how to make your church visitor friendly

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  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    How To Make Your Church

    Visitor Friendly

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Hebrews 13:1

    Let brotherly love continue. Donot forget to entertain strangers, for

    by so doing some have unwittinglyentertained angels. Remember theprisoners as if chained with them

    those who are mistreatedsince youyourselves are in the body also.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    IS 99.9% GOOD ENOUGH?What is an Acceptable Level of Quality Performance?

    If 99.9% is the Goal Then

    Twelve babies will be given to the wrongparents each day in every major city.

    200,000 drug prescriptions will be filledincorrectly in the next 12 months. 107 incorrect medical procedures will be

    performed by the end of the day today.

    Since 99.9 % is not good enough forparents, pharmacists and doctors, it isnot good enough for churches either.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    FACT #1:

    Your church cannot grow without visitors.

    FACT #2:

    Your church cannot grow if your visitorsdontcome back.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly



    What are you doing everySunday to make sure yourvisitors return?

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Archbishop William Temple said,

    The church is the onlycooperative society in theworld that exists for the

    benefit of its non-members.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Getting Ready


  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    What is the difference

    between a guest and avisitor?

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    It is the differencebetween never missing

    another Sunday or nevercoming back.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Getting Ready forCompany


  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Did you know?

    Researchers say that church guests

    decide whether or not to returnto the church they are visiting

    in the first ten to twelve minutesupon entering the church campus.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    So, what happens in the

    first twelve minutes? They see your facilities

    They meet your people

    They decide whether or not you canmeet their needs

    They decide whether or not to comeback

    Before they have heard the music or sermon

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    A. Your church campus must:

    Have directional signage in parking

    areas and outside of buildings Be well landscaped Be clean, and well maintained

    Be inviting cosmetically

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    B. Parking Lot/Guest Parking

    Adequate number of guestparking spaces

    Easy to identify and locate

    Must be your best parking spacesMust have greeters

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    C. Your Greeters

    Should wear name tags Should be friendly

    Should understand the value of thisministry

    Should escort guests to thewelcome/information center Should introduce guests by name

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    The Value of a SmileHoliday Inn interviewed 5,000 people to fill 500positions that were needed to open a newfacility. When the hotel managers interviewedthese candidates, they excluded anybody who

    smiled fewer than four times during the courseof their interview. This standard was applied toevery available job and to every prospectiveemployee.

    How many of your church members wouldqualify for a job at Holiday Inn?

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Transitioning Our Guests

    Parking Lot Greeters should escort allguests from the parking lot to the

    Welcome/Information Center.

    This time is extremely valuable and shouldbe used to discover the interests andneeds of the guests which the church canmeet.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Getting Ready forGuests


  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    The Welcome/InformationCenter

    At the Welcome/Information Center,all guests must be welcomed and

    receive information.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    What type of information?

    Church newsletter Information on upcoming events for all ages Information on all ministries

    Information about discipleship/Sunday Schoolclasses Information on recreational opportunities Information on the staff and who to call for what

    Campus Map Gifts (Example: Coupon for free Wednesday night


  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Parking Lot Greeters then escortthe guests to a Sunday Schoolclass, nursery, youth area or to

    the Worship Center.

    There, the guest must be

    introduced to the class greeters,teacher or usher by name.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    The Nursery

    The Nursery area must be

    clean, bright, cheerful,

    and secure.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Acknowledging Guests

    During Worship

    How we acknowledge our guestsduring a worship service caneither make them feelwelcomed or embarrassed.

  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    How to make your guestsfeel valued

    Includedo not exclude. Act like every personis a first time guest.

    Everyone who gives an announcement, sings,

    speaks, etc. must be introduced or introducethemselves.

    When you acknowledge your guests, allow themsome anonymity.

    Teach your people to value their guests. Provide a reception for guests following the

    service so they can personally meet the pastorand staff.

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  • 8/13/2019 How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly


    Most Churches consider themselves to bevery friendly. The truth is they are, butusually to themselves. It is important forall Churches to do their best to make surethat every guest feels loved and


    As you incorporate these and your own

    ideas into the life and ministry of yourchurch you will be well on your way tobecoming a Visitor Friendly Church.