howe & rogers, - nys historic...

Weiearr^omore-tbeflow i . i- ttie Stream that sang of those shining 41, Bawii Can it be, as tb'4 face of God dra\ps near, .SonKbcleafclace He hag mad©,—j... That helped us to-» -t&pugbt of Hipj— Willfrom'the nsfetaifry fade ? : ' Iccan not think so^b_e.6anse the Son, J?ar .nearer that shinin^aoe \ Than, highest sersph,' still turned away "To biess.our_SQrrawjiigrace. Ana, darling^Pm Mii* "if 1 -the Great Ohrisi '*' ' Heart ! '" ; •> SWtlufoD*-fo'0Ttr ; misery. • '' Yoti cottlcf fibs sit oh the tar. 4 whife laills, With never al'thonght of nSe. For the Cteeat. fJhrist Heart.ineludefch ail Who make that Heart their homeL And whithersoever; Bis blood leaps forth, Their, blood xa&ttt, with It come.. And sWiff/ay, swift'dofcli it palpitate, Qnq instant here, one" there ; '"' The far, wlbite hills if^S the qbfferiap; earth, And earth clasps the heavens lair, f That where lam ye may also be." i #fa, love, how the light 'break8;th|;qnghJ Ton went to your father, lite Huh, andto' Yba-are-with-Hie alway, tool . - i.u~. s ., tii .nj-HrfStinday^Iaga^ine. RELIGION FOR CHILDREN^ MlSCEiiL|EOUS.! Axe. opening one of €he? s ^fgest \xm§ of '" *' AND sorry Brussels}'$&$$ To fee found in Western Ne4 "Yoffc;.' ^ ->essj ,.posfid^orioas<3t9«0ft^ '"AtiWhat agaiShwuld - the «pnversiOn-.<of «hildren to ©hriBtiaaitf ^b&.t^mpi^fl^'-'^b t&e'practical,- rfeeulair '. minlfth^^^^-ieasyj^nptfgh.' ^ther^l •- beia Godj/and-if itiheidesirable thatthe hul- •'iaan being .sjnontft- •love 1 - and obey Sffini'the' 1 4 ?&.] •earlier'.^ iCbJE$tr$».' dd ^thM.Bp^gaiS ih© longer .'OieiessQn^wift-ltisJi.. -A ctujdfcan betuttght'to be;grateful fof its^ood^ailniodt. assoOir as it can be taught to eat it; aiud as the-Vj<;an be j&Qeg.vptlf tfce i^dea, QIUA actual Pd^er"h%h^ thaii the s^^d/ifsgper than the.sea^ wiser/^a its,fi|tner and jpaore ten- der than its mother. Pure reji^ipn, ^aith iii a loving* Sayionr* inculcated into a |raman soul in .JEai^wa^r, is never Joft; no.' after doubt or JE&mqsoph.v or' surierjiyj can/weaa- it'rmf;., A ^ i J a is Ca'ught'to reverence and loVe its (xoiat,,j[^l|i 1 ? plant is made to''~gity$i' by^'tfeejging it in sun&hine, ih. pt^irffitie&ce'^'bV' eoiiataiit "care, moment after itfo'mepj, year after; ^ear. But no pa- rent' can make a' child tfear the fruit Of that reverence a»& love in its actions. Paul may plant and Apollos -Tvater^nbui God can only give the increase. ' - ; > There is "another mode of dealing-with children; popnlar'lvith many well-meaning <Dhristiaajj. They are'subjected to a sucf den, tremendous, emotional-r.fluences, durt mg which tbei* nervous-system undergo a violent strain. -'In the majority of instances this is thee sole effect .that is produced 5 neither their, reason, judgment, nor real af- fections :are. touched, and when the nervoufc excitement is, oyer, the effect also is at an endv During t tJ^.gr_e.a.fc samp-meetings oj'f last summer,certain,preachej-s,aomeof them wpme% whgjtkugji^tiO.jhaye-ifcflown better, wer^ njqtjedjcqr J^eijBial^iM^ito ^ e t up Kiviv- als'amoiig.ohiidren. 3 ^pn^ ; o£J;hese women, we.believ.e^and' hope, were mothers. ^Their fervid d'escift»ti6iia of the terrors of hell anp glogf^ipf heaven;;wefe. Ijstejited! tQ.hy-half- ^aati«i<^aa^»!*^.Btmg~amittod^^ aBd~girl8, who were laboring under precisely the6ame.^ndof^hTOterwa| t exmtement, and werlg tjftst aSln'dMsBlS of ^rational, temper- ate Onristian action as the thonsands-of ht- tle ones who once started througu Europ^oh is JSI w.»' Or^AlGBEICA. Jjaperjal and Nortbern : Baav GOB., Irfuidoi), ^Shire^sPCo^l^Wter. Engi Ji-Oteours^.tteeT^^'fee^fqiUitfi an,AB¥ ; iiJSrOE W"€^BiOKESl t ' fh^Ue^aJ^y&Me^ ^e|i^e 'fnk& ( r our. pTii?cba8e& early in^ order io '^e able to git^e ; 6vte cxLstomem America, jlnu. Co. .do ,do 'er' • do Republic do ~ »i ?. do . :nester do _ . oJiux- do 1 NSfieh»l • i do Coimecticn*;do ;j 1 Phfladeiphia." 1 . So •'• ?Tew York. do ' do do do d0 Hartford. do do ••!_• TeJ^^^^A^W» ly»Porf ?entin« 4eS>Sp,rjwy i QaJili(<;j*and e n n p r y , Italy* Porf f^pain> J 'Ehe |tfrlent ft Bra2iil ? andtyeAr/ in the State. i.eBNT roB THE ajox or \ PASSAQ-E TICKETS ' To and from B'ngjand, "beiand amd Scotland, bt BTRSt CESSS S*BAMBRS. ' Kot*ry Public I ASH Intending pure nosers ^.re' in vited to an examination of on stock "with an "assurance on ou T part of fntf satisfaction with all g'ood^ purchased. I 'ilftMf^ltMae fp^tacIeTo"ahy"one*who bedevbd in the goodness, the lavjtfg.&ind- nessLpf Christ. The nnmbei 1 efStneBe'.con- verj|^as ,ijrhua||hantly published, but jt We wish also to call ^tention to 10,000 yards of new / • i " > < ; ^ ; HambiHrgh Eikjes Jhist received which we are sell* itigas'cheap as onr neighbors. COMMISSIONER FOR WESTERN STATES! COLLECnOBTS MADE and remitted withpr6mp|tpee8 and dispatch, ySoctr '' S. r 'fe6tTTHWOHTH. ' Late Cashier ©T fhe Geneva National Banto ,'n -JX i t I' 1 !. H i 11—*'i 1 li .i.iti '<ii3 »n»J«iM.. . . '••!•[ yoiiHetter^wffi'say __ r dall'B Spavin Car« Last been very,, satisfactory Jin deed. Tbree or fonr years ago I prbcnr«Hf a bottlej Sofyonrage2iS,«uid wijlHt ^nred-a- horse of lame-, nesa canaed by a. spavin,. Last season my. hors» f 'oeca'ihe' v e r f laThe" and'r turned nlm but when ha (became bettej.itint Wben,J put him en the r.ead;he ,he grew worse, when 1 discovered thit a ring bona 'Was forming, 1 proeiired a'bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cnre and with Jess than, a bottle cured him so that he Is net lime, neither can the' bunch befoani. ,iJespectfuUyiyours, . ?. N. GRAN -ER. Stou^hton, March 16,1880. ,< 1 B. J, Kendall & Co 4 , GENTS": Jn" Justice to /on, and myself, 1 leti.yonfenowhaw I have removed two bone spavins with '"Kendall's Spavin Cure, 11 one very large '"one; Don't tobwi hijw. long fhe spayjn. had b^en there. 1 have owned the horke about eight months. It took ine four monihsitotake the large one off, and two for- the I smalj one. 1 have used 10 bottles. The horse is *• entfreIy"WeH, not at'all slin!, and no bunch to be seen,or. felt, .This is a wonderful medic ne. It is a new thing here, but'ifit does'for all Svhat it has done for me it sale will be very great. Respei tfully yours, CHA8. B/PiBftSB. Is su e in its effects, mild in its action as doea not blister, and yet is penetrating and powerful to reach any bony growth or any otheri enlargement, if used for several days, such as spavins, eplints, curbs, cillous, sprainst swellings, fluy laineness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs or rheu- matism in mau and for any purp*6se for which a liniment is used for man orjbeast. Itismojr.known to be the best liniment for ma ever used, acting mild' and eerfeiri its effects; It is used full strength W,}th ger,{eqt safety^at all seasons of the year. Send address for illustrated oircular, which ve -think gives positive proof of its-virtues; Nojem-t , edyj has ever met with such unqualified success, tq -oarknowledge, for beast as'well as man. ' >! P!rice$l per bottle, or six bottle tog $6. ALD DRUGGISTS have it or can get it for you, or i< will be sent to a y address on receipt of price by (aeproprietQis, DK. B, J.. KENDALL & CO., apr30c&aly ' EnosburgU B'alls, Vt, Sold by all druggists. Special attejpioh is called to our elegant lin il - , o f BLAGl DEESS SILKS iBsurancel —AND- x^flSlBe curiouTtOifljid thegnumberoitjaosb who now, alter a 'years "oooiing-off, retain "any"duraBle"e5ect' from that vehement pas- 's- siim. i _i -~*. * I 3 • J '«" $ - f - "• A i We wpuld not be misunderstood. It doubtless mayfoej-possiblefpr a child to pass througli that inexplicable change technical- ly called Conversion—acute sorrow for * f wrcma-clBiD&'isurrdnderp'f the life to fJotv and in consequence a steady, quiet, faithfiii^" obedience to Him, Bat a careful distinC-." 'r tion shQnld%e made hetween'this mosten- 1 * ^^Jfife^soleSk of alt ^hahges, and W t , nerveu^^^modic frebiy Srnich a" moh ofA cnildren catch-from each'other as reaail; were lesti to £883 Off pat themselves, essly; bui lo'ofteh »• ' i i r . i For Catarrh, l^T^eye*. do'd igi(Sic. insert get J a ; particle , - ' e y* [the- Headji lUttfe fiPge InosSiS^ W.teitbs. M'witt- . r ah and teed r w Tns^wlidl^systehi of American traf fer^chirarSnlotffdr men is to make'waoK- ^e^^Ejtpy^'Jinstead of learners, Wfe . .-se^d^wi&a^tyang; smile of old men.grd'wfa •^&y"ih. theioloistered aisles of loreign nni- versardes, content to be scholars and only scholars.,- fcth us, the moment a youDg - man or vwefi|&n originates an idea which ^ jgtterp inj^ieir partial sight, they ..rus^i , .With itfi>"t^ They crow over itjis *: the barn-yard ifowl over the bit of glass,— They make ? an essay out of it, and the puty- lia eBflapei^asjly if they do not make a bdolfc. Npbbdy puts a clever saying or a bit of tenderj feeKng into a letter nowadays!; ' ^XjSa^ it to publish. Girls, ofe sixteen niafee. np societies to reform the world; magazines have a special department for the contributions of children who have hard- " ly done teething. In short, the waole teod- eoeyMof American life is to torce each in di- vidual to teach instead of to learn. The error is harmful in any cpse, but in religion it ts fatal. Let us drive and drag our boys tod^nrls .in a f eveyish history and science if wewilF; but for the sake of their lives in -thiSrwerldand the-world to come, let us nqt cram them v wftfi faotitious,,fermentina, evaporauifg' piety. Let the" love of God' grow in thein without parade' or bluster, as the flower opens and blooms and bears fruit in. t$[e fell seaure snnsiuue.—[New Xor^ j •BribWe. •£* ._ | - I8!griakd'8*Drin^ BiU. ^ I A correspondent of jgq- Loiidon»hewspap^r _rg«Biitty aptferted that ^ 6 people of Gre^t Britain are,dr.inkipg ¥ much lessrardent spir- .Adbfflh»3^tS^f£| tfieylarelJ- suming tea and coffee instead The. limes JDOfoh-'poohed this statement'and announce 'd *»"$!&' heligf $hat xw prosperous years the t, public -ipereased its consumption of wins >»rfd spirits; put that in years when 1 theiyB was dull trade and 'lapk of employment *e^ aad:coffiea 'were resorted from economic*^ motives'. Upon this the correspondent ' who is a student bfsocial scienqe, .disprove the^ioff ofhier l%rrtes of *meaW t>f fig- ure.' SSJbhows that in 1857, the consnm- .tkm'of'tea in the United Kingdom wa* 69J- \ ^.IS2/10»-pdu!ndBi-' J lh^l%6? ; it 'was ltCf,98fei-' »»203-t>|ipiaids' i ! being an' -merease; in -ihe' ten li^earsi^PM^e/lCS-'gounds^ pi~~*k average %4uferefcse!