human excellence

Human Excellence As I Live… I Learn Mrs. D. Sarkar

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Post on 04-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: Human excellence

Human Excellence

As I Live… I Learn

Mrs. D. Sarkar

Page 2: Human excellence

Can you guess

Page 3: Human excellence

Types of knowledge

Known Knowable Unknowable

Page 4: Human excellence

3 Monkeys

See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil

Page 5: Human excellence

Modern Monkeys

See good

Hear good

Speak good

Do Good !

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Our mind

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Frontiers of our mind

Page 8: Human excellence

What’s his secret? Apple Personal Computer

(1977) Mouse

(1984) Graphical User Interface

(1984) Pixar Animation

(1986) Next Cube

(1988) iMac

(1998) iPod

(2001) iPhone

(2007) iPad


Page 9: Human excellence

Nature of Human Behaviour

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Characteristics Rest Relax

Stages Laziness Procrastination Boredom Depression

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Characteristics Action & Drive Motivation & Ambition

Stages Restlessness Irritation Anger Aggression

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Characteristics Purity Beauty Peace Joyfulness Enthusiasm Harmony

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Scientific Understanding Beta

Anger Jealousy Hatred

Alpha Serenity Receptiveness Joyfulness Positivity

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Recap Nature of Human Behaviour

Tamasik Uncontrolled: I am a loser

Rajasik Uncontrolled: I cause pain to others

Satvik Uncontrolled ? I am in control !

Scientific Understanding Alpha Beta

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Benefits of Meditation Conquers Tiredness Improves Concentration Improves Memory Improves Composure Improves Health Improves Self-belief Control on Emotions Improves Behaviour Improves Relationships

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As I Live… I Learn

And as I learn… I live better !