church in the centre was built in the 13thcentury. The interior of the church is decorated by three

layers of frescoes from the 14th, the 15th and


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Calvinist Church – Nyírbátor

Calvinist Church – Tákos 

Calvinist Church – Csaroda

the 17th centuries. This church is the only one from the age of the Arpadsin Hajdú-Bihar County that still functions. The pulpit is 300 years old.The Farkas line of the Gutkeledek family divided the ancient family herit-age into two in 1289 and on one of the territor ies (in Belső Gút) a Roman

church was built in the age of the Arpads, the ruins of which are displayedfor visitors. The church ruins are well preserved and their pleasant envi-ronment makes them a popular target of excursions.The Calvinist church on Bocskay Square in Hajdúböszörmény is famousfor one of the biggest bastioned organs of Hungary, that is not only anamazing piece of art but its sound is also immaculate. Hajdúdorog  isfamous for being the centre of the only Greek Catholic diocese in Hungary.The church was adopted as a Cathedral by Pius X in 1912. The Calvinistchurch in Hajdúnánás was first built 800 years ago and underwent a seriesof reconstruction until it received its final shape in 1868, when the famouscoffered ceiling and the impressive organ were placed in the church. The

organ was designed by the famous teacher of music, Lajos Makláry.

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 Andrássy Castle – Tiszadob

 Almásy Castle – Kétpó 

The castles and fortresses of the northern region of the Great Hunga-rian Plane witnessed long-forgotten romantic love stories and the life ofprinces and princesses. The most intact earthwork in Middle-Europe canbe found in Szabolcs, by the river Tisza. The triangular earthwork was the

scene of the national assembly in the age of the Arpads. The earthworkwas built by Szabolcs who was probably the prince after the death ofPrince Arpad. The castle of Kisvárda is a rare example of profane medi-eval architecture. It was built by István Váradi, the Bishop of Kalocsa, ina period after 1465. The castle of Kisvárda hosted the last inspectionof the troops by Ferenc Rákóczi II, leader of the Revolution (1703-11),who also held negotiations in the Renaissance fortified castle of Vaja,a historical monument surrounded by a natural park from the 16th cen-tury. The Vay castle in Vaja has survived the past centuries in relativelygood condition. Walking in the park of the Andrássy Castle in Tiszadob islike walking around the castles of the Loire Valley in France. The building

started to be built by Gyula Andrássy, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in 1880on the basis of the architecture of French castles, and it is surrounded bya landscape garden. The castle hosts the annual Eastern Piano Festival.The Lónyay Castle in Tuzsér is considered as a rare historical monument.It was rebuilt according to the plans of the famous architect, Miklós Yblaround 1880. The Dessewffy castle can be found in Tiszavasvári, andit was built around 1820 together with the surrounding protected land-scape garden. It is also worth visiting the Herpályi church ruins not farfrom Berettyóújfalu. Other than the southern steeple, nothing remainedof this 12th century monastery, but due to the work of archaeologists,

visitors can also see the foundations of the building. The Rhédey Castle inZsáka hosts the exhibitions of the famous painter, Gyula Madarász andthe participants of the International Artists’ and Icon Painters’ Colony, butvisitors may also enter the Rhédey-Wesselényi-Bethlen room, furnishedwith period furniture.

The Bocskai Castle, the former manor of the Prince of Transylvania, canbe found in Nagykereki, and it displays a collection of arms from the16th century and an exhibition focusing on the history of the 17th cen-tury wars of liberation. The only sign of the castle of Szolnok, that wasan important strategic sight during the Turkish occupation, is the Artist

Colony built on its place. Two of the most important castles of the Almásyfamily are the castle in Szenttamás and another one in Kétpó. The latterwas built by Count Almásy for his daughter as part of her dowry, and it isrebuilt and functions as a castle hotel today. Kenderes is famous for itsNeo-Baroque Horthy Castle, that is surrounded by a beautiful garden.

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 Museum Village – Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő 

Traditional Cemetery with carved wood grave-posts – Szatmárcseke

Water Mill – Túristvándi 

Treasures and Collections in MuseumsNyíregyháza  is not only characterised by its old buildings but also byits rich collections in museums. Among the ten thousand volumes of theKállay Collection researchers can find the correspondence of the former

prime minister, Miklós Kállay. The András Jósa Museum was named af terthe famous scientist and polyhistor. Among the various permanent exhi-bitions of the Museum there is a memorial exhibition devoted to GyulaBenczúr, the painter and Gyula Krúdy, the writer, another exhibition fo-cuses on the life of the hussars of Nyíregyháza, and there is also a col-lection of numismatics. The town also hosts the Greek Catholic Collectionof Religious Art, founded in 1983. The permanent exhibition displays rareicons, carved iconostases, and liturgical object. The City Gallery hoststhe collection of the International Numismatic and Small Sculpture ArtistColony of Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő. Sóstógyógyfürdő is famous

for the Museum Village opened in 1979. The Museum Village displaysthe masterpieces of the folk architecture of various regions (Nyírség,Szatmár, Bereg, Rétköz, Nyír, Mezőség), and visitors can enter the build-ings and find out what schools, chandler’s shops, pubs and fire stationslooked like hundreds of years ago. The Museum Village offers day-longprogrammes featuring folk customs and festivities, handcraftsmanship,and gastronomy.The Pál Vasvári Museum was founded by a zealous local teacher inTiszavasvár. It is unique because of its collections focusing on the his-tory of medicine, pharmacology and pharmacy. The György BessenyeiMemorial House in Tiszabercel commemorates the poet and guardsmanof Queen Maria Theresa. The former synagogue in Kisvárda hosts theRétköz Museum, where visitors can see the equipment of a traditionalvillage smith shop. The iron stove and cast iron collection of the BeregiMuseum of Vásárosnamény is famous around the country. The formerEötvös Mansion hosts the memorial exhibition devoted to József Eötvös.The Szatmáry Museum of Mátészalka  hosts the largest collection ofcarts, carriages and coaches. Tarpa is famous for a curiosity in industrialhistory: a dry mill, while Szatmárcseke is visited for the Classicist monu-

ment of the famous poet, Ferenc Kölcsey, that is surrounded by a Calvinistcemetery that consist of beautiful wooden grave-posts.

The water mill in Túristvándi is still in use. There is a memorial exhibitiondevoted to Zsigmond Móricz in Tiszacsécse, the birthplace of the fa-mous Hungarian writer. The Kölcsey Mansion in Álmosd hosts a memorialexhibition devoted to Ferenc Kölcsey, the famous Hungarian poet, authorof the National Anthem.


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 Library of the Calvinist College – Debrecen

 Munkácsy Mihály: Christ in front of Pilate – Debrecen, Déri Museum

Shepherd Museum – Hortobágy 

The Déri Museum in Debrecen was founded by Frigyes Déri, the ownerof a silk factory. The most significant painting in the gallery is the Jesus-Trilogy painted by Mihály Munkácsy. The three monumental paintings aretitled: Christ in front of Pilate, Golgotha, and Ecce Homo. The Museum

of Calvinist College hosts exhibitions on education history and religiousart, but visitors can also enter the Oratory, where the national assemblywas held in 1849 and 1945. The College Library, with its half a millionvolumes is the biggest collection of the Hungarian Reformed Church, andit contains rarities that are unique in Europe. The collection of DebrecenLiterary Museum was based upon the materials of Csokonai Society(founded in 1890) and the records of literary history kept in the City Mu-seum. There are nearly fifty thousand objects, documents and works ofart on display. The László Holló memorial Museum was established in theformer house of the painter. The city of Debrecen  is also proud of itsfamous sculptor, Ferenc Medgyessy, and opened a memorial exhibition in

the so-called Town House. The Debrecen exhibition Room of the NationalPost Museum offers an exhibition on the history of post and telecommu-nications, together with a collection of philately.Leaving the city of Debrecen to the west on Road 33, we arrive at Hor-tobágy. It is worth visiting the Museum of Herdsmen, where the exhibi-tion displays the memorabilia of this ancient profession in a traditionalbuilding. There is an ethnographical exhibition in the “Csárda” Museumof Meggyes, and there is a collection of birds of prey in the Guard Houseof Darassa. This museum can be approached from the road betweenBalmazújváros and Tiszacsege. The “Szélmalmi” Guest House at the

southern entry to the Hortobágy National Park, displays the nature of theNagykunság region.

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 Aviation Museum – Szolnok  The Horn of Lehel – Jászberény, Jász Museum

 Jug from Mezőtúr – Mezőtúr 

Hajdúszoboszló, the city of spas and Mediterranean atmosphere isknown as the Mecca of people suffering from rheumatism. The medicalspa and its unique water is not the only attraction: the Bell house is aspectacular piece of architecture where there are a number of bells made

of a special aluminium alloy. The artist couple – Edit Obrozil and TiborJenei – were granted a world patent for their unique technique of bell-founding. Bocskai Museum hosts collections of local history, ethnographyand modern art.The Andor Semsey Museum in Balmazújváros offers exhibitions on thehistory of the town, the ethnography as well as the nature of the region,together with the history of the Semsey family that played an importantrole on the development of Balmazújváros. There are important histori-cal documents of the city, and the Museum also displays a collection ofhats made by the famous hatter, Zoltán Mihalkó.The Hajdúság Museum in Hajdúböszörmény displays the history and eth-

nography of heyduck (“hajdú”) people, that were members of an ennobledmilitary class. There is a sculpture park in the courtyard of the museum,displaying significant figures from the history of the town, such as IstvánBocskai, Mihály Csokonai Vitéz, Gábor Bethlen. It is also worth visiting thememories of folk art, known as Káplár Camping on Polgár Street.The Nagynyomás pasture in Hajdúbagos was declared a protected molerat reserve in 1976, this approximately 750 acres of land is the last resortof the mole rat population of Hungary.The Bihari Museum in Berettyóújfalu displays collections focusing onthe history, archaeology, ethnography and art of the region. The collec-

tion is based on the Neolithic fossils of the earthwork in Herpály and theexcavations of the Herpály Monastery, a collection of fine arts and themanuscripts of Zoltán Nadányi and Pál Szabó. The permanent exhibitionsof Péter Prokop, the priest and painter are displayed in the Vécsey man-sion in Nyíracsád.The sculptures of Lajos Papi are exhibited in the “creative house” (anartists’ workshop) named after him, while the Ethnographical ExhibitionRoom displays the life of the area based on two thousand objects.The Finta Museum in Túrkeve hosts the permanent exhibition of SándorFinta and Gergely Finta the two world renowned sculptors, together with

the Korda Room, commemorating the film-maker Korda brothers.Sándor Korda was known as the founder of British film industry, andZoltán Korda became world famous in the US as the director of TheJungle Book, while Vince Korda won the Oscar Prize in 1940. Mezőtúr issituated at the edge of the Nagykunság region, and is the centre of folkpottery. The masterpieces of this art form are displayed in the Pottery Mu-seum. The prominent figure of the history of pottery in Mezőtúr is BalázsBadár Sr. whose work is renowned nation-wide and elsewhere in Europe.The work of the Badár Dynasty is exhibited in its original environment inthe Badár Memorial House in Újváros. The Tiszazug Geographical Mu-


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 Harvest Festivities – Jászapáti 

 Rural house and yard 

seum in Tiszaföldvár displays the objects of folk life of the people in theregion, and it is also the third most important paleontological exhibition inHungary. The Museum of Local history in Kunszentmárton is situated inthe building of the former Prison of the Nagykun District.

