how to reprogram your brain for success


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Post on 08-May-2015




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If you’re looking for a way to reprogram your brain for success, start with this article, because it covers how we are programed and offers a way for you to reprogram your brain yourself, or with assistance.


Page 1: How to Reprogram Your Brain For Success

How To Reprogram Your Brain For Success So I’m reading this book Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz and long story short, the purpose of this book is to tell you how to reprogram your brain for success. I heard about this book from a 7-figure earner at the last Empower Network event that I attended last April. I figure – - If THIS MAN says to read THAT BOOK, well damn it all, I’d better do it. [For the record: He became a 7-figure earner in just over 90 days].

In order to reprogram your brain for success, you’re going to have to start by examining your own self image. What you believe yourself as capable of achieving… is exactly what you are capable achieving. That being said – - If you see yourself as work only $50K a year guess how much you will be able to make? On that note, If you see yourself as a person who can make $50K a month… guess how much you will be able to make. That said, regardless of which category you put yourself in, where you’re currently at financially or where you would like to be… the way to hit your target goal is to aim at your target and coarse correct on the way there.

In the video (below), I cover a few good examples in regarding how to reprogram your brain. Or perhaps it may be wiser to say in regards to how you DO programing your brain… [practice] You see.. Just like a computer, a brain has two types of servo-mechanisms that allow it to retrieve an answer.

The first example is when your brain knows the answer, location or target that is the goal to be connected with. In this case, it focuses on the target and gets there.

In the video my examples are of a baby walking for the first time… and a teenager driving for the first time. Think of how zig-zagy both situations are, as the brain tries to figure out how to get to it’s goal. The second example is regarding a target, where the brain does NOT know the location of ‘said target’ – - and I used maneuvering in the dark for this example.

In both situations, the brain knows that there is a target and does whatever it needs to, in order to get where it needs to go… the key that it must continually course correct until the point of contact has been made.

The tricky part here is in regards to ‘course correct’ until the goal is achieved.

What happens, more than not, with most people… is that they focus on a goal, start heading toward the goal… and when they realized that what they’re currently doing to achieve the goal, is not working... They quit because they don’t want to continue failing.

Their brain has been programed to think that it’s safer to not try, rather than attempt another go – - In fear that they will fail again.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” ~Thomas A. Edison (regarding the light bulb)

When it comes time to reprogram your brain for success, in my opinion, we should cherish the moments we fail, so that we will know to never to perform that move again… and it also means that we are one step closer to achieving our goal! What it all comes down to is this: If you’re looking to reprogram your brain for success, you should definitely pick up the book ‘Psyco-Cybernetics’ by Maxwell Malts, take notes and find an accountability partner to stick with you on your journey! If you’re looking for additional help, I suggest you hope onto my email list, so that we can start up a conversation. I’m available for Coaching sessions and would love to assist you with helping to reprogram the way you think so you can focus on the things that you enjoy in life while eliminating any self limiting beliefs that are probably from the past. Listen – - Life is too short to let your brain focus on the things that you don’t have, instead.. reprogram it to appreciate the things that you do have and know that everything is literally within your reach, if you will just stay strong and KNOW that you can get it, because you deserve it!

All I know is: It’s 2013 and if you’re still running on ‘the operating system’ that you were born with – - then it’s time for a system update. ie: It’s time for you to reprogram your brain!

To be continued…

I’m Michael Leedy