how to present

17 How to Present Magazine MARCH 2013 1 MARCH 2013 IN THIS ISSUE Domonique Bertolucci shares her Business Presenting tips How to move from $ to VALUE FAKE it and you wont MAKE it 10 Things you should definitely NOT do when presenting at work! The SECRET to happiness Engagement Tips Success Stories PLUS: How to HANDLE CONFLICT

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A magazine full of tips and techniques for improving presentation skills, public speaking and business communication.


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MARCH 2013

IN THIS ISSUEDomonique Bertolucci shares her Business Presenting tips How to move from $ to VALUEFAKE it and you wont MAKE it10 Things you should definitely NOT do when presenting at work!The SECRET to happinessEngagement TipsSuccess StoriesPLUS: How to HANDLE CONFLICT

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Michelle’sUpdateWelcome to the March issue of How to Present! This issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work.

Based on my research with over 6000 people, more than 80% of people have experienced some fear or anxiety when speaking in public at some point in their life. Partly this is because they were not prepared adequately before actually getting up and speaking. The lack of preparation is generally because people don’t actually know how much is involved in delivering a message with confidence, clarity and influence. In this edition of How to Present magazine I’m sharing ‘The 10 things you should definitely NOT do when presenting in business’.

And check out our latest cover girl Domonique Bertolucci who is a very successful speaker and C-level coach! She’s a complete expert on how to live your best life and I love her advice so much I subscribe to everything she has to offer! I know you’ll enjoy her tips for presenting in business.

PLUS David Penglase shares how to Move from Price to Value, Dominoque Bertolucci explores the Secret of Happiness as well as Robin Powis’ tips on how to Care for your Garments. Ken Warren explains how to Handle Conflict, Greg Mowbray explains that if you Fake it You Won’t Make it, and I share some simple Engagement Tips you can next use when you present at work. Plus, as usual you can read some inspiring Success Stories.

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results.

Happy Presenting!

Who is Michelle Bowden?

Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 570 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 3 years running. Michelle is one of only 25 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:



Join Michelle at her next public program IN SYDNEY:

• March 12-13• April 8-9• May 14-15• June 25-26• July 23-24

IN BRISBANE• May 21-22 (nearly full!)

To register or chat about your specific needs please email:[email protected]

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Mark Ainsworth is a Chartered Accountant and proactive business advisor. By proactive he means that at Momentum they help create history…not just report on it. He helps his clients achieve more than they ever thought possible…and they have fun doing it!He changes lives by helping his clients understand where they are now, clarify where they want to go, and design strategies on how to get there. Through his unique service offering and our initial “Strategy For Life” process that helps define his clients’ purpose, clarity, goals. 

What kind of presenting do you do at work?

I present at seminars, business networking events and meetings, to Boards and to clients and their teams.

What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program?

What prompted me to attend was the frustration of not being able to present in a way that was engaging and entertaining. I’ve always admired presenters who could engage, entertain and move an audience as they had the ability to then influence with their message. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business?

My attitude changed in that it is ok to have the skills, the structure, the understanding of what to do, but at the end of the day you just have to practice and do it over and over again until you can present. There are no short cuts!

In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills?

Since completing the course I have presented at seminars and business networking events. On one occasion speaking in front of 80 guests. The structure from the course has enabled me to convey certain messages with clarity and on many occasions impacted on a level that has enabled us to win new clients and get others to refer us on creating further opportunities for growth. The confidence gained from being able to convey a message in a confident and charismatic manner is indescribable, but I am very grateful.


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In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?  

Specifically my skills have improved in all areas of creating, designing and delivering my message. But the one thing I am grateful most for is the ability to be able to present confidently and knowing I can finally do this. It no longer holds me back.

What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program?

1.Practice, practice, practice. 2.Project with confidence. 3.Use the excellent 13-step



Going through life as a phoney, especially if you are in a leadership role, is going to mean that you will do it tough. You'll find it hard to get and keep followers. Like they say, you can only fool some of the people some of the time.