Szolnok is famous for Damjanich Museum that resides in one buildingwith an elegant hotel, and hosts permanent and temporary exhibitions.The exhibitions of the more than hundred year-old Artist Colony and theArt Gallery in the synagogue are also worth visiting. The paleontologicalcuriosities of Damjanich Museum, bones of mammoths and other prehis-toric animals were found by fishermen in the river Tisza. Szolnok is alsofamous for the Hungarian Museum of Aviation History, an unparalleledcollection of this kind in the country.There are a number of interesting collections of local history and countryexhibition houses in the region of “Jászság”. The Jász Museum in Jász-berény displays one of the oldest relics from the age of the Hungarian

Conquest, the Horn of Lehel that is made of ivory and ornamented byreliefs. The Hamza Collection and the Jász Gallery display the paintingsand sculptures of Ákos D. Hamza, the pioneer of Hungarian talking filmindustry, together with the drawings of his wife, Mária Lehel, the famousfashion designer. Jászágó is noted for its collection displaying educationhistory and children’s’ toys, Jászapáti is famous for the Pál Vágó Memo-rial House and Collection of Local History, Jászárokszállás is the homeof the Jász House, while the Árpád Gecse Memorial House is in Alattya.

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Working on the Potter’s Wheel  Black Ceramics from Nádudvar 

Traditional HandcraftsmanshipThe representatives of traditional professions and handcraftsmanship – woodcarvers, weavers, embroiderers, potters – inherited their skills from a longsequence of generations. The variety in style and patterns that characterisesthese elements of folk art has accumulated throughout he past centuries. Thereare still masters of old professions in most of the villages, who are ready toteach about their craft in workshops or in courses. The products of traditional

handcraftsmanship may become parts of our lives if we are willing to recognisethe merits of an intensive coexistence between man and nature.One of the centres of folk pottery is Mezőtúr where pottery has been madesince the 16th century based on the excellent raw material found in the area.The products of this region – jugs, dishes, plates, crocks, and flasks – are easilyrecognised by their colours: red, green and white patterns on an ochre back-ground. The Pottery Museum in Mezőtúr displays the history of local potteryuntil today in a permanent exhibition. The life and work of Balázs Badár Sr. andhis family is displayed by the Memorial House. The “Hajdúság” region is famousfor the black ceramics of Nádudvar as well as the white and felted embroiderymade in the area. Felted embroidery is also made in the region of Debrecen 

and Derecske. The traditional skills of handcraftsmanship are practised inpottery workshops by renowned folk artists. Among these traditions the mostprominent in Túrkeve is the skill of making “Cumanian” embroidery. Pillow-cases were made of woollen yarn and felt for a long time, but today household


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textile is made by the technique of Cumanian embroidery in Kisújszállás. The Folk Art Workshop can be found in Tiszavárkony, not far from the city ofSzolnok, and it is supported by a folk art society. The Tímárház in Debrecen displays folk traditions on 500 square metres. There are five workshops openfor visitors where the masters of 10-15 trades present their skills after oneanother. There is a folk art shop in the institution where visitors can buy variousmasterpieces of folk art. These art works of high level are popular gifts amongHungarians while visitors from other countries take them outside the bordersand thus advertise the wonderful traditions of this region.The traditions of making gingerbread are still alive in Debrecen  and in

Hajdúböszörmény. The master of gingerbread making in Hajdúböszörmény

is a member of the fourth generation of a dynasty of gingerbread making. Thewooden gingerbread forms are inherited from generation to generation, includ-ing forms shaping a new-born baby, a hussar, a richly ornamented sword or a

heart among a number of other shapes. The workshop is equipped by traditionalinstruments and both coloured and brown gingerbread can be made here.Hajdúnánás  and Törökszentmiklós  are famous for the traditions of plait-ing of straw. The Exhibition House (country exhibition house) in Hajdúnánás

displays objects of traditional folk culture. The house, built in folk classiciststyle was furnished by objects gathered from the city, and it was adopted as amemorial house in 1980, and has been open for visitors since 1984. It is a typi-cal house of the region: it is covered with reeds, divided into three main parts,and there is a long veranda along the front of the house. The adobe walls arepainted white and they are black at he bottom. The tricks of plaiting of strawcan be learnt about in the “Aranyszalma” (Golden Straw) Workshop. There is

also a Straw Gallery in the Community Centre of Törökszentmiklós where theproducts of the summer camps are displayed.The Mihalkó family in Balmazújváros makes traditional hats and caps thatused to be and are still worn by herdsmen of all kinds.The traditional culture of herdsmen in the Great Hungarian Plain and in Hor-

tobágy is best represented by wood carvings, and objects made of horn orleather, like the “karikás”, a short-stocked ornamental long whip and jack-knifeholders. Wood carvers made the basic furniture of rural houses. These objectswere richly ornamented by patterns of leafy twigs, roses and tulips. Handmadeand carved folk furniture is still often used in households in the regions of

Nagykunság and Jászság.There are still a few active handicraftsmen in Jászszentandrás who make folkfurniture. The characteristic embroidery of the Jászság region originates fromfur embroidery, that was famous for its wonderful ornaments. Furriers usedthe long fur of the traditional Hungarian species of sheep to make the “suba”(shepherd’s cloak) and the “ködmön” (a sheepskin waistcoat) that were embroi-dered by coloured yarns. A shepherd’s cloak for a grown man consist of 14-16sheepskins. Today we may recognise these patterns on household textiles andclothes.Rétköz is famous for its homespun, Bereg is noted for the herring-bone embroi-

dery, women of Tarpa make the most beautiful tulip and carnation patterns,while Paszab  is famous for the flowers and fish on its embroidery. In Be-

regdaróc visitors can gain insight into hemp processing. The most well-knownstyles of embroidery in the Bihar region are the white embroidery of Komádiand the unique ornamentation of embroidery in Furta.Plaiting is also an important part of the traditional handcraftsmanship in theregion. Besides plaited rye-, oat-, and barely-straw, objects of everyday lifewere often made of wicker, rushes or straw. Later dry cornhusk also became araw material of plaited bags and ornaments. People still make wicker baskets,straw bread-baskets and sewing baskets. Cornhusk is also used to make toysfor children. Basketry and other wicker-work, such as wicker furniture are still

popular in the regions surrounding the rivers Tisza, Zagyva, and Körös wherewicker and rush can be found. Railings around tombs are the best examples ofthe blacksmithing works of the region, but visitors may also find ornamentedgates, sign-boards, door- and window-lattice.

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 Artist Colony – Szolnok 

The World of the ArtsThe annual creative workshops and courses are organised for artists andamateurs of all branches of art. Such an ideal place for artistic creationcan be found in the Takács Farm situated in a breathtaking environmentright by a branch of the river Körös, not far from Mezőtúr, where paintersand sculptors can regularly meet.

The works of the International Woodcarving Camp can be seen in thecarved ornaments on the gates of Vásárosnamény. There is a contempo-rary art gallery in the Rétköz Museum of Kisvárda.The International Artist Colony of Hortobágy was established in 1928.

It hosts a course every year (from 15 February to 15 March) taught byHungarian instructors and artists from nearly 20 countries. The “Cívis” In-ternational Art Colony was established fifteen years ago and it also hostsprominent international and Hungarian artists. It is also one of the mostsignificant painter colonies in Hungary. The artists of these colonies turnto the themes and motives of the region and apply various artistic meansto represent them.There are half a dozen of excellent art galleries in the city of Debrecen.The Contemporary Art Gallery on Batthyány Street displays paintings,sculptures, graphics and ceramics. The National Summer Exhibition ofDebrecen is a collective exhibition of professional artists held every three

years during the courses of the Summer University.The International Artist Colony of Hajdúság was established in 1964 inHajdúböszörmény. It was adopted as an official artist colony in 1971, andthe UNESCO included it in the list of important workshops for paintersand graphic artists.August von Pettenkofen brought a number of artists from the country andabroad to the romantic scenery around the rivers Tisza and Zagyva bet-


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Church Concert 

Csokonai Theatre – Debrecen

Sculpture of Szigligeti Ede – Szolnok, Szigligeti Theatre

ween 1851 and 1881 and that is why the city of Szolnok became the cityof painters. The Szolnok Artist Colony was established by twelve Hungar-ian artists between 1899 and 1902. The long list of prominent paintersincludes László Mednyánszky, Adolf Fényes, Vilmos Aba-Novák, together

with Ferenc Chiovini, Kálmán Istókovits, Tibor Pólya, Aurél Bernáth, andZoltán Borbereki Kovács. The Gallery of Szolnok resides in the formersynagogue built in 1899 in Moorish style and offers exhibitions and con-certs regularly.

