how to write blog comments that affects the success of your blog

How To Write Blog Comments That Affects The Success Of Your Blog Andrew M. Warner

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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Imagine this happens to you. You spend 4 – 5 hours crafting your “perfect” blog post that you think your readers are going to love. You go over it a couple times to make sure that there’s no spelling mistakes, you’ve linked to everything you wanted to link to correctly, then you select the edit button beside “Publish immediately”. You select tomorrow’s date at 10:16 am that you want your “perfect” blog post to be published and released to the world. You go to bed that night feeling great about yourself and the work you’ve done and can’t wait for the next day to come. Next day comes and it’s published. You log on to your computer and as soon as it’s published, you decide to start promoting it to your friends, your email list, and on various social media channels to help get the word out there.


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How To Write



That Affects

The Success Of

Your Blog

Andrew M. Warner

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Imagine this

happens to you.

You spend 4 – 5

hours crafting


“perfect” blog

post that you

think your

readers are going

to love.

You go over it

a couple times to make sure that there’s no spelling mistakes, you’ve

linked to everything you wanted to link to correctly, then you select the

edit button beside “Publish immediately”.

You select tomorrow’s date at 10:16 am that you want

your “perfect” blog post to be published and released to the world.

You go to bed that night feeling great about yourself and the work

you’ve done and can’t wait for the next day to come.

Next day comes and it’s published. You log on to your computer and as

soon as it’s published, you decide to start promoting it to your friends,

your email list, and on various social media channels to help get the

word out there.

You even email other bloggers a link to your post because you feel that

the post may be of interest to their readers.

You spend about a good two days getting it out to all the necessary

channels it needs to go to.

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At the end of the second day, you log into the back panel of your blog.

You see that your post has been shared quite a bit … this makes you feel


You notice that you have about a dozen (12) blog comments on

your “perfect” blog post so far so you anxiously click the comment

section to read and reply to those comments … but wait.

As you read each comment, you’re noticing a trend that you’re not a fan


Pretty much ALL of the comments say the exact same thing … “Hey

{name}, thanks for the post.” or something even more generic

like “Great post!”

Nothing else.

Frustrated by this, you don’t even know whether to reply back with the

only logical response you could give, which is “Thanks” or … to not

reply at all.

Or even worse, just delete the comment all together BECAUSE it

doesn’t provide any value to your post.

Despite your many options, you reply because you know it’s the right

thing to do but you know that you truly hate it when people don’t say

anything to add to the conversation.

But those blog comments aren’t necessarily hurting you … they’re

hurting the person leaving the comment. See, whether you know it or

don’t, blog comments actually affects the success of your blog.

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How, you ask?

Let me answer that with a scenario.

Say you have a blog that you’re trying to get exposure to because

you heard people say that one of the best ways to get traffic to your site

is to comment on other people’s blogs.

(And truth be told, it really is a good way to get traffic to your blog.)

So … that’s what you do.

Now let’s say each day for one week straight, you visit 10 blogs, read

or “skim” over their content, and leave a very generic “Great

post” comment. That means you would have visited 70 blogs a week

posting that same message on all of them.

And what’s the main reason you’re doing this?

Probably in hopes that you’ll get backlinks from each of those site to

increase traffic and exposure to your own site.

BUT what you don’t know is that there are many things that the owner

of that blog can do, such as:

Delete your comment (Believe it or not, many blog owners

would do this because they would rather have people leaving

well thought out comments that add to the conversation rather

than a meaningless comment that increases the comment


Remove your website link (Especially if they see that you’re a

person that constantly comments on their blog posts but you

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have a habit of leaving two word comments, they may catch on


Basically, by commenting that way, you’re just wasting your time and

everyone else’s in the process.

If that’s what you currently do, then it’s in your best interest to stop.

Like right now.

So … How To REALLY Write Blog Comments

There’s a right way and a wrong way to write blog comments and

everything you just read prior to this, is absolutely the wrong way.

It’s the worst way really.

There should be NO reason at all that you write generic comments on

any blog post. If you can’t tell, I’m obviously frustrated with people that

do this.

Anyway, I’m going to share with you three specific tips on how to write

blog comments the correct way. And possibly by blog commenting this

way, you’ll increase the success of your own blog.

Let start with …

1. Choose A Handful Of Blogs To Focus On

The reason that I’m suggesting that you focus on just a handful of

blogs is say for instance you left a comment on a popular blog that

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averages 200 – 300 comments on each post. Perfect example is Jon

Morrow’s blog.