Leaders need to be authentic - the real deal, not a cheap fake. Let me explain.

Imagine you buy something of value (an expensive watch, some sporting memorabilia or a piece of artwork), believing it to be what it was sold to you as. Then you find out that what you bought was a copy. You feel duped, ripped off. You can't believe that people would do that to others.

Imagine now, that you buy into the vision of a leader - in your workplace, community organisation or even in government. The person

that you have put your faith and trust in turns out to be other than who they say they were. Again, you feel duped and let down. You disengage, stop trying and become frustrated.

If you want to lead others and influence positive change you have no choice other than to be authentic, the real deal.

Why not make a deal with yourself that in 2013 you will strive to be more authentic? [email protected]


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"To be what we are,and to become

what we are capable of becomingis the only end of life."

R.L. Stevenson .

Are you as happy as you could be?  Do you sometimes find that as hard as you work at being happier, you only seem to manage to be busier?

I'm often asked what I think the secret to being happy is...  I believe that happiness is achieved when we live our life in alignment with our values - honouring the things that matter most in our life. This week, when you find yourself with a decision to make or an option to consider, ask yourself 'does this take me closer to or further from, a life that is aligned with my values?' Real success is rarely about cars, houses or boats. By continually checking in with your values and the things that matter most to you,

not only will you find it easier to make decisions, you will begin to create a life where you are truly happy and fulfilled.


Well Michelle, I did my presentation last night to about 80 local business people. Once I got started I think I did really well. My eye contact was awesome and I had people come up to me later and say how inspired they were by my speech. Wow did this make me feel great. Thanks very much for your help take care.  For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to


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There are 10 things you really shouldn’t do when presenting at work. See how you fair based on your last workplace presentation or meeting:

1. Egocentricity. Most presenters are too focussed on themselves. Your audience is smart – when they notice your egocentricity it will break rapport and impact your ability to command attention and persuade. Remember, it’s not about you: it’s all about your audience.

2. Don’t write what YOU want to say, rather than what your AUDIENCE needs to hear. It’s critical you analyse your audience before writing your script and designing slides. Thinking about who will be in your audience, and how that might change the way you should deliver your point will ensure a great result.

3. Don’t listen to negative self talk. That voice inside your head can either enable or disable you. Remember to take charge of your thinking and tell yourself “I can do this”. If you analyse your audience, design an audience-focused message and rehearse, you’ve done the necessary work to stand out for all the right reasons! Believe in yourself.

4. Don’t wing it. Sadly most workplace presenters run from one meeting to another making very little time to even think through what they are going to say, let alone rehearse it out loud to check how it’s going to sound. Exceptional presenters rehearse and rehearse and rehearse.

5. Don’t forget to warm up. If you’ve ever tripped over your words you’ll know how much it can fluster you and make you nervous. When you trip over your words it also reduces your credibility. Exceptional presenters warm up.


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6. Don’t rely on PowerPoint. Don’t make PowerPoint your presentation and read it to your audience. ‘Death by PowerPoint’ includes relying too heavily on information-packed slides that no one can read. Remember YOU are the catalyst for change in an audience, not your visual aids.

7. Don’t place your hands over your crotch in what is known as the fig leaf, crotch clutch or reluctant nudist posture! This gesture is distracting and can make you look nervous.

8. Don’t fake eye contact with people, or forget to look them in the eye at all. Audiences know when you are there for you, not for them. Indirect eye contact will result in a lack of connection and engagement with your audience. You can’t persuade effectively without rapport.

9. Don’t use filler words like ‘um’, ‘ah’, ‘and so’ instead of pausing. These mannerisms can make you look uncomfortable and will detract from the power of your message. Remember pause is powerful!

10. Don’t leave without being explicit about the next steps your audience should take. Remember to call your audience to action and close your presentation with strength. When a presenter fails to state their desired outcome it’s likely that the audience will simply go back to work and change nothing. Opportunity missed!

