hosted by question? audience response hosted by. “better than good: the emerging mindset of the...

Hosted by Question? Audience Response Hosted by

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Audience Response

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“Better Than Good: The Emerging Mindset of the Next Generation

of IT Leaders”

12 Old Kings Highway . Biddeford, Maine 4005

Thornton MayFuturist

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IT Performance Falls into Four Buckets


IT Shops



IT Shops



IT Shops



IT Shops


Source: CIO Habitat Study



Paying particular attention to performance inflection points [i.e., the practices that separated poor IT shops from average IT

shops; average IT shops from good IT shops; and so on…],

the research focused on dimensions of operational excellence

having a material impact on overall performance of the IT organization.

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IT Performance Falls into Four Buckets

Source: CIO Habitat Study

All IT shops in the sample classified as “World-class”


a unique and managed “Attitude/Mindset”

toward IT.

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UCLA 2000Graduates of the 48 "Managing the Information Resource"

Programs at the John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management

Monthly CIO “Habitat” Report5 Questions, 50 CIOs, 15 Vertical Markets

CIO PosseSwat Team of Emeritus CIOs

Sources of Insight

Proprietary Empirical Data Assembled in Real-Time From Real World Practitioners

CIO Practicum Dinner SeriesSept. 16th - Los Angeles [UCLA Faculty Club]Oct. 28nd – Palo Alto [Stanford University Faculty Club]Nov. 5th – Chicago [University of Chicago Gleacher Center]Nov. 19th - New York [Tavern on the Green]

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Technology Value Creation

is ALL

MentalSource: CIO Habitat Study

Über- Conclusion

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At a recent World Bank technology conference,

“world opinion”

was labeled as

“the second super power.”

Mindset Side Bar

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The “Mind” Is the Key Design Point

Key Take Away

You Have to Manage How People Think about

Technology and Technologists.

• To Manage “Tech Thinkings” You Have to:

Know what they currently think

b. know what you want them to think

c. create a program to bridge the gap

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Mind SetInsights

How ‘Suits’ Think About Technology

Changes Over Time

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The U.S. military operates a bewildering array of sensors to cut through the fog of war. Consider the lineup of unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] that operated over Iraq, none of which was available in 1991.

At the highest altitude, around 60,000 feet, a RQ-4A Global Hawk provided U.S. commanders with a kaleidoscopic view of the Iraqui battlefield.

Lower down, at 15,000-25,000 feet, flew RQ-1B Predators, some of them armed with Hellfire antitank missiles. [Both Global hawks and Predators can stay on station for more than 24 hours at a stretch.]

Beneath them, buzzing just above the battlefield, were smaller, tactical UAVs, such as the Army’s Hunter and the Marine’s Dragon Eye, which resembles a model airplane.

Then there were all the manned surveillance airplanes: the high flying U-2, with its synthetic aperture radar; the E-8 Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System [JSTARS] which uses ground-mapping radar to monitor the battlefield; the E-3 AWACS, which coordinates air operations; and the RC-135 Rivet Joint, which intercepts enemy communications.

All the information they provide is complemented by reports from ground units, which are equipped with GPS, satellite telephones, and wireless Internet devices that allow them to feed their coordinates to headquarters constantly.


How People Think About Technology Changes Over Time

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How People Think About Technology

is Unchanging

& Unchangeable

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We Need To ‘Upgrade’ Our Thinking About Technology

Since stick spears, stone tools and fire,

technology has always been represented as an either/or kind of thing:

Like Machines[inventor]

Hate Machines[Luddite]



Fix Machines[geek]

Do Business[‘suit’]

Techno-bigotry/Skill Set Driven Ghettoization


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Ice-Breaker ExerciseIn your groups,

please divide the years

1987 through 2017


‘computational eras’.

[no less than 2, no more than 6]

Mind SetInsights

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Ice-Breaker ExerciseDo you suppose the hundreds of senior

executives participating in this exercise spend more time talking about:

The Past or the Future?

The Gadget or the Behaviors enabled by the Gadget?

The Cost or the Value?

What was happening inside the enterprise or outside the enterprise?

Mind SetInsights

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Not Thinking About


Future of Technology

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20031. General Computing Truths

Infrastructure owned by nobody [Internet];carrying pieces of programs following no

architectural design [client server]; running across flaky LAN protocols;connecting powerful systems run by


2005 - 2007 2010 FUTURE

10 GHz processor; 2TB database;

1GB link – all for $800

Processing Power Doubles Every 18 monthsStorage Capacity Doubles Every 12 months

Bandwidth Throughput Doubles Every 9 months

BIG IDEAS1. Technology advances are not slowing down.

