hss presentation on karl marx and communism

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2. NAMEROLL NO.ROLE ( + slides in ppt. )MANISH PURBIA11010437Overview ; historical materialism, Marx prediction (26-42 and 67-72)HARISH JAKHAR11010422Introduction to the legend of philosophy ( 3-9)MUHAMMAD UBAID11010436Famous quotes by Karl Marx ( 10-15)NAMIT JAIN11010441Theories of alienation and class struggle ( 16-25)ROHIT BANSAL11010456Rise of soviet union (43-54)VIKAS PANDEY11010757Rule under soviet union (especially under Stalin) (55-62)MIKE ONGX120103082Comparison between communism and capitalism (63-66)VINEET KUMAR11010758Helped in collecting material for presentationVINOD GODARA11010760Helped in collecting material for presentationRAHUL DOHARE11010741Helped in collecting material for presentationNARESH GUPTA11010251Helped in collecting material for presentation 3. He was Born in Germany. 4. He was a great socialprophet , economic and Philosophical Thinker. 5. Can you see him in background?? 6. Come on!Who the hell is he ! 7. Oh yeah! He Is the legend .KARL MARX 8. Full name : Karl Heinrich Marx Birth:Trier, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany in 1818School/tradition : Marxism, socialismMain interests : Politics, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Class struggle Notable ideas : Founder of Marxism (with Engels), alienation and exploitation of the worker, The Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital , Historical Materialism 9. Marxism is the political philosophy and practice derived from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, presenting a materialist conception of history, a non-capitalist vision of capitalism and other types of society, and a non-religious view of human liberation. 10. Now , Its my turn to talk . 11. Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under selfselected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 12. From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. 13. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.---Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 14. Religion is the opiate of the masses. 15. The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto 16. 1. Theory of alienation 17. 1. Theory of alienation In a nutshell Marx's Theory of Alienation is the contention that in modern industrial production under capitalist conditions workers will inevitably lose control of their lives by losing control over their work. Alienation may be described as a condition in which men are dominated by forces of their own creation, which then confront them as an alien power. It occurs when people lose the recognition that society and social institutions are constructed by human beings and can be changed by human beings. 18. # Workers become self-realized human beings, but are encouraged into goals and activities dictated by the bourgeoisie. # Workers thus cease to be autonomous beings in any significant sense. 19. 2. Theory of 20. 2. Theory of class struggle Two basic groups of people within society the wealthy and the poor Looks at what happens when groups attempt to rebel Roles a group or people or an individual has over others Way to study social control that the rich have over the masses An organization or society only functions when trying to better their social situation 21. Does this picture represent class struggle? U have 15 seconds. observe it and tell me what do you See?How many of you observed this? What does it represent symbolically? 22. Manish Purbia 23. Primitive communismAncient slavery No private property Equality Everyone contributed as per ability . People divided in broadly two classes Rich and poor Master and slaveFeudalism Land characterized mode of production Peasants /serfs worked on land of landlords. Lords and peasantsCapitalism Broadened the gap between rich and poor Rewards and punishments for jobs. Bourgeoisie and proletariat. || capitalists and workers. 24. One of the biggest feudal lord of Indian Bollywood historyGuess who is he ??? 25. Marx was no less than prophet of social world. He predicted that under capitalism workers will be exploited .#Capitalists drowned in their greed of profit exploits workers to their extent. #Workers will feel alienated from their work , from the products of their own labor #workers becomes prisoners of market forces over which they have no control. # Man loses his SPECIES BEING 26. We rule youWe fool you We shoot at youWe eat for youwe work for all, we feed all 27. Marx and the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism According to Marx the conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production involves the following elements. 1.The capitalist system is owned and controlled by the Bourgeoisie whose main aim is production for profit rather than production for need. 2.Since the Proletariat are inevitably exploited under capitalism they do not receive a fair share of the goods and services produced via the forces of production. 3.Capitalism results inevitably in periodic unemployment meaning that the factories and workers are often idle despite the obvious need for increased production . 4.Capitalism results in alienation which means that the full potential of the workers cannot be realised under capitalism. 28. UNIFICATION of unsatisfied workersWill lead to political organization Of Proletariat. 29. Economy of country will fail leading to decrement Of Wages of labor , unemployment and furious Workers.I TOLD YOU SO 30. Workers decides to take over the power. Proletariat dictatorship seeds are then sown. 31. SOCIALISM RISES # BANKS ARE NATIONALISED # PRIVATE PROPERTIES ABOLISHED # from each according tohis/her ability to each according to his/her work.# Lead by leader of proletariat 32. I got it I got it now the socialism Has replaced capitalism and creates Foundation for communism . Am I right???? 33. Do you just talk a lot or you have some strong example to support Marxs prediction??? 34. 1.People of Russia refused to fight in world war after 1917. 35. CAPITALISMCOMMUNISM 36. CAPITALISMCOMMUNISM 37. OUR JOB WAS TO SHOW YOU PROS AND CONS OF CAPITALISM AND COMMUNISM NOW ITS YOUR JOB TO PUT UP YOUR POINT OF VIEW . 38. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma rxism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma rx's_theory_of_alienation http://conflicttheory.com/marx/ http://www.earlhamsociologyp ages.co.uk/marxclasscap.htm