The region is also characterised by a rich tradition of folk music and folkdance.There are a number of bands, dance groups and choirs working on thepreservation of a vast cultural tradition. Some of the most prominent folkdance ensembles are “Igrice”, “Szabolcs” and “Nyírség” in Nyíregyháza,“Kállai Kettős” in Nagykálló, “Tisza” in Jászság and Szolnok, “Hajdú” in

Debrecen, and “Bocskai” in Hajdúböszörmény.There are also bands and choirs that are renowned beyond the borders ofthe country: the Cantemus Choir in Nyíregyháza, the Piccoli Archi Band,

the Zither Bands of Bereg and Nyíracsád, the Rainbow Zither Band ofMezőtúr, the Pro Musica Girls Choir, the János Palotásy Mixed Choir inJászberény, the Mihály Székely ÁFÉSZ Choir of Jászság, The BanchieriChoir performing Rennaisance and contemporary music. Debrecen hoststhe annual Béla Bartók International Choir Competition, and Nyíregyházaorganises the Cantemus Choir Festival every two years.The Andrássy Castle in Tiszadob is the home of the Eastern Piano Festival

in August every year. The Renaissance castle of Kisvárda hosts the an-nual Festival of Hungarian Theatres Abroad. The Shawn World Festivalis organised biennially in the Vay Castle of Vaja. The annual Szolnok Mu-sic Festival offers various musical curiosities from the repertory of theSzolnok Philharmonic Orchestra and Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra. The

eighty year-old Kodály Choir is also internationally renowned.The culture of the northern region of the Great Hungarian Plane is alsocharacterised by a number of theatres celebrated nation-wide. The MóriczZsigmond Theatre in Nyíregyháza has been voted the best country thea-

tre of the year several times. The parade of eastern stars has been organ-ised in June every year since 1996 – it is a kind of caricature of the OscarPrize. The Castle Theatre of Kisvárda is famous for hosting the Festivalof Hungarian Theatres Abroad. The famous tenor and theatre managerIstván Reszles built a small covered theatre in 1861, this wooden buildingwas the predecessor of Csokonai Theatre. The beautiful building can nowseat 544 visitors. The Szigligeti Theatre in Szolnok was rebuilt in 1991 ina style that alloys Art Nouveau and modern architecture.

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Inviting Flavours, Delicious MealsVisitors coming to the northern region of the Great Hungarian Plain willfind themselves in a unique culture of gastronomy. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Be-reg County offers a great variety of extraordinary food and drink, such

as the thin shelled walnut of Milota, the pumpkin from Nagydobos, thebacon and sausage from Vállaj, the plum jam made in Szatmár and Bereg,the plum brandy from Szatmár, and the acacia-honey from Szabolcs. Szat-márcseke is famous for its “titmouse” but it has nothing to do with thebird, since it is made of fried dough mixed with potato. The Plum RouteSociety was founded to introduce visitors to the important sights of theregion as well as to a culinary culture developed from plum production.The Szatmár Festival offers culinary and cultural programmes in August.Szatmárcseke hosts the International Plum Jam Competition where thecontestants cook the famous “Szatmári” plum for an entire day to make

the most delicious jam. The Walnut Festival in Milota is based upon theworld renowned thin shelled walnut of Milota, while in Penyige the GrandFair by the Szenke offers meals made on open fire for visitors. The Autumnin Nyírség festival is also organised around gastronomy. Restaurants inSóstógyógyfürdő offer a number of local specialities, such as “Steak á laKrúdy” or “Sardine paté á la Krúdy”, both named after the famous writer.The cuisine of Nyíregyháza is characterised by the “tirpák” traditions. TheHorseradish Route Society in Újléta introduces dishes made with horse-

radish in six villages of the region within the programmes of an annualfestival in May.The region of Hajdúság also has a number of characteristic dishes: spare-rib soup, Debrecen sausage with horseradish from Bihar, HortobágyiMeat Pancake, Hajdúság stuffed cabbage, and “dübbencs”, a type of frieddough made in the oven. The Turkey Days in Debrecen introduces specialdishes made of turkey.

Szatmári Plum

Szatmári Flavours 


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People from Hajdúböszörmény are characterised by their active relation-ship with their historical past that serves as a basis for their stable iden-tity. Gastronomy is also a part of the traditions of this community, andthat is why they annually organise the “Chef of Hajdúság” competition.

The competitors have to make the characteristic dishes of the area.The Jászberény Summer Festivities offer programmes focusing on econo-my, sports, culture, and science. The traditional programmes include theTraditional Jászság Wedding Feast together with the Festival of Folk Cui-sine in Jászság where traditional dishes are served with folk music andfolk dance performances.

Csöröge (fritter)

Stew Cake

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The cuisine of the northern region of the Great Hungarian Plain is charac-terised by a wide variety. Visitors can taste fresh milk, homemade sourcream and cottage cheese, eat the famous goulash, or try themselves inmaking plum jam. The region is also famous for its fish soup, fish stew,

stuffed cabbage, noodle soup or potato pasta. The Szolnok Goulash Fes-tival Society organises the annual international Szolnok Goulash Festival.The increasing popularity of the Honey Festival in Jászberény broughtinternational fame for the town. The cake competition in Jásztelek is alsopopular among confectioners and skilful housewives. The “Kuruc” Societyin Rákóczifalva annually organises the National and International BreadBaking Competition. During the competition traditional harvest dishes areserved and there is also a 17th century kitchen open for visitors.The river Tisza, its branches and fish ponds are popular among fisher-men. Most of the villages along the rivers organise fish soup competitions,  where visitors can not only taste the most delicious dishes but try them-

selves in making them. The first fish soup competition of the season isin May organised in Túristvándi, that is followed by another in June inMezőtúr by the lake, and in August in Tiszabercel. The northern region ofthe Great Hungarian Plane offers a series of excellent programmes andfestivals focusing on the cuisine of the region. Visitors may chose fromthe list under the title “Cultural and Gastronomical Programmes”.

 Pot Goulash

 Harvest Festivities – Rákóczifalva


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Slambuc (pasta)

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New Year Concert – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Winter Festival – ringing the sleigh-belland slaughterer competition – NapkorInformation: The Local Government of the Village of Napkor, Tel.: +36-42/337-742


Debrecen masquerade – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Wine Competition – HajdúdorogInformation: Görög Demeter Community Centre, Tel.: +36-52/572-020

Szatmárcseke International TitmouseCooking Competition – SzatmárcsekeInformation: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Office of Villageand Agro-Tourism, Tel.: +36-42/599-585


Debrecen Spring Festival and Exhibition – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Tourinform – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250, Fax: +36-52/535-323E-mail: [email protected]

Farmers’ Days – Hajdúböszörmény

Information: Sillye Gábor Community Centre,Tel.: +36-52/229-799, +36-30/395-7071Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851E-mail: [email protected]

Art Weeks of Nyíregyháza – NyíregyházaInformation: Tel.: +36-42/411-422

Szolnok Music Festival – SzolnokInformation: ARS-IN-COM Ltd., Tel.: +36-56/424-262


Debrecen Poetry Festival – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Contemporary Art Expo – DebrecenInformation: Kölcsey Ferenc Institution of Public Education,Tel.: 52/413-977, Web: www.kolcseymki.hu

City Day – Debrecen

Information: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Music Festival – KisújszállásInformation: Tel.: +36-59/520-786

Saint George Day Festivities – JászalsószentgyörgyInformation: Saint George Foundation, Tel.: +36-57/456-103

Grapes and Wine in the Érmellék Region:Exhibition and Wine Competition – Létavértes

Information: The Mayor’s Office of Létavértes, Tel.: +36-52/376-101

Szolnok Music Festival – SzolnokInformation: ARS-IN-COM Ltd., Tel.: +36-56/424-262


Debrecen Gastronomical Festival – DebrecenInformation: Club Barabás, Tel.: +36-52/502-231,E-mail: [email protected] – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250, Fax: +36-52/535-323

E-mail: [email protected]

International Pottery Festival – DebrecenInformation: Kölcsey Institute of Public Education, Tel.: +36-52/413-977

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Bread baking and tasting – HajdúdorogInformation: Tel./Fax: +36-52/572-020

National Herdsmen Festival – Hortobágy

Information: Tourinform – Hortobágy, Tel.: +36-52/589-321,E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hortobagyikht.hu

Shepherd Festival – Hortobágy Equestrian Days(during Pentecost) – HortobágyTourinform – Hortobágy, Tel.: +36-52/589-322,E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hortobagyikht.hu

National Equestrian Archer Competition – KisújszállásInformation: Tel.: +36-20/4663-672Tourinform – Kisújszállás, Tel.: +36-59/520-672, E-mail: [email protected]

Nyírség Gastronomical Festival – NapkorInformation: The Local Government of the Village of Napkor,Tel.: +36-42/337-742

“Tirpák” Weekend – Nyíregyháza-AntalbokorInformation: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Office of Village Tourism

Information: Tel.: +36-42/599-588

Suliexpo – International Children’s Festival – Nyíregyháza - SóstógyógyfürdőInformation: Regional Institute and Training Centre of Pedagogy and Public Education,

Tel.: +36-42/501-362, Web: www.suliexpo.hu

Ligetalja Cultural Festival – NyíracsádInformation: Dózsa György Community Centre, Tel.: +36-52/206-410Tourinform – Nyíracsád, Tel.: +36-52/207-271E-mail: [email protected]

National and International Festival for KodályChoirs – SzolnokInformation: Tel.: +36-56/379-162

Szolnok Music Festival – SzolnokInformation: ARS-IN-COM Ltd., Tel.: +36-56/424-262Opening of the tourist season

Fish Soup Competition – TúristvándiInformation: Tel.: +36-30/2899-808

“Kuruc” Festival – TarpaInformation: Tel.: +36-20/4292-163

Kevi Shepherd Festival – TúrkeveInformation: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-56/361-111Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901E-mail: [email protected]


Traditional Cooking Competition – BalmazújvárosInformation: Rákóczi Reading Club, Tel.: +36-30/324-8092

International Military Band Festival(every second year) – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office Tel.: +36-52/518-400Tourinform – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250, Fax: +36-52/535-323E-mail: [email protected]

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Nánás Fair on the Square – HajdúnánásInformation: Móricz Pál Community Centre, Tel.: +36-52/382-400

Festival of Heyduck Cities – Hajdúszoboszló

Information: Kovács Máté City Community Centre and Library,Tel.: +36-52/558-800

Szoboszló Folk Days – HajdúszoboszlóInformation: Kovács Máté City Community Centre and Library,Tel.: +36-52/558-800

Festival of Hungarian Theatres Abroad – KisvárdaInformation: castle Theatre and Art Centre, Tel.: +36-45/405-239E-mail: www.kisvarda.szinhaz.hu

