how to succeed in college presented by richland college faculty

Welcome to Richland! Tools for Success Created by: Jennifer Millspaugh, M.A. Speech Communication

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Page 1: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Welcome to Richland!

Tools for SuccessCreated by:

Jennifer Millspaugh, M.A.

Speech Communication

Page 2: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

How can I be a successful student?

Page 3: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #1 – Attend Class

In order to be successful students must attend and participate in enrolled courses

Page 4: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #2 – Read Your Syllabus!

• Contains Professor’s contact information, office hours, office location, expectations, and much, much more!

• Always keep a printed copy handy!

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Tip #3 – Take Advantage of Campus Resources!• Advising (T-180)

• Tutoring (M-216)

• Multicultural Center (T-150)

• Working Wonders Program for Single Parents (E-086)

• Veterans Affairs (E-083)

• Fitness Center (G-112)

• Academic Enrichment (WH-101)

• The Library (Lavaca Hall)

Page 6: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #4 – Get Involved!

• Office of Student Life


– Student Clubs

– Student Government

– Intramural Sports

– Art Exhibits

– Leadership Opportunities


Page 7: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #5 – Impression Management

• Consider the impression you are giving at all times!

– Clothing

• Consider college your job! Dress for success!

– Tone of voice

– Emails!

• “can u plz wrrite me a rcommdation 4 a schlarship imtryin to get? thanx."

Page 8: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #6 – No Excuses!

• Who is NOT responsible for your success in college?

– Your car

– Your parents/relatives

– Your friends

– Your computer/printer

– Your high school teachers

• Who IS responsible for your success in college?


Page 9: How to succeed in college presented by Richland College faculty

Tip #7 – Get to Know Your Instructor!

• Knowing your instructor is valuable to you in many ways:

– They know who YOU are

– They can be references

– They can be advocates

– They are here for YOU!

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Tip #8 – Listen!

• Listen! Save yourself time and energy by paying attention the first time!

• If you don’t understand what you just heard, tip #8.2--ASK!

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Tip #9 – Turn work in EARLY

• Due date doesn’t mean the day you DO it!

• Save time and stress!

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Tip #10 – Use a Planner!