hrans - communicating to connect

Gaining Commitment and Getting Results Communicating To Connect with Your Audience

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Gaining Commitment and Getting Results

Communicating To Connect with Your


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The Situation:

“We’ve been taught that once you’ve got a good idea or solution, and you’re convinced it’s a good idea, that it’s just a matter of presenting it in a clear and logical way, and a reasonable group of people will see it. The reality is that we are presenting to human beings, who have anxieties, contrary opinions, and fears …”

John Kotter, Professor, Harvard Business School

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The result is that about 70% of ideas do not gain buy-in to create results.

Your idea may not be enough.

No ! Yes, I'm In



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Session Objectives

Understand your target audience

Connect your message in a meaningful


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The Mission of HR:

“Increase the success of the organization by improving the decisions that depend on or impact people.”

John Boudreau, The New Science of Human Capital

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It is crucial to communicate in a manner that connects with the audience ...... and speaks to what is important to them.

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The Central Issue:

Understanding your audience and presenting the message based on what is important to them and in a way that resonates with them.

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The Result:

Organizations with higher communication effectiveness have a 47% higher total return to shareholder than those that are least effective in communications.

Towers Watson 2009/2010

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Imagine …

HR is an integral part of leadership and development of business strategy.

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What would happen?

What would it take?

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The Result:

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The Result:

Current Communication Effectiveness in Canada

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We need to improve our communication effectiveness by aligning with who and what is most important.

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Two parts are needed:

1. Take a consultative approach

2. Understand the impact of personality

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“Leaders of the past knew how to tell –

leaders of the future will know how to ask.”

Peter Drucker

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Part 1: The Consultative Approach

Matching the “selling” process with the “buying” process

Mismatch of focus for sellers and buyers is the reason 70% of sales do not happen.

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The Consultative Approach:

The Buying Process

1. Recognition of needs2. Evaluation of options3. Resolution of concerns4. Decision and implementation

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The Consultative Approach:

The Buying Process

Where does the average selling process start?

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The Consultative Approach

Ask questions first to understand the audience and determine the message that will appeal.

1. Situational based questions2. Problem based questions3. Implication based questions4. Need-Payoff based questions

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The Consultative Approach

You need to determine:

• What are the opportunities?• What are the challenges and blocks for

people?• What are the capabilities needed for

people to move forward?• What are the results and outcomes

desired?• What are the feelings?

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The Consultative Approach

By understanding the important needs, you then can …

• Provide direction• Provide confidence• Provide capability• Provide action

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The Consultative Approach

Spend time initially asking question to determine the buyer’s needs and match your initiative with what is most important to the buyer.

Without aligning solutions with needs, nothing happens.

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The Consultative Approach

The Consultative Selling Solutions ProcessHandout

Using The Consultative Selling Solutions Process

The Buyer's Process

Recognition of Needs Evaluation of Options Resolution of Concerns Decision and Implementation     

Define the Opportunity and DissatisfactionAssessment and Comparison of Possible Choices and Directions

Testing Direction against Selection Criteria Reinforce the Decision

The Seller's Process

Situation Questions Provide Direction Criteria Discussion Process and Progress 

Establish Context 

Single point and one thing to remember Uncover and influence decision criteria Outline steps and confirm progress      

Importance Questions Provide Confidence Confirmation

Define opportunities and critical issuesStrategy to capture opportunities and

resolve challenges Fit solution to criteria   

Challenge Questions Provide Capabilities  

Obstacles in getting to opportunities and critical issues

How you will make it happen and resulting benefit / feelings



Implications Questions Provide ActionImpact of not capturing opportunities or

resolving challenges Next steps - who does what by when? 

Capabilities Questions

What would help to resolve the situation? 

Benefits QuestionsWhat would be the outcome and how would

they feel?

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Part 2: The Personality Consideration

Personality affects how we communicate and connect.

You and your audience may be different.

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Leadership Communication: The Power to Connect

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Leadership Communication: The Power to Connect


1. Communication of Vision and Purpose 59.7%

2. Communication of Decision Making 59.6%

3. Communication of Team Building and Performance 61.5%

4. Communication for Clarity and Expectations 61.1%

5. Communication for Empowerment 57.5%

6. Communication for Feedback and Growth 53.7%

7. Communication for Interpersonal Relationships 61.0%

8. Communication for Resistance and Conflict 58.0%

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Leadership Communication: The Power to Connect

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The leader personality and workforce personality disconnect.

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49 51

73 27

40 60

54 46






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56 44

55 45

79 21

64 36






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Kolbe: Instinctive Strengths

FactFinder FollowThru QuickStart Implementor

Resist 13% 26% 27% 42%

Accommodate 53% 53% 33% 48%

Insist 34% 21% 40% 12%

Natural InstinctZone

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The key is to communicating to connect with your

audience starts with self-awareness.

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Then you must seek to understand your audience to enable communication that


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The Application:

You want to bring forward a career development initiative that has been indicated by the workforce as highly supportive of increased engagement, performance, and retention.

How would you prepare to present your solution to the senior leadership for buy-in?

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Consider this …

Where does your strategy require people that are better than your competitors?

Find the pivot points.

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The Bottom Line:

“Activities that fail to add value are not worth pursuing….no matter how interesting or valuable an activity may seem … it must improve life for the key stakeholders in ways they are willing to pay for.”

Dave Ulrich, The HR Value Proposition

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Value is defined by the receiver, not the giver, and any value proposition begins with a focus on the receivers, not the givers.

HR professionals must keep a direct line of sight between their activities and the business strategy.

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The Most Pressing Problems Facing Leaders

• Execution against the strategy• Teamwork at the executive team

level• Top line growth and productivity

Conference Board of Canada 2010

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HR Professionals must …

• Increase customer share by connecting with target customers

• Help managers deliver strategy by growing organizational capabilities

• Have a strategic plan that aligns with the business goals

• Align the organizations with the strategy of the business

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The success of an HR initiative is not in its

design or implementation but in its ability to

positively impact the organization’s business


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Understand your audience…

…to create communications that connect, gain buy-in, and move initiatives forward.

Opportunities Challenges


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The power to communicate and connect to gain buy-in is critical to success.

It is not up to your audience to understand – it is your role.

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