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Page 1: HSC Modern History PHSmodernhistoryplumpton.weebly.com/.../2011_modern_hist…  · Web viewHIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. EXAMINATION. Modern History . Section II — National Studies



Modern History

General Instructions Reading Time – 5 minutes Working Time – 3 hours Write using black or blue pen A source booklet is provided at

the back of this paper Write your student number at

the bottom of this page

Total Marks - 100

Section I Pages 2–6

25 marksThis section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Part A – 15 marks Attempt Questions 1–8

Part B – 10 marks Attempt Question 9

Section II Pages 7–9

25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 10–18 Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section III Page 10

25 marks Attempt BOTH parts of Question 19 Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section IV Pages 11–12

25 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 20–26 Allow about 45 minutes for this section

THIS PAPER CANNOT BE RELEASED IN PUBLIC UNTIL AFTER 26TH AUGUST 2011This paper is used with the understanding that it has a Security Period.

Student Number: __________________________________

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Modern History HSC Trial 2011

Section I — World War I 1914–191925 MarksAllow about 45 minutes for this section

Part A – 15 marks Attempt Questions 1–8Allow about 25 minutes for this part

For multiple-choice questions, fill in the response oval next to the alternative that best answers the question.

For other questions, answer in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response.

Use Source A to answer Questions 1–2.

1. What is the purpose of this source? 1

(A) to influence British women to encourage their men to go to war (B) to influence men to enlist in the army (C) to convince women to engage in “war work” (D) to convince women that war is necessary

2. What evidence does this source provide about WW1? 1

(A) the shortage of men in the British army during WWI (B) the important role of women as mothers during WWI (C) the value to the British government of female support during WWI (D) the vulnerability of British women during WWI

Use Source B to answer Questions 3–4.

3. Which of the following is suggested about the impact of war on British women? 1

(A) Women achieved equality in employment when war broke out (B) The outbreak of war had little impact on employment of women. (C) Women had to join a trade Union to get a job after war broke out. (D) The outbreak of war led to increased employment of women.

4. Which two of the following statements best describe the impact of war on women’s lives in Britain and Germany?


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Modern History HSC Trial 2011

i. The war led to equal pay for men and women by 1918.

ii. The war led to employment opportunities for many women for thefirst time.

iii. Women played a vital role in the continuation of the war effort.

iv. The war had little effect on women’s lives.

(A) i and ii (B) ii and iii (C) iii and iv (D) i and iii

Use Source C to answer Questions 5–6.

5. What does James Gerard suggest was the reason for introducing the ration card system in Germany?


(A) the price of a goose was too high (B) food was scarce (C) public places were closed (D) there was a breakdown in transportation

6. James Gerard suggests that the impacts of war in Germany were 1

(A) economic and social. (B) economic and political. (C) political and industrial. (D) minimal.

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Modern History HSC Trial 2011

7. Use your own knowledge and Source D to give THREE reasons why the livesof British women were changed as a result of war.


8. Use your own knowledge and Source E to answer this question.

Outline the British and German soldiers’ experience of war.


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Modern History HSC Trial 2011

Part B – 10 marksAttempt Question 9 Allow about 20 minutes for this part

Answer the question in the space provided. This space provides guidance for the expected length of response.

Question 9 (10 marks)

How useful would Sources E and F be for a historian studying the LudendorffOffensive and entry of the USA as turning points in the war?

In your answer, consider the perspectives provided by the TWO sources and the reliability of each one.

Question 9 continues on page 6

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Question 9 (continued)

End of Section 1

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Modern History HSC Trial 2011


Modern History

Section II — National Studies

25 marksAttempt ONE question from Questions 10–18Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet.

In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately present a sustained, logical and cohesive response

Question 10 – Option A: Australia 1945–1983 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was immigration responsible for changes in Australian society in the period 1945–1983?



(b) Assess the reasons for the defeat of the Labor government in 1949. 25

Question 11 – Option B: China 1927–1949 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was the Long March responsible for the ultimate victory of the Chinese Communist Party?



(b) Assess the role and impact of the leadership of Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) in Chinese resistance to Japanese imperialism.


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Question 12 – Option C: Germany 1918–1939 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was the Great Depression responsible for the collapse of the Weimar Republic?



(b) Assess the impact of Nazi racial policy on German society and politics. 25

Question 13 – Option D: India 1919–1947 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was communalism more important than nationalism in the period 1919–1947?



(b) Assess the role of Ghandi in shaping Indian nationalism in the 1920s. 25

Question 14 – Option E: Indonesia 1959–1998 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did Indonesia’s foreign policy affect domestic politics from 1959–1965?



(b) Assess the various challenges to the Suharto regime. 25

Question 15 – Option F: Japan 1904–1937 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was Japan successful in achieving the aims of its foreign policy in the period 1904–1937?