*>f«@^ffi6ie pounos -pfer""yfeai*, lb <P8$8>%BS '«aflsdhlptfe& of tetf was-i0jSj8I5J- -&92 poan'ass *&-t8y€f*Sf "rVa<aed-i49 v l04rf- ' ia#p6ends,-grVing- an increaseof #2,288J- 932 p&toS^s' ^fenhg*- ifie eilhryears; or an aVer»gMDKrea6^56f 3,^6, ifr^bumis pearly -Hbemg526 jfer^cegft gr%ter ? thaTS r 'aullm^ : th^ "*"'w 8 tne'years SlonaVy apply kubb)|ig hi thi mm Is receiving.the endorsement of the sJiferer,.. the druggist and. physician-" Never has an Sticle of so much merit been produced for the, treatment of membranal diseases, Aa this neveri-laiFng Balm, and is universally' acknowledged!a8 being all that is claimed for it. The application ispeaByjand pleasant, causing no pain, but is soothing ,and is fast superceding the use of powders, liquids and sutifEa. Price within the reach "Of all-^Bfticents. Onieeeiptof.fiQ. cents, will mail, a package fre0. Send for circular with full Information"" For Sale by-all druggists. ' \l" '' We, the undersigned, druggists of. Katertowtj, Oswego and Syracuse, N,„Y. % being we acquaint- ed with the merits bf Bly's^'OREAM B'iLM?' coif., flriently recommend it to one pa_rons: ayian article of great merit: Oswego-*-Wm. J. Austin, J. R. PadMbck, H. 0. Sharpe & Co., A. Baltes. j Watertown—H.E. Conger & C o . , C a m p «fc Maa- sey, Homer H. Kice & Co. ' Syracuse— Kenyon, Potter & Co. C. ~W. Snow & Co , Brown & Dawson, Cook & Plantj Smith & Daiton, Chas. Hubbard & Co-. Chas. KTVPowers, ELY CREAM BALM CO., janlO-ly . Owego, N . Y . HEAL ESTATE AGENCY, XV 37 Seneca St. (Cobb <fc Lewis Bl'k) Geneva, M rf Y., Is now 6pen for business, representing only first ... ' . class; companies, as follows: NORTH BRITISH AND UBECHAN. ~ TILS, of London and EdinbwrgTi. LIVERPOOL, LCNBON & QtOBE. t v 'I. WESTERN,. Toronto, Canada. LAGAI88E G ENEBALE,Pwrk, France | GIRARp, Philadelphia, Pa. ORIENT, Hartford, Coim. MERIDEN, Meriden, Conn, REVERE* Boston, Mass. ROCHESTER GERMAN,^ Rochester, N. 7i. WATERTOWN FIRE, Watertown, N. 7. WASHINGTON LIFE, New York CitA »* wecan make for your interest to Insure witp us .both in security, and economy. Giye ua a call. SAMUEL N. ANflfSONYi, ' , . , 8$nay ( , JAM^S O. SBTMOCR. HATS For Everybody Hats tor the Middle-aged, flats for the Young llan. Hats for the Youtb. BLats for the Boys. Hats for the Childveii. Hats for the Baby. Hats for the Poor. Hats for the Biefc. Hats for the Merchant. Hats for the Mechanic. Hats for the Farmer. Hats for all denominations and condi- tions of men. AT WIIMXE'S e 156 Exchange Street,'"GENEVA Which is-Ufter^'tbis season than e*er forew • i.fall line of Colored Grot GifjKDres? S^lks ;|or pnly„& doUara,vard> be- Yon will always Regret it if you buy any other machine without firut seeing or trying ". the' White." It Gives Universal Satisfaction* Warranted for Five Years* Beware. u>f 3inita:ti»n^Machines, with idefaced j .altered nmpberB on the shotle-race slide j M.."Wy PAESONS, Agent, 35 Seneca 8t., Geneva, N . Y . on. ^Ikm *7iT- •VfORTHERN DISTRICT OF NJEW J O ^ K - XN AtPennYan, the 14tfc-«aj| ^ J ^ t t S , A 1880 t-ctl'ts^i'H. The undersigned hereby »ves notice of pointment a»<"*"6aiEicee <oriBnSfll*Spencei audaigua,. in the. county of Ontario, and New YOTfcfwithft* i&distriet, % who__has may26-3w Heala io^pmesi ana pros- Ohemicaf Compai w i t h p r a o c i •FSB RBA8C WHYl * ."''"* ; ' Braan^ CHBIHOAI, COM mo makes coal last SKaSMS*" ' COftl »»W -h^ E ? D ' s CH Wio-^- CC O P HD increases the, heating power of-Coal-bec seitprddnces a ttbst! perfect combustion of j s , . which! are thus ut iized and not allowed escape throiigh the fines; .or into the jrpom. .... - j ... . * BBEBD'S CBPBHICII, Co DUNB prevents the iescapeWinoSaonotts-sases- acausethey are'con- sumedOTflithecoalasfast generated; adding a beautiful flaine to the glowi coals. ^ ^ - " w ^ s " ^S?^ 13 ' 8 pHEmcALCoxi sn prevents cUnkei «S?S?^? beca ?^.' the bB a S gases prevent a Sfe^r r ^f S f ^ ^l 1 *' 50*>. witho%"whibh cimAer-cannot beformed. , i o^?J ! ? 1>,s - opaHOAL Couujjxi prevents gas explosion m«tove or fonuu secanse theerploslve fnowedto^Sle 3 ^ gfam <^ ^^° t wS?i™T* r *f som5 »nd i ly others, based on £1*1 £. o^" a n d fici entifle p tciples, no one; rising f^SL^ a ^ »ay, for heath cooking, or aaam- S S * * f # to g i "Breel's Chemical ££2???-? a ^ ar 5* nI tes *•' l be conv&ceTof ffi S^T„ Ut J - , W e taiow, an we want eveiy man, a ., -.-=-- .- - ^_ . t - , . woman and child to know 1 value; and"forthS 1 |ai4county on or before SSrii?»*SS5. waayoti M 8 o f ^"Stt coal*f W * ket r a S s l o f c o a f ^ ^ * &t the 1<>We4 "»*- w? ree<i ' 8 0h ervlical Consund" can only be nad from s ^ LAMPORT & CO. co?if s f in ^ hoice Antir;ite and Bituminous t-oals, feDl2.'79tf J GENEVA. N. Y, st. A.D., and state of ' been ad- > t.cj. Ei«aAMignee. Pnrsaaht^^4)rdlr"#th?-s\n^|aie of the CQWite.^M)<Mi»rto,no^oe3Js^reS3^x«5teteJ!ll»er- sons lavmgTdaims^agaiasir gh'auiggffTiate vftfae ber, 1880. Dated, May 3d, 1880. 5may6m n C. A..SMITH, ' " &recutor. UOTiCiB TQ CREBITOBS. P ursuant-ft) tfo.nrdSCof tte>i8jUc«B*te of th« county of Ontario, notice is-hereby given to all nersoBB having claims .agajnst^^winJKe^bnm, late of the town of Geneva, Ontario. County, Stat» Of New York, deceased; f&presetft th6 *Sme,-wlth" todphefs- thereof, to the undersigned, executor of ftuFlaat* will of -said deceased, at the law office of John K'. Bean, Esq.; in the Villate ot .Geneva, in said, county on or before the 14th- nflaV -of October ' Dated ipril 8,-1S80.- "'' '" R*»™t™ 7apl6m. JSzecntbr. i In Cheeks aniStripea f&m 50 cts. a yard np.! Cheney Bps' Silks 1 in Colors at a Blight facturer's priee£" fiance on the man- r S have enlarged our Silk Detriment! 4 T B l&»". H. COON AT HIS NEW LOCATION, .58 Seneca Street. O FPBHS THE BEST OE> BVBRY1THING IN the line of, , Tin, sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Stoves, flanges and all iron Goods Roofing and Bave Gutters, Sinks, Pumps and Lead Pipe,Tin Copper, and Ironware, Yellow and Bock, inghata' GlJu'Sware, Stoves and Bangeajj, The besl This season, and owiig^lo fortunate pur- chases made by ourjwsident New York partner, Mx. Gl|, we are en - aoled "Mp offerj GREATEftfeARGArNS Than ever befdri in these goods. GLOYlt & CHENEY.; Porks; Spades, Hoes, -Shovels and llttlces. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Brooms'and Head quarters for. Oil Stoves. best able Wioodenware. ! -r ^ ^^^ j*\ ^4^M KSf'JM J^^H^v .-fil^PS Wy ^SSk liiwlri. ; "itr^n^ ^0^fe :t^3!::...-r-?-:-'.:;;" f. . /A J3P W- A ' %& ^ES2**LL jrljfil jpr^T^s| .J' LJ^jZWX ^7-%1*i£Wii 1^:5%' ^^9BH fmr^ BL' ii^biB * Pt E'i if •: V^'l : '\~i WP^M --sbe^iSu^Soa ^^mme^^'MnorA, t 7(j6j- 1S79 showin pen< frof IM bill feir •«fo' : £i2gA4$seA'T Urease of £l9,i*4,*9^%ofai|-" * jth> ? '18T^ j ''bufr^durinf ^Mfe-'ssMa the 11 consumption of-tea 3 afJcrtSased 1 i&'flOiV®*;"ptittnds'.fo t60l6B2, s ^ ; ! oSM**- net".*m'o^nfr- f <if : 11547,993 ds; -' (Ehe~%re1»test['incyaseTin lf cd4 lota-af^ea'SpSPafi >^^iig>fiofr'bo|6 a.8aj?s'"4he ! eor*8Sp6rideg^ ^ t a t o -i orete^in- tea j dtir&g i lig79' W.ool&rJare'a in. 1*78. and" oalclSlafJnf Mfie- eol '' crease at? th8 prices commiaify Mfi Iflhd #hfle wb have r 'sarM'arhitelifeatinjK ^ifi^orS Wie'snm of fl%WS|0goSlrejWb»ti- * tates we have U&ed-fia%* I oWed8 t t us*&£lj- - 'Vm.* He-daytf ^e s "fi'ai^lsWfeWT*e*d1l;^t' : fetfudges ; both at 'MkrofiBste!?' ftna!Eiv%|boF; '«have'recently con^raifulated •j&mlhiitj'af- -i-Htmwmt 6"eh%v»^#e*ifiapmtn^lje' "- mrich less-'of ^ df^afg 1 animal) thahrlie'was <*'- ••< -y^T "•: . ''"^'Iitt.' t."Mi" - " - " ' •' '> 7 \ , - -^TheJ*r»hch. r-QoirerBmra^h^ apprp- ' -pria,ted ^#20iOO€E to^r*^*tfc<lh^^-t6'- -^•••^•aaui, prop&gftiion^f AmericS^grmp^^ne^stbckSt, f —^kffesr^^ Ml'SainlflKXif iinanr ,( ^e«rsPt dark-; -«ttoh 1 »^u^ni^<*fe''^KnsSift died '»tuSt ' i^ Petersbttr^Xfi4«s^^mbrninFg.^ : .-A->U* I * ,s--i^gasi peopleiiarBelgium- cell •*' year;tlrthttietbi'lmjiversary of«i< -,-„-.. ••*, WRJ&S •• .Jan. ;& : v>s3 zJmd>Bigetowi*ay#:4hatt Mtt> '••• - tm^mo^mme^a^kB^r^-^ 1 ^ thatB«a(aMt»Ain«S *wp*A*uto^ .-—[Albany^ CURES WHEN ALE OTHER MEDICINES FATL,! as!ft-aets airfectly *n theTKmnejS; tSvMr^d 5S^IWS5te^&^ m a>K»nce.t9 hesjlthy action. HUNT'S REMEDYisasafe, sure and roeedy cure, arid hundredsftave testifiedto'harvmgbeencDredbyit .wheniDbysielans andftjendAjhad'gj.ven;themup to Do not delay;, try at once HUNT'S BEMEDY. die. - Send for pamphlet to .cheapest.- AsfcyourdBuggistffir HON 1 *3B3>3r... Take no other. ,. jnJ . F4J6Wjift^y,II. R. WIN Nil B. •i ^e I size" the i SJKBM-* Wwoan's A Severe Surgical Operation. It is'enduted wtth- \ out taking; Etoer-Subjeot,' Mrs 1 ward Myers, of'Eondout, 11 '•N.t: ,"• (Prom the corresponddence of the Kingston, Ni X,. . Thec8^e«niatrfeEawftr4^iyera 1 'Qr-»on^nt, N. i Yv,furiiisheS& aptfflnstrartigbof woman*8 power dr'end'ttrahce.'' Ttfls wdy^haff been rresffed for jnpqrh&iiti th^nsuaj way for erysipela^orthefiaud, .without beneflt. a Nojuntiiher, hand hadjhecpnie I ^a masssof putrffledflesh,did? she turn to. W. Ken- nedy; the/proprietor of tHe tt Favorite B|6nnedy,» iprhelp. , r t u He»t once informed her thaji it was impossible tosavethe ;hand—H mu8tbe; ceived tbli'terrtble'hTtelligeiice qOietly, 'd'eclined 'o", take,, ejjtitfr?. 'sdpu'iating:, iiereiy ta''kolil.iitr |»nd.ts i ^Bft^'J*Bg.AI>e .operaaon^ andunder- irent' tfiepafnfoi pracew; without-movingianmii- cig'^d^ermg-argtoan.' .ilr^K-ei'n^dytgeiisiivef •'Favorite Rejne.dji^freely_t£L cleanse the blodd andprjiKBSJfeeseenPrpl-Afe'*!^?. »»d MrW . Sites »uiireioicegiaheigreat.delivetance, ! .riPavMUe; iEemedyi ls> faatvoecomuig* trusted' f hatisettdTfftfriend in aa: dase» of female weakness \ »n3Wl«*»w of tthe Wood. Ojae: dollar, a bottle. | s Y9grdni«^.tJfas}t.., , ^ ^ fx-T-i ,--tl .-i -.-•!• Vrf Mi- Mintfer : ..,.t-. f - jSifc-n'ASl'J^i* S r — ^wiV •^TiMWI fit > l^j| ^Lo4j^m4M\ fnhutory ai 1 patriotis^i Jotcriud. General Repairing in all Branches- Cash and-trade paid for old metals, rags, rubbers, &c. . Barter lb exchange. A great variety of bouse hold goods as cheap as can be bought elsewhere. I- -. I- ill, , 7 I «•• ' ~ With the best shop in town, and employing none but skillful workmen., I will alwaysibe urepaied to •ftll orders for new^foods and for preparing, expedl- tjoustv and at moderate charges. - > < >HE0.aGOON. apr^esm 68 Seneca Street, Qeneva. RELIABLE CLOTHIEHS ! -]o[ 87, 89 Genesee Street f •A.-yZBTJ:E?.3SF, 3?T.."5r -Ooo- The largest^tock (iff CUSTOM WOOtENSand . -•-'• w. ..... T&» • ' .1 L- \TtefafuM/um i i/Ci-i ] in Western N. X. -]ot- mn ,&EPNTAifton l%f.toTtvyeriB'*BH0tneSTk>EAl,mfi Is the- uarantee that yon.will be fairly dealt with. . -,." / « i .• :».-j: <J 1 - -.."'• 6Tftem«mber the PIao«t H of." ,&i-i»'l .-.'-t.giJli- ..*•> :•' • • ' - ; : F-'l-- GRfSW0t,D * C O „ Hay^lm.' $ antfiBaWheieelS.,rk^nrAik " ilki «a£D 'i*V «J .SL'tfitS 3£i3 1o il- ii;«i: . 1 ( •'! 'lit «a£D 'ift' Pit a«f;IH 3Ui US «... J«* I ^ s ,auf3umMk N.itf- •Sti 4*;jf/.ri , «*. ibber Hose, and: ines» conitantl; work promptl; I am nowM for The Akron and FiMUigsv'w! purchased . .->f **'S&^«ii«T£'-W. ' ^Tictoijar* '' Atfue Cure W&^$Mm*i. ; -• L FitfgnF^art^guei DyspepiU(<Chronic I Jllver^n* SdbM^uiMwe. mte *freulart J jnneS lm r $? f oR®lGHS [email protected] PULMONARY DISEASES. : .Supplying the PHOSPHATE NoTBiTrvB ELBMBNTS, Combined with SlDATlVB, TONIO A1}0 ALTBEATIVB VlETtJBS, Endorttd by the Highest Medical Authority. B. F. HOLL «% SON, S<^ttor«d Itumfietsrsrs, 116 N. Third St., Phlla. 