“We will make as much progress in the next 18 months as we had during the entire history of computing up to today.”

2. Computing devices of tomorrow will not be like the computing devices of today.

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In the past, we used to have to go to special rooms to


Now we carry our computers

[laptops] with us

2005 - 2007


Human capabilities will be augmented

by computer implants

Wearable computers

One in ten Americans had some non-dental

implant – from pacemakers to

artificial joints in 2002.

1.General ComputingTruths

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When you hear the words,

technology imagination

What comes to mind?

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In the Immediate Future, We Face A Crisis of Technology Imagination

The tech program at Camp Wing is run by a Waltham nonprofit called WiredWoods. The goal is to get campers interested in using computers

creatively -- rather than just surfing the Web and dashing off instant messages.

''We're careful to make sure it doesn't feel like school.'‘

There aren't any lectures in the WiredWoods cabin -- only projects to work on, and four adult ''project specialists'' to help out when campers have questions.

''When we started this in 2001, we were responding to a particular problem,'' Deninger says. ''There were computers everywhere, but we couldn't get kids to want to do anything other than sit there and surf the Web. And surfing the Web

is a lot like watching TV -- it's passive. So we try to catalyze their interest in creating, rather than just consuming.''

Scott Kirsner, “Technology fun comes to summer camp,” New York Times (7/21/2003).

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Technology Imagination Defined

technology imaginationIs a business process that has to be managed, measured and

very much improved upon.

Technology imagination is the process that tells us what we want technology to do for us.

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Examples of Technology Imagination…

Can someone provide examples of

technology imagination?

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3 Very Different Approaches to How You Innovate

ThinkSegregate proven

innovators [people who have innovated before –

lightning rods]

Add Enormous PressureExpect/Demand

Fundamental Breakthroughs

Output Ratio:35% of the time you get

a breakthrough65% of the time –


Example:Apple Macintosh

Homerun hitters/lots of strikeouts

LookCustomer Ethnography

Hide Observers in the market place [ala Paco Underhill]

Output Ratio:65% of the time – you get something – a noticeable


Medium length termRequires fairly disinterested


Example:Ketchup Squeezy ModelNot a whole new class of

condimentNo re-invention of the burgerNew way of getting stuff out

of the model

PlayConcept-Based [e.g.,

shopping]Inarticulate statement of the problem [no we

need to improve customer sat by x%]

Billions of ideas –

Output Ratio:Not an incremental

improvementNot a radical improvement

Delivers a Re-think of the problem

Identify opportunities that you had not seen


Source:Andrew Zolli

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3 Very Different Approaches to How You Innovate

MethodologyIt becomes incredibly important to articulate the kind of problem you are trying to solve. Do you need a

radical breakthrough?

Applying the right kind of methodology to the right kind of problem is the essence and art of


Source:Andrew Zolli

Hosted by

Case Studies In Imagination: Maytag Structural Approaches to Innovation

Over the next two years the Strategic Initiatives

Group at Maytag will introduce a line of mixers,

blenders, toasters and coffee makers under the

brand name Jenn-Air Attrezzi.

The team was created by Ralph F. Hake,

Maytag's chairman and chief executive, from

the remnants of its e-business unit.

Attrezzi (Italian for tools) includes glass bowls

and pitchers, in colors like cobalt blue and

merlot red, that can double as serving pieces.

FARA WARNER , “Chop. Purée. Liquefy. (The Ideas, That Is.),” New York Times (September 7, 2003).

The 10 to 12 member group is expected to seed Maytag with

people who can move faster than the competition, think differently about how to make products and keep the company's larger units

in touch with consumers.

"I subscribe to the idea that people running big business units

are pretty conservative. They spend their time fixing problems and getting business done. If I had told Jenn-Air to do a small

appliance, it would have been low on their priority list. But this team's main role in life is to

create new products."

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Case Studies In Imagination: Maytag

FARA WARNER , “Chop. Purée. Liquefy. (The Ideas, That Is.),” New York Times (September 7, 2003).

In early 2002, the group started talking to consumers about how

they used mixers and blenders.

Many rarely used them, having stored them away because they

were unattractive or were bulky and took up too much counter


When the mixers and blenders were used, consumers complained

that the appliances' bowls and pitchers were not attractive enough

to use for serving.

With that insight, the team started searching for bowls and pitchers

that were elegant enough to place on the dining table.