(b) Assess the significance of modernisation and urbanisation in Japanese society in the 1930s.


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In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately present a sustained, logical and cohesive response

Question 16 – Option G: Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1941 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did ideology affect Soviet foreign policy in the period 1917–1941?



(b) Assess the reasons for the triumph of Stalin as the leader of the USSR in this period.


Question 17 – Option H: South Africa 1960–1994 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did Mandela’s leadership of the ANC affect resistance to apartheid?



(b) Assess the reasons for the collapse of apartheid. 25

Question 18 – Option I: USA 1919–1941

(a) To what extent did domestic pressures affect US foreign policy in the period 1919–1941?



(b) Assess the impact of government intervention in ending the Great Depression in the USA.


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Section III — Personalities in the Twentieth Century

25 marksAttempt BOTH parts of Question 19 Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet.

In this answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately present a sustained, logical and cohesive response

Answer BOTH parts of this question in relation to ONE of the twentieth-century personalities listed below.

Write the name of the personality you have studied at the top of your answer booklet under your student number.

Question 19 (25 marks)

(a) Describe the personal background and historical context of your chosen personality.


(b) ‘Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.’ Theodore Roosevelt

Assess the relevance of this statement to the personality you have studied.


The personalities prescribed for study are listed below

1 Yasser Arafat 10 Mohammed Ali Jinnah 19 Leni Riefenstahl

2 Joseph Benedict Chifley 11 Alexandra Kollontai 20 Eleanor Roosevelt

3 Herbert Evatt 12 Douglas MacArthur 21 Albert Speer

4 Mikhail Gorbachev 13 Nelson Mandela 22 Achmad Sukarno

5 Emperor Hirohito 14 Golda Meir 23 Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)

6 Ho Chi Minh 15 Robert Gordon Menzies 24 Leon Trotsky

7 Kita Ikki 16 Bernard Law Montgomery 25 Woodrow Wilson

8 William Randolph Hearst 17 Jawaharlal Nehru 26 Isoruku Yamamoto

9 J Edgar Hoover 18 Ian Paisley 27 Zhu De (Chu Teh)

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Section IV — International Studies in Peace and Conflict

25 marksAttempt ONE question from Questions 20–26Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet.

In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately present a sustained, logical and cohesive response

Question 20 – Option A: Anglo-Irish Relations 1968 – 1998 (25 marks)

(a) Assess the impact of terrorism on the civilian populations of Northern Ireland and the British mainland in the period 1968-1983.



(b) To what extent were the approaches of Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern successful in addressing the problem of Northern Ireland?


Question 21 – Option B: Conflict in Europe 1935 – 1945 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did D Day contribute to the final defeat of Germany in the European War?



(b) Assess the significance of the Nazi-Soviet non-Aggression Pact to the outbreak of war in 1939.


Question 22 – Option C: Conflict in Indochina 1954 – 1979 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did the impact of war on civilians in Indochina lead to the communist victory in the period 1968-1979?



(b) Assess the consequences of the Vietnamese victory against the French for Indochina in the period 1954-1964.


Question 23 – Option D: Conflict in the Pacific 1937 – 1951 (25 marks)

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(a) To what extent was the United States justified in its use of the Atomic bomb? 25


(b) Assess the impact of Japanese foreign policy on the growth of Pacific tensions in the period 1937-1941.


Question 24 – Option E: Arab-Israeli Conflict 1948 – 1996 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent did the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the election of Netanyahu impact on the peace process in 1996?



(b) Assess the impact of the Israeli invasions of Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 on the course of the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Question 25 – Option F: The Cold War 1945 – 1991 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent were US attitudes and policies under Reagan responsible for ending the Cold War?



(b) Assess the impact of the early crises: the Berlin blockade and airlift, China becoming communist in 1949 and the Korean War, on the origins of the Cold War.


Question 26 – Option G: The United Nations as Peacekeeper 1946 – 2001 (25 marks)

(a) To what extent has the United Nations been effective in its continuing efforts to promote disarmament and prevent nuclear proliferation?



(b) Evaluate the effectiveness of UN humanitarian agencies in meeting the humanitarian challenges that faced the international community in the period up to 2001.


End of paper

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Modern History Source Booklet


Detach this source booklet

Source A Page 2

Source B Page 2

Source C Page 3

Source D Page 3

Source E Page 4

Source F Page 4

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Source A

British Poster, 1916

Source B

Women and Employment in Great Britain During WWI

Female Trade Union Membership

No. of women in Civil Service

Proportion of women in total employment

1914 357 000 33 000 24%

1918 1 000 000+ 102 000 38%

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Source C

Extract from former American ambassador, James Gerard’s My Four Years in Germany, 1917

As food became scarce green vegetables and fruits were exempt from the ration card system, as were chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and game. Because of these exemptions the rich usually managed to live well, although the price of a goose rose to ridiculous heights... In the third winter of the war, owing to a breakdown of means of transportation and want of labourers, coal became very scarce. All public places, such as theatres and picture galleries, were closed in Munich for want of coal. In Berlin the suffering was not so great, but even the circus elephants were pressed into service to draw the coal carts from the railway stations...As more and more men were called to the front, women were employed in unusual work. The new underground railroad in Berlin is being built largely by female labour. Women are employed on the railroads, working with pickaxes on the road bed. The card system was applied to meat, potatoes, milk, sugar, butter and soap.