6 0 WJIIlam St., N e w York. (OR SALE BY DRUGGISTS & DEAtERS GENERALLY In Geneva, by A. L. SWcet. ' marlO ly WALTSinERS T-RAtfEMfiRK ' . »» . ... / sitl •,'. . :. M/kLT*Am HOPS rPatej^ees. (A 141 & 143 JN*. 4th"S±ree.t." T HIS INCOMPARABLE NUT.RIJIJfrjLS richt in bone and mubcle producing materials -fha all other Tdrmg of malt or medicine, while free frot the objections.ftritfiflagainBfaialttliqnors. For dil flpplt digestipn^sickheadache, consumption, emac lation, •mentftfana' physical exhanstion,' uerrouss- neget%autof^Iee*p,^Ieerative}«ef^li;nesBesofifemale^ of .d.eiicate children, Mm Biuprp are the,j>nreai Best- anal W6«'efe^Mal•'medicine''ever'cOn? ppondddj Sold. eveBywhad*. iMAIiT BIEUME GENTS WANTBli to canvass for the new a: beautifully illustrated work •lA-Ui- 3HBEB lskni»n.tlisntlct.tecQrxl ofcblR tour thrppgh -SonAerfa I States, Cuba and Mexico, with coihpl te historv rff f^ail'Coniitrle&iln*bia"So&c» o7>*entrBl"*naH8j»t)j, ?iid(-btographlB^»ketchof.^*rdina For w etti: circulars add'terme, add feijPhtl&eTpHfa.'flRL -~ resB, H." To Nervou Sufferew-The, Great Europea J SenW-Dr. ^>^^ih,|i6l'« 4 '- , ^ s 18peciflCMedicine- ° lus -V. Or. ave •.J. B,Simpson's Spgqiflc Medicintiilifpa.a.-poi '•fafPlte Hpetnniro"rraeartopo^n : c>T"WeaH«!»i*ndiamdisea8es TesjUttog^om»SelfiAbUB? "ervousi debilitr irtatability, Mental anxiet, dbTiS-'Ea»sitinde,-»DepreiBioh"Of Spirits :S . i fhnctiqn'a) ^e^angements^ofi ^tbg^eryona aj Btp »" .''Vminim: •• " »iiai« n - l .' i.KeneraTlT; i'.|piiiiiiitheh«cic.' ttemorj, x^reml^. tirtepidagiedjpdi lifseases ^nat 5 lead bto' Cod^k .-toatfce-r how shattered the system may be from exceesesaof ^e^heforesjwas. v a^«p?Bdonoy gw ^p^c^p^tebe" imjmi$ML' ymt ,--,, niw »©L get Jim iff in Genera bvZOBI w> ^^.TO^«,^ ,? ;0»ed-»itb* Schoolscaa beifoondJat No. 190 Exchange Street, Geneva Is offeting at lowest mj^^^jfefe a>full line of Liquors Foreign -an^ £ Soni8stio And Hie Cefebi-'ate'd Greet! ••*,'*••• '•• •• - .. . .. In bbls., « bbls andwbhls. Also, these fine aless on draught and'fpy sale"by tBe measure: "Is also BOTTLING LA<JiiR . Prom the manufactory .of . the RQiOHE8!$ER BBBWINQ- OpifPASY. TJmyersally. conceded to be the best in market, .Hotels, Salbons and PamllieB suppliedtoany 'quaimty S^lOwesPratesj Give our goods atrial—we kn'ow-J they"'*will;»plea8e you:- •„'- iD,SDfeJjv-AN,. '" ajuivlv 2d door sou^h of Buridn's Hote.. F or Sunday Schools! Olt TEMPERANCE I T H E B E S T KJETW i O O K f I a. A. Hoffman, has every qualification to be a stan- dard TeinperanceSon& Book, iChoice hymns, and son i?s, in excellent taste, are found throughout. There arfe -nearly a hundred songs. Specimen copies mailed for 86 cents. ,$3.60 per dozen. ' The older and larger book, Hull's Temperance Glee.Book, (40ctslretains, its great popularity. WHITE RCJBES t The"purest, WHITE KOBES ! WHITE KOBBS! sweetest and WHITfiiHOBES! WHITJJlOBeS!, „bq 8 to£ r WfflTB.RO£ES! WHITE. ROBES LSnuday School WHITE ROBES! WHITE'EOBES- rSp-toFSooks"." WHITfi' ROBES 1 "Mailed for 30' cents'. $3 per dozen, " ' ' TEMBM£illGHT.£S'54S"L d a perfect electric light for radieDC* and.hcanty. Has 32 of the very best songs by 37- of tin w y best antnors, and sells for $1,0 per hundred. Mailed for 13 cents. New Hi-h School'Song Book, The Welcome Chorus, is nearlyithronpii thfepreBS, Oliver Ditsoao, & Co., Bsston, ' C. H.DITSO H & CO.. 843 Broadway, N. Y. Warranted the Best Steam Heating Boiler made ; . in the United States. Self Feeding, Self Regulating, Requires attention but once in 24 hours, and you have a Warm House hy N i g h t a s W e l l a s b y D a y . GUARANTEED JTO GIVE SATIS- VAmWK.OB, HO PAY. Sehd.for pripe^ and references. New York"Central Iron Works. GeneyaN. Y. 6nov W. B. DUNNING. Account Sales Rendered Every Week. BALLARD. BRANCH & Co. 1 1 2 B r o a d S t . , (cor Water) JJ- Y - Produce Commission Merchants Dealers In Butter, Kggs, Cheese, Apples. Beans Hops, Poultry,jCorn, WooV Beeswax, Honey, Tab low, Lvrd, I<anibg, Wild Game, Dried Fruits. Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cider "Vinegar, Furs.Rags Onions, Tobacco, Maple Sugar, etc.,etc. H Peaches, and Berries of all kinds. AJLX, S-AXiEFS l*TTA.RATSrTKE:X) Send invoice by mail the day you Ship. Commission for selling, 2>£ to 5 per cent. i maj5 3m CARPETINGS! M—*— We are in daily receipt of all the aew and choice designs direct Tram the looms, MATTINGS 200 Pieces New Mattinsjs just landed, FANCY CHECK and WHITE,in all auafitles. LIGNUM, LINOLEUM, OIL CLOTHS, R UGS, MATS, CAItPJET LININGS. Alljat the lowest market prices. Howe & Rogers, 37 STATE ST., ROCHESTER. May 7th, 1880.—hmyT2 T F you are suffering frontiver Complaint USB CUEATiyEBITTERS If you are troubled vih Dypspsia USE OURATIYiBITTERS. If you are nervous an} cannot sleep USE CURATrVHBITTERS. If yon are weak and debililted andneed a tonic use CURATIYBBITTERS. If you are suffering Jom Headache, USE CURATIVI BITTERS; ' If your Blood is poorer Impoverished, USE GURATIVEI BITTERS. If you have Dizziness of the Head, USE CURATIVE BITTEJIS.,* If your Appetite is poor, USE CURATIVE BITTERS. If you have Eruptions of the Skin, USE CURATIVE BITTERS. A. L. SOLD BY Sweet. and H. K. Winnie. MANUPACTJ^SBJBY * WalTcinshaw, I2g$&it&g& Co., 10mar6m "f§ BATAVU* N. Y. NERVES <% THgY ARE; J&HfCrJLY. ^ Ag BRILLIA!4* OFCRYSTAtU^PKi P*VA .<" Geneva. K, Y,, wt THE ORIQIJj&L.PEBE'OH, i : tep^ JOHNia £ yf#s^co/ ! MWYORK'"; 93 Maiden Lane,' l '••IKp Sal iifacfeon^ui^an^d.' ffall 1 at. ^rwmB'S , «l^l5S4STl^Eyiforav«aiaple u. *w *n&**i*1i - 'Jrr'f'r ri'"m' J i' t- *tca are mold Pi torugxteta <ii 1 M^*fcfettfafe>..-w* 4 ai.lrJ Ivit, Illustrated catalbruwjtee; Addrta. lUfe^gflgiigton^g^^ ^ . ( _ |esnbmu«. i O»apfer, bokMS to E S . ^ o ^ 6 1 i # ^ & r t\Jt ^Bk&et^ B«tt*W W«aMng •*mjnm.- ._.. rSrif.oway, It PnbUiher o t « •mowing,' Cfiirev-I^aipitatitAi .oiJKtho Heart j- Nervousness, Trsmblings; Nervous Headache, LeuedrrhcEa, Cold Handa and PeeJfc.Pain in the Back, and other forms of jEeuijdeiWe.akness. They enrich andjimprpye the ^naniy of the Blood, purify •and brighten" 'the'" Complexion, allay Nervous irritation, and : secure Refreshing Sleep. Just •%he remedy needed by. women whcse-pale, color- less faces) show tig abspnee of Iron in the Blood. Kemember that I r o n , is one of the constituents of "the Biqod^'ancT Is the grreat t o n i c . The Iron'Pills' are also valuable" for men who are •'froubled'With (Nervous Weakness, Night Sweats, Stc- Pricey B^ qep,ta perjbox. Sent by mail. Ad- dress, pARTE-R MEDICINE CO., 22 Park Place, N e w York. * SoldT>y Druggists everywhere. ™t ut -jiinL .'. >..,^;i j .... , :—:—* fiK.x:» PERMANENTLY CURES LIVER COMPLAINTS,, ^Constipation and Piies^; »M!K.H. OLAKE,SotatiiHerd,V».,«ay«, I .''in owe. of KTi»lfiEY TKOUBLES It has Acted U f c t K b u n . Ithnsojnrodmiuiy very badoaaesof PILES, and lias never failed to set efflclejiijjf',, \\~ JTEJJSONFJ^CHIXI),»f St-AlhaM,Vt., I «ra, "it Is ofprloeloas value. After *i±tee&~| yea*» oi treat JrifferUJr from PUu tmi *"•-1 tiyeneu It completely onred me." C. S. HOSABON,<rfBerlulilre, cays, • paekacslia*done.; wonder* Xgr me> In com- ipletely enriac a aeTere JAr'tx and ^lduey I 'Ct^atat?*' \ .0! .BECAUSE JB? t ACSjS. ON TOE[ IJVEEt,THE BOWELS 'AND KID-| NEYS ASjnBlJLAME TIME. MKIdnej(,andAlrln^ry^t#eaae«^Bil7 Ipusnops. Jaundice, Constipation, PI?&,^r In F^eumatl.'m, Neuralgia :aNdFemaf*icUm&d!Br«., , ( -,- . , , v , THE MA.LL.ORY Patent Air Closet, Superior to either Earth or "Water Closets ( They can be set in a bedroom, hall, or at the bed side of the sick. Warranted absolutely ree from, odor, whithput the use of charcoal, earth, aehes or any other deoderizer. By a simple contrivance, the disagreeable odors and poisonous gasses are carried off into the chimney instead of escaping into the room. It i- the„ex[.prience of every person who has used Earth Closets, that .even with a liberal dse of lime and other deodorizers, they cannot be kept from foul odors. The Mallory Air Closet is in use in more than two hundred families in New London County, everyone of which have been sold on trial, and opportunity for testing t e merits claimed for it before payment. This closot gives great satis- fact on at C m p Meetinggrounds.suinmet cottages and for use on yachts. To sum up the superiority ofthis over all others, possessed by the AirCkset. POSITIVE FREEDOM PROM ODOR; SIMPLICI- TY OF CONSTRUCTION, there, being no compli- cated machinery to get out of order: compact and convenient shape, and when upholstered, making' f n ornamental as w ell as useful piece of furniture; 'rice, which is 50 per cent, less thaD is asked for |- inferior closets ..and is within the reach of alL Tes- timonials can be obtained of agents. Manufactured, and for sate by New London Air Closet Co., New London, Conn For sale by R. JAMIESON. 68 Sen" ca Street. Geneva. marlO BB#BP» nk>o»lina^&^iiai^^iridl V rep^d; - j^Onepacki^wlilm^esIi'qtsofmedlbine.l | im ltki'the M»]£U£"*rfee1 al.OO. 13 A H-Hprilactaa, V t v^tm&mjs&^m petftck e(flurtrr,;«nd mti: Grain-GTOwinttfffQrlsi. ^ T •art yet ihonuah- threiher, petficn tlmn*r,,*na eniir* favdt ot fM Idnds-and coiidU3ons of^rafn* and 1tex and txmathifsetcti. .It. fctOTOIllOUS.»the only machine that is a nieces* in all. kinds of tliresbinif and a lailnre fn _ rione; '"*". - NOTOR iaU»;m«the 8««>ri«, mott durable, and , ' STtAMr^TMRESHERS » Mcialty. -Their -"^«npertoritjrit f ^J«8»i4inth trurt, ui icknowled«ed . ; «rtiayk*fctti4 liorid.. -.« f^'m" - - ' •m I Ttf-A#teVt»*a W»n »i>PSire«aer- : idfiaffif«»yfcfc.S&^^s- ineSUchiaee.. ^Intentional ComnHminJ^to^ f^ennlnt! J , jut'* iTodVnor libldb Ithe. zjaaiss u':.7?- J,-.,»,i,' *ff-^Crtn ;.i 'hnl^iaa" tam.eui.#M l ujtlng i i effuuy ge. MyBkberi- gt I can please aUnWii'ifgiirafttJi eHtrukied 1 to toe. - LoW price* r '•„'•' .- -. "•- •••_ / "i»-' f . i i ' r -;-.- '-• rat home, ttampies worth J5f on* Co., Portland, Me. THE OLD AND RESPONSIBLE D LEARY'S STEAM Dyeing f Cleansing* ESTABLISHMENT, Two HUNDRED YARDS NORTH OF THK YORB CENTRAI. RAILROAD DEPOT, NEW On Mill Street, Corner of Piatt, Brown's Race, ROCHESTER. N. Y. T HE reputation of this Dye House since 1828, has induced others to eonnterfeit our signs, checks, and business card's, andeven the cut. of our budding, to mislead and humbug the public. £8!F~No connection with any similar establish- ment. •- I have no agents in the country. Yon can do your business directly with me, at the same ex- pense as through an agent. Crape, Broche, Cashmere and Plaid Shawls, and all bngnt colored Silks and Merinos, cleansed without injury to the colors. Also Ladies'and Gentlemen's Woolen Garments cleans- ed or colored without ripping, and pressed very nicely. Also, Feathers and Kid Gloves cleansed or dyed. and despatch, on very reasonable terms. Goods dyed Black every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Goods returned in one week. EP-'Special attention paid to doing up lace cur- tains ; and coloring velvets. I3?