how to import a video on blogger

How to import a video on Blogger Ife Lawrence

Upload: ife-lawrence

Post on 27-Jul-2016




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Page 1: How to import a video on blogger

How to import a video on Blogger

Ife Lawrence

Page 2: How to import a video on blogger

Select the video icon on the tool bar

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It gives you a variety of options, if you want to upload a video from YouTube, click the YouTube button, if not you can upload a video from wherever you’ve saved it.

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Type the name of the video clip you want to import in the search engine and select the video, once done, click the select button.

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Once done, the video you’ve selected will appear on your blog

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Click the share button, once you’ve done that, it gives you the option to share or embed, click the embed button.

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A long HTML code will be displayed. Highlight it, right click and select the copy option.

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Click the HTML button on the left hand side on the navigation bar and right click and paste the HTML code.

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Once you’ve pasted it, click the update button on the right hand corner.

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Once its updated, this will come up, click, importing images

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The video you’ve imported onto your blog will come up