how to grow your business with facebook

How To Grow Your Business With Facebook Twitter: @BrendaHorton -- Facebook: Fan Page: -- blog: -- email: [email protected] A webinar and Q&A with Brenda Horton

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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You know that your target audience is hanging out on Facebook, but you are too confused and overwhelmed with Facebook to understand how to effectively connect with them. Software entrepreneur, social media expert, and online business trainer, Brenda Horton is going to answer your Facebook questions and help you get started on a clear Facebook strategy. She is going to show you the deadly mistakes that small business owners are making on Facebook and why it is preventing them from building a loyal online community of customers.


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How To Grow Your Business With


Twitter: @BrendaHorton -- Facebook: Fan Page: -- blog: -- email: [email protected]

A webinar and Q&A with Brenda Horton

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• Some Facebook Statistics

• How social networking sites like Facebook are changing the way we do business.

• Q & A Time

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About Brenda Horton,your online business trainer.

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Software EntrepreneurHware LLC.

Social Media Strategist

Online Business Trainer

Founder of Nevada County Online

Business Strategies Group.

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Why should you be doing business on


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That’s where the fish are swimming.

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Facebook Statistics

• Facebook now has over 700 million users.

• 50% of Americans are on Facebook.

• 50% of Facebook users log on daily.

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Facebook Statistics

• The average Facebook user has 130 friends.

• The average Fan (person who LIKES your PAGE) has 310 friends.

• Fans click 5x more on links than friends.

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Think of Facebook

as a social gathering with your friends and raving fans.

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They came to see, listen, learn, share, discuss, engage, and socialize with YOU on Facebook!

It’s your party.

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That means

Facebook just made business very very very


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In other words,

word of mouth (WOM) marketing has now become social...


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People put less value on

• Advertising

• Publicity Campaigns

• Commercials with paid actors

• Over-hyped promotions

• Slick sales pitches

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Their bullshitake detector is on.

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So, what is the nature of social network


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Unlike SEO (search engine optimization)

Where people are searching on Google, looking for an answer to a question or problem...

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...they are socializing

having real conversations in real time with real people whom they know, like, and trust.

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Friends, Fans, and Followers ask each other for

• advice

• referrals

• recommendations

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And ultimately, people buy from and do business with people

they know, like, and trust.

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This is called an online community versus customers.

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In today’s business environment, we oftentimes meet online before we ever

meet offline.

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The way we do business has changed. It’s become more open,

transparent, and social...thanks to social networking sites like Facebook.

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So, from a small business owner’s perspective, think of Facebook as an

online relationship building tool.

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So, the question is

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Are you hanging out where the fish are swimming?

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Time for Q&A.

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How do I use Facebook to promote my business??

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Answer: Starts with understanding the sales funnel.


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Website is your online Real Estate



RSS SubscribersFeedBurner.comFeedBlitz


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How many messages can you send without getting flagged by Facebook as spamming?


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Answer: Facebook uses an algorithm for determining unusual usage.

• Number of messages to friends ratio.

• Content Similarity - posting same message on everybody’s wall.

• Average message usage - If you exceed normal usage, you may get a warning.

• Time - FB keeps track of the amount of time you spend of FB. A sudden surge will set off alarms.

• Facebook Activity Factor (FAC) - FB monitors your overall behavior and keeps a FAC on each and every user.


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Should a business oriented post only come from your

business page? ?

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Answer: In general, yes.

However, many “biz” people had PROFILES before PAGES came about. Perhaps they are still in

transition from transferring their Friends to “Fans” and still post biz stuff on their Profile wall.

What’s more important is to gauge your online community. They will let you know if they are not

interested in your “biz” related posts on your Profile because they won’t engage you there.


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How strong are Facebook groups?

What is the best way to use them?


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Answer:Facebook has 3 main areas.

Profiles - for personal use.Pages - for business or non-profit.

Groups - for shared interests.A

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Answer:Leverage the messaging feature.

AGroups can be created by anyone and

about any topic, as a space for people to share their opinions and interest in that subject. Groups

can be kept closed or secret.