Source D

British women working in a munitions factory, 1917

public domain photograph

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Source E

Erich Ludendorff's Official Report on the Opening of the Spring Offensive, 21–28 March 1918

At most places the battered-in trenches were over-run, and the survivors came rushing towards the Germans minus their weapons and with their hands in the air.

At other places the English are defending themselves with great stubbornness... 

On the whole front of attack the German infantry, determined upon victory, unceasingly pressed forward. The German artillery fire had produced its effect. The strong obstacles which had been prepared during many months were destroyed.

The English trenches were transformed into graves, which were full of dead. Whilst the first lines in places were only thinly occupied, the English offered a brave resistance in their second position, which was broken down in a desperate struggle. The dugouts had to be taken in hard hand-to-hand fighting.

Here the superiority of the German infantry showed itself in the best light.  Unexpectedly commenced and extremely effective, German artillery preparation only allowed the counter-effect of the English to be brought into action gradually. The German losses were thus surprisingly light...

The English suffered unusually heavy losses during their fruitless counter-attacks... The superiority of the German leaders and troops made itself felt to the full...

Source F

Two US soldiers run past the remains of two German soldiers towards a bunker. Photographed c.1917-1918,

published 1922, US Library of Congress

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HSC Trial Modern History Marking Guidelines


1 2 3 4 5 6A C D B B A

Question 7

Criteria Marks Provides THREE reasons including at least ONE from the source 3

Provides TWO reasons which may or may not be from the source 2

Provides ONE reason which may or may not be from the source 1

Question 8

Criteria Marks Provides a clear outline with specific use of the source and use of own

relevant knowledge Demonstrates sound knowledge of the experience of British and German

soldiers Includes accurate details of the change in British and German soldiers’

experience of war over time


Demonstrates relevant knowledge and makes reference to the source Makes generalisations about British and German soldiers’ experience of war May refer to change in British and German soldiers’ experience of war


Demonstrates some use of own knowledge and / or source relying on simple description about British and German soldiers’ experience of war 1-2

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Question 9

Criteria Marks

Makes a sophisticated judgement which demonstrates a thorough understanding of BOTH sources in the context of their usefulness

Provides a comprehensive consideration of reliability and clear understanding of perspective in the context of the question


Makes a clear judgement about the usefulness of BOTH sources to the question but may be uneven in its treatment

Provides a detailed consideration of reliability and clear understanding of perspective in the context of the question


Attempts an assessment of the usefulness of BOTH sources to the question, with some reference to perspective and reliabilityOR

Provides some consideration and evaluation of the usefulness of ONE source to the question and its perspective and reliability


Generalises about the usefulness of the source(s) with few links to either reliability or perspective or the question

May paraphrase sources 3-4

Some reference to the use of sources generallyOR

Simple description or paraphrase of one or both sources 1-2

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Section II — National Studies25 marks


Criteria Marks Addresses the question asked with a sophisticated and sustained argument,

which demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a logical, coherent and well–structured response drawing on a clear identification of relevant key features

Supports interpretation with detailed, relevant and accurate historical information and makes use of appropriate terms and concepts


Addresses the question asked with a sound attempt at an argument, which demonstrates a well–developed understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a logical and well–structured response drawing on relevant key features

Provides detailed, relevant and accurate historical information and makes use of appropriate terms and concepts


Addresses the question asked with a relevant but largely narrative or descriptive response which may contain implied understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a structured response, with some identification of the key features Provides adequate, relevant and accurate historical information incorporating

some historical terms


Presents a narrative or descriptive response, which is largely relevant but may be generalized AND/OR incomplete

Presents a simple response, with some identification of the key features Provides limited, relevant and accurate historical information incorporating

some historical terms


Attempts a narrative or description which may be only generally relevant AND/OR seriously incomplete.