Fish Cooking Competition – MezőtúrInformation: Tel.: +36-70/504-5694Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901,E-mail: [email protected]

Rhythm and Blues Festival andMotorbike Rally – NyírbátorInformation: Tel.: +36-42/281-748

International Big Band Festival – Hajdúböszörmény

Information: Sillye Gábor Community CentreTel.: +36-52/229-799, +36-30/395-7071Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851E-mail: [email protected]

Tisza-Party – Vásárosnamény-GergelyiugornyaInformation: Esze Tamás Community Centre, Tel.: +36-45/470-153Tourinform - Vásárosnamény, Tel.: +36-45/570-206E-mail: [email protected]


“Cívis” Promenade – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Hall, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Tourinform – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250E-mail: [email protected]

Open-Air Performances – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Béla Bartók International Choir Competition – Debrecen

Information: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400Tourinform – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250, Fax: +36-52/535-323E-mail: [email protected]

Debrecen Wine Carnival – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

KOTTA-Festival – HajdúböszörményInformation: Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851E-mail: [email protected]

Harvest Day – JászapátiInformation: Tel.: +36-57/440-516

Nights in the Castle Theatre – KisvárdaInformation: Castle Theatre and Art Centre, Tel.: +36-45/405-239Web: www.kisvarda.szinhaz.hu

WANTED Festival – MezőtúrInformation: Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901E-mail: [email protected]

International Pottery Festival and Market – MezőtúrInformation: Móricz Zsigmond Library and Community Centre,

Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-299Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901E-mail: [email protected]

“Together in the Carpathian Basin” –“Suttyomba” Folk Music Festival – MezőtúrInformation: Móricz Zsigmond Library and Community Centre,Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-299Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-52/350-901E-mail: [email protected]

Sour Cherry Festival – NyírmeggyesMayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/409-850, +36-30/432-7855

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The Week of the Winged Dragon – InternationalStreet Theatre Festival – NyírbátorInformation: Tel.: +36-42/281-748

Mandala Summer – NyíregyházaInformation: Mandala music Theatre, Tel.: +36-42/409-545

Green Apple Days – PorcsalmaInformation: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/376-150

“Hegyalja” Festival – RakamazInformation: Tel.: +36-30/9459-226, Web: www.hegyaljafestival.hu

Harvest Festival – RákóczifalvaInformation: Tel.: +36-56/441-464

“Rétköz” Cultural and Tourist Days – TiszabercelInformation: Pro Tiszabercel Foundation, Tel.: +36-30/9533-580

Tisza-Party – Vásárosnamény-GergelyiugornyaInformation: Esze Tamás Community Centre, Tel.: +36-45/470-153Tourinform - Vásárosnamény, Tel.: +36-45/570-206E-mail: [email protected]


Debrecen Flower Carnival Week – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400Tourinform – Debrecen, Tel.: +36-52/412-250, Fax: +36-52/535-323E-mail: [email protected]

Beer Carnival – DebrecenInformation: Club Barabás, Tel.: +36-52/502-231E-mail: [email protected]

Village Day and Raspberry Festival – FülöpInformation: Mayor’s Office, Community CentreTel.: +36-52/208-491, 208-473

Heyduck Week – HajdúböszörményInformation: Sillye Gábor Community CentreTel.: +36-52/229-799, +36-30/395-7071Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851E-mail: [email protected]

Cooking Competition – HajdúböszörménySillye Gábor Community Centre,Tel.: +36-52/229-799, +36-30/395-7071Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851E-mail: [email protected]

Szoboszló Dixieland Days – HajdúszoboszlóInformation: Kovács Máté Community Centre and Library,Tel.: +36-52/558-800

Bridge Fair – HortobágyInformation: Local Government of Hortobágy, Tel.: +36-52/369-021Tourinform – Hortobágy, Tel.: +36-52/369-108, +36-52/589-321E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hortobagyikht.hu

Jászberény Summer Festivities – JászberényInformation: Tourinform – Jászberény, Tel.: +36-57/406-439,Tel./Fax: +36-57/412-163, E-mail: [email protected]

“Csángó” Festival –Folklore Festival of EuropeanEthnic Minorities – JászberényInformation: Tel.: +36-57/411-294Tourinform - Jászberény, Tel.: +36-57/406-439, Tel./Fax: +36-57/412-163E-mail: [email protected]

Kaba Autumn Art Festival – KabaInformation: Mácsai Sándor Community Centre, Tel.: +36-54/522-000

Sweet Days – KabaInformation: Mácsai Sándor Community Centre, Tel.: +36-54/522-000

Nights in the Castle Theatre – KisvárdaInformation: Castle Theatre and Art Centre, Tel.: +36-45/405-239Web: www.kisvarda.szinhaz.hu

Mezőtúr Art Festival – MezőtúrInformation: Móricz Zsigmond Library and Community Centre,Tel.: +36-56/350-299Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901E-mail: [email protected]

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Túri Fair – MezőtúrInformation: Móricz Zsigmond Library and Community Centre,Tel.: +36-56/350-299Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-56/551-900

Tourinform – Mezőtúr, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-901 E-mail:[email protected]

Cantemus Choir Festival – NyíregyházaInformation: Kodály Zoltán Primary School, Tel./Fax: +36-42/310-731

Festival of Herdsmen’s Songs – NyíracsádTourinform – Nyíracsád, Tel./Fax: +36-52/507-271E-mail: [email protected]

Tobacco Festival – NyírmártonfalvaInformation: Tel.: +36-30/5978-727

Upper- Tisza Fish Soup Competition – TiszabercelInformation: Pro Tiszabercel Society, Tel.: +36-30/9533-580

Szatmár Music Festival – Szatmárnémeti, Csenger, Szat-márcseke, Fehérgyarmat, Porcsalma, SokádInformation: Szatmár Music Festival Society, Tel.: +36-44/342-544

Nyírbátor Music Festival – Nyírbátor and the surrounding villages

Information: Winged Dragon Cultural Foundation, Tel.: +36-42/281-748

“Túr party” – Kölcse-SonkádInformation: Mayor’s Of fice, Kölcse, Tel.: +36-44/377-207Mayor’s Office, Sonkád, Tel.: +36-44/377-248

Meeting by the River Szamos – TunyogmatolcsInformation: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/589-030

International Fish Soup Competition – Túristvándi

Information: Tel.: +36-70/269-4352, Web: www.turistvandi.hu

International Melon Festival – HajdúbagosInformation: Baumann Reisen 2000 Travel Ltd., Tel.: +36-52/530-321Web: www.baumann-reisen.hu

International Plum Jam Festival – SzatmárcsekeInformation: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Officeof Village and Agro-Tourism, Tel.: +36-42/599-585Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/712-035

Hemp Festival – BeregdarócInformation: Tel.: +36-20/3892-883, +36-30/4600-203Tourinform – Vásárosnamény, Tel.: +36-45/570-206E-mail: [email protected]

International Walnut Festival – MilotaInformation: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/578-002

Grand Fair by the Szenke – Penyige

Information: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/709-004

Eastern Piano Festival – TiszadobInformation: Tel.: +36-30/388-0140Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Office of Tourinform, Tel./Fax: +36-42/312-606E-mail: [email protected]

Tisza-Party – Vásárosnamény-GergelyiugornyaInformation: Tourinform – Vásárosnamény, Tel.: +36-45/570-206E-mail: [email protected]


Debrecen Jazz Festival – DebrecenFőnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

International Sugar Beet Festival – HajdúböszörményInformation: Local Government of Hajdúböszörmény and Szerencsi SugarFactory Inc., Tel.: +36-52/228-788, 30/395-7071Tourinform – Hajdúböszörmény, Tel./Fax: +36-52/561-851

E-mail: [email protected]

Szoboszló Lamb and Pasta Festival – HajdúszoboszlóInformation: Kovács Máté City Library and Community Centre,Tel.: +36-52/558-800

Healthy Cuisine and Wine Festival – HajdúszoboszlóInformation: Hajdúszoboszló Host Society, Tel.: +36-52/361-744

“VIDOR” Festival –

A National Festivity of Fun and Joy – NyíregyházaInformation: Móricz Zsigmond Theatre, Tel.: +36-42/432-267Web: www.vidorfest.hu

Máriapócs Feast –Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary – MáriapócsInformation: Greek Catholic Church, Tel.: +36-42/385-142

Szolnok Goulash Festival – SzolnokInformation: Szolnok Goulash Festival Society, Tel.: +36-56/514-364

Honey Festival and Apiarist Meeting – SzolnokInformation: Tel.: +36-20/3103-766

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“Nyírség” Autumn Fruit Carnival – NyíregyházaInformation: Váci Mihály Community CentreTel.: +36-42/411-822Tourinform – Nyíregyháza, Tel.: +36-42/504-647

E-mail: [email protected]

Cumanian Contest – KisújszállásInformation: Tel.: +36-20/4663-672Tourinform – Kisújszállás, Tel.: +36-59/520-672E-mail: [email protected]

Nagydobos Pumpkin Festival – NagydobosInformation: Mayor’s Office, Tel.: +36-44/580-060 OCTOBER 

“Szatmár” Apple Festival – CsengerInformation: Local Government of Csenger, Tel.: +36-44/341-235

Autumn Festival – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Hungarian Grey Pedigree Bull Market – HortobágyInformation: Tourinform – Hortobágy, Tel.: +36-52/589-321E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hortobagyikht.hu

Onion Day – JászladányInformation: Community Centre, Tel.: +36-57/454-044

Blessed Virgin Mary Parish feast – NyíracsádInformation: Tourinform – Nyíracsád, Tel./Fax: +36-52/207-271E-mail: [email protected]

Autumn Art Weeks in Szolnok – SzolnokInformation: ARS IN COM Ltd., Tel.: +36-56/424-262, +36-56/420-189


Autumn Exhibition in Hajdú-Bihar County – DebrecenInformation: Kölcsey Ferenc Institute of Public Education,

Tel.: +36-52/413-977, Web: www.kolcseymki.hu

Debrecen Literary Festival – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Saint Martin Days – KunszentmártonInformation: Local Government of Kunszentmárton,Tel.: +36-56/560-523

“Kállai Kettős” Choir Festival – NagykállóInformation: II. Rákóczi Ferenc Community Centre,Tel.: +36-42/263-141, +36-30/2762-971

National Santa Claus Beauty Contest – Nyíregyháza-SóstógyógyfürdőInformation: Market and Investment Ltd.,Tel.: +36-42/416-004, +36-30/2798-906

Folk Handcraftsmanship in Beregand Festival of Gastronomy – VásárosnaményInformation: Winkler House, Tel.: +36-45/470-945, +36-45/570-201


Advent in Debrecen – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

Happy New Year Debrecen – DebrecenInformation: Főnix Program Office, Tel.: +36-52/518-400

New Years Eve Fireworks

and Festivities – HajdúszoboszlóInformation: Kovács Máté City Community Centre, Tel.: +36-52/558-800

Nativity Festival – NyíracsádInformation: Dózsa György Community Centre, Tel.: +36-52/206-410Tourinform – Nyíracsád, Tel.: +36-52/207-271E-mail: [email protected]

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“Szilke” from MezőtúrIt is a yellow, glazed, round and neatly ornamented pot with one handle.Height: 12 cm.

