how to increase height


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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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DESCRIPTION (See How Hermoine Did It!) People think when they reach a specific age that that's it. They're stuck at the height nature intended them to be. If you heard this before, you need to know that it's far from the truth. Anyone can grow taller and I'm a perfect example of it. When I was 17 years old I was 5'2. I was one of the shortest kids in my school for my age and it stopped me from doing what some of the other kids were doing. I couldn't join the basketball team because I was at a height disadvantage and I was insecure when I was around women. It seemed everywhere I went it was hard to be noticed. I felt alone. That all changed when I started to read as much as I could on learning how to grow taller. From the ages of 17 to 21 I grew a total of 8 inches. I went from 5'2 to 6.0.. and the best part about it all is I did it naturally. That's right. No special pills or steroids. I managed to add a total of 8 inches to my height and I'm STILL growing taller.


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Bone Lengthening is not just an operation It’s a Procedure

• Ilizarov first developed an external fixation frame that was placed around the leg. Compression of the fracture would help stimulate bone healing, he built a frame that had this capacity.

• Method is used to increase height in short stature persons and or achondroplastic dwarf.

• Many pathological conditions can now be treated successfully using limb lengthening and deformity correction technique.

• orthopedic and trauma problems could be solved successfully using external fixators as Ilizarov , Taylor spatial frame, Orthofix ……………

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Limb Lengthening Process

For lengthening and deformity correction, the bone is usually cut through a very small incision to minimize injury to tissue.

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Surgical Procedure

• The bone to be lengthened is cut.

• Metal pins or screws are inserted to the bone and the surgical cut in the skin is stitched closed.

• A metal is attached to the pins in the bone.

• when the leg has reached the desired length and has healed another surgical procedure will be done to remove the pins.

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Dr. Santpure Shivkumar. He is a Consultant Joint Replacement Surgeon having worked in some of the best centers in USA and India. He has performed over 5000 majororthopaedic surgeries since 2002 including 2000 cases of joint replacement, for patients from across the country and overseas.

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