*(Joods. received and returned by Express, ^^"Bills collected by Express Company. .Address JJ, JJEA! 18angly MULL ST _ (Corner of Piatt), R o c h e s t e r ^ . Y , •axpresB. e^N.Y ^ceipt of proportionate price per volume, SPECIAL Discounts to all early subscribers, and extra discounts toclnbB. National Normal Musical Institute N. Y., Will hold its next se«sion at Jamestown, commencing July 13th, continuing four closing Aug. 6th. OBJECT O F T H E INSTITUTE. 1st. Preparation of *hose who. desi e to teach mns/.c. 2d. Thelmprovemeht of teachers already in the work. 3d. The advancement of all, whether teachers or net, in singing, plaving and musical composition. 4th. The .cultivation of musical taste and appre- ciation by' 'fine performers of'instrumental and vocal music, and the study of useful.and standard works under competent conductors. INSTRUCTORS : Dr. Geo. P. Root, Emil Liebling, F. W. Hoot and p. number cf,able assistants. ADVANTAGES This Institute brings within the reach of all, as fine an opportunity for musical education as can be obtained aDywhere, It. Is universally conceded that-Dr Root is at the head of this work. His methods are by Aany considered the best, and hi pupils as a whole,- have been the mo^t tocoessfn teachers and conductors in this country since the establishmentoriJormal institutes in 1852 I Circulars sent free to any address on application fto John Chnrrtf SCO.,"Ciricmnati, Root & Sons,' MUMP CPv.Otticagp, or,Sf« A..Lafferty,4amestown 4 N.Y.,, , may36-iulyl2 GBAY'8 SPEGtETO MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. Iff especially re- TRADE MAI$K. commended as an, unfaij o g cure for SEMINAL WEAK- NESS, SPERMA- TORRHEA, IMPO- TENCY, and vail diseases that fol- low* as acbnse- T»_P m i_> ...Self Belore laMnffAbnsef asliOsSAfl.^.TR.t^ VEBSAL LASSITUDE, PAIN IN TUE BACK, DIJCNESS OF VISION, PREMATUE OLD ASE, and-many- other diseases that lead ""• Jnsipian Consmnption and a Premature Grave, all of whichas arnle are first caused by deviating from tbe"i>"atb::of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Bedicine is the re? suit of a life study and many years^ of experience in treating these special diseases. ' . A . •Full particulars m our pamphlets, which we de- sire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or wil be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addres- sing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10 Mechanics'Block^DBTBOiT, MICH. , t^TSoldin Geneva by H. J,EDDT, JB„ and by all druggists everywhere. Kenyon, Potter & Co., wholesale Agents, Syracuse mar31-ly GOLD PENS /KD ^PENCILS 4 ' From AIKEN, LAlfHEfiTACO., DESKS, PORTFOLIOS, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, WORK BOXE, GAMES FOR TB E HOLIDAYS. On bandat SMITH'S BOOK STORE. QTJPREME COURT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO James C. McNamara against Win. Brick. To the.abx>vename$ Defendant.:-; , You are hereby smnmbned, 16 answer the com- plaint In this action, sndSto aerre a< copy of your anewer the plaintiff's attorneti. within twenty dayrafter the service o? thiB J safl3aWrti8j exclusive of the day of ^jyitje 5jao£ (to „casesrOf your. fail- ure to" appear or answer, judgment wiflbe taken against you by' default fpr tbej relief demanded in the complaint. " * _^ DWIGHT B.gACH|SNST08E, Plaintiffs Attorney; Geneva, ^ f a r i d f^innty,"N. Y. Dated this g9tb dav otApr8 ti J8gJ. 3K1—Thi " To WILLIAM BBICKI—The fi served upo&^ou byTpabucattoa, der of Hon.-.Wm. H- Smittu Ontario 'county Ju< dhteutBe-SffedayXt XprTt, lSuVSnunled'with complaint in the office of the clerk;of OntAdo connt> D f B^BACKENSfOSE, ling summons is ureittani toanor- ;e e at Canandaigna, N . Y . 5mayW- ' - Plaihtiffs "Attorney. toOT£T( _ VV the payment of the moBe7^an*a,by a cer tain mortgage bearing,-date Ihe Mth day of October. 1871^ made toff^iecuteu Vr [ betstge7. Bland audiJSaryiJape.Bj*nfl,f Ws wltef'-uf^tbe vil- lage of Geueva, Ontario county, N. Y., as mort- gagorsrto Ubinenss PH>ftty,j«f the" same place, which said mortgage was recomied in flie, clert's ofOee of theconnty of «nt*rie> aforesala. W Bosk of Mortgages iJo^8J,-at P^ge^32iOn : ihe;:lTQi day of Noveihber, ISH^ at l i o'clock I . M. Ana whereas the ajnomrt dlalmed tb tte- due on • the^aid mortgage, pt thesdate ot M&< flret publl- catfon of HMssotfce; Is rne^iun? of rouF^nared" and seyenty-flvfi dollars jtthd ieigkty*iRht" cents > namely *350 for principal, and $125 88-10p for in- terest, andithat sald^nm'iff the' Whbl& ! smonrit of said ; mortgage, both principal sud. Interest, re- mainingunpaid. ' J .M. M ^ - . Now therefore, notice is hereby glven^ according to statute in sucb case made and -nrpviaed. that by virtue of the power of g#e l -.conttuiDea^hr-Baia. mortgage.duly recorded aiere^tri^^orf«|d,|ii» safd mortgage will be foreclosed by a sue of the premiee- herein described.- bytKe satt«eW»er^itb* mortgagee publicancpton on Eridaj.the sixth day of AtigMpim^WcMoWWvie- forenoon of that day, at the front door of the Franklin Honst in tfie Vfllage of't3eiieva fu saia county of Qutacio.- . ,ui t >•«• i>st\ The following is a description of the mongaged premises, so as aforesaid te behold, substantially as they are contained in, the.safd, mortgage, viz •• AU that tract or parcel Ofland aKua'W''ln tfie vil- lage of <>ei)eva, couoty of Ontario-and> State of ^ew Yorfe, and described as follows; Purty feet frdht and rear and 20 rod* deep off The' west" tads' or end of a piece of land, ^ © j n i u g M.tfi8,nortu- \ easC 'corner of a lot now or, lately occu- pied by;John-Bland, of:6ener^ thehce" east eight rods to the npnth-west conjeir of a loUately ,pccu- picfliyjohn Dflfffti-; aienee'soutS aloyr^aforDnf- fJn'a west.JiuejtwenJiy-todsJjt&eaee s»8fcalong and in the highwaj eight rods to the south-easfc'3»or- ne e lot aforesald ; oconpied% Md r 3"6hriB"land; thence alunferaereaat oneof..the aaidjpt twenty rods to the "place of Seginiung,* oeuw '*^»ortion of Jhe preuiiseax:onVeyedloee8igeJ«c®»fi- by Godfrey J. Grosvenor by deed record^HffiOntario County Clerfe's office in Book 64 of w e W a t Page 154, and.being the..sanje pxemlfOaigflnVeyeil by John' Bland to Ge'ofge Ji^lalid^Fdeed dated MarctatelghteentaijJ l§a^KiHd teenraea on the nineft^ffi day 0-f^l3lf«Hjff8a7, in Book 138 of DatedSt Geneva" N. Y., the 12th day of May - * 1880. PHDSKHAS PROHTY, MASOK <fc ROSE, Attorneys, Mortagagee. ^ " fV. jgy-magig T3AINTING. GRAINING, KA,I^OMH!fmG,PA JtTPEE HANGINO? WHITEWjSmNG and Hard Wood FinishW in all of the modern styles'. Onion streets. Corner Castle a s : : 17febtf Literary Revolution AND Universal Knowledge. hnnnrl in />lr>»Vi for iftl f) in hftlf> f„» M C . T "pw. a»a oandsoniely ma well ate a Llterary'itevouuion. The liibrary^f Universal Knowledge is burgh edition of "Chamber's Encyclopaedia ?er- , a FSf 11 ^ entire of the last .[18791 Ediii- addedrnpon topics of special interest to A m i r i S r , S S S u f m . ^ ^ i ^ ^ - f f S * ™ acter to !»v similar work, better than ^TntZr^A^}^l mi 9 in ^ * ** M 1 , n <%**• acter to auy similar work, better than anv other mito^ i« 'iuZ" "".' « .„ — Sir e who COQ8nlt k \ °! «-«^ SS Z^V^SgZSfc SPECIMEN Volumes m In eithW style will be sent for mm i„»n„. ,., . ., iintnfn» mn ,H n „, t „ nvi„„ no, vnir™7 t o r e3a ™nation with privilege of return on re- Full particulars with sdeenptave catalogue of many standard works equally low in price sent free- Leading principles of the American BOOK B-xchange: I. Publish only books of real valne. H. Work upon the basis of present cost of makjng books, about'one-halJ what it wai a few yesw ago. t-' dealers' Selit0bnyer8direCt,aDdSaVeth?m ^ 50 6r6 ° Per Cent ' commlfi8io11 commonly allpwcd to 2 l ^ ^ & ^ $ ? ^ $ $ $ £ j 5 * isbntafraction of the cost when made at BOO a fatldyhr a f»ed?yf^^^^^ appear large and fine, and which greaBy adfto their cd*0bgifonbtaMtoTtheirvSnP ^P™** M » w VL To make *l and a friend is better than to make, #5 a n d ^ enemy " MUnS'sGYbtXRo^'v^'S. 8 --* 10 - > *3*&&™&k Macauley's History of England, 3 vols., $1.50. Chamber's Cyclopaedia of Eng. Literature, ivola., J2 00. Knighfs History of England, i vols., $3.00. Plutarch's Lives of IHastrious Men, 3 vols. $1.50. & Geikie's Life and Words of Christ, 50 cts. Young's Bible Concordance,3U,000 references {pri"- pariDg)., $2.50, Acme flbrarv of ^ography,'-50 cents*. Book of Fablec, JEsDp. lllus-, 36 cents. Milton's Comph Poetical Works", 50 cents. Shakespeare's Complete Works,^75cents, Works of Dante, uansJatedsSjsCary, 60 cents. Works of Virgil, translated bylbry5en,'40cents. The Koran of Mohamniedf-traBslated by-8ale,35 cts. I Adventures of Dpn Quiiote, illus., 50 cents. ' Arabian Nights,'illus., 50 cents. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, illns., 50 cents. . • Robinson Cr* so. il'ns, 50 cents. » * " Mnnchau8en and Gulliver's Travels, aids., BOcemH.lj Stcries and Balladsi by E. T. Alden, illns, $1*.„ Aome Library of Modern Classics, 50 cents. ?'$$£& Pictorial Band Lexicon, 35 cents. Sayings, by author SpaFrowgraas papers, 60 cent -.ttnttf. H^iaWH^ical < Work^ r 75centB. ElttoTs. Cyclopaedia o f Bib. Littoe, 2 vols , $2. 'Ktmitt'S ancldff Htsiory ;^-25,l Smith'»Diclipnar>.nf theBibley'iUug,, $1. Works of ^ktfus,Josephue, $2,. ^o^c**«^rMneW^S3p>ins, il..50cts.- Health by Exercise, Dr. Geo. BL> Taylor, 50 cts. Health of Women, Dr. Geo. ,H. Taylor, 50 "IJbiarrMagazliie! "-bonird votoSei, «0 cents. . Leaves from tb^dairyofan Old Lawyer, $1. prices. na^Wnuin^. Descriptive catato&e?jana ; tenn» to club Fractions of^.ne dollar may be Remit by bank draft, money order, registered letter, or by express. sent in postage stamps. Address AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B. ALDEN, Manager. j»ne2 . .Tribnne-Building,.lSeir-Tark. Is ofTered as a reliable medicine for. the cure cf jill diseases arictng from.iin Impajse state of the such as Scrofula, Snlt RHen m & late affecHons «rTaTOBrrBTBEBEEDY-^a Isa-SpeciHerin K H n e r * B3nd<der£a»plfl-tats, Constipation of -the bowels and diseases of tbo Ijlvfer; T6*Womerf Who sufferrroht auy or the 133 thetfex,;BaT«iinyKe«ie4y proves •would mw i Sitttld6rs l e&ad thait, while' ifMs-pn^ inf!jemtro4uetiotf«f-hUimediciua{FftfprfteBem jBn^«!!«le»e4*vteiiliny»J&tenxentp^^ canTfetreM^Taiipme.^ Address . StrBriCER 00MPUINTS I For all forma of Bowel complains use WICKE'8 ASMTJC GORDIAL f and take no other.. Nb cure. Novav I H K W I N N I E Druggist, - mil9^m Agent for Genera, N. Y. ftBlgfrfe.fio^^g'JEfeog^s, ttm|^ Only .«lj|g, the IHGrBT/ R e m e ^ a C(rifc«<y ^ ^ * ' xm^i JMfclb§*iZi jgoldfoyeyei U l »-.I .. 8 Sold by alljSrJaiegia^i yj^C?jaugaOCiOE?«, andjl OO ?B^yi^WRSS'?j GotoZobrist A Pa color axe nnegualed. *•* * V X IT-

