how to get rid of lump in throat feeling

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. Tips and Home Remedies that you could implement at home How to Get Rid of Lump in Throat Feeling Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  2. 2. What is a Lump in Throat Feeling This is a sensation of something either physical or merely imagined having stuck in the back of your throat. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  3. 3. It may also be a symptom of an illness like Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), Acid Reflux (GERD) among other digestive illnesses. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  4. 4. Major Causes of Lump in Throat Throat infection sore throat Acid reflux Virus and bacteria presence Allergy Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  5. 5. 20 Simple Things You Can do if you have a Lump in Throat Feeling Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  6. 6. 20. Relax You need to relax and be able to deal with the cause of your lump in throat sensation. Anxiety & stress make it worse. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  7. 7. 19. Change your Diet If you have been taking a lot of spicy and greasy food stuff or foods high in fat. Citrus fruits, cranberries and tomatoes fall in this category Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  8. 8. 18. Take Antacid This helps reduce the lump feeling by reducing the heartburn Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  9. 9. 17. Breathing Exercises Breathing helps reduce anxiety and stress and chances of acid backing up into the esophagus and causing you some heartburn. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  10. 10. 16. Consume Milk Products This is good in reducing the lump feeling caused by Acid Refluxes and also as first aid for reflux related lump in throat. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  11. 11. 15. A Pinch of Cumin Adding a pinch of cumin seeds in water during meals may help prevent gas forming. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  12. 12. 14. Vinegar Take 2 teaspoons of white vinegar with meals. This helps control in-digestion hence reducing the amount of acid in your tummy and throat. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  13. 13. 13.Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol and nicotine are known to increase your chances of a reflux by causing the esophageal sphincter to relax. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  14. 14. 12. Avoid Caffeine Related products Tea, coke, coffee and other caffeinated products are known to cause heartburns so stay away from them. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  15. 15. 11. Avoid Overeating This consumes the available space in your tummy and prevents proper digestion from taking place. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  16. 16. 10. Avoid eating before bed time When you eat just before going to bed, the food does not get fully digested as your whole body goes to rest and therefore increases your chances of a reflux. You should try eating 3hrs before bed time. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  17. 17. 9.Drink Water Yes, drinking water slowly will help ease the lump feeling as the water goes down your throat hence a simple pain reliever. But dont take water in excess. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  18. 18. 8. Jogging This is great to help remove your focus from the cause of the stress or anxiety. However, it may not be possible if your breathing is being hindered. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  19. 19. 7. Lie Down You need to get off your feet, lie down and let your body relax and thereby heal itself. Raise your neck a little and keep the stomach slanting down. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  20. 20. 6. Place a warm cloth around your neck This will help relax the muscles surrounding your throat. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  21. 21. 5. Straighten up Your Neck Stand against a wall or sit on a chair with a straight back as this helps remove the pressure from the neck muscles. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  22. 22. 4. Stretch Your Neck slowly Roll your neck right and left while facing the ceiling slowly. Try this about ten times as it will relieve your neck muscles. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  23. 23. 3. Massage Your Neck This will help reduce the anxiety and stress caused on the neck muscles. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  24. 24. 2. Try These Home Remedies Passionflower, valerian and kava can be great at reducing anxiety and stress related lumps but this is at your discretion. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  25. 25. 1. Treat Your Acid Reflux Condition Acid Reflux or GERD is the major cause of lump in throat sensation. Acid reflux is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms. Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com
  26. 26. Struggling from Acid Reflux? Copyright 2013, LumpinThroatRelief.Com Discover How to Cure Acid Reflux At Any Age, Even If Youve Tried Everything And Nothing Has Ever Worked For You Before Click Here Or simply type>>