May be disjointed AND/OR very brief Provides very limited historical information


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Modern History Trial HSC 2011

Section III — Personalities in the Twentieth Century 25 marksQuestion 19(a) — 10 marks


Presents a detailed, ordered description of the personal background of the personality

Provides relevant and accurate historical information using a range of appropriate terms and concepts


Presents an ordered description of the personal background of the personality Provides relevant and accurate historical information using appropriate terms

and concepts 7–8

Presents a general description of the personal background of the personality with some relevant detail

Provides adequate and accurate historical information incorporating some historical terms


Presents a limited description of the personal background of the personality with simple use of historical information incorporating some historical terms 3–4

Presents ONE or TWO relevant facts about the twentieth century personality 1–2

Question 18(b) — 15 marksMARKING GUIDELINES

Criteria Marks Makes a clear judgement about the statement in relation to the chosen

personality, supported by detailed, relevant and accurate historical information Presents a sustained, logical and well-structured argument which effectively

integrates the issues raised in the statement using a range of appropriate terms and concepts


Makes a sound attempt at a judgement about the statement in relation to the chosen personality supported by detailed, relevant and accurate historical information

Presents a structured, logical argument which integrates the issues raised in the statement using appropriate terms and concepts


Addresses the question with a relevant but largely narrative, descriptive response supported by adequate and largely accurate historical information

Presents a structured response which refers to the issues raised in the statement (may be implied) incorporating some historical terms


Provides a limited description of historical events related to the chosen personality

Presents a descriptive narration which may refer to the statement incorporating some historical terms


Lists some historical events in the life/period of the chosen personality 1–3

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Section IV — International Studies in Peace and Conflict25 marks

Questions 20 – 26


Addresses the question with a sophisticated and sustained argument, which demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a sustained, logical and well structured response drawing on a clear identification of relevant features of the period

Supports the response with detailed, relevant and accurate historical information

Uses a range of appropriate historical terms and concepts


Addresses the question with a sound attempt at an argument, which demonstrates a well-developed understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a logical structured response drawing on an identification of relevant features of the period

Provides detailed, relevant and accurate historical information Uses appropriate historical terms and concepts


Addresses the question with a relevant but largely narrative or descriptive response which may contain implied understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

Presents a structured response, with some identification of key features Provides adequate, relevant and accurate historical information Uses some appropriate historical terms and concepts


Provides a narrative or descriptive response, which is largely relevant but may be generalised AND /OR incomplete

Presents a simple response, with some mention of relevant key features Provides limited, relevant historical information incorporating some historical



Attempts a narrative or description which may be only generally relevant AND/OR seriously incomplete

May be disjointed AND/OR very brief Very limited use of appropriate historical terms and concepts


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Trial HSC Modern History Examination Mapping GridQuesti

on Mark

s Content Syllabus outcomes

Section I — World War I 1914–1919 1-6 6 World War I 1914–1919 H3.2 7 4 World War I 1914–1919 H1.2, H3.2 , H4.28 5 World War I 1914–1919 H1.2, H3.2, H4.29 10 World War I 1914–1919 H3.3, H3.4

Section II — National Studies 10 (a) 25 Australia 1945–1983 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 10 (b) 25 Australia 1945–1983 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 11 (a) 25 China 1927–1949 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 11 (b) 25 China 1927–1949 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 12 (a) 25 Germany 1918–1939 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 12 (b) 25 Germany 1918–1939 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 13 (a) 25 India 1919–1947 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 13 (b) 25 India 1919–1947 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 14 (a) 25 Indonesia 1959–1998 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 14 (b) 25 Indonesia 1959–1998 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 15 (a) 25 Japan 1904–1937 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 15 (b) 25 Japan 1904–1937 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 16 (a) 25 Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–

1941 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2

16 (b) 25 Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1941 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2

17 (a) 25 South Africa 1960–1994 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 17 (b) 25 South Africa 1960–1994 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 18 (a) 25 USA 1919–1941 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 18 (b) 25 USA 1919–1941 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2

Section III — Personalities in the Twentieth Century

19 (a) 10 Personalities in the Twentieth Century H1.1, H4.1, H4.2

19 (b) 15 Personalities in the Twentieth Century

H1.2, H2.1, H3.4, H4.1, H4.2

Section IV — International Studies in Peace and Conflict

20 (a) 25 Anglo-Irish Relations 1968–1998 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 20 (b) 25 Anglo-Irish Relations 1968–1998 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 21 (a) 25 Conflict in Europe 1935–1945 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 21 (b) 25 Conflict in Europe 1935–1945 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 22 (a) 25 Conflict in Indochina 1954–1979 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 22 (b) 25 Conflict in Indochina 1954–1979 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 23 (a) 25 Conflict in the Pacific 1937–1951 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 23 (b) 25 Conflict in the Pacific 1937–1951 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 24 (a) 25 Arab–Israeli Conflict 1948–1996 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 24 (b) 25 Arab–Israeli Conflict 1948–1996 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 25 (a) 25 The Cold War 1945–1991 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 25 (b) 25 The Cold War 1945–1991 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 26 (a) 25 The United Nations as

Peacekeeper 1946–2001 H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2 26 (b) 25 The United Nations as H1.2, H2.1, H4.1, H4.2

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Peacekeeper 1946–2001

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