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Page 1: Howe & Rogers, - NYS Historic^omore-tbeflow i . i-ttie Stream that sang of those shining 41, Bawii Can it

Weiearr^omore-tbeflow i . i-ttie Stream that sang of those shining 41,


Can it be, as tb'4 face of God dra\ps near, .SonKbcleafclace He hag mad©,—j...

That helped us to-» -t&pugbt of Hipj— Willfrom'the nsfetaifry fade ? : '

Iccan not think so^b_e.6anse the Son, J?ar .nearer that sh in in^aoe \

Than, highest sersph,' still turned away "To biess.our_SQrrawjiigrace.

Ana, darling^Pm Mii* "if1-the Great Ohrisi '*' ' Heart ! '" ; •> SWtlufoD*-fo'0Ttr;misery. • ' '

Yoti cottlcf fibs sit oh the tar.4 whife laills, With never al'thonght of nSe.

For the Cteeat. fJhrist Heart.ineludefch ail Who make that Heart their homeL

And whithersoever; Bis blood leaps forth, Their, blood xa&ttt, with It come..

And sWiff/ay, swift'dofcli it palpitate, Qnq instant here, one" there ; '"'

The far, wlbite hills if^S the qbfferiap; earth, And earth clasps the heavens lair, f

That where lam ye may also be." i #fa, love, how the light 'break8;th|;qnghJ

Ton went to your father, lite Huh, and to ' Yba-are-with-Hie alway, tool . -

i.u~. s ., tii .nj-HrfStinday^Iaga^ine.



Axe. opening one of €he?s^fgest \xm§ of '" *'

AND sorry

Brussels}'$&$$ To fee found in Western Ne4




,.posfid^orioas<3t9«0ft^ '"AtiWhat agaiShwuld - the «pnversiOn-.<of «hildren to ©hriBtiaaitf ^b&.t^mpi^fl^'-'^b t&e'practical,- rfeeulair '. m i n l f t h ^ ^ ^ ^ - i e a s y j ^ n p t f g h . ' ^ t h e r ^ l •- beia Godj/and-if itiheidesirable that the hul-•'iaan being .sjnontft- •love1- and obey Sffini'the'1



•earlier'.^ iCbJE$tr$».' dd ^ thM.Bp^gaiS ih© longer .'OieiessQn^wift-ltisJi.. -A ctujdfcan betuttght'to be;grateful fof its^ood^ailniodt. assoOir as it can be taught to eat i t ; aiud as

the-Vj<;an be j&Qeg.vptlf tfce i^dea, QIUA actual Pd^er"h%h^ thaii the s^^d / i f sgpe r than the.sea^ w i s e r / ^ a its,fi|tner and jpaore ten-der than its mother. Pure reji^ipn, aith iii a loving* Sayionr* inculcated into a |raman soul in .JEai^wa^r, is never Joft; no.' after doubt or JE&mqsoph.v or' surierjiyj can/weaa-it'rmf;., A ^ i J a is Ca'ught'to reverence and loVe its (xoiat,,j[ l|i as ft. health1? plant is made to''~gity$i' by^'tfeejging it in sun&hine, ih. pt^irffitie&ce'^'bV' eoiiataiit "care, moment after itfo'mepj, year after; ^ear. But no pa­rent' can make a' child tfear the fruit Of that reverence a»& love in its actions. Paul may plant and Apollos -Tvater nbui God can only give the increase. ' -; • >

There is "another mode of dealing-with children; popnlar'lvith many well-meaning <Dhristiaajj. They are'subjected to a sucf den, tremendous, emotional-r.fluences, durt mg which tbei* nervous-system undergo a violent strain. - ' In the majority of instances this is thee sole effect .that is produced 5 neither their, reason, judgment, nor real af­fections :are. touched, and when the nervoufc excitement is, oyer, the effect also is at an endv During ttJ .gr_e.a.fc samp-meetings oj'f last summer,certain,preachej-s,aomeof them wpme% whgjtkugji^tiO.jhaye-ifcflown better, wer^ njqtjedjcqr J^eijBial^iM^ito ^e t up Kiviv-als'amoiig.ohiidren.3 ^pn^;o£J;hese women, we.believ.e^and' hope, were mothers. ^Their fervid d'escift»ti6iia of the terrors of hell anp glogf^ipf heaven;;wefe. Ijstejited! tQ.hy-half-

^aati«i<^aa^»!*^.Btmg~amittod^^ aBd~girl8, who were laboring under precisely the6ame.^ndof^hTOterwa|texmtement, and werlg tjftst aSln'dMsBlS of ^rational, temper­ate Onristian action as the thonsands-of ht-tle ones who once started througu Europ^oh

is JSI w.»'


Jjaperjal and Nortbern :Baav GOB., Irfuidoi), ^ S h i r e ^ s P C o ^ l ^ W t e r . Engi

Ji-Oteours^.tteeT^^'fee^fqiUitfi an,AB¥;iiJSrOE W"€^BiOKESl t

' fh^Ue^aJ^y&Me^ ^ e | i ^ e 'fnk&(r our. pTii?cba8e& early in^ order io '^e able to git^e; 6vte cxLstomem

America, jlnu. Co.

.do ,do

'er' • do Republic do

~ »i ?. do . :nester do

_ . oJiux- do 1NSfieh»l • i do Coimecticn*;do ; j

1 Phfladeiphia." 1 . So •'•

?Tew York. do ' do do do

„ d 0

Hartford. do do ••!_•

TeJ^^^^A^W» ly»Porf ?entin«

4eS>Sp,rjwyiQaJili(<;j*and e n n p r y , Italy* Porf f^pain>J'Ehe |tfrlentftBra2iil? and tye A r /

in the State.

i.eBNT roB THE ajox or \


To and from B'ngjand, "beiand amd Scotland, bt BTRSt CESSS S*BAMBRS.

' Ko t* ry Pub l i c I


Intending pure nosers ^.re' in vited to an examination of on stock "with an "assurance on ouT part of fntf satisfaction with all g'ood^ purchased.


' i l f t M f ^ l t M a e fp^tacIeTo"ahy"one*who bedevbd in the goodness, the lavjtfg.&ind-nessLpf Christ. The nnmbei1 efStneBe'.con-ver j |^as ,ijrhua||hantly published, but jt

We wish also to call ^tention to 10,000 yards of new

/ • i

" • • • > • < ; • ^ ;

HambiHrgh Eikjes Jhist received which we are sell* itigas'cheap as onr neighbors.



and remitted withpr6mp|tpee8 and dispatch, y S o c t r '' S.r'fe6tTTHWOHTH.

• ' Late Cashier ©T fhe Geneva National Banto • ,'n -JX i t I'1!. H i 11—*'i 1 l i . i . i t i '<ii3 »n»J«iM.. . . ' • • ! • [

yoi iHetter^wff i 'say „ __r dall'B Spavin Car« Last been very,, satisfactory J i n deed. Tbree or fonr years ago I prbcnr«Hf a bottlej Sofyonrage2iS,«uid wij lHt ^nred-a- horse of lame-, nesa canaed by a. spavin, . Last season my. hors»

f'oeca'ihe' v e r f laThe" a n d ' r turned nlm but when h a (became bettej.itint Wben,J put him e n the r.ead;he ,he grew worse, when 1 discovered t h i t a ring bona 'Was forming, 1 proeiired a ' b o t t l e of Kendall's Spavin Cnre and with Jess than, a bottle cured him so that h e Is ne t l i m e , neither can t h e ' bunch b e f o a n i . • ,iJespectfuUyiyours, .

? . N. GRAN -ER.

Stou^hton, March 16,1880. ,< 1 B. J, Kendall & Co4, GENTS": Jn" Justice t o /on,

and myself, 1 leti.yon fenow haw I have removed two bone spavins with '"Kendall's Spavin Cure,11 one very large '"one; Don't tobwi hijw. long fhe spayjn. had b^en there. 1 have owned the horke about eight months. It took ine four monihsitotake the large one off, and two for- the

I smalj one. 1 have used 10 bottles. The horse is *• entfreIy"WeH, not at'all slin!, and no bunch to be

seen,or. felt, .This is a wonderful medic ne. It is a new thing here, but'ifit does'for all Svhat it has done for me i t sale will be very great.

Respei tfully yours, CHA8. B/PiBftSB.

Is su e in its effects, mild in its action as doea not blister, and yet is penetrating and powerful to reach any bony growth or any otheri enlargement, if used for several days, such as spavins, eplints, curbs, cillous, sprainst swellings, fluy laineness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs or rheu­matism in mau and for any purp*6se for which a liniment is used for man orjbeast. Itismojr.known to be the best liniment for ma ever used, acting mild' and eerfeiri its effects; • It is used full strength W,}th ger,{eqt safety^at all seasons of the year.

