hotel sustainable practices of tenorio lodge, costa rica

TENORIO LODGE BIJAGUA, COSTA RICA - [email protected] - (+ 506) 24 66 82 82

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An overview of the Sustainable Practices of Tenorio Lodge in Costa Rica. I visited this eco-lodge as part of my Hospitality Tour through Latin America, follow me online: and


Page 1: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Tenorio Lodge, Costa Rica

TENORIO LODGE BIJAGUA , COSTA RICA - [email protected] - (+ 506) 24 66 82 82

Page 2: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Tenorio Lodge, Costa Rica


Social Responsibility

Local Development

Travelers’ awareness

Local Heritage & Biodiversity

Transport & Green Mobility




Agriculture and Catering


Page 3: Hotel Sustainable Practices of Tenorio Lodge, Costa Rica


• Tenor io Lodge was des igned in a way that does not require a i r -condit ioning uni ts

in the rooms and publ ic area.

• Hot water i s produced wi th so lar heated water w i th e lectr ic i ty back up.

• Guests and employees are constant ly reminded to save energy, by swi tching of f

the l ight when necessar y for example.

• 90% of compact f luorescent bulb and replaced now by LEDs.

• Use of laundr y dr yer minimized, b io -c l imat ic room bui l t to dr y c lothes natural ly.

• Projects : Pass ive so lar water heater.

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• Three “R’s” (Reducing , Reusing and Recycl ing) so l id waste program is respected.

• Garbage is careful ly sor ted, in order to recyclable mater ia ls such as cans, p last ic

bot t les , t ins , paper, etc .

• To avo id the waste , most of the food is bought in bulk and reusable packaging

when avai lable (beer, sodas, etc . ) .

• Encourage staf f and guests not to use d isposable p last ics .

• More than 70% of the waste goes to the compost , to be used then as nut r ients for

plants, avo iding the use of any chemical fer t i l i zer, pest ic ides or herb ic ides .

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• Water system and p ipes are per iodical ly monitored to avo id any sor t o f leaks .

• Local heat - res istant p lants p lanted, no need to spr inkle the garden.

• Towels reus ing program.

• Strong ef for t to avo id products that negat ively inf luence wastewater, for example

detergents and products for guests (shampoo, etc . ) used are b iodegradable .

• Wastewater i s co l lected in sept ic tank and then f i l tered into dra in - f ie lds .

• Guests and staf f are reminded to use water responsibly.

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• Local ingredients for the k i tchen , not only to suppor t the local economy but a lso

as par t of the cul tural exper ience of local cu is ine for our guests .

• Homemade jam and bread.

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• Tenor io Lodge was bui l t to be smal l as a 12 bungalows (+4 in the future) pro ject

providing protect ion and reforestat ion to seven hectares in the middle of t ropical

vegetat ion sur rounding by two natura l ponds.

• Visual impact minimized: a l l bu i ld ings are s ing le s tore and rooms are on st i l ts .

• Large openings windows to get a max imum of natura l l ight and g ive to Guests a

d i rect v iew to the nature whi le preser v ing thei r pr ivacy.

• Wood f rom plantat ion wood such as local teak or p ine.

• Lodge bui l t w i th local workers of the community.

• More than 50% of the mater ials and furn i ture f rom local s tores .

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• Local s taf f and d i rect employment to over 8 famil ies in the area.

• Al l the employees are under the scheme of soc ial secur i ty and paid according to

law wage in Costa Rica. Qual i f icat ion and exper ience of each one is taken in

account . No employee is or w i l l be paid below the minimum wage. W ages are

h igher f rom 5 to 10% on those charged general ly.

• Insurance to cover work -re lated acc idents .

• Some of the employees at tend t ra in ing courses and work schedules are adjusted

accordingly to them.

• One room adapted to d isabled guests was bui l t .


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• Local owned tours operators are suppor ted.

• Smal l g i f t shop which of fers exc lusively ar t -craf ts made by local ar t i sans , the

store i s intent ional ly kept ver y smal l to encourage guests to buy at local g i f t shops

in B i jagua d i rec lty. Local Ornaments and ar t -c raf t made by local women for hote l

rooms and restaurant decorat ion.

• Tenor io Lodge is member of the chamber of tour ism of : Costa Rica (CANATUR) ,

eco - tour ism (CANAECO) , and Nor th Costa Rica(CATUZON) .

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• Tenor io Lodge provides information to the guests about the measures to protect

the env i ronment who are developed in the reg ion, information, on soc io -cul tural

act iv i t ies taking p lace in the reg ion.

• Local p lants and t rees a l l around the garden to at t ract w i ld l i fe . Guests are asked

to respect the local f lo ra and fauna, to not walk of f - t ra i ls or to t r y to feed any

wi ld l i fe .

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• Tenor io Lodge encourages and guide customers to v is i t d i f ferent Nat ional Park or

other natural at t ract ions . D etai led information on natural areas of tour ist interest

are mainta ined.

• Protect ion of the ra inforest and i ts inhabitants i s one of the most impor tant par ts

of Tenor io Lodge miss ion. In co l laborat ion wi th the students f rom Upala h igh

school , than a thousand of nat ives ’ t rees have been p lanted, some endangered.

The vast garden´s vegetat ion cons ists w i th predominant spec ies nat ive f rom the


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• Of fer h ik ing t racks , horse back r id ing tours (and b ike renta l soon) .

• Quads rental i s not par t of the suggest ion of act iv i t ies made to the guests.

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TENORIO LODGE BIJAGUA , COSTA RICA - [email protected] - (+ 506) 24 66 82 82