“Butella” from MezőtúrIt is a yellow, glazed, bottle shaped pot with one handle. Height: 18 cm.

Maker Ltd. Hornyákné Sila Katalin (Badár Balázs u.13.)5400 Mezőtúr, Tulipán út 2. Tel.: +36-30/340-6116, Fax: +36-56/352-989

Milk Jug from MezőtúrIt is made of red clay from Mezőtúr, burnt at 970 °C. Volume: 2,5 litre, 1litre, 0,5 litre, 3 dl.

Takács Eszter 5400 Mezőtúr, Makk József u. 4. Tel.: +36-56/351-375

Harvest Meal Festivities – Rákóczifalva

Home-made bread and cakes made in the oven based upon traditionalrecipes.

“Kuruc” Society,5085 Rákóczifalva, Kossuth út 23. Fax: +36-56/441-542

The following products were

awarded in 2003: 

Grand Fair by the Szenke

This programme is centred around folk traditions. The market offers productsthat cannot be found on the shelves of department stores. There are morethan one hundred tents filled with products made of acacia, reed, or rush.The characters of traditional fairs are played by local inhabitants, dressed incostumes as policeman, herb seller, leech man, fortune-teller, village drum-mer etc. On the other side of the street visitors can taste traditional dishesmade on open fire. The fair is annually visited by 30-35 thousand people.

Local Government of Penyige 4941 Penyige, Kossuth u. 31.Tel.: +36-44/709-004, Fax: +36-44/709-054E-mail: [email protected]

Szolnok Goulash FestivalGoulash is the most characteristic dish of the Great Hungarian Plane. TheSzolnok Goulash Festival has been organised annually since 1999. It aimsat preserving the traditions of Hungarian cuisine as well as popularisingthis wonderful dish in Hungary and abroad.

Szolnok Goulash Festival Society, 5000 Szolnok, Ságvári krt. 1.Tel/Fax: +36-56/514-346, E-mail: [email protected]

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International Walnut Festival in MilotaThe Walnut Festival includes a series of programmes in connection withthe thin shelled walnut renowned nation-wide. The Milota walnut (M10)was listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange between the two World Wars.The Walnut Festival aims at popularising the various ways of walnut con-sumption.

Local Government of Milota 4948 Milota, Vörösmarty u. 104.Tel.: +36-44/378-132. Fax: +36-44/578-002E-mail: [email protected]

Herring-bone Embroidery in BeregTákos is considered as the centre of the tradition of herring-bone embroi-dery in Bereg. The region of Bereg is unique in its cultural homogeneity interms of folk art, it has developed its own characteristic set of patternsthat appear in great variety. The embroidery is made of a great numberof tiny herring-bone stitches that make the material somewhat rigid butalso very beautiful.

Özv. Kiss Lászlóné 4845 Tákos, Bajcsy Zs. u. 51. Tel.: +36-45/471-727

Homespun from PaszabDue to its geographical circumstances the region of Paszab has alwaysbeen excellent for growing fibre plants, and consequently the village has aconsiderable past in making homespun linen. The ornamentation consistsof a wide variety of patterns (coloured or embroidered) that appear onsmaller pieces of clothes and large tablecloths as well.

Homespun, Folk Art and Agricultural Partnership, Paszab4475 Paszab, Fő út 58. Tel.: +36-42/719-793

Linen Kerchiefs and Set Kerchiefs from Beregdaróc

These kerchiefs are made of hemp on traditional looms.

From Hemp Seed to Linen Society4934 Beregdaróc, Petőfi út 10.Tel.: +36-43/706-133

Linen Flower from BeregdarócThis special flower can be found in Beregdaróc. It is made of hemp linen.The flower includes the products from all the stages of hemp processing.

From Hemp Seed to Linen Society4934 Beregdaróc, Petőfi út 10.Tel.: +36-43/706-133

Shepherd FestivalThe Festival features programmes connected to the trade of shepherds,its culture and gastronomy. The programmes include a national shepherdsong and sheep-shearing competition as well as a cooking competition.During the two days there are also other programmes, such as cheesetasting and a folk fair.

Local Government of Túrkeve 5420 Túrkeve, Petőfi tér 1.

Tel.: +36-56/361-111, Fax: +36-56/361-030.E-mail: [email protected]


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Straw Hats from HajdúnánásIn 1873 the straw hat was already popular among the inhabitants ofHajdúnánás, or at least among the workers in the bootmaker guild. Astheir rules declared: ”… it is forbidden to work in hat, but workers may

wear a straw hat or a helmet …”. The straw hats made in Hajdúnánás aresold nation-wide and abroad. Visitors can gain insight into the interestingprocess of making hats in the workshop. The Gallery of the town is alsoworth visiting.

Reszeginé Nagy Mária 4080 Hajdúnánás, Arany János u. 22.Tel.: +36-20/560-0621

Tuba Farm House and InnThe Farm House is situated in a rural environment and the quality serv-ices offered here are focused around the traditions of rural life (dishes,

recipes, instruments, costumes, folk customs…etc.)”Kamilla” VIP Ltd., 4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Kinizsi u. 19.Tel.: +36-52/272-498, Fax: +36-52/359-459E-mail: [email protected]: www.maganszallashely.hu/tubatanya

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Gecse Árpád Memorial House5142 Alattyán, Szent István u. 26. Tel.: +36-57/461-011

Kölcsey Ferenc Memorial House4285 Álmosd Kölcsey F. út 11. Tel.: +36-52/388-078

Black-smith Shop4285 Álmosd, Rákóczi u. 1. Tel.: +36-52/388-078

Exhibition of Local History4286 Bagamér, Bocskai István utca 38.

Bessenyei György Memorial House4164 Bakonszeg, Hunyadi u. 103. Tel.: +36-54/469-018

Guardhouse of Darassa in the Hortobágyi National Park4060 Balmazújváros, Darassa-puszta. Tel.: +36-52/370-098

Guardhouse of Szálkahalom in the Hortobágyi National Park4060 Balmazújváros, Nagyhegyes. Tel.: +36-52/319-206

“Kishortobágy” Village Inn4060 Balmazújváros, Hortobágyfalva. Tel.: +36-52/240-438; 52/370-771

Semsey Andor Museum of Local History4060 Balmazújváros, Debreceni u. 1. Tel.: +36-52/370-217

Veres Péter Memorial House4060 Balmazújváros, Kadarcs u. 6. Tel.: +36-52/370-217

“Ősláp” Museum4343 Bátorliget, Bajcsy Zs. E. u. 12. Tel.: +36-42/749-502

Weaving House4934 Beregdaróc, Kossuth u. 1. Tel.: +36-45/487-558

“Bihari” Museum4100 Berett yóújfalu, Kossuth L. u. 36. Tel.: +36-52/402-390

Town House Gallery

4100 Berettyóújfalu, Dózsa Gy. u. 17.Szűcs Sándor Memorial House and Kovács Museum4172 Biharnagybajom, Petõfi S. út 4.

Exhibition House4844 Csaroda, Kossuth út 19. Tel.: +36-45/484- 824

Museum of Local History4765 Csenger, Hõsök tere 3. Tel.: +36-44/715-209

Museum of Local History and Nursery5475 Csépa, Béke út

Museum of Education History, Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Grammar School4024 Debrecen, Szt. A nna u. 17. Tel.: +36-52/349-850

Debrecen Literary Museum4027 Debrecen, Borsos József tér 1. Tel.: +36-52/416-950

Déri Museum4026 Debrecen, Déri tér 1. Tel.: +36-52/417-561, Fax: +36-52/322-207

DOTE Gallery4012 Debrecen, Nagyerdei krt. 98. Tel.: +36-52/411-600

Exhibition House in Erdőspuszta4079 Debrecen, Fancsika 93. Tel.: +36-52/441-118

Holló László Memorial Museum4031 Debrecen, Holló László sétány. Tel.: +36-52/498-201

Kiss Gallery

4029 Debrecen, Domb u. 6. Tel.: +36-52/419-844Kölcsey Ferenc Community Centre4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi u. 1-3. Tel.: +36-52/413-977

Contemporary Art Gallery4024 Debrecen, Batthyány u. 5. Tel.: +36-52/410-851; 52/411-223

Medgyessy Ferenc Memorial Museum4026 Debrecen, Péterfia u. 28. Tel.: +36-52/413-572

Medgyessy Gallery4025 Debrecen, Piac u. 31. Tel.: +36-52/413-804

Studio Gallery and Antiquity4024 Debrecen, Kossuth u. 3. Tel.: +36-52/451-244

Grand Church Gallery4026 Debrecen, Piac u. 4-6. Tel.: +36-52/418-886

Post Museum - Delizsánsz Exhibition Room4026 Debrecen, Bethlen u. 1. Tel./Fax: +36-52/316-566

Calvinist College and Museum of Religious History4044 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 16. Tel.: +36-52/414-744

Tímár House4024 Debrecen, Nagy Gál István u. 6. Tel.: +36-52/368-013

Tower Gallery4026 Debrecen, Piac u. 4-6.

