how my magazine appeals to my target audience?

How my magazine appeals to the target audience

Upload: wilsonnx

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

How my magazine appeals to the target audience

Page 2: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

Colour’s I have used a range of colours within my

magazine that would appeal to the target audience. Within my research into the target audience, I questioned them on what colours they would most like to see in a pop magazine. The colours that were most commonly said were pink, purple and white. These three colours make up my housestyle.

These colours would appeal to my target audience due to the fact they are bright, vibrant and also feminine colours.

The fact that I have used a clear housestyle throughout makes my magazine look more organised and clear, this would appeal to my target audience as it would make the magazine easier to read overall.

In selective areas of my magazine I have used the colour yellow to highlight the important content to draw in the attention to the reader. This would appeal to the target audience as it again makes the magazine more organised and easier to navigate through

Page 3: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

Fonts’s The fonts I have used appeal to my target

audience as I have varied the fonts I have used throughout all of my magazine pages (Front cover, contents page and double page spread).The font styles I have used are both sans serif and serif, both styles of writing would appeal to my target audience.

Serif fonts: Serif fonts are seen as sophisticated and girly, this would appeal to the target audience as they would enjoy looking at this type of typography

Sans serif fonts: Sans serif fonts are seen to be clear and easy to read. They are also typically bold, this would appeal to my audience as it would make the magazine easier to read throughout and make it look more organised

Page 4: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

Images The images I have used within my magazine

appeal to my target audience as I have used images of artists that would appeal to the target audience and also images of the psychographics of my target audience e.g fashion.

The characters in the images in my magazine would appeal to my target audience as they are smiling and connoting relaxation making the magazine more inviting. The body language of the artists also makes them seem more appealing to the target audience, as they look more relaxed and friendlyThe age of the artists would also appeal

to the target audience as the artists are around the same age of the target audience

Page 5: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

LanguageThe language I have used within my magazine would appeal to my target audience as I have used a chatty and informal tone throughout my magazine. I have also included teenage dialect throughout as this would appeal to my target audience because they would be able to relate to the content and information if it is portrayed in this way

Examples of where I have used language to appeal to my audience is mainly in the editors letter where I am speaking to the audience directly.

I have also used language mainly within my interview on my double page spread. I have made the questions very chatty and informal to appeal to the audience

Page 6: How my magazine appeals to my target audience?

ContentThe content I have used within my magazine would appeal to my target audience as I have included the psychographics of the target audience

I have included many articles of various pop artists within my magazine as this will appeal specifically to my target audience

I have also included a section called ‘Style Fix’ where I have added content on fashion and beauty. This would appeal to my target audience as this a psychographic that would appeal to my target audience.

From my research I have found that my target audience would also like to include content that the target audience have sent in. I have included this in my magazine as this it is very appealing.

I have also included many quizzes and competitions in my magazine as this is some audience interaction that would appeal specially to my target audience