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The ‘Imagination Crisis’One Scenario Always is Linear:

More of the Same – Just Faster, Smaller & Cheaper‘an elegant plan for a more efficient past’ rather

than a truly new future

10%’ thinking still drives most corporate planning in organizations.

At the companies Thornton talked we asked executives to rate the 'Imagination' of the technology organization. [10 being highly

Imaginative, 0 being 'brain dead']. The average score was 4.8.

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Technology Imagination is all about choice

The Apollo program had been a case of deciding where we

wanted to go and then designing a technology to take

us there.

The shuttle program was a case of designing a technology then going wherever it could

take us.

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Who is responsible /

accountable for making sure that

every dime, guilder, & yen

and bhat spent on IT

creates value?

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Jack Messman, CEO

The UPRC Story

Various Business Unit Presidents

Lon Winton, CIO

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Have you ever heard anybody go to Human Resources and say,“I hate my people?”

You define what skills you need, you interview the candidates, you decide to hire them, you manage them on a day-to-day basis.

Human Resources plays a role but you are responsible. People understand this.

People Understand that being able to manage ‘people’ is part of their managerial responsibilities…

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Have you ever heard anybody go to I/T and say,“I hate Systems?”

I/T plays a role but you are responsible.

Most managers do not understand this.

Thornton May

People Understand that being able to manage ‘people’ is part of their managerial responsibilities…

Hosted by

Unfortunately, when it comes to managing I/T,

people think they can order systems like they order pizza.

Thornton May

People Understand that being able to manage ‘people’ is part of their managerial responsibilities…

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“Customer Service” Department?

Japanese Ph.d student studying at the Stanford Business School

Shoe DepartmentMen’s DepartmentCosmetics


Hosted byAccountability

5Trained in

the Deployment

of I/T?





Is LineManagement


Compensated for I/T-enabled

Value Creation?

Rotated Through I/T As Part of Their

Executive Development

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If a woman burns her thighs on the hot coffee she was holding in her lap while driving, she blames the restaurant.

If your teen-age son kills himself, you blame the rock 'n' roll musician he liked.

If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer your family blames the tobacco company.

If your daughter gets pregnant by the football captain you blame the school for poor sex education.

If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, you blame the bartender.

If your cousin gets AIDS because the needle he used to shoot heroin was dirty, you blame the government for not providing clean ones.

If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.

And, if your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.

God bless America, land of the free, home of the blame.

The state of personal responsibility in America today…The state of personal responsibility in America today…

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Great Companies Are Pre-Living Their Futures

“Third Age Suit used on the Ford Focus -- restricts agility, adds bulk, limits

movements at the knees,elbows, stomach and back.

Gloves reduce sense of touch; goggles simulate cataracts.

The suit artificially ages young designers and shows them the challenges

confronting older drivers”

Virtual Recreations Virtual Recreations of Markets yet to be of Markets yet to be

entered; entered;

work processes yet work processes yet to be be deployed.

Entertainment Entertainment Technology Center Technology Center at Carnegie-Mellon at Carnegie-Mellon


Royal Ford, “Auto Designs for the ages,” Royal Ford, “Auto Designs for the ages,” The Boston Globe The Boston Globe (March 5, 2000)(March 5, 2000)

Mind SetInsights

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Just Implement the Technology


See What Happens


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“…we have to focus on adoption. We were building a lot of things that just weren’t

being used. We lacked the appropriate training and deployment plans. In November of

2001 we deployed 30 new applications. Of those 30, ten of them got used less than five

times a day. Top five got used 20,000 times a day. Middle fifteen got used 20-30 times

a day. Not certain these were appropriate investments. We spent a lot of time building

them and they were not being used. We have to make sure that the ideas we have are

being applied in the business.


Two years ago, 70% of the people in the part of the IT organization supporting sales

were thinking about new things to do and 30% figuring out how to roll out those new

things out to the business. Today it is reversed. We have also gone from rolling out

new stuff every week to quarterly release cycles. We now have a formal plan to teach

people how to use the new functionality, roll that out and then measure the adoption.

Our metrics now put much greater emphasis on focusing on business process change.


If you don’t focus on adoption, you end up with a lot of stuff that is meaningless.

Brad Boston, CTO @ Cisco speaking at the 2002 Annual SIM Meeting

Zero Tolerance for TechnologyThat Does Not Change Behavior

CIO “Influence”


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1. Takes about a year to figure out what to


2. Takes about a year to sell what it is you

are going to do

3. Takes about a year to get your ‘sold’ idea


CIO Habitat Project

From Idea to Deployment… Timelines

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