Workplace presenters commonly make these mistakes, which is why a massive 72% of people say that after the last presentation they attended they went back to their desk and changed nothing. Imagine how disheartening that was for the actual presenters at those meetings. Let’s make sure this isn’t you!

Michelle Bowden is Australia’s presentation

and influencing skills expert and one of only

35 female Certified Speaking Professionals

(CSP) in Australia, (the CSP is the highest

designation for speakers in the world).

Michelle is the author of How to Present: the

ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and

influencing people using techniques that

actually work. For further tips and techniques

that will dramatically improve the way you

present and influence people please go to


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SHIFTING FROM PRICE TO VALUEMy wife Liz made a passing comment about how she viewed storewide sales that seemed to discount everything to almost ridiculous levels of savings. She said: "If they can drop the price of an item from $300 to $30 as special (for whatever reason the special might be - mid year sale, moving sale, no-reason sale), it just shows how much it is really worth!"

Liz's framework on pricing is one of the major blockages that we as sales professionals need to be able to change. You see, although the price may be significantly reduced - for whatever reason, Liz's focus is on the price difference, and not on the value of the item for sale - and I don't mean the original price.

When clients or prospects only see the price that they are paying for something and are not able to focus on the value they will receive - despite the price, it is up to us to shift their focus onto value.

Here are 3 tips on how to shift your clients and prospects focus from price to value:

1. Asking Value-Discovery Questions. This is the key to identifying the value clients and prospects seek, and only then, once you've been able to identify the real value, purpose, problem or need that the client has, can you focus on how your product or service can deliver that value for them - regardless of the price.

2. Use Value-Shift Statements. You might start with a comment on the price by stating something like "You know apart from the incredible saving that you'll make because we've been able to discount this down from $300 to $30, the real value of buying this, is that......." and you would focus on the problem

the product or service will solve or the need it will other words, the value they will receive - despite the price.

3. Validate the Value. Using client testimonials in whatever format is appropriate for your business demonstrates to the prospect that the value you have presented to the client or prospect will indeed be delivered.

What I'm not saying is that price is not important - of course it is. The reality is people aren't buying the price. They pay the price, they are buying the value. Our role is to make sure that we keep clients focused on value - regardless of whether the price we are charging is high or low.

Be value focused, and not price focused.

David Penglase is an engaging and entertaining conference keynote speaker.  He is founder and author of the new field of Intentionomics® - the impact of your intentions on living a happy, flourishing and prosperous life! His Intentionomics® At Work series is inspiring audiences locally and internationally to implement 9 Inescapable Truths For A Prosperous Life to help their businesses to increase sales, improve customer experiences, manage change better, build inspirational leaders and enhance team productivity.


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Removing Drink Stains

Attack the stain as soon as you can, the longer you leave it the more it embeds in the fabric.

Coffee/tea - work glycerine into the stain then wash as normal.  If it still doesn't come out try dry-cleaning fluid followed by a normal wash.

Fruit juice/soft drink - normal wash and hang in the sun to dry.  For apple and stone fruits try glycerine on the stain before washing.

Wine - new red wine stains with vinegar; and old red wine with glycerine, bicarb and detergent.  White wine with vinegar.

Caring for Fine and Delicate Knit Linen Garments 

Cool hand wash.

Ensure you do not over dry. Ease back into shape gently and dry flat in shade.

Use a warm iron, also try ironing damp.

Washing Linen 

Ultimate Linen Care Guide:

Always read your garment's indiviual care instructions.

Cool to warm machine wash.

Do not soak or bleach.

Dry in the shade so it will not over dry (avoid tumble drying).

Use a warm iron and, iron darker colors on reverse side to avoid linen becoming over shiny.

Store in a cool dry place.

Robin Powis is an image consultant who believes some people are born stylish whilst others need to learn about style. She’s passionate about colour and creating a fresh and stylish new YOU.