On the majority of his posts, he as well over 200 comments on

there – and that’s WITHOUT him replying to the comment.

(There are quite a few blogs that get that numbers.)

If your goal is to get more exposure to your own blog, you may

have difficulty achieving that on a blog that gets that many

comments. The main reason being:

Your comments will be close to the bottom. (This means

that the probabilities of other commenters actually

reading, commenting and clicking on your link will be

very slim)

The ONLY way I would suggest to take time and comment on

those larger, popular blogs is if you’re one of the first people to

comment. In the past I’ve managed to be one of the first to

comment on certain blog posts and it’s brought me a hefty amount

of traffic … especially if my comment was good.

NOTE: I’m not saying that you shouldn’t comment on those blogs

that average 200 comments each post. Your main goal as a blogger

is to try to build and establish relationships with other bloggers.

However, you’d have to be an avid commenter that provides some

very thorough insight on the post that they wrote to begin being


Nonetheless, your attention should be on those blogs that get less

than 100 comments or so because you’ll have more of a chance of

getting your comments noticed.

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2. Focus on the QUALITY of your comments not the


This should make obvious sense, right?

Commenting shouldn’t be treated as a numbers game.

As stated in the scenario earlier, if you constantly post meaningless

comments on a large number of blogs every week, it’s going to

eventually hurt you and the brand that you’re trying to build.

That’s why laying out thoughtful and insightful comments will

increase your chances of your comments getting past moderation

and accepted.

Comments that:

Obviously are relevant to the blog post (This is

important because it shows that you actually read

the post and have some idea as to what it’s about.)

Mentions certain quotes or phrases from what you’ve

just read (This is something that I love doing and I

think more people should do. Mentioning a certain

quote that you agree with does wonders for helping

you stand out in a sea of commenters.)

Are well thought out (Just talking about something

that’s completely random and rushed won’t help you


Comments that contain those qualities and aspects go a very long

way in the eyes of the blog owner, and any other commenters.

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Just like quality posts are important, by focusing on quality

comments you can leverage that to having people start checking

out your site and your content.

3. Always make sure to say something that is detailed or

interesting in your comments.

This one really gets into the crux of the whole blog commenting


Too many times you see boring, uninteresting blog comments

being left on blogs.

If you really want to have success on your blog through blog

commenting, you need to write comments that starts to get the

attention of the blog owner.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to obviously do this. Here’s

an example of the wrong way.

“That’s was a great post. Thanks.”

That post is generic, it’s plain, it’s downright disgusting and not

even worth any bloggers time.

Now, here’s an example of a comment I made on a post that

Adrienne Smith wrote titled The Worlds Worst Blogging

Advice that I believe is the right way to leave a comment.

“Adrienne, you’re the best.

You always come up with some of the most interesting topics

I’ve ever read … and this one is very much needed.

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Some of the worst blogging advice I received goes along the

lines of what you said. I’ve been told that blogging is the

easiest thing to do that even a baby and my mom could do it

lol. I’ve also been told that thing you mentioned about design

… “Don’t worry about the design, it’s the content that’s


Probably the WORST advice I received was that it’s ok to

copy someone’s blog post and put it up on your blog. All you

would have to do is write a little intro with their name in it.

Not the website and not linking to the site, but just write their


Thankfully I never followed that garbage.

You would think that with all the stuff that people know out

there they would learn to educate themselves and not give

newbies that kind of “advice” but I started out last year and I

was told almost all of what you had on the list.

Oh and I just read Donna’s comment .. “Fake it until you

make it” I’ve heard that too and honestly I can just shake my

head at these people giving out this information. They clearly

don’t know anything.

Great topic though.

- Andrew”

The reason I like this comment, other than the fact that I wrote it, is

because it shows that I read the blog post and understood what it

was all about. But on top of that, it shows that I’m taking interest

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in other commenters and what they have to say and even

incorporating a part of their comment into my comment.

Doing something like that could get the original commenter to

click on my link and check out my site or get the blog owner to

start paying closer attention to me because I shared a thought out


Either way it’s a win.

Final Thoughts

Blog commenting is much more serious that you realize. If you want to

achieve the success you seek from the comments that you leave, then

you need to stop with the plain, generic blog comments and start writing

comments that actually have some substance.

So, my question(s) for you are this, what are your thoughts and views on

this topic?

Do you truly believe that the way you comment on someone else’s blog

can ultimately affect the success of your blog?

Lastly, how are you going to choose to comment on this blog post?

Click here to visit the original blog post where this was first published

and share your own valuable insights in the comment section.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.