Send address for illustrated oircular, which v e -think gives positive proof of its-virtues; Nojem-t , edyj has ever met with such unqualified success, tq -oarknowledge, for beast as'well as man. ' >!

P!rice$l per bottle, or six bottle tog $6. • ALD DRUGGISTS have it or can get it for you, or i< will be sent to a y address on receipt of price • by (aeproprietQis, DK. B, J.. KENDALL & CO.,

apr30c&aly ' EnosburgU B'alls, Vt, Sold by all druggists.

Special attejpioh is called to our elegant lin il - , o f


iBsurancel — A N D -

x^flSlBe curiouTtOifljid thegnumberoitjaosb who now, alter a 'years "oooiing-off, retain

"any"duraBle"e5ect' from that vehement pas­'s- siim. i _i -~*. * I 3 • • J '«" $ -f- "• A i

We wpuld not be misunderstood. I t doubtless may foej-possible fpr a child to pass througli that inexplicable change technical­ly called Conversion—acute sorrow for

* f wrcma-clBiD&'isurrdnderp'f the life to fJotv and in consequence a steady, quiet, faithfiii^" obedience to Him, Bat a careful distinC-."

'r • tion shQnld%e made hetween'this mosten-1 * ^^Jfife^soleSk of alt ^hahges, and W t ,

ne rveu^^^mod ic frebiy Srnich a" moh of A cnildren catch-from each'other as reaail;

were lesti to £883 Off pat

themselves, essly; bui lo'ofteh

»• ' i i r . i

For Catarrh, l ^ T ^ e y e * . do'd

igi(Sic. insert get J a; particle

, - 'ey* [the- Headji lUttfe fiPge

I n o s S i S ^ W.teitbs. M'witt- . r ah

and teed

r w

Tns^wlidl^systehi of American traf fer^chirarSnlotffdr men is to make'waoK-

^ e ^ ^ E j t p y ^ ' J i n s t e a d of learners, Wfe . .-se^d^wi&a^tyang; smile of old men.grd'wfa •^&y"ih. theioloistered aisles of loreign nni-

versardes, content to be scholars and only scholars.,- fcth us, the moment a youDg

- man or vwefi|&n originates an idea which ^ jgt terp inj^ieir partial sight, they ..rus^i , .With it fi>"t^e. world. They crow over itjis *: the barn-yard ifowl over the bit of glass,—

They make?an essay out of it, and the puty-l ia eBflapei^asjly if they do not make a bdolfc. Npbbdy puts a clever saying or a bit of tenderj feeKng into a letter nowadays!;

' ^ X j S a ^ it to publish. Girls, ofe sixteen niafee. np societies to reform the world; magazines have a special department for the contributions of children who have hard-

" ly done teething. In short, the waole teod-eoeyMof American life is to torce each in di­vidual to teach instead of to learn. The error is harmful in any cpse, but in religion it ts fatal. Let us drive and drag our boys tod^nrls .in a f eveyish history and science if wewilF; but for the sake of their lives in

-thiSrwerldand the-world to come, let us nqt cram themvwftfi faotitious,,fermentina, evaporauifg' piety. Let the" love of God' grow in thein without parade' or bluster, as the flower opens and blooms and bears fruit in. t$[e fell seaure snnsiuue.—[New Xor^ j •BribWe. •£* ._ |

- I8!griakd'8*Drin^ BiU. ^ I A correspondent of jgq- Loiidon»hewspap^r

_rg«Biitty aptferted that ^ 6 peop le of Gre^t Britain are,dr.inkipg ¥much lessrardent spir-

. A d b f f l h » 3 ^ t S ^ f £ | t f i ey l a r e l J -suming tea and coffee instead The. limes JDOfoh-'poohed this statement'and announce 'd *»"$!&' heligf $hat xw prosperous years the

t, public -ipereased its consumption of wins >»rfd spirits; put that in years when1 theiyB was dull trade and 'lapk of employment *e^ aad:coffiea 'were resorted from economic*^ motives'. Upon this the correspondent

' who is a student bfsocial scienqe, .disprove t h e ^ i o f f ofhier l%rrtes of *meaW t>f fig­ure. ' SSJbhows that in 1857, the consnm-.tkm'of'tea in the United Kingdom wa* 69J- \

^.IS2/10»-pdu!ndBi-'Jlh^l%6?;it 'was ltCf,98fei-' »»203-t>|ipiaids'i

! being an ' -merease; in -ihe' ten li^earsi^PM^e/lCS-'gounds^ pi~~*k average %4uferefcse!*>f«@ ffi6ie pounos -pfer""yfeai*, lb <P8$8>%BS '«aflsdhlptfe& of tetf was-i0jSj8I5J--&92 poan'ass *&-t8y€f*Sf "rVa<aed-i49vl04rf-

' ia#p6ends,-grVing- an increaseof #2,288J-932 p&toS^s' • fenhg*- ifie eilhryears; or an aVer»gMDKrea6^56f 3 ,^6 , ifr^bumis pearly

-Hbemg526 jfer^cegft gr%ter ?thaTSr'aullm^:th^ "*"'w8 tne'years

SlonaVy apply kubb)|ig hi thi

mm Is receiving.the endorsement of the sJiferer,.. the druggist and. physician-" Never has an St ic le of so much merit been produced for the, treatment of membranal diseases, Aa this neveri-laiFng Balm, and is universally' acknowledged!a8 being all that i s claimed for it. The application ispeaByjand pleasant, causing no pain, but is soothing ,and is fast superceding the use of powders, liquids and sutifEa. Price within the reach "Of all-^Bfticents. Onieeeiptof.fiQ. cents, will mail, a package fre0. Send for circular with full Information"" For Sale by-all druggists. ' \l" ''

We, the undersigned, druggists of. Katertowtj, Oswego and Syracuse, N,„Y.% being w e acquaint­ed with the merits bf Bly's^'OREAM B ' i L M ? ' coif., flriently recommend it to one pa_rons: a y i a n article of great mer i t : • ™

Oswego-*-Wm. J . Austin, J . R. PadMbck, H. 0 . Sharpe & Co., A . Bal tes . j

Water town—H.E. Conger & Co., Camp «fc Maa-sey, Homer H . Kice & Co. '

Syracuse— Kenyon, Potter & Co. C. ~W. S n o w & Co , Brown & Dawson , Cook & Plantj Smith & Daiton, Chas. Hubbard & Co- . Chas. KTVPowers,

E L Y CREAM BALM CO., janlO-ly . Owego, N . Y .


3 7 S e n e c a S t . (Cobb <fc Lewis Bl'k)

Geneva , Mrf Y., Is now 6pen for business, representing only first • ... ' . class; companies, as follows:

NORTH BRITISH AND UBECHAN. ~ TILS, of London and EdinbwrgTi.


WESTERN,. Toronto, Canada.

LAGAI88E G ENEBALE,Pwrk, France |

GIRARp, Philadelphia, Pa.

ORIENT, Hartford, Coim.

MERIDEN, Meriden, Conn,

REVERE* Boston, Mass.

ROCHESTER GERMAN,^ Rochester, N. 7i.

WATERTOWN FIRE, Watertown, N. 7.


» * wecan make for your interest to Insure witp us .both in security, and economy. Giye ua a call.

SAMUEL N. ANflfSONYi, ' , . , 8$nay ( , JAM^S O. SBTMOCR.

H A T S For Every body H a t s t o r t h e Middle-aged , f l a t s for t h e Y o u n g l l a n .

H a t s for t h e Y o u t b . BLats for t h e Boys .

H a t s for t h e Childveii. H a t s for t h e B a b y .

H a t s for t h e Poor . H a t s for t h e Biefc.

H a t s for t h e M e r c h a n t . H a t s fo r t h e M e c h a n i c .

H a t s for t h e F a r m e r .

Hats for all denominations and condi­tions of men.


156 Exchange Street,'"GENEVA

Which is-Ufter^'tbis season than e*er forew • i.fall line of Colored Grot

GifjKDres? S lks ;|or pnly„& doUara,vard>

b e -

Yon will always Regret it if you buy any other machine without firut seeing or trying

". the' White."

It Gives Universal Satisfaction*

Warranted for Five Years* Beware. u>f 3inita:ti»n^Machines, w i t h idefaced j .altered nmpberB on the shotle-race slide j

M.."Wy PAESONS, Agent , 35 Seneca 8t. , Geneva, N . Y .



*7iT-• V f O R T H E R N DISTRICT O F NJEW J O ^ K -X N A t P e n n Y a n , the 14tfc-«aj| J ^ t t S , A 1880 t-ctl'ts^i'H.

The undersigned hereby » v e s no t i ce o f pointment a»<"*"6aiEicee <oriBnSfll*Spencei audaigua,. i n the . county of Ontario, and N e w YOTfcfwithft* i&distriet ,%who__has


Heala io^pmesi ana pros-

Ohemicaf Compai w i thpraoc i •FSB RBA8C WHYl * ."''"* ; '

B r a a n ^ CHBIHOAI , COM mo makes coal last

SKaSMS*" 'COftl»»W - h ^ E ? D ' s C HWio-^- CC OPHD increases the, heating power of-Coal-bec seitprddnces a ttbst! perfect combustion of j s , . which! are thus ut iized and not allowed escape throiigh the fines; .or into the jrpom. . . . .- j ... .*

BBEBD'S CBPBHICII, Co DUNB prevents the iescapeWinoSaonotts-sases- acausethey are'con-sumedOTflithecoalasfast generated; adding a beautiful flaine to the glowi coals. ^ ^ - " w ^ s " ^ S ? ^ 1 3 ' 8 pHEmcALCoxi sn prevents cUnkei « S ? S ? ^ ? b e c a ? ^ . ' t h e b B a S gases prevent a S f e ^ r r ^ f S f ^ ^l1*' 50*>. witho%"whibh cimAer-cannot beformed. , i o^?J!?1>,s- opaHOAL Couujjxi prevents gas explosion m«tove or fonuu secanse theerploslve f n o w e d t o ^ S l e 3 ^ gfam<^ ^^°t

wS?i™T* r*fsom5 »nd i ly others, based on £1*1 £. o^" a n d ficientifle p tciples, no one; rising f^SL^ a ^ »ay, for heath cooking, or aaam-S S * * f # to g i "Breel's Chemical ££2???-? a ^ a r 5* n I tes*•'l b e conv&ceTof ffi S^T„ U t J - , W e taiow, an we want eve iy man, a ., -.-=-- .- - _ . t - , . woman and child to know 1 value; and"forthS 1 |ai4county on or before S S r i i ? » * S S 5 . w a a y o t i M 8 o f ^ " S t t c o a l * f W * ket r a S s l o f c o a f ^ ^ * &t t h e 1 < > W e 4 "»*-w ? r e e < i ' 8 0 hervlical C o n s u n d " can only be nad from s ^ LAMPORT & CO. c o ? i f s

fi n ^ h o i c e Ant ir; i te and Bituminous

t-oals, feDl2.'79tf J GENEVA. N. Y,

—st. A.D.,

and state of ' been ad-

> t.cj. Ei«aAMignee.

P n r s a a h t ^ ^ 4 ) r d l r " # t h ? - s \ n ^ | a i e of the CQWite.^M)<Mi»rto,no^oe3Js^reS3^x«5teteJ!ll»er-sons lavmgTdaims^agaiasir gh'auiggffTiate vftfae

ber, 1880. Dated, May 3d, 1880.

5may6m n •

C. A..SMITH, ' " &recutor.


Pursuant-ft) tfo.nrdSCof tte>i8jUc«B*te of th« county of Ontario, no t i ce i s -hereby given to

all nersoBB having claims .agajnst^^winJKe^bnm, late of the town of Geneva, Ontario. County, Stat» Of N e w York, deceased; f&presetft t h 6 *Sme,-wlth" todphefs- thereof, to the undersigned, executor of ftuFlaat* will of -said deceased, at the law office of John K'. Bean, Esq.; in the Villate o t .Geneva, in said, county on or before the 14th- nflaV -of October

' Dated i p r i l 8,-1S80.- "'' '" R*»™t™ 7apl6m.


i In Cheeks aniStripea f&m 50 cts. a yard np.!

Cheney Bps' Silks1

in Colors at a Blight facturer's priee£"

fiance on the man-rS have enlarged


Silk Detriment!

4 T B l&»". H. COON


NEW LOCATION, . 5 8 Seneca Street.


Tin, sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Stoves, flanges and all iron Goods Roofing and Bave Gutters, S inks , Pumps and Lead Pipe,Tin Copper, a n d Ironware, Yellow and Bock, inghata' GlJu'Sware, Stoves and Bangeajj, The besl

This season, and owiig^lo fortunate pur­chases made by ourjwsident New York

partner, Mx. Gl|, we are en-

aoled "Mp offerj


Than ever befdri in these goods.


Porks; Spades, Hoes, -Shovels and llttlces. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Brooms'and Head quarters for. Oil Stoves.

best able


! -r ^ ^ ^ ^ j * \

^4^M KSf'JM J^^H^v .-fil^PS

Wy ^SSk

liiwlri. ;"itr^n^

^0^fe :t^3!::...-r-?-:-'.:;;" f.