Exhibition of Local History4492 Dombrád, Kölcsey út. Tel.: +36-45/465-032

Gallery4492 Dombrád, Vasút út 10. Tel.: +36-45/465-032

Kossuth Memorial Room4492 Dombrád, Rákóczi u. Tel.: +36-45/465-032

Railway Museum4492 Dombrád, Vasút út 12. Tel.: +36-45/465-032

Collection of Local History5231 Fegyvernek, Felszabadulás u. 146. Tel.: +36-56/481-017

Exhibition Room of the Szatmár-Bereg Nature Preserve

4900 Fehérgyarmat, Vörösmarty u. 1. Tel.: +36-44/510-035Town Gallery4900 Fehérgyarmat, Kossuth L. tér 7. Tel.: +36-44/510-105

Karácsony Sándor Memorial Exhibition4177 Földes Karácsony S. tér 6. Tel.: +36-54/464-064

Collection of Folk ArtMayor’s Office, 4141 Furta, Petőfi u. 1.

Gallery and Collection of Local History4484 Ibrány, Hősök tere 2-4. Tel.: +36-42/200-129

Hajdúság Museum4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Kossuth L. u. 1. Tel.: +36-52/229-038

Káplár Miklós Collection4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Hortobágy u. 10. Tel.: +36-52/371-038

Village Museum – folk architecture4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Polgári u. 92-100. Tel.: +36-52/371-388

Exhibition of Local History and Ethnography4087 Hajdúdorog, Böszörményi út 17. Tel.: +36-52/389-840

Gallery of Dr. Földi János Primary- and Art School4242 Hajdúhadház, Jókai u. 1-3. Tel.: +36-52/384-016

Földi János Memorial House4242 Hajdúhadház, Dr. Földi J. u. 8

Exhibition of Local History

4242 Hajdúhadház, Rákóczi u. 52. Tel.: +36-52/384-557Heyduck House and Black-smith Shop4080 Hajdúnánás, Hunyadi u. 21. Tel.: +36-52/382-400

Stove Collection4251 Hajdúsámson, Krúdy Gyula u. 21.


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Bocskai István Museum4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Bocskai u. 12. Tel.: +36-52/362-165

Potter House4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Ady E. u. 2. Tel.: +36-52/361-358

Gönczy Pál Memorial Room4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Kálvin tér 7. Tel.: +36-52/362-630

Hajdúszoboszló Gallery4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Szilfákalja u. 2. Tel.: +36-52/361-224; +36-52/361-031

Exhibition House4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Vasvári Pál u. 40. Tel.: +36-52/364-140

Calvinist Parsonage4212 Hajdúszovát, Ady E. u. 4. Tel.: +36-52/358-563

Collection of Local History4123 Hencida, Templom tér 1. Tel.: +36-54/417-012

Hortobágy Village House4071 Hortobágy, Kossuth L. u. 8. Tel.: +36-52/369-570

Hortobágy Gallery4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi Sándor tér 1. Tel.: +36-52/369-401

Hortobágy Small Theatre4071 Hortobágy

Shepherd Museum4071 Hortobágy Petõfi Sándor tér 1. Tel.: +36-52/369-119

Gallery of the Mayor’s Office4071 Hortobágy, Czinege J. u. 1. Tel.: +36-52/369-123; +36-52/369-021

Exhibition House4274 Hosszúpályi, Nagy u. 13.

Collection of Local History

5124 Jászágó, Kókai tér 2. Tel.: +36-57/426-184School Museum in Jászágó5124 Jászágó, Jókai u. 14. Tel.: +36-57/426-184

Collection of Local History5130 Jászapáti, Velemi E. u. 2. Tel.: +36-57/441-081

Farm Museum5130 Jászapáti, Velemi E. u. 4-6. Tel.: +36-57/440-516

Vágó Pál Museum of Local History5130 Jászapáti, István Király út 23.

Jász-House5123 Jászárokszállás, Széchenyi út 31. Tel.: +36-57/431-329

Museum of the Hamza Foundation5100 Jászberény, Gyöngyös i út 7. Tel.: +36-57/411-619

Jász Museum5100 Jászberény, Táncsic s M. u. 5 . Tel.: +36-57/412-753

Exhibition House5122 Jászdózsa, Széchenyi út 9. Tel.: +36-57/436-278

Virág Gellért House5143 Jánoshida, Deák F. u. Tel.: +36-57/458- 411

Csete Balázs Collection of Local History5137 Jászkisér, Bocskai út 24.

Exhibition House

5136 Jászszentandrás, Mártírok út 1. Tel.: +36-57/446-022Exhibition House5310 Kisújszállás, Széchenyi út 58. Tel.: +36-59/520-786

Rétköz Collection – “WHAT IS IT”4600 Kisvárda, Csillag u. 5. Tel.: +36-45/405-154

Collection of Local History4138 Komádi, Hősök tere 14. Tel.: +36-54/438-001

Erdőhát Country Museum4965 Kölcse, Kölcsey u. 2. Tel.: +36-44/377-254

Exhibition House4281 Létavértes, Kossuth Vineyards Tel.: +36-52/376-101

Collection of the Saint Basil Order in Máriapócs4326 Máriapócs, Kossuth tér 25. Tel.: +36-42/385-166

Collection of Local History5435 Martfû, Mártírok út 1. Tel.: +36-56/450-146

Szatmári Museum4700 Mátészalka, Kossuth u. 15. Tel.: +36-44/502-647

Collection Railway Memorabilia4700 Mátészalka, Tompa u. 2-4. Tel.: +36-44/312-653

Badár Memorial Room5400 Mezõtúr, Sugár út 28. Tel.: +36-56/350-075, Tel./Fax: +36-56/350-299

The Nature of the Körös Valley – Exhibition House5400 Mezõtúr, outside the town by the Peres branch of the river (FRNY 349.)Tel.: +36-56/710-801, 66/526-400, Fax: +36-66/526-407

Móricz Zsigmond Library and Community House5400 Mezõtúr, Szabadság tér 17. Tel.: +36-56/350-075, tel./Fax: +36-56/350-299

Túri Pottery Museum5400 Mezõtúr, Damjanich u. 2/a. Tel.: +36-56/350-174

Town Gallery5400 Mezõtúr, Múzeum tér 1. Tel.: +36-56/350-336, 56/350-075

Potter House4181 Nádudvar, Fõ u. 159. Tel.: +36-52/480-425

Berey József Collection of Local History4355 Nagyecsed, Vásár tér. Tel.: +36-44/545 -004

Collection of the History of Water Conservancy in the Upper Tisza Region4355 Nagyecsed, Sárvár u. Tel.: +36-44/345- 341

Korányi Frigyes Memorial House4320 Nagykálló, Vár u. 1.

The Tomb of Taub Izsák4320 Nagykálló, Nagybalkányi ú t. Tel.: +36-30/248-6379

Bocskai Memorial Exhibition4127 Nagykereki, Bocskai tér 1.

Nagyrábé Village Museum4173 Nagyrábé, Rétszentmiklósi út 2.

Mill Gallery4262 Nyíracsád, Kassai u. 6. Tel.: +36-52/206-050

Báthory István Museum4301 Nyírbátor, Károlyi u. 21. Tel.: +36-42/510-218

Unilever – Exhibition of Industrial History4300 Nyírbátor, Táncsics u. 2-4. Tel.: +36-42/510-600

Collection of the History of Water Conservancy in the Upper Tisza Region4400 Nyíregy háza, Móricz Zs. u. 48. Tel.: +36-42/502-200

Greek Catholic Collection of Religious History4400 N yíregyháza, Bethlen G. u. 5. Tel.: +36-42/415-903

Jósa András Museum4400 Nyíregyháza, Benczúr tér 21. Tel.: +36-42/315-722

Kállay Collection4400 N yíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 1. Tel.: +36-42/310-566

Gallery4400 Nyíregy háza, Bocskai u. 5. Tel.: +36-42/400-735

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Village inns have an important role in preserving the traditions of rurallifestyle. The qualification of guest houses and inns is labelled bysunflowers.

Balmazújváros – Hüséné Barcikowska Éva

4060 Balmazújváros, Böszörményi u. 28.Address: 4060 Balmazújváros, Böszörményi u. 28. Tel.: +36 52/370-384It can sleep 6 persons

Balmazújváros – Molnár Lászlóné4060 Balmazújváros, Debreceni u. 3 -5. IV. lh. I/4Address: 4060 Balmazújváros, Debreceni u. 3-5. IV. lh. I/4. Tel.: +36 20/493-6227It can sleep 4 persons

Balmazújváros – Török Andrásné4060 Balmazújváros, Soós Imre u. 17.Address: 4060 Balmazújváros, Soós Imre u. 17. Tel.: +36 52/370-890It can sleep 10+4 persons

Báránd – Koroknai Béla4161 Báránd, Szélmalom u. 1.Address: 4161 Báránd, Szélmalom u. 1. Tel.: +36 54/466-193, +36 30/382-7159It can sleep 10 persons

Báránd – Bíró Lászlóné4161 Báránd, Vörösmarty u. 38Address: 4161 Báránd, Vörösmarty u. 38. Tel.: +36 54/466-076Férőhely:

Biharkeresztes  – Szűcs Ernő4110 Biharkeresztes, Széchenyi u. 112.Address: 4110 Biharkeresztes, Széchenyi u. 112. Tel.: +36 30/859-1662It can sleep 6 persons

Csaroda – Székely Vendégház4844 Csaroda, József A. u. 48.Address: Székely Imréné 4844 Csaroda, József A. u. 54. Tel.: +36 45/484-830, +36 30/261-9497It can sleep 10 persons

Cserkeszőlő – Nagy Zsuzsanna5085 Cserkeszőlő, Tulipán út 14.Address: 5085 Rákóczifalva, Kisf aludy út 30. Tel.: +36 20/458-6603It can sleep 8 persons

Cserkeszőlő – Mandulás House5465 Cserkeszőlő, Nyomás út 1.Address: Lázár János, 5667 Magyarbánhegyes, Jókai út 1/5. Tel.: +36 30/218-3087It can sleep 4+2 persons

Darvas – Szopka Imre4144 Darvas, Pe tőfi u. 9.Address: 4144 Darvas, Petőfi u. 9. Tel.: +36 30/906-7404, +36 30/907-5902It can sleep 6 persons

Ebes – Béke Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Béke út 4.Address: Béke Péter 4211 Ebes, Béke út 1. Tel.: +36 52/366-038It can sleep 3 persons

Ebes – Ádám és Éva Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Rózsa út 1/a.Address: Tóthné Pinczés Éva, 4211 Ebes, Rózsa út 1/a. Tel.: +36 30/238-3734, +36 30/464-6178It can sleep 8 persons