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CONFIDENT SPEAKING VOCALS–AUDIOA confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you!

Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett.

At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients.

Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!

EXCEPTIONAL PRESENTATION DESIGN–DVDYou can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time!

Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for!

If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler!

An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

HOW TO PRESENT–TIPS FROM THE MASTERS–AUDIO SERIESFast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters.

What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.

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There was once a time when people used to think that if couples or coworkers argued, there was something wrong with their relationship. This is not true, of course. We know that even in very good relationships, there are conflicts and ‘discussions’ at various times. Problems arise only when conflict is intense, ongoing, hurtful, or unresolved. So, it is not so much conflict that is the problem, but how people deal with it that counts. What do you do when frustrated with others? Do you try to get your own way? Do you simply give in to keep the peace? Or would you prefer to run a mile rather than have a difficult conversation? Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann identified five main styles of dealing with conflict. They say that although we tend to gravitate to a preferred style, those who are best in dealing with conflict tend to select the right approach for the situation. The five styles identified by Thomas and Kilmann are:

Competing: People who use this style tend to operate from a position of power – their position of authority, p a r t i c u l a r e x p e r t i s e , s t r o n g personality, verbal skills, or their physical size or strength. They might also use power-oriented strategies – using evidence to support their position, getting others to side with them, or, at their worst, becoming upset, demanding, accusatory, or aggress ive. People who tend towards this style know what they want and are prepared to be assertive in getting it. This style can be very functional when decisions need to be made quickly, such as in an urgent situation, when the decisions are unpopular, or when you

need to be assertive with someone who is behaving in selfish ways. This style can also strain relationships and breed resentment if used in less urgent situations. When overused, the recipients of such power-oriented interactions, leave others feeling disrespected and controlled. I recall many couples I saw for counseling who were caught in entrenched conflict. Often, each party was trying to control their partner through blaming, complaining, criticizing, exploding or withdrawing. Although these behaviours are very human, they a re a lso very hur t fu l to relationships. Collaborating: This style of dealing with conflict tries to meet the needs of all involved. Everyone is seen as important and solutions are sought together on the premise that acceptable options exist that may have not yet been identified. A collaborative style is useful when differing viewpoints exist, when there is a history of conflict but a desire to find a solution, or when the situation is too complex for a simple solution.

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HOW DO YOU HANDLE CONFLICT? (CONT.)This style works best when there is not a serious power-imbalance in the relationship. Some power-imbalances can be corrected through the presence of a third party, such as a support person or skilled mediator. Compromising: This style is similar to collaboration in that a solution is sought that meets the needs of all, but different in that everyone is expected to give up something. Trades are used in this style where something is offered, but also something asked for in return. For example, “If I do …, will you …?” Of course, what is offered is not always accepted and other compromises need to be suggested. This style is useful when the cost of what individuals are relinquishing is outweighed by the cost of continuing the conflict. It is also helpful when negotiating partners of equal power are at a standstill or when there is pressure to make a decision, such as when a looming deadline. Accommodating: This style requires a person to put their needs and concerns on the backburner, while addressing the needs of others. This style is useful when the issues are more important to the other party, when the relationship is more important than the issue at hand, you believe that the other party will reciprocate, or you wish to use this concession to call for a favour down the track. However, people do not always reciprocate. Nor is it helpful for all the different types of conflicts that exist. And, if over-used, this style can leave one feeling not considered and disrespected. Avoiding: This style is used when people would prefer to simply avoid conflict entirely. People who use this style tend to leave others to have the difficult conversations and tend to live with whatever others decide. I sometimes wonder how much avoidance is being used in relationships of couples who say they have never had any conflict.