Groups are generally meant for smaller groups of people. For example, clubs, hiking groups,

knitting groups, biking groups, cooking groups, etc.

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Why does Facebook charge tax on their ads??

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Answer: The amount of tax is dictated by the

jurisdiction imposed on Facebook which is passed on

to you, the advertiser.ASo VAT Tax Applies to Facebook AdsAdvertisers with a business address in the EU will be subject to VAT. Whether and how VAT is charged will depend on whether you are purchasing ads for business purposes and the country in which your business is located.

If your business is not located in the EU you will not be required to pay VAT.

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How do I link my Page to my website??

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Answer to:

How do I link my Page to my website?

AWebsite on Info Tag

On the Page Picture you can put web addresses, but they are not live links.

On your page wall you can share links to your website.

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How do I link my website to my Facebook


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Answer to:

How do I link my website to my Facebook Page?

AUse a graphic with Link to Facebook Page

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How do I integrate Facebook with my


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Answer to:

How do I integrate Facebook with my website?

AThere is a

technical and a strategic


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Answer to:How do I integrate Facebook with my website?

ALike Button - most important(replaces Share Button)

On Website Liking

On Facebook Wall

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Answer to:How do I integrate Facebook with my website?

Activity Feed Plugin to show users a stream of the recent likes and comments from their friends on your site

Recommendations Plugin

show personalized page recommendations to your users based on the likes and comments across your entire site

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Answer to:How do I integrate Facebook with my website?

AFor Technical Info:

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What’s the purpose of the LIKE button for my


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Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook.

When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in

the user's friends' News Feed with a link back to your



Answer to:What is the purpose Like Button?

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Answer to:What is the purpose of the Like Button?

ASay goodbye to the Share button because the Like button is taking over.

Now after hitting the Like button, a full story with a headline, blurb and thumbnail will be posted to your profile wall. You’ll also be given an option to comment on the story link.

Previously, only a link to the story would appear in the recent activity, often going unnoticed by users.

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What determines who (FANS) receives my posts from my Page?


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Answer:Facebook’s Algorithm

called Edge Rank.

A Edge Rank determines what gets shown to who. It uses a post quality score. I

recommend using your wall to engage and interact with your online community. You

can also take out ads to promote to FANS.

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4 Levels ofFacebook Users.

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4 Levels of Facebook Users.

1. Beginner - Just getting started. Confused and overwhelmed. Needs a clear strategy. Not using a PAGE to build online influence. Not clear on what an online community really is or how to build one.

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4 Levels of Facebook Users.

2. Intermediate - Understands how to navigate around Facebook. Has an online community of at least a few hundred Fans on PAGE, but needs a more focused strategy of engaging and interacting with Fans or call to action.

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4 Levels of Facebook Users.

3. Advanced user - Clearly understands how to leverage Facebook as an online marketing tool. Buys ads, uses apps, links to and from other social networking sites, mobile integration, video implementation, uses analytics to measure results. Uses call to actions. Sets clear goals and understands conversion rates.

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4 Levels of Facebook Users.

4. Super Power User - Online marketers, early adopters, online trainers. Does a lot of split testing and measuring. Constantly making improvements. Stays on top of the latest changes not only on Facebook, but on other popular social networking sites.

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For more great Facebook tips and strategies be sure to sign up for

Mastering The Fundamentals of Facebook workshop!

• The workshop is designed for beginners and intermediate users of Facebook.

• Two trainers for the price of one.

• Teach a lot of strategy, not just “How Tos.”

• Will leave with an Action Plan designed specifically for your business.

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Mastering the Fundamentals of Facebook.

Wednesday March 23rd9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Holiday Inn Grass Valley, CA


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For more FREE Small Biz tips and strategies sign up for

Hware’s Blog at

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More Resourceswww.socialmediaexaminer - Social media training, tips, and strategies. - Social media news - Facebook Like Button Help - For great online marketing strategies - Nevada County Online Business Strategies - Business blog for entrepreneurs

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Thank you for joining me today!