how crm integration can help an e commerce store

How CRM integration can help an e- Commerce store drive more sales Here We Go…..

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Page 1: How crm integration can help an e commerce store

How CRM integration can help an e-

Commerce store drive more sales

Here We Go…..

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Ecommerce online platform in the form of webstore is the new mode of virtual shopping. Though the entire process of online shopping is convenient from the customer perspective that involves instant internet shopping but managing sales in ecommerce store is always complicated for the business. With the rapid evolution of information technology and digital transformation the easy access of the robust ecommerce store on digital gadgets smartphones and tablets is the new norm of smooth shopping at the comfort of home and on the move.

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• Almost half of the world's population more than 3.2 billion people worldwide use internet.

• E-commerce store facilitates time saving alternative with convenience, better infinite choice and 24/7 availability.

• Mobile phone users worldwide is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019

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These three facts lay the foundation for the fast catching up of the online shopping trend with a global population of 7.4 billion and more. Customer data and information play a significant factor in driving the overall sales growth for the Online shopping platform with the following add-on.

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• More than 100 million users visit online shopping websites per month

• An estimate of 2 billion people worldwide moving to ecommerce store to avail goods and services.

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Comprehensive business software for real-time sales insight

CRM is a business terminology abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management, in fact CRM for sales is a lead nurturing business software. The software technology in the form of automated sales management software help an ecommerce store drive more sales. Employing CRM technology come handy with its own sets of assets for sales growth and customer retention. Comprehensive CRM system strategies helps to manage business relationships with customer. CRM software give the complete data consisting of customer's buying history, preferences and concerns to the customer handling staff.

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Benefits of Dynamics CRM customization services in Ecommerce store

• CRM applications is well-suited for ecommerce enterprise to analyze customer interactions and enhance customer communication with a comprehensive centralized customer database.

• A good cloud based CRM system provide universally accessible, centralized database of all your leads, accounts and contacts to handle all customer facing activities in a business from marketing to sales to technical support and customer services.

• High-end CRM helps a business in making informative decisions to adjust their marketing campaigns and increase sales as they get to know which customer buys what after analyzing the collected customer record.

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• The customers may include the existing one, new ones or the one of future. There is a great need to organize, manage, track & nurture current and existing customers for the well-organized customer relationship.

• Robust CRM keep record of customer and on the basis of customer experience ecommerce store management can develop strategies to arrange, oversee and track its existing and potential customers.

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In addition, the ecommerce store sales manager connects with the individual who need the products/ service and impart out of the box customer service on the basis of customer needs, patterns, behaviors, and trend. One of the major advancement of CRM applications is collecting data & analyze it at the same point of time. With the help of CRM software for small business, one can quickly customize the leads, sales, marketing and case management by making few clicks only

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Dynamics CRM online integration is vital for ecommerce store sales

• Cloud based CRM assist enterprise to take key critical business decisions with sales insight from storage of customer data consisting of customer details, accounts, information, and leads. The entire sales department can view the sales updates and track customer behavior on an ongoing basis.

• E-commerce CRM for sales teams proves cost effective as it automates marketing and sales analytics saving time and money

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• Comprehensive e-commerce store launches new range of products and CRM provide necessary insight into the valuable organized data of the products and packages that clicked well with the customers. The entire sales efforts are streamlined to drive sales, nurture leads and qualify prospects on the basis of the real- time ecommerce data on customer engagement.

• All-In-One e-commerce, CRM platform facilitates customer engagement with GUI dashboard, that send email automation and web notifications, analyze customer data, capture lead, support customer complaints through live chat and helpdesk.

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Boost Customer engagements with Dynamics CRM customization Web notifications

• With the access to customize templates the entire task of email Automation & marketing consisting of promotional or welcome emails are send instantly to the customer for enhanced engagements

• Feature rich e-commerce CRM facilitate users’ consistent correspondence through the detailed view of the automated transactional email stats on various promotional offers.

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The ecommerce store web management focus on the constant customer touchpoint by sending notification to keep them informed. These notifications come handy with various positive benefits as the customers are well informed of all the new product specifications and special offers. Both the existing customers and the new prospects can be targeted with trackable & customizable web notifications on recommended offers to increase conversions and minimize on the bouncing customers with exit notifications.

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Improved Social Enhancements through dedicated social media Dynamics CRM integration

Sales Management Software facilitate a lot of social insights to tap and capitalize on your potential customers likes, dislikes as it will detect potential cases and leads from different major social platforms and channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. With a robust Social CRM, integrated Ecommerce store remains in touch with the customers and prospects by following them and listening to their conversations over social media platforms. The major social media platforms engage customers and prospect leads with marketing, sales and customer service that further includes social engagement with prospect and social customer service.

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• Identifying customer data patterns to improve customer service and decision making.

• Converting an engagement on a social channel into a lead. Target your sales and marketing efforts based on data analysis.

• Converting a question posted on a social channel such as Facebook into a support case.

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Amplify Customer support service with Dynamics CRM support in ecommerce store

• This enhanced tool collects relevant customer feedback data and store it with the centralized customer records.

• CRM can help business to analyze customer complaints and suggestions, and make changes accordingly.

• Ecommerce CRM efficiently expedites business with voice of the customer feature improving customer satisfaction.

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E-commerce store simplified the way we purchase, at the convenience of our home or on the move, digitally transforming the global economy. As more and more technology evolution is moving towards artificial intelligence, upcoming online webstore will be equipped with the new state -of-the-art CRM suite for futuristic shopping.

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