how to lead with greater impact — herminia ibarra

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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Herminia Ibarra is the Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning, and Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD. Prior to joining INSEAD she served on the Harvard Business School faculty for thirteen years. She is a member of the World Economic Forum, Global Agenda Councils, a judge

for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, and Chairs the Visiting Committee of the Harvard Business School. Thinkers 50

ranked Ibarra #9 among the most influential business gurus in the world.

herminia ibarra@herminiaibarra

INSEAD Professor

Leaders who move others have an openness to experiencing new things;

the curiosity to go where they’ve never been, and the courage to share a point of view

that’s unique to who they are.

Insight #1

Insight #2

Contrary to popular belief, over-investing in your strengths is likely to give you the

false assumption that what produced your past success will lead to future

wins; it’s the competency trap.

Insight #3

If you knew that your current way of thinking about your job and yourself

is exactly what’s keeping you from advancing, would you redesign your thinking?.

Consider acting differently, for that’s the quickest way to change your mindset

Insight #4

More than any other variable, leaders inspire others by virtue of who they are.

Insight #5

The outsight principle reminds you that before you learn to think like a leader,

you have to first act like one. Start by:

Insight #5

The outsight principle reminds you that before you learn to think like a leader,

you have to first act like one. Start by:Redefining your job - immerse yourself in

new projects and activities

Insight #5

The outsight principle reminds you that before you learn to think like a leader,

you have to first act like one. Start by:Redefining your network - interact with a

greater diversity of people

Insight #5

The outsight principle reminds you that before you learn to think like a leader,

you have to first act like one. Start by:Redefine yourself - experiment with unfamiliar ways to get things done

Insight #6

When you allocate more time to what you do best, you devote less time to

learning other things that also essential to your growth. Think ‘whole person.’

Insight #7

Unless you’re thinking strategically and broadly, allocating ‘thinking time’ is backward thinking.

“You are more likely to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way

into a new way of acting.” - Richard Pascale

Insight #8

In times of transition and uncertainty, thinking and introspection should follow

action and experimentation, not vice versa.

Insight #9

As you look to advance your network, seek diversity and depth of expertise

from individuals who can help you do tomorrow’s job better.

Insight #10

The paradox of change is that the only way to alter the way you think is by

doing the very things your habitual thinking keeps from doing. You don’t unearth your

true self, it emerges from what you do.

Reflect: Do you have a reverse mentor?

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