Ebes – Fejér Bernáthné4211 Ebes, Bocskai út 29.Address: 4211 Ebes, Bocskai út 29. Tel.: +36 52/366-976It can sleep 8 persons

Ebes – Borostyán Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Vadas út 13.Address: Venter Józsefné 4211 Ebes, Vadas út 13. Tel.: +36 52/366-883, +36 20/536-6216It can sleep 4 persons

Ebes – Lévai Andrásné4211 Ebes, Kossuth u. 27.Address: 4211 Ebes, Gázláng u. 4. Tel.: +36 70/315-4375, +36 70/281-9509, +36 70/315-4375It can sleep 4 persons

Ebes – Pincés Farm

4211 Ebes, Tanya 85.Address: Tóthné Pinczés Éva, 4211 Ebes, Rózsa út 1/a. Tel.: +36 30/238-3734, +36 30/464-6178It can sleep 4 persons

Ebes – Fűzfa Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Gázláng u. 4.Address: Lévai Andrásné, 4211 Ebes, Gázláng u. 4.Tel.: +36 70/315-4375, +36 70/281-9509, +36 70/315-4375It can sleep 2 persons

Ebes – Katona Sándor4211 Ebes, Kossuth u. 92.Address: 4211 Ebes, Kossuth u. 94. Tel.: +36 52/366-021It can sleep 8 persons

Ebes – Roland Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Rózsa Ferenc u. 12.Address: Józsa Istvánné, 4211 Ebes Rózsa Ferenc u. 12. Tel.: +36 70/241-6692It can sleep 6 persons

Ebes – Piroska Holiday Home4211 Ebes, Széchenyi u. 14.Address: Peles Ferencné, 4211 Ebes, Széchenyi u. 14. Tel.: +36 52/498-523It can sleep 6 persons

Jánd – Gál Holiday Home4841 Jánd, Rákóczi u. 57.Address: Gálné T. Annamária 4841 Jánd, Rákóczi u. 59. Tel.: +36 45/718-361, +36 30/354-9892It can sleep 12 persons

Jánd – Horváth Holiday Home4841 Jánd, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky E. u. 14.Address: Hor váth Gedeonné 4841 Jánd, Tisza út 16. Tel.: +36 45/718-398, +36 30/384- 4998It can sleep 8 persons

Jánd – Koncz Ranch4841 Jánd, Tisza út 33.Address: Koncz Gábor, 4841 Jánd, Tisza út 5. Tel.: +36 45/479-108, +36 30/958-9210It can sleep 20+5 persons

Jánd – Erika House4841 Jánd, Rákóczi u. 36.Address: Sánta Miklós, 4800 Vásárosnamény, Bartók B. u. 18.Tel.: +36 45/470-864, +36 20/475-1546, +36 20/475-1545It can sleep 6 persons

Jánd – Márta Holiday Home4841 Jánd, Rákóczi u. 18.Address: Szalainé Miklovicz Márta 4841 Jánd, Rákóczi u. 12.Tel.: +36 45/479-101, +36 20/9933 -250It can sleep 8 persons

Jászapáti – Budai Jánosné5130 Jászapáti, Beöthy u. 20. Tel.: +36 57/441-663, +36 30/233-8400It can sleep 6 persons

Jászapáti – Gyenesné Molnár Ildikó5130 Jászapáti, Beöthy u. 20.Address: 5130 Jászapáti, Nap u. 2. Tel.: +36 30/477-3718It can sleep 4 persons

Jászapáti – Kisné Vincze Márta5130 Jászapáti, Nap u. 2/aAddress: 5130 Jászapáti, Kossut h L. u. 14. Tel.: +36 57/441-974. Fax: +36 57/441-114It can sleep 4+1 persons


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Jászapáti – Kozma Kálmánné5130 Jászapáti, Gyöngyvirág u. 12.Address : 5130 Jászapát i, Táncsics u. 31. Tel.: +36 57/441-253, +36 20/417-1785It can sleep 6 +2 persons

Jászkisér – Lukácsiné Gubic Beáta

5137 Jászkisér, Tanya 104.Address: 5137 Jászkisér, Hősök tere 3. Tel.: +36 57/550-310, +36 20/373-0232It can sleep 10 persons

Jászszentandrás – Kókainé Balla Katalin5136 Jászszentandrás, Rákóczi u. 82.Address: 5136 Jászszentandrás, Rákóczi u. 82. Tel.: +36 57/446-178, +36 30/564-5750It can sleep 9 persons

Jászszentandrás – Tribik Sándorné5136 Jászszentandrás, Zrínyi u. 12.Address: 5136 Jászszentandrás, Zrínyi u. 12. E-mail: [email protected].: +36 57/446-161, +36 20/525- 6756It can sleep 5 persons

Jászszentandrás – Bakos Béláné5136 Jászszentandrás, Felszabadulás út 7.Address: 5136 Jászszentandrás, Felszabadulás út 7. Tel.: +36 57/446-965, +36 20/526-3225It can sleep 6 +2 persons

Jászszentandrás – Strohmayer Ádámné5136 Jászszentandrás, Napsugár út 3.Address: 5136 Jászszentandrás, Napsugár út 3. Tel.: +36 57/446-590, +36 30/9516-458Address: 10

Jászszentandrás – Tősér Józsefné5136 Jászszentandrás, Táncsics út 2.Address: 5136 Jászszentandrás, Táncsics út 2. Tel.: +36 57/446-371It can sleep 8 persons

Kisar – Vendégház4921 Kisar, Temető u. 13.Address: Özv. Toldi Gedeonné, 4921 Kisar, Temető u. 13. Tel.: +36 44/362-184, +36 20/925-9235It can sleep 12 persons

Kisar – Private accommodation + apartment4921 Kisar, Táncsics u. 18. – Árpád u. 24.Address: Tóth Lajosné, 4921 Kisar, Táncsics u. 18. Tel.: +36 44/361-741It can sleep 7+5 persons –

Kölcse – Éva Holiday Home4965 Kölcse, Kölcsey u. 110.Address: Daniló Sándorné, 4965 Kölcse, Kölcsey u. 110. Tel.: +36 44/377-186, +36 44/366-406It can sleep 8 persons

Nagyrév – Soskó Müller Judit5463 Nagyrév, Előd u. 4.Address: 5463 Nagyrév, Előd u. 4. Tel.: +36 30/900-9475, +36 56/457-104It can sleep 4 persons

Nyíracsád – Szabó Ferencné4262 Nyíracsád, Kossuth u. 50.Address: 4262 Nyíracsád, Kossuth u. 50. Tel.: +36 52/206-121It can sleep 5 persons

Nyíracsád – Tóthné Tamás Andrea4262 Nyíracsád, Ady E. u. 7.Address: 4262 Nyíracsád, Ady E. u. 7. Tel.: +36 52/206-519It can sleep 8 persons

Nyíregyháza – Bihari Tiborné4400 Nyíregyháza, Antalbokor 8.Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Antal bokor 8. Tel.: +36 42/726-810, +36 20/992-4446It can sleep 8 persons

Nyíregyháza – Dr. Gaál Zsolt4400 Nyíregyháza, Gerhát bokor 20.Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Csaló köz 1. Tel.: +36 42/402-269, +36 30/995-1762It can sleep 5 persons

Nyíregyháza – Kentaur Farm

4400 Nyír egyháza, Sulyánbokor 7.Address: Bálint István, 4400 Nyír egyháza, Honvéd u. 34/c.Tel.: +36 42/727-674, +36 30/254-4323It can sleep 6 persons

Panyola – Özv. Lakatos Lajosné4913 Panyola, Mezővég 2.Address: 4913 Panyola, Mezővég 39. Tel.: +36 44/363-054, +36 30/276-1999It can sleep 10 persons

Rákóczifalva – Tóth Lajos5085 Rákóczifalva, Déryné út 16.Address: 5085 Rákóczifalva, Déryné út 16. Tel.: +36 56/584-008It can sleep 4 persons

Szajol – Csiga Vendégház5081 Szajol, Fő út 36.Address: Elődné Kálmánczy Csilla, 5081 Szajol, Fő út 36. Tel.: +36 56/447-114, +36 20/535-9081It can sleep 10 persons

Szatmárcseke – Jakab Holiday Home4945 Szatmárcseke, Széchenyi u. 54.Address: Jakab Ferenc, 4922 Nagyar, Móricz Zs. u. 10. Tel.: +36 44/364-288It can sleep 4+1 persons

Szatmárcseke – Mária Holiday Home4945 Szatmárcseke, Kölcsey u. 4.Address: Debreczeniné Szűcs Mária, 4945 Szatmárcseke, Széchenyi út 10.Tel.: +36 44/712-666, +36 30/497-6751It can sleep 7 persons

Szatmárcseke – Petra House4945 Szatmárcseke, Széchenyi u. 1.Address: Pásztorné Komár Judit, 4945 Szatmárcseke, Dózsa út 7. Tel.: +36 44/712-511, +36 20/585-4130

It can sleep 9 persons

Tákos – Pataki Mansion4845 Tákos, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 59/b.Address: Dr. Pataki Béláné, Dr. Baráth Ida,4800 Vásárosnamény, Ifjúság u. 1. Tel.: +36 45/470-354, +36 30/925-1229It can sleep 4 persons

Tarpa – Bereg Holiday Home4931 Tarpa, Rákóczi u. 87.Address: Guti János, 4931 Tarpa, Rákóczi u. 87. Tel.: +36 45/488-113, +36 20/396-9774

It can sleep 4 persons

Tarpa – Huszti Holiday Home4931 Tarpa, Komlós majorAddress: Huszti Sándor, 4931 Tarpa, Posta u. 16. Tel.: +36 45/488-442, +36 20/519-2620It can sleep 8 persons

Tarpa – Riviéra Village Catering4931 Tarpa, Árpád u. 24.Address: Oláh Ber talanné, 4400 Nyíregyháza, Új u. 35. Tel.: +36 42/413-032, +36 30/229-6676It can sleep 10 persons

Tiszaadony – Kanizsay Gyuláné Village Catering4833 Tiszaadony, Kossuth u. 3.Address: 4833 Tiszaadony, Kossuth u. 3. Tel.: +36 45/702-501, +36 30/471-7735

