hst121 f11 week 2 - t

Week’s Objectives & Activities Explain what History is and is not Understand Where/How/Why history comes about…? Baseline Info: Readings Refine Understanding: Week 2 Reading Reflection -- Class Discussions, Activities Apply New Material: SUNDAY by 11pm Week 2 Application post ancientlives.org post (Blackboard Application Posts)

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History 121 Week 2 Powerpoint


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Week’s Objectives & Activities Explain what History is and is not Understand Where/How/Why history

comes about…?

Baseline Info:Readings

Refine Understanding:Week 2 Reading


Class Discussions, Activities

Apply New Material:SUNDAY by 11pm Week 2 Application

post – ancientlives.org post

(Blackboard Application Posts)

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Stuff We want to Know/Confusing things??1. Do you think that we will ever learn all there is to know about the worlds


2. How do we know that the things that we find are actually what we think they are (spear straightener). Do people just make things up?

3. I understand little about carbon-dating??

4. I also found it odd how the dating for archeologist is BP instead of BC and they kept the AD??

5. How the people came over to the Western Hemisphere. It was just confusing to me?

6. child birthing... How did they know what it is, what to do. How about illness?

7. How much time will we be spending on each chapter?

8. why we call the "Mexica" the "Aztecs," where did that arrive from?

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“Aztecs” v. “Mexica”“They ‘were known among themselves

and to their neighbors as Tenochca, Mexica, and Colhua Mexica, rather than Azteca,’ which strictly speaking, only applies to their ancestors of México at Tenochtitlan…”  http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/pyramids/overview.html

“In 1810, Alexander von Humboldt applied the term Aztec to all the to all the people associated in any way people associated in any way with the Mexica statewith the Mexica state. In his highly popular but misleading book, the Conquest of Mexico, William Prescott perpetuated the myth …” “Aztec, Mexica or Alien?” – Ronald Barnetthttp://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/travel/rabarnett/rab0708.html

Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) 

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Turn in w/name

RAQ ProcessIndividual


Group Quiz/

Scratch off

Final Score = Avg of individual & Group Scores

Written Group


Instructor Comments

Hand in team scratch off

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Ashland:Bucyrus:Mansfield 1:Mansfield 2:Urban Ctr.:Willard:

The Big Board

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Continental Drift


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Limits of the Historical Record Individually -- Think about the things you have

thrown away since Tuesday night. Make a list of these items Trade item lists with a member of your team. Based on your team-mate’s list, develop a statement

you could make about your team-mate BASED SOLEY ON THE ITEMS ON THE LIST.

As a team, Who has the strongest/best TRASH-supported

statement about their teammate?

Who has the weakest/biggest stretch TRASH-supported statement?

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Limits of the Historical Record Individually

List as many activities that you were involved in the past 24 hours as you can

For each activity, what written or audio or video evidence – if any – your activities may have left behind?

Could anyone give verbal testimony about these activities?

As a team Determine who was the most historically

“visible” in the past 24 hours

Determine who was the most historically “INvisible” ninja! in the past 24 hours

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Limits of the Historical Record, cnt’d

First individually, then as a team, for the economic troubles going on now, answer the following: What kind of evidence might this event leave

behind? (written, verbal & material) Who is recording/creating this information

about this event? For what audience?

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Economic Troubles Historical “Footprint”

WHAT Evidence? WHO is

Creating It?For WHAT


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Example of artifact reading…


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What does the use of the word “discovery” of

America tell us about the Native Americans?

What does it tell us about the Europeans who did the


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Native Americans (“Discovered-ees”)

Norsemen/ Columbus (“Discover-ers”)

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For Next class…


Were the Native Americans “Savages” or Not?

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Two Minute Paper1. Was the reading, reflection, Q&A

and Readiness quiz process helpful to your learning?

2. Were the other activities tonight helpful to your learning?

3. General Qs or concerns so far?