human resources division


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Page 1: Human resources division
Page 2: Human resources division

OBJECTIVES1. Define the term human resources

management;2. List down the function of the human

resources; and3. Explain the steps in human resources

management and development processes.

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IntroductionThe Hospitality industry is labor

intensive, meaning that people are needed to do the work required in the hundreds of thousands of hospitality operations. Off all the resources available to hospitality managers, none are of greater value than human resources.

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Human Resource ManagementIn the book of Dr. Mary Tanke Human

Resources Management, Human Resources Management is the implementation of the strategies, plans and programs required to attract, motive, develop, reward, and retain the best people to meet the organization goals and operations objectives of the hospitality enterprises.

The human resources department is headed by the Human Resources Director or manager who directly reports to the General Manager and is responsible for the performance of his department.

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FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCES1. Hiring (Recruitment)2. Compensation / Benefits3. Evaluation and Management4. Promotions 5. Managing Relations6. Planning7. Training

It is the responsibility of the human resource department to conduct these in an effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner.

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Common Objectives of Human Resources“Maximize the return on investment

from the organization’s human capital”

According to Schwind, Das & Wagar, Human Resource Management aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals while simultaneously attempting to attain other societal and individual employee objective.

In addition to these activities, several other functions are part of the human resources process, including job description, job specifications, advertising, payroll and benefits, grievances, and ensuring conformance to national, provincial and municipal legislation.

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HUMAN RESOURCE TERMINOLOGIESTASK ANALYSIS / JOB ANALYSIS – examine the tasks necessary to perform the job; when approved and listed, these tasks become the description.

JOB DESCRIPTION – is a detailed description of the activities and outcomes expected of the person performing the job. Specifies the knowledge, qualifications, and skills necessary to do the job successfully. Job description can be used as good performance measurement.

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HUMAN RESOURCE TERMINOLOGIESPRODUCTION STANDARDS – may be established for each position within the organization. They are determined by measuring or timing how long it takes to do a given task. Employee productivity is measured by dividing the sales by the number of employees, to arrive at the sales generated per employee.

PRODUCTION AND SELECTION – are the process of finding the most suitable employee for an available positions. The process begins when there are actual vacancies to fill because employees have left. The human resources then have to make an announcement regarding the vacancies.

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APPLICATIONS ARE RECEIVED FROM VARIETY OF SOURCES1. Internal Promotion2. Employee Referrals3. Applicant’s file4. Transfers within the company5. Advertising6. College and Universities7. Government-sponsored employment


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Application Form Submitted

Application Form Submitted Initial InterviewInitial Interview TestingTesting

InterviewsInterviews Reference CheckReference Check InterviewsInterviews

AcceptanceAcceptance Physical Examination

Physical Examination

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ORIENTATION – All new employees should be given a suitable orientation to the organization prior to their first day of work. New employees normally have some concern and uncertainty about beginning a job, and it is important to get them started with as little uneasiness as possible.

TRAINING – is an ongoing activity that is conducted by selected individuals within each department. It is generally required of all new employees-even those who come to an organization with considerable experience. Training can b done on an individual basis, or it can be done in groups.


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MAIN TYPES OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING1. Simulation Training2. Certification Training3. On-the-job Training4. Off-the-job Training5. Apprentice Training

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PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL – the purpose appraisal is to compare an employee’s actual performance to reestablished standards as describe in a job description.

EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT – is a natural progression from appraisal. A development plan is made by the employee and his or her supervisor. The plan will outline the development activity and indicate when the development will take place. Employment development may take the form of in-house training or workshops and seminars on specific topics.