However, this style can be appropriate when the conflict is unwinnable, the issue is trivial, someone else is better placed to address the situation, or it is important to avoid stress and upset. However, it is easy to see how avoiding all conflict can easily allow small issues to build. So, how flexible and creative are you in how you respond to conflict? Do you find yourself consistently using the one style? Which is it for you? Remember that each style has its strengths and weaknesses, so the more flexible you can be in finding the right style for the situation, the better. Next time you are in conflict, think about which approach is going to be most helpful for your situation. Ideally, we are aiming for an approach that is appropriate for the situation, achieves a good outcome, is respectful of everyone’s needs, and preserves important relationships.

Ken Warren is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best. Check out all of his FREE resources at

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Dramatically improve the way

you present and influence. Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.

It’s a life changing experience!

Risk free - 100% money-back guarantee.

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Interactive and personalised.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Address your specific, personal needs.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

There’s no need for you to be

nervous or miss a career opportunity due to public speaking ever again!

SYDNEY DATES:March 12-13April 8-9May 14-15June 25-26July 23-24



To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly: [email protected]



I loved the rules, boundaries, techniques, and templates for crafting and perfecting a presentation. Using 13 steps to explain each technique really solidified the learning. Creative criticism and constructive advice! there was just so much to take away and the techniques will make my working life easier. I’m not one who normally enjoys group training or audience participation but I got so much out of this. Michelle nurtured a great culture of inclusion, encouragement and strong team dynamic. Thank you.

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to


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Should I emphasise key words when presenting at work?

Yes! It’s a great idea to emphasise key words when you present.

Emphasising key words helps your audience know what’s important and it helps them get a strong sense of your emotional objective or the ‘vibe’ you’re aiming to create.

The words most people emphasise are called content words and they are the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

As well as stressing key nouns and verbs you should also look at stressing the ‘focus words’.

Focus Words

Focus words are THE KEYWORDS in any phrase and they usually are content words. If you listen to any public speaker, politician or entertainer, you will hear them use this technique. America’s president, Barack Obama, is a wonderful example of someone who knows

how to use emphasis on key words. He does three very important things on those words: he makes the stressed syllable in that word:


louder and

higher in pitch.

This is how we help our listeners turn their attention to our most important points.

So give this a go and reap the benefits of an audience that is emotionally engaged by your

message. Happy Presenting!



Completely and radically changed my entire view of presenting in business. Thank you!

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to



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Domonique Bertolucci, happiness expert and best-selling author, is the closely guarded secret behind some of the country’s most successful people. Passionate about ‘real’ success, Domonique delivers keynote presentations and seminars where she challenges her audience to think about what it is they really want, and what has been stopping them from getting it. Domonique is the author or Your Best Life (2006) and The Happiness Code (2012). 

1. Do your research and find out as much as you can about your client, your audience and the other speakers in the line up.

2. A presentation is not the time to try to wing it, so be prepared and make sure you

know your presentation, slide order, and facts and figures inside out.

3. Don’t let audio visual and other glitches ruffle your feathers or get in your way. Remember you’re the professional and deliver a brilliant presentation regardless.

4. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, most of the audience would be terrified at the thought being in your shoes and think you are amazing for taking the stage.

5. The energy levels in the room will fluctuate throughout the day as well as during your session. Keep this in mind when planning the flow of your presentation.

6. Instead of focussing on how much you know, think about what your audience needs to hear. Overwhelming your audience with too much information isn’t impressive. Creating clear, concise, memorable messages is.

7. A picture speaks a thousand words, so use your slides to stimulate thought, capture imagination and provide context. Never use them to list what you are saying.

8. Enjoy yourself. If you find yourself hating every minute, your audience will probably feel that way too. If you’re having fun you have a much better chance of bringing your audience along for the ride.

9. Leave your ego at the door. Despite the fact that you are the one on stage, this isn’t about you, it’s about your audience. Be of service to them.

10.The most memorable speakers aren’t necessarily perfect - they’re authentic. Relax and be yourself, it’s the best way to stand out from the crowd.


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OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business

presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my


CD OF THE MONTHThinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t

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Go to my website


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Page 17: How To Present How to Present Magazine MARCH 2013 17

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