. /A

J3P W-A ' %& ^ES2**LL jrljfil

jpr^T^s| .J' LJ^jZWX


1^:5%' ^^9BH

fmr^ BL' ii^biB *

P t E'i i f • :

V^'l :'\~i WP^M

- - s b e ^ i S u ^ S o a ^^mme^^'MnorA, t


showin pen< frof

I M bill feir •«fo':£i2gA4$seA'T Urease of £l9,i*4,*9^%ofai|-" *

jth>?'18T^ j ''bufr^durinf ^Mfe-'ssMa the11 consumption of-tea3 afJcrtSased1

i&'flOiV®*;"ptittnds'.fo t60l6B2, s^ ;! oSM**- net".*m'o^nfr-f<if: 11547,993

ds; -' (Ehe~%re1»test['incyaseTinlfcd4 lota-af^ea'SpSPafi >^^iig>fiofr'bo|6

a.8aj?s'"4he! eor*8Sp6rideg^ ^ t a t o -i orete^in- teajdtir&gilig79' W.ool&rJare'a in.

1*78. and" oalclSlafJnf Mfie- eol '' crease at? th8 prices commiaify Mfi Iflhd

#hfle wb haver'sarM'arhitelifeatinjK ^ifi^orS Wie'snm of fl%WS|0goSlrejWb»ti-* tates we have U&ed-fia%*IoWed8tt us*&£lj-- 'Vm.* He-daytf es"fi'ai^lsWfeWT*e*d1l;^t': fe tfudges; both at 'MkrofiBste!?' ftna!Eiv%|boF; '«have'recently con^raifulated •j&mlhiitj'af-

-i-Htmwmt 6 " e h % v » ^ # e * i f i a p m t n ^ l j e ' "- mrich less-'of ^ d f^a fg 1 animal) thahrlie'was

<*'- ••< -y^T "•: . ' '"^'Iitt.' t . " M i " - " - " ' •' '>7 \

, - -^TheJ*r»hch. r-QoirerBmra^h^ apprp-' -pria,ted #20iOO€E t o ^ r * ^ * t f c < l h ^ ^ - t 6 ' -


prop&gftiion^f AmericS^grmp^^ne^stbckSt, f — kffesr ^ Ml'SainlflKXif iinanr,(^e«rsPt dark-;

-«ttoh1»^u^ni^<*fe' '^KnsSift died '»tuSt ' i Petersbttr^Xfi4«s^^mbrninFg.^ :.-A->U* I * ,s-- i^gasi peopleiiarBelgium- cell

•*' year;tlrthttietbi'lmjiversary of«i< -,-„-. . ••*, WRJ&S •• .Jan. ;&:v>s3 zJmd>Bigetowi*ay#:4hatt Mtt>

'••• - tm^mo^mme^a^kB^r^-^1^

thatB«a(aMt»Ain«S * w p * A * u t o ^

. -—[Albany^

CURES WHEN ALE OTHER MEDICINES FATL,! as!ft-aets airfectly *n theTKmnejS; t S v M r ^ d 5 S ^ I W S 5 t e ^ & ^ m a>K»nce.t9 hesjlthy action. HUNT'S REMEDYisasafe, sure and roeedy cure, arid hundredsftave testifiedto'harvmgbeencDredbyit .wheniDbysielans and ftjendAjhad'gj.ven;them up to

Do not delay;, try at once HUNT'S BEMEDY. die. - Send for pamphlet to

.cheapest.- AsfcyourdBuggistffir HON1

*3B3>3r... Take no other. , . j n J . F4J6Wjift^y,II. R. WIN Nil B.


e I size" the i SJKBM-*

Wwoan's A Severe Surgical Operation. It is'enduted wtth- \

out taking; Etoer-Subjeot,' Mrs1

ward Myers, of'Eondout, 11 ' • N . t : ,"•

(Prom the corresponddence of the Kingston, Ni X,.

. Thec8^e«niatrfeEawftr4^iyera1'Qr-»on^nt, N. iYv,furiiisheS& apt fflnstrartigb of woman*8 power dr'end'ttrahce.'' Ttfls wdy^haff been rresffed for

jnpqrh&iiti th^nsuaj way for erysipela^orthefiaud, .without beneflt.a Nojuntiiher, hand hadjhecpnie I

^a masssof putrffled flesh, did? she turn to. W. Ken­nedy; the/proprietor of tHe tt Favorite B|6nnedy,» iprhelp. , r t uHe»t once informed her thaji it was impossible tosavethe ;hand—H mu8tbe; ceived tbli'terrtble'hTtelligeiice qOietly, 'd'eclined

'o", take,,ejjtitfr?. 'sdpu'iating:, iiereiy ta''kolil.iitr |»nd.tsi Bft 'J*Bg.AI>e .operaaon^ andunder-

irent' tfiepafnfoi pracew; without-movingianmii-cig'^d^ermg-argtoan.' .ilr^K-ei'n^dytgeiisiivef •'Favorite Rejne.dji freely_t£L cleanse the blodd andprjiKBSJfeeseenPrpl-Afe'*!^?. »»d MrW

. Sites »uiireioicegiaheigreat.delivetance, ! .riPavMUe; iEemedyi ls> faatvoecomuig* trusted' f hatisettdTfftfriend in aa: dase» of female weakness \ »n3Wl«*»w of tthe Wood. Ojae: dollar, a bottle. |sY9grdni«^.tJfas}t.., , ^ ^ fx-T-i ,--tl .-i -.-•!•

V r f Mi- M i n t f e r :

. . , . t - . f -

jSifc-n'ASl'J^i* S r — ^wiV •^TiMWI f i t > l^j |


fnhutory ai 1 patriotis^i


General Repairing in all Branches-

Cash and-trade paid for old metals, rags, rubbers, &c. . Barter lb exchange. A great variety of bouse

h o l d goods as cheap as can be bought elsewhere. I- -. I- i l l , , 7 I «•• '

~ With the best shop in town, and employing none but skillful workmen., I will alwaysibe urepaied to •ftll orders for new^foods and for preparing, expedl-tjoustv and at moderate charges. - > <

> H E 0 . a G O O N . apr esm 68 Seneca Street, Qeneva.



87, 89 Genesee Street f

•A.-yZBTJ:E?.3SF, 3?T.."5r


The largest^tock (iff CUSTOM WOOtENSand . - • - ' • w . ..... T&» • '

.1 L-

\TtefafuM/um i i /C i - i

] in Western N. X.


mn ,&EPNTAifton l%f.toTtvyeriB'*BH0tneSTk>EAl,mfi Is the-

uarantee that yon.will be fairly dealt w i t h . . • -,." / « i .• : » . - j : <J 1 - - . . " ' •

6Tf tem«mber t h e PIao«t H o f . " , & i - i » ' l . - . ' - t . g i J l i - ..*•> :•' • • ' -

; :F-'l-- GRfSW0t,D * C O „ Hay^lm.' $ antfiBaWheieelS.,rk^nrAik "

ilki «a£D 'i*V « J .SL'tfitS 3£i3 1o il-ii;«i: . 1

( •'! 'lit «a£D 'ift' Pit a«f;IH 3Ui US « . . . J«* I

s ,auf3umMk N.itf- •Sti 4* ; j f / . r i ,«* .

ibber Hose, and: ines» conitantl; work promptl;

I am nowM for The Akron and FiMUigsv'w! purchased . .->f

**'S&^«ii«T£'-W. '

^ T i c t o i j a r *

' ' Atfue Cure W&^$Mm*i.; -• L

FitfgnF^art^guei DyspepiU(<Chronic I Jllver^n* SdbM^uiMwe. mte *freulartJ

jnneS lm


f o R ® l G H S [email protected] PULMONARY DISEASES. • : .Supplying the


Combined wi th


Endorttd by the Highest Medical Authority.

B. F . HOLL «% SON, S< ttor«d Itumfietsrsrs,

116 N . T h i r d S t . , P h l l a .

6 0 WJIIlam S t . , N e w Y o r k .


marlO ly


. »». ... / sitl •,'. . :.


rPatej^ees. (A

141 & 143 JN*. 4th"S±ree.t."

THIS INCOMPARABLE NUT.RIJIJfrjLS richt in bone and mubcle producing materials -fha

all other Tdrmg of malt or medicine, while free frot the objections.ftritfiflagainBfaialttliqnors. For dil flpplt digestipn^sickheadache, consumption, emac lation, •mentftfana' physical exhanstion,' uerrouss-neget%autof^Iee*p,^Ieerative}«ef^li;nesBesofifemale^

of .d.eiicate children,Mm Biuprp are the,j>nreai Best- anal W6«'efe^Mal•'medicine''ever'cOn? ppondddj Sold. eveBywhad*. iMAIiT BIEUME

GENTS WANTBli to canvass for the new a: beautifully illustrated work

•lA-Ui- 3HBEB lskni»n.tlisntlct.tecQrxl ofcblR tour thrppgh -SonAerfa I States , Cuba and Mexico, with coihpl te historv rff f^ail'Coniitrle&iln*bia"So&c» o7>*entrBl"*naH8j»t)j,

?iid(-btographlB^»ketchof. *rdina For w etti:

circulars add'terme, add feijPhtl&eTpHfa.'flRL - ~

resB, H."

To Nervou Sufferew-The, Great Europea J SenW-Dr . ^>^^ ih , | i 6 l ' « 4 ' - , ^ s

18peciflCMedicine- ° lus -V. Or.

ave • .J. B ,S impson' s Spgqiflc Medicintiilifpa.a.-poi '•fafPlte Hpetnniro"rraeartopo^n:c>T"WeaH

l . in«!»i*ndiamdisea8es TesjUttog^om»SelfiAbUB? "ervousi debi l i tr irtatability, Mental anxiet,

dbTiS-'Ea»sitinde,-»DepreiBioh"Of Spir i t s :S . i fhnctiqn'a) ^e^angements^ofi ^tbg^eryona aj Btp »" .''Vminim: •• " » i i a i « n - l . ' i .KeneraTlT; i'.|piiiiiiitheh«cic.'

ttemorj, x reml . tirtepidagiedjpdi lifseases ^nat5 lead b t o ' Cod^k

.-toatfce-r h o w shattered the system may be from exceesesaof

^e^^«p?Bdonoy gw ^ p ^ c ^ p ^ t e b e " imjmi$ML'


,--,, niw »©L get Jim iff in Genera bvZOBI w> ^^.TO^«,^

,? ;0»ed-»itb* Schoolscaa beifoondJat

No. 190 Exchange Street, Geneva Is offeting at lowest m j ^ ^ ^ j f e f e a>full line of

Liquors • Foreign -an^ £Soni8stio And Hie Cefebi-'ate'd G r e e t !

••*,'*••• ' • • • • - .. . . .

In bbls., « bbls andwbhls. Also, these fine aless on draught and'fpy sale"by tBe measure: "Is also

BOTTLING LA<JiiR . Prom the manufactory .of . the RQiOHE8!$ER BBBWINQ- OpifPASY. TJmyersally. conceded to be the best in market, .Hotels , Salbons and PamllieB supplied to any 'quaimty S^lOwesPrates j Give our goods atrial—we kn'ow-J they"'*will;»plea8e you:- • •„'- iD,SDfeJjv-AN, . '"

ajuivlv 2d door sou^h of Buridn's Hote. .

For Sunday Schools! O l t T E M P E R A N C E I


a. A. Hoffman, h a s every qualification to be a stan­dard TeinperanceSon& Book, iChoice hymns, and s o n i ? s , a n d . m u s i c in excellent taste, are found throughout. There arfe -nearly a hundred songs . Specimen copies mai led for 86 cents . ,$3.60 per dozen. ' The older and larger book, Hull's Temperance Glee.Book, (40ctslretains, i ts great popularity. W H I T E R C J B E S t The"purest, WHITE KOBES ! W H I T E K O B B S ! sweetest and WHITfi iHOBES! WHITJJlOBeS!, „bq8to£ r WfflTB.RO£ES! WHITE. ROBES LSnuday School W H I T E R O B E S ! W H I T E ' E O B E S - rSp-toFSooks"." WHITfi' ROBES 1

"Mailed for 30' cents'. $3 p e r dozen, " ' '


a perfect electric l ight for radieDC* and.hcanty . Has 32 of the very best songs by 37- of tin w y best antnors, and sells for $1,0 per hundred. Mailed for 13 cents .

N e w H i - h Schoo l 'Song Book, The Welcome Chorus, is nearlyithronpii thfepreBS,

Oliver Ditsoao, & Co., Bsston, ' C. H . D I T S O H & CO.. 843 Broadway, N . Y.

Warranted the Best Steam Heat ing Boi ler made ; . in the United States.

Self Feeding, Self Regulating, Requires attention but once in 24 hours, and

you have a W a r m H o u s e h y N i g h t a s W e l l a s b y D a y .


Sehd.for pripe^ and references .

New York"Central Iron Works.

GeneyaN. Y. 6nov W. B . DUNNING.

Account Sales Rendered Every Week.

BALLARD. BRANCH & Co. 1 1 2 B r o a d S t . , (cor Water) JJ- Y -

Produce Commission Merchants Dealers In Butter, Kggs, Cheese, Apples. Beans

Hops, Poultry,jCorn, WooV Beeswax, Honey, Tab low, Lvrd, I<anibg, Wild Game, Dried Fruits. Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cider "Vinegar, Furs.Rags Onions, Tobacco, Maple Sugar, etc.,etc.H Peaches, and Berries of all kinds.