It can sleep 6 persons

Tiszabecs – Gacsályi József4951 Tiszabecs, Kis u. 123.Address: 4951 Tiszabecs, Kis u. 123. Tel.: +36 44/378-460It can sleep 6 persons


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Tiszacsécse – Bányai Manor4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 42.Address: Bányai László, 44 00 Nyíregyháza, Ferenc krt . 22. V II/60. Tel.: +36 42/404-975, +36 20/354-1465

It can sleep 14 persons

Tiszacsécse – Farkas Jenő

4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 44.Address: 4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 63. Tel.: +36 44/705-224, +36 70/315-3512It can sleep 10 persons

Tiszacsécse – Hopkáné Mező Márta4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 52.Address: 4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 52. Tel.: +36 44/705-241, +36 70/339-2845It can sleep 10 persons

Tiszacsécse – Nyugalom Háza4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 65.Address: Nagy Gyuláné, 4947 Tiszacsécse, Kossuth u. 112. Tel.: +36 44/705-214It can sleep 8 persons

Tiszadada – Harsányi Tiborné

4455 Tiszadada, Ifjúság u. 6.Address: Budapest, Mátyás király u. 111. Tel.: +36 360/546-6991It can sleep 5 persons

Tiszadob – Kovács Edit4456 Tis zadob, Hunyadi u. 33.Address: 4456 Tiszadob, Hunyadi u. 33. Tel.: +36 42/241-113, +36 20/413-7733It can sleep 9 persons

Tiszaföldvár – Rántóné Koncz Julianna5430 Tiszaföldvár, Kossuth út 94.Address: 5430 Tiszaföldvár, Kossuth út 78. Tel.: +36 46/470-435It can sleep 9 persons

Tiszagyenda – Vargáné Tar Katalin

5233 Tiszagyenda, Gorkij út 34/a.Address: 5233 Tiszagyenda, Gorkij út 34/a. Tel.: +36 30/903-5769It can sleep 6+3 persons

Tiszapüspöki – Nagy Eszter5211 Tiszapüspöki, Fő út 35.Address: 5211 Tiszapüspöki, Fő út 35. Tel.: +36 56/445-030It can sleep 6 persons

Tiszasas – Braxa Józsefné5474 Tiszasas, Bethlen G. út 28.Address: 5474 Tiszasas, Bethlen G. út 28. Tel.: +36 56/326-049It can sleep 7 persons

Tiszavid – Erzsébet House

4832 Tiszavid, Szabadság u. 27-29.Address: Petróczky Zoltánné, 4832 Tiszavid, Szabadság u. 27-29. Tel.: +36 45/702-370, +36 30/539-8414

It can sleep 10+1 persons

Tivadar – Gesztenyés Mansion4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 49.Address: Bakó Andrea, 4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 49. Tel.: +36 45/702-318, +36 30/329-0315It can sleep 33 persons

Tivadar – Danó Manor4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 47.Address: Danó Sándor, 4921 T ivadar, Pető fi u. 47. Tel.: +36 45/490- 013, +36 20/325-7537, +36 20/379-1476

It can sleep 13 persons

Tivadar – Holiday Home

4921 Tivadar, Szabadság u. 9.Address: Huszti Józsefné, 4900 Fehérgyarmat, Vörösmarty út 13/a. Tel.: +36 44/363-901, +36 30/466-3217

It can sleep 8 persons

Tivadar – Illés Manor4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 20/a.Address: Illés Béláné, 4900 Fehérgyarmat, József A. u. 46.Tel.: +36 30/301-6103, +36 30/271-6443It can sleep 9 persons

Tivadar – Holiday Home4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 34.Address: Szoboszlai Csaba, 4921 Tivadar, Petőfi u. 35.Tel.: +36 45/490-006, +36 30/487-4989, +36 30/262-3828It can sleep 10 persons

Túristvándi – Erdőszéli Holiday Home4944 Túristvándi, Bocskai u. 1/B.Address: Karmacsiné Makay Annamária, 4944 Túristvándi, Bocskai u. 1/B.Tel.: +36 44/434-064, +36 70/261-9095It can sleep 10 persons

Túristvándi – Pogány Károly4944 Túristvándi, Petőfi u. 9.Address: 4944 Túristvándi, Zrínyi u. 29. Tel.: +36 44/434-054

It can sleep 9 persons

Túristvándi – Túr Party Holiday Home4944 Túristvándi, Bocskai u. 8.Address: Nagy Lászlóné, 4944 Túristvándi, Bocskai u. 8.Tel.: +36 44/434-037, +36 70/222-7640, +36 20/311-6291It can sleep 26+4 persons

Túrkeve – Nagyné Sallai Erzsébet5420 Túrkeve, Kálmán K. u. 18.Address: 5420 Túrkeve, Kuthen kir. út 1. E-mail: [email protected].: +36 70/220-4720It can sleep 10 persons

Vámosoroszi – Három Járom Holiday Home4966 Vámosoroszi, Petőfi u. 1/a.Address: Kiss József, 4966 Vámosoroszi, Kossuth u. 12.Tel.: +36 44/368-373, +36 30/299-1475It can sleep 9 persons

Vásárosnamény-Gergelyiugornya  – Vezse Gáborné4800 Vásárosnamény, Beregszászi út 39.Address: 4800 Vásárosnamény, Beregszászi út 39. Tel.: +36 45/478-118It can sleep 4+1 persons

Zsurk – Nádra Sándorné4627 Zsurk, Kossuth tér 54.Address: 4625 Záhony, Hársfa út 35. Tel.: +36 45/426-551, +36 70/224-8765It can sleep 4 persons

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Tourinform Berettyóújfalu4100 Berettyóújfalu, József A. u. 35. Tel./fax: +36 54/400-718

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Cserkeszőlő5465 Cserkeszőlő, Fürdő u. 1/a. Tel./fax: +36 56/568-465

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Debrecen4024 Debrecen, Piac utca 20. Tel.: 52/412-250. Fax: +36 52/535-323

E-mail: [email protected].

Tourinform Hajdú-Bihar megye4226 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 2/a. Tel./fax: +36 52/534-544

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Hajdúböszörmény4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Kálvin tér 6. Tel.: +36 52/561-851 Fax: +36 52/561-852

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Hajdúnánás4080 Hajdúnánás, Köztársaság tér 6. Fürdő út.

(07. 15–09. 15) Tel./fax: +36 52/382-076. Tel./fax: +36 52/702-223

E-mail: [email protected] Hajdúszoboszló

4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Szilfákalja utca 2. Tel./fax: +36 52/558-928E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Hortobágy4071 Hortobágy, Petőfi tér 1. Telefon: +36 52/589-321. Fax: +36 52/589-322

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Jászapáti5130 Jászapáti, Tompa M. utca 2. Telefon: +36 57/441-008. Fax: +36 57/441-081

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Jászberény5100 Jászberény, Lehel vezér tér 33. Tel./fax: +36 57/406-439

E-mail: [email protected] Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye

5000 Szolnok, Ságvári körút 4. Telefon: +36 56/420-704. Fax: +36 56/341-441E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Kisújszállás5310 Kisújszállás, Deák F. utca 6. Telefon: +36 59/520-672

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Mezőtúr5400 Mezőtúr, Szabadság tér 17. Tel.: 56/550-637, Tel/fax: 56/350-901

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Nyíracsád4262 Nyíracsád, Petőfi tér 3. Tel./fax: +36 52/207-271

E-mail: [email protected]

Tourinform Sóstóg yógyfürdő4431 Sóstófürdő, Víztorony. Tel./fax: +36 42/411-193, +36 42/402-115

Szezonon kívül: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Damjanich u. 4-6. Tel.: +36 42/509-115E-mail: [email protected] http://sostogyogyfurdo.freeweb.hu

Tourinform Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye4400 Nyíregyháza, Országzászló tér 6. Telefon: +36 42/504-647. Fax: +36 42/504-648

E-mail: [email protected]. http://tourinform.szabolcs.net

Tourinform Vásárosnamény4800 Vásárosnamény, Szabadság tér 33. Tel.: +36 45/570-206. Fax: +36 45/570-207

E-mail: [email protected]

Village Tourism Society of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County5000 Szolnok, Ságvári krt. 4. Tel.: +36 56/424-803, Fax: +36 56/341-441

[email protected], [email protected]

Village Tourism Association of Hajdú-Bihar County4024 Debrecen, Piac u. 20. Tel.: +36 52/412-250 Fax: +36 52/535-323

[email protected], [email protected]

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Office of Village and Agro-Tourism440 Nyíregyháza, Hősök ter e 5. Tel.: +36 42/599-585 Fax: +36 42/599-589

[email protected], [email protected]

Plum Route Society of Szatmár-Bereg4800 Vásárosnamény, Tamási Áron u. 1. Tel.: +36 44/709-004 Fax: +36 44/709-054

[email protected]

Churches in the Upper-Tisza Region – Guided ToursFor the Congregations of Bereg Tourism Ltd.

4934 Beregdaróc, Alkotmány út 5. Tel.: +36 30/[email protected] w ww.templomtura.hu

Főnix Program Office4024 Debrecen, Kassai út 28. Tel.: +36 52/518-400

[email protected] Association of Hungarian Gastronomical Festivals

5000 Szolnok, Ságvári krt. 1. Tel./Fax: +36 56/[email protected]

Centre of Hortobágy National Park4024 Debrecen, Súmen u. 2. Tel.: +36-52/529-920, Fax: +36 52/529-940

[email protected]

Centre of Körös-Maros National Park5540 Szarvas, Annaliget 1. Tel./Fax: +36-66/311-658, +36 66/313-855

[email protected]

Northern Great PlainRegional Marketing Directorate of Hungarian National Tourist Office

5000 Szolnok, Sóház u. 8. Tel.: +36 56/516-110, Fax: +36 56/[email protected]

www.eszakalfoldi.hu, www.hungarytourism.hu


Published by Northern Great Plain Regional Marketing Directorateof Hungarian National Tourist Office

5000 Szolnok, Sóház u. 8. Phone: +36 56/516-110, Fax: +36 56/[email protected]

Transalted by: ETS Bt.

Design and layout: Lézerpont Stúdió, Miskolc

Printing works: Novoprint Rt., Budapest

www.eszakalfoldi .huwww thermaltourism hu