house joint resolution no. 213 - commending the virginia environmental professionals'...

2014 SESSION INTRODUCED REPRINT 14103653D 1 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 213 2  Offered January 27, 2014 3  Commending t he Virginia En vironmental P rofessionals'  Organization. 4  –––––––––– Patron––Wilt 5  –––––––––– 6  WHEREAS, fo rmed in 2 013, th e Virgi nia En viron ment al Profe ssio nals'  Org aniza tion is devot ed to 7  pro vid ing the hig hest qua lit y tra ini ng and ens ure s communic ati on of env iro nme ntal inf ormati on to 8  environmental profes sionals through out the Commonwealth ; and 9  WHEREAS, t he Virg inia Enviro nmen tal Pro fessi onals'  Org ani zat ion (VAEPO) has pro mot ed the 10  inter est and welfa re of local government environmen tal professi onal staff and promo ted a close r, more 11  inf ormed rel ati ons hip amo ng tho se eng age d in the dai ly del ive ry of env iro nment al and con ser vat ion 12  profe ssio nal servi ces to the public; and 13  WHE REAS, VAEPO has tra nsmitted, in an organized and coor din ated man ner , to local and stat e 14  gover nmen t and other appro priat e agencies the desires of VAEPO members on matters relat ing to codes 15  and regulati ons governi ng the envi ronme nt and cons ervat ion practice s; and 16  WHEREAS, VAEPO stri ves to assist memb er s in their tr ai ning, technical work, and over all 17  profe ssio nal devel opme nt; devel ops recommend atio ns for code impro vemen t; and communic ates new 18  laws, state codes, and inte rpret ation s pertaini ng to the adminis trati on of such codes and regul ations to 19  facilitate greater consistency among the various politica l juris dicti ons represent ed by VAEPO memb ers; 20  and 21  WHE REAS, VAEPO coop era tes with other professional grou ps and federal and stat e age nci es by 22  advan cing training and profe ssio nalis m in envir onme ntal law, admi nist ratio n, and enfor cemen t pract ices; 23  the organizat ion also encourages and promotes improved communication among the public, 24  governmen tal agencies , commercial and indu strial contr actor s, and trade vendor businesses; and 25  WHEREAS, VAEPO encou rages and pro mote s educate d, consi stent , and ethical ad mini strat ion and 26  enfor cemen t of all environ ment al laws for the benefit of public health , safet y, and welfa re for the people 27  of Virgini a; an d 28  WHE REAS, stat e age nci es are encourag ed to ful ly coopera te with VAEPO as a cri tic al part ner in 29  communica ting rules, regulat ions, and changes of poli cy quickly and effici ently to VAEPO membe rs; 30  now, t herefo re, b e it 31  RESOLVED by the Ho use of Deleg ates, t he Senate con curri ng, That th e General As semb ly hereb y 32  commend the Virginia Env ironmental Pro fessionals'  Organization; and, be it 33  RESOLVED FURTHER, That th e Clerk of th e House o f Delega tes prepare a co py of thi s resol utio n 34  for pre sen tat ion to the Vir gin ia Env iro nme nta l Pro fes sio nal s '  Org anizat ion as an expr essi on of the 35  General Assembly's admiration for the organization 's dedication to providing the highest quality training 36  and informat ion for those engage d in the pr of essi on of envi ronmental la w admi ni st rati on and 37  enforcement in the Commonwealth. N  O  U  C D H  J  1   3         1        /        3        1        /        1        4        1        0      :        8

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2   Offered January 27, 20143   Commending the Virginia Environmental Professionals'  Organization.4   ––––––––––

Patron––Wilt5   ––––––––––

6   WHEREAS, formed in 2013, the Virginia Environmental Professionals'   Organization is devoted to7   providing the highest quality training and ensures communication of environmental information to8   environmental professionals throughout the Commonwealth; and9   WHEREAS, the Virginia Environmental Professionals'   Organization (VAEPO) has promoted the

10   interest and welfare of local government environmental professional staff and promoted a closer, more11   informed relationship among those engaged in the daily delivery of environmental and conservation12   professional services to the public; and13   WHEREAS, VAEPO has transmitted, in an organized and coordinated manner, to local and state14   government and other appropriate agencies the desires of VAEPO members on matters relating to codes15   and regulations governing the environment and conservation practices; and16   WHEREAS, VAEPO strives to assist members in their training, technical work, and overall17   professional development; develops recommendations for code improvement; and communicates new18   laws, state codes, and interpretations pertaining to the administration of such codes and regulations to19   facilitate greater consistency among the various political jurisdictions represented by VAEPO members;20   and21   WHEREAS, VAEPO cooperates with other professional groups and federal and state agencies by22   advancing training and professionalism in environmental law, administration, and enforcement practices;23   the organization also encourages and promotes improved communication among the public,24   governmental agencies, commercial and industrial contractors, and trade vendor businesses; and25   WHEREAS, VAEPO encourages and promotes educated, consistent, and ethical administration and26   enforcement of all environmental laws for the benefit of public health, safety, and welfare for the people27   of Virginia; and28   WHEREAS, state agencies are encouraged to fully cooperate with VAEPO as a critical partner in29   communicating rules, regulations, and changes of policy quickly and efficiently to VAEPO members;30   now, therefore, be it31   RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby32   commend the Virginia Environmental Professionals'  Organization; and, be it33   RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution34   for presentation to the Virginia Environmental Professionals '   Organization as an expression of the35   General Assembly's admiration for the organization 's dedication to providing the highest quality training36   and information for those engaged in the profession of environmental law administration and37   enforcement in the Commonwealth.











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