A J L X , S-AXiEFS l * T T A . R A T S r T K E : X ) Send invoice by mail the day you Ship.

Commission for selling, 2>£ to 5 per cent. i maj5 3m


We are in daily receipt of all the a e w and choice designs direct Tram the looms,

MATTINGS 200 Pieces New Mattinsjs just landed, FANCY

CHECK and WHITE,in all auafitles.



Alljat the lowest market prices.

Howe & Rogers, 37 STATE ST.,

R O C H E S T E R . May 7th, 1880.—hmyT2

T F you are suffering frontiver Complaint USB

CUEATiyEBITTERS If you are troubled v ih Dypspsia U S E

OURATIYiBITTERS. If you are nervous an} cannot sleep U S E

C U R A T r V H B I T T E R S . If yon are weak and debililted andneed a tonic use

C U R A T I Y B B I T T E R S . -» If you are suffering Jom Headache, U S E

CURATIVI BITTERS; ' If your Blood is poorer Impoverished, USE

GURATIVEI BITTERS. If you have Dizziness of the Head, USE

C U R A T I V E BITTEJIS.,* If your Appetite is poor, U S E

C U R A T I V E B I T T E R S . If you have Eruptions of the Skin, U S E

C U R A T I V E B I T T E R S .


Sweet . and H. K. W i n n i e .

MANUPACTJ SBJBY * WalTcinshaw, I2g$&it&g& Co.,

10mar6m "f§ BATAVU* N. Y.



J&HfCrJLY. ^ A g B R I L L I A ! 4 *


P * V A .<" Geneva. K, Y,,

w t


i:tep^ JOHNia£yf#s^co/!

MWYORK'" ; 93 Maiden Lane , ' l

'••IKp Sal iifacfeon^ui^an^d.' ffall1 at. ^rwmB'S ,«l^l5S4STl^Eyiforav«aiaple



*n&**i*1i - 'Jrr'f'r r i ' " m ' J i ' t-

*tca are mold Pi torugxteta

<ii 1


a i . l r J Iv i t ,

• Illustrated catalbruwjtee; Addrta. lUfe^gflgiigton^g^^ ^ . ( _

|esnbmu«.iO»apfer, b o k M S

to E S . ^ o ^ 6 1 i # ^&r t\Jt ^Bk&et^ B«tt*W W«aMng

•*mjnm.-._.. rSrif.oway,

It PnbUiher o t « •mowing,'

Cfiirev-I aipitatitAi .oiJKtho Heart j- Nervousness, Trsmblings; Nervous Headache, LeuedrrhcEa, Cold Handa and PeeJfc.Pain in the Back, and other forms of jEeuijdeiWe.akness. They enrich andjimprpye the ^naniy of the Blood, purify •and brighten" 'the'" Complexion, allay Nervous irritation, and: secure Refreshing Sleep. Just •%he remedy needed by. women whcse-pale, color­less faces) show t ig abspnee of Iron in the Blood. Kemember that I r o n , is one of the constituents of "the Biqod 'ancT Is the grreat t o n i c . The Iron'Pills' are also valuable" for men who are

•'froubled'With (Nervous Weakness, Night Sweats, Stc- Pricey B qep,ta perjbox. Sent by mail. Ad­dress, p A R T E - R M E D I C I N E C O . ,

2 2 P a r k Place, N e w York. * SoldT>y Druggists everywhere.

™t ut -jiinL .'. >..,^;i j .... , :—:—*



LIVER COMPLAINTS,, ^Constipation and Piies^;

» M ! K . H . OLAKE,SotatiiHerd,V».,«ay«,

I.''in owe. of KTi»lfiEY TKOUBLES It has Acted U f c t K b u n . Ithnsojnrodmiuiy very badoaaesof PILES, and lias never failed to set efflclejiijjf',, \\~

JTEJJSONFJ^CHIXI),»f St-AlhaM,Vt., I «ra , "it Is of prloeloas value. After *i±tee&~| yea*» oi treat JrifferUJr from PUu tmi *"•-1 tiyeneu It completely onred me."

C. S. HOSABON,<rfBerlulilre, cays, • paekacslia*done.; wonder* Xgr me> In com-ipletely enriac a aeTere JAr'tx and ^lduey I 'Ct^atat?*' \



MKIdnej(,andAlrln^ry^t#eaae«^Bil7 Ipusnops. Jaundice , Constipation, PI?&,^r In F^eumatl . 'm, Neuralgia

:aNdFemaf*icUm&d!Br«., ,( -,- . , ,v ,

T H E M A . L L . O R Y

Patent Air Closet, Superior to either Earth or "Water Closets (

They can be set in a bedroom, hall, or at the bed s ide of the sick. Warranted absolutely ree from, odor, whithput the use of charcoal, earth, aehes or any other deoderizer. By a simple contrivance, the disagreeable odors and poisonous gasses are carried off into the chimney instead of escaping into the room. I t i - the„ex[.prience of every person who has used Earth Closets, that .even with a liberal dse of lime and other deodorizers, they cannot be kept from foul odors. T h e Mallory Air Closet is in use in more than two hundred families in New London County, everyone of which have been sold on trial, and opportunity for test ing t e merits claimed for it before payment. This closot gives great satis-fact on at C m p Meetinggrounds.suinmet cottages and for use on yachts. To sum up the superiority ofthis over all others, possessed by the A i r C k s e t . POSITIVE FREEDOM PROM ODOR; SIMPLICI­TY O F CONSTRUCTION, there, being n o compli­cated machinery to g e t out of order: compact and convenient shape, and when upholstered, making'

fn ornamental as w ell as useful piece of furniture; 'rice, which i s 50 per cent, less thaD i s asked for

|- inferior closets ..and i s within the reach of alL Tes­timonials can be obtained of agents. Manufactured, and for sate by New London Air Closet Co. , N e w London, Conn For sale by R . JAMIESON. 68 Sen" ca Street. Geneva. marlO

BB#BP» nk>o»lina^&^iiai^^iridlVrep^d; -j^Onepacki^wlilm^esIi'qtsofmedlbine.l

| • im l tki 'the M»]£U£"*rfee1 al.OO.

1 3 A H-Hprilactaa, V t


petftck e(flurtrr,;«nd mti:

Grain-GTOwinttfffQrlsi. ^ T •art yet ihonuah- threiher,

petficn tlmn*r,,*na eniir* favdt ot fM Idnds-and coiidU3ons of^rafn* and 1tex and txmathifsetcti.

.It. fctOTOIllOUS.»the only machine that is a nieces* in all. kinds o f tliresbinif and a lailnre fn_rione; '"*". -

NOTOR iaU»;m«the 8««>ri«, mott durable, and , ' STtAMr^TMRESHERS » Mcialty. -Their

-"^«npertoritjritf^J«8»i4inth trurt, ui icknowled«ed . ;«rtiayk*fctti4 liorid..

-.« f^'m" - - ' •

•m I Ttf-A#teVt»*a W»n »i>PSire«aer-:

idfiaffif«»yfcfc.S&^^s-ineSUchiaee. .

^Intentional ComnHminJ^to^ f^ennlnt! J

, jut'* iTodVnor libldb Ithe.

zjaaiss u':.7?-

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e ^ N . Y ^ceipt of proportionate price per volume,

SPECIAL Discounts to all early subscribers, and extra discounts toclnbB.

National Normal Musical Inst i tute N . Y., Will hold i ts next se«sion at Jamestown,

commencing July 13th, continuing four closing Aug. 6th.

OBJECT OF T H E I N S T I T U T E . 1st. Preparation of *hose w h o . desi e t o teach

mns/.c. 2d. Thelmprovemeht of teachers already in the

work. 3d. The advancement of all, whether teachers or

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ciation by' 'fine performers of ' instrumental and vocal music, and the study of useful.and standard works under competent conductors.

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This Institute brings within the reach of all, as fine an opportunity for musical education as can be obtained aDywhere, It. Is universally conceded that-Dr Root is at the head of this work. His methods are by Aany considered the best, and hi pupils as a whole,- have been the mo^t tocoessfn teachers and conductors in this country since the establishmentoriJormal institutes in 1852

I Circulars sent free to any address on application fto John Chnrrtf SCO.,"Ciricmnati, Root & Sons,'

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commended as an, unfai jog cure for SEMINAL WEAK­NESS, SPERMA­TORRHEA, IMPO-TENCY, and vail diseases that fol­low* as acbnse-

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QTJPREME COURT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO James C. McNamara against Win. Brick.

To the.abx>vename$ Defendant.:-; , You are hereby smnmbned, 16 answer the com­

plaint In this action, sndSto aerre a< copy of your anewer o» the plaintiff's attorneti. within twenty dayrafter the service o? thiBJsafl3aWrti8j exclusive of the day o f ^ jy i t j e 5jao£ ( to „casesrOf your . fail­ure to" appear or answer, judgment wif lbe taken against you by' default f p r tbej relief demanded in the complaint. " * _^

D W I G H T B . g A C H | S N S T 0 8 E , Plaintiffs Attorney;

Geneva, ^ f a r i d f^innty,"N. Y. Dated this g9tb dav otApr8 t i J8gJ. 3K1—Thi " To W I L L I A M B B I C K I — T h e fi

served upo&^ou byTpabucattoa, der of Hon.-.Wm. H- Smittu Ontario 'county Ju< dhteutBe-Sf fedayXt XprTt, lSuVSnunled'with complaint in the office of the clerk;of OntAdo connt>


ling summons is ureittani toanor-

;e e

at Canandaigna, N . Y . 5mayW- ' - Plaiht i f fs "Attorney.

toOT£T( _ VV the payment of the moBe7^an*a,by a cer •

tain mortgage bearing,-date Ihe Mth day of October. 1871^ made toff^iecuteu Vr[betstge7. Bland audiJSaryiJape.Bj*nfl,f Ws wltef'-uf^tbe vil­lage of Geueva, Ontario county, N. Y., as mort-gagorsrto Ubinenss PH>ftty,j«f the" same place, which said mortgage was recomied in flie, clert's ofOee of theconnty of «nt*rie> aforesala. W Bosk of Mortgages iJo^8J,-at P^ge^32iOn:ihe;:lTQi day of Noveihber, ISH^ at l i o'clock I . M.

Ana whereas the ajnomrt dlalmed tb tte- due on • the^aid mortgage, pt thesdate ot M&< flret publl-catfon of HMssotfce; Is rne^iun? of rouF^nared" and seyenty-flvfi dollars jtthd ieigkty*iRht"cents> namely *350 for principal, and $125 88-10p for in­terest, andithat sald^nm'iff the' Whbl& !smonrit of said ;mortgage, both principal sud. Interest, re-mainingunpaid. ' J . M . M ^ -. Now therefore, notice i s hereby glven^ accord ing

to statute in sucb case made and -nrpviaed. t h a t by virtue of the power of g#el-.conttuiDea^hr-Baia. mortgage.duly recorded aiere^tri^^orf«|d,|ii» safd mortgage will be foreclosed by a sue of the premiee- herein described.- bytKe satt«eW»er^itb* mortgagee publicancpton o n Eridaj . the sixth day of AtigMpim^WcMoWWvie-forenoon of that day, at the front door of the Franklin Honst in tfie Vfllage of't3eiieva fu saia county of Qutacio.- . ,ui • w» t >•«• i>st\

The following is a description of the mongaged premises, so as aforesaid te behold, substantially as they are contained in, the.safd, mortgage, viz •• AU that tract or parcel Of land aKua'W''ln tfie vil­lage of <>ei)eva, couoty of Ontario-and> State of ^ew Yorfe, and described as follows; Purty feet frdht and rear and 20 rod* deep off The' west" tads' or end of a piece of land, © j n i u g M.tfi8,nortu-

\ easC 'corner of a lot now or, lately occu­pied by;John-Bland, of:6ener^ thehce" east eight rods to the npnth-west conjeir of a loUately ,pccu-picfliyjohn Dflfffti-; aienee'soutS aloyr^aforDnf-fJn'a west.JiuejtwenJiy-todsJjt&eaee s»8fcalong and in the highwaj eight rods to the south-easfc'3»or-ne e lot aforesald;oconpied% Mdr3"6hriB"land; thence alunferaereaat oneof..the aaidjpt twenty rods to the "place of Seginiung,* oeuw '*^»ortion of Jhe preuiiseax:onVeyedloee8igeJ«c®»fi- by Godfrey J. Grosvenor by deed record^HffiOntario County Clerfe's office in Book 64 of w e W a t Page 154, and.being the..sanje pxemlfOaigflnVeyeil by John' Bland to Ge'ofge J i ^ l a l i d ^ F d e e d dated MarctatelghteentaijJ l§a^KiHd teenraea on the nineft^ffi day 0-f^l3lf«Hjff8a7, in Book 138 of

DatedSt Geneva" N. Y., the 12th day of May - * 1880. PHDSKHAS PROHTY,

MASOK <fc ROSE, Attorneys, Mortagagee. ^ " fV. jgy-magig


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