how to install a virtuemart template? (joomla! 1.7 or - yagendoo

How to install a Virtuemart Template? (Joomla! 1.7 or higher & VM 2.0.x) Navigation System Requirements 1 1. Preparing the Installation 2 2. Installing the Template 2 3. Configuring the Yagendoo Joomla! Template 4 4. Configuring the Yagendoo VirtueMart Theme 7 5. FAQ 11 System Requirements PHP Version Minimum requirement PHP5! The primary development platform for all Joomla! templates by Yagendoo is PHP version 5 or higher. If you use PHP4, this won't be a problem, as your web host usually allows you to update the PHP version to PHP5. Javascript To ensure that the visitors of your website will see your template correctly, their browsers have to support JavaScript, which usually is the case. If JavaScript is disabled, certain components of the template (e.g. the drop-down menu or the slideshow) will not work properly. Installing and configuring the Yagendoo Virtuemart template is very easy. In the following, you will learn how to install and configure the template. © 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

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How to install a Virtuemart Template? (Joomla! 1.7 or higher & VM 2.0.x)


System Requirements! 1

1. Preparing the Installation! 2

2. Installing the Template! 2

3. Configuring the Yagendoo Joomla! Template! 4

4. Configuring the Yagendoo VirtueMart Theme! 7

5. FAQ! 11

System RequirementsPHP VersionMinimum requirement PHP5! The primary development platform for all Joomla! templates by Yagendoo is PHP version 5 or higher. If you use PHP4, this won't be a problem, as your web host usually allows you to update the PHP version to PHP5.

JavascriptTo ensure that the visitors of your website will see your template correctly, their browsers have to support JavaScript, which usually is the case. If JavaScript is disabled, certain components of the template (e.g. the drop-down menu or the slideshow) will not work properly.

Installing and configuring the Yagendoo Virtuemart template is very easy. In the following, you will learn how to install and configure the template.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

1. Preparing the Installation

Unpack the archive called "unzip_" locally on your computer. It contains another archive which is named accordingly to the Joomla! versions, a license.txt and a documentation.txt. You may not unpack, change or rename the template archive!

2. Installing the Template

2.1 Logging on to the Admin Area

Log-on to the Admin area of your Joomla! installation. Normally, you can access this area by calling up the following address in your web browser: http://www.yourdomain.tld/administrator/

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

2.2 The Joomla Installer

Now launch the Joomla installer by clicking on "Extensions » Install/ Uninstall".

2.3 Uploading the Template

In the selection field "Upload Package File", select the respective template archive and upload it by clicking on the "Upload File & Install" button.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

2.4 Successful Installation

Having uploaded the template, the following message will appear:

The Joomla! template has successfully been installed and can now be configured.

3. Configuring the Yagendoo Joomla! Template

3.1 The Template Manager

Use the navigation item "Extensions » Template Manager" to get to an overview on all templates you have installed.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

3.2 Selecting the Template

Select the new Yagendoo template and define it as the default template by clicking on the "Star" button. From now on, the new layout is applied automatically and ready to be used.

3.3 Using the Template Parameters

By clicking on the template name or selecting a template and clicking on "Edit" in the Template Overview screen, you open the Template Parameters screen. Here, you can further adjust and customize the template. The tooltips of the parameter names explain the parameters. On the screen, you can find all settings the template you have purchased supports, e.g. a drop-down list of all color themes available for changing the overall appearance of the layout.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

4. Configuring the Yagendoo VirtueMart Theme

4.1 The VirtueMart Component

Open the VirtueMart component via the navigation item "Components » VirtueMart"

4.2 Selecting the Theme

Use the items "Tools » Control Panel » Configuration" to navigate to the VirtueMart configuration.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

Click the tab "Template" and verify that "default" is selected in all the marked fields. Don't forget to deactivate the usage of the Virtuemart CSS at the bottom.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

4.3 Settings of the Individual Categories

You get about the above mentioned control panel or via the navigation items "Products » Product categories" directly to the settings which influence the layout of the individual categories separately.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

Click on one of the created categories to get to the settings:

In the input field "Default Number of Products per Row", you define whether the products in a selected category will be output as a list or as a grid view with x products per line.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

5. FAQ

5.1 How can I find out which module items are available?

By completing the current URL (www.yourdomain.tld/index.php) with the following characters, Joomla! will automatically show the module items: ?tp=1

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

You will find an overview on all available items in the respective demo installation of the template you have purchased.

5.2 What is a "Module Suffix"?

You will find module suffixes in the parameter list of a Joomla! m o d u l e . Using the appropriate input filed, you can assign respective CSS classes to a module and thus allow free rein to your creativity. The class you enter will be attached to the original class right away and you will be able to format the respective module individually.

5.3 What's the use of "Additional Tags"?

The Yagendoo template parameters offer two input fields, "Additional HEAD-Tags" and "Additional BODY-Tags". Here you can enter customized code for the head area (head tags) or the end of the body area (body tags). In particular, this is interesting for Google Analytics or similar services.

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH

5.4 Do you have fixed positions for certain modules?

The Yagendoo Joomla! templates have reserved certain positions for certain modules. They should be filled with the respective modules to ensure that they appear and work correctly.

• Main menu » "menu"• Breadcrumbs » "breadcrumb"• Search » "drawer"• Page logo » "top-1"

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and set up your Joomla! template. Enjoy working with it!

© 2012